{-# LANGUAGE Rank2Types, GADTs #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
module ExecutionPlan2Hs where
{-# LINE 2 "src-ag/HsToken.ag" #-}
import CommonTypes
import UU.Scanner.Position(Pos)
{-# LINE 10 "dist/build/ExecutionPlan2Hs.hs" #-}
{-# LINE 2 "src-ag/Expression.ag" #-}
import UU.Scanner.Position(Pos)
import HsToken
{-# LINE 16 "dist/build/ExecutionPlan2Hs.hs" #-}
{-# LINE 2 "src-ag/Patterns.ag" #-}
import UU.Scanner.Position(Pos)
import CommonTypes (ConstructorIdent,Identifier)
{-# LINE 23 "dist/build/ExecutionPlan2Hs.hs" #-}
{-# LINE 2 "src-ag/ExecutionPlan.ag" #-}
import Patterns (Pattern(..),Patterns)
import Expression (Expression(..))
import CommonTypes
import ErrorMessages
import qualified Data.Set as Set
import Data.Set(Set)
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import Data.Map(Map)
{-# LINE 37 "dist/build/ExecutionPlan2Hs.hs" #-}
{-# LINE 7 "src-ag/ExecutionPlan2Hs.ag" #-}
import ExecutionPlan
import Pretty
import PPUtil
import Options
import Data.Monoid(mappend,mempty)
import Data.Maybe
import Debug.Trace
import System.IO
import System.Directory
import System.FilePath
import UU.Scanner.Position
import TokenDef
import HsToken
import ErrorMessages
import Data.Set (Set)
import qualified Data.Set as Set
import Data.Map (Map)
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import Data.Sequence(Seq)
import qualified Data.Sequence as Seq
import Data.Foldable(toList)
{-# LINE 64 "dist/build/ExecutionPlan2Hs.hs" #-}
import Control.Monad.Identity (Identity)
import qualified Control.Monad.Identity
{-# LINE 163 "src-ag/ExecutionPlan2Hs.ag" #-}
classCtxsToDocs :: ClassContext -> [PP_Doc]
classCtxsToDocs = map toDoc where
toDoc (ident,args) = (ident >#< ppSpaced (map pp_parens args))
classConstrsToDocs :: [Type] -> [PP_Doc]
classConstrsToDocs = map ppTp
ppClasses :: [PP_Doc] -> PP_Doc
ppClasses [] = empty
ppClasses xs = pp_block "(" ")" "," xs >#< "=>"
ppQuants :: [Identifier] -> PP_Doc
ppQuants [] = empty
ppQuants ps = "forall" >#< ppSpaced ps >#< "."
{-# LINE 83 "dist/build/ExecutionPlan2Hs.hs" #-}
{-# LINE 192 "src-ag/ExecutionPlan2Hs.ag" #-}
ppConFields :: Bool -> [PP_Doc] -> PP_Doc
ppConFields True flds = ppListSep "{" "}" ", " $ filter (not . isEmpty) flds
ppConFields False flds = ppSpaced flds
{-# LINE 91 "dist/build/ExecutionPlan2Hs.hs" #-}
{-# LINE 218 "src-ag/ExecutionPlan2Hs.ag" #-}
ppTp :: Type -> PP_Doc
ppTp = text . typeToHaskellString Nothing []
{-# LINE 97 "dist/build/ExecutionPlan2Hs.hs" #-}
{-# LINE 332 "src-ag/ExecutionPlan2Hs.ag" #-}
type VisitStateState = (VisitIdentifier,StateIdentifier, StateIdentifier)
{-# LINE 101 "dist/build/ExecutionPlan2Hs.hs" #-}
{-# LINE 428 "src-ag/ExecutionPlan2Hs.ag" #-}
conNmTVisit nt vId = "T_" >|< nt >|< "_v" >|< vId
conNmTVisitIn nt vId = "T_" >|< nt >|< "_vIn" >|< vId
conNmTVisitOut nt vId = "T_" >|< nt >|< "_vOut" >|< vId
conNmTNextVisit nt stId = "T_" >|< nt >|< "_s" >|< stId
ppMonadType :: Options -> PP_Doc
ppMonadType opts
| parallelInvoke opts = text "IO"
| otherwise = text "Identity"
{-# LINE 114 "dist/build/ExecutionPlan2Hs.hs" #-}
{-# LINE 589 "src-ag/ExecutionPlan2Hs.ag" #-}
ppDefor :: Type -> PP_Doc
ppDefor (NT nt args _) = "T_" >|< nt >#< ppSpaced (map pp_parens args)
ppDefor (Haskell s) = text s
{-# LINE 121 "dist/build/ExecutionPlan2Hs.hs" #-}
{-# LINE 713 "src-ag/ExecutionPlan2Hs.ag" #-}
mklet :: (PP a, PP b, PP c) => a -> b -> c -> PP_Doc
mklet prefix defs body =
prefix >#< "let"
>-< indent 3 defs
>-< indent 2 "in" >#< body
{-# LINE 130 "dist/build/ExecutionPlan2Hs.hs" #-}
{-# LINE 779 "src-ag/ExecutionPlan2Hs.ag" #-}
resultValName :: String
resultValName = "__result_"
nextStName :: String
nextStName = "__st_"
{-# LINE 139 "dist/build/ExecutionPlan2Hs.hs" #-}
{-# LINE 850 "src-ag/ExecutionPlan2Hs.ag" #-}
parResultName :: String
parResultName = "__outcome_"
fmtDecl :: PP a => Bool -> FormatMode -> a -> PP_Doc
fmtDecl declPure fmt decl = case fmt of
FormatLetDecl -> pp decl
FormatLetLine -> "let" >#< decl >#< "in"
FormatDo | declPure -> "let" >#< decl
| otherwise -> pp decl
{-# LINE 152 "dist/build/ExecutionPlan2Hs.hs" #-}
{-# LINE 976 "src-ag/ExecutionPlan2Hs.ag" #-}
stname :: Identifier -> Int -> String
stname child st = "_" ++ getName child ++ "X" ++ show st
compatibleAttach :: VisitKind -> NontermIdent -> Options -> Bool
compatibleAttach _ _ _ = True
unMon :: Options -> PP_Doc
unMon options
| parallelInvoke options = text "System.IO.Unsafe.unsafePerformIO"
| otherwise = text "Control.Monad.Identity.runIdentity"
{-# LINE 167 "dist/build/ExecutionPlan2Hs.hs" #-}
{-# LINE 1084 "src-ag/ExecutionPlan2Hs.ag" #-}
dummyPat :: Options -> Bool -> PP_Doc
dummyPat opts noArgs
| not noArgs && tupleAsDummyToken opts = empty
| tupleAsDummyToken opts = if strictDummyToken opts
then text "()"
else text "(_ :: ())"
| otherwise = let match | strictDummyToken opts = "!_"
| otherwise = "_"
in pp_parens (match >#< "::" >#< dummyType opts noArgs)
where match | strictDummyToken opts = "(!_)"
| otherwise = "_"
dummyArg :: Options -> Bool -> PP_Doc
dummyArg opts noArgs
| not noArgs && tupleAsDummyToken opts = empty
| tupleAsDummyToken opts = text "()"
| otherwise = text "GHC.Prim.realWorld#"
dummyType :: Options -> Bool -> PP_Doc
dummyType opts noArgs
| not noArgs && tupleAsDummyToken opts = empty
| tupleAsDummyToken opts = text "()"
| otherwise = text "(GHC.Prim.State# GHC.Prim.RealWorld)"
{-# LINE 194 "dist/build/ExecutionPlan2Hs.hs" #-}
{-# LINE 1110 "src-ag/ExecutionPlan2Hs.ag" #-}
ruleInlineThresholdSoft :: Int
ruleInlineThresholdSoft = 3
ruleInlineThresholdHard :: Int
ruleInlineThresholdHard = 5
reallyOftenUsedThreshold :: Int
reallyOftenUsedThreshold = 12
{-# LINE 209 "dist/build/ExecutionPlan2Hs.hs" #-}
{-# LINE 1176 "src-ag/ExecutionPlan2Hs.ag" #-}
data NonLocalAttr
= AttrInh Identifier Identifier
| AttrSyn Identifier Identifier deriving Show
mkNonLocalAttr :: Bool -> Identifier -> Identifier -> NonLocalAttr
mkNonLocalAttr True = AttrInh
mkNonLocalAttr False = AttrSyn
lookupAttrType :: NonLocalAttr -> Map Identifier Attributes -> Map Identifier Attributes -> Map Identifier Type -> Maybe PP_Doc
lookupAttrType (AttrInh child name) inhs _ = lookupType child name inhs
lookupAttrType (AttrSyn child name) _ syns = lookupType child name syns
lookupType :: Identifier -> Identifier -> Map Identifier Attributes -> Map Identifier Type -> Maybe PP_Doc
lookupType child name attrMp childMp
| noParameters childTp = Just ppDoc
| otherwise = Nothing
attrTp = Map.findWithDefault (error "lookupType: the attribute is not in the attrs of the child") name childAttrs
childAttrs = Map.findWithDefault (error "lookupType: the attributes of the nonterm are not in the map") nonterm attrMp
nonterm = extractNonterminal childTp
childTp = Map.findWithDefault (error ("lookupType: the child " ++ show child ++ "is not in the appropriate map")) child childMp
ppDoc = ppTp attrTp
noParameters :: Type -> Bool
noParameters (Haskell _) = True
noParameters (NT _ args _) = null args
{-# LINE 242 "dist/build/ExecutionPlan2Hs.hs" #-}
{-# LINE 1263 "src-ag/ExecutionPlan2Hs.ag" #-}
compatibleKind :: VisitKind -> VisitKind -> Bool
compatibleKind _ _ = True
compatibleRule :: VisitKind -> Bool -> Bool
compatibleRule (VisitPure _) False = False
compatibleRule _ _ = True
{-# LINE 253 "dist/build/ExecutionPlan2Hs.hs" #-}
{-# LINE 1285 "src-ag/ExecutionPlan2Hs.ag" #-}
unionWithSum = Map.unionWith (+)
{-# LINE 258 "dist/build/ExecutionPlan2Hs.hs" #-}
{-# LINE 1308 "src-ag/ExecutionPlan2Hs.ag" #-}
uwSetUnion :: (Ord a, Ord b) => Map a (Set b) -> Map a (Set b) -> Map a (Set b)
uwSetUnion = Map.unionWith Set.union
uwMapUnion :: (Ord a, Ord b) => Map a (Map b c) -> Map a (Map b c) -> Map a (Map b c)
uwMapUnion = Map.unionWith Map.union
{-# LINE 267 "dist/build/ExecutionPlan2Hs.hs" #-}
{-# LINE 1525 "src-ag/ExecutionPlan2Hs.ag" #-}
renderDocs :: [PP_Doc] -> String
renderDocs pps = foldr (.) id (map (\d -> (disp d 50000) . ( '\n':) ) pps) ""
writeModule :: FilePath -> [PP_Doc] -> IO ()
writeModule path docs
= do bExists <- doesFileExist path
if bExists
then do input <- readFile path
seq (length input) (return ())
if input /= output
then dumpIt
else return ()
else dumpIt
output = renderDocs docs
dumpIt = writeFile path output
{-# LINE 287 "dist/build/ExecutionPlan2Hs.hs" #-}
{-# LINE 1672 "src-ag/ExecutionPlan2Hs.ag" #-}
ppNoInline :: PP a => a -> PP_Doc
ppNoInline = ppPragmaBinding "NOINLINE"
ppInline :: PP a => a -> PP_Doc
ppInline = ppPragmaBinding "INLINE"
ppInlinable :: PP a => a -> PP_Doc
ppInlinable = ppPragmaBinding "INLINABLE"
ppPragmaBinding :: (PP a, PP b) => a -> b -> PP_Doc
ppPragmaBinding pragma nm = "{-#" >#< pragma >#< nm >#< "#-}"
ppCostCentre :: PP a => a -> PP_Doc
ppCostCentre nm = "{-#" >#< "SCC" >#< "\"" >|< nm >|< "\"" >#< "#-}"
warrenFlagsPP :: Options -> PP_Doc
warrenFlagsPP options = vlist
[ pp "{-# LANGUAGE Rank2Types, GADTs #-}"
, if bangpats options
then pp "{-# LANGUAGE BangPatterns #-}"
else empty
, if noPerRuleTypeSigs options && noPerStateTypeSigs options
then empty
else pp "{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}"
, if tupleAsDummyToken options
then empty
else pp "{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables, MagicHash #-}"
if unbox options && bangpats options
then pp $ "{-# OPTIONS_GHC -funbox-strict-fields -fstrictness #-}"
else empty
, if parallelInvoke options && not (noEagerBlackholing options)
then pp $ "{-# OPTIONS_GHC -feager-blackholing #-}"
else empty
{-# LINE 329 "dist/build/ExecutionPlan2Hs.hs" #-}
data Inh_EChild = Inh_EChild { allInitStates_Inh_EChild :: (Map NontermIdent Int), con_Inh_EChild :: (ConstructorIdent), importBlocks_Inh_EChild :: (PP_Doc), mainFile_Inh_EChild :: (String), mainName_Inh_EChild :: (String), moduleHeader_Inh_EChild :: (String -> String -> String -> Bool -> String), nt_Inh_EChild :: (NontermIdent), options_Inh_EChild :: (Options), pragmaBlocks_Inh_EChild :: (String), textBlocks_Inh_EChild :: (PP_Doc) }
data Syn_EChild = Syn_EChild { argnamesw_Syn_EChild :: ( PP_Doc ), argpats_Syn_EChild :: ( PP_Doc ), argtps_Syn_EChild :: ( PP_Doc ), childTypes_Syn_EChild :: (Map Identifier Type), childintros_Syn_EChild :: (Map Identifier (VisitKind -> FormatMode -> Either Error (PP_Doc, Set String, Map String (Maybe NonLocalAttr)))), datatype_Syn_EChild :: (PP_Doc), terminaldefs_Syn_EChild :: (Set String), usedArgs_Syn_EChild :: (Set String) }
{-# INLINABLE wrap_EChild #-}
wrap_EChild :: T_EChild -> Inh_EChild -> (Syn_EChild )
wrap_EChild (T_EChild act) (Inh_EChild _lhsIallInitStates _lhsIcon _lhsIimportBlocks _lhsImainFile _lhsImainName _lhsImoduleHeader _lhsInt _lhsIoptions _lhsIpragmaBlocks _lhsItextBlocks) =
Control.Monad.Identity.runIdentity (
do sem <- act
let arg1 = T_EChild_vIn1 _lhsIallInitStates _lhsIcon _lhsIimportBlocks _lhsImainFile _lhsImainName _lhsImoduleHeader _lhsInt _lhsIoptions _lhsIpragmaBlocks _lhsItextBlocks
(T_EChild_vOut1 _lhsOargnamesw _lhsOargpats _lhsOargtps _lhsOchildTypes _lhsOchildintros _lhsOdatatype _lhsOterminaldefs _lhsOusedArgs) <- return (inv_EChild_s2 sem arg1)
return (Syn_EChild _lhsOargnamesw _lhsOargpats _lhsOargtps _lhsOchildTypes _lhsOchildintros _lhsOdatatype _lhsOterminaldefs _lhsOusedArgs)
{-# NOINLINE sem_EChild #-}
sem_EChild :: EChild -> T_EChild
sem_EChild ( EChild name_ tp_ kind_ hasAround_ merges_ isMerged_ ) = sem_EChild_EChild name_ tp_ kind_ hasAround_ merges_ isMerged_
sem_EChild ( ETerm name_ tp_ ) = sem_EChild_ETerm name_ tp_
newtype T_EChild = T_EChild {
attach_T_EChild :: Identity (T_EChild_s2 )
newtype T_EChild_s2 = C_EChild_s2 {
inv_EChild_s2 :: (T_EChild_v1 )
data T_EChild_s3 = C_EChild_s3
type T_EChild_v1 = (T_EChild_vIn1 ) -> (T_EChild_vOut1 )
data T_EChild_vIn1 = T_EChild_vIn1 (Map NontermIdent Int) (ConstructorIdent) (PP_Doc) (String) (String) (String -> String -> String -> Bool -> String) (NontermIdent) (Options) (String) (PP_Doc)
data T_EChild_vOut1 = T_EChild_vOut1 ( PP_Doc ) ( PP_Doc ) ( PP_Doc ) (Map Identifier Type) (Map Identifier (VisitKind -> FormatMode -> Either Error (PP_Doc, Set String, Map String (Maybe NonLocalAttr)))) (PP_Doc) (Set String) (Set String)
{-# NOINLINE sem_EChild_EChild #-}
sem_EChild_EChild :: (Identifier) -> (Type) -> (ChildKind) -> (Bool) -> (Maybe [Identifier]) -> (Bool) -> T_EChild
sem_EChild_EChild arg_name_ arg_tp_ arg_kind_ arg_hasAround_ _ _ = T_EChild (return st2) where
{-# NOINLINE st2 #-}
st2 = let
v1 :: T_EChild_v1
v1 = \ (T_EChild_vIn1 _lhsIallInitStates _lhsIcon _lhsIimportBlocks _lhsImainFile _lhsImainName _lhsImoduleHeader _lhsInt _lhsIoptions _lhsIpragmaBlocks _lhsItextBlocks) -> ( let
_lhsOusedArgs :: Set String
_lhsOusedArgs = rule0 _usedArgs_augmented_f1 _usedArgs_augmented_syn
_usedArgs_augmented_f1 = rule1 arg_kind_ arg_name_
_tpDoc = rule2 _addStrict arg_tp_
_strNm = rule3 _lhsIcon _lhsInt arg_name_
_field = rule4 _lhsIoptions _strNm _tpDoc
_addStrict = rule5 _lhsIoptions
_lhsOdatatype :: PP_Doc
_lhsOdatatype = rule6 _field arg_kind_
_lhsOargnamesw :: PP_Doc
_lhsOargnamesw = rule7 _nt arg_kind_ arg_name_
_lhsOargtps :: PP_Doc
_lhsOargtps = rule8 arg_kind_ arg_tp_
_argpats = rule9 arg_kind_ arg_name_
_lhsOchildintros :: Map Identifier (VisitKind -> FormatMode -> Either Error (PP_Doc, Set String, Map String (Maybe NonLocalAttr)))
_lhsOchildintros = rule10 _introcode arg_name_
_isDefor = rule11 arg_tp_
_valcode = rule12 _isDefor _lhsIoptions _nt arg_kind_ arg_name_
_aroundcode = rule13 _lhsIoptions arg_hasAround_ arg_name_
_introcode = rule14 _addbang _aroundcode _initSt _isDefor _lhsIoptions _nt _valcode arg_hasAround_ arg_kind_ arg_name_
_nt = rule15 arg_tp_
_addbang = rule16 _lhsIoptions
_lhsOchildTypes :: Map Identifier Type
_lhsOchildTypes = rule17 arg_name_ arg_tp_
_initSt = rule18 _lhsIallInitStates _nt
_lhsOterminaldefs :: Set String
_lhsOterminaldefs = rule19 ()
_usedArgs_augmented_syn = rule20 ()
_lhsOargpats :: PP_Doc
_lhsOargpats = rule21 _argpats
__result_ = T_EChild_vOut1 _lhsOargnamesw _lhsOargpats _lhsOargtps _lhsOchildTypes _lhsOchildintros _lhsOdatatype _lhsOterminaldefs _lhsOusedArgs
in __result_ )
in C_EChild_s2 v1
{-# INLINE rule0 #-}
rule0 = \ _usedArgs_augmented_f1 _usedArgs_augmented_syn ->
foldr ($) _usedArgs_augmented_syn [_usedArgs_augmented_f1]
{-# INLINE rule1 #-}
rule1 = \ kind_ name_ ->
\s -> case kind_ of
ChildSyntax -> Set.insert ("arg_" ++ show name_ ++ "_") s
_ -> s
{-# INLINE rule2 #-}
{-# LINE 206 "src-ag/ExecutionPlan2Hs.ag" #-}
rule2 = \ _addStrict tp_ ->
{-# LINE 206 "src-ag/ExecutionPlan2Hs.ag" #-}
_addStrict $ pp_parens $ ppTp $ removeDeforested tp_
{-# LINE 414 "dist/build/ExecutionPlan2Hs.hs"#-}
{-# INLINE rule3 #-}
{-# LINE 207 "src-ag/ExecutionPlan2Hs.ag" #-}
rule3 = \ ((_lhsIcon) :: ConstructorIdent) ((_lhsInt) :: NontermIdent) name_ ->
{-# LINE 207 "src-ag/ExecutionPlan2Hs.ag" #-}
recordFieldname _lhsInt _lhsIcon name_
{-# LINE 420 "dist/build/ExecutionPlan2Hs.hs"#-}
{-# INLINE rule4 #-}
{-# LINE 208 "src-ag/ExecutionPlan2Hs.ag" #-}
rule4 = \ ((_lhsIoptions) :: Options) _strNm _tpDoc ->
{-# LINE 208 "src-ag/ExecutionPlan2Hs.ag" #-}
if dataRecords _lhsIoptions
then _strNm >#< "::" >#< _tpDoc
else _tpDoc
{-# LINE 428 "dist/build/ExecutionPlan2Hs.hs"#-}
{-# INLINE rule5 #-}
{-# LINE 211 "src-ag/ExecutionPlan2Hs.ag" #-}
rule5 = \ ((_lhsIoptions) :: Options) ->
{-# LINE 211 "src-ag/ExecutionPlan2Hs.ag" #-}
\x -> if strictData _lhsIoptions then "!" >|< x else x
{-# LINE 434 "dist/build/ExecutionPlan2Hs.hs"#-}
{-# INLINE rule6 #-}
{-# LINE 212 "src-ag/ExecutionPlan2Hs.ag" #-}
rule6 = \ _field kind_ ->
{-# LINE 212 "src-ag/ExecutionPlan2Hs.ag" #-}
case kind_ of
ChildAttr -> empty
_ -> _field
{-# LINE 442 "dist/build/ExecutionPlan2Hs.hs"#-}
{-# INLINE rule7 #-}
{-# LINE 300 "src-ag/ExecutionPlan2Hs.ag" #-}
rule7 = \ _nt kind_ name_ ->
{-# LINE 300 "src-ag/ExecutionPlan2Hs.ag" #-}
case kind_ of
ChildSyntax -> "(" >#< "sem_" >|< _nt >#< name_ >|< "_" >#< ")"
ChildAttr -> empty
ChildReplace tp -> "(" >#< "sem_" >|< extractNonterminal tp >#< name_ >|< "_" >#< ")"
{-# LINE 451 "dist/build/ExecutionPlan2Hs.hs"#-}
{-# INLINE rule8 #-}
{-# LINE 578 "src-ag/ExecutionPlan2Hs.ag" #-}
rule8 = \ kind_ tp_ ->
{-# LINE 578 "src-ag/ExecutionPlan2Hs.ag" #-}
case kind_ of
ChildSyntax -> ppDefor tp_ >#< "->"
ChildReplace tp -> ppDefor tp >#< "->"
_ -> empty
{-# LINE 460 "dist/build/ExecutionPlan2Hs.hs"#-}
{-# INLINE rule9 #-}
{-# LINE 582 "src-ag/ExecutionPlan2Hs.ag" #-}
rule9 = \ kind_ name_ ->
{-# LINE 582 "src-ag/ExecutionPlan2Hs.ag" #-}
case kind_ of
ChildSyntax -> name_ >|< "_"
ChildReplace _ -> name_ >|< "_"
_ -> empty
{-# LINE 469 "dist/build/ExecutionPlan2Hs.hs"#-}
{-# INLINE rule10 #-}
{-# LINE 930 "src-ag/ExecutionPlan2Hs.ag" #-}
rule10 = \ _introcode name_ ->
{-# LINE 930 "src-ag/ExecutionPlan2Hs.ag" #-}
Map.singleton name_ _introcode
{-# LINE 475 "dist/build/ExecutionPlan2Hs.hs"#-}
{-# INLINE rule11 #-}
{-# LINE 931 "src-ag/ExecutionPlan2Hs.ag" #-}
rule11 = \ tp_ ->
{-# LINE 931 "src-ag/ExecutionPlan2Hs.ag" #-}
case tp_ of
NT _ _ defor -> defor
_ -> False
{-# LINE 483 "dist/build/ExecutionPlan2Hs.hs"#-}
{-# INLINE rule12 #-}
{-# LINE 934 "src-ag/ExecutionPlan2Hs.ag" #-}
rule12 = \ _isDefor ((_lhsIoptions) :: Options) _nt kind_ name_ ->
{-# LINE 934 "src-ag/ExecutionPlan2Hs.ag" #-}
case kind_ of
ChildSyntax -> "arg_" >|< name_ >|< "_"
ChildAttr ->
let prefix | not _isDefor = if lateHigherOrderBinding _lhsIoptions
then lateSemNtLabel _nt >#< lhsname _lhsIoptions True idLateBindingAttr
else "sem_" >|< _nt
| otherwise = empty
in pp_parens (prefix >#< instname name_)
ChildReplace _ ->
pp_parens (instname name_ >#< name_ >|< "_")
{-# LINE 498 "dist/build/ExecutionPlan2Hs.hs"#-}
{-# INLINE rule13 #-}
{-# LINE 945 "src-ag/ExecutionPlan2Hs.ag" #-}
rule13 = \ ((_lhsIoptions) :: Options) hasAround_ name_ ->
{-# LINE 945 "src-ag/ExecutionPlan2Hs.ag" #-}
if hasAround_
then locname _lhsIoptions name_ >|< "_around"
else empty
{-# LINE 506 "dist/build/ExecutionPlan2Hs.hs"#-}
{-# INLINE rule14 #-}
{-# LINE 948 "src-ag/ExecutionPlan2Hs.ag" #-}
rule14 = \ _addbang _aroundcode _initSt _isDefor ((_lhsIoptions) :: Options) _nt _valcode hasAround_ kind_ name_ ->
{-# LINE 948 "src-ag/ExecutionPlan2Hs.ag" #-}
\kind fmtMode ->
let pat = text $ stname name_ _initSt
patStrict = _addbang pat
attach = "attach_T_" >|< _nt >#< pp_parens (_aroundcode >#< _valcode )
runAttach = unMon _lhsIoptions >#< pp_parens attach
decl = case kind of
VisitPure False -> pat >#< "=" >#< runAttach
VisitPure True -> patStrict >#< "=" >#< runAttach
VisitMonadic -> patStrict >#< "<-" >#< attach
in if compatibleAttach kind _nt _lhsIoptions
then Right ( fmtDecl False fmtMode decl
, Set.singleton (stname name_ _initSt )
, case kind_ of
ChildAttr -> Map.insert (instname name_) Nothing $
( if _isDefor || not (lateHigherOrderBinding _lhsIoptions)
then id
