-- |
--   Module:     Control.Varying.Core
--   Copyright:  (c) 2015 Schell Scivally
--   License:    MIT
--   Maintainer: Schell Scivally <schell.scivally@synapsegroup.com>
--   Value streams represent values that change over a given domain.
--   A stream takes some input (the domain e.g. time, place, etc) and when
--   sampled using 'runVarT' - produces a value and a new value stream. This
--   pattern is known as an automaton. `varying` uses this pattern as its base
--   type with the additon of a monadic computation to create locally stateful
--   signals that change over some domain.
module Control.Varying.Core (
    -- * Creating value streams
    -- $creation
    -- * Composing value streams
    -- $composition
    -- * Adjusting and accumulating
    -- * Sampling value streams (running and other entry points)
    -- $running
    -- * Tracing value streams in flight
) where

import Prelude hiding (id, (.))
import Control.Arrow
import Control.Category
import Control.Monad
import Control.Applicative
import Data.Monoid
import Data.Functor.Identity
import Debug.Trace
-- $creation
-- You can create a pure value stream by lifting a function @(a -> b)@
-- with 'var':
-- @
-- addsOne :: Monad m => VarT m Int Int
-- addsOne = var (+1)
-- @
-- 'var' is equivalent to 'arr'.
-- You can create a monadic value stream by lifting a monadic computation
-- @(a -> m b)@ using 'varM':
-- @
-- getsFile :: VarT IO FilePath String
-- getsFile = varM readFile
-- @
-- You can create either with the raw constructor. You can also create your
-- own combinators using the raw constructor, as it allows you full control
-- over how value streams are stepped and sampled:
-- @
-- delay :: Monad m => b -> VarT m a b -> VarT m a b
-- delay b v = VarT $ \a -> return (b, go a v)
--     where go a v' = VarT $ \a' -> do (b', v'') <- runVarT v' a
--                                     return (b', go a' v'')
-- @
-- | Lift a pure computation into a stream.
var :: Applicative m => (a -> b) -> VarT m a b
var f = VarT $ \a -> pure (f a, var f)

-- | Lift a constant value into a stream.
done :: Applicative m => b -> VarT m a b
done = Done

-- | Lift a monadic computation into a stream.
varM :: Monad m => (a -> m b) -> VarT m a b
varM f = VarT $ \a -> do
    b <- f a
    return (b, varM f)

-- | Create a stream from a state transformer.
mkState :: Monad m
        => (a -> s -> (b, s)) -- ^ state transformer
        -> s -- ^ intial state
        -> VarT m a b
mkState f s = VarT $ \a -> do
  let (b', s') = f a s
  return (b', mkState f s')
-- $running
-- To sample a stream simply run it in the desired monad with
-- 'runVarT'. This will produce a sample value and a new stream.
-- > do (sample, v') <- runVarT v inputValue

runVarT :: Monad m => VarT m a b -> a -> m (b, VarT m a b)
runVarT (Done b) _ = return (b, Done b)
runVarT (VarT v) a = v a

-- | Iterate a stream over a list of input until all input is consumed,
-- then iterate the stream using one single input. Returns the resulting
-- output value and the new stream.
stepMany :: (Monad m, Functor m) => VarT m a b -> [a] -> a -> m (b, VarT m a b)
stepMany v [] e = runVarT v e
stepMany v (e:es) x = snd <$> runVarT v e >>= \v1 -> stepMany v1 es x

-- | Run the stream over the input values, gathering the output values in a
-- list.
scanVar :: (Applicative m, Monad m) => VarT m a b -> [a] -> m ([b], VarT m a b)
scanVar v = foldM f ([], v)
    where f (outs, v') a = do (b, v'') <- runVarT v' a
                              return (outs ++ [b], v'')
-- Testing and debugging
-- | Trace the sample value of a stream and pass it along as output. This is
-- very useful for debugging graphs of streams.
vtrace :: (Applicative a, Show b) => VarT a b b
vtrace = vstrace ""

-- | Trace the sample value of a stream with a prefix and pass the sample along
-- as output. This is very useful for debugging graphs of streams.
vstrace :: (Applicative a, Show b) => String -> VarT a b b
vstrace s = vftrace ((s ++) . show)

-- | Trace the sample value after being run through a "show" function.
-- This is very useful for debugging graphs of streams.
vftrace :: Applicative a => (b -> String) -> VarT a b b
vftrace f = var $ \b -> trace (f b) b
-- Adjusting and accumulating
-- | Accumulates input values using a folding function and yields
-- that accumulated value each sample.
accumulate :: (Monad m, Applicative m) => (c -> b -> c) -> c -> VarT m b c
accumulate f b = VarT $ \a -> do
    let b' = f b a
    return (b', accumulate f b')

