{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}
{-# LANGUAGE NamedFieldPuns #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}

-- | Unless otherwise specified, all IO functions in this module may
-- potentially throw 'HttpException' or 'VaultException'

module Network.VaultTool
    ( VaultAddress(..)
    , VaultUnsealKey(..)
    , VaultAuthToken(..)
    , VaultAppRoleId(..)
    , VaultAppRoleSecretId(..)
    , VaultException(..)

    , VaultHealth(..)
    , vaultHealth

    , VaultConnection
    , connectToVault

    , connectToVaultAppRole

    , vaultAuthEnable

    , vaultPolicyCreate

    , vaultInit
    , VaultSealStatus(..)
    , vaultSealStatus
    , vaultSeal
    , VaultUnseal(..)
    , vaultUnseal

    , vaultAppRoleCreate
    , vaultAppRoleRoleIdRead
    , vaultAppRoleSecretIdGenerate
    , defaultVaultAppRoleParameters
    , VaultAppRoleParameters(..)
    , VaultAppRoleSecretIdGenerateResponse(..)

    , VaultMount(..)
    , VaultMountRead
    , VaultMountWrite
    , VaultMountConfig(..)
    , VaultMountConfigRead
    , VaultMountConfigWrite
    , vaultMounts
    , vaultMountTune
    , vaultMountSetTune
    , vaultNewMount
    , vaultUnmount

    , VaultSecretPath(..)
    , VaultSecretMetadata(..)
    , vaultWrite
    , vaultRead
    , vaultDelete
    , vaultList
    , isFolder
    , vaultListRecursive
    ) where

import Data.Monoid ((<>))
import Control.Exception (throwIO)
import Control.Monad (liftM)
import Data.Aeson
import Data.Aeson.Types (parseEither, Pair)
import Data.List (sortOn)
import Data.Text (Text)
import Data.Maybe (catMaybes)
import Network.HTTP.Client (Manager, newManager)
import Network.HTTP.Client.TLS (tlsManagerSettings)
import qualified Data.HashMap.Strict as H
import qualified Data.Text as T

import Network.VaultTool.Internal
import Network.VaultTool.Types

data VaultConnection = VaultConnection
    { _VaultConnection_AuthToken :: VaultAuthToken
    , _VaultConnection_VaultAddress :: VaultAddress
    , _VaultConnection_Manager :: Manager

-- | <https://www.vaultproject.io/docs/http/sys-health.html>
-- See 'vaultHealth'
data VaultHealth = VaultHealth
    { _VaultHealth_Version :: Text
    , _VaultHealth_ServerTimeUtc :: Int
    , _VaultHealth_Initialized :: Bool
    , _VaultHealth_Sealed :: Bool
    , _VaultHealth_Standby :: Bool
    deriving (Show, Eq, Ord)

instance FromJSON VaultHealth where
    parseJSON (Object v) =
        VaultHealth <$>
             v .: "version" <*>
             v .: "server_time_utc" <*>
             v .: "initialized" <*>
             v .: "sealed" <*>
             v .: "standby"
    parseJSON _ = fail "Not an Object"

vaultUrl :: VaultAddress -> String -> String
vaultUrl (VaultAddress addr) path = T.unpack addr ++ "/v1" ++ path

-- | https://www.vaultproject.io/docs/http/sys-health.html
vaultHealth :: VaultAddress -> IO VaultHealth
vaultHealth vaultAddress = do
    manager <- newManager tlsManagerSettings
    vaultRequestJSON manager "GET" (vaultUrl vaultAddress "/sys/health") [] (Nothing :: Maybe ()) expectedStatusCodes
    expectedStatusCodes = [200, 429, 501, 503]

-- | Just initializes the 'VaultConnection' objects, does not actually make any
-- contact with the vault server. (That is also the explanation why there is no
-- function to disconnect)
connectToVault :: VaultAddress -> VaultAuthToken -> IO VaultConnection
connectToVault addr authToken = do
    manager <- newManager tlsManagerSettings
    pure VaultConnection
            { _VaultConnection_AuthToken = authToken
            , _VaultConnection_VaultAddress = addr
            , _VaultConnection_Manager = manager

