{-# LANGUAGE CPP #-} {-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-} {- Usage: ./vega-view will create web pages at http://localhost:n/ http://localhost:n/display/ where n is 8082 unless the PORT environment variable is set to an integer, in which case that will be used. The top-level page can be used to drag-and-drop specifications and view them, and supports several modes: - add to start - add to end - only show the current visualization whereas the display/ directory lets you view any Vega and Vega-Lite specfications in the working directory (or sub-directories), either "in line" (i.e. in the page) or as a separate page. The code could be refactored to be a SPA, but does it need to be? -} module Main where import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy.Char8 as LB8 #if MIN_VERSION_aeson(2, 0, 0) import qualified Data.Aeson.KeyMap as KeyMap #else import qualified Data.HashMap.Strict as HM #endif import qualified Data.Text as T import qualified Data.Text.Lazy as LT import qualified Data.Text.Lazy.IO as LT import qualified Text.Blaze as B import qualified Text.Blaze.Html5 as H import qualified Text.Blaze.Html5.Attributes as A import Control.Exception (IOException, try) import Control.Monad (forM_, unless) import Control.Monad.IO.Class (liftIO) import Data.Aeson (Value(String, Object), Object , (.=) , eitherDecode', encode, object) import Data.List (isSuffixOf, sort) import Data.Maybe (catMaybes) import Data.Version (showVersion) import Network.HTTP.Types (status404) import System.Directory (doesDirectoryExist, listDirectory) import System.Environment (lookupEnv) import System.FilePath ((), splitFileName, takeFileName) import Text.Blaze.Html5 ((!)) import Text.Blaze.Html.Renderer.Text (renderHtml) import Web.Scotty (ScottyM, ActionM , get, html, json , notFound , param -- deprecated in Scotty 0.20 , redirect, regex , status, scotty , text) import Paths_vega_view (version) pageTitle :: H.Html pageTitle = (H.span ! A.id "title") "Vega and Vega-Lite viewer" homeLink :: H.Html homeLink = (H.a ! A.id "homeLink" ! A.href "/") "Home" toCSS, toJS :: [H.Html] -> H.Html toCSS = (H.style ! A.type_ "text/css") . mconcat toJS = (H.script ! A.type_ "text/javascript") . mconcat -- Represent a Vega or Vega-Lite specification, which has -- to be a Javascript object. Other than checking that we -- have an object, there is no other validation of the -- JSON. -- data Spec = Spec { specVis :: Object , specPath :: FilePath -- ^ the path to the file , specFileName :: String -- ^ the file name with no path } -- Create HTML for the given specification; try to match embedSpec -- JS routines. -- createView :: Spec -- ^ This is assumed to be Vega or Vega-Lite specification, but -- no check is made. -- -- The description field is used if present. -> String -- ^ The id for the Vega-Embed visualization div. -> H.Html -- ^ The Html code needed to display this visualization -- (assumes vega-embed is already available). createView spec specId = let vis = specVis spec -- Must be a better way to deal with this change in aeson-2.0 #if MIN_VERSION_aeson(2, 0, 0) getDesc = KeyMap.lookup "description" vis #else getDesc = HM.lookup "description" vis #endif mDesc = case getDesc of Just (String d) -> Just d _ -> Nothing jsCts = mconcat [ "const vdiv = document.getElementById('" , H.toHtml specId , "'); " , "const vopts = { downloadFileName: '" , H.toHtml (specFileName spec) , "' }; " , "vegaEmbed(vdiv, " , H.toHtml (LB8.unpack (encode vis)) , ", vopts).then((result) => { " -- it's almost like I'm making this up as I go along , "resetLocationWidth(vdiv.parentElement.parentElement); " , "}).catch((err) => { " , "vdiv.appendChild(document.createTextNode(err)); " , "vdiv.setAttribute('class', 'vega-error'); " , "});" ] in (H.div ! A.class_ "vizview") $ do -- unlike embedSpec JS routines, do not add close or hide buttons (H.p ! A.class_ "location") (H.toHtml ("File: " ++ specFileName spec)) (H.div ! A.class_ "contents") $ do case mDesc of Just desc -> (H.p ! A.class_ "description") (H.toHtml desc) Nothing -> pure () (H.div ! A.id (H.toValue specId)) "" (H.script ! A.type_ "text/javascript") jsCts readJSON :: FilePath -- ^ The path to the file. This *must* be relative to the -- current working directory. -> IO (Either String Value) readJSON infile = do ans <- try (LB8.readFile infile) pure $ case ans of Left e -> Left (showIOException e) Right v -> eitherDecode' v showIOException :: IOException -> String showIOException = show readSpec :: FilePath -- ^ The path to the file. This *must* be relative to the -- current working directory. -> IO (Either String Spec) readSpec infile = do cts <- either (Left . show) Right <$> readJSON infile pure $ case cts of Right (Object o) -> let (path, filename) = splitFileName infile in Right (Spec o path filename) Right _ -> Left "JSON was not an object" Left e -> Left e -- | Return a HTML block (a div) that will dislay the visualization, -- if the file is a JSON object (but not guaranteed to be a Vega or -- Vega-Lite spec). The id of the visualization is based on the -- file name, so it is assumed to be unique for the page. -- makeSpec :: FilePath -> IO (Maybe H.Html) makeSpec infile = do espec <- readSpec infile case espec of Left _ -> pure Nothing Right s -> pure (Just (createView s infile)) addTextJS, addTitleJS, addDescriptionJS :: [H.Html] addTextJS = [ "function addText(parent, text) { " , "parent.appendChild(document.createTextNode(text)); " , "} " ] addTitleJS = [ "function addTitle(div, contents, infile) { " , "const el = document.createElement('p'); " , "el.setAttribute('class', 'location'); " , "div.appendChild(el); " , "const close = document.createElement('span'); " , "close.setAttribute('class', 'close'); " , "el.appendChild(close); " , "close.addEventListener('click', (ev) => { " , "div.style.display = 'none'; " , "while (div.firstChild) { " , "div.removeChild(div.firstChild); " , "} " , "}); " , "const hide = document.createElement('span'); " , "hide.setAttribute('class', 'hide'); " , "el.appendChild(hide); " , "hide.addEventListener('click', (ev) => { " , "if (contents.style.display !== 'none') { " , "contents.style.display = 'none'; " , "hide.setAttribute('class', 'show'); } else { " , "contents.style.display = 'block'; " , "hide.setAttribute('class', 'hide'); } " , "}); " , "addText(el, 'File: ' + infile); " , "} " ] addDescriptionJS = [ "function addDescription(div, spec) { " , "if (!spec.description || spec.description === '') { return; } " , "const el = document.createElement('p'); " , "el.setAttribute('class', 'description'); " , "addText(el, spec.description); " , "div.appendChild(el); " , "} " ] -- Do we want to hide the "swoosh" icon when a visualization is shown? -- dragJS :: H.Html dragJS = let cts = [ "function preventDefault(event) { event.preventDefault(); } " , "window.addEventListener('dragenter', preventDefault, false); " , "window.addEventListener('dragover', preventDefault); " , "window.addEventListener('drop', handleDrop); " , "function handleDrop(ev) { " , "ev.preventDefault(); " , "if (ev.dataTransfer.items) { " , "for (var i = 0; i < ev.dataTransfer.items.length; i++) { " , "if (ev.dataTransfer.items[i].kind === 'file') { " , "readFromDrop(ev.dataTransfer.items[i].getAsFile()); " , "} } } else { " , "for (var i = 0; i < ev.dataTransfer.files.length; i++) { " , "readFromDrop(ev.dataTransfer.files[i]); " , "} } " , "} " , "function readFromDrop(file) { " , "if (file.type !== 'application/json') { return; } " , "const reader = new FileReader(); " , "reader.onload = (event) => { embedSpec(file.name, event.target.result); } " , "reader.onerror = (event) => { alert('Unable to read from ' + file.name); } " , "reader.readAsText(file); " , "}" , "function embedSpec(filename, filects) { " , "let spec;" , "try { " , "spec = JSON.parse(filects); " , "} catch (error) { " , "reportParseError(filename); " , "return; " , "} " , "const parent = document.getElementById('vizlist'); " , "if (addMode === 'single') { " , "while (parent.firstChild) { " , "parent.removeChild(parent.firstChild);" , "} }" , "const div = document.createElement('div'); " , "div.setAttribute('class', 'vizview'); " , "if (addMode === 'top') { " , "parent.insertBefore(div, parent.firstChild); " , "} else { parent.appendChild(div); } " , "const contents = document.createElement('div'); " , "contents.setAttribute('class', 'contents'); " , "addTitle(div, contents, filename); " , "div.appendChild(contents); " , "addDescription(contents, spec); " , "const vdiv = document.createElement('div'); " , "contents.appendChild(vdiv); " , "const vopts = { downloadFileName: filename }; " , "vegaEmbed(vdiv, spec, vopts).catch((err) => { " , "vdiv.appendChild(document.createTextNode(err)); " , "vdiv.setAttribute('class', 'vega-error'); " , "}); " , "div.style.display = 'block';" , "} " , "var addMode = 'top'; " -- should read from HTML or set HTML , "document.getElementById('mode-select')." , "addEventListener('change', (ev) => { " , "const sel = ev.target; " , "for (var i = 0; i < sel.length; i++) { " , "if (sel[i].selected) { addMode = sel[i].value; break; } " , "} " , "}); " -- do we want to report the details of the error? -- be lazy and use an alert for now , "function reportParseError(filename) { " , "alert('Unable to parse ' + filename + ' as JSON'); " , "} " ] ++ addTextJS ++ addTitleJS ++ addDescriptionJS -- add newlines for debugging, although I've done something -- stupid to require this -- TODO track down ncts = concatMap (\n -> [n, "\n"]) cts jsCts = mconcat ncts -- jsCts = mconcat cts in (H.script ! A.type_ "text/javascript") jsCts closeCSS, hideCSS, descriptionCSS, locationCSS :: [H.Html] closeCSS = [ ".close { " , "background: rgba(230, 20, 20, 0.6); " , "border-radius: 50%; " , "cursor: pointer; " , "display: inline-block; " -- , "float: left; " , "height: 1em; " , "margin-right: 0.5em; " , "width: 1em; " , "} " , ".close:hover { " , "background: rgba(230, 20, 20, 1); " , "} " ] hideCSS = [ ".hide { " , "border-left: 0.5em solid transparent; " , "border-right: 0.5em solid transparent; " , "border-top: 1em solid rgba(255, 165, 0, 0.6); " , "cursor: pointer; " , "display: inline-block; " -- , "float: left; " , "height: 0; " , "margin-right: 0.5em; " , "width: 0; " , "} " , ".show { " , "border-left: 0.5em solid transparent; " , "border-right: 0.5em solid transparent; " , "border-bottom: 1em solid rgba(255, 165, 0, 0.6); " , "cursor: pointer; " , "display: inline-block; " -- , "float: left; " , "height: 0; " , "margin-right: 0.5em; " , "width: 0; " , "} " , ".hide:hover { " , "border-top: 1em solid rgba(255, 165, 0, 1); " , "} " , ".show:hover { " , "border-bottom: 1em solid rgba(255, 165, 0, 1); " , "} " ] descriptionCSS = [ "p.description { " , "text-align: center; " , "}" ] -- combine location and contents here -- locationCSS = [ "p.location { " , "background: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.2);" , "font-weight: bold; " , "margin: -1em; " , "margin-bottom: 0; " , "padding: 0.5em; " -- add a little horizontal space before the end of the "window" -- for when the visualization is minimised , "padding-right: 1.5em; " , "} " , "div.contents { " , "margin: 0; " , "margin-top: 1em; " , "} " ] pageSetupCSS :: [H.Html] pageSetupCSS = [ "body { margin: 0; } " , "#infobar { " , "background: rgb(120, 120, 200); " , "color: white; " , "font-family: sans-serif; " , "padding: 0.5em; " , "} " , "#infobar #title { " , "font-size: 150%; " , "font-variant-caps: small-caps; " , "margin-right: 2em; " , "} " , "#infobar #homeLink { " , "color: white; " , "text-decoration: none; " , "} " , "#homeLink:hover { " , "border-bottom: 2px solid white; " , "} " , "#mainbar { " , "padding: 1em; " , "} " ] -- not convinced using the header color is a good thing to indicate -- an error; should be visually distinct -- vegaErrorCSS :: [H.Html] vegaErrorCSS = [ ".vega-error { " , "background: rgba(120, 120, 200); " , "color: white; " , "font-family: monospace; " , "font-size: 150%; " , "font-weight: bold; " , "padding: 0.5em; " , "} " ] vizCSS :: [H.Html] vizCSS = [ ".vizview { " , "background-color: white; " , "border: 2px solid rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.4); " , "border-radius: 0.5em; " , "padding: 1em; " , "} " , ".vizview:hover { " , "border-color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.8); " , "box-shadow: 