module GhcupProgram where import Data.List (intercalate) import System.Directory import Control.Exception (SomeException, catch) import System.FilePath import System.Environment (lookupEnv) import Distribution.Parsec.Class import Distribution.Version import Control.Monad (unless) import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe) import System.IO (stderr) import VabalError import VabalContext import System.Process import System.Exit runExternalProcess :: FilePath -> [String] -> IO ExitCode runExternalProcess bin args = do let processDescr = (proc bin args) { std_out = UseHandle stderr , std_err = UseHandle stderr } (_, _, _, procHandle) <- createProcess processDescr waitForProcess procHandle removeTrailingNewlines :: String -> String removeTrailingNewlines = reverse . dropWhile (== '\n') . reverse prettyPrintVersion :: Version -> String prettyPrintVersion ver = intercalate "." $ map show (versionNumbers ver) trimVersionString :: String -> String trimVersionString = dropWhile (== ' ') unableToReadGhcupOutputError :: a unableToReadGhcupOutputError = throwVabalError "Could not parse ghcup output." getInstalledGhcs :: IO [Version] getInstalledGhcs = do output <- readProcess "ghcup" ["show"] "" let installedVersions = map trimVersionString . tail -- Ignore line containing the header . takeWhile (not . null) . lines $ output return $ map (fromMaybe unableToReadGhcupOutputError . simpleParsec) installedVersions checkGhcInPath :: String -> IO (Maybe FilePath) checkGhcInPath version = catch checkGhcAndGetPath noGhcFound where noGhcFound :: SomeException -> IO (Maybe FilePath) noGhcFound _ = return Nothing checkGhcAndGetPath = do ghcVer <- removeTrailingNewlines <$> readProcess "ghc" ["--numeric-version"] "" if version == ghcVer then -- if the previos command didn't fail, -- it's *almost* sure this one won't fail Just . removeTrailingNewlines <$> readCreateProcess (shell "command -v ghc") "" else return Nothing -- Asks ghcup to get the provided version for ghc, -- It'll return the file path of the downloaded ghc. -- If an error occurs a VabalError is thrown. requireGHC :: GhcToBaseMap -> Version -> Bool -> IO FilePath requireGHC installedGhcs ghcVer noInstall = do let version = prettyPrintVersion ghcVer ghcPath <- checkGhcInPath version case ghcPath of Just path -> return path Nothing -> do let ghcAlreadyInstalled = hasGhcVersion installedGhcs ghcVer unless ghcAlreadyInstalled $ if noInstall then throwVabalErrorIO "Required GHC version is not available on the system." else do res <- runExternalProcess "ghcup" ["install", version] case res of ExitFailure _ -> throwVabalErrorIO "Error while installing ghc." ExitSuccess -> return () -- ghcup's install directory can be customized through the use of -- the GHCUP_INSTALL_BASE_PREFIX env variabile. -- If it is not set, its default value is $HOME homeDir <- getHomeDirectory ghcupInstallBasePrefix <- fromMaybe homeDir <$> lookupEnv "GHCUP_INSTALL_BASE_PREFIX" return $ ghcupInstallBasePrefix ".ghcup" "ghc" version "bin" "ghc"