-- |
--   Module:     Control.Varying.Event
--   Copyright:  (c) 2015 Schell Scivally
--   License:    MIT
--   Maintainer: Schell Scivally <schell.scivally@synapsegroup.com>
--  'Event' streams describe things that happen at a specific time or place
--  or value in general. For example, you can think of the event stream
--  @Var IO Double (Event ())@ as an occurrence of `()` at a specific time
--  (`Double`).
--  You can use 'Event' just like you would 'Maybe'.
{-# LANGUAGE Arrows #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeSynonymInstances #-}
{-# LANGUAGE PartialTypeSignatures #-}
module Control.Varying.Event (
    -- * Transforming event values.
    -- * Combining event streams and value streams
    -- * Generating events from values
    -- * Using event streams
    -- * Temporal operations (time - related)
    -- * Switching and chaining events
    -- * Combining event streams
) where

import Prelude hiding (until)
import Control.Varying.Core
import Control.Applicative
import Control.Arrow
import Control.Monad
-- Transforming event values into usable values.
-- | Turns an 'Event' into a 'Maybe'.
toMaybe :: Event a -> Maybe a
toMaybe (Event a) = Just a
toMaybe _ = Nothing

-- | Returns 'True' when the 'Event' contains a sample and 'False'
-- otherwise.
isEvent :: Event a -> Bool
isEvent (Event _) = True
isEvent _ = False
-- Combining varying values and events
-- | Holds the last value of one event stream while waiting for another event
-- stream to produce a value. Once both streams have produced a value, combine
-- the two using the given combine function and emit an event with the
-- value.
latchWith :: Monad m
          => (b -> c -> d) -> Var m a (Event b) -> Var m a (Event c)
          -> Var m a (Event d)
latchWith f vb vc = latchWith' (NoEvent, vb) vc
    where latchWith' (eb, vb') vc' =
              Var $ \a -> do (eb', vb'') <- runVar vb' a
                             (ec', vc'') <- runVar vc' a
                             let eb'' = eb' <|> eb
                             return $ ( f <$> eb'' <*> ec'
                                      , latchWith' (eb'', vb'') vc''

-- | Produces values from the first unless the second produces event
-- values and if so, produces the values of those events.
orE :: Monad m => Var m a b -> Var m a (Event b) -> Var m a b
orE y ye = Var $ \a -> do
    (b, y')  <- runVar y a
    (e, ye') <- runVar ye a
    return $ case e of
        NoEvent  -> (b, orE y' ye')
        Event b' -> (b', orE y' ye')

-- | Injects the values of the `vb` into the events of `ve`.
tagOn :: Monad m => Var m a b -> Var m a (Event c) -> Var m a (Event b)
tagOn vb ve = proc a -> do
    b <- vb -< a
    e <- ve -< a
    returnA -< b <$ e

-- | Injects a monadic computation into an event stream, using the event
-- values of type `b` as a parameter to produce an event stream of type
-- `c`. After the first time an event is generated the result of the
-- previous event is used in a clean up function.
-- This is like `tagM` but performs a cleanup function first.
--ringM :: Monad m
--      => (c -> m ()) -> (b -> m c) -> Var m a (Event b) -> Var m a (Event c)
--ringM cln = (go (const $ return ()) .) . tagM
--    where go f ve = Var $ \a -> do (ec, ve') <- runVar ve a
--                                   case ec of
--                                       NoEvent -> return (ec, go f ve')
--                                       Event c -> do f c
--                                                     return (ec, go cln ve')

-- | Injects a monadic computation into the events of `vb`, providing a way
-- to perform side-effects inside an `Event` inside a `Var`.
tagM :: Monad m => (b -> m c) -> Var m a (Event b) -> Var m a (Event c)
tagM f vb = Var $ \a -> do
    (eb, vb') <- runVar vb a
    case eb of
        Event b -> do c <- f b
                      return (Event c, tagM f vb')
        NoEvent -> return (NoEvent, tagM f vb')
-- Generating events from values
-- | Populates a varying Event with a value. This is meant to be used with
-- the various 'on...' event triggers. For example
-- @
-- use 1 onTrue
-- @
-- produces values of `Event 1` when the input value is `True`.
use :: (Functor f, Functor e) => a -> f (e b) -> f (e a)
use a v = (a <$) <$> v