4px 4px 8px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.2); " , "} " ] -- Handle header / main areas of the page sectionsCSS :: [H.Html] sectionsCSS = [ "#infobar label { " , "margin-right: 0.5em; " , "}" , "#mainbar { " , "padding: 1em; " , "} " , "#mainbar #swoosh svg { " , "fill: rgba(120, 120, 200, 0.2); " , "height: 200px; " , "width: 200px; " , "} " ] dragCSS :: H.Html dragCSS = let cts = pageSetupCSS ++ [ ".vizview { " , "float: left; " , "margin: 0.5em; " , "} " ] ++ closeCSS ++ hideCSS ++ descriptionCSS ++ locationCSS ++ vegaErrorCSS ++ sectionsCSS ++ vizCSS in toCSS cts indexPage :: H.Html indexPage = H.docTypeHtml ! A.lang "en-US" $ do H.head $ do H.title "View a Vega or Vega-Lite specification" vegaEmbed dragCSS H.body $ do (H.div ! A.id "infobar") $ do pageTitle (H.label ! A.for "mode-select") "Drop mode:" (H.select ! A.id "mode-select") $ do (H.option ! A.value "single") "Single" -- TODO: can get selected="" with this, but not selected as a -- stand-alone attribute (H.option ! A.value "top" ! A.selected "") "Add at start" (H.option ! A.value "bottom") "Add to end" let elink url = H.a ! A.href url ! A.target "_blank" (H.div ! A.id "mainbar") $ do H.p (mconcat [ "This is version " , H.toHtml (showVersion version) , " of " , elink "https://github.com/DougBurke/vega-view#readme" "vega-view" , ". Go to " , (H.a ! A.href "/display/") "/display/" , " to see the available visualizations, or " , "drag files containing " , elink "https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/" "Vega" , " or " , elink "https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/" "Vega-Lite" , " visualizations onto this page to view them." ]) (H.div ! A.id "vizlist") "" -- embed the SVG directly so we can style it (H.div ! A.id "swoosh") (B.preEscapedText swooshSVG) -- since too lazy to set up an onload handler, stick all the JS -- here dragJS -- Return the directories in ths directory, and the JSON files we -- can try displaying. All other files are dropped. -- getFileContents :: FilePath -> IO ([FilePath], [(FilePath, H.Html)]) -- ^ First we list the directories in ths directory, and then the -- displayable contents. Either list can be empty. -- getFileContents indir = do infiles <- map (indir ) . sort <$> listDirectory indir dirFlags <- mapM doesDirectoryExist infiles let files = zip dirFlags infiles -- these are not expected to be large lists so any duplicated effort -- is not large; also, rely on the power of the compiler to fuse -- everything -- dirNames = map snd (filter fst files) otherNames = map snd (filter (not . fst) files) go f = do mspec <- makeSpec f case mspec of Just h -> pure (Just (f, h)) _ -> pure Nothing mspecs <- mapM go otherNames let specs = catMaybes mspecs pure (dirNames, specs) pageLink :: FilePath -> H.Html pageLink infile = let toHref = H.toValue ("/display" infile) toText = H.toHtml (takeFileName infile) in (H.a ! A.href toHref ! A.class_ "pagelink") toText makeLi :: FilePath -> H.Html makeLi infile = H.li (pageLink infile) embedLink :: FilePath -> H.Html embedLink infile = let toHref = H.toValue ("/embed" infile) hdlr = mconcat [ "embed('", toHref, "');" ] -- label = ">>" -- H.toHtml (takeFileName infile) label = B.preEscapedText arrowSVG in (H.a ! A.href "#" ! A.onclick hdlr ! A.class_ "embedlink") label -- Nothing to see here; slightly different if base directory or not emptyDir :: FilePath -> ActionM () emptyDir indir = let page = (H.docTypeHtml ! A.lang "en-US") $ do H.head $ do H.title (H.toHtml ("Files to view: " ++ indir)) toCSS pageSetupCSS H.body $ do (H.div ! A.id "infobar") $ do pageTitle homeLink (H.div ! A.id "mainbar") $ if indir == "." then H.p "There is nothing to see in the base directory!" else do labelDirectory True indir H.p "There is nothing to see here!" in html (renderHtml page) -- Code to display a specification inline -- -- Would be a lot nicer to embed the JS code from a file at build time -- or to load at run time. -- -- TODO: set max width/height of the visualization window so that -- overflow works? Not obvious best way to do this. -- -- TODO: allow the user to drag the