else Map.insert (lhsname _lhsIoptions True idLateBindingAttr) (Just $ AttrInh _LHS idLateBindingAttr)
) $
( if hasAround_
then Map.insert (locname _lhsIoptions (name_) ++ "_around") Nothing
else id
) $ Map.empty
ChildReplace _ -> Map.singleton (instname name_) Nothing
ChildSyntax -> Map.empty
else Left $ IncompatibleAttachKind name_ kind
{-# LINE 537 "dist/build/ExecutionPlan2Hs.hs"#-}
{-# INLINE rule15 #-}
{-# LINE 974 "src-ag/ExecutionPlan2Hs.ag" #-}
rule15 = \ tp_ ->
{-# LINE 974 "src-ag/ExecutionPlan2Hs.ag" #-}
extractNonterminal tp_
{-# LINE 543 "dist/build/ExecutionPlan2Hs.hs"#-}
{-# INLINE rule16 #-}
{-# LINE 1553 "src-ag/ExecutionPlan2Hs.ag" #-}
rule16 = \ ((_lhsIoptions) :: Options) ->
{-# LINE 1553 "src-ag/ExecutionPlan2Hs.ag" #-}
\x -> if bangpats _lhsIoptions then "!" >|< x else x
{-# LINE 549 "dist/build/ExecutionPlan2Hs.hs"#-}
{-# INLINE rule17 #-}
{-# LINE 1605 "src-ag/ExecutionPlan2Hs.ag" #-}
rule17 = \ name_ tp_ ->
{-# LINE 1605 "src-ag/ExecutionPlan2Hs.ag" #-}
Map.singleton name_ tp_
{-# LINE 555 "dist/build/ExecutionPlan2Hs.hs"#-}
{-# INLINE rule18 #-}
{-# LINE 1649 "src-ag/ExecutionPlan2Hs.ag" #-}
rule18 = \ ((_lhsIallInitStates) :: Map NontermIdent Int) _nt ->
{-# LINE 1649 "src-ag/ExecutionPlan2Hs.ag" #-}
Map.findWithDefault (error "nonterminal not in allInitStates map") _nt _lhsIallInitStates
{-# LINE 561 "dist/build/ExecutionPlan2Hs.hs"#-}
{-# INLINE rule19 #-}
rule19 = \ (_ :: ()) ->
{-# INLINE rule20 #-}
rule20 = \ (_ :: ()) ->
{-# INLINE rule21 #-}
rule21 = \ _argpats ->
{-# NOINLINE sem_EChild_ETerm #-}
sem_EChild_ETerm :: (Identifier) -> (Type) -> T_EChild
sem_EChild_ETerm arg_name_ arg_tp_ = T_EChild (return st2) where
{-# NOINLINE st2 #-}
st2 = let
v1 :: T_EChild_v1
v1 = \ (T_EChild_vIn1 _lhsIallInitStates _lhsIcon _lhsIimportBlocks _lhsImainFile _lhsImainName _lhsImoduleHeader _lhsInt _lhsIoptions _lhsIpragmaBlocks _lhsItextBlocks) -> ( let
_tpDoc = rule22 _addStrict arg_tp_
_strNm = rule23 _lhsIcon _lhsInt arg_name_
_field = rule24 _lhsIoptions _strNm _tpDoc
_addStrict = rule25 _lhsIoptions
_lhsOdatatype :: PP_Doc
_lhsOdatatype = rule26 _field
_lhsOargnamesw :: PP_Doc
_lhsOargnamesw = rule27 arg_name_
_lhsOargtps :: PP_Doc
_lhsOargtps = rule28 arg_tp_
_argpats = rule29 _addbang arg_name_
_lhsOchildintros :: Map Identifier (VisitKind -> FormatMode -> Either Error (PP_Doc, Set String, Map String (Maybe NonLocalAttr)))
_lhsOchildintros = rule30 arg_name_
_lhsOterminaldefs :: Set String
_lhsOterminaldefs = rule31 arg_name_
_addbang = rule32 _lhsIoptions
_lhsOchildTypes :: Map Identifier Type
_lhsOchildTypes = rule33 arg_name_ arg_tp_
_lhsOusedArgs :: Set String
_lhsOusedArgs = rule34 ()
_lhsOargpats :: PP_Doc
_lhsOargpats = rule35 _argpats
__result_ = T_EChild_vOut1 _lhsOargnamesw _lhsOargpats _lhsOargtps _lhsOchildTypes _lhsOchildintros _lhsOdatatype _lhsOterminaldefs _lhsOusedArgs
in __result_ )
in C_EChild_s2 v1
{-# INLINE rule22 #-}
{-# LINE 206 "src-ag/ExecutionPlan2Hs.ag" #-}
rule22 = \ _addStrict tp_ ->
{-# LINE 206 "src-ag/ExecutionPlan2Hs.ag" #-}
_addStrict $ pp_parens $ ppTp $ removeDeforested tp_
{-# LINE 608 "dist/build/ExecutionPlan2Hs.hs"#-}
{-# INLINE rule23 #-}
{-# LINE 207 "src-ag/ExecutionPlan2Hs.ag" #-}
rule23 = \ ((_lhsIcon) :: ConstructorIdent) ((_lhsInt) :: NontermIdent) name_ ->
{-# LINE 207 "src-ag/ExecutionPlan2Hs.ag" #-}
recordFieldname _lhsInt _lhsIcon name_
{-# LINE 614 "dist/build/ExecutionPlan2Hs.hs"#-}
{-# INLINE rule24 #-}
{-# LINE 208 "src-ag/ExecutionPlan2Hs.ag" #-}
rule24 = \ ((_lhsIoptions) :: Options) _strNm _tpDoc ->
{-# LINE 208 "src-ag/ExecutionPlan2Hs.ag" #-}
if dataRecords _lhsIoptions
then _strNm >#< "::" >#< _tpDoc
else _tpDoc
{-# LINE 622 "dist/build/ExecutionPlan2Hs.hs"#-}
{-# INLINE rule25 #-}
{-# LINE 211 "src-ag/ExecutionPlan2Hs.ag" #-}
rule25 = \ ((_lhsIoptions) :: Options) ->
{-# LINE 211 "src-ag/ExecutionPlan2Hs.ag" #-}
\x -> if strictData _lhsIoptions then "!" >|< x else x
{-# LINE 628 "dist/build/ExecutionPlan2Hs.hs"#-}
{-# INLINE rule26 #-}
{-# LINE 216 "src-ag/ExecutionPlan2Hs.ag" #-}
rule26 = \ _field ->
{-# LINE 216 "src-ag/ExecutionPlan2Hs.ag" #-}
{-# LINE 634 "dist/build/ExecutionPlan2Hs.hs"#-}
{-# INLINE rule27 #-}
{-# LINE 304 "src-ag/ExecutionPlan2Hs.ag" #-}
rule27 = \ name_ ->
{-# LINE 304 "src-ag/ExecutionPlan2Hs.ag" #-}
text $ fieldname name_
{-# LINE 640 "dist/build/ExecutionPlan2Hs.hs"#-}
{-# INLINE rule28 #-}
{-# LINE 586 "src-ag/ExecutionPlan2Hs.ag" #-}
rule28 = \ tp_ ->
{-# LINE 586 "src-ag/ExecutionPlan2Hs.ag" #-}
(pp_parens $ show tp_) >#< "->"
{-# LINE 646 "dist/build/ExecutionPlan2Hs.hs"#-}
{-# INLINE rule29 #-}
{-# LINE 587 "src-ag/ExecutionPlan2Hs.ag" #-}
rule29 = \ _addbang name_ ->
{-# LINE 587 "src-ag/ExecutionPlan2Hs.ag" #-}
_addbang $ text $ fieldname name_
{-# LINE 652 "dist/build/ExecutionPlan2Hs.hs"#-}
{-# INLINE rule30 #-}
{-# LINE 929 "src-ag/ExecutionPlan2Hs.ag" #-}
rule30 = \ name_ ->
{-# LINE 929 "src-ag/ExecutionPlan2Hs.ag" #-}
Map.singleton name_ (\_ _ -> Right (empty, Set.empty, Map.empty))
{-# LINE 658 "dist/build/ExecutionPlan2Hs.hs"#-}
{-# INLINE rule31 #-}
{-# LINE 1322 "src-ag/ExecutionPlan2Hs.ag" #-}
rule31 = \ name_ ->
{-# LINE 1322 "src-ag/ExecutionPlan2Hs.ag" #-}
Set.singleton $ fieldname name_
{-# LINE 664 "dist/build/ExecutionPlan2Hs.hs"#-}
{-# INLINE rule32 #-}
{-# LINE 1554 "src-ag/ExecutionPlan2Hs.ag" #-}
rule32 = \ ((_lhsIoptions) :: Options) ->
{-# LINE 1554 "src-ag/ExecutionPlan2Hs.ag" #-}
\x -> if bangpats _lhsIoptions then "!" >|< x else x
{-# LINE 670 "dist/build/ExecutionPlan2Hs.hs"#-}
{-# INLINE rule33 #-}
{-# LINE 1605 "src-ag/ExecutionPlan2Hs.ag" #-}
rule33 = \ name_ tp_ ->
{-# LINE 1605 "src-ag/ExecutionPlan2Hs.ag" #-}
Map.singleton name_ tp_
{-# LINE 676 "dist/build/ExecutionPlan2Hs.hs"#-}
{-# INLINE rule34 #-}
rule34 = \ (_ :: ()) ->
{-# INLINE rule35 #-}
rule35 = \ _argpats ->
data Inh_EChildren = Inh_EChildren { allInitStates_Inh_EChildren :: (Map NontermIdent Int), con_Inh_EChildren :: (ConstructorIdent), importBlocks_Inh_EChildren :: (PP_Doc), mainFile_Inh_EChildren :: (String), mainName_Inh_EChildren :: (String), moduleHeader_Inh_EChildren :: (String -> String -> String -> Bool -> String), nt_Inh_EChildren :: (NontermIdent), options_Inh_EChildren :: (Options), pragmaBlocks_Inh_EChildren :: (String), textBlocks_Inh_EChildren :: (PP_Doc) }
data Syn_EChildren = Syn_EChildren { argnamesw_Syn_EChildren :: ([PP_Doc]), argpats_Syn_EChildren :: ( [PP_Doc] ), argtps_Syn_EChildren :: ( [PP_Doc] ), childTypes_Syn_EChildren :: (Map Identifier Type), childintros_Syn_EChildren :: (Map Identifier (VisitKind -> FormatMode -> Either Error (PP_Doc, Set String, Map String (Maybe NonLocalAttr)))), datatype_Syn_EChildren :: ([PP_Doc]), terminaldefs_Syn_EChildren :: (Set String), usedArgs_Syn_EChildren :: (Set String) }
{-# INLINABLE wrap_EChildren #-}
wrap_EChildren :: T_EChildren -> Inh_EChildren -> (Syn_EChildren )
wrap_EChildren (T_EChildren act) (Inh_EChildren _lhsIallInitStates _lhsIcon _lhsIimportBlocks _lhsImainFile _lhsImainName _lhsImoduleHeader _lhsInt _lhsIoptions _lhsIpragmaBlocks _lhsItextBlocks) =
Control.Monad.Identity.runIdentity (
do sem <- act
let arg4 = T_EChildren_vIn4 _lhsIallInitStates _lhsIcon _lhsIimportBlocks _lhsImainFile _lhsImainName _lhsImoduleHeader _lhsInt _lhsIoptions _lhsIpragmaBlocks _lhsItextBlocks
(T_EChildren_vOut4 _lhsOargnamesw _lhsOargpats _lhsOargtps _lhsOchildTypes _lhsOchildintros _lhsOdatatype _lhsOterminaldefs _lhsOusedArgs) <- return (inv_EChildren_s5 sem arg4)
return (Syn_EChildren _lhsOargnamesw _lhsOargpats _lhsOargtps _lhsOchildTypes _lhsOchildintros _lhsOdatatype _lhsOterminaldefs _lhsOusedArgs)
{-# NOINLINE sem_EChildren #-}
sem_EChildren :: EChildren -> T_EChildren
sem_EChildren list = Prelude.foldr sem_EChildren_Cons sem_EChildren_Nil (Prelude.map sem_EChild list)
newtype T_EChildren = T_EChildren {
attach_T_EChildren :: Identity (T_EChildren_s5 )
newtype T_EChildren_s5 = C_EChildren_s5 {
inv_EChildren_s5 :: (T_EChildren_v4 )
data T_EChildren_s6 = C_EChildren_s6
type T_EChildren_v4 = (T_EChildren_vIn4 ) -> (T_EChildren_vOut4 )
data T_EChildren_vIn4 = T_EChildren_vIn4 (Map NontermIdent Int) (ConstructorIdent) (PP_Doc) (String) (String) (String -> String -> String -> Bool -> String) (NontermIdent) (Options) (String) (PP_Doc)
data T_EChildren_vOut4 = T_EChildren_vOut4 ([PP_Doc]) ( [PP_Doc] ) ( [PP_Doc] ) (Map Identifier Type) (Map Identifier (VisitKind -> FormatMode -> Either Error (PP_Doc, Set String, Map String (Maybe NonLocalAttr)))) ([PP_Doc]) (Set String) (Set String)
{-# NOINLINE sem_EChildren_Cons #-}
sem_EChildren_Cons :: T_EChild -> T_EChildren -> T_EChildren
sem_EChildren_Cons arg_hd_ arg_tl_ = T_EChildren (return st5) where
{-# NOINLINE st5 #-}
st5 = let
v4 :: T_EChildren_v4
v4 = \ (T_EChildren_vIn4 _lhsIallInitStates _lhsIcon _lhsIimportBlocks _lhsImainFile _lhsImainName _lhsImoduleHeader _lhsInt _lhsIoptions _lhsIpragmaBlocks _lhsItextBlocks) -> ( let
_hdX2 = Control.Monad.Identity.runIdentity (attach_T_EChild (arg_hd_))
_tlX5 = Control.Monad.Identity.runIdentity (attach_T_EChildren (arg_tl_))
(T_EChild_vOut1 _hdIargnamesw _hdIargpats _hdIargtps _hdIchildTypes _hdIchildintros _hdIdatatype _hdIterminaldefs _hdIusedArgs) = inv_EChild_s2 _hdX2 (T_EChild_vIn1 _hdOallInitStates _hdOcon _hdOimportBlocks _hdOmainFile _hdOmainName _hdOmoduleHeader _hdOnt _hdOoptions _hdOpragmaBlocks _hdOtextBlocks)
(T_EChildren_vOut4 _tlIargnamesw _tlIargpats _tlIargtps _tlIchildTypes _tlIchildintros _tlIdatatype _tlIterminaldefs _tlIusedArgs) = inv_EChildren_s5 _tlX5 (T_EChildren_vIn4 _tlOallInitStates _tlOcon _tlOimportBlocks _tlOmainFile _tlOmainName _tlOmoduleHeader _tlOnt _tlOoptions _tlOpragmaBlocks _tlOtextBlocks)
_lhsOargnamesw :: [PP_Doc]
_lhsOargnamesw = rule36 _hdIargnamesw _tlIargnamesw
_lhsOargpats :: [PP_Doc]
_lhsOargpats = rule37 _hdIargpats _tlIargpats
_lhsOargtps :: [PP_Doc]
_lhsOargtps = rule38 _hdIargtps _tlIargtps
_lhsOchildTypes :: Map Identifier Type
_lhsOchildTypes = rule39 _hdIchildTypes _tlIchildTypes
_lhsOchildintros :: Map Identifier (VisitKind -> FormatMode -> Either Error (PP_Doc, Set String, Map String (Maybe NonLocalAttr)))
_lhsOchildintros = rule40 _hdIchildintros _tlIchildintros
_lhsOdatatype :: [PP_Doc]
_lhsOdatatype = rule41 _hdIdatatype _tlIdatatype
_lhsOterminaldefs :: Set String
_lhsOterminaldefs = rule42 _hdIterminaldefs _tlIterminaldefs
_lhsOusedArgs :: Set String
_lhsOusedArgs = rule43 _hdIusedArgs _tlIusedArgs
_hdOallInitStates = rule44 _lhsIallInitStates
_hdOcon = rule45 _lhsIcon
_hdOimportBlocks = rule46 _lhsIimportBlocks
_hdOmainFile = rule47 _lhsImainFile
_hdOmainName = rule48 _lhsImainName
_hdOmoduleHeader = rule49 _lhsImoduleHeader
_hdOnt = rule50 _lhsInt
_hdOoptions = rule51 _lhsIoptions
_hdOpragmaBlocks = rule52 _lhsIpragmaBlocks
_hdOtextBlocks = rule53 _lhsItextBlocks
_tlOallInitStates = rule54 _lhsIallInitStates
_tlOcon = rule55 _lhsIcon
_tlOimportBlocks = rule56 _lhsIimportBlocks
_tlOmainFile = rule57 _lhsImainFile
_tlOmainName = rule58 _lhsImainName
_tlOmoduleHeader = rule59 _lhsImoduleHeader
_tlOnt = rule60 _lhsInt
_tlOoptions = rule61 _lhsIoptions
_tlOpragmaBlocks = rule62 _lhsIpragmaBlocks
_tlOtextBlocks = rule63 _lhsItextBlocks
__result_ = T_EChildren_vOut4 _lhsOargnamesw _lhsOargpats _lhsOargtps _lhsOchildTypes _lhsOchildintros _lhsOdatatype _lhsOterminaldefs _lhsOusedArgs
in __result_ )
in C_EChildren_s5 v4
{-# INLINE rule36 #-}
rule36 = \ ((_hdIargnamesw) :: PP_Doc ) ((_tlIargnamesw) :: [PP_Doc]) ->
_hdIargnamesw : _tlIargnamesw
{-# INLINE rule37 #-}
rule37 = \ ((_hdIargpats) :: PP_Doc ) ((_tlIargpats) :: [PP_Doc] ) ->
_hdIargpats : _tlIargpats
{-# INLINE rule38 #-}
rule38 = \ ((_hdIargtps) :: PP_Doc ) ((_tlIargtps) :: [PP_Doc] ) ->
_hdIargtps : _tlIargtps
{-# INLINE rule39 #-}
rule39 = \ ((_hdIchildTypes) :: Map Identifier Type) ((_tlIchildTypes) :: Map Identifier Type) ->
_hdIchildTypes `mappend` _tlIchildTypes
{-# INLINE rule40 #-}
rule40 = \ ((_hdIchildintros) :: Map Identifier (VisitKind -> FormatMode -> Either Error (PP_Doc, Set String, Map String (Maybe NonLocalAttr)))) ((_tlIchildintros) :: Map Identifier (VisitKind -> FormatMode -> Either Error (PP_Doc, Set String, Map String (Maybe NonLocalAttr)))) ->
_hdIchildintros `Map.union` _tlIchildintros
{-# INLINE rule41 #-}
rule41 = \ ((_hdIdatatype) :: PP_Doc) ((_tlIdatatype) :: [PP_Doc]) ->
_hdIdatatype : _tlIdatatype
{-# INLINE rule42 #-}
rule42 = \ ((_hdIterminaldefs) :: Set String) ((_tlIterminaldefs) :: Set String) ->
_hdIterminaldefs `Set.union` _tlIterminaldefs
{-# INLINE rule43 #-}
rule43 = \ ((_hdIusedArgs) :: Set String) ((_tlIusedArgs) :: Set String) ->
_hdIusedArgs `Set.union` _tlIusedArgs
{-# INLINE rule44 #-}
rule44 = \ ((_lhsIallInitStates) :: Map NontermIdent Int) ->
{-# INLINE rule45 #-}
rule45 = \ ((_lhsIcon) :: ConstructorIdent) ->
{-# INLINE rule46 #-}
rule46 = \ ((_lhsIimportBlocks) :: PP_Doc) ->
{-# INLINE rule47 #-}
rule47 = \ ((_lhsImainFile) :: String) ->
{-# INLINE rule48 #-}
rule48 = \ ((_lhsImainName) :: String) ->
{-# INLINE rule49 #-}
rule49 = \ ((_lhsImoduleHeader) :: String -> String -> String -> Bool -> String) ->
{-# INLINE rule50 #-}
rule50 = \ ((_lhsInt) :: NontermIdent) ->
{-# INLINE rule51 #-}
rule51 = \ ((_lhsIoptions) :: Options) ->
{-# INLINE rule52 #-}
rule52 = \ ((_lhsIpragmaBlocks) :: String) ->
{-# INLINE rule53 #-}
rule53 = \ ((_lhsItextBlocks) :: PP_Doc) ->
{-# INLINE rule54 #-}
rule54 = \ ((_lhsIallInitStates) :: Map NontermIdent Int) ->
{-# INLINE rule55 #-}
rule55 = \ ((_lhsIcon) :: ConstructorIdent) ->
{-# INLINE rule56 #-}
rule56 = \ ((_lhsIimportBlocks) :: PP_Doc) ->
{-# INLINE rule57 #-}
rule57 = \ ((_lhsImainFile) :: String) ->
{-# INLINE rule58 #-}
rule58 = \ ((_lhsImainName) :: String) ->
{-# INLINE rule59 #-}
rule59 = \ ((_lhsImoduleHeader) :: String -> String -> String -> Bool -> String) ->
{-# INLINE rule60 #-}
rule60 = \ ((_lhsInt) :: NontermIdent) ->
{-# INLINE rule61 #-}
rule61 = \ ((_lhsIoptions) :: Options) ->
{-# INLINE rule62 #-}
rule62 = \ ((_lhsIpragmaBlocks) :: String) ->
{-# INLINE rule63 #-}
rule63 = \ ((_lhsItextBlocks) :: PP_Doc) ->
{-# NOINLINE sem_EChildren_Nil #-}
sem_EChildren_Nil :: T_EChildren
sem_EChildren_Nil = T_EChildren (return st5) where
{-# NOINLINE st5 #-}
st5 = let
v4 :: T_EChildren_v4
v4 = \ (T_EChildren_vIn4 _lhsIallInitStates _lhsIcon _lhsIimportBlocks _lhsImainFile _lhsImainName _lhsImoduleHeader _lhsInt _lhsIoptions _lhsIpragmaBlocks _lhsItextBlocks) -> ( let
_lhsOargnamesw :: [PP_Doc]
_lhsOargnamesw = rule64 ()
_lhsOargpats :: [PP_Doc]
_lhsOargpats = rule65 ()
_lhsOargtps :: [PP_Doc]
_lhsOargtps = rule66 ()
_lhsOchildTypes :: Map Identifier Type
_lhsOchildTypes = rule67 ()
_lhsOchildintros :: Map Identifier (VisitKind -> FormatMode -> Either Error (PP_Doc, Set String, Map String (Maybe NonLocalAttr)))
_lhsOchildintros = rule68 ()
_lhsOdatatype :: [PP_Doc]
_lhsOdatatype = rule69 ()
_lhsOterminaldefs :: Set String
_lhsOterminaldefs = rule70 ()
_lhsOusedArgs :: Set String
_lhsOusedArgs = rule71 ()
__result_ = T_EChildren_vOut4 _lhsOargnamesw _lhsOargpats _lhsOargtps _lhsOchildTypes _lhsOchildintros _lhsOdatatype _lhsOterminaldefs _lhsOusedArgs
in __result_ )
in C_EChildren_s5 v4
{-# INLINE rule64 #-}
rule64 = \ (_ :: ()) ->
{-# INLINE rule65 #-}
rule65 = \ (_ :: ()) ->
{-# INLINE rule66 #-}
rule66 = \ (_ :: ()) ->
{-# INLINE rule67 #-}
rule67 = \ (_ :: ()) ->
{-# INLINE rule68 #-}
rule68 = \ (_ :: ()) ->
{-# INLINE rule69 #-}
rule69 = \ (_ :: ()) ->
{-# INLINE rule70 #-}
rule70 = \ (_ :: ()) ->
{-# INLINE rule71 #-}
rule71 = \ (_ :: ()) ->
data Inh_ENonterminal = Inh_ENonterminal { allFromToStates_Inh_ENonterminal :: (Map VisitIdentifier (Int,Int)), allInitStates_Inh_ENonterminal :: (Map NontermIdent Int), allVisitKinds_Inh_ENonterminal :: (Map VisitIdentifier VisitKind), allchildvisit_Inh_ENonterminal :: (Map VisitIdentifier (Identifier -> VisitKind -> Either Error (PP_Doc, PP_Doc))), avisitdefs_Inh_ENonterminal :: (Map VisitIdentifier (Set Identifier)), avisituses_Inh_ENonterminal :: (Map VisitIdentifier (Set Identifier)), derivings_Inh_ENonterminal :: (Derivings), importBlocks_Inh_ENonterminal :: (PP_Doc), inhmap_Inh_ENonterminal :: (Map NontermIdent Attributes), localAttrTypes_Inh_ENonterminal :: (Map NontermIdent (Map ConstructorIdent (Map Identifier Type))), mainFile_Inh_ENonterminal :: (String), mainName_Inh_ENonterminal :: (String), moduleHeader_Inh_ENonterminal :: (String -> String -> String -> Bool -> String), options_Inh_ENonterminal :: (Options), pragmaBlocks_Inh_ENonterminal :: (String), synmap_Inh_ENonterminal :: (Map NontermIdent Attributes), textBlocks_Inh_ENonterminal :: (PP_Doc), typeSyns_Inh_ENonterminal :: (TypeSyns), wrappers_Inh_ENonterminal :: (Set NontermIdent) }
data Syn_ENonterminal = Syn_ENonterminal { appendCommon_Syn_ENonterminal :: ( PP_Doc ), appendMain_Syn_ENonterminal :: ( PP_Doc ), childvisit_Syn_ENonterminal :: (Map VisitIdentifier (Identifier -> VisitKind -> Either Error (PP_Doc, PP_Doc))), errors_Syn_ENonterminal :: (Seq Error), fromToStates_Syn_ENonterminal :: (Map VisitIdentifier (Int,Int)), genProdIO_Syn_ENonterminal :: (IO ()), imports_Syn_ENonterminal :: ([PP_Doc]), initStates_Syn_ENonterminal :: (Map NontermIdent Int), output_Syn_ENonterminal :: (PP_Doc), semFunBndDefs_Syn_ENonterminal :: (Seq PP_Doc), semFunBndTps_Syn_ENonterminal :: (Seq PP_Doc), visitKinds_Syn_ENonterminal :: (Map VisitIdentifier VisitKind), visitdefs_Syn_ENonterminal :: (Map VisitIdentifier (Set Identifier)), visituses_Syn_ENonterminal :: (Map VisitIdentifier (Set Identifier)) }
{-# INLINABLE wrap_ENonterminal #-}
wrap_ENonterminal :: T_ENonterminal -> Inh_ENonterminal -> (Syn_ENonterminal )
wrap_ENonterminal (T_ENonterminal act) (Inh_ENonterminal _lhsIallFromToStates _lhsIallInitStates _lhsIallVisitKinds _lhsIallchildvisit _lhsIavisitdefs _lhsIavisituses _lhsIderivings _lhsIimportBlocks _lhsIinhmap _lhsIlocalAttrTypes _lhsImainFile _lhsImainName _lhsImoduleHeader _lhsIoptions _lhsIpragmaBlocks _lhsIsynmap _lhsItextBlocks _lhsItypeSyns _lhsIwrappers) =
Control.Monad.Identity.runIdentity (
do sem <- act
let arg7 = T_ENonterminal_vIn7 _lhsIallFromToStates _lhsIallInitStates _lhsIallVisitKinds _lhsIallchildvisit _lhsIavisitdefs _lhsIavisituses _lhsIderivings _lhsIimportBlocks _lhsIinhmap _lhsIlocalAttrTypes _lhsImainFile _lhsImainName _lhsImoduleHeader _lhsIoptions _lhsIpragmaBlocks _lhsIsynmap _lhsItextBlocks _lhsItypeSyns _lhsIwrappers
(T_ENonterminal_vOut7 _lhsOappendCommon _lhsOappendMain _lhsOchildvisit _lhsOerrors _lhsOfromToStates _lhsOgenProdIO _lhsOimports _lhsOinitStates _lhsOoutput _lhsOsemFunBndDefs _lhsOsemFunBndTps _lhsOvisitKinds _lhsOvisitdefs _lhsOvisituses) <- return (inv_ENonterminal_s8 sem arg7)