-- | Initializes the 'VaultConnection' objects using approle credentials to retrieve an authtoken,
-- and then calls `connectToVault`
connectToVaultAppRole :: VaultAddress -> VaultAppRoleId -> VaultAppRoleSecretId -> IO VaultConnection
connectToVaultAppRole addr roleId secretId = do
    manager <- newManager tlsManagerSettings
    authToken <- vaultAppRoleLogin addr manager roleId secretId
    connectToVault addr authToken

-- | <https://www.vaultproject.io/docs/http/sys-init.html>
-- See 'vaultInit'
data VaultInitResponse = VaultInitResponse
    { _VaultInitResponse_Keys :: [Text]
    , _VaultInitResponse_RootToken :: VaultAuthToken
    deriving (Show, Eq, Ord)

instance FromJSON VaultInitResponse where
    parseJSON (Object v) =
        VaultInitResponse <$>
             v .: "keys" <*>
             v .: "root_token"
    parseJSON _ = fail "Not an Object"

-- | <https://www.vaultproject.io/docs/http/sys-init.html>
    :: VaultAddress
    -> Int -- ^ @secret_shares@: The number of shares to split the master key
           -- into
    -> Int -- ^ @secret_threshold@: The number of shares required to
           -- reconstruct the master key. This must be less than or equal to
           -- secret_shares
    -> IO ([VaultUnsealKey], VaultAuthToken) -- ^ master keys and initial root token
vaultInit addr secretShares secretThreshold = do
    let reqBody = object
            [ "secret_shares" .= secretShares
            , "secret_threshold" .= secretThreshold
    manager <- newManager tlsManagerSettings
    rsp <- vaultRequestJSON manager "PUT" (vaultUrl addr "/sys/init") [] (Just reqBody) [200]
    let VaultInitResponse{_VaultInitResponse_Keys, _VaultInitResponse_RootToken} = rsp
    pure (map VaultUnsealKey _VaultInitResponse_Keys, _VaultInitResponse_RootToken)

-- | <https://www.vaultproject.io/docs/http/sys-seal-status.html>
-- See 'vaultSealStatus'
data VaultSealStatus = VaultSealStatus
    { _VaultSealStatus_Sealed :: Bool
    , _VaultSealStatus_T :: Int -- ^ threshold
    , _VaultSealStatus_N :: Int -- ^ number of shares
    , _VaultSealStatus_Progress :: Int
    deriving (Show, Eq, Ord)

instance FromJSON VaultSealStatus where
    parseJSON (Object v) =
        VaultSealStatus <$>
             v .: "sealed" <*>
             v .: "t" <*>
             v .: "n" <*>
             v .: "progress"
    parseJSON _ = fail "Not an Object"

vaultSealStatus :: VaultAddress -> IO VaultSealStatus
vaultSealStatus addr = do
    manager <- newManager tlsManagerSettings
    vaultRequestJSON manager "GET" (vaultUrl addr "/sys/seal-status") [] (Nothing :: Maybe ()) [200]

-- | <https://www.vaultproject.io/api/auth/approle/index.html>
-- See 'sample-response-7'
data VaultAuth = VaultAuth
    { _VaultAuth_Renewable :: Bool
    , _VaultAuth_LeaseDuration :: Int
    , _VaultAuth_Policies :: [Text]
    , _VaultAuth_ClientToken :: VaultAuthToken
    deriving (Show, Eq, Ord)

instance FromJSON VaultAuth where
    parseJSON (Object v) =
        VaultAuth <$>
            v .: "renewable" <*>
            v .: "lease_duration" <*>
            v .: "policies" <*>
            v .: "client_token"
    parseJSON _ = fail "Not an Object"

-- | <https://www.vaultproject.io/api/auth/approle/index.html>
-- See 'sample-response-7'
data VaultAppRoleResponse = VaultAppRoleResponse
    { _VaultAppRoleResponse_Auth :: Maybe VaultAuth
    , _VaultAppRoleResponse_Warnings :: Value
    , _VaultAppRoleResponse_WrapInfo :: Value
    , _VaultAppRoleResponse_Data :: Value
    , _VaultAppRoleResponse_LeaseDuration :: Int
    , _VaultAppRoleResponse_Renewable :: Bool
    , _VaultAppRoleResponse_LeaseId :: Text
    deriving (Show, Eq)

instance FromJSON VaultAppRoleResponse where
    parseJSON (Object v) =
        VaultAppRoleResponse <$>
            v .:? "auth" <*>
            v .: "warnings" <*>
            v .: "wrap_info" <*>
            v .: "data" <*>
            v .: "lease_duration" <*>
            v .: "renewable" <*>
            v .: "lease_id"
    parseJSON _ = fail "Not an Object"