-- | Triggers an `Event ()` when the input value is True.
onTrue :: Monad m => Var m Bool (Event ())
onTrue = var $ \b -> if b then Event () else NoEvent

-- | Triggers an `Event a` when the input is `Just a`.
onJust :: Monad m => Var m (Maybe a) (Event a)
onJust = var $ \ma -> case ma of
                               Nothing -> NoEvent
                               Just a  -> Event a

-- | Triggers an `Event a` when the input is a unique value.
onUnique :: (Monad m, Eq a) => Var m a (Event a)
onUnique = Var $ \a -> return (Event a, trigger a)
    where trigger a' = Var $ \a'' -> let e = if a' == a''
                                             then NoEvent
                                             else Event a''
                                   in return (e, trigger a'')

-- | Triggers an `Event a` when the condition is met.
onWhen :: Applicative m => (a -> Bool) -> Var m a (Event a)
onWhen f = var $ \a -> if f a then Event a else NoEvent

-- | Wraps all produced values of the given var with events.
toEvent :: Monad m => Var m a b -> Var m a (Event b)
toEvent = (~> var Event)
-- Using event values
-- | Collect all produced values into a monoidal structure using the given
-- insert function.
collectWith :: (Monoid b, Monad m) => (a -> b -> b) -> Var m (Event a) b
collectWith f = Var $ \a -> collect' mempty a
    where collect' b e = let b' = case e of
                                        NoEvent -> b
                                        Event a' -> f a' b
                          in return (b', Var $ \a' -> collect' b' a')

-- | Collect all produced values into a list. The latest event value will
-- be at the head of the list.
collect :: Monad m => Var m (Event a) [a]
collect = collectWith (:)

-- | Produces the given value until the input events produce a value, then
-- produce that value until a new input event produces. This always holds
-- the last produced value, starting with the given value.
-- @
-- time ~> after 3 ~> startingWith 0
-- @
-- This is similar to 'hold' except that it takes events from its input value
-- instead of another 'Var'.
startingWith, startWith :: Monad m => a -> Var m (Event a) a
startingWith = startWith
startWith a = Var $ \e ->
    return $ case e of
                 NoEvent  -> (a, startWith a)
                 Event a' -> (a', startWith a')

-- | Flipped version of 'hold'.
holdWith :: Monad m => b -> Var m a (Event b) -> Var m a b
holdWith = flip hold

-- | Produces the 'initial' value until the given 'Var' produces an event.
-- After an event is produced that event's value will be produced until the
-- next event produced by the given 'Var'.
hold :: Monad m => Var m a (Event b) -> b -> Var m a b
hold w initial = Var $ \x -> do
    (mb, w') <- runVar w x
    return $ case mb of
        NoEvent -> (initial, hold w' initial)
        Event e -> (e, hold w' e)

-- | Produce events after the first until the second. After a successful
-- cycle it will start over.
between :: Monad m => Var m a (Event b) -> Var m a (Event c) -> Var m a (Event ())
between vb vc = (never `before` vb) `andThenE` (toEvent vu `before` vc) `andThen` between vb vc
    where vu = pure ()

-- | Produce events with the initial value only after the input stream has
-- produced one event.
after :: Monad m => Var m a b -> Var m a (Event c) -> Var m a (Event b)
after vb ve = Var $ \a -> do
    (_, vb') <- runVar vb a
    (e, ve') <- runVar ve a
    case e of
        Event _ -> return (NoEvent, toEvent vb')
        NoEvent -> return (NoEvent, vb' `after` ve')