return (Syn_ENonterminal _lhsOappendCommon _lhsOappendMain _lhsOchildvisit _lhsOerrors _lhsOfromToStates _lhsOgenProdIO _lhsOimports _lhsOinitStates _lhsOoutput _lhsOsemFunBndDefs _lhsOsemFunBndTps _lhsOvisitKinds _lhsOvisitdefs _lhsOvisituses)
{-# INLINE sem_ENonterminal #-}
sem_ENonterminal :: ENonterminal -> T_ENonterminal
sem_ENonterminal ( ENonterminal nt_ params_ classCtxs_ initial_ initialv_ nextVisits_ prevVisits_ prods_ recursive_ hoInfo_ ) = sem_ENonterminal_ENonterminal nt_ params_ classCtxs_ initial_ initialv_ nextVisits_ prevVisits_ ( sem_EProductions prods_ ) recursive_ hoInfo_
newtype T_ENonterminal = T_ENonterminal {
attach_T_ENonterminal :: Identity (T_ENonterminal_s8 )
newtype T_ENonterminal_s8 = C_ENonterminal_s8 {
inv_ENonterminal_s8 :: (T_ENonterminal_v7 )
data T_ENonterminal_s9 = C_ENonterminal_s9
type T_ENonterminal_v7 = (T_ENonterminal_vIn7 ) -> (T_ENonterminal_vOut7 )
data T_ENonterminal_vIn7 = T_ENonterminal_vIn7 (Map VisitIdentifier (Int,Int)) (Map NontermIdent Int) (Map VisitIdentifier VisitKind) (Map VisitIdentifier (Identifier -> VisitKind -> Either Error (PP_Doc, PP_Doc))) (Map VisitIdentifier (Set Identifier)) (Map VisitIdentifier (Set Identifier)) (Derivings) (PP_Doc) (Map NontermIdent Attributes) (Map NontermIdent (Map ConstructorIdent (Map Identifier Type))) (String) (String) (String -> String -> String -> Bool -> String) (Options) (String) (Map NontermIdent Attributes) (PP_Doc) (TypeSyns) (Set NontermIdent)
data T_ENonterminal_vOut7 = T_ENonterminal_vOut7 ( PP_Doc ) ( PP_Doc ) (Map VisitIdentifier (Identifier -> VisitKind -> Either Error (PP_Doc, PP_Doc))) (Seq Error) (Map VisitIdentifier (Int,Int)) (IO ()) ([PP_Doc]) (Map NontermIdent Int) (PP_Doc) (Seq PP_Doc) (Seq PP_Doc) (Map VisitIdentifier VisitKind) (Map VisitIdentifier (Set Identifier)) (Map VisitIdentifier (Set Identifier))
{-# NOINLINE sem_ENonterminal_ENonterminal #-}
sem_ENonterminal_ENonterminal :: (NontermIdent) -> ([Identifier]) -> (ClassContext) -> (StateIdentifier) -> ([VisitIdentifier]) -> (Map StateIdentifier StateCtx) -> (Map StateIdentifier StateCtx) -> T_EProductions -> (Bool) -> (HigherOrderInfo) -> T_ENonterminal
sem_ENonterminal_ENonterminal arg_nt_ arg_params_ arg_classCtxs_ arg_initial_ arg_initialv_ arg_nextVisits_ arg_prevVisits_ arg_prods_ arg_recursive_ _ = T_ENonterminal (return st8) where
{-# NOINLINE st8 #-}
st8 = let
v7 :: T_ENonterminal_v7
v7 = \ (T_ENonterminal_vIn7 _lhsIallFromToStates _lhsIallInitStates _lhsIallVisitKinds _lhsIallchildvisit _lhsIavisitdefs _lhsIavisituses _lhsIderivings _lhsIimportBlocks _lhsIinhmap _lhsIlocalAttrTypes _lhsImainFile _lhsImainName _lhsImoduleHeader _lhsIoptions _lhsIpragmaBlocks _lhsIsynmap _lhsItextBlocks _lhsItypeSyns _lhsIwrappers) -> ( let
_prodsX17 = Control.Monad.Identity.runIdentity (attach_T_EProductions (arg_prods_))
(T_EProductions_vOut16 _prodsIallvisits _prodsIchildvisit _prodsIcount _prodsIdatatype _prodsIerrors _prodsIfromToStates _prodsIgenProdIO _prodsIimports _prodsIsemFunBndDefs _prodsIsemFunBndTps _prodsIsem_nt _prodsIsem_prod _prodsIt_visits _prodsIvisitKinds _prodsIvisitdefs _prodsIvisituses) = inv_EProductions_s17 _prodsX17 (T_EProductions_vIn16 _prodsOallFromToStates _prodsOallInhmap _prodsOallInitStates _prodsOallSynmap _prodsOallVisitKinds _prodsOallchildvisit _prodsOallstates _prodsOavisitdefs _prodsOavisituses _prodsOclassCtxs _prodsOimportBlocks _prodsOinhmap _prodsOinitial _prodsOlocalAttrTypes _prodsOmainFile _prodsOmainName _prodsOmoduleHeader _prodsOnextVisits _prodsOnt _prodsOntType _prodsOoptions _prodsOparams _prodsOpragmaBlocks _prodsOprevVisits _prodsOrename _prodsOsynmap _prodsOtextBlocks)
_prodsOrename = rule72 _lhsIoptions
_prodsOnt = rule73 arg_nt_
_prodsOparams = rule74 arg_params_
_prodsOclassCtxs = rule75 arg_classCtxs_
_lhsOoutput :: PP_Doc
_lhsOoutput = rule76 _datatype _hasWrapper _k_states _lhsIoptions _prodsIsem_prod _prodsIt_visits _sem_nt _t_init _t_states _wr_inh _wr_syn _wrapper arg_nt_
_hasWrapper = rule77 _lhsIwrappers arg_nt_
_classPP = rule78 arg_classCtxs_
_aliasPre = rule79 _classPP _t_params arg_nt_
_datatype = rule80 _aliasPre _classPP _derivings _lhsItypeSyns _prodsIdatatype _t_params arg_nt_
_derivings = rule81 _lhsIderivings arg_nt_
_fsemname = rule82 ()
_semname = rule83 _fsemname arg_nt_
_frecarg = rule84 _fsemname
_sem_tp = rule85 _classPP _quantPP _t_params _t_type arg_nt_
_quantPP = rule86 arg_params_
_sem_nt = rule87 _frecarg _fsemname _lhsItypeSyns _prodsIsem_nt _semPragma _sem_tp _semname arg_nt_
_inlineNt = rule88 _hasWrapper _lhsIoptions _prodsIcount arg_recursive_
_semPragma = rule89 _inlineNt _lhsIoptions _semname
(Just _prodsOinhmap) = rule90 _lhsIinhmap arg_nt_
(Just _prodsOsynmap) = rule91 _lhsIsynmap arg_nt_
_prodsOallInhmap = rule92 _lhsIinhmap
_prodsOallSynmap = rule93 _lhsIsynmap
_outedges = rule94 _prodsIallvisits
_inedges = rule95 _prodsIallvisits
_allstates = rule96 _inedges _outedges arg_initial_
_stvisits = rule97 _prodsIallvisits
_t_type = rule98 arg_nt_
_t_params = rule99 arg_params_
_t_init = rule100 _lhsIoptions _t_params _t_type arg_initial_
_t_states = rule101 _allstates _t_params arg_nextVisits_ arg_nt_
_k_type = rule102 arg_nt_
_k_states = rule103 _allstates _k_type _prodsIallvisits _t_params _t_type arg_nextVisits_ arg_nt_
_wr_inh = rule104 _genwrap _wr_inhs
_wr_syn = rule105 _genwrap _wr_syns
_genwrap = rule106 _addbang _t_params arg_nt_
_synAttrs = rule107 _lhsIinhmap arg_nt_
_wr_inhs = rule108 _synAttrs _wr_filter
_wr_inhs1 = rule109 _synAttrs
_wr_filter = rule110 _lhsIoptions
_wr_syns = rule111 _lhsIsynmap arg_nt_
_inhlist = rule112 _lhsIoptions _wr_inhs
_inhlist1 = rule113 _lhsIoptions _wr_inhs1
_synlist = rule114 _lhsIoptions _wr_syns
_wrapname = rule115 arg_nt_
_inhname = rule116 arg_nt_
_synname = rule117 arg_nt_
_firstVisitInfo = rule118 arg_initial_ arg_nextVisits_
_wrapper = rule119 _addbang _addbangWrap _classPP _inhlist _inhname _k_type _lhsIallVisitKinds _lhsImainName _lhsIoptions _prodsIvisitdefs _prodsIvisituses _quantPP _synlist _synname _t_params _t_type _wrapPragma _wrapname arg_initial_ arg_initialv_ arg_nextVisits_ arg_nt_
_wrapPragma = rule120 _lhsIoptions _wrapname
_lhsOsemFunBndDefs :: Seq PP_Doc
_lhsOsemFunBndDefs = rule121 _prodsIsemFunBndDefs _semFunBndDef
_lhsOsemFunBndTps :: Seq PP_Doc
_lhsOsemFunBndTps = rule122 _prodsIsemFunBndTps _semFunBndTp
_semFunBndDef = rule123 _semFunBndNm _semname
_semFunBndTp = rule124 _semFunBndNm _sem_tp
_semFunBndNm = rule125 arg_nt_
_prodsOinitial = rule126 arg_initial_
_prodsOallstates = rule127 _allstates
_lhsOappendMain :: PP_Doc
_lhsOappendMain = rule128 _lhsIwrappers _sem_nt _wr_inh _wr_syn _wrapper arg_nt_
_lhsOappendCommon :: PP_Doc
_lhsOappendCommon = rule129 _datatype _k_states _lhsIoptions _prodsIt_visits _t_init _t_states
_addbang = rule130 _lhsIoptions
_addbangWrap = rule131 ()
_prodsOnextVisits = rule132 arg_nextVisits_
_prodsOprevVisits = rule133 arg_prevVisits_
_prodsOlocalAttrTypes = rule134 _lhsIlocalAttrTypes arg_nt_
_lhsOinitStates :: Map NontermIdent Int
_lhsOinitStates = rule135 arg_initial_ arg_nt_
_ntType = rule136 arg_nt_ arg_params_
_lhsOchildvisit :: Map VisitIdentifier (Identifier -> VisitKind -> Either Error (PP_Doc, PP_Doc))
_lhsOchildvisit = rule137 _prodsIchildvisit
_lhsOerrors :: Seq Error
_lhsOerrors = rule138 _prodsIerrors
_lhsOfromToStates :: Map VisitIdentifier (Int,Int)
_lhsOfromToStates = rule139 _prodsIfromToStates
_lhsOgenProdIO :: IO ()
_lhsOgenProdIO = rule140 _prodsIgenProdIO
_lhsOimports :: [PP_Doc]
_lhsOimports = rule141 _prodsIimports
_lhsOvisitKinds :: Map VisitIdentifier VisitKind
_lhsOvisitKinds = rule142 _prodsIvisitKinds
_lhsOvisitdefs :: Map VisitIdentifier (Set Identifier)
_lhsOvisitdefs = rule143 _prodsIvisitdefs
_lhsOvisituses :: Map VisitIdentifier (Set Identifier)
_lhsOvisituses = rule144 _prodsIvisituses
_prodsOallFromToStates = rule145 _lhsIallFromToStates
_prodsOallInitStates = rule146 _lhsIallInitStates
_prodsOallVisitKinds = rule147 _lhsIallVisitKinds
_prodsOallchildvisit = rule148 _lhsIallchildvisit
_prodsOavisitdefs = rule149 _lhsIavisitdefs
_prodsOavisituses = rule150 _lhsIavisituses
_prodsOimportBlocks = rule151 _lhsIimportBlocks
_prodsOmainFile = rule152 _lhsImainFile
_prodsOmainName = rule153 _lhsImainName
_prodsOmoduleHeader = rule154 _lhsImoduleHeader
_prodsOntType = rule155 _ntType
_prodsOoptions = rule156 _lhsIoptions
_prodsOpragmaBlocks = rule157 _lhsIpragmaBlocks
_prodsOtextBlocks = rule158 _lhsItextBlocks
__result_ = T_ENonterminal_vOut7 _lhsOappendCommon _lhsOappendMain _lhsOchildvisit _lhsOerrors _lhsOfromToStates _lhsOgenProdIO _lhsOimports _lhsOinitStates _lhsOoutput _lhsOsemFunBndDefs _lhsOsemFunBndTps _lhsOvisitKinds _lhsOvisitdefs _lhsOvisituses
in __result_ )
in C_ENonterminal_s8 v7
{-# INLINE rule72 #-}
{-# LINE 57 "src-ag/ExecutionPlan2Hs.ag" #-}
rule72 = \ ((_lhsIoptions) :: Options) ->
{-# LINE 57 "src-ag/ExecutionPlan2Hs.ag" #-}
rename _lhsIoptions
{-# LINE 1047 "dist/build/ExecutionPlan2Hs.hs"#-}
{-# INLINE rule73 #-}
{-# LINE 65 "src-ag/ExecutionPlan2Hs.ag" #-}
rule73 = \ nt_ ->
{-# LINE 65 "src-ag/ExecutionPlan2Hs.ag" #-}
{-# LINE 1053 "dist/build/ExecutionPlan2Hs.hs"#-}
{-# INLINE rule74 #-}
{-# LINE 77 "src-ag/ExecutionPlan2Hs.ag" #-}
rule74 = \ params_ ->
{-# LINE 77 "src-ag/ExecutionPlan2Hs.ag" #-}
{-# LINE 1059 "dist/build/ExecutionPlan2Hs.hs"#-}
{-# INLINE rule75 #-}
{-# LINE 81 "src-ag/ExecutionPlan2Hs.ag" #-}
rule75 = \ classCtxs_ ->
{-# LINE 81 "src-ag/ExecutionPlan2Hs.ag" #-}
{-# LINE 1065 "dist/build/ExecutionPlan2Hs.hs"#-}
{-# INLINE rule76 #-}
{-# LINE 98 "src-ag/ExecutionPlan2Hs.ag" #-}
rule76 = \ _datatype _hasWrapper _k_states ((_lhsIoptions) :: Options) ((_prodsIsem_prod) :: PP_Doc) ((_prodsIt_visits) :: PP_Doc) _sem_nt _t_init _t_states _wr_inh _wr_syn _wrapper nt_ ->
{-# LINE 98 "src-ag/ExecutionPlan2Hs.ag" #-}
("-- " ++ getName nt_ ++ " " ++ replicate (60 - length (getName nt_)) '-')
>-< (if dataTypes _lhsIoptions
then "-- data"
>-< _datatype
>-< ""
else empty)
>-< (if _hasWrapper
then "-- wrapper"
>-< _wr_inh
>-< _wr_syn
>-< _wrapper
>-< ""
else empty)
>-< (if folds _lhsIoptions
then "-- cata"
>-< _sem_nt
>-< ""
else empty)
>-< (if semfuns _lhsIoptions
then "-- semantic domain"
>-< _t_init
>-< _t_states
>-< _k_states
>-< _prodsIt_visits
>-< _prodsIsem_prod
>-< ""
else empty)
{-# LINE 1097 "dist/build/ExecutionPlan2Hs.hs"#-}
{-# INLINE rule77 #-}
{-# LINE 125 "src-ag/ExecutionPlan2Hs.ag" #-}
rule77 = \ ((_lhsIwrappers) :: Set NontermIdent) nt_ ->
{-# LINE 125 "src-ag/ExecutionPlan2Hs.ag" #-}
nt_ `Set.member` _lhsIwrappers
{-# LINE 1103 "dist/build/ExecutionPlan2Hs.hs"#-}
{-# INLINE rule78 #-}
{-# LINE 138 "src-ag/ExecutionPlan2Hs.ag" #-}
rule78 = \ classCtxs_ ->
{-# LINE 138 "src-ag/ExecutionPlan2Hs.ag" #-}
ppClasses $ classCtxsToDocs classCtxs_
{-# LINE 1109 "dist/build/ExecutionPlan2Hs.hs"#-}
{-# INLINE rule79 #-}
{-# LINE 139 "src-ag/ExecutionPlan2Hs.ag" #-}
rule79 = \ _classPP _t_params nt_ ->
{-# LINE 139 "src-ag/ExecutionPlan2Hs.ag" #-}
"type" >#< _classPP >#< nt_ >#< _t_params >#< "="
{-# LINE 1115 "dist/build/ExecutionPlan2Hs.hs"#-}
{-# INLINE rule80 #-}
{-# LINE 140 "src-ag/ExecutionPlan2Hs.ag" #-}
rule80 = \ _aliasPre _classPP _derivings ((_lhsItypeSyns) :: TypeSyns) ((_prodsIdatatype) :: [PP_Doc]) _t_params nt_ ->
{-# LINE 140 "src-ag/ExecutionPlan2Hs.ag" #-}
case lookup nt_ _lhsItypeSyns of
Nothing -> "data" >#< _classPP >#< nt_ >#< _t_params
>-< ( if null _prodsIdatatype
then empty
else indent 2 $ vlist $ ( ("=" >#< head _prodsIdatatype)
: (map ("|" >#<) $ tail _prodsIdatatype))
>-< indent 2 _derivings
Just (List t) -> _aliasPre >#< "[" >#< show t >#< "]"
Just (Maybe t) -> _aliasPre >#< "Maybe" >#< pp_parens (show t)
Just (Tuple ts) -> _aliasPre >#< pp_parens (ppCommas $ map (show . snd) ts)
Just (Either l r) -> _aliasPre >#< "Either" >#< pp_parens (show l) >#< pp_parens (show r)
Just (Map k v) -> _aliasPre >#< "Data.Map" >#< pp_parens (show k) >#< pp_parens (show v)
Just (IntMap t) -> _aliasPre >#< "Data.IntMap.IntMap" >#< pp_parens (show t)
Just (OrdSet t) -> _aliasPre >#< "Data.Set.Set" >#< pp_parens (show t)
Just IntSet -> _aliasPre >#< "Data.IntSet.IntSet"
{-# LINE 1136 "dist/build/ExecutionPlan2Hs.hs"#-}
{-# INLINE rule81 #-}
{-# LINE 157 "src-ag/ExecutionPlan2Hs.ag" #-}
rule81 = \ ((_lhsIderivings) :: Derivings) nt_ ->
{-# LINE 157 "src-ag/ExecutionPlan2Hs.ag" #-}
case Map.lookup nt_ _lhsIderivings of
Nothing -> empty
Just s -> if Set.null s
then empty
else "deriving" >#< (pp_parens $ ppCommas $ map pp $ Set.toList s)
{-# LINE 1146 "dist/build/ExecutionPlan2Hs.hs"#-}
{-# INLINE rule82 #-}
{-# LINE 227 "src-ag/ExecutionPlan2Hs.ag" #-}
rule82 = \ (_ :: ()) ->
{-# LINE 227 "src-ag/ExecutionPlan2Hs.ag" #-}
\x -> "sem_" ++ show x
{-# LINE 1152 "dist/build/ExecutionPlan2Hs.hs"#-}
{-# INLINE rule83 #-}
{-# LINE 228 "src-ag/ExecutionPlan2Hs.ag" #-}
rule83 = \ _fsemname nt_ ->
{-# LINE 228 "src-ag/ExecutionPlan2Hs.ag" #-}
_fsemname nt_
{-# LINE 1158 "dist/build/ExecutionPlan2Hs.hs"#-}
{-# INLINE rule84 #-}
{-# LINE 229 "src-ag/ExecutionPlan2Hs.ag" #-}
rule84 = \ _fsemname ->
{-# LINE 229 "src-ag/ExecutionPlan2Hs.ag" #-}
\t x -> case t of
NT nt _ _ -> pp_parens (_fsemname nt >#< x)
_ -> pp x
{-# LINE 1166 "dist/build/ExecutionPlan2Hs.hs"#-}
{-# INLINE rule85 #-}
{-# LINE 235 "src-ag/ExecutionPlan2Hs.ag" #-}
rule85 = \ _classPP _quantPP _t_params _t_type nt_ ->
{-# LINE 235 "src-ag/ExecutionPlan2Hs.ag" #-}
_quantPP >#< _classPP >#< nt_ >#< _t_params >#< "->" >#< _t_type >#< _t_params
{-# LINE 1172 "dist/build/ExecutionPlan2Hs.hs"#-}
{-# INLINE rule86 #-}
{-# LINE 236 "src-ag/ExecutionPlan2Hs.ag" #-}
rule86 = \ params_ ->
{-# LINE 236 "src-ag/ExecutionPlan2Hs.ag" #-}
ppQuants params_
{-# LINE 1178 "dist/build/ExecutionPlan2Hs.hs"#-}
{-# INLINE rule87 #-}
{-# LINE 237 "src-ag/ExecutionPlan2Hs.ag" #-}
rule87 = \ _frecarg _fsemname ((_lhsItypeSyns) :: TypeSyns) ((_prodsIsem_nt) :: PP_Doc) _semPragma _sem_tp _semname nt_ ->
{-# LINE 237 "src-ag/ExecutionPlan2Hs.ag" #-}
>-< _semname >#< "::" >#< _sem_tp
>-< case lookup nt_ _lhsItypeSyns of
Nothing -> _prodsIsem_nt
Just (List t) -> _semname >#< "list" >#< "=" >#< "Prelude.foldr" >#< _semname >|< "_Cons"
>#< _semname >|< "_Nil"
>#< case t of
NT nt _ _ -> pp_parens ("Prelude.map" >#< _fsemname nt >#< "list")
_ -> pp "list"
Just (Maybe t) -> _semname >#< "Prelude.Nothing" >#< "=" >#< _semname >|< "_Nothing"
>-< _semname >#< pp_parens ("Prelude.Just just") >#< "="
>#< _semname >|< "_Just" >#< _frecarg t "just"
Just (Tuple ts) -> _semname >#< pp_parens (ppCommas $ map fst ts) >#< "="
>#< _semname >|< "_Tuple" >#< ppSpaced (map (\t -> _frecarg (snd t) (show $ fst t)) ts)
Just (Either l r) -> _semname >#< "(Prelude.Left left)" >#< "=" >#< _semname >|< "_Left" >#< _frecarg l "left"
>-< _semname >#< "(Prelude.Right right)" >#< "=" >#< _semname >|< "_Right" >#< _frecarg r "right"
Just (Map k v) -> _semname >#< "m" >#< "=" >#< "Data.Map.foldrWithKey"
>#< _semname >|< "_Entry" >#< _semname >|< "_Nil"
>#< case v of
NT nt _ _ -> pp_parens ("Data.Map.map" >#< _fsemname nt >#< "m")
_ -> pp "m"
Just (IntMap v) -> _semname >#< "m" >#< "=" >#< "Data.IntMap.foldWithKey"
>#< _semname >|< "_Entry" >#< _semname >|< "_Nil"
>#< case v of
NT nt _ _ -> pp_parens ("Data.IntMap.map" >#< _fsemname nt >#< "m")
_ -> pp "m"
Just (OrdSet t) -> _semname >#< "s" >#< "=" >#< "Prelude.foldr" >#< _semname >|< "_Entry"
>#< _semname >|< "_Nil"
>#< pp_parens (
( case t of
NT nt _ _ -> pp_parens ("Prelude.map" >#< _fsemname nt)
_ -> empty
) >#< pp_parens ("Data.IntSet.elems" >#< "s")
Just IntSet -> _semname >#< "s" >#< "=" >#< "Prelude.foldr" >#< _semname >|< "_Entry"
>#< _semname >|< "_Nil"
>#< pp_parens ("Data.IntSet.elems" >#< "s")
{-# LINE 1220 "dist/build/ExecutionPlan2Hs.hs"#-}
{-# INLINE rule88 #-}
{-# LINE 277 "src-ag/ExecutionPlan2Hs.ag" #-}
rule88 = \ _hasWrapper ((_lhsIoptions) :: Options) ((_prodsIcount) :: Int) recursive_ ->
{-# LINE 277 "src-ag/ExecutionPlan2Hs.ag" #-}
not (lateHigherOrderBinding _lhsIoptions) && not recursive_ && (_prodsIcount == 1 || (aggressiveInlinePragmas _lhsIoptions && not _hasWrapper ))
{-# LINE 1226 "dist/build/ExecutionPlan2Hs.hs"#-}
{-# INLINE rule89 #-}
{-# LINE 278 "src-ag/ExecutionPlan2Hs.ag" #-}
rule89 = \ _inlineNt ((_lhsIoptions) :: Options) _semname ->
{-# LINE 278 "src-ag/ExecutionPlan2Hs.ag" #-}
if noInlinePragmas _lhsIoptions
then empty
else if _inlineNt
then ppInline _semname
else if helpInlining _lhsIoptions && not (lateHigherOrderBinding _lhsIoptions)
then ppInlinable _semname
else ppNoInline _semname
{-# LINE 1238 "dist/build/ExecutionPlan2Hs.hs"#-}
{-# INLINE rule90 #-}
{-# LINE 324 "src-ag/ExecutionPlan2Hs.ag" #-}
rule90 = \ ((_lhsIinhmap) :: Map NontermIdent Attributes) nt_ ->
{-# LINE 324 "src-ag/ExecutionPlan2Hs.ag" #-}
Map.lookup nt_ _lhsIinhmap
{-# LINE 1244 "dist/build/ExecutionPlan2Hs.hs"#-}
{-# INLINE rule91 #-}
{-# LINE 325 "src-ag/ExecutionPlan2Hs.ag" #-}
rule91 = \ ((_lhsIsynmap) :: Map NontermIdent Attributes) nt_ ->
{-# LINE 325 "src-ag/ExecutionPlan2Hs.ag" #-}
Map.lookup nt_ _lhsIsynmap
{-# LINE 1250 "dist/build/ExecutionPlan2Hs.hs"#-}
{-# INLINE rule92 #-}
{-# LINE 326 "src-ag/ExecutionPlan2Hs.ag" #-}
rule92 = \ ((_lhsIinhmap) :: Map NontermIdent Attributes) ->
{-# LINE 326 "src-ag/ExecutionPlan2Hs.ag" #-}
{-# LINE 1256 "dist/build/ExecutionPlan2Hs.hs"#-}
{-# INLINE rule93 #-}
{-# LINE 327 "src-ag/ExecutionPlan2Hs.ag" #-}
rule93 = \ ((_lhsIsynmap) :: Map NontermIdent Attributes) ->
{-# LINE 327 "src-ag/ExecutionPlan2Hs.ag" #-}
{-# LINE 1262 "dist/build/ExecutionPlan2Hs.hs"#-}
{-# INLINE rule94 #-}
{-# LINE 348 "src-ag/ExecutionPlan2Hs.ag" #-}
rule94 = \ ((_prodsIallvisits) :: [VisitStateState]) ->
{-# LINE 348 "src-ag/ExecutionPlan2Hs.ag" #-}
Set.fromList $ map (\(_,f,_) -> f) _prodsIallvisits
{-# LINE 1268 "dist/build/ExecutionPlan2Hs.hs"#-}
{-# INLINE rule95 #-}
{-# LINE 349 "src-ag/ExecutionPlan2Hs.ag" #-}
rule95 = \ ((_prodsIallvisits) :: [VisitStateState]) ->
{-# LINE 349 "src-ag/ExecutionPlan2Hs.ag" #-}
Set.fromList $ map (\(_,_,t) -> t) _prodsIallvisits
{-# LINE 1274 "dist/build/ExecutionPlan2Hs.hs"#-}
{-# INLINE rule96 #-}
{-# LINE 350 "src-ag/ExecutionPlan2Hs.ag" #-}
rule96 = \ _inedges _outedges initial_ ->
{-# LINE 350 "src-ag/ExecutionPlan2Hs.ag" #-}
Set.insert initial_ $ _inedges `Set.union` _outedges
{-# LINE 1280 "dist/build/ExecutionPlan2Hs.hs"#-}
{-# INLINE rule97 #-}
{-# LINE 351 "src-ag/ExecutionPlan2Hs.ag" #-}
rule97 = \ ((_prodsIallvisits) :: [VisitStateState]) ->
{-# LINE 351 "src-ag/ExecutionPlan2Hs.ag" #-}
\st -> filter (\(v,f,t) -> f == st) _prodsIallvisits
{-# LINE 1286 "dist/build/ExecutionPlan2Hs.hs"#-}
{-# INLINE rule98 #-}
{-# LINE 352 "src-ag/ExecutionPlan2Hs.ag" #-}
rule98 = \ nt_ ->
{-# LINE 352 "src-ag/ExecutionPlan2Hs.ag" #-}
"T_" >|< nt_
{-# LINE 1292 "dist/build/ExecutionPlan2Hs.hs"#-}
{-# INLINE rule99 #-}
{-# LINE 353 "src-ag/ExecutionPlan2Hs.ag" #-}