-- | <https://www.vaultproject.io/docs/auth/approle.html>
vaultAppRoleLogin :: VaultAddress -> Manager -> VaultAppRoleId -> VaultAppRoleSecretId -> IO VaultAuthToken
vaultAppRoleLogin addr manager roleId secretId = do
    response <- vaultRequestJSON manager "POST" (vaultUrl addr "/auth/approle/login") [] (Just reqBody) [200]
    maybe failOnNullAuth (return . _VaultAuth_ClientToken) $ _VaultAppRoleResponse_Auth response
  reqBody = object
      [ "role_id" .= unVaultAppRoleId roleId,
        "secret_id" .= unVaultAppRoleSecretId secretId
  failOnNullAuth = fail "Auth on login is null"

-- | <https://www.vaultproject.io/docs/auth/approle.html#via-the-api-1>
vaultAuthEnable :: VaultConnection -> Text -> IO ()
vaultAuthEnable VaultConnection{_VaultConnection_VaultAddress, _VaultConnection_Manager, _VaultConnection_AuthToken} authMethod = do
    _ <- vaultRequest _VaultConnection_Manager "POST" (vaultUrl _VaultConnection_VaultAddress "/sys/auth/" ++ T.unpack authMethod) headers (Just reqBody) [204]
    pure ()
  reqBody = object [ "type" .= authMethod ]
  headers = [("X-Vault-Token", unVaultAuthToken _VaultConnection_AuthToken)]

-- | <https://www.vaultproject.io/api/system/policies.html#create-update-acl-policy>
vaultPolicyCreate :: VaultConnection -> Text -> Text -> IO ()
vaultPolicyCreate VaultConnection{_VaultConnection_VaultAddress, _VaultConnection_Manager, _VaultConnection_AuthToken} policyName policy = do
    _ <- vaultRequest _VaultConnection_Manager "PUT" (vaultUrl _VaultConnection_VaultAddress "/sys/policies/acl/" ++ T.unpack policyName) headers (Just reqBody) [204]
    pure ()
    reqBody = object [ "policy" .= policy ]
    headers = [("X-Vault-Token", unVaultAuthToken _VaultConnection_AuthToken)]

data VaultAppRoleListResponse = VaultAppRoleListResponse
    { _VaultAppRoleListResponse_AppRoles :: [Text] }

instance FromJSON VaultAppRoleListResponse where
    parseJSON (Object v) =
        VaultAppRoleListResponse <$>
            v .: "keys"
    parseJSON _ = fail "Not an Object"

-- | <https://www.vaultproject.io/api/auth/approle/index.html#create-new-approle>
-- Note: For TTL fields, only integer number seconds, i.e. 3600, are supported
data VaultAppRoleParameters = VaultAppRoleParameters
    { _VaultAppRoleParameters_BindSecretId :: Bool
    , _VaultAppRoleParameters_Policies :: [Text]
    , _VaultAppRoleParameters_SecretIdNumUses :: Maybe Int
    , _VaultAppRoleParameters_SecretIdTTL :: Maybe Int
    , _VaultAppRoleParameters_TokenNumUses :: Maybe Int
    , _VaultAppRoleParameters_TokenTTL :: Maybe Int
    , _VaultAppRoleParameters_TokenMaxTTL :: Maybe Int
    , _VaultAppRoleParameters_Period :: Maybe Int

instance ToJSON VaultAppRoleParameters where
    toJSON v = object $
        [ "bind_secret_id" .= _VaultAppRoleParameters_BindSecretId v
        , "policies" .= _VaultAppRoleParameters_Policies v
        ] <> catMaybes
        [ "secret_id_num_uses" .=? _VaultAppRoleParameters_SecretIdNumUses v
        , "secret_id_ttl" .=? _VaultAppRoleParameters_SecretIdTTL v
        , "token_num_uses" .=? _VaultAppRoleParameters_TokenNumUses v
        , "token_ttl" .=? _VaultAppRoleParameters_TokenTTL v
        , "token_max_ttl" .=? _VaultAppRoleParameters_TokenMaxTTL v
        , "period" .=? _VaultAppRoleParameters_Period v
        (.=?) :: ToJSON x => Text -> Maybe x -> Maybe Pair
        t .=? x = (t .=) <$> x