-- | Like before, but use the value produced by the switching stream to
-- create a stream to switch to.
beforeWith :: Monad m
           => Var m a b
           -> (Var m a (Event b), b -> Var m a (Event b))
           -> Var m a (Event b)
beforeWith vb (ve, f) = Var $ \a -> do
    (b, vb') <- runVar vb a
    (e, ve') <- runVar ve a
    case e of
        Event b' -> runVar (f b') a
        NoEvent  -> return (Event b, beforeWith vb' (ve', f))

-- | Like before, but sample the value of the second stream once before
-- inhibiting.
beforeOne :: Monad m => Var m a b -> Var m a (Event b) -> Var m a (Event b)
beforeOne vb ve = Var $ \a -> do
    (b, vb') <- runVar vb a
    (e, ve') <- runVar ve a
    case e of
        Event b' -> return (Event b', never)
        NoEvent  -> return (Event b, vb' `beforeOne` ve')

-- | Produce events with the initial varying value only before the second stream
-- has produced one event.
before :: Monad m => Var m a b -> Var m a (Event c) -> Var m a (Event b)
before = until

-- | Produce events with the initial varying value until the input event stream
-- `ve` produces its first event, then never produce any events.
until :: Monad m => Var m a b -> Var m a (Event c) -> Var m a (Event b)
until vb ve = Var $ \a -> do
    (b, vb') <- runVar vb a
    (e, ve') <- runVar ve a
    case e of
        Event _ -> return (NoEvent, never)
        NoEvent -> return (Event b, vb' `until` ve')

-- | Produce the given value once and then inhibit forever.
once :: Monad m => b -> Var m a (Event b)
once b = Var $ \_ -> return (Event b, never)

-- | Stream through some number of successful events and then inhibit forever.
takeE :: Monad m => Int -> Var m a (Event b) -> Var m a (Event b)
takeE n ve = Var $ \a -> do
    (eb, ve') <- runVar ve a
    case eb of
        NoEvent -> return (NoEvent, takeE n ve')
        Event b -> return (Event b, takeE (n-1) ve')

-- | Inhibit all events that don't pass the predicate.
filterE :: Monad m => (b -> Bool) -> Var m a (Event b) -> Var m a (Event b)
filterE p v = v ~> var check
    where check (Event b) = if p b then Event b else NoEvent
          check _ = NoEvent

-- | TODO:
-- | Produce events of a stream only when both streams produce events.
-- | Combine simultaneous events.

-- | Never produces any event values.
never :: Monad m => Var m b (Event c)
never = pure NoEvent

-- | Produces events with the initial value forever.
always :: Monad m => b -> Var m a (Event b)
always = pure . Event
-- Switching on events
-- | Produces the first 'Var's Event values until that stops producing, then
-- switches to the second 'Var'.
andThen :: Monad m => Var m a (Event b) -> Var m a b -> Var m a b
andThen w1 w2 = w1 `andThenWith` const w2

-- | Switches from one event stream to another once the first stops
-- producing.
andThenE :: Monad m
         => Var m a (Event b) -> Var m a (Event b) -> Var m a (Event b)
andThenE y1 y2 = Var $ \a -> do
    (e, y1') <- runVar y1 a
    case e of
        NoEvent -> runVar y2 a
        Event b -> return $ (Event b, y1' `andThenE` y2)

-- | Switches from one event stream when that stream stops producing. A new
-- stream is created using the last produced value (or `Nothing`) and used
-- as the second stream.
andThenWith :: Monad m
            => Var m a (Event b) -> (Maybe b -> Var m a b) -> Var m a b
andThenWith = go Nothing
    where go mb w1 f = Var $ \a -> do
              (e, w1') <- runVar w1 a
              case e of
                  NoEvent -> runVar (f mb) a
                  Event b -> return $ (b, go (Just b) w1' f)