rule99 = \ params_ ->
{-# LINE 353 "src-ag/ExecutionPlan2Hs.ag" #-}
ppSpaced params_
{-# LINE 1298 "dist/build/ExecutionPlan2Hs.hs"#-}
{-# INLINE rule100 #-}
{-# LINE 354 "src-ag/ExecutionPlan2Hs.ag" #-}
rule100 = \ ((_lhsIoptions) :: Options) _t_params _t_type initial_ ->
{-# LINE 354 "src-ag/ExecutionPlan2Hs.ag" #-}
"newtype" >#< _t_type >#< _t_params >#< "=" >#< _t_type >#<
pp_braces (
"attach_">|< _t_type >#< "::"
>#< ppMonadType _lhsIoptions >#< pp_parens (_t_type >|< "_s" >|< initial_ >#< _t_params ))
{-# LINE 1307 "dist/build/ExecutionPlan2Hs.hs"#-}
{-# INLINE rule101 #-}
{-# LINE 358 "src-ag/ExecutionPlan2Hs.ag" #-}
rule101 = \ _allstates _t_params nextVisits_ nt_ ->
{-# LINE 358 "src-ag/ExecutionPlan2Hs.ag" #-}
vlist $ map (\st ->
let nt_st = nt_ >|< "_s" >|< st
t_st = "T_" >|< nt_st
k_st = "K_" >|< nt_st
c_st = "C_" >|< nt_st
inv_st = "inv_" >|< nt_st
nextVisit = Map.findWithDefault ManyVis st nextVisits_
in case nextVisit of
NoneVis -> "data" >#< t_st >#< _t_params >#< "=" >#< c_st
OneVis vId -> "newtype" >#< t_st >#< _t_params >#< "=" >#< c_st
>#< (pp_braces $ inv_st >#< "::" >#< pp_parens (conNmTVisit nt_ vId >#< _t_params ))
ManyVis -> "data" >#< t_st >#< _t_params >#< "where" >#< c_st >#< "::"
>#< (pp_braces $ inv_st >#< "::" >#< "!" >|< pp_parens ("forall t." >#< k_st >#< _t_params >#< "t" >#< "->" >#< "t"))
>#< "->" >#< t_st >#< _t_params
) $ Set.toList _allstates
{-# LINE 1327 "dist/build/ExecutionPlan2Hs.hs"#-}
{-# INLINE rule102 #-}
{-# LINE 376 "src-ag/ExecutionPlan2Hs.ag" #-}
rule102 = \ nt_ ->
{-# LINE 376 "src-ag/ExecutionPlan2Hs.ag" #-}
"K_" ++ show nt_
{-# LINE 1333 "dist/build/ExecutionPlan2Hs.hs"#-}
{-# INLINE rule103 #-}
{-# LINE 377 "src-ag/ExecutionPlan2Hs.ag" #-}
rule103 = \ _allstates _k_type ((_prodsIallvisits) :: [VisitStateState]) _t_params _t_type nextVisits_ nt_ ->
{-# LINE 377 "src-ag/ExecutionPlan2Hs.ag" #-}
vlist $ map (\st ->
let nt_st = nt_ >|< "_s" >|< st
k_st = "K_" >|< nt_st
outg = filter (\(v,f,t) -> f == st) _prodsIallvisits
visitlist = vlist $ map (\(v,f,t) ->
_k_type >|< "_v" >|< v >#< "::" >#< k_st >#< _t_params >#< pp_parens (_t_type >|< "_v" >|< v >#< _t_params )
) outg
nextVisit = Map.findWithDefault ManyVis st nextVisits_
decl = "data" >#< k_st >#< "k" >#< _t_params >#< "where" >-< indent 3 visitlist
in case nextVisit of
NoneVis -> empty
OneVis _ -> empty
ManyVis -> decl
) $ Set.toList _allstates
{-# LINE 1352 "dist/build/ExecutionPlan2Hs.hs"#-}
{-# INLINE rule104 #-}
{-# LINE 444 "src-ag/ExecutionPlan2Hs.ag" #-}
rule104 = \ _genwrap _wr_inhs ->
{-# LINE 444 "src-ag/ExecutionPlan2Hs.ag" #-}
_genwrap "Inh" _wr_inhs
{-# LINE 1358 "dist/build/ExecutionPlan2Hs.hs"#-}
{-# INLINE rule105 #-}
{-# LINE 445 "src-ag/ExecutionPlan2Hs.ag" #-}
rule105 = \ _genwrap _wr_syns ->
{-# LINE 445 "src-ag/ExecutionPlan2Hs.ag" #-}
_genwrap "Syn" _wr_syns
{-# LINE 1364 "dist/build/ExecutionPlan2Hs.hs"#-}
{-# INLINE rule106 #-}
{-# LINE 446 "src-ag/ExecutionPlan2Hs.ag" #-}
rule106 = \ _addbang _t_params nt_ ->
{-# LINE 446 "src-ag/ExecutionPlan2Hs.ag" #-}
\nm attr -> "data" >#< nm >|< "_" >|< nt_ >#< _t_params >#< "=" >#< nm >|< "_" >|< nt_ >#< "{"
>#< (ppCommas $ map (\(i,t) -> i >|< "_" >|< nm >|< "_" >|< nt_ >#< "::"
>#< (_addbang $ pp_parens $ typeToHaskellString (Just nt_) [] t)) attr) >#< "}"
{-# LINE 1372 "dist/build/ExecutionPlan2Hs.hs"#-}
{-# INLINE rule107 #-}
{-# LINE 449 "src-ag/ExecutionPlan2Hs.ag" #-}
rule107 = \ ((_lhsIinhmap) :: Map NontermIdent Attributes) nt_ ->
{-# LINE 449 "src-ag/ExecutionPlan2Hs.ag" #-}
fromJust $ Map.lookup nt_ _lhsIinhmap
{-# LINE 1378 "dist/build/ExecutionPlan2Hs.hs"#-}
{-# INLINE rule108 #-}
{-# LINE 450 "src-ag/ExecutionPlan2Hs.ag" #-}
rule108 = \ _synAttrs _wr_filter ->
{-# LINE 450 "src-ag/ExecutionPlan2Hs.ag" #-}
Map.toList $ _wr_filter $ _synAttrs
{-# LINE 1384 "dist/build/ExecutionPlan2Hs.hs"#-}
{-# INLINE rule109 #-}
{-# LINE 451 "src-ag/ExecutionPlan2Hs.ag" #-}
rule109 = \ _synAttrs ->
{-# LINE 451 "src-ag/ExecutionPlan2Hs.ag" #-}
Map.toList _synAttrs
{-# LINE 1390 "dist/build/ExecutionPlan2Hs.hs"#-}
{-# INLINE rule110 #-}
{-# LINE 452 "src-ag/ExecutionPlan2Hs.ag" #-}
rule110 = \ ((_lhsIoptions) :: Options) ->
{-# LINE 452 "src-ag/ExecutionPlan2Hs.ag" #-}
if lateHigherOrderBinding _lhsIoptions
then Map.delete idLateBindingAttr
else id
{-# LINE 1398 "dist/build/ExecutionPlan2Hs.hs"#-}
{-# INLINE rule111 #-}
{-# LINE 455 "src-ag/ExecutionPlan2Hs.ag" #-}
rule111 = \ ((_lhsIsynmap) :: Map NontermIdent Attributes) nt_ ->
{-# LINE 455 "src-ag/ExecutionPlan2Hs.ag" #-}
Map.toList $ fromJust $ Map.lookup nt_ _lhsIsynmap
{-# LINE 1404 "dist/build/ExecutionPlan2Hs.hs"#-}
{-# INLINE rule112 #-}
{-# LINE 456 "src-ag/ExecutionPlan2Hs.ag" #-}
rule112 = \ ((_lhsIoptions) :: Options) _wr_inhs ->
{-# LINE 456 "src-ag/ExecutionPlan2Hs.ag" #-}
map (lhsname _lhsIoptions True . fst) _wr_inhs
{-# LINE 1410 "dist/build/ExecutionPlan2Hs.hs"#-}
{-# INLINE rule113 #-}
{-# LINE 457 "src-ag/ExecutionPlan2Hs.ag" #-}
rule113 = \ ((_lhsIoptions) :: Options) _wr_inhs1 ->
{-# LINE 457 "src-ag/ExecutionPlan2Hs.ag" #-}
map (lhsname _lhsIoptions True . fst) _wr_inhs1
{-# LINE 1416 "dist/build/ExecutionPlan2Hs.hs"#-}
{-# INLINE rule114 #-}
{-# LINE 458 "src-ag/ExecutionPlan2Hs.ag" #-}
rule114 = \ ((_lhsIoptions) :: Options) _wr_syns ->
{-# LINE 458 "src-ag/ExecutionPlan2Hs.ag" #-}
map (lhsname _lhsIoptions False . fst) _wr_syns
{-# LINE 1422 "dist/build/ExecutionPlan2Hs.hs"#-}
{-# INLINE rule115 #-}
{-# LINE 459 "src-ag/ExecutionPlan2Hs.ag" #-}
rule115 = \ nt_ ->
{-# LINE 459 "src-ag/ExecutionPlan2Hs.ag" #-}
"wrap_" ++ show nt_
{-# LINE 1428 "dist/build/ExecutionPlan2Hs.hs"#-}
{-# INLINE rule116 #-}
{-# LINE 460 "src-ag/ExecutionPlan2Hs.ag" #-}
rule116 = \ nt_ ->
{-# LINE 460 "src-ag/ExecutionPlan2Hs.ag" #-}
"Inh_" ++ show nt_
{-# LINE 1434 "dist/build/ExecutionPlan2Hs.hs"#-}
{-# INLINE rule117 #-}
{-# LINE 461 "src-ag/ExecutionPlan2Hs.ag" #-}
rule117 = \ nt_ ->
{-# LINE 461 "src-ag/ExecutionPlan2Hs.ag" #-}
"Syn_" ++ show nt_
{-# LINE 1440 "dist/build/ExecutionPlan2Hs.hs"#-}
{-# INLINE rule118 #-}
{-# LINE 462 "src-ag/ExecutionPlan2Hs.ag" #-}
rule118 = \ initial_ nextVisits_ ->
{-# LINE 462 "src-ag/ExecutionPlan2Hs.ag" #-}
Map.findWithDefault ManyVis initial_ nextVisits_
{-# LINE 1446 "dist/build/ExecutionPlan2Hs.hs"#-}
{-# INLINE rule119 #-}
{-# LINE 463 "src-ag/ExecutionPlan2Hs.ag" #-}
rule119 = \ _addbang _addbangWrap _classPP _inhlist _inhname _k_type ((_lhsIallVisitKinds) :: Map VisitIdentifier VisitKind) ((_lhsImainName) :: String) ((_lhsIoptions) :: Options) ((_prodsIvisitdefs) :: Map VisitIdentifier (Set Identifier)) ((_prodsIvisituses) :: Map VisitIdentifier (Set Identifier)) _quantPP _synlist _synname _t_params _t_type _wrapPragma _wrapname initial_ initialv_ nextVisits_ nt_ ->
{-# LINE 463 "src-ag/ExecutionPlan2Hs.ag" #-}
>-< (_wrapname >#< "::" >#< _quantPP >#< _classPP >#< _t_type >#< _t_params >#< "->"
>#< _inhname >#< _t_params >#< "->" >#< ( if monadicWrappers _lhsIoptions then ppMonadType _lhsIoptions else empty) >#< pp_parens (_synname >#< _t_params ))
>-< (_wrapname >#< (_addbang $ pp_parens (_t_type >#< pp "act"))
>#< (_addbang $ pp_parens (_inhname
>#< (ppSpaced $ map (_addbangWrap . pp) _inhlist )) >#< "="))
indent 3 (case initialv_ of
[] -> _synname >#< " { }"
initvs@(initv:_) ->
let extra = if dummyTokenVisit _lhsIoptions
then pp $ dummyArg _lhsIoptions True
else empty
unMonad | monadicWrappers _lhsIoptions = empty
| otherwise = unMon _lhsIoptions
genSteps _ [] = []
genSteps curst (curv:nextvs) = setarg : dovis : genSteps nextst nextvs where
inCon = conNmTVisitIn nt_ curv
outCon = conNmTVisitOut nt_ curv
pat = _addbang $ pp_parens $ pat0
pat0 = outCon >#< ppSpaced (map (lhsname _lhsIoptions False) syns) >#< cont
cont | null nextvs = empty
| otherwise = pp "sem"
inhs = Set.toList $ Map.findWithDefault Set.empty curv _prodsIvisituses
syns = Set.toList $ Map.findWithDefault Set.empty curv _prodsIvisitdefs
arg = inCon >#< ppSpaced (map (lhsname _lhsIoptions True) inhs)
setarg = "let" >#< _addbangWrap (pp "arg" >|< curv) >#< "=" >#< arg
ind = case Map.findWithDefault ManyVis curst nextVisits_ of
NoneVis -> error "wrapper: initial state should have a next visit but it has none"
OneVis _ -> empty
ManyVis -> _k_type >|< "_v" >|< initv
nextst = curst + 1
convert = case Map.lookup curv _lhsIallVisitKinds of
Just kind -> case kind of
VisitPure _ -> text "return"
VisitMonadic -> empty
dovis = pat >#< "<-" >#< convert >#< pp_parens
("inv_" >|< nt_ >|< "_s" >|< curst >#< "sem" >#< ind
>#< "arg" >|< curv >#< extra)
in unMonad >#< "("
>-< indent 2 (
"do" >#< ( _addbang (pp "sem") >#< "<-" >#< "act"
>-< vlist (genSteps initial_ initvs)
>-< "return" >#< pp_parens (_synname >#< ppSpaced _synlist )
>-< ")" )
>-< if lateHigherOrderBinding _lhsIoptions
then indent 2 ("where" >#< lhsname _lhsIoptions True idLateBindingAttr >#< "=" >#< lateBindingFieldNm _lhsImainName)
else empty
{-# LINE 1501 "dist/build/ExecutionPlan2Hs.hs"#-}
{-# INLINE rule120 #-}
{-# LINE 515 "src-ag/ExecutionPlan2Hs.ag" #-}
rule120 = \ ((_lhsIoptions) :: Options) _wrapname ->
{-# LINE 515 "src-ag/ExecutionPlan2Hs.ag" #-}
if parallelInvoke _lhsIoptions && not (monadicWrappers _lhsIoptions)
then ppNoInline _wrapname
else if noInlinePragmas _lhsIoptions
then empty
else ppInlinable _wrapname
{-# LINE 1511 "dist/build/ExecutionPlan2Hs.hs"#-}
{-# INLINE rule121 #-}
{-# LINE 527 "src-ag/ExecutionPlan2Hs.ag" #-}
rule121 = \ ((_prodsIsemFunBndDefs) :: Seq PP_Doc) _semFunBndDef ->
{-# LINE 527 "src-ag/ExecutionPlan2Hs.ag" #-}
_semFunBndDef Seq.<| _prodsIsemFunBndDefs
{-# LINE 1517 "dist/build/ExecutionPlan2Hs.hs"#-}
{-# INLINE rule122 #-}
{-# LINE 528 "src-ag/ExecutionPlan2Hs.ag" #-}
rule122 = \ ((_prodsIsemFunBndTps) :: Seq PP_Doc) _semFunBndTp ->
{-# LINE 528 "src-ag/ExecutionPlan2Hs.ag" #-}
_semFunBndTp Seq.<| _prodsIsemFunBndTps
{-# LINE 1523 "dist/build/ExecutionPlan2Hs.hs"#-}
{-# INLINE rule123 #-}
{-# LINE 529 "src-ag/ExecutionPlan2Hs.ag" #-}
rule123 = \ _semFunBndNm _semname ->
{-# LINE 529 "src-ag/ExecutionPlan2Hs.ag" #-}
_semFunBndNm >#< "=" >#< _semname
{-# LINE 1529 "dist/build/ExecutionPlan2Hs.hs"#-}
{-# INLINE rule124 #-}
{-# LINE 530 "src-ag/ExecutionPlan2Hs.ag" #-}
rule124 = \ _semFunBndNm _sem_tp ->
{-# LINE 530 "src-ag/ExecutionPlan2Hs.ag" #-}
_semFunBndNm >#< "::" >#< _sem_tp
{-# LINE 1535 "dist/build/ExecutionPlan2Hs.hs"#-}
{-# INLINE rule125 #-}
{-# LINE 531 "src-ag/ExecutionPlan2Hs.ag" #-}
rule125 = \ nt_ ->
{-# LINE 531 "src-ag/ExecutionPlan2Hs.ag" #-}
lateSemNtLabel nt_
{-# LINE 1541 "dist/build/ExecutionPlan2Hs.hs"#-}
{-# INLINE rule126 #-}
{-# LINE 569 "src-ag/ExecutionPlan2Hs.ag" #-}
rule126 = \ initial_ ->
{-# LINE 569 "src-ag/ExecutionPlan2Hs.ag" #-}
{-# LINE 1547 "dist/build/ExecutionPlan2Hs.hs"#-}
{-# INLINE rule127 #-}
{-# LINE 570 "src-ag/ExecutionPlan2Hs.ag" #-}
rule127 = \ _allstates ->
{-# LINE 570 "src-ag/ExecutionPlan2Hs.ag" #-}
{-# LINE 1553 "dist/build/ExecutionPlan2Hs.hs"#-}
{-# INLINE rule128 #-}
{-# LINE 1485 "src-ag/ExecutionPlan2Hs.ag" #-}
rule128 = \ ((_lhsIwrappers) :: Set NontermIdent) _sem_nt _wr_inh _wr_syn _wrapper nt_ ->
{-# LINE 1485 "src-ag/ExecutionPlan2Hs.ag" #-}
(if nt_ `Set.member` _lhsIwrappers
then _wr_inh
>-< _wr_syn
>-< _wrapper
else empty)
>-< _sem_nt
{-# LINE 1564 "dist/build/ExecutionPlan2Hs.hs"#-}
{-# INLINE rule129 #-}
{-# LINE 1491 "src-ag/ExecutionPlan2Hs.ag" #-}
rule129 = \ _datatype _k_states ((_lhsIoptions) :: Options) ((_prodsIt_visits) :: PP_Doc) _t_init _t_states ->
{-# LINE 1491 "src-ag/ExecutionPlan2Hs.ag" #-}
(if dataTypes _lhsIoptions then _datatype else empty)
>-< _t_init
>-< _t_states
>-< _k_states
>-< _prodsIt_visits
{-# LINE 1574 "dist/build/ExecutionPlan2Hs.hs"#-}
{-# INLINE rule130 #-}
{-# LINE 1551 "src-ag/ExecutionPlan2Hs.ag" #-}
rule130 = \ ((_lhsIoptions) :: Options) ->
{-# LINE 1551 "src-ag/ExecutionPlan2Hs.ag" #-}
\x -> if bangpats _lhsIoptions then "!" >|< x else x
{-# LINE 1580 "dist/build/ExecutionPlan2Hs.hs"#-}
{-# INLINE rule131 #-}
{-# LINE 1559 "src-ag/ExecutionPlan2Hs.ag" #-}
rule131 = \ (_ :: ()) ->
{-# LINE 1559 "src-ag/ExecutionPlan2Hs.ag" #-}
{-# LINE 1586 "dist/build/ExecutionPlan2Hs.hs"#-}
{-# INLINE rule132 #-}
{-# LINE 1571 "src-ag/ExecutionPlan2Hs.ag" #-}
rule132 = \ nextVisits_ ->
{-# LINE 1571 "src-ag/ExecutionPlan2Hs.ag" #-}
{-# LINE 1592 "dist/build/ExecutionPlan2Hs.hs"#-}
{-# INLINE rule133 #-}
{-# LINE 1572 "src-ag/ExecutionPlan2Hs.ag" #-}
rule133 = \ prevVisits_ ->
{-# LINE 1572 "src-ag/ExecutionPlan2Hs.ag" #-}
{-# LINE 1598 "dist/build/ExecutionPlan2Hs.hs"#-}
{-# INLINE rule134 #-}
{-# LINE 1616 "src-ag/ExecutionPlan2Hs.ag" #-}
rule134 = \ ((_lhsIlocalAttrTypes) :: Map NontermIdent (Map ConstructorIdent (Map Identifier Type))) nt_ ->
{-# LINE 1616 "src-ag/ExecutionPlan2Hs.ag" #-}
Map.findWithDefault Map.empty nt_ _lhsIlocalAttrTypes
{-# LINE 1604 "dist/build/ExecutionPlan2Hs.hs"#-}
{-# INLINE rule135 #-}
{-# LINE 1643 "src-ag/ExecutionPlan2Hs.ag" #-}
rule135 = \ initial_ nt_ ->
{-# LINE 1643 "src-ag/ExecutionPlan2Hs.ag" #-}
Map.singleton nt_ initial_
{-# LINE 1610 "dist/build/ExecutionPlan2Hs.hs"#-}
{-# INLINE rule136 #-}
{-# LINE 1657 "src-ag/ExecutionPlan2Hs.ag" #-}
rule136 = \ nt_ params_ ->
{-# LINE 1657 "src-ag/ExecutionPlan2Hs.ag" #-}
NT nt_ (map show params_) False
{-# LINE 1616 "dist/build/ExecutionPlan2Hs.hs"#-}
{-# INLINE rule137 #-}
rule137 = \ ((_prodsIchildvisit) :: Map VisitIdentifier (Identifier -> VisitKind -> Either Error (PP_Doc, PP_Doc))) ->
{-# INLINE rule138 #-}
rule138 = \ ((_prodsIerrors) :: Seq Error) ->
{-# INLINE rule139 #-}
rule139 = \ ((_prodsIfromToStates) :: Map VisitIdentifier (Int,Int)) ->
{-# INLINE rule140 #-}
rule140 = \ ((_prodsIgenProdIO) :: IO ()) ->
{-# INLINE rule141 #-}
rule141 = \ ((_prodsIimports) :: [PP_Doc]) ->
{-# INLINE rule142 #-}
rule142 = \ ((_prodsIvisitKinds) :: Map VisitIdentifier VisitKind) ->
{-# INLINE rule143 #-}
rule143 = \ ((_prodsIvisitdefs) :: Map VisitIdentifier (Set Identifier)) ->
{-# INLINE rule144 #-}
rule144 = \ ((_prodsIvisituses) :: Map VisitIdentifier (Set Identifier)) ->
{-# INLINE rule145 #-}
rule145 = \ ((_lhsIallFromToStates) :: Map VisitIdentifier (Int,Int)) ->
{-# INLINE rule146 #-}
rule146 = \ ((_lhsIallInitStates) :: Map NontermIdent Int) ->
{-# INLINE rule147 #-}
rule147 = \ ((_lhsIallVisitKinds) :: Map VisitIdentifier VisitKind) ->
{-# INLINE rule148 #-}
rule148 = \ ((_lhsIallchildvisit) :: Map VisitIdentifier (Identifier -> VisitKind -> Either Error (PP_Doc, PP_Doc))) ->
{-# INLINE rule149 #-}
rule149 = \ ((_lhsIavisitdefs) :: Map VisitIdentifier (Set Identifier)) ->
{-# INLINE rule150 #-}
rule150 = \ ((_lhsIavisituses) :: Map VisitIdentifier (Set Identifier)) ->
{-# INLINE rule151 #-}
rule151 = \ ((_lhsIimportBlocks) :: PP_Doc) ->
{-# INLINE rule152 #-}
rule152 = \ ((_lhsImainFile) :: String) ->
{-# INLINE rule153 #-}
rule153 = \ ((_lhsImainName) :: String) ->
{-# INLINE rule154 #-}
rule154 = \ ((_lhsImoduleHeader) :: String -> String -> String -> Bool -> String) ->
{-# INLINE rule155 #-}
rule155 = \ _ntType ->
{-# INLINE rule156 #-}
rule156 = \ ((_lhsIoptions) :: Options) ->
{-# INLINE rule157 #-}
rule157 = \ ((_lhsIpragmaBlocks) :: String) ->
{-# INLINE rule158 #-}
rule158 = \ ((_lhsItextBlocks) :: PP_Doc) ->
data Inh_ENonterminals = Inh_ENonterminals { allFromToStates_Inh_ENonterminals :: (Map VisitIdentifier (Int,Int)), allInitStates_Inh_ENonterminals :: (Map NontermIdent Int), allVisitKinds_Inh_ENonterminals :: (Map VisitIdentifier VisitKind), allchildvisit_Inh_ENonterminals :: (Map VisitIdentifier (Identifier -> VisitKind -> Either Error (PP_Doc, PP_Doc))), avisitdefs_Inh_ENonterminals :: (Map VisitIdentifier (Set Identifier)), avisituses_Inh_ENonterminals :: (Map VisitIdentifier (Set Identifier)), derivings_Inh_ENonterminals :: (Derivings), importBlocks_Inh_ENonterminals :: (PP_Doc), inhmap_Inh_ENonterminals :: (Map NontermIdent Attributes), localAttrTypes_Inh_ENonterminals :: (Map NontermIdent (Map ConstructorIdent (Map Identifier Type))), mainFile_Inh_ENonterminals :: (String), mainName_Inh_ENonterminals :: (String), moduleHeader_Inh_ENonterminals :: (String -> String -> String -> Bool -> String), options_Inh_ENonterminals :: (Options), pragmaBlocks_Inh_ENonterminals :: (String), synmap_Inh_ENonterminals :: (Map NontermIdent Attributes), textBlocks_Inh_ENonterminals :: (PP_Doc), typeSyns_Inh_ENonterminals :: (TypeSyns), wrappers_Inh_ENonterminals :: (Set NontermIdent) }
data Syn_ENonterminals = Syn_ENonterminals { appendCommon_Syn_ENonterminals :: ([PP_Doc]), appendMain_Syn_ENonterminals :: ([PP_Doc]), childvisit_Syn_ENonterminals :: (Map VisitIdentifier (Identifier -> VisitKind -> Either Error (PP_Doc, PP_Doc))), errors_Syn_ENonterminals :: (Seq Error), fromToStates_Syn_ENonterminals :: (Map VisitIdentifier (Int,Int)), genProdIO_Syn_ENonterminals :: (IO ()), imports_Syn_ENonterminals :: ([PP_Doc]), initStates_Syn_ENonterminals :: (Map NontermIdent Int), output_Syn_ENonterminals :: (PP_Doc), semFunBndDefs_Syn_ENonterminals :: (Seq PP_Doc), semFunBndTps_Syn_ENonterminals :: (Seq PP_Doc), visitKinds_Syn_ENonterminals :: (Map VisitIdentifier VisitKind), visitdefs_Syn_ENonterminals :: (Map VisitIdentifier (Set Identifier)), visituses_Syn_ENonterminals :: (Map VisitIdentifier (Set Identifier)) }
{-# INLINABLE wrap_ENonterminals #-}
wrap_ENonterminals :: T_ENonterminals -> Inh_ENonterminals -> (Syn_ENonterminals )
wrap_ENonterminals (T_ENonterminals act) (Inh_ENonterminals _lhsIallFromToStates _lhsIallInitStates _lhsIallVisitKinds _lhsIallchildvisit _lhsIavisitdefs _lhsIavisituses _lhsIderivings _lhsIimportBlocks _lhsIinhmap _lhsIlocalAttrTypes _lhsImainFile _lhsImainName _lhsImoduleHeader _lhsIoptions _lhsIpragmaBlocks _lhsIsynmap _lhsItextBlocks _lhsItypeSyns _lhsIwrappers) =
Control.Monad.Identity.runIdentity (
do sem <- act
let arg10 = T_ENonterminals_vIn10 _lhsIallFromToStates _lhsIallInitStates _lhsIallVisitKinds _lhsIallchildvisit _lhsIavisitdefs _lhsIavisituses _lhsIderivings _lhsIimportBlocks _lhsIinhmap _lhsIlocalAttrTypes _lhsImainFile _lhsImainName _lhsImoduleHeader _lhsIoptions _lhsIpragmaBlocks _lhsIsynmap _lhsItextBlocks _lhsItypeSyns _lhsIwrappers
(T_ENonterminals_vOut10 _lhsOappendCommon _lhsOappendMain _lhsOchildvisit _lhsOerrors _lhsOfromToStates _lhsOgenProdIO _lhsOimports _lhsOinitStates _lhsOoutput _lhsOsemFunBndDefs _lhsOsemFunBndTps _lhsOvisitKinds _lhsOvisitdefs _lhsOvisituses) <- return (inv_ENonterminals_s11 sem arg10)
return (Syn_ENonterminals _lhsOappendCommon _lhsOappendMain _lhsOchildvisit _lhsOerrors _lhsOfromToStates _lhsOgenProdIO _lhsOimports _lhsOinitStates _lhsOoutput _lhsOsemFunBndDefs _lhsOsemFunBndTps _lhsOvisitKinds _lhsOvisitdefs _lhsOvisituses)
{-# NOINLINE sem_ENonterminals #-}
sem_ENonterminals :: ENonterminals -> T_ENonterminals