window around -- embedJS :: H.Html embedJS = let cts = [ "function embed(path) { " , "var req = new XMLHttpRequest(); " , "req.addEventListener('load', embedSpec); " , "req.addEventListener('error', embedSpec); " , "req.responseType = 'json'; " , "req.open('GET', path); " , "req.send(); " , "} " , "function embedSpec(e) { " , "const div = document.getElementById('vizview'); " , "while (div.firstChild) { " , "div.removeChild(div.firstChild);" , "} " , "const tgt = e.target; " , "if (tgt.status == 200) { " , "const vopts = { downloadFileName: tgt.response.infile }; " , "const contents = document.createElement('div'); " , "contents.setAttribute('class', 'contents'); " , "addTitle(div, contents, tgt.response.infile); " , "div.appendChild(contents); " , "addDescription(contents, tgt.response.spec); " , "const vdiv = document.createElement('div'); " , "contents.appendChild(vdiv); " , "vegaEmbed(vdiv, tgt.response.spec, vopts).then((result) => { " , "resetLocationWidth(div); " , "}).catch((err) => { " , "vdiv.appendChild(document.createTextNode(err)); " , "vdiv.setAttribute('class', 'vega-error'); " , "}); " , "} else { " , "addText(div, 'There was an error when loading the specification. '); " , "addText(div, 'Is the vega-view web server still running?'); " , "} " , "div.style.display = 'block';" , "} " ] ++ addTextJS ++ addTitleJS ++ addDescriptionJS ++ resetLocationJS in (H.script ! A.type_ "text/javascript") (mconcat cts) embedCSS :: H.Html embedCSS = let cts = [ ".vizview { " , "display: none; " , "overflow: auto; " , "} " , ".vizlist { " , "display: flex; " , "justify-content: space-around; " , "}" , "#visualizations { " , "float: left; " , "margin-right: 1em; " , "width: 20em; " -- seem to need this , "height: 80vh; " -- guess that 80% is sensible , "overflow-y: auto; " , "} " , "#visualizations h2 { " , "margin-bottom: 0; " , "margin-top: 0; " , "} " , "#visualizations .pagelist { " , "display: grid; " , "grid-column-gap: 0.4em; " , "grid-row-gap: 0.4em; " , "grid-template-columns: 1fr 2.5em; " , "margin-top: 1em; " , "} " , "#visualizations .pagelist a { " , "background: rgba(120, 120, 200, 0.8); " , "color: white; " , "font-family: sans-serif; " , "padding: 0.5em; " , "text-decoration: none; " , "} " , "#visualizations .pagelist a:hover { " , "background: rgba(120, 120, 200, 1); " , "box-shadow: 0.1em 0.1em 0.2em rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.4); " , "} " , ".pagelink { " , "} " , ".embedlink { " , "} " , ".embedlink svg { " , "fill: white; " , "height: 1.2em; " , "width: 1.2em; " , "} " ] ++ closeCSS ++ hideCSS ++ descriptionCSS ++ locationCSS ++ pageSetupCSS ++ vegaErrorCSS ++ vizCSS in toCSS cts labelDirectory :: Bool -- ^ If True then the parent directory is ../ above the input directory -- and the link label includes the term "parent". -> FilePath -- ^ The directory name for display to the user -> H.Html labelDirectory goUp dirName = do H.p (H.toHtml ("Directory: " ++ dirName)) let baseURL = "/display" dirName url = if goUp then baseURL ".." else baseURL label = mconcat [ if goUp then "parent " else "", "directory" ] H.p (mconcat [ "Go to " , (H.a ! A.href (H.toValue url)) label , "." ]) showDir :: FilePath -> ([FilePath], [(FilePath, H.Html)]) -> ActionM () showDir indir (subdirs, files) = let atTop = indir == "." page = (H.docTypeHtml ! A.lang "en-US") $ do H.head $ do H.title (H.toHtml ("Files to view: " ++ indir)) unless (null files) $ do vegaEmbed embedJS embedCSS H.body $ do (H.div ! A.id "infobar") $ do pageTitle homeLink (H.div ! A.id "mainbar") $ do unless atTop (labelDirectory True indir) unless (null subdirs) $ do H.h2 "Sub-directories" H.ul (forM_ subdirs makeLi) -- let's see how this basic setup works -- -- TODO: might be nice to let users easily skip to next or -- previous visualization when viewing one. -- unless (null files) $ do (H.div ! A.id "visualizations") $ do H.h2 "Visualizations" (H.div ! A.class_ "pagelist") $ forM_ files $ \(f, _) -> do pageLink f embedLink f (H.div ! A.class_ "vizlist") $ (H.div ! A.class_ "vizview" ! A.id "vizview") "" in html (renderHtml page) dirPage :: FilePath -> ActionM () dirPage indir = do files <- liftIO (getFileContents indir) case files of ([], []) -> emptyDir indir _ -> showDir indir files -- load up vega embed vegaEmbed :: H.Html vegaEmbed = let load n = H.script ! A.src (mconcat [ "https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/" , n ]) in do load "vega@5" "" load "vega-lite@4" "" load "vega-embed" "" pageCSS :: H.Html pageCSS = let cts = pageSetupCSS ++ [ ".vizview { " , "overflow: auto; " , "} " , ".vizlist { " , "display: flex; " , "justify-content: space-around; " -- not convinced about this , "} " ] ++ descriptionCSS ++ locationCSS ++ vegaErrorCSS ++ sectionsCSS ++ vizCSS in toCSS cts -- change the "title" bar, containing the loction, but not any description, -- as want that to stay bouded by the starting bounding box, I think -- (so that it doesn't appear off-screen initially for a short-enough -- description, if centered). -- -- I had originally thought I would have to call resetLocationWidth on -- a page resize, but it doesn't need to be, since the title is never -- going to need to be larger than the value the scrollWidth of the -- visualization. -- pageJS :: H.Html pageJS = toJS resetLocationJS resetLocationJS :: [H.Html] resetLocationJS = [ "function resetLocationWidth(div) { " , "const locs = div.getElementsByClassName('location'); " , "if (locs.length === 0) { console.log('DBG: no location'); console.log({div}); return; } " , "const loc = locs[0]; " , "loc.style.width = div.scrollWidth + 'px'; " , "} " ] showSpec :: FilePath -> ActionM () showSpec infile = do espec <- liftIO (readSpec infile) case espec of Left emsg -> do -- This is not very informative, but at least provides the user -- with some information. The assumption is that this is running -- "locally" so we do not have to worry about any possible -- information leak from this. -- text (LT.pack emsg) errorStatus Right spec -> let contents = createView spec "vega-vis" page = (H.docTypeHtml ! A.lang "en-US") $ do H.head $ do H.title "View a spec" vegaEmbed pageCSS pageJS H.body $ do (H.div ! A.id "infobar") $ do pageTitle homeLink (H.div ! A.id "mainbar") $ do labelDirectory False (specPath spec) (H.div ! A.class_ "vizlist") contents in html (renderHtml page) -- This was originally only going to serve Vega-Lite specifications, -- but we need it to also support data files (for testing purposes, -- when we haven't made the data file available on GitHub). This -- is done in a rather hacky way: assuming the specifications -- always end in .vg.json. -- displayPage :: FilePath -> ActionM () displayPage infile = do isDir <- liftIO (doesDirectoryExist infile) if isDir then dirPage infile else if ".vg.json" `isSuffixOf` infile then showSpec infile else copyContents infile -- Return data needed to display this file. -- embedPage :: FilePath -> ActionM () embedPage infile = do espec <- liftIO (readSpec infile) case espec of Right (Spec o path filename) -> json (object [ "spec" .= Object o , "path" .= path , "infile" .= filename ]) _ -> errorStatus -- Not streaming, and no error handling ... -- copyContents :: FilePath -> ActionM () copyContents infile = do cts <- liftIO $ LT.readFile infile text cts -- embed https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Curved_Arrow.svg -- which is licensed under the Creative Commons CC0 1.0 Universal -- Public Domain Dedication -- swooshSVG :: T.Text swooshSVG = mconcat [ "image/svg+xml" ] -- This is from -- https://fontawesome.com/icons/arrow-alt-circle-right?style=solid -- version 5.10.2, free version -- arrowSVG :: T.Text arrowSVG = "" errorStatus :: ActionM () errorStatus = status status404 webapp :: ScottyM () webapp = do get "/" (redirect "/index.html") get "/index.html" (html (renderHtml indexPage)) -- TODO: catch errors get "/display/" (dirPage ".") get (regex "^/display/(.+)$") $ do infile <- param "1" displayPage infile get (regex "^/embed/(.+)$") $ do infile <- param "1" embedPage infile notFound errorStatus -- for now assume current directory main :: IO () main = do mPortStr <- lookupEnv "PORT" let port = case read <$> mPortStr of Just n -> n _ -> 8082 scotty port webapp