-- | Switches using a mode signal. Signals maintain state for the duration
-- of the mode.
switchByMode :: (Monad m, Eq b) => Var m a b -> (b -> Var m a c) -> Var m a c
switchByMode switch f = Var $ \a -> do
    (b, _) <- runVar switch a
    (_, v) <- runVar (f b) a
    runVar (switchOnUnique v $ switch ~> onUnique) a
        where switchOnUnique v sv = Var $ \a -> do
                  (eb, sv') <- runVar sv a
                  (c', v')  <- runVar (vOf eb) a
                  return $ (c', switchOnUnique v' sv')
                      where vOf eb = case eb of
                                         NoEvent -> v
                                         Event b -> f b

-- | Produce event values only when the input value passes the predicate.
-- Maintains state when 'cold'.
onlyWhen :: Monad m => Var m a b -> (a -> Bool) -> Var m a (Event b)
onlyWhen v f = v `onlyWhenE` hot
    where hot = var id ~> onWhen f

-- | Produce event values from the first signal only when an event is
-- produced by the second signal.
-- Maintains state when 'cold'.
onlyWhenE :: Monad m => Var m a b -> Var m a (Event c) -> Var m a (Event b)
onlyWhenE v hot = Var $ \a -> do
    (e, hot') <- runVar hot a
    if isEvent e
    then do (b, v') <- runVar v a
            return (Event b, onlyWhenE v' hot')
    else return (NoEvent, onlyWhenE v hot')
-- Combining event streams
-- | Combine two events streams into one event stream. Like `combine` but
-- uses a combining function instead of (,).
combineWith :: Monad m
            => (b -> c -> d) -> Var m a (Event b) -> Var m a (Event c)
            -> Var m a (Event d)
combineWith f vb vc = (uncurry f <$>) <$> (combine vb vc)

-- | Combine two event streams into an event stream of tuples. A tuple is
-- only produced when both event streams produce a value.
combine :: Monad m
        => Var m a (Event b) -> Var m a (Event c) -> Var m a (Event (b,c))
combine vb vc = (\eb ec -> (,) <$> eb <*> ec) <$> vb <*> vc
-- Operations on Events
instance Show a => Show (Event a) where
    show (Event a) = "Event " ++ show a
    show NoEvent   = "NoEvent"

instance (Floating a) => Floating (Event a) where
    pi = pure pi
    exp = fmap exp
    log = fmap log
    sin = fmap sin; sinh = fmap sinh; asin = fmap asin; asinh = fmap asinh
    cos = fmap cos; cosh = fmap cosh; acos = fmap acos; acosh = fmap acosh
    atan = fmap atan; atanh = fmap atanh

instance (Fractional a) => Fractional (Event a) where
    (/) = liftA2 (/)
    fromRational = pure . fromRational

instance Num a => Num (Event a) where
    (+) = liftA2 (+)
    (-) = liftA2 (-)
    (*) = liftA2 (*)
    abs = fmap abs
    signum = fmap signum
    fromInteger = pure . fromInteger

instance MonadPlus Event

instance Monad Event where
   return = Event
   (Event a) >>= f = f a
   _ >>= _ = NoEvent

instance Alternative Event where
    empty = NoEvent
    (<|>) (Event e) _ = Event e
    (<|>) NoEvent e = e

instance Applicative Event where
    pure = Event
    (<*>) (Event f) (Event a) = Event $ f a
    (<*>) _ _ = NoEvent

instance Functor Event where
    fmap f (Event a) = Event $ f a
    fmap _ NoEvent = NoEvent

-- | For all intents and purposes you can think of an Event as a Maybe.
-- A value of @Event ()@ means that an event has occurred and that the
-- result is a @()@. A value of @NoEvent@ means that an event did not
-- occur.
-- Event streams (like @Var m a (Event b)@) describe events that may occur over
-- varying @a@ (also known as the series of @a@). Usually @a@ would be some
-- form of time or some user input type.
data Event a = Event a | NoEvent deriving (Eq)