sem_ENonterminals list = Prelude.foldr sem_ENonterminals_Cons sem_ENonterminals_Nil (Prelude.map sem_ENonterminal list)
newtype T_ENonterminals = T_ENonterminals {
attach_T_ENonterminals :: Identity (T_ENonterminals_s11 )
newtype T_ENonterminals_s11 = C_ENonterminals_s11 {
inv_ENonterminals_s11 :: (T_ENonterminals_v10 )
data T_ENonterminals_s12 = C_ENonterminals_s12
type T_ENonterminals_v10 = (T_ENonterminals_vIn10 ) -> (T_ENonterminals_vOut10 )
data T_ENonterminals_vIn10 = T_ENonterminals_vIn10 (Map VisitIdentifier (Int,Int)) (Map NontermIdent Int) (Map VisitIdentifier VisitKind) (Map VisitIdentifier (Identifier -> VisitKind -> Either Error (PP_Doc, PP_Doc))) (Map VisitIdentifier (Set Identifier)) (Map VisitIdentifier (Set Identifier)) (Derivings) (PP_Doc) (Map NontermIdent Attributes) (Map NontermIdent (Map ConstructorIdent (Map Identifier Type))) (String) (String) (String -> String -> String -> Bool -> String) (Options) (String) (Map NontermIdent Attributes) (PP_Doc) (TypeSyns) (Set NontermIdent)
data T_ENonterminals_vOut10 = T_ENonterminals_vOut10 ([PP_Doc]) ([PP_Doc]) (Map VisitIdentifier (Identifier -> VisitKind -> Either Error (PP_Doc, PP_Doc))) (Seq Error) (Map VisitIdentifier (Int,Int)) (IO ()) ([PP_Doc]) (Map NontermIdent Int) (PP_Doc) (Seq PP_Doc) (Seq PP_Doc) (Map VisitIdentifier VisitKind) (Map VisitIdentifier (Set Identifier)) (Map VisitIdentifier (Set Identifier))
{-# NOINLINE sem_ENonterminals_Cons #-}
sem_ENonterminals_Cons :: T_ENonterminal -> T_ENonterminals -> T_ENonterminals
sem_ENonterminals_Cons arg_hd_ arg_tl_ = T_ENonterminals (return st11) where
{-# NOINLINE st11 #-}
st11 = let
v10 :: T_ENonterminals_v10
v10 = \ (T_ENonterminals_vIn10 _lhsIallFromToStates _lhsIallInitStates _lhsIallVisitKinds _lhsIallchildvisit _lhsIavisitdefs _lhsIavisituses _lhsIderivings _lhsIimportBlocks _lhsIinhmap _lhsIlocalAttrTypes _lhsImainFile _lhsImainName _lhsImoduleHeader _lhsIoptions _lhsIpragmaBlocks _lhsIsynmap _lhsItextBlocks _lhsItypeSyns _lhsIwrappers) -> ( let
_hdX8 = Control.Monad.Identity.runIdentity (attach_T_ENonterminal (arg_hd_))
_tlX11 = Control.Monad.Identity.runIdentity (attach_T_ENonterminals (arg_tl_))
(T_ENonterminal_vOut7 _hdIappendCommon _hdIappendMain _hdIchildvisit _hdIerrors _hdIfromToStates _hdIgenProdIO _hdIimports _hdIinitStates _hdIoutput _hdIsemFunBndDefs _hdIsemFunBndTps _hdIvisitKinds _hdIvisitdefs _hdIvisituses) = inv_ENonterminal_s8 _hdX8 (T_ENonterminal_vIn7 _hdOallFromToStates _hdOallInitStates _hdOallVisitKinds _hdOallchildvisit _hdOavisitdefs _hdOavisituses _hdOderivings _hdOimportBlocks _hdOinhmap _hdOlocalAttrTypes _hdOmainFile _hdOmainName _hdOmoduleHeader _hdOoptions _hdOpragmaBlocks _hdOsynmap _hdOtextBlocks _hdOtypeSyns _hdOwrappers)
(T_ENonterminals_vOut10 _tlIappendCommon _tlIappendMain _tlIchildvisit _tlIerrors _tlIfromToStates _tlIgenProdIO _tlIimports _tlIinitStates _tlIoutput _tlIsemFunBndDefs _tlIsemFunBndTps _tlIvisitKinds _tlIvisitdefs _tlIvisituses) = inv_ENonterminals_s11 _tlX11 (T_ENonterminals_vIn10 _tlOallFromToStates _tlOallInitStates _tlOallVisitKinds _tlOallchildvisit _tlOavisitdefs _tlOavisituses _tlOderivings _tlOimportBlocks _tlOinhmap _tlOlocalAttrTypes _tlOmainFile _tlOmainName _tlOmoduleHeader _tlOoptions _tlOpragmaBlocks _tlOsynmap _tlOtextBlocks _tlOtypeSyns _tlOwrappers)
_lhsOappendCommon :: [PP_Doc]
_lhsOappendCommon = rule159 _hdIappendCommon _tlIappendCommon
_lhsOappendMain :: [PP_Doc]
_lhsOappendMain = rule160 _hdIappendMain _tlIappendMain
_lhsOchildvisit :: Map VisitIdentifier (Identifier -> VisitKind -> Either Error (PP_Doc, PP_Doc))
_lhsOchildvisit = rule161 _hdIchildvisit _tlIchildvisit
_lhsOerrors :: Seq Error
_lhsOerrors = rule162 _hdIerrors _tlIerrors
_lhsOfromToStates :: Map VisitIdentifier (Int,Int)
_lhsOfromToStates = rule163 _hdIfromToStates _tlIfromToStates
_lhsOgenProdIO :: IO ()
_lhsOgenProdIO = rule164 _hdIgenProdIO _tlIgenProdIO
_lhsOimports :: [PP_Doc]
_lhsOimports = rule165 _hdIimports _tlIimports
_lhsOinitStates :: Map NontermIdent Int
_lhsOinitStates = rule166 _hdIinitStates _tlIinitStates
_lhsOoutput :: PP_Doc
_lhsOoutput = rule167 _hdIoutput _tlIoutput
_lhsOsemFunBndDefs :: Seq PP_Doc
_lhsOsemFunBndDefs = rule168 _hdIsemFunBndDefs _tlIsemFunBndDefs
_lhsOsemFunBndTps :: Seq PP_Doc
_lhsOsemFunBndTps = rule169 _hdIsemFunBndTps _tlIsemFunBndTps
_lhsOvisitKinds :: Map VisitIdentifier VisitKind
_lhsOvisitKinds = rule170 _hdIvisitKinds _tlIvisitKinds
_lhsOvisitdefs :: Map VisitIdentifier (Set Identifier)
_lhsOvisitdefs = rule171 _hdIvisitdefs _tlIvisitdefs
_lhsOvisituses :: Map VisitIdentifier (Set Identifier)
_lhsOvisituses = rule172 _hdIvisituses _tlIvisituses
_hdOallFromToStates = rule173 _lhsIallFromToStates
_hdOallInitStates = rule174 _lhsIallInitStates
_hdOallVisitKinds = rule175 _lhsIallVisitKinds
_hdOallchildvisit = rule176 _lhsIallchildvisit
_hdOavisitdefs = rule177 _lhsIavisitdefs
_hdOavisituses = rule178 _lhsIavisituses
_hdOderivings = rule179 _lhsIderivings
_hdOimportBlocks = rule180 _lhsIimportBlocks
_hdOinhmap = rule181 _lhsIinhmap
_hdOlocalAttrTypes = rule182 _lhsIlocalAttrTypes
_hdOmainFile = rule183 _lhsImainFile
_hdOmainName = rule184 _lhsImainName
_hdOmoduleHeader = rule185 _lhsImoduleHeader
_hdOoptions = rule186 _lhsIoptions
_hdOpragmaBlocks = rule187 _lhsIpragmaBlocks
_hdOsynmap = rule188 _lhsIsynmap
_hdOtextBlocks = rule189 _lhsItextBlocks
_hdOtypeSyns = rule190 _lhsItypeSyns
_hdOwrappers = rule191 _lhsIwrappers
_tlOallFromToStates = rule192 _lhsIallFromToStates
_tlOallInitStates = rule193 _lhsIallInitStates
_tlOallVisitKinds = rule194 _lhsIallVisitKinds
_tlOallchildvisit = rule195 _lhsIallchildvisit
_tlOavisitdefs = rule196 _lhsIavisitdefs
_tlOavisituses = rule197 _lhsIavisituses
_tlOderivings = rule198 _lhsIderivings
_tlOimportBlocks = rule199 _lhsIimportBlocks
_tlOinhmap = rule200 _lhsIinhmap
_tlOlocalAttrTypes = rule201 _lhsIlocalAttrTypes
_tlOmainFile = rule202 _lhsImainFile
_tlOmainName = rule203 _lhsImainName
_tlOmoduleHeader = rule204 _lhsImoduleHeader
_tlOoptions = rule205 _lhsIoptions
_tlOpragmaBlocks = rule206 _lhsIpragmaBlocks
_tlOsynmap = rule207 _lhsIsynmap
_tlOtextBlocks = rule208 _lhsItextBlocks
_tlOtypeSyns = rule209 _lhsItypeSyns
_tlOwrappers = rule210 _lhsIwrappers
__result_ = T_ENonterminals_vOut10 _lhsOappendCommon _lhsOappendMain _lhsOchildvisit _lhsOerrors _lhsOfromToStates _lhsOgenProdIO _lhsOimports _lhsOinitStates _lhsOoutput _lhsOsemFunBndDefs _lhsOsemFunBndTps _lhsOvisitKinds _lhsOvisitdefs _lhsOvisituses
in __result_ )
in C_ENonterminals_s11 v10
{-# INLINE rule159 #-}
rule159 = \ ((_hdIappendCommon) :: PP_Doc ) ((_tlIappendCommon) :: [PP_Doc]) ->
_hdIappendCommon : _tlIappendCommon
{-# INLINE rule160 #-}
rule160 = \ ((_hdIappendMain) :: PP_Doc ) ((_tlIappendMain) :: [PP_Doc]) ->
_hdIappendMain : _tlIappendMain
{-# INLINE rule161 #-}
rule161 = \ ((_hdIchildvisit) :: Map VisitIdentifier (Identifier -> VisitKind -> Either Error (PP_Doc, PP_Doc))) ((_tlIchildvisit) :: Map VisitIdentifier (Identifier -> VisitKind -> Either Error (PP_Doc, PP_Doc))) ->
_hdIchildvisit `Map.union` _tlIchildvisit
{-# INLINE rule162 #-}
rule162 = \ ((_hdIerrors) :: Seq Error) ((_tlIerrors) :: Seq Error) ->
_hdIerrors Seq.>< _tlIerrors
{-# INLINE rule163 #-}
rule163 = \ ((_hdIfromToStates) :: Map VisitIdentifier (Int,Int)) ((_tlIfromToStates) :: Map VisitIdentifier (Int,Int)) ->
_hdIfromToStates `mappend` _tlIfromToStates
{-# INLINE rule164 #-}
rule164 = \ ((_hdIgenProdIO) :: IO ()) ((_tlIgenProdIO) :: IO ()) ->
_hdIgenProdIO >> _tlIgenProdIO
{-# INLINE rule165 #-}
rule165 = \ ((_hdIimports) :: [PP_Doc]) ((_tlIimports) :: [PP_Doc]) ->
_hdIimports ++ _tlIimports
{-# INLINE rule166 #-}
rule166 = \ ((_hdIinitStates) :: Map NontermIdent Int) ((_tlIinitStates) :: Map NontermIdent Int) ->
_hdIinitStates `mappend` _tlIinitStates
{-# INLINE rule167 #-}
rule167 = \ ((_hdIoutput) :: PP_Doc) ((_tlIoutput) :: PP_Doc) ->
_hdIoutput >-< _tlIoutput
{-# INLINE rule168 #-}
rule168 = \ ((_hdIsemFunBndDefs) :: Seq PP_Doc) ((_tlIsemFunBndDefs) :: Seq PP_Doc) ->
_hdIsemFunBndDefs Seq.>< _tlIsemFunBndDefs
{-# INLINE rule169 #-}
rule169 = \ ((_hdIsemFunBndTps) :: Seq PP_Doc) ((_tlIsemFunBndTps) :: Seq PP_Doc) ->
_hdIsemFunBndTps Seq.>< _tlIsemFunBndTps
{-# INLINE rule170 #-}
rule170 = \ ((_hdIvisitKinds) :: Map VisitIdentifier VisitKind) ((_tlIvisitKinds) :: Map VisitIdentifier VisitKind) ->
_hdIvisitKinds `mappend` _tlIvisitKinds
{-# INLINE rule171 #-}
rule171 = \ ((_hdIvisitdefs) :: Map VisitIdentifier (Set Identifier)) ((_tlIvisitdefs) :: Map VisitIdentifier (Set Identifier)) ->
_hdIvisitdefs `uwSetUnion` _tlIvisitdefs
{-# INLINE rule172 #-}
rule172 = \ ((_hdIvisituses) :: Map VisitIdentifier (Set Identifier)) ((_tlIvisituses) :: Map VisitIdentifier (Set Identifier)) ->
_hdIvisituses `uwSetUnion` _tlIvisituses
{-# INLINE rule173 #-}
rule173 = \ ((_lhsIallFromToStates) :: Map VisitIdentifier (Int,Int)) ->
{-# INLINE rule174 #-}
rule174 = \ ((_lhsIallInitStates) :: Map NontermIdent Int) ->
{-# INLINE rule175 #-}
rule175 = \ ((_lhsIallVisitKinds) :: Map VisitIdentifier VisitKind) ->
{-# INLINE rule176 #-}
rule176 = \ ((_lhsIallchildvisit) :: Map VisitIdentifier (Identifier -> VisitKind -> Either Error (PP_Doc, PP_Doc))) ->
{-# INLINE rule177 #-}
rule177 = \ ((_lhsIavisitdefs) :: Map VisitIdentifier (Set Identifier)) ->
{-# INLINE rule178 #-}
rule178 = \ ((_lhsIavisituses) :: Map VisitIdentifier (Set Identifier)) ->
{-# INLINE rule179 #-}
rule179 = \ ((_lhsIderivings) :: Derivings) ->
{-# INLINE rule180 #-}
rule180 = \ ((_lhsIimportBlocks) :: PP_Doc) ->
{-# INLINE rule181 #-}
rule181 = \ ((_lhsIinhmap) :: Map NontermIdent Attributes) ->
{-# INLINE rule182 #-}
rule182 = \ ((_lhsIlocalAttrTypes) :: Map NontermIdent (Map ConstructorIdent (Map Identifier Type))) ->
{-# INLINE rule183 #-}
rule183 = \ ((_lhsImainFile) :: String) ->
{-# INLINE rule184 #-}
rule184 = \ ((_lhsImainName) :: String) ->
{-# INLINE rule185 #-}
rule185 = \ ((_lhsImoduleHeader) :: String -> String -> String -> Bool -> String) ->
{-# INLINE rule186 #-}
rule186 = \ ((_lhsIoptions) :: Options) ->
{-# INLINE rule187 #-}
rule187 = \ ((_lhsIpragmaBlocks) :: String) ->
{-# INLINE rule188 #-}
rule188 = \ ((_lhsIsynmap) :: Map NontermIdent Attributes) ->
{-# INLINE rule189 #-}
rule189 = \ ((_lhsItextBlocks) :: PP_Doc) ->
{-# INLINE rule190 #-}
rule190 = \ ((_lhsItypeSyns) :: TypeSyns) ->
{-# INLINE rule191 #-}
rule191 = \ ((_lhsIwrappers) :: Set NontermIdent) ->
{-# INLINE rule192 #-}
rule192 = \ ((_lhsIallFromToStates) :: Map VisitIdentifier (Int,Int)) ->
{-# INLINE rule193 #-}
rule193 = \ ((_lhsIallInitStates) :: Map NontermIdent Int) ->
{-# INLINE rule194 #-}
rule194 = \ ((_lhsIallVisitKinds) :: Map VisitIdentifier VisitKind) ->
{-# INLINE rule195 #-}
rule195 = \ ((_lhsIallchildvisit) :: Map VisitIdentifier (Identifier -> VisitKind -> Either Error (PP_Doc, PP_Doc))) ->
{-# INLINE rule196 #-}
rule196 = \ ((_lhsIavisitdefs) :: Map VisitIdentifier (Set Identifier)) ->
{-# INLINE rule197 #-}
rule197 = \ ((_lhsIavisituses) :: Map VisitIdentifier (Set Identifier)) ->
{-# INLINE rule198 #-}
rule198 = \ ((_lhsIderivings) :: Derivings) ->
{-# INLINE rule199 #-}
rule199 = \ ((_lhsIimportBlocks) :: PP_Doc) ->
{-# INLINE rule200 #-}
rule200 = \ ((_lhsIinhmap) :: Map NontermIdent Attributes) ->
{-# INLINE rule201 #-}
rule201 = \ ((_lhsIlocalAttrTypes) :: Map NontermIdent (Map ConstructorIdent (Map Identifier Type))) ->
{-# INLINE rule202 #-}
rule202 = \ ((_lhsImainFile) :: String) ->
{-# INLINE rule203 #-}
rule203 = \ ((_lhsImainName) :: String) ->
{-# INLINE rule204 #-}
rule204 = \ ((_lhsImoduleHeader) :: String -> String -> String -> Bool -> String) ->
{-# INLINE rule205 #-}
rule205 = \ ((_lhsIoptions) :: Options) ->
{-# INLINE rule206 #-}
rule206 = \ ((_lhsIpragmaBlocks) :: String) ->
{-# INLINE rule207 #-}
rule207 = \ ((_lhsIsynmap) :: Map NontermIdent Attributes) ->
{-# INLINE rule208 #-}
rule208 = \ ((_lhsItextBlocks) :: PP_Doc) ->
{-# INLINE rule209 #-}
rule209 = \ ((_lhsItypeSyns) :: TypeSyns) ->
{-# INLINE rule210 #-}
rule210 = \ ((_lhsIwrappers) :: Set NontermIdent) ->
{-# NOINLINE sem_ENonterminals_Nil #-}
sem_ENonterminals_Nil :: T_ENonterminals
sem_ENonterminals_Nil = T_ENonterminals (return st11) where
{-# NOINLINE st11 #-}
st11 = let
v10 :: T_ENonterminals_v10
v10 = \ (T_ENonterminals_vIn10 _lhsIallFromToStates _lhsIallInitStates _lhsIallVisitKinds _lhsIallchildvisit _lhsIavisitdefs _lhsIavisituses _lhsIderivings _lhsIimportBlocks _lhsIinhmap _lhsIlocalAttrTypes _lhsImainFile _lhsImainName _lhsImoduleHeader _lhsIoptions _lhsIpragmaBlocks _lhsIsynmap _lhsItextBlocks _lhsItypeSyns _lhsIwrappers) -> ( let
_lhsOappendCommon :: [PP_Doc]
_lhsOappendCommon = rule211 ()
_lhsOappendMain :: [PP_Doc]
_lhsOappendMain = rule212 ()
_lhsOchildvisit :: Map VisitIdentifier (Identifier -> VisitKind -> Either Error (PP_Doc, PP_Doc))
_lhsOchildvisit = rule213 ()
_lhsOerrors :: Seq Error
_lhsOerrors = rule214 ()
_lhsOfromToStates :: Map VisitIdentifier (Int,Int)
_lhsOfromToStates = rule215 ()
_lhsOgenProdIO :: IO ()
_lhsOgenProdIO = rule216 ()
_lhsOimports :: [PP_Doc]
_lhsOimports = rule217 ()
_lhsOinitStates :: Map NontermIdent Int
_lhsOinitStates = rule218 ()
_lhsOoutput :: PP_Doc
_lhsOoutput = rule219 ()
_lhsOsemFunBndDefs :: Seq PP_Doc
_lhsOsemFunBndDefs = rule220 ()
_lhsOsemFunBndTps :: Seq PP_Doc
_lhsOsemFunBndTps = rule221 ()
_lhsOvisitKinds :: Map VisitIdentifier VisitKind
_lhsOvisitKinds = rule222 ()
_lhsOvisitdefs :: Map VisitIdentifier (Set Identifier)
_lhsOvisitdefs = rule223 ()
_lhsOvisituses :: Map VisitIdentifier (Set Identifier)
_lhsOvisituses = rule224 ()
__result_ = T_ENonterminals_vOut10 _lhsOappendCommon _lhsOappendMain _lhsOchildvisit _lhsOerrors _lhsOfromToStates _lhsOgenProdIO _lhsOimports _lhsOinitStates _lhsOoutput _lhsOsemFunBndDefs _lhsOsemFunBndTps _lhsOvisitKinds _lhsOvisitdefs _lhsOvisituses
in __result_ )
in C_ENonterminals_s11 v10
{-# INLINE rule211 #-}
rule211 = \ (_ :: ()) ->
{-# INLINE rule212 #-}
rule212 = \ (_ :: ()) ->
{-# INLINE rule213 #-}
rule213 = \ (_ :: ()) ->
{-# INLINE rule214 #-}
rule214 = \ (_ :: ()) ->
{-# INLINE rule215 #-}
rule215 = \ (_ :: ()) ->
{-# INLINE rule216 #-}
rule216 = \ (_ :: ()) ->
return ()
{-# INLINE rule217 #-}
rule217 = \ (_ :: ()) ->
{-# INLINE rule218 #-}
rule218 = \ (_ :: ()) ->
{-# INLINE rule219 #-}
rule219 = \ (_ :: ()) ->
{-# INLINE rule220 #-}
rule220 = \ (_ :: ()) ->
{-# INLINE rule221 #-}
rule221 = \ (_ :: ()) ->
{-# INLINE rule222 #-}
rule222 = \ (_ :: ()) ->
{-# INLINE rule223 #-}
rule223 = \ (_ :: ()) ->
{-# INLINE rule224 #-}
rule224 = \ (_ :: ()) ->
data Inh_EProduction = Inh_EProduction { allFromToStates_Inh_EProduction :: (Map VisitIdentifier (Int,Int)), allInhmap_Inh_EProduction :: (Map NontermIdent Attributes), allInitStates_Inh_EProduction :: (Map NontermIdent Int), allSynmap_Inh_EProduction :: (Map NontermIdent Attributes), allVisitKinds_Inh_EProduction :: (Map VisitIdentifier VisitKind), allchildvisit_Inh_EProduction :: (Map VisitIdentifier (Identifier -> VisitKind -> Either Error (PP_Doc, PP_Doc))), allstates_Inh_EProduction :: (Set StateIdentifier), avisitdefs_Inh_EProduction :: (Map VisitIdentifier (Set Identifier)), avisituses_Inh_EProduction :: (Map VisitIdentifier (Set Identifier)), classCtxs_Inh_EProduction :: (ClassContext), importBlocks_Inh_EProduction :: (PP_Doc), inhmap_Inh_EProduction :: (Attributes), initial_Inh_EProduction :: (StateIdentifier), localAttrTypes_Inh_EProduction :: (Map ConstructorIdent (Map Identifier Type)), mainFile_Inh_EProduction :: (String), mainName_Inh_EProduction :: (String), moduleHeader_Inh_EProduction :: (String -> String -> String -> Bool -> String), nextVisits_Inh_EProduction :: (Map StateIdentifier StateCtx), nt_Inh_EProduction :: (NontermIdent), ntType_Inh_EProduction :: (Type), options_Inh_EProduction :: (Options), params_Inh_EProduction :: ([Identifier]), pragmaBlocks_Inh_EProduction :: (String), prevVisits_Inh_EProduction :: (Map StateIdentifier StateCtx), rename_Inh_EProduction :: (Bool), synmap_Inh_EProduction :: (Attributes), textBlocks_Inh_EProduction :: (PP_Doc) }
data Syn_EProduction = Syn_EProduction { allvisits_Syn_EProduction :: ([VisitStateState]), childvisit_Syn_EProduction :: (Map VisitIdentifier (Identifier -> VisitKind -> Either Error (PP_Doc, PP_Doc))), count_Syn_EProduction :: (Int), datatype_Syn_EProduction :: (PP_Doc), errors_Syn_EProduction :: (Seq Error), fromToStates_Syn_EProduction :: (Map VisitIdentifier (Int,Int)), genProdIO_Syn_EProduction :: (IO ()), imports_Syn_EProduction :: ([PP_Doc]), semFunBndDefs_Syn_EProduction :: (Seq PP_Doc), semFunBndTps_Syn_EProduction :: (Seq PP_Doc), sem_nt_Syn_EProduction :: (PP_Doc), sem_prod_Syn_EProduction :: (PP_Doc), t_visits_Syn_EProduction :: (PP_Doc), visitKinds_Syn_EProduction :: (Map VisitIdentifier VisitKind), visitdefs_Syn_EProduction :: (Map VisitIdentifier (Set Identifier)), visituses_Syn_EProduction :: (Map VisitIdentifier (Set Identifier)) }
{-# INLINABLE wrap_EProduction #-}
wrap_EProduction :: T_EProduction -> Inh_EProduction -> (Syn_EProduction )
wrap_EProduction (T_EProduction act) (Inh_EProduction _lhsIallFromToStates _lhsIallInhmap _lhsIallInitStates _lhsIallSynmap _lhsIallVisitKinds _lhsIallchildvisit _lhsIallstates _lhsIavisitdefs _lhsIavisituses _lhsIclassCtxs _lhsIimportBlocks _lhsIinhmap _lhsIinitial _lhsIlocalAttrTypes _lhsImainFile _lhsImainName _lhsImoduleHeader _lhsInextVisits _lhsInt _lhsIntType _lhsIoptions _lhsIparams _lhsIpragmaBlocks _lhsIprevVisits _lhsIrename _lhsIsynmap _lhsItextBlocks) =
Control.Monad.Identity.runIdentity (
do sem <- act
let arg13 = T_EProduction_vIn13 _lhsIallFromToStates _lhsIallInhmap _lhsIallInitStates _lhsIallSynmap _lhsIallVisitKinds _lhsIallchildvisit _lhsIallstates _lhsIavisitdefs _lhsIavisituses _lhsIclassCtxs _lhsIimportBlocks _lhsIinhmap _lhsIinitial _lhsIlocalAttrTypes _lhsImainFile _lhsImainName _lhsImoduleHeader _lhsInextVisits _lhsInt _lhsIntType _lhsIoptions _lhsIparams _lhsIpragmaBlocks _lhsIprevVisits _lhsIrename _lhsIsynmap _lhsItextBlocks
(T_EProduction_vOut13 _lhsOallvisits _lhsOchildvisit _lhsOcount _lhsOdatatype _lhsOerrors _lhsOfromToStates _lhsOgenProdIO _lhsOimports _lhsOsemFunBndDefs _lhsOsemFunBndTps _lhsOsem_nt _lhsOsem_prod _lhsOt_visits _lhsOvisitKinds _lhsOvisitdefs _lhsOvisituses) <- return (inv_EProduction_s14 sem arg13)
return (Syn_EProduction _lhsOallvisits _lhsOchildvisit _lhsOcount _lhsOdatatype _lhsOerrors _lhsOfromToStates _lhsOgenProdIO _lhsOimports _lhsOsemFunBndDefs _lhsOsemFunBndTps _lhsOsem_nt _lhsOsem_prod _lhsOt_visits _lhsOvisitKinds _lhsOvisitdefs _lhsOvisituses)
{-# INLINE sem_EProduction #-}
sem_EProduction :: EProduction -> T_EProduction
sem_EProduction ( EProduction con_ params_ constraints_ rules_ children_ visits_ ) = sem_EProduction_EProduction con_ params_ constraints_ ( sem_ERules rules_ ) ( sem_EChildren children_ ) ( sem_Visits visits_ )