instance FromJSON VaultAppRoleParameters where
    parseJSON (Object v) =
        VaultAppRoleParameters <$>
            v .: "bind_secret_id" <*>
            v .: "policies" <*>
            v .:? "secret_id_num_uses" <*>
            v .:? "secret_id_ttl" <*>
            v .:? "token_num_uses" <*>
            v .:? "token_ttl" <*>
            v .:? "token_max_ttl" <*>
            v .:? "period"
    parseJSON _ = fail "Not an Object"

defaultVaultAppRoleParameters :: VaultAppRoleParameters
defaultVaultAppRoleParameters = VaultAppRoleParameters True [] Nothing Nothing Nothing Nothing Nothing Nothing

-- | <https://www.vaultproject.io/api/auth/approle/index.html#create-new-approle>
vaultAppRoleCreate :: VaultConnection -> Text -> VaultAppRoleParameters -> IO ()
vaultAppRoleCreate VaultConnection{_VaultConnection_VaultAddress, _VaultConnection_Manager, _VaultConnection_AuthToken} appRoleName varp = do
    _ <- vaultRequest _VaultConnection_Manager "POST" (vaultUrl _VaultConnection_VaultAddress "/auth/approle/role/" ++ T.unpack appRoleName) headers (Just varp) [204]
    pure ()
    headers = [("X-Vault-Token", unVaultAuthToken _VaultConnection_AuthToken)]

-- | <https://www.vaultproject.io/api/auth/approle/index.html#read-approle-role-id>
vaultAppRoleRoleIdRead :: VaultConnection -> Text -> IO VaultAppRoleId
vaultAppRoleRoleIdRead VaultConnection{_VaultConnection_VaultAddress, _VaultConnection_Manager, _VaultConnection_AuthToken} appRoleName = do
    response <- vaultRequestJSON _VaultConnection_Manager "GET" (vaultUrl _VaultConnection_VaultAddress "/auth/approle/role/" ++ T.unpack appRoleName ++ "/role-id") headers (Nothing :: Maybe ()) [200]
    let d = _VaultAppRoleResponse_Data response
    case parseEither parseJSON d of
      Left err -> throwIO $ VaultException_ParseBodyError "GET" ("/auth/approle/role/" ++ T.unpack appRoleName ++ "/role-id") (encode d) err
      Right obj -> return obj
    headers = [("X-Vault-Token", unVaultAuthToken _VaultConnection_AuthToken)]

data VaultAppRoleSecretIdGenerateResponse = VaultAppRoleSecretIdGenerateResponse
    { _VaultAppRoleSecretIdGenerateResponse_SecretIdAccessor :: VaultAppRoleSecretIdAccessor
    , _VaultAppRoleSecretIdGenerateResponse_SecretId :: VaultAppRoleSecretId

instance FromJSON VaultAppRoleSecretIdGenerateResponse where
    parseJSON (Object v) =
        VaultAppRoleSecretIdGenerateResponse <$>
            v .: "secret_id_accessor" <*>
            v .: "secret_id"
    parseJSON _ = fail "Not an Object"

-- | <https://www.vaultproject.io/api/auth/approle/index.html#generate-new-secret-id>
vaultAppRoleSecretIdGenerate :: VaultConnection -> Text -> Text -> IO VaultAppRoleSecretIdGenerateResponse
vaultAppRoleSecretIdGenerate VaultConnection{_VaultConnection_VaultAddress, _VaultConnection_Manager, _VaultConnection_AuthToken} appRoleName metadata = do
    response <- vaultRequestJSON _VaultConnection_Manager "POST" (vaultUrl _VaultConnection_VaultAddress "/auth/approle/role/" ++ T.unpack appRoleName ++ "/secret-id") headers (Just reqBody) [200]
    let d = _VaultAppRoleResponse_Data response
    case parseEither parseJSON d of
      Left err -> throwIO $ VaultException_ParseBodyError "POST" ("/auth/approle/role/" ++ T.unpack appRoleName ++ "/secret-id") (encode d) err
      Right obj -> return obj
    reqBody = object[ "metadata" .= metadata ]
    headers = [("X-Vault-Token", unVaultAuthToken _VaultConnection_AuthToken)]

vaultSeal :: VaultConnection -> IO ()
vaultSeal VaultConnection{_VaultConnection_VaultAddress, _VaultConnection_Manager, _VaultConnection_AuthToken} = do
    _ <- vaultRequest _VaultConnection_Manager "PUT" (vaultUrl _VaultConnection_VaultAddress "/sys/seal") headers (Nothing :: Maybe ()) [204]
    pure ()
    headers = [("X-Vault-Token", unVaultAuthToken _VaultConnection_AuthToken)]