-- | Delays the given stream by one sample using the argument as the first
-- sample. This enables the programmer to create streams that depend on
-- themselves for values. For example:
-- > let v = 1 + delay 0 v in testVar_ v
delay :: (Monad m, Applicative m) => b -> VarT m a b -> VarT m a b
delay b v = VarT $ \a -> return (b, go a v)
    where go a v' = VarT $ \a' -> do (b', v'') <- runVarT v' a
                                     return (b', go a' v'')
-- $composition
-- You can compose value streams together using Arrow's '>>>' and '<<<' or the
-- synonyms '~>' and '<~'. The "right plug" ('>>>' and '~>') takes the output
-- from a value stream on the left and "plugs" it into the input of the value
-- stream on the right.
-- The "left plug" does the same thing in the opposite direction. This allows
-- you to write value streams that read naturally.
(~>) :: (Monad m, Applicative m) => VarT m a b -> VarT m b c -> VarT m a c
(~>) = (>>>)

(<~) :: (Monad m, Applicative m) => VarT m b c -> VarT m a b -> VarT m a c
(<~) = (<<<)
-- Typeclass instances
-- | You can transform the sample value of any stream:
-- >  fmap (*3) $ accumulate (+) 0
-- Will sum input values and then multiply the sum by 3.
instance (Applicative m, Monad m) => Functor (VarT m b) where
  fmap f (Done x) = Done $ f x
  fmap f v = v >>> var f

-- | A very simple category instance.
-- @
--   id = var id
--   f . g = g >>> f
-- @
-- or
-- >  f . g = f <<< g
-- It is preferable for consistency (and readability) to use 'plug left' ('<<<')
-- and 'plug right' ('>>>') instead of ('.') where possible.
instance (Applicative m, Monad m) => Category (VarT m) where
    id = var id
    f0 . g0 = VarT $ \a -> do (b, g) <- runVarT g0 a
                              (c, f) <- runVarT f0 b
                              return (c, f . g)

-- | Streams are applicative.
-- >  (,) <$> pure True <*> var "Applicative"
instance (Applicative m, Monad m) => Applicative (VarT m a) where
    pure = done
    vf <*> va = VarT $ \a -> do (f, vf') <- runVarT vf a
                                (b, va') <- runVarT va a
                                return (f b, vf' <*> va')

-- | Streams are arrows, which means you can use proc notation.
-- @
-- v = proc a -> do
--       ex <- intEventVar -< ()
--       ey <- anotherIntEventVar -< ()
--       returnA -\< (+) \<$\> ex \<*\> ey
-- @
-- which is equivalent to
-- >  v = (\ex ey -> (+) <$> ex <*> ey) <$> intEventVar <*> anotherIntEventVar
instance (Applicative m, Monad m) => Arrow (VarT m) where
    arr = var
    first v = VarT $ \(b,d) -> do (c, v') <- runVarT v b
                                  return ((c,d), first v')

-- | Streams can be monoids
-- > let v = var (const "Hello ") `mappend` var (const "World!")
instance (Applicative m, Monad m, Monoid b) => Monoid (VarT m a b) where
    mempty = pure mempty
    mappend = liftA2 mappend

-- | Streams can be written as numbers.
-- >  let v = 1 >>> accumulate (+) 0
-- which will sum the natural numbers.
instance (Applicative m, Monad m, Num b) => Num (VarT m a b) where
    (+) = liftA2 (+)
    (-) = liftA2 (-)
    (*) = liftA2 (*)
    abs = fmap abs
    signum = fmap signum
    fromInteger = pure . fromInteger

-- | Streams can be written as floats.
-- >  let v = pi >>> accumulate (*) 0.0
-- which will attempt (and succeed) to multiply pi by zero every step.
instance (Applicative m, Monad m, Floating b) => Floating (VarT m a b) where
    pi = pure pi
    exp = fmap exp
    log = fmap log
    sin = fmap sin; sinh = fmap sinh; asin = fmap asin; asinh = fmap asinh
    cos = fmap cos; cosh = fmap cosh; acos = fmap acos; acosh = fmap acosh
    atan = fmap atan; atanh = fmap atanh

-- | Streams can be written as fractionals.
-- >  let v = 2.5 >>> accumulate (+) 0
-- which will add 2.5 each step.
instance (Applicative m, Monad m, Fractional b) => Fractional (VarT m a b) where
    (/) = liftA2 (/)
    fromRational = pure . fromRational
-- Core datatypes
-- | A value stream parameterized with Identity that takes input of type @a@
-- and gives output of type @b@. This is the pure, effect-free version of
-- 'VarT'.
type Var a b = VarT Identity a b

-- | A value stream is a structure that contains a value that changes over some
-- input. It's a kind of Mealy machine (an automaton) with effects. Using
-- 'runVarT' with an input value of type 'a' yields a "step", which is a value
-- of type 'b' and a new 'VarT' for yielding the next value.
data VarT m a b = Done b
                  -- ^ Given a value, return a computation that yields a constant value
                  -- forever. You can also do this with the function 'done'.
                | VarT (a -> m (b, VarT m a b))
                  -- ^ Given an input value, return a computation that effectfully
                  -- produces an output value and a new stream for producing the next
                  -- sample.