newtype T_EProduction = T_EProduction {
attach_T_EProduction :: Identity (T_EProduction_s14 )
newtype T_EProduction_s14 = C_EProduction_s14 {
inv_EProduction_s14 :: (T_EProduction_v13 )
data T_EProduction_s15 = C_EProduction_s15
type T_EProduction_v13 = (T_EProduction_vIn13 ) -> (T_EProduction_vOut13 )
data T_EProduction_vIn13 = T_EProduction_vIn13 (Map VisitIdentifier (Int,Int)) (Map NontermIdent Attributes) (Map NontermIdent Int) (Map NontermIdent Attributes) (Map VisitIdentifier VisitKind) (Map VisitIdentifier (Identifier -> VisitKind -> Either Error (PP_Doc, PP_Doc))) (Set StateIdentifier) (Map VisitIdentifier (Set Identifier)) (Map VisitIdentifier (Set Identifier)) (ClassContext) (PP_Doc) (Attributes) (StateIdentifier) (Map ConstructorIdent (Map Identifier Type)) (String) (String) (String -> String -> String -> Bool -> String) (Map StateIdentifier StateCtx) (NontermIdent) (Type) (Options) ([Identifier]) (String) (Map StateIdentifier StateCtx) (Bool) (Attributes) (PP_Doc)
data T_EProduction_vOut13 = T_EProduction_vOut13 ([VisitStateState]) (Map VisitIdentifier (Identifier -> VisitKind -> Either Error (PP_Doc, PP_Doc))) (Int) (PP_Doc) (Seq Error) (Map VisitIdentifier (Int,Int)) (IO ()) ([PP_Doc]) (Seq PP_Doc) (Seq PP_Doc) (PP_Doc) (PP_Doc) (PP_Doc) (Map VisitIdentifier VisitKind) (Map VisitIdentifier (Set Identifier)) (Map VisitIdentifier (Set Identifier))
{-# NOINLINE sem_EProduction_EProduction #-}
sem_EProduction_EProduction :: (ConstructorIdent) -> ([Identifier]) -> ([Type]) -> T_ERules -> T_EChildren -> T_Visits -> T_EProduction
sem_EProduction_EProduction arg_con_ arg_params_ arg_constraints_ arg_rules_ arg_children_ arg_visits_ = T_EProduction (return st14) where
{-# NOINLINE st14 #-}
st14 = let
v13 :: T_EProduction_v13
v13 = \ (T_EProduction_vIn13 _lhsIallFromToStates _lhsIallInhmap _lhsIallInitStates _lhsIallSynmap _lhsIallVisitKinds _lhsIallchildvisit _lhsIallstates _lhsIavisitdefs _lhsIavisituses _lhsIclassCtxs _lhsIimportBlocks _lhsIinhmap _lhsIinitial _lhsIlocalAttrTypes _lhsImainFile _lhsImainName _lhsImoduleHeader _lhsInextVisits _lhsInt _lhsIntType _lhsIoptions _lhsIparams _lhsIpragmaBlocks _lhsIprevVisits _lhsIrename _lhsIsynmap _lhsItextBlocks) -> ( let
_rulesX23 = Control.Monad.Identity.runIdentity (attach_T_ERules (arg_rules_))
_childrenX5 = Control.Monad.Identity.runIdentity (attach_T_EChildren (arg_children_))
_visitsX56 = Control.Monad.Identity.runIdentity (attach_T_Visits (arg_visits_))
(T_ERules_vOut22 _rulesIerrors _rulesImrules _rulesIruledefs _rulesIruleuses _rulesIsem_rules _rulesIusedArgs) = inv_ERules_s23 _rulesX23 (T_ERules_vIn22 _rulesOallInhmap _rulesOallSynmap _rulesOchildTypes _rulesOcon _rulesOimportBlocks _rulesOinhmap _rulesOlazyIntras _rulesOlocalAttrTypes _rulesOmainFile _rulesOmainName _rulesOmoduleHeader _rulesOnt _rulesOoptions _rulesOpragmaBlocks _rulesOruleKinds _rulesOsynmap _rulesOtextBlocks _rulesOusageInfo)
(T_EChildren_vOut4 _childrenIargnamesw _childrenIargpats _childrenIargtps _childrenIchildTypes _childrenIchildintros _childrenIdatatype _childrenIterminaldefs _childrenIusedArgs) = inv_EChildren_s5 _childrenX5 (T_EChildren_vIn4 _childrenOallInitStates _childrenOcon _childrenOimportBlocks _childrenOmainFile _childrenOmainName _childrenOmoduleHeader _childrenOnt _childrenOoptions _childrenOpragmaBlocks _childrenOtextBlocks)
(T_Visits_vOut55 _visitsIallvisits _visitsIchildvisit _visitsIerrors _visitsIfromToStates _visitsIintramap _visitsIlazyIntras _visitsIruleKinds _visitsIruleUsage _visitsIsem_visit _visitsIt_visits _visitsIusedArgs _visitsIvisitKinds _visitsIvisitdefs _visitsIvisituses) = inv_Visits_s56 _visitsX56 (T_Visits_vIn55 _visitsOallFromToStates _visitsOallInhmap _visitsOallInitStates _visitsOallSynmap _visitsOallVisitKinds _visitsOallchildvisit _visitsOallintramap _visitsOavisitdefs _visitsOavisituses _visitsOchildTypes _visitsOchildintros _visitsOcon _visitsOinhmap _visitsOmrules _visitsOnextVisits _visitsOnt _visitsOoptions _visitsOparams _visitsOprevVisits _visitsOruledefs _visitsOruleuses _visitsOsynmap _visitsOterminaldefs)
_childrenOcon = rule225 arg_con_
_rulesOcon = rule226 arg_con_
_visitsOcon = rule227 arg_con_
_lhsOdatatype :: PP_Doc
_lhsOdatatype = rule228 _childrenIdatatype _classPP1 _lhsInt _lhsIoptions _lhsIrename _quantPP1 arg_con_
_classPP1 = rule229 arg_constraints_
_quantPP1 = rule230 arg_params_
_lhsOcount :: Int
_lhsOcount = rule231 ()
_lhsOsem_nt :: PP_Doc
_lhsOsem_nt = rule232 _childrenIargnamesw _childrenIargpats _lhsInt _lhsIrename arg_con_
_lhsOsemFunBndDefs :: Seq PP_Doc
_lhsOsemFunBndDefs = rule233 _semFunBndDef
_lhsOsemFunBndTps :: Seq PP_Doc
_lhsOsemFunBndTps = rule234 _semFunBndTp
_semFunBndDef = rule235 _semFunBndNm _semname
_semFunBndTp = rule236 _semFunBndNm _sem_tp
_semFunBndNm = rule237 _lhsInt arg_con_
_t_type = rule238 _lhsInt
_t_params = rule239 _lhsIparams
_usedArgs = rule240 _childrenIusedArgs _rulesIusedArgs _visitsIusedArgs
_args = rule241 _childrenIargpats _usedArgs
_semname = rule242 _lhsInt arg_con_
_sem_tp = rule243 _childrenIargtps _classPP2 _quantPP2 _t_params _t_type
_classPP2 = rule244 _lhsIclassCtxs arg_constraints_
_quantPP2 = rule245 _lhsIparams arg_params_
_sem_prod = rule246 _args _lhsIinitial _mbInitializer _mkSemBody _outerlet _scc _semInlinePragma _sem_tp _semname _t_type
_mkSemBody = rule247 ()
_mbInitializer = rule248 _lhsIoptions
_scc = rule249 _lhsIoptions _semname
_semInlinePragma = rule250 _lhsIoptions _semname
_outerlet = rule251 _rulesIsem_rules _statefns
_statefns = rule252 _genstfn _lhsIallstates
_genstfn = rule253 _addbang _lhsIinitial _lhsInextVisits _lhsInt _lhsIoptions _lhsIprevVisits _stargs _stks _stvs
_stargs = rule254 _addbang _childTypes _lazyIntras _lhsIallInhmap _lhsIallSynmap _lhsIoptions _localAttrTypes _visitsIintramap
_stks = rule255 _lhsInt _lhsIoptions _stvisits _t_params
_stvisits = rule256 _visitsIallvisits
_stvs = rule257 _visitsIsem_visit
_visitsOmrules = rule258 _rulesImrules
_visitsOchildintros = rule259 _childrenIchildintros
_rulesOusageInfo = rule260 _visitsIruleUsage
_rulesOruleKinds = rule261 _visitsIruleKinds
_visitsOallintramap = rule262 _visitsIintramap
_visitsOterminaldefs = rule263 _childrenIterminaldefs
_visitsOruledefs = rule264 _rulesIruledefs
_visitsOruleuses = rule265 _rulesIruleuses
_lazyIntras = rule266 _visitsIlazyIntras
_lhsOimports :: [PP_Doc]
_lhsOimports = rule267 _moduleName
_moduleName = rule268 _lhsImainName _suffix
_suffix = rule269 _lhsInt arg_con_
_outputfile = rule270 _lhsImainFile _suffix
_ppMonadImports = rule271 _lhsIoptions
_lhsOgenProdIO :: IO ()
_lhsOgenProdIO = rule272 _lhsIimportBlocks _lhsImainName _lhsImoduleHeader _lhsIoptions _lhsIpragmaBlocks _outputfile _ppMonadImports _sem_prod _semname _suffix
_addbang = rule273 _lhsIoptions
_childTypes = rule274 _childrenIchildTypes _lhsIntType
_localAttrTypes = rule275 _lhsIlocalAttrTypes arg_con_
_lhsOchildvisit :: Map VisitIdentifier (Identifier -> VisitKind -> Either Error (PP_Doc, PP_Doc))
_lhsOchildvisit = rule276 _visitsIchildvisit
_lhsOerrors :: Seq Error
_lhsOerrors = rule277 _rulesIerrors _visitsIerrors
_lhsOfromToStates :: Map VisitIdentifier (Int,Int)
_lhsOfromToStates = rule278 _visitsIfromToStates
_lhsOt_visits :: PP_Doc
_lhsOt_visits = rule279 _visitsIt_visits
_lhsOvisitKinds :: Map VisitIdentifier VisitKind
_lhsOvisitKinds = rule280 _visitsIvisitKinds
_lhsOvisitdefs :: Map VisitIdentifier (Set Identifier)
_lhsOvisitdefs = rule281 _visitsIvisitdefs
_lhsOvisituses :: Map VisitIdentifier (Set Identifier)
_lhsOvisituses = rule282 _visitsIvisituses
_lhsOallvisits :: [VisitStateState]
_lhsOallvisits = rule283 _visitsIallvisits
_lhsOsem_prod :: PP_Doc
_lhsOsem_prod = rule284 _sem_prod
_rulesOallInhmap = rule285 _lhsIallInhmap
_rulesOallSynmap = rule286 _lhsIallSynmap
_rulesOchildTypes = rule287 _childTypes
_rulesOimportBlocks = rule288 _lhsIimportBlocks
_rulesOinhmap = rule289 _lhsIinhmap
_rulesOlazyIntras = rule290 _lazyIntras
_rulesOlocalAttrTypes = rule291 _localAttrTypes
_rulesOmainFile = rule292 _lhsImainFile
_rulesOmainName = rule293 _lhsImainName
_rulesOmoduleHeader = rule294 _lhsImoduleHeader
_rulesOnt = rule295 _lhsInt
_rulesOoptions = rule296 _lhsIoptions
_rulesOpragmaBlocks = rule297 _lhsIpragmaBlocks
_rulesOsynmap = rule298 _lhsIsynmap
_rulesOtextBlocks = rule299 _lhsItextBlocks
_childrenOallInitStates = rule300 _lhsIallInitStates
_childrenOimportBlocks = rule301 _lhsIimportBlocks
_childrenOmainFile = rule302 _lhsImainFile
_childrenOmainName = rule303 _lhsImainName
_childrenOmoduleHeader = rule304 _lhsImoduleHeader
_childrenOnt = rule305 _lhsInt
_childrenOoptions = rule306 _lhsIoptions
_childrenOpragmaBlocks = rule307 _lhsIpragmaBlocks
_childrenOtextBlocks = rule308 _lhsItextBlocks
_visitsOallFromToStates = rule309 _lhsIallFromToStates
_visitsOallInhmap = rule310 _lhsIallInhmap
_visitsOallInitStates = rule311 _lhsIallInitStates
_visitsOallSynmap = rule312 _lhsIallSynmap
_visitsOallVisitKinds = rule313 _lhsIallVisitKinds
_visitsOallchildvisit = rule314 _lhsIallchildvisit
_visitsOavisitdefs = rule315 _lhsIavisitdefs
_visitsOavisituses = rule316 _lhsIavisituses
_visitsOchildTypes = rule317 _childTypes
_visitsOinhmap = rule318 _lhsIinhmap
_visitsOnextVisits = rule319 _lhsInextVisits
_visitsOnt = rule320 _lhsInt
_visitsOoptions = rule321 _lhsIoptions
_visitsOparams = rule322 _lhsIparams
_visitsOprevVisits = rule323 _lhsIprevVisits
_visitsOsynmap = rule324 _lhsIsynmap
__result_ = T_EProduction_vOut13 _lhsOallvisits _lhsOchildvisit _lhsOcount _lhsOdatatype _lhsOerrors _lhsOfromToStates _lhsOgenProdIO _lhsOimports _lhsOsemFunBndDefs _lhsOsemFunBndTps _lhsOsem_nt _lhsOsem_prod _lhsOt_visits _lhsOvisitKinds _lhsOvisitdefs _lhsOvisituses
in __result_ )
in C_EProduction_s14 v13
{-# INLINE rule225 #-}
{-# LINE 71 "src-ag/ExecutionPlan2Hs.ag" #-}
rule225 = \ con_ ->
{-# LINE 71 "src-ag/ExecutionPlan2Hs.ag" #-}
{-# LINE 2198 "dist/build/ExecutionPlan2Hs.hs"#-}
{-# INLINE rule226 #-}
{-# LINE 72 "src-ag/ExecutionPlan2Hs.ag" #-}
rule226 = \ con_ ->
{-# LINE 72 "src-ag/ExecutionPlan2Hs.ag" #-}
{-# LINE 2204 "dist/build/ExecutionPlan2Hs.hs"#-}
{-# INLINE rule227 #-}
{-# LINE 73 "src-ag/ExecutionPlan2Hs.ag" #-}
rule227 = \ con_ ->
{-# LINE 73 "src-ag/ExecutionPlan2Hs.ag" #-}
{-# LINE 2210 "dist/build/ExecutionPlan2Hs.hs"#-}
{-# INLINE rule228 #-}
{-# LINE 186 "src-ag/ExecutionPlan2Hs.ag" #-}
rule228 = \ ((_childrenIdatatype) :: [PP_Doc]) _classPP1 ((_lhsInt) :: NontermIdent) ((_lhsIoptions) :: Options) ((_lhsIrename) :: Bool) _quantPP1 con_ ->
{-# LINE 186 "src-ag/ExecutionPlan2Hs.ag" #-}
_quantPP1 >#< _classPP1
>#< conname _lhsIrename _lhsInt con_
>#< ppConFields (dataRecords _lhsIoptions) _childrenIdatatype
{-# LINE 2218 "dist/build/ExecutionPlan2Hs.hs"#-}
{-# INLINE rule229 #-}
{-# LINE 189 "src-ag/ExecutionPlan2Hs.ag" #-}
rule229 = \ constraints_ ->
{-# LINE 189 "src-ag/ExecutionPlan2Hs.ag" #-}
ppClasses (classConstrsToDocs constraints_)
{-# LINE 2224 "dist/build/ExecutionPlan2Hs.hs"#-}
{-# INLINE rule230 #-}
{-# LINE 190 "src-ag/ExecutionPlan2Hs.ag" #-}
rule230 = \ params_ ->
{-# LINE 190 "src-ag/ExecutionPlan2Hs.ag" #-}
ppQuants params_
{-# LINE 2230 "dist/build/ExecutionPlan2Hs.hs"#-}
{-# INLINE rule231 #-}
{-# LINE 288 "src-ag/ExecutionPlan2Hs.ag" #-}
rule231 = \ (_ :: ()) ->
{-# LINE 288 "src-ag/ExecutionPlan2Hs.ag" #-}
{-# LINE 2236 "dist/build/ExecutionPlan2Hs.hs"#-}
{-# INLINE rule232 #-}
{-# LINE 293 "src-ag/ExecutionPlan2Hs.ag" #-}
rule232 = \ ((_childrenIargnamesw) :: [PP_Doc]) ((_childrenIargpats) :: [PP_Doc] ) ((_lhsInt) :: NontermIdent) ((_lhsIrename) :: Bool) con_ ->
{-# LINE 293 "src-ag/ExecutionPlan2Hs.ag" #-}
"sem_" >|< _lhsInt >#< "(" >#< conname _lhsIrename _lhsInt con_ >#< ppSpaced _childrenIargpats >#< ")"
>#< "=" >#< "sem_" >|< _lhsInt >|< "_" >|< con_ >#< ppSpaced _childrenIargnamesw
{-# LINE 2243 "dist/build/ExecutionPlan2Hs.hs"#-}
{-# INLINE rule233 #-}
{-# LINE 534 "src-ag/ExecutionPlan2Hs.ag" #-}
rule233 = \ _semFunBndDef ->
{-# LINE 534 "src-ag/ExecutionPlan2Hs.ag" #-}
Seq.singleton _semFunBndDef
{-# LINE 2249 "dist/build/ExecutionPlan2Hs.hs"#-}
{-# INLINE rule234 #-}
{-# LINE 535 "src-ag/ExecutionPlan2Hs.ag" #-}
rule234 = \ _semFunBndTp ->
{-# LINE 535 "src-ag/ExecutionPlan2Hs.ag" #-}
Seq.singleton _semFunBndTp
{-# LINE 2255 "dist/build/ExecutionPlan2Hs.hs"#-}
{-# INLINE rule235 #-}
{-# LINE 536 "src-ag/ExecutionPlan2Hs.ag" #-}
rule235 = \ _semFunBndNm _semname ->
{-# LINE 536 "src-ag/ExecutionPlan2Hs.ag" #-}
_semFunBndNm >#< "=" >#< _semname
{-# LINE 2261 "dist/build/ExecutionPlan2Hs.hs"#-}
{-# INLINE rule236 #-}
{-# LINE 537 "src-ag/ExecutionPlan2Hs.ag" #-}
rule236 = \ _semFunBndNm _sem_tp ->
{-# LINE 537 "src-ag/ExecutionPlan2Hs.ag" #-}
_semFunBndNm >#< "::" >#< _sem_tp
{-# LINE 2267 "dist/build/ExecutionPlan2Hs.hs"#-}
{-# INLINE rule237 #-}
{-# LINE 538 "src-ag/ExecutionPlan2Hs.ag" #-}
rule237 = \ ((_lhsInt) :: NontermIdent) con_ ->
{-# LINE 538 "src-ag/ExecutionPlan2Hs.ag" #-}
lateSemConLabel _lhsInt con_
{-# LINE 2273 "dist/build/ExecutionPlan2Hs.hs"#-}
{-# INLINE rule238 #-}
{-# LINE 596 "src-ag/ExecutionPlan2Hs.ag" #-}
rule238 = \ ((_lhsInt) :: NontermIdent) ->
{-# LINE 596 "src-ag/ExecutionPlan2Hs.ag" #-}
"T_" >|< _lhsInt
{-# LINE 2279 "dist/build/ExecutionPlan2Hs.hs"#-}
{-# INLINE rule239 #-}
{-# LINE 597 "src-ag/ExecutionPlan2Hs.ag" #-}
rule239 = \ ((_lhsIparams) :: [Identifier]) ->
{-# LINE 597 "src-ag/ExecutionPlan2Hs.ag" #-}
ppSpaced _lhsIparams
{-# LINE 2285 "dist/build/ExecutionPlan2Hs.hs"#-}
{-# INLINE rule240 #-}
{-# LINE 598 "src-ag/ExecutionPlan2Hs.ag" #-}
rule240 = \ ((_childrenIusedArgs) :: Set String) ((_rulesIusedArgs) :: Set String) ((_visitsIusedArgs) :: Set String) ->
{-# LINE 598 "src-ag/ExecutionPlan2Hs.ag" #-}
_childrenIusedArgs `Set.union` _visitsIusedArgs `Set.union` _rulesIusedArgs
{-# LINE 2291 "dist/build/ExecutionPlan2Hs.hs"#-}
{-# INLINE rule241 #-}
{-# LINE 601 "src-ag/ExecutionPlan2Hs.ag" #-}
rule241 = \ ((_childrenIargpats) :: [PP_Doc] ) _usedArgs ->
{-# LINE 601 "src-ag/ExecutionPlan2Hs.ag" #-}
map (\x -> let (name,arg) = case show x of
"" -> ("", empty)
'!':name -> ("arg_" ++ name, "!arg_" >|< name)
name -> ("arg_" ++ name, "arg_" >|< name)
in if null name || name `Set.member` _usedArgs
then arg
else text "_") _childrenIargpats
{-# LINE 2303 "dist/build/ExecutionPlan2Hs.hs"#-}
{-# INLINE rule242 #-}
{-# LINE 608 "src-ag/ExecutionPlan2Hs.ag" #-}
rule242 = \ ((_lhsInt) :: NontermIdent) con_ ->
{-# LINE 608 "src-ag/ExecutionPlan2Hs.ag" #-}
"sem_" ++ show _lhsInt ++ "_" ++ show con_
{-# LINE 2309 "dist/build/ExecutionPlan2Hs.hs"#-}
{-# INLINE rule243 #-}
{-# LINE 609 "src-ag/ExecutionPlan2Hs.ag" #-}
rule243 = \ ((_childrenIargtps) :: [PP_Doc] ) _classPP2 _quantPP2 _t_params _t_type ->
{-# LINE 609 "src-ag/ExecutionPlan2Hs.ag" #-}
_quantPP2 >#< _classPP2 >#< ppSpaced _childrenIargtps >#< _t_type >#< _t_params
{-# LINE 2315 "dist/build/ExecutionPlan2Hs.hs"#-}
{-# INLINE rule244 #-}
{-# LINE 610 "src-ag/ExecutionPlan2Hs.ag" #-}
rule244 = \ ((_lhsIclassCtxs) :: ClassContext) constraints_ ->
{-# LINE 610 "src-ag/ExecutionPlan2Hs.ag" #-}
ppClasses (classCtxsToDocs _lhsIclassCtxs ++ classConstrsToDocs constraints_)
{-# LINE 2321 "dist/build/ExecutionPlan2Hs.hs"#-}
{-# INLINE rule245 #-}
{-# LINE 611 "src-ag/ExecutionPlan2Hs.ag" #-}
rule245 = \ ((_lhsIparams) :: [Identifier]) params_ ->
{-# LINE 611 "src-ag/ExecutionPlan2Hs.ag" #-}
ppQuants (_lhsIparams ++ params_)
{-# LINE 2327 "dist/build/ExecutionPlan2Hs.hs"#-}
{-# INLINE rule246 #-}
{-# LINE 612 "src-ag/ExecutionPlan2Hs.ag" #-}
rule246 = \ _args ((_lhsIinitial) :: StateIdentifier) _mbInitializer _mkSemBody _outerlet _scc _semInlinePragma _sem_tp _semname _t_type ->
{-# LINE 612 "src-ag/ExecutionPlan2Hs.ag" #-}
>-< _semname >#< "::" >#< _sem_tp
>-< _mkSemBody (_semname >#< ppSpaced _args >#< "=" >#< _scc >#< _t_type )
_mbInitializer _outerlet ("return" >#< "st" >|< _lhsIinitial)
{-# LINE 2336 "dist/build/ExecutionPlan2Hs.hs"#-}
{-# INLINE rule247 #-}
{-# LINE 616 "src-ag/ExecutionPlan2Hs.ag" #-}
rule247 = \ (_ :: ()) ->
{-# LINE 616 "src-ag/ExecutionPlan2Hs.ag" #-}
\prefix mbInit outerlet ret ->
case mbInit of
Nothing -> prefix >#< pp_parens ret >#< "where"
>-< indent 3 outerlet
Just m -> prefix >#< "(" >#< "do"
>-< indent 1 (
>-< "let"
>-< indent 2 outerlet
>-< ret )
>-< indent 1 ")"
{-# LINE 2352 "dist/build/ExecutionPlan2Hs.hs"#-}
{-# INLINE rule248 #-}
{-# LINE 628 "src-ag/ExecutionPlan2Hs.ag" #-}
rule248 = \ ((_lhsIoptions) :: Options) ->
{-# LINE 628 "src-ag/ExecutionPlan2Hs.ag" #-}
if parallelInvoke _lhsIoptions
then (Nothing :: Maybe PP_Doc)
else Nothing
{-# LINE 2360 "dist/build/ExecutionPlan2Hs.hs"#-}
{-# INLINE rule249 #-}
{-# LINE 634 "src-ag/ExecutionPlan2Hs.ag" #-}
rule249 = \ ((_lhsIoptions) :: Options) _semname ->
{-# LINE 634 "src-ag/ExecutionPlan2Hs.ag" #-}
if genCostCentres _lhsIoptions
then ppCostCentre _semname
else empty
{-# LINE 2368 "dist/build/ExecutionPlan2Hs.hs"#-}
{-# INLINE rule250 #-}
{-# LINE 637 "src-ag/ExecutionPlan2Hs.ag" #-}
rule250 = \ ((_lhsIoptions) :: Options) _semname ->
{-# LINE 637 "src-ag/ExecutionPlan2Hs.ag" #-}
if noInlinePragmas _lhsIoptions
then empty
else ppNoInline _semname
{-# LINE 2376 "dist/build/ExecutionPlan2Hs.hs"#-}
{-# INLINE rule251 #-}
{-# LINE 640 "src-ag/ExecutionPlan2Hs.ag" #-}
rule251 = \ ((_rulesIsem_rules) :: PP_Doc) _statefns ->
{-# LINE 640 "src-ag/ExecutionPlan2Hs.ag" #-}
vlist _statefns >-< _rulesIsem_rules
{-# LINE 2382 "dist/build/ExecutionPlan2Hs.hs"#-}
{-# INLINE rule252 #-}
{-# LINE 641 "src-ag/ExecutionPlan2Hs.ag" #-}
rule252 = \ _genstfn ((_lhsIallstates) :: Set StateIdentifier) ->
{-# LINE 641 "src-ag/ExecutionPlan2Hs.ag" #-}
map _genstfn $ Set.toList _lhsIallstates
{-# LINE 2388 "dist/build/ExecutionPlan2Hs.hs"#-}
{-# INLINE rule253 #-}
{-# LINE 642 "src-ag/ExecutionPlan2Hs.ag" #-}
rule253 = \ _addbang ((_lhsIinitial) :: StateIdentifier) ((_lhsInextVisits) :: Map StateIdentifier StateCtx) ((_lhsInt) :: NontermIdent) ((_lhsIoptions) :: Options) ((_lhsIprevVisits) :: Map StateIdentifier StateCtx) _stargs _stks _stvs ->
{-# LINE 642 "src-ag/ExecutionPlan2Hs.ag" #-}
\st -> let nextVisitInfo = Map.findWithDefault ManyVis st _lhsInextVisits
prevVisitInfo = Map.findWithDefault ManyVis st _lhsIprevVisits
stNm = "st" >|< st
lhs = pragma >-< bang stNm >#< "=" >#<
if st == _lhsIinitial
then empty
else "\\" >#< _stargs st >#< "->"
pragma = if noInlinePragmas _lhsIoptions
then empty
else if helpInlining _lhsIoptions
then case prevVisitInfo of
ManyVis -> ppNoInline stNm
OneVis _ -> if aggressiveInlinePragmas _lhsIoptions
then ppInline stNm
else ppInlinable stNm
NoneVis -> if st /= _lhsIinitial
then error ("State " ++ show st ++ " is not reachable from the initial state.")