-- | <https://www.vaultproject.io/docs/http/sys-unseal.html>
-- See 'vaultUnseal'
data VaultUnseal
    = VaultUnseal_Key VaultUnsealKey
    | VaultUnseal_Reset
    deriving (Show, Eq, Ord)

-- | <https://www.vaultproject.io/docs/http/sys-unseal.html>
vaultUnseal :: VaultAddress -> VaultUnseal -> IO VaultSealStatus
vaultUnseal addr unseal = do
    let reqBody = case unseal of
            VaultUnseal_Key (VaultUnsealKey key) -> object
                [ "key" .= key
            VaultUnseal_Reset -> object
                [ "reset" .= True
    manager <- newManager tlsManagerSettings
    vaultRequestJSON manager "PUT" (vaultUrl addr "/sys/unseal") [] (Just reqBody) [200]

type VaultMountRead = VaultMount Text VaultMountConfigRead
type VaultMountWrite = VaultMount (Maybe Text) (Maybe VaultMountConfigWrite)
type VaultMountConfigRead = VaultMountConfig Int
type VaultMountConfigWrite = VaultMountConfig (Maybe Int)

-- | <https://www.vaultproject.io/docs/http/sys-mounts.html>
data VaultMount a b = VaultMount
    { _VaultMount_Type :: Text
    , _VaultMount_Description :: a
    , _VaultMount_Config :: b
    deriving (Show, Eq, Ord)

instance FromJSON VaultMountRead where
    parseJSON (Object v) =
        VaultMount <$>
             v .: "type" <*>
             v .: "description" <*>
             v .: "config"
    parseJSON _ = fail "Not an Object"

instance ToJSON VaultMountWrite where
    toJSON v = object
        [ "type" .= _VaultMount_Type v
        , "description" .= _VaultMount_Description v
        , "config" .= _VaultMount_Config v

-- | <https://www.vaultproject.io/docs/http/sys-mounts.html>
data VaultMountConfig a = VaultMountConfig
    { _VaultMountConfig_DefaultLeaseTtl :: a
    , _VaultMountConfig_MaxLeaseTtl :: a
    deriving (Show, Eq, Ord)

instance FromJSON VaultMountConfigRead where
    parseJSON (Object v) =
        VaultMountConfig <$>
             v .: "default_lease_ttl" <*>
             v .: "max_lease_ttl"
    parseJSON _ = fail "Not an Object"

instance ToJSON VaultMountConfigWrite where
    toJSON v = object
        [ "default_lease_ttl" .= fmap formatSeconds (_VaultMountConfig_DefaultLeaseTtl v)
        , "max_lease_ttl" .= fmap formatSeconds (_VaultMountConfig_MaxLeaseTtl v)

formatSeconds :: Int -> String
formatSeconds n = show n ++ "s"

-- | <https://www.vaultproject.io/docs/http/sys-mounts.html>
-- For your convenience, the results are returned sorted (by the mount point)
vaultMounts :: VaultConnection -> IO [(Text, VaultMountRead)]
vaultMounts VaultConnection{_VaultConnection_VaultAddress, _VaultConnection_Manager, _VaultConnection_AuthToken} = do
    let reqPath = vaultUrl _VaultConnection_VaultAddress "/sys/mounts"
    rspObj <- vaultRequestJSON _VaultConnection_Manager "GET" reqPath headers (Nothing :: Maybe ()) [200]

    -- Vault 0.6.1 has a different format than previous versions.
    -- See <https://github.com/hashicorp/vault/issues/1965>
    -- We do some detection to support both the new and the old format:
    let root = case H.lookup "data" rspObj of
            Nothing -> Object rspObj
            Just v -> v

    case parseEither parseJSON root of
        Left err -> throwIO $ VaultException_ParseBodyError "GET" reqPath (encode rspObj) err
        Right obj -> pure $ sortOn fst (H.toList obj)
    headers = [("X-Vault-Token", unVaultAuthToken _VaultConnection_AuthToken)]

