{-# LANGUAGE TypeOperators, CPP #-}
-- |
-- Module      :   Data.AdditiveGroup
-- Copyright   :  (c) Conal Elliott and Andy J Gill 2008
-- License     :  BSD3
-- Maintainer  :  conal@conal.net, andygill@ku.edu
-- Stability   :  experimental
-- Groups: zero, addition, and negation (additive inverse)

module Data.AdditiveGroup
    AdditiveGroup(..), (^-^), sumV
  , Sum(..), inSum, inSum2
  ) where

import Prelude hiding (foldr)

import Control.Applicative
import Data.Monoid (Monoid(..))
import Data.Foldable (Foldable,foldr)
import Data.Complex hiding (magnitude)
import Data.Ratio
import Foreign.C.Types (CSChar, CInt, CShort, CLong, CLLong, CIntMax, CFloat, CDouble)

import Data.MemoTrie

infixl 6 ^+^, ^-^

-- | Additive group @v@.
class AdditiveGroup v where
  -- | The zero element: identity for '(^+^)'
  zeroV :: v
  -- | Add vectors
  (^+^) :: v -> v -> v
  -- | Additive inverse
  negateV :: v -> v

-- | Group subtraction
(^-^) :: AdditiveGroup v => v -> v -> v
v ^-^ v' = v ^+^ negateV v'

-- | Sum over several vectors
sumV :: (Foldable f, AdditiveGroup v) => f v -> v
sumV = foldr (^+^) zeroV

instance AdditiveGroup () where
  zeroV     = ()
  () ^+^ () = ()
  negateV   = id

-- For 'Num' types:
-- instance AdditiveGroup n where {zeroV=0; (^+^) = (+); negateV = negate}

#define ScalarTypeCon(con,t) \
  instance con => AdditiveGroup (t) where {zeroV=0; (^+^) = (+); negateV = negate}

#define ScalarType(t) ScalarTypeCon((),t)

ScalarTypeCon(Integral a,Ratio a)

instance (RealFloat v, AdditiveGroup v) => AdditiveGroup (Complex v) where
  zeroV   = zeroV :+ zeroV
  (^+^)   = (+)
  negateV = negate

-- Hm.  The 'RealFloat' constraint is unfortunate here.  It's due to a
-- questionable decision to place 'RealFloat' into the definition of the
-- 'Complex' /type/, rather than in functions and instances as needed.

instance (AdditiveGroup u,AdditiveGroup v) => AdditiveGroup (u,v) where
  zeroV             = (zeroV,zeroV)
  (u,v) ^+^ (u',v') = (u^+^u',v^+^v')
  negateV (u,v)     = (negateV u,negateV v)

instance (AdditiveGroup u,AdditiveGroup v,AdditiveGroup w)
    => AdditiveGroup (u,v,w) where
  zeroV                  = (zeroV,zeroV,zeroV)
  (u,v,w) ^+^ (u',v',w') = (u^+^u',v^+^v',w^+^w')
  negateV (u,v,w)        = (negateV u,negateV v,negateV w)

instance (AdditiveGroup u,AdditiveGroup v,AdditiveGroup w,AdditiveGroup x)
    => AdditiveGroup (u,v,w,x) where
  zeroV                       = (zeroV,zeroV,zeroV,zeroV)
  (u,v,w,x) ^+^ (u',v',w',x') = (u^+^u',v^+^v',w^+^w',x^+^x')
  negateV (u,v,w,x)           = (negateV u,negateV v,negateV w,negateV x)

-- Standard instance for an applicative functor applied to a vector space.
instance AdditiveGroup v => AdditiveGroup (a -> v) where
  zeroV   = pure   zeroV
  (^+^)   = liftA2 (^+^)
  negateV = fmap   negateV

-- Maybe is handled like the Maybe-of-Sum monoid
instance AdditiveGroup a => AdditiveGroup (Maybe a) where
  zeroV = Nothing
  Nothing ^+^ b'      = b'
  a' ^+^ Nothing      = a'
  Just a' ^+^ Just b' = Just (a' ^+^ b')
  negateV = fmap negateV


Alexey Khudyakov wrote:

  I looked through vector-space package and found lawless instance. Namely Maybe's AdditiveGroup instance

  It's group so following relation is expected to hold. Otherwise it's not a group.
  > x ^+^ negateV x == zeroV

  Here is counterexample:

  > let x = Just 2 in x ^+^ negateV x == zeroV

  I think it's not possible to sensibly define group instance for
  Maybe a at all.

I see that the problem here is in distinguishing 'Just zeroV' from
Nothing. I could fix the Just + Just line to use Nothing instead of Just
zeroV when a' ^+^ b' == zeroV, although doing so would require Eq a and
hence lose some generality. Even so, the abstraction leak would probably
show up elsewhere.



-- Memo tries
instance (HasTrie u, AdditiveGroup v) => AdditiveGroup (u :->: v) where
  zeroV   = pure   zeroV
  (^+^)   = liftA2 (^+^)
  negateV = fmap   negateV

-- | Monoid under group addition.  Alternative to the @Sum@ in
-- "Data.Monoid", which uses 'Num' instead of 'AdditiveGroup'.
newtype Sum a = Sum { getSum :: a }
  deriving (Eq, Ord, Read, Show, Bounded)

instance Functor Sum where
  fmap f (Sum a) = Sum (f a)

-- instance Applicative Sum where
--   pure a = Sum a
--   Sum f <*> Sum x = Sum (f x)

instance Applicative Sum where
  pure  = Sum
  (<*>) = inSum2 ($)

instance AdditiveGroup a => Monoid (Sum a) where
  mempty  = Sum zeroV
  mappend = liftA2 (^+^)

-- | Application a unary function inside a 'Sum'
inSum :: (a -> b) -> (Sum a -> Sum b)
inSum = getSum ~> Sum

-- | Application a binary function inside a 'Sum'
inSum2 :: (a -> b -> c) -> (Sum a -> Sum b -> Sum c)
inSum2 = getSum ~> inSum

instance AdditiveGroup a => AdditiveGroup (Sum a) where
  zeroV   = mempty
  (^+^)   = mappend
  negateV = inSum negateV

---- to go elsewhere

(~>) :: (a' -> a) -> (b -> b') -> ((a -> b) -> (a' -> b'))
(i ~> o) f = o . f . i

-- result :: (b -> b') -> ((a -> b) -> (a -> b'))
-- result = (.)

-- argument :: (a' -> a) -> ((a -> b) -> (a' -> b))
-- argument = flip (.)

-- g ~> f = result g . argument f