else if aggressiveInlinePragmas _lhsIoptions
then ppInline stNm
else ppInlinable stNm
else ppNoInline stNm
cCon = "C_" >|< _lhsInt >|< "_s" >|< st
bang | st == _lhsIinitial = _addbang
| otherwise = id
in case nextVisitInfo of
NoneVis ->
if st == _lhsIinitial
then lhs >#< cCon
else empty
OneVis vId -> mklet lhs (_stvs st False) (cCon >#< "v" >|< vId)
ManyVis -> mklet lhs (_stks st >-< _stvs st True) (cCon >#< "k" >|< st)
{-# LINE 2426 "dist/build/ExecutionPlan2Hs.hs"#-}
{-# INLINE rule254 #-}
{-# LINE 684 "src-ag/ExecutionPlan2Hs.ag" #-}
rule254 = \ _addbang _childTypes _lazyIntras ((_lhsIallInhmap) :: Map NontermIdent Attributes) ((_lhsIallSynmap) :: Map NontermIdent Attributes) ((_lhsIoptions) :: Options) _localAttrTypes ((_visitsIintramap) :: Map StateIdentifier (Map String (Maybe NonLocalAttr))) ->
{-# LINE 684 "src-ag/ExecutionPlan2Hs.ag" #-}
\st -> let attrs = maybe Map.empty id $ Map.lookup st _visitsIintramap
in ppSpaced [ let match | str `Set.member` _lazyIntras = pp str
| otherwise = _addbang (pp str)
in case mbAttr of
Just (AttrSyn child nm) | child == _LOC && not (noPerStateTypeSigs _lhsIoptions) ->
case Map.lookup nm _localAttrTypes of
Just tp -> pp_parens (pp_parens match >#< "::" >#< ppTp tp)
Nothing -> match
Just attr | not (noPerStateTypeSigs _lhsIoptions) ->
case lookupAttrType attr _lhsIallInhmap _lhsIallSynmap _childTypes of
Just tpDoc -> pp_parens (pp_parens match >#< "::" >#< tpDoc)
Nothing -> match
_ -> match
| (str,mbAttr) <- Map.assocs attrs
] >#< dummyPat _lhsIoptions (Map.null attrs)
{-# LINE 2446 "dist/build/ExecutionPlan2Hs.hs"#-}
{-# INLINE rule255 #-}
{-# LINE 700 "src-ag/ExecutionPlan2Hs.ag" #-}
rule255 = \ ((_lhsInt) :: NontermIdent) ((_lhsIoptions) :: Options) _stvisits _t_params ->
{-# LINE 700 "src-ag/ExecutionPlan2Hs.ag" #-}
\st -> if null (_stvisits st)
then empty
else ( if not (noInlinePragmas _lhsIoptions) && helpInlining _lhsIoptions
then ppNoInline ("k" >|< st)
else empty
>-< "k" >|< st >#< "::" >#< "K_" >|< _lhsInt >|< "_s" >|< st >#< _t_params >#< "t" >#< "->" >#< "t"
>-< vlist (map (\(v,f,t) -> "k" >|< st >#< "K_" >|< _lhsInt >|< "_v" >|< v >#< "="
>#< "v" >|< v) $ _stvisits st)
{-# LINE 2460 "dist/build/ExecutionPlan2Hs.hs"#-}
{-# INLINE rule256 #-}
{-# LINE 709 "src-ag/ExecutionPlan2Hs.ag" #-}
rule256 = \ ((_visitsIallvisits) :: [VisitStateState]) ->
{-# LINE 709 "src-ag/ExecutionPlan2Hs.ag" #-}
\st -> filter (\(v,f,t) -> f == st) _visitsIallvisits
{-# LINE 2466 "dist/build/ExecutionPlan2Hs.hs"#-}
{-# INLINE rule257 #-}
{-# LINE 710 "src-ag/ExecutionPlan2Hs.ag" #-}
rule257 = \ ((_visitsIsem_visit) :: [(StateIdentifier,Bool -> PP_Doc)] ) ->
{-# LINE 710 "src-ag/ExecutionPlan2Hs.ag" #-}
\st inlinePragma -> vlist [ppf inlinePragma | (f,ppf) <- _visitsIsem_visit, f == st]
{-# LINE 2472 "dist/build/ExecutionPlan2Hs.hs"#-}
{-# INLINE rule258 #-}
{-# LINE 711 "src-ag/ExecutionPlan2Hs.ag" #-}
rule258 = \ ((_rulesImrules) :: Map Identifier (VisitKind -> FormatMode -> Either Error PP_Doc)) ->
{-# LINE 711 "src-ag/ExecutionPlan2Hs.ag" #-}
{-# LINE 2478 "dist/build/ExecutionPlan2Hs.hs"#-}
{-# INLINE rule259 #-}
{-# LINE 926 "src-ag/ExecutionPlan2Hs.ag" #-}
rule259 = \ ((_childrenIchildintros) :: Map Identifier (VisitKind -> FormatMode -> Either Error (PP_Doc, Set String, Map String (Maybe NonLocalAttr)))) ->
{-# LINE 926 "src-ag/ExecutionPlan2Hs.ag" #-}
{-# LINE 2484 "dist/build/ExecutionPlan2Hs.hs"#-}
{-# INLINE rule260 #-}
{-# LINE 1281 "src-ag/ExecutionPlan2Hs.ag" #-}
rule260 = \ ((_visitsIruleUsage) :: Map Identifier Int) ->
{-# LINE 1281 "src-ag/ExecutionPlan2Hs.ag" #-}
{-# LINE 2490 "dist/build/ExecutionPlan2Hs.hs"#-}
{-# INLINE rule261 #-}
{-# LINE 1296 "src-ag/ExecutionPlan2Hs.ag" #-}
rule261 = \ ((_visitsIruleKinds) :: Map Identifier (Set VisitKind)) ->
{-# LINE 1296 "src-ag/ExecutionPlan2Hs.ag" #-}
{-# LINE 2496 "dist/build/ExecutionPlan2Hs.hs"#-}
{-# INLINE rule262 #-}
{-# LINE 1325 "src-ag/ExecutionPlan2Hs.ag" #-}
rule262 = \ ((_visitsIintramap) :: Map StateIdentifier (Map String (Maybe NonLocalAttr))) ->
{-# LINE 1325 "src-ag/ExecutionPlan2Hs.ag" #-}
{-# LINE 2502 "dist/build/ExecutionPlan2Hs.hs"#-}
{-# INLINE rule263 #-}
{-# LINE 1326 "src-ag/ExecutionPlan2Hs.ag" #-}
rule263 = \ ((_childrenIterminaldefs) :: Set String) ->
{-# LINE 1326 "src-ag/ExecutionPlan2Hs.ag" #-}
{-# LINE 2508 "dist/build/ExecutionPlan2Hs.hs"#-}
{-# INLINE rule264 #-}
{-# LINE 1350 "src-ag/ExecutionPlan2Hs.ag" #-}
rule264 = \ ((_rulesIruledefs) :: Map Identifier (Set String)) ->
{-# LINE 1350 "src-ag/ExecutionPlan2Hs.ag" #-}
{-# LINE 2514 "dist/build/ExecutionPlan2Hs.hs"#-}
{-# INLINE rule265 #-}
{-# LINE 1351 "src-ag/ExecutionPlan2Hs.ag" #-}
rule265 = \ ((_rulesIruleuses) :: Map Identifier (Map String (Maybe NonLocalAttr))) ->
{-# LINE 1351 "src-ag/ExecutionPlan2Hs.ag" #-}
{-# LINE 2520 "dist/build/ExecutionPlan2Hs.hs"#-}
{-# INLINE rule266 #-}
{-# LINE 1405 "src-ag/ExecutionPlan2Hs.ag" #-}
rule266 = \ ((_visitsIlazyIntras) :: Set String) ->
{-# LINE 1405 "src-ag/ExecutionPlan2Hs.ag" #-}
{-# LINE 2526 "dist/build/ExecutionPlan2Hs.hs"#-}
{-# INLINE rule267 #-}
{-# LINE 1502 "src-ag/ExecutionPlan2Hs.ag" #-}
rule267 = \ _moduleName ->
{-# LINE 1502 "src-ag/ExecutionPlan2Hs.ag" #-}
[pp $ "import " ++ _moduleName ]
{-# LINE 2532 "dist/build/ExecutionPlan2Hs.hs"#-}
{-# INLINE rule268 #-}
{-# LINE 1503 "src-ag/ExecutionPlan2Hs.ag" #-}
rule268 = \ ((_lhsImainName) :: String) _suffix ->
{-# LINE 1503 "src-ag/ExecutionPlan2Hs.ag" #-}
_lhsImainName ++ _suffix
{-# LINE 2538 "dist/build/ExecutionPlan2Hs.hs"#-}
{-# INLINE rule269 #-}
{-# LINE 1504 "src-ag/ExecutionPlan2Hs.ag" #-}
rule269 = \ ((_lhsInt) :: NontermIdent) con_ ->
{-# LINE 1504 "src-ag/ExecutionPlan2Hs.ag" #-}
"_" ++ show _lhsInt ++ "_" ++ show con_
{-# LINE 2544 "dist/build/ExecutionPlan2Hs.hs"#-}
{-# INLINE rule270 #-}
{-# LINE 1505 "src-ag/ExecutionPlan2Hs.ag" #-}
rule270 = \ ((_lhsImainFile) :: String) _suffix ->
{-# LINE 1505 "src-ag/ExecutionPlan2Hs.ag" #-}
replaceBaseName _lhsImainFile (takeBaseName _lhsImainFile ++ _suffix )
{-# LINE 2550 "dist/build/ExecutionPlan2Hs.hs"#-}
{-# INLINE rule271 #-}
{-# LINE 1506 "src-ag/ExecutionPlan2Hs.ag" #-}
rule271 = \ ((_lhsIoptions) :: Options) ->
{-# LINE 1506 "src-ag/ExecutionPlan2Hs.ag" #-}
if parallelInvoke _lhsIoptions
then pp "import qualified System.IO.Unsafe(unsafePerformIO)"
>-< pp "import System.IO(IO)"
>-< pp "import Control.Concurrent(newEmptyMVar,forkIO,putMVar,takeMVar)"
else pp "import Control.Monad.Identity"
{-# LINE 2560 "dist/build/ExecutionPlan2Hs.hs"#-}
{-# INLINE rule272 #-}
{-# LINE 1511 "src-ag/ExecutionPlan2Hs.ag" #-}
rule272 = \ ((_lhsIimportBlocks) :: PP_Doc) ((_lhsImainName) :: String) ((_lhsImoduleHeader) :: String -> String -> String -> Bool -> String) ((_lhsIoptions) :: Options) ((_lhsIpragmaBlocks) :: String) _outputfile _ppMonadImports _sem_prod _semname _suffix ->
{-# LINE 1511 "src-ag/ExecutionPlan2Hs.ag" #-}
writeModule _outputfile
[ warrenFlagsPP _lhsIoptions
, pp $ _lhsIpragmaBlocks
, pp $ _lhsImoduleHeader _lhsImainName _suffix _semname True
, _lhsIimportBlocks
, _ppMonadImports
, ( if tupleAsDummyToken _lhsIoptions
then empty
else pp "import GHC.Prim"
, pp $ "import " ++ _lhsImainName ++ "_common"
, _sem_prod
{-# LINE 2578 "dist/build/ExecutionPlan2Hs.hs"#-}
{-# INLINE rule273 #-}
{-# LINE 1552 "src-ag/ExecutionPlan2Hs.ag" #-}
rule273 = \ ((_lhsIoptions) :: Options) ->
{-# LINE 1552 "src-ag/ExecutionPlan2Hs.ag" #-}
\x -> if bangpats _lhsIoptions then "!" >|< x else x
{-# LINE 2584 "dist/build/ExecutionPlan2Hs.hs"#-}
{-# INLINE rule274 #-}
{-# LINE 1602 "src-ag/ExecutionPlan2Hs.ag" #-}
rule274 = \ ((_childrenIchildTypes) :: Map Identifier Type) ((_lhsIntType) :: Type) ->
{-# LINE 1602 "src-ag/ExecutionPlan2Hs.ag" #-}
Map.singleton _LHS _lhsIntType `Map.union` _childrenIchildTypes
{-# LINE 2590 "dist/build/ExecutionPlan2Hs.hs"#-}
{-# INLINE rule275 #-}
{-# LINE 1619 "src-ag/ExecutionPlan2Hs.ag" #-}
rule275 = \ ((_lhsIlocalAttrTypes) :: Map ConstructorIdent (Map Identifier Type)) con_ ->
{-# LINE 1619 "src-ag/ExecutionPlan2Hs.ag" #-}
Map.findWithDefault Map.empty con_ _lhsIlocalAttrTypes
{-# LINE 2596 "dist/build/ExecutionPlan2Hs.hs"#-}
{-# INLINE rule276 #-}
rule276 = \ ((_visitsIchildvisit) :: Map VisitIdentifier (Identifier -> VisitKind -> Either Error (PP_Doc, PP_Doc))) ->
{-# INLINE rule277 #-}
rule277 = \ ((_rulesIerrors) :: Seq Error) ((_visitsIerrors) :: Seq Error) ->
_rulesIerrors Seq.>< _visitsIerrors
{-# INLINE rule278 #-}
rule278 = \ ((_visitsIfromToStates) :: Map VisitIdentifier (Int,Int)) ->
{-# INLINE rule279 #-}
rule279 = \ ((_visitsIt_visits) :: PP_Doc) ->
{-# INLINE rule280 #-}
rule280 = \ ((_visitsIvisitKinds) :: Map VisitIdentifier VisitKind) ->
{-# INLINE rule281 #-}
rule281 = \ ((_visitsIvisitdefs) :: Map VisitIdentifier (Set Identifier)) ->
{-# INLINE rule282 #-}
rule282 = \ ((_visitsIvisituses) :: Map VisitIdentifier (Set Identifier)) ->
{-# INLINE rule283 #-}
rule283 = \ ((_visitsIallvisits) :: [VisitStateState]) ->
{-# INLINE rule284 #-}
rule284 = \ _sem_prod ->
{-# INLINE rule285 #-}
rule285 = \ ((_lhsIallInhmap) :: Map NontermIdent Attributes) ->
{-# INLINE rule286 #-}
rule286 = \ ((_lhsIallSynmap) :: Map NontermIdent Attributes) ->
{-# INLINE rule287 #-}
rule287 = \ _childTypes ->
{-# INLINE rule288 #-}
rule288 = \ ((_lhsIimportBlocks) :: PP_Doc) ->
{-# INLINE rule289 #-}
rule289 = \ ((_lhsIinhmap) :: Attributes) ->
{-# INLINE rule290 #-}
rule290 = \ _lazyIntras ->
{-# INLINE rule291 #-}
rule291 = \ _localAttrTypes ->
{-# INLINE rule292 #-}
rule292 = \ ((_lhsImainFile) :: String) ->
{-# INLINE rule293 #-}
rule293 = \ ((_lhsImainName) :: String) ->
{-# INLINE rule294 #-}
rule294 = \ ((_lhsImoduleHeader) :: String -> String -> String -> Bool -> String) ->
{-# INLINE rule295 #-}
rule295 = \ ((_lhsInt) :: NontermIdent) ->
{-# INLINE rule296 #-}
rule296 = \ ((_lhsIoptions) :: Options) ->
{-# INLINE rule297 #-}
rule297 = \ ((_lhsIpragmaBlocks) :: String) ->
{-# INLINE rule298 #-}
rule298 = \ ((_lhsIsynmap) :: Attributes) ->
{-# INLINE rule299 #-}
rule299 = \ ((_lhsItextBlocks) :: PP_Doc) ->
{-# INLINE rule300 #-}
rule300 = \ ((_lhsIallInitStates) :: Map NontermIdent Int) ->
{-# INLINE rule301 #-}
rule301 = \ ((_lhsIimportBlocks) :: PP_Doc) ->
{-# INLINE rule302 #-}
rule302 = \ ((_lhsImainFile) :: String) ->
{-# INLINE rule303 #-}
rule303 = \ ((_lhsImainName) :: String) ->
{-# INLINE rule304 #-}
rule304 = \ ((_lhsImoduleHeader) :: String -> String -> String -> Bool -> String) ->
{-# INLINE rule305 #-}
rule305 = \ ((_lhsInt) :: NontermIdent) ->
{-# INLINE rule306 #-}
rule306 = \ ((_lhsIoptions) :: Options) ->
{-# INLINE rule307 #-}
rule307 = \ ((_lhsIpragmaBlocks) :: String) ->
{-# INLINE rule308 #-}
rule308 = \ ((_lhsItextBlocks) :: PP_Doc) ->
{-# INLINE rule309 #-}
rule309 = \ ((_lhsIallFromToStates) :: Map VisitIdentifier (Int,Int)) ->
{-# INLINE rule310 #-}
rule310 = \ ((_lhsIallInhmap) :: Map NontermIdent Attributes) ->
{-# INLINE rule311 #-}
rule311 = \ ((_lhsIallInitStates) :: Map NontermIdent Int) ->
{-# INLINE rule312 #-}
rule312 = \ ((_lhsIallSynmap) :: Map NontermIdent Attributes) ->
{-# INLINE rule313 #-}
rule313 = \ ((_lhsIallVisitKinds) :: Map VisitIdentifier VisitKind) ->
{-# INLINE rule314 #-}
rule314 = \ ((_lhsIallchildvisit) :: Map VisitIdentifier (Identifier -> VisitKind -> Either Error (PP_Doc, PP_Doc))) ->
{-# INLINE rule315 #-}
rule315 = \ ((_lhsIavisitdefs) :: Map VisitIdentifier (Set Identifier)) ->
{-# INLINE rule316 #-}
rule316 = \ ((_lhsIavisituses) :: Map VisitIdentifier (Set Identifier)) ->
{-# INLINE rule317 #-}
rule317 = \ _childTypes ->
{-# INLINE rule318 #-}
rule318 = \ ((_lhsIinhmap) :: Attributes) ->
{-# INLINE rule319 #-}
rule319 = \ ((_lhsInextVisits) :: Map StateIdentifier StateCtx) ->
{-# INLINE rule320 #-}
rule320 = \ ((_lhsInt) :: NontermIdent) ->
{-# INLINE rule321 #-}
rule321 = \ ((_lhsIoptions) :: Options) ->
{-# INLINE rule322 #-}
rule322 = \ ((_lhsIparams) :: [Identifier]) ->
{-# INLINE rule323 #-}
rule323 = \ ((_lhsIprevVisits) :: Map StateIdentifier StateCtx) ->
{-# INLINE rule324 #-}
rule324 = \ ((_lhsIsynmap) :: Attributes) ->
data Inh_EProductions = Inh_EProductions { allFromToStates_Inh_EProductions :: (Map VisitIdentifier (Int,Int)), allInhmap_Inh_EProductions :: (Map NontermIdent Attributes), allInitStates_Inh_EProductions :: (Map NontermIdent Int), allSynmap_Inh_EProductions :: (Map NontermIdent Attributes), allVisitKinds_Inh_EProductions :: (Map VisitIdentifier VisitKind), allchildvisit_Inh_EProductions :: (Map VisitIdentifier (Identifier -> VisitKind -> Either Error (PP_Doc, PP_Doc))), allstates_Inh_EProductions :: (Set StateIdentifier), avisitdefs_Inh_EProductions :: (Map VisitIdentifier (Set Identifier)), avisituses_Inh_EProductions :: (Map VisitIdentifier (Set Identifier)), classCtxs_Inh_EProductions :: (ClassContext), importBlocks_Inh_EProductions :: (PP_Doc), inhmap_Inh_EProductions :: (Attributes), initial_Inh_EProductions :: (StateIdentifier), localAttrTypes_Inh_EProductions :: (Map ConstructorIdent (Map Identifier Type)), mainFile_Inh_EProductions :: (String), mainName_Inh_EProductions :: (String), moduleHeader_Inh_EProductions :: (String -> String -> String -> Bool -> String), nextVisits_Inh_EProductions :: (Map StateIdentifier StateCtx), nt_Inh_EProductions :: (NontermIdent), ntType_Inh_EProductions :: (Type), options_Inh_EProductions :: (Options), params_Inh_EProductions :: ([Identifier]), pragmaBlocks_Inh_EProductions :: (String), prevVisits_Inh_EProductions :: (Map StateIdentifier StateCtx), rename_Inh_EProductions :: (Bool), synmap_Inh_EProductions :: (Attributes), textBlocks_Inh_EProductions :: (PP_Doc) }
data Syn_EProductions = Syn_EProductions { allvisits_Syn_EProductions :: ([VisitStateState]), childvisit_Syn_EProductions :: (Map VisitIdentifier (Identifier -> VisitKind -> Either Error (PP_Doc, PP_Doc))), count_Syn_EProductions :: (Int), datatype_Syn_EProductions :: ([PP_Doc]), errors_Syn_EProductions :: (Seq Error), fromToStates_Syn_EProductions :: (Map VisitIdentifier (Int,Int)), genProdIO_Syn_EProductions :: (IO ()), imports_Syn_EProductions :: ([PP_Doc]), semFunBndDefs_Syn_EProductions :: (Seq PP_Doc), semFunBndTps_Syn_EProductions :: (Seq PP_Doc), sem_nt_Syn_EProductions :: (PP_Doc), sem_prod_Syn_EProductions :: (PP_Doc), t_visits_Syn_EProductions :: (PP_Doc), visitKinds_Syn_EProductions :: (Map VisitIdentifier VisitKind), visitdefs_Syn_EProductions :: (Map VisitIdentifier (Set Identifier)), visituses_Syn_EProductions :: (Map VisitIdentifier (Set Identifier)) }
{-# INLINABLE wrap_EProductions #-}
wrap_EProductions :: T_EProductions -> Inh_EProductions -> (Syn_EProductions )
wrap_EProductions (T_EProductions act) (Inh_EProductions _lhsIallFromToStates _lhsIallInhmap _lhsIallInitStates _lhsIallSynmap _lhsIallVisitKinds _lhsIallchildvisit _lhsIallstates _lhsIavisitdefs _lhsIavisituses _lhsIclassCtxs _lhsIimportBlocks _lhsIinhmap _lhsIinitial _lhsIlocalAttrTypes _lhsImainFile _lhsImainName _lhsImoduleHeader _lhsInextVisits _lhsInt _lhsIntType _lhsIoptions _lhsIparams _lhsIpragmaBlocks _lhsIprevVisits _lhsIrename _lhsIsynmap _lhsItextBlocks) =
Control.Monad.Identity.runIdentity (
do sem <- act
let arg16 = T_EProductions_vIn16 _lhsIallFromToStates _lhsIallInhmap _lhsIallInitStates _lhsIallSynmap _lhsIallVisitKinds _lhsIallchildvisit _lhsIallstates _lhsIavisitdefs _lhsIavisituses _lhsIclassCtxs _lhsIimportBlocks _lhsIinhmap _lhsIinitial _lhsIlocalAttrTypes _lhsImainFile _lhsImainName _lhsImoduleHeader _lhsInextVisits _lhsInt _lhsIntType _lhsIoptions _lhsIparams _lhsIpragmaBlocks _lhsIprevVisits _lhsIrename _lhsIsynmap _lhsItextBlocks
(T_EProductions_vOut16 _lhsOallvisits _lhsOchildvisit _lhsOcount _lhsOdatatype _lhsOerrors _lhsOfromToStates _lhsOgenProdIO _lhsOimports _lhsOsemFunBndDefs _lhsOsemFunBndTps _lhsOsem_nt _lhsOsem_prod _lhsOt_visits _lhsOvisitKinds _lhsOvisitdefs _lhsOvisituses) <- return (inv_EProductions_s17 sem arg16)
return (Syn_EProductions _lhsOallvisits _lhsOchildvisit _lhsOcount _lhsOdatatype _lhsOerrors _lhsOfromToStates _lhsOgenProdIO _lhsOimports _lhsOsemFunBndDefs _lhsOsemFunBndTps _lhsOsem_nt _lhsOsem_prod _lhsOt_visits _lhsOvisitKinds _lhsOvisitdefs _lhsOvisituses)
{-# NOINLINE sem_EProductions #-}
sem_EProductions :: EProductions -> T_EProductions
sem_EProductions list = Prelude.foldr sem_EProductions_Cons sem_EProductions_Nil (Prelude.map sem_EProduction list)
newtype T_EProductions = T_EProductions {
attach_T_EProductions :: Identity (T_EProductions_s17 )
newtype T_EProductions_s17 = C_EProductions_s17 {
inv_EProductions_s17 :: (T_EProductions_v16 )
data T_EProductions_s18 = C_EProductions_s18
type T_EProductions_v16 = (T_EProductions_vIn16 ) -> (T_EProductions_vOut16 )
data T_EProductions_vIn16 = T_EProductions_vIn16 (Map VisitIdentifier (Int,Int)) (Map NontermIdent Attributes) (Map NontermIdent Int) (Map NontermIdent Attributes) (Map VisitIdentifier VisitKind) (Map VisitIdentifier (Identifier -> VisitKind -> Either Error (PP_Doc, PP_Doc))) (Set StateIdentifier) (Map VisitIdentifier (Set Identifier)) (Map VisitIdentifier (Set Identifier)) (ClassContext) (PP_Doc) (Attributes) (StateIdentifier) (Map ConstructorIdent (Map Identifier Type)) (String) (String) (String -> String -> String -> Bool -> String) (Map StateIdentifier StateCtx) (NontermIdent) (Type) (Options) ([Identifier]) (String) (Map StateIdentifier StateCtx) (Bool) (Attributes) (PP_Doc)
data T_EProductions_vOut16 = T_EProductions_vOut16 ([VisitStateState]) (Map VisitIdentifier (Identifier -> VisitKind -> Either Error (PP_Doc, PP_Doc))) (Int) ([PP_Doc]) (Seq Error) (Map VisitIdentifier (Int,Int)) (IO ()) ([PP_Doc]) (Seq PP_Doc) (Seq PP_Doc) (PP_Doc) (PP_Doc) (PP_Doc) (Map VisitIdentifier VisitKind) (Map VisitIdentifier (Set Identifier)) (Map VisitIdentifier (Set Identifier))
{-# NOINLINE sem_EProductions_Cons #-}
sem_EProductions_Cons :: T_EProduction -> T_EProductions -> T_EProductions
sem_EProductions_Cons arg_hd_ arg_tl_ = T_EProductions (return st17) where
{-# NOINLINE st17 #-}
st17 = let
v16 :: T_EProductions_v16
v16 = \ (T_EProductions_vIn16 _lhsIallFromToStates _lhsIallInhmap _lhsIallInitStates _lhsIallSynmap _lhsIallVisitKinds _lhsIallchildvisit _lhsIallstates _lhsIavisitdefs _lhsIavisituses _lhsIclassCtxs _lhsIimportBlocks _lhsIinhmap _lhsIinitial _lhsIlocalAttrTypes _lhsImainFile _lhsImainName _lhsImoduleHeader _lhsInextVisits _lhsInt _lhsIntType _lhsIoptions _lhsIparams _lhsIpragmaBlocks _lhsIprevVisits _lhsIrename _lhsIsynmap _lhsItextBlocks) -> ( let
_hdX14 = Control.Monad.Identity.runIdentity (attach_T_EProduction (arg_hd_))
_tlX17 = Control.Monad.Identity.runIdentity (attach_T_EProductions (arg_tl_))
(T_EProduction_vOut13 _hdIallvisits _hdIchildvisit _hdIcount _hdIdatatype _hdIerrors _hdIfromToStates _hdIgenProdIO _hdIimports _hdIsemFunBndDefs _hdIsemFunBndTps _hdIsem_nt _hdIsem_prod _hdIt_visits _hdIvisitKinds _hdIvisitdefs _hdIvisituses) = inv_EProduction_s14 _hdX14 (T_EProduction_vIn13 _hdOallFromToStates _hdOallInhmap _hdOallInitStates _hdOallSynmap _hdOallVisitKinds _hdOallchildvisit _hdOallstates _hdOavisitdefs _hdOavisituses _hdOclassCtxs _hdOimportBlocks _hdOinhmap _hdOinitial _hdOlocalAttrTypes _hdOmainFile _hdOmainName _hdOmoduleHeader _hdOnextVisits _hdOnt _hdOntType _hdOoptions _hdOparams _hdOpragmaBlocks _hdOprevVisits _hdOrename _hdOsynmap _hdOtextBlocks)
(T_EProductions_vOut16 _tlIallvisits _tlIchildvisit _tlIcount _tlIdatatype _tlIerrors _tlIfromToStates _tlIgenProdIO _tlIimports _tlIsemFunBndDefs _tlIsemFunBndTps _tlIsem_nt _tlIsem_prod _tlIt_visits _tlIvisitKinds _tlIvisitdefs _tlIvisituses) = inv_EProductions_s17 _tlX17 (T_EProductions_vIn16 _tlOallFromToStates _tlOallInhmap _tlOallInitStates _tlOallSynmap _tlOallVisitKinds _tlOallchildvisit _tlOallstates _tlOavisitdefs _tlOavisituses _tlOclassCtxs _tlOimportBlocks _tlOinhmap _tlOinitial _tlOlocalAttrTypes _tlOmainFile _tlOmainName _tlOmoduleHeader _tlOnextVisits _tlOnt _tlOntType _tlOoptions _tlOparams _tlOpragmaBlocks _tlOprevVisits _tlOrename _tlOsynmap _tlOtextBlocks)
_lhsOallvisits :: [VisitStateState]
_lhsOallvisits = rule325 _hdIallvisits
_lhsOt_visits :: PP_Doc
_lhsOt_visits = rule326 _hdIt_visits
_lhsOchildvisit :: Map VisitIdentifier (Identifier -> VisitKind -> Either Error (PP_Doc, PP_Doc))
_lhsOchildvisit = rule327 _hdIchildvisit _tlIchildvisit
_lhsOcount :: Int
_lhsOcount = rule328 _hdIcount _tlIcount
_lhsOdatatype :: [PP_Doc]
_lhsOdatatype = rule329 _hdIdatatype _tlIdatatype
_lhsOerrors :: Seq Error
_lhsOerrors = rule330 _hdIerrors _tlIerrors
_lhsOfromToStates :: Map VisitIdentifier (Int,Int)
_lhsOfromToStates = rule331 _hdIfromToStates _tlIfromToStates
_lhsOgenProdIO :: IO ()
_lhsOgenProdIO = rule332 _hdIgenProdIO _tlIgenProdIO
_lhsOimports :: [PP_Doc]
_lhsOimports = rule333 _hdIimports _tlIimports
_lhsOsemFunBndDefs :: Seq PP_Doc
_lhsOsemFunBndDefs = rule334 _hdIsemFunBndDefs _tlIsemFunBndDefs
_lhsOsemFunBndTps :: Seq PP_Doc
_lhsOsemFunBndTps = rule335 _hdIsemFunBndTps _tlIsemFunBndTps
_lhsOsem_nt :: PP_Doc
_lhsOsem_nt = rule336 _hdIsem_nt _tlIsem_nt
_lhsOsem_prod :: PP_Doc
_lhsOsem_prod = rule337 _hdIsem_prod _tlIsem_prod
_lhsOvisitKinds :: Map VisitIdentifier VisitKind
_lhsOvisitKinds = rule338 _hdIvisitKinds _tlIvisitKinds
_lhsOvisitdefs :: Map VisitIdentifier (Set Identifier)
_lhsOvisitdefs = rule339 _hdIvisitdefs _tlIvisitdefs
_lhsOvisituses :: Map VisitIdentifier (Set Identifier)
_lhsOvisituses = rule340 _hdIvisituses _tlIvisituses
_hdOallFromToStates = rule341 _lhsIallFromToStates
_hdOallInhmap = rule342 _lhsIallInhmap
_hdOallInitStates = rule343 _lhsIallInitStates
_hdOallSynmap = rule344 _lhsIallSynmap
_hdOallVisitKinds = rule345 _lhsIallVisitKinds
_hdOallchildvisit = rule346 _lhsIallchildvisit
_hdOallstates = rule347 _lhsIallstates
_hdOavisitdefs = rule348 _lhsIavisitdefs
_hdOavisituses = rule349 _lhsIavisituses