-- | <https://www.vaultproject.io/docs/http/sys-mounts.html>
vaultMountTune :: VaultConnection -> Text -> IO VaultMountConfigRead
vaultMountTune VaultConnection{_VaultConnection_VaultAddress, _VaultConnection_Manager, _VaultConnection_AuthToken} mountPoint = do
    vaultRequestJSON _VaultConnection_Manager "GET" (vaultUrl _VaultConnection_VaultAddress "/sys/mounts/" ++ T.unpack mountPoint ++ "/tune") headers (Nothing :: Maybe ()) [200]
    headers = [("X-Vault-Token", unVaultAuthToken _VaultConnection_AuthToken)]

-- | <https://www.vaultproject.io/docs/http/sys-mounts.html>
vaultMountSetTune :: VaultConnection -> Text -> VaultMountConfigWrite -> IO ()
vaultMountSetTune VaultConnection{_VaultConnection_VaultAddress, _VaultConnection_Manager, _VaultConnection_AuthToken} mountPoint mountConfig = do
    let reqBody = mountConfig
    _ <- vaultRequest _VaultConnection_Manager "POST" (vaultUrl _VaultConnection_VaultAddress "/sys/mounts/" ++ T.unpack mountPoint ++ "/tune") headers (Just reqBody) [204]
    pure ()
    headers = [("X-Vault-Token", unVaultAuthToken _VaultConnection_AuthToken)]

-- | <https://www.vaultproject.io/docs/http/sys-mounts.html>
vaultNewMount :: VaultConnection -> Text -> VaultMountWrite -> IO ()
vaultNewMount VaultConnection{_VaultConnection_VaultAddress, _VaultConnection_Manager, _VaultConnection_AuthToken} mountPoint vaultMount = do
    let reqBody = vaultMount
    _ <- vaultRequest _VaultConnection_Manager "POST" (vaultUrl _VaultConnection_VaultAddress "/sys/mounts/" ++ T.unpack mountPoint) headers (Just reqBody) [204]
    pure ()
    headers = [("X-Vault-Token", unVaultAuthToken _VaultConnection_AuthToken)]

-- | <https://www.vaultproject.io/docs/http/sys-mounts.html>
vaultUnmount :: VaultConnection -> Text -> IO ()
vaultUnmount VaultConnection{_VaultConnection_VaultAddress, _VaultConnection_Manager, _VaultConnection_AuthToken} mountPoint = do
    _ <- vaultRequest _VaultConnection_Manager "DELETE" (vaultUrl _VaultConnection_VaultAddress "/sys/mounts/" ++ T.unpack mountPoint) headers (Nothing :: Maybe ()) [204]
    pure ()
    headers = [("X-Vault-Token", unVaultAuthToken _VaultConnection_AuthToken)]

data VaultSecretMetadata = VaultSecretMetadata
    { _VaultSecretMetadata_leaseDuration :: Int
    , _VaultSecretMetadata_leaseId :: Text
    , _VauleSecretMetadata_renewable :: Bool
    deriving (Show, Eq {- TODO Ord #-})

instance FromJSON VaultSecretMetadata where
    parseJSON (Object v) =
        VaultSecretMetadata <$>
            v .: "lease_duration" <*>
            v .: "lease_id" <*>
            v .: "renewable"
    parseJSON _ = fail "Not an Object"

-- | <https://www.vaultproject.io/docs/secrets/generic/index.html>
-- The value that you give must encode as a JSON object
vaultWrite :: ToJSON a => VaultConnection -> VaultSecretPath -> a -> IO ()
vaultWrite VaultConnection{_VaultConnection_VaultAddress, _VaultConnection_Manager, _VaultConnection_AuthToken} (VaultSecretPath location) value = do
    let reqBody = value
    _ <- vaultRequest _VaultConnection_Manager "POST" (vaultUrl _VaultConnection_VaultAddress "/" ++ T.unpack location) headers (Just reqBody) [204]
    pure ()
    headers = [("X-Vault-Token", unVaultAuthToken _VaultConnection_AuthToken)]

    :: FromJSON a
    => VaultConnection
    -> VaultSecretPath
    -> IO (VaultSecretMetadata, Either (Value, String) a) -- ^ A 'Left' result
                                                          -- means that the
                                                          -- secret's "data"
                                                          -- could not be
                                                          -- parsed into the
                                                          -- data structure
                                                          -- that you
                                                          -- requested.
                                                          -- You will get the
                                                          -- "data" as a raw
                                                          -- 'Value' as well as
                                                          -- the error message
                                                          -- from the parse
                                                          -- failure
vaultRead VaultConnection{_VaultConnection_VaultAddress, _VaultConnection_Manager, _VaultConnection_AuthToken} (VaultSecretPath location) = do
    let path = vaultUrl _VaultConnection_VaultAddress "/" ++ T.unpack location
    rspObj <- vaultRequestJSON _VaultConnection_Manager "GET" path headers (Nothing :: Maybe ()) [200]
    case parseEither parseJSON (Object rspObj) of
        Left err -> throwIO $ VaultException_ParseBodyError "GET" path (encode rspObj) err
        Right metadata -> case parseEither (.: "data") rspObj of
            Left err -> throwIO $ VaultException_ParseBodyError "GET" path (encode rspObj) err
            Right dataObj -> case parseEither parseJSON (Object dataObj) of
                Left err -> pure (metadata, Left (Object dataObj, err))
                Right data_ -> pure (metadata, Right data_)

    headers = [("X-Vault-Token", unVaultAuthToken _VaultConnection_AuthToken)]

-- | <https://www.vaultproject.io/docs/secrets/generic/index.html>
vaultDelete :: VaultConnection -> VaultSecretPath -> IO ()
vaultDelete VaultConnection{_VaultConnection_VaultAddress, _VaultConnection_Manager, _VaultConnection_AuthToken} (VaultSecretPath location) = do
    _ <- vaultRequest _VaultConnection_Manager "DELETE" (vaultUrl _VaultConnection_VaultAddress "/" ++ T.unpack location) headers (Nothing :: Maybe ()) [204]
    pure ()
    headers = [("X-Vault-Token", unVaultAuthToken _VaultConnection_AuthToken)]

data VaultListResult = VaultListResult [Text]

instance FromJSON VaultListResult where
    parseJSON (Object v) = do
        data_ <- v .: "data"
        keys <- data_ .: "keys"
        pure (VaultListResult keys)
    parseJSON _ = fail "Not an Object"

-- | <https://www.vaultproject.io/docs/secrets/generic/index.html>
-- This will normalise the results to be full secret paths.
-- Will return only secrets that in the are located in the folder hierarchy
-- directly below the given folder.
-- Use 'isFolder' to check if whether each result is a secret or a subfolder.
-- The order of the results is unspecified.
-- To recursively retrieve all of the secrets use 'vaultListRecursive'
vaultList :: VaultConnection -> VaultSecretPath -> IO [VaultSecretPath]
vaultList VaultConnection{_VaultConnection_VaultAddress, _VaultConnection_Manager, _VaultConnection_AuthToken} (VaultSecretPath location) = do
    VaultListResult keys <- vaultRequestJSON _VaultConnection_Manager "LIST" (vaultUrl _VaultConnection_VaultAddress "/" ++ T.unpack location) headers (Nothing :: Maybe ()) [200]
    pure $ map (VaultSecretPath . (withTrailingSlash `T.append`)) keys
    headers = [("X-Vault-Token", unVaultAuthToken _VaultConnection_AuthToken)]
        | T.null location = "/"
        | T.last location == '/' = location
        | otherwise = location `T.snoc` '/'

-- | Does the path end with a '/' character?
-- Meant to be used on the results of 'vaultList'
isFolder :: VaultSecretPath -> Bool
isFolder (VaultSecretPath path)
    | T.null path = False
    | otherwise = T.last path == '/'

-- | Recursively calls 'vaultList' to retrieve all of the secrets in a folder
-- (including all subfolders and sub-subfolders, etc...)
-- There will be no folders in the result.
-- The order of the results is unspecified.
vaultListRecursive :: VaultConnection -> VaultSecretPath -> IO [VaultSecretPath]
vaultListRecursive conn location = do
    paths <- vaultList conn location
    (flip concatMapM) paths $ \path -> do
        if isFolder path
            then vaultListRecursive conn path
            else pure [path]

concatMapM        :: (Monad m) => (a -> m [b]) -> [a] -> m [b]
concatMapM f xs   =  liftM concat (mapM f xs)