_hdOclassCtxs = rule350 _lhsIclassCtxs
_hdOimportBlocks = rule351 _lhsIimportBlocks
_hdOinhmap = rule352 _lhsIinhmap
_hdOinitial = rule353 _lhsIinitial
_hdOlocalAttrTypes = rule354 _lhsIlocalAttrTypes
_hdOmainFile = rule355 _lhsImainFile
_hdOmainName = rule356 _lhsImainName
_hdOmoduleHeader = rule357 _lhsImoduleHeader
_hdOnextVisits = rule358 _lhsInextVisits
_hdOnt = rule359 _lhsInt
_hdOntType = rule360 _lhsIntType
_hdOoptions = rule361 _lhsIoptions
_hdOparams = rule362 _lhsIparams
_hdOpragmaBlocks = rule363 _lhsIpragmaBlocks
_hdOprevVisits = rule364 _lhsIprevVisits
_hdOrename = rule365 _lhsIrename
_hdOsynmap = rule366 _lhsIsynmap
_hdOtextBlocks = rule367 _lhsItextBlocks
_tlOallFromToStates = rule368 _lhsIallFromToStates
_tlOallInhmap = rule369 _lhsIallInhmap
_tlOallInitStates = rule370 _lhsIallInitStates
_tlOallSynmap = rule371 _lhsIallSynmap
_tlOallVisitKinds = rule372 _lhsIallVisitKinds
_tlOallchildvisit = rule373 _lhsIallchildvisit
_tlOallstates = rule374 _lhsIallstates
_tlOavisitdefs = rule375 _lhsIavisitdefs
_tlOavisituses = rule376 _lhsIavisituses
_tlOclassCtxs = rule377 _lhsIclassCtxs
_tlOimportBlocks = rule378 _lhsIimportBlocks
_tlOinhmap = rule379 _lhsIinhmap
_tlOinitial = rule380 _lhsIinitial
_tlOlocalAttrTypes = rule381 _lhsIlocalAttrTypes
_tlOmainFile = rule382 _lhsImainFile
_tlOmainName = rule383 _lhsImainName
_tlOmoduleHeader = rule384 _lhsImoduleHeader
_tlOnextVisits = rule385 _lhsInextVisits
_tlOnt = rule386 _lhsInt
_tlOntType = rule387 _lhsIntType
_tlOoptions = rule388 _lhsIoptions
_tlOparams = rule389 _lhsIparams
_tlOpragmaBlocks = rule390 _lhsIpragmaBlocks
_tlOprevVisits = rule391 _lhsIprevVisits
_tlOrename = rule392 _lhsIrename
_tlOsynmap = rule393 _lhsIsynmap
_tlOtextBlocks = rule394 _lhsItextBlocks
__result_ = T_EProductions_vOut16 _lhsOallvisits _lhsOchildvisit _lhsOcount _lhsOdatatype _lhsOerrors _lhsOfromToStates _lhsOgenProdIO _lhsOimports _lhsOsemFunBndDefs _lhsOsemFunBndTps _lhsOsem_nt _lhsOsem_prod _lhsOt_visits _lhsOvisitKinds _lhsOvisitdefs _lhsOvisituses
in __result_ )
in C_EProductions_s17 v16
{-# INLINE rule325 #-}
{-# LINE 343 "src-ag/ExecutionPlan2Hs.ag" #-}
rule325 = \ ((_hdIallvisits) :: [VisitStateState]) ->
{-# LINE 343 "src-ag/ExecutionPlan2Hs.ag" #-}
{-# LINE 2880 "dist/build/ExecutionPlan2Hs.hs"#-}
{-# INLINE rule326 #-}
{-# LINE 396 "src-ag/ExecutionPlan2Hs.ag" #-}
rule326 = \ ((_hdIt_visits) :: PP_Doc) ->
{-# LINE 396 "src-ag/ExecutionPlan2Hs.ag" #-}
{-# LINE 2886 "dist/build/ExecutionPlan2Hs.hs"#-}
{-# INLINE rule327 #-}
rule327 = \ ((_hdIchildvisit) :: Map VisitIdentifier (Identifier -> VisitKind -> Either Error (PP_Doc, PP_Doc))) ((_tlIchildvisit) :: Map VisitIdentifier (Identifier -> VisitKind -> Either Error (PP_Doc, PP_Doc))) ->
_hdIchildvisit `Map.union` _tlIchildvisit
{-# INLINE rule328 #-}
rule328 = \ ((_hdIcount) :: Int) ((_tlIcount) :: Int) ->
_hdIcount + _tlIcount
{-# INLINE rule329 #-}
rule329 = \ ((_hdIdatatype) :: PP_Doc) ((_tlIdatatype) :: [PP_Doc]) ->
_hdIdatatype : _tlIdatatype
{-# INLINE rule330 #-}
rule330 = \ ((_hdIerrors) :: Seq Error) ((_tlIerrors) :: Seq Error) ->
_hdIerrors Seq.>< _tlIerrors
{-# INLINE rule331 #-}
rule331 = \ ((_hdIfromToStates) :: Map VisitIdentifier (Int,Int)) ((_tlIfromToStates) :: Map VisitIdentifier (Int,Int)) ->
_hdIfromToStates `mappend` _tlIfromToStates
{-# INLINE rule332 #-}
rule332 = \ ((_hdIgenProdIO) :: IO ()) ((_tlIgenProdIO) :: IO ()) ->
_hdIgenProdIO >> _tlIgenProdIO
{-# INLINE rule333 #-}
rule333 = \ ((_hdIimports) :: [PP_Doc]) ((_tlIimports) :: [PP_Doc]) ->
_hdIimports ++ _tlIimports
{-# INLINE rule334 #-}
rule334 = \ ((_hdIsemFunBndDefs) :: Seq PP_Doc) ((_tlIsemFunBndDefs) :: Seq PP_Doc) ->
_hdIsemFunBndDefs Seq.>< _tlIsemFunBndDefs
{-# INLINE rule335 #-}
rule335 = \ ((_hdIsemFunBndTps) :: Seq PP_Doc) ((_tlIsemFunBndTps) :: Seq PP_Doc) ->
_hdIsemFunBndTps Seq.>< _tlIsemFunBndTps
{-# INLINE rule336 #-}
rule336 = \ ((_hdIsem_nt) :: PP_Doc) ((_tlIsem_nt) :: PP_Doc) ->
_hdIsem_nt >-< _tlIsem_nt
{-# INLINE rule337 #-}
rule337 = \ ((_hdIsem_prod) :: PP_Doc) ((_tlIsem_prod) :: PP_Doc) ->
_hdIsem_prod >-< _tlIsem_prod
{-# INLINE rule338 #-}
rule338 = \ ((_hdIvisitKinds) :: Map VisitIdentifier VisitKind) ((_tlIvisitKinds) :: Map VisitIdentifier VisitKind) ->
_hdIvisitKinds `mappend` _tlIvisitKinds
{-# INLINE rule339 #-}
rule339 = \ ((_hdIvisitdefs) :: Map VisitIdentifier (Set Identifier)) ((_tlIvisitdefs) :: Map VisitIdentifier (Set Identifier)) ->
_hdIvisitdefs `uwSetUnion` _tlIvisitdefs
{-# INLINE rule340 #-}
rule340 = \ ((_hdIvisituses) :: Map VisitIdentifier (Set Identifier)) ((_tlIvisituses) :: Map VisitIdentifier (Set Identifier)) ->
_hdIvisituses `uwSetUnion` _tlIvisituses
{-# INLINE rule341 #-}
rule341 = \ ((_lhsIallFromToStates) :: Map VisitIdentifier (Int,Int)) ->
{-# INLINE rule342 #-}
rule342 = \ ((_lhsIallInhmap) :: Map NontermIdent Attributes) ->
{-# INLINE rule343 #-}
rule343 = \ ((_lhsIallInitStates) :: Map NontermIdent Int) ->
{-# INLINE rule344 #-}
rule344 = \ ((_lhsIallSynmap) :: Map NontermIdent Attributes) ->
{-# INLINE rule345 #-}
rule345 = \ ((_lhsIallVisitKinds) :: Map VisitIdentifier VisitKind) ->
{-# INLINE rule346 #-}
rule346 = \ ((_lhsIallchildvisit) :: Map VisitIdentifier (Identifier -> VisitKind -> Either Error (PP_Doc, PP_Doc))) ->
{-# INLINE rule347 #-}
rule347 = \ ((_lhsIallstates) :: Set StateIdentifier) ->
{-# INLINE rule348 #-}
rule348 = \ ((_lhsIavisitdefs) :: Map VisitIdentifier (Set Identifier)) ->
{-# INLINE rule349 #-}
rule349 = \ ((_lhsIavisituses) :: Map VisitIdentifier (Set Identifier)) ->
{-# INLINE rule350 #-}
rule350 = \ ((_lhsIclassCtxs) :: ClassContext) ->
{-# INLINE rule351 #-}
rule351 = \ ((_lhsIimportBlocks) :: PP_Doc) ->
{-# INLINE rule352 #-}
rule352 = \ ((_lhsIinhmap) :: Attributes) ->
{-# INLINE rule353 #-}
rule353 = \ ((_lhsIinitial) :: StateIdentifier) ->
{-# INLINE rule354 #-}
rule354 = \ ((_lhsIlocalAttrTypes) :: Map ConstructorIdent (Map Identifier Type)) ->
{-# INLINE rule355 #-}
rule355 = \ ((_lhsImainFile) :: String) ->
{-# INLINE rule356 #-}
rule356 = \ ((_lhsImainName) :: String) ->
{-# INLINE rule357 #-}
rule357 = \ ((_lhsImoduleHeader) :: String -> String -> String -> Bool -> String) ->
{-# INLINE rule358 #-}
rule358 = \ ((_lhsInextVisits) :: Map StateIdentifier StateCtx) ->
{-# INLINE rule359 #-}
rule359 = \ ((_lhsInt) :: NontermIdent) ->
{-# INLINE rule360 #-}
rule360 = \ ((_lhsIntType) :: Type) ->
{-# INLINE rule361 #-}
rule361 = \ ((_lhsIoptions) :: Options) ->
{-# INLINE rule362 #-}
rule362 = \ ((_lhsIparams) :: [Identifier]) ->
{-# INLINE rule363 #-}
rule363 = \ ((_lhsIpragmaBlocks) :: String) ->
{-# INLINE rule364 #-}
rule364 = \ ((_lhsIprevVisits) :: Map StateIdentifier StateCtx) ->
{-# INLINE rule365 #-}
rule365 = \ ((_lhsIrename) :: Bool) ->
{-# INLINE rule366 #-}
rule366 = \ ((_lhsIsynmap) :: Attributes) ->
{-# INLINE rule367 #-}
rule367 = \ ((_lhsItextBlocks) :: PP_Doc) ->
{-# INLINE rule368 #-}
rule368 = \ ((_lhsIallFromToStates) :: Map VisitIdentifier (Int,Int)) ->
{-# INLINE rule369 #-}
rule369 = \ ((_lhsIallInhmap) :: Map NontermIdent Attributes) ->
{-# INLINE rule370 #-}
rule370 = \ ((_lhsIallInitStates) :: Map NontermIdent Int) ->
{-# INLINE rule371 #-}
rule371 = \ ((_lhsIallSynmap) :: Map NontermIdent Attributes) ->
{-# INLINE rule372 #-}
rule372 = \ ((_lhsIallVisitKinds) :: Map VisitIdentifier VisitKind) ->
{-# INLINE rule373 #-}
rule373 = \ ((_lhsIallchildvisit) :: Map VisitIdentifier (Identifier -> VisitKind -> Either Error (PP_Doc, PP_Doc))) ->
{-# INLINE rule374 #-}
rule374 = \ ((_lhsIallstates) :: Set StateIdentifier) ->
{-# INLINE rule375 #-}
rule375 = \ ((_lhsIavisitdefs) :: Map VisitIdentifier (Set Identifier)) ->
{-# INLINE rule376 #-}
rule376 = \ ((_lhsIavisituses) :: Map VisitIdentifier (Set Identifier)) ->
{-# INLINE rule377 #-}
rule377 = \ ((_lhsIclassCtxs) :: ClassContext) ->
{-# INLINE rule378 #-}
rule378 = \ ((_lhsIimportBlocks) :: PP_Doc) ->
{-# INLINE rule379 #-}
rule379 = \ ((_lhsIinhmap) :: Attributes) ->
{-# INLINE rule380 #-}
rule380 = \ ((_lhsIinitial) :: StateIdentifier) ->
{-# INLINE rule381 #-}
rule381 = \ ((_lhsIlocalAttrTypes) :: Map ConstructorIdent (Map Identifier Type)) ->
{-# INLINE rule382 #-}
rule382 = \ ((_lhsImainFile) :: String) ->
{-# INLINE rule383 #-}
rule383 = \ ((_lhsImainName) :: String) ->
{-# INLINE rule384 #-}
rule384 = \ ((_lhsImoduleHeader) :: String -> String -> String -> Bool -> String) ->
{-# INLINE rule385 #-}
rule385 = \ ((_lhsInextVisits) :: Map StateIdentifier StateCtx) ->
{-# INLINE rule386 #-}
rule386 = \ ((_lhsInt) :: NontermIdent) ->
{-# INLINE rule387 #-}
rule387 = \ ((_lhsIntType) :: Type) ->
{-# INLINE rule388 #-}
rule388 = \ ((_lhsIoptions) :: Options) ->
{-# INLINE rule389 #-}
rule389 = \ ((_lhsIparams) :: [Identifier]) ->
{-# INLINE rule390 #-}
rule390 = \ ((_lhsIpragmaBlocks) :: String) ->
{-# INLINE rule391 #-}
rule391 = \ ((_lhsIprevVisits) :: Map StateIdentifier StateCtx) ->
{-# INLINE rule392 #-}
rule392 = \ ((_lhsIrename) :: Bool) ->
{-# INLINE rule393 #-}
rule393 = \ ((_lhsIsynmap) :: Attributes) ->
{-# INLINE rule394 #-}
rule394 = \ ((_lhsItextBlocks) :: PP_Doc) ->
{-# NOINLINE sem_EProductions_Nil #-}
sem_EProductions_Nil :: T_EProductions
sem_EProductions_Nil = T_EProductions (return st17) where
{-# NOINLINE st17 #-}
st17 = let
v16 :: T_EProductions_v16
v16 = \ (T_EProductions_vIn16 _lhsIallFromToStates _lhsIallInhmap _lhsIallInitStates _lhsIallSynmap _lhsIallVisitKinds _lhsIallchildvisit _lhsIallstates _lhsIavisitdefs _lhsIavisituses _lhsIclassCtxs _lhsIimportBlocks _lhsIinhmap _lhsIinitial _lhsIlocalAttrTypes _lhsImainFile _lhsImainName _lhsImoduleHeader _lhsInextVisits _lhsInt _lhsIntType _lhsIoptions _lhsIparams _lhsIpragmaBlocks _lhsIprevVisits _lhsIrename _lhsIsynmap _lhsItextBlocks) -> ( let
_lhsOallvisits :: [VisitStateState]
_lhsOallvisits = rule395 ()
_lhsOchildvisit :: Map VisitIdentifier (Identifier -> VisitKind -> Either Error (PP_Doc, PP_Doc))
_lhsOchildvisit = rule396 ()
_lhsOcount :: Int
_lhsOcount = rule397 ()
_lhsOdatatype :: [PP_Doc]
_lhsOdatatype = rule398 ()
_lhsOerrors :: Seq Error
_lhsOerrors = rule399 ()
_lhsOfromToStates :: Map VisitIdentifier (Int,Int)
_lhsOfromToStates = rule400 ()
_lhsOgenProdIO :: IO ()
_lhsOgenProdIO = rule401 ()
_lhsOimports :: [PP_Doc]
_lhsOimports = rule402 ()
_lhsOsemFunBndDefs :: Seq PP_Doc
_lhsOsemFunBndDefs = rule403 ()
_lhsOsemFunBndTps :: Seq PP_Doc
_lhsOsemFunBndTps = rule404 ()
_lhsOsem_nt :: PP_Doc
_lhsOsem_nt = rule405 ()
_lhsOsem_prod :: PP_Doc
_lhsOsem_prod = rule406 ()
_lhsOt_visits :: PP_Doc
_lhsOt_visits = rule407 ()
_lhsOvisitKinds :: Map VisitIdentifier VisitKind
_lhsOvisitKinds = rule408 ()
_lhsOvisitdefs :: Map VisitIdentifier (Set Identifier)
_lhsOvisitdefs = rule409 ()
_lhsOvisituses :: Map VisitIdentifier (Set Identifier)
_lhsOvisituses = rule410 ()
__result_ = T_EProductions_vOut16 _lhsOallvisits _lhsOchildvisit _lhsOcount _lhsOdatatype _lhsOerrors _lhsOfromToStates _lhsOgenProdIO _lhsOimports _lhsOsemFunBndDefs _lhsOsemFunBndTps _lhsOsem_nt _lhsOsem_prod _lhsOt_visits _lhsOvisitKinds _lhsOvisitdefs _lhsOvisituses
in __result_ )
in C_EProductions_s17 v16
{-# INLINE rule395 #-}
{-# LINE 344 "src-ag/ExecutionPlan2Hs.ag" #-}
rule395 = \ (_ :: ()) ->
{-# LINE 344 "src-ag/ExecutionPlan2Hs.ag" #-}
error "Every nonterminal should have at least 1 production"
{-# LINE 3138 "dist/build/ExecutionPlan2Hs.hs"#-}
{-# INLINE rule396 #-}
rule396 = \ (_ :: ()) ->
{-# INLINE rule397 #-}
rule397 = \ (_ :: ()) ->
{-# INLINE rule398 #-}
rule398 = \ (_ :: ()) ->
{-# INLINE rule399 #-}
rule399 = \ (_ :: ()) ->
{-# INLINE rule400 #-}
rule400 = \ (_ :: ()) ->
{-# INLINE rule401 #-}
rule401 = \ (_ :: ()) ->
return ()
{-# INLINE rule402 #-}
rule402 = \ (_ :: ()) ->
{-# INLINE rule403 #-}
rule403 = \ (_ :: ()) ->
{-# INLINE rule404 #-}
rule404 = \ (_ :: ()) ->
{-# INLINE rule405 #-}
rule405 = \ (_ :: ()) ->
{-# INLINE rule406 #-}
rule406 = \ (_ :: ()) ->
{-# INLINE rule407 #-}
rule407 = \ (_ :: ()) ->
{-# INLINE rule408 #-}
rule408 = \ (_ :: ()) ->
{-# INLINE rule409 #-}
rule409 = \ (_ :: ()) ->
{-# INLINE rule410 #-}
rule410 = \ (_ :: ()) ->
data Inh_ERule = Inh_ERule { allInhmap_Inh_ERule :: (Map NontermIdent Attributes), allSynmap_Inh_ERule :: (Map NontermIdent Attributes), childTypes_Inh_ERule :: (Map Identifier Type), con_Inh_ERule :: (ConstructorIdent), importBlocks_Inh_ERule :: (PP_Doc), inhmap_Inh_ERule :: (Attributes), lazyIntras_Inh_ERule :: (Set String), localAttrTypes_Inh_ERule :: (Map Identifier Type), mainFile_Inh_ERule :: (String), mainName_Inh_ERule :: (String), moduleHeader_Inh_ERule :: (String -> String -> String -> Bool -> String), nt_Inh_ERule :: (NontermIdent), options_Inh_ERule :: (Options), pragmaBlocks_Inh_ERule :: (String), ruleKinds_Inh_ERule :: (Map Identifier (Set VisitKind)), synmap_Inh_ERule :: (Attributes), textBlocks_Inh_ERule :: (PP_Doc), usageInfo_Inh_ERule :: (Map Identifier Int) }
data Syn_ERule = Syn_ERule { errors_Syn_ERule :: (Seq Error), mrules_Syn_ERule :: (Map Identifier (VisitKind -> FormatMode -> Either Error PP_Doc)), ruledefs_Syn_ERule :: (Map Identifier (Set String)), ruleuses_Syn_ERule :: (Map Identifier (Map String (Maybe NonLocalAttr))), sem_rules_Syn_ERule :: (PP_Doc), usedArgs_Syn_ERule :: (Set String) }
{-# INLINABLE wrap_ERule #-}
wrap_ERule :: T_ERule -> Inh_ERule -> (Syn_ERule )
wrap_ERule (T_ERule act) (Inh_ERule _lhsIallInhmap _lhsIallSynmap _lhsIchildTypes _lhsIcon _lhsIimportBlocks _lhsIinhmap _lhsIlazyIntras _lhsIlocalAttrTypes _lhsImainFile _lhsImainName _lhsImoduleHeader _lhsInt _lhsIoptions _lhsIpragmaBlocks _lhsIruleKinds _lhsIsynmap _lhsItextBlocks _lhsIusageInfo) =
Control.Monad.Identity.runIdentity (
do sem <- act
let arg19 = T_ERule_vIn19 _lhsIallInhmap _lhsIallSynmap _lhsIchildTypes _lhsIcon _lhsIimportBlocks _lhsIinhmap _lhsIlazyIntras _lhsIlocalAttrTypes _lhsImainFile _lhsImainName _lhsImoduleHeader _lhsInt _lhsIoptions _lhsIpragmaBlocks _lhsIruleKinds _lhsIsynmap _lhsItextBlocks _lhsIusageInfo
(T_ERule_vOut19 _lhsOerrors _lhsOmrules _lhsOruledefs _lhsOruleuses _lhsOsem_rules _lhsOusedArgs) <- return (inv_ERule_s20 sem arg19)
return (Syn_ERule _lhsOerrors _lhsOmrules _lhsOruledefs _lhsOruleuses _lhsOsem_rules _lhsOusedArgs)
{-# INLINE sem_ERule #-}
sem_ERule :: ERule -> T_ERule
sem_ERule ( ERule name_ pattern_ rhs_ owrt_ origin_ explicit_ pure_ mbError_ ) = sem_ERule_ERule name_ ( sem_Pattern pattern_ ) ( sem_Expression rhs_ ) owrt_ origin_ explicit_ pure_ mbError_
newtype T_ERule = T_ERule {
attach_T_ERule :: Identity (T_ERule_s20 )
newtype T_ERule_s20 = C_ERule_s20 {
inv_ERule_s20 :: (T_ERule_v19 )
data T_ERule_s21 = C_ERule_s21
type T_ERule_v19 = (T_ERule_vIn19 ) -> (T_ERule_vOut19 )
data T_ERule_vIn19 = T_ERule_vIn19 (Map NontermIdent Attributes) (Map NontermIdent Attributes) (Map Identifier Type) (ConstructorIdent) (PP_Doc) (Attributes) (Set String) (Map Identifier Type) (String) (String) (String -> String -> String -> Bool -> String) (NontermIdent) (Options) (String) (Map Identifier (Set VisitKind)) (Attributes) (PP_Doc) (Map Identifier Int)
data T_ERule_vOut19 = T_ERule_vOut19 (Seq Error) (Map Identifier (VisitKind -> FormatMode -> Either Error PP_Doc)) (Map Identifier (Set String)) (Map Identifier (Map String (Maybe NonLocalAttr))) (PP_Doc) (Set String)
{-# NOINLINE sem_ERule_ERule #-}
sem_ERule_ERule :: (Identifier) -> T_Pattern -> T_Expression -> (Bool) -> (String) -> (Bool) -> (Bool) -> (Maybe Error) -> T_ERule
sem_ERule_ERule arg_name_ arg_pattern_ arg_rhs_ _ _ arg_explicit_ arg_pure_ arg_mbError_ = T_ERule (return st20) where
{-# NOINLINE st20 #-}
st20 = let
v19 :: T_ERule_v19
v19 = \ (T_ERule_vIn19 _lhsIallInhmap _lhsIallSynmap _lhsIchildTypes _lhsIcon _lhsIimportBlocks _lhsIinhmap _lhsIlazyIntras _lhsIlocalAttrTypes _lhsImainFile _lhsImainName _lhsImoduleHeader _lhsInt _lhsIoptions _lhsIpragmaBlocks _lhsIruleKinds _lhsIsynmap _lhsItextBlocks _lhsIusageInfo) -> ( let
_patternX41 = Control.Monad.Identity.runIdentity (attach_T_Pattern (arg_pattern_))
_rhsX29 = Control.Monad.Identity.runIdentity (attach_T_Expression (arg_rhs_))
(T_Pattern_vOut40 _patternIattrTypes _patternIattrs _patternIcopy _patternIisUnderscore _patternIsem_lhs) = inv_Pattern_s41 _patternX41 (T_Pattern_vIn40 _patternOallInhmap _patternOallSynmap _patternOanyLazyKind _patternOinhmap _patternOlocalAttrTypes _patternOoptions _patternOsynmap)
(T_Expression_vOut28 _rhsIattrs _rhsIpos _rhsIsemfunc _rhsItks) = inv_Expression_s29 _rhsX29 (T_Expression_vIn28 _rhsOoptions)
_lhsOusedArgs :: Set String
_lhsOusedArgs = rule411 _usedArgs_augmented_f1 _usedArgs_augmented_syn
_usedArgs_augmented_f1 = rule412 _rhsIattrs
_lhsOsem_rules :: PP_Doc
_lhsOsem_rules = rule413 _rulePragma _rulecode _used
_rulecode = rule414 _endpragma _genpragma _lambda _pragma _rhsIpos _rhsIsemfunc _scc
_rulePragma = rule415 _lhsIoptions _used arg_explicit_ arg_name_
_scc = rule416 _lhsIcon _lhsInt _lhsIoptions _rhsIpos arg_explicit_ arg_name_ arg_pure_
_pragma = rule417 _rhsIpos
_endpragma = rule418 _lhsImainFile
_genpragma = rule419 _haspos _lhsIoptions arg_explicit_
_haspos = rule420 _rhsIpos
_lambda = rule421 _argPats _lhsIoptions _rhsIattrs arg_name_
_argPats = rule422 _addbang1 _lhsIallInhmap _lhsIallSynmap _lhsIchildTypes _lhsIlazyIntras _lhsIlocalAttrTypes _lhsIoptions _rhsIattrs
_argExprs = rule423 _rhsIattrs
_stepcode = rule424 _argExprs _lhsIoptions _patternIattrTypes _patternIsem_lhs _rhsIattrs arg_name_ arg_pure_
_lhsOmrules :: Map Identifier (VisitKind -> FormatMode -> Either Error PP_Doc)
_lhsOmrules = rule425 _stepcode arg_name_
_used = rule426 _lhsIusageInfo arg_name_
_kinds = rule427 _lhsIruleKinds arg_name_
_anyLazyKind = rule428 _kinds
_lhsOruledefs :: Map Identifier (Set String)
_lhsOruledefs = rule429 _patternIattrs arg_name_
_lhsOruleuses :: Map Identifier (Map String (Maybe NonLocalAttr))
_lhsOruleuses = rule430 _rhsIattrs arg_name_
_addbang = rule431 _lhsIoptions
_addbang1 = rule432 _addbang _anyLazyKind
_lhsOerrors :: Seq Error
_lhsOerrors = rule433 _used arg_mbError_
_usedArgs_augmented_syn = rule434 ()
_patternOallInhmap = rule435 _lhsIallInhmap
_patternOallSynmap = rule436 _lhsIallSynmap
_patternOanyLazyKind = rule437 _anyLazyKind
_patternOinhmap = rule438 _lhsIinhmap
_patternOlocalAttrTypes = rule439 _lhsIlocalAttrTypes
_patternOoptions = rule440 _lhsIoptions
_patternOsynmap = rule441 _lhsIsynmap
_rhsOoptions = rule442 _lhsIoptions
__result_ = T_ERule_vOut19 _lhsOerrors _lhsOmrules _lhsOruledefs _lhsOruleuses _lhsOsem_rules _lhsOusedArgs
in __result_ )
in C_ERule_s20 v19
{-# INLINE rule411 #-}
rule411 = \ _usedArgs_augmented_f1 _usedArgs_augmented_syn ->
foldr ($) _usedArgs_augmented_syn [_usedArgs_augmented_f1]
{-# INLINE rule412 #-}
rule412 = \ ((_rhsIattrs) :: Map String (Maybe NonLocalAttr)) ->
Set.union $ Map.keysSet $ Map.mapKeys (\a -> "arg_" ++ a) $ Map.filter isNothing _rhsIattrs
{-# INLINE rule413 #-}
{-# LINE 995 "src-ag/ExecutionPlan2Hs.ag" #-}
rule413 = \ _rulePragma _rulecode _used ->
{-# LINE 995 "src-ag/ExecutionPlan2Hs.ag" #-}
if _used == 0
then empty
else _rulePragma >-< _rulecode
{-# LINE 3280 "dist/build/ExecutionPlan2Hs.hs"#-}
{-# INLINE rule414 #-}
{-# LINE 998 "src-ag/ExecutionPlan2Hs.ag" #-}
rule414 = \ _endpragma _genpragma _lambda _pragma ((_rhsIpos) :: Pos) ((_rhsIsemfunc) :: PP_Doc) _scc ->
{-# LINE 998 "src-ag/ExecutionPlan2Hs.ag" #-}
( if _genpragma
then _pragma
else empty
>-< _lambda >#< _scc
>-< indent ((column _rhsIpos - 2) `max` 2)
( if _genpragma
then _pragma >-< _rhsIsemfunc >-< _endpragma
else _rhsIsemfunc
{-# LINE 3295 "dist/build/ExecutionPlan2Hs.hs"#-}
{-# INLINE rule415 #-}
{-# LINE 1010 "src-ag/ExecutionPlan2Hs.ag" #-}
rule415 = \ ((_lhsIoptions) :: Options) _used explicit_ name_ ->
{-# LINE 1010 "src-ag/ExecutionPlan2Hs.ag" #-}
( let reallyInlineStr = "INLINE"
reallyNoInlineStr = "NOINLINE"
in if noInlinePragmas _lhsIoptions
then empty
else if _used == 1
then ppPragmaBinding reallyInlineStr name_
else if helpInlining _lhsIoptions
then if not explicit_ && _used <= reallyOftenUsedThreshold
then ppPragmaBinding "INLINE[1]" name_
else if _used > ruleInlineThresholdSoft && explicit_
then if _used > ruleInlineThresholdHard
then ppPragmaBinding reallyNoInlineStr name_
else if aggressiveInlinePragmas _lhsIoptions
then ppPragmaBinding "NOINLINE[2]" name_
else ppNoInline name_
else if aggressiveInlinePragmas _lhsIoptions
then ppPragmaBinding "NOINLINE[1]" name_
else ppNoInline name_
else if not explicit_ || _used <= ruleInlineThresholdSoft
then ppPragmaBinding "NOINLINE[1]" name_
else ppNoInline name_
{-# LINE 3322 "dist/build/ExecutionPlan2Hs.hs"#-}
{-# INLINE rule416 #-}
{-# LINE 1032 "src-ag/ExecutionPlan2Hs.ag" #-}
rule416 = \ ((_lhsIcon) :: ConstructorIdent) ((_lhsInt) :: NontermIdent) ((_lhsIoptions) :: Options) ((_rhsIpos) :: Pos) explicit_ name_ pure_ ->
{-# LINE 1032 "src-ag/ExecutionPlan2Hs.ag" #-}
if genCostCentres _lhsIoptions && explicit_ && pure_ && not (noPerRuleCostCentres _lhsIoptions)
then ppCostCentre (name_ >|< "_" >|< line _rhsIpos >|< "_" >|< _lhsInt >|< "_" >|< _lhsIcon)
else empty
{-# LINE 3330 "dist/build/ExecutionPlan2Hs.hs"#-}
{-# INLINE rule417 #-}
{-# LINE 1035 "src-ag/ExecutionPlan2Hs.ag" #-}
rule417 = \ ((_rhsIpos) :: Pos) ->
{-# LINE 1035 "src-ag/ExecutionPlan2Hs.ag" #-}
"{-# LINE" >#< show (line _rhsIpos) >#< show (file _rhsIpos) >#< "#-}"
{-# LINE 3336 "dist/build/ExecutionPlan2Hs.hs"#-}
{-# INLINE rule418 #-}
{-# LINE 1036 "src-ag/ExecutionPlan2Hs.ag" #-}
rule418 = \ ((_lhsImainFile) :: String) ->
{-# LINE 1036 "src-ag/ExecutionPlan2Hs.ag" #-}
ppWithLineNr (\ln -> "{-# LINE " ++ show (ln+1) ++ " " ++ show _lhsImainFile ++ "#-}")
{-# LINE 3342 "dist/build/ExecutionPlan2Hs.hs"#-}
{-# INLINE rule419 #-}
{-# LINE 1037 "src-ag/ExecutionPlan2Hs.ag" #-}
rule419 = \ _haspos ((_lhsIoptions) :: Options) explicit_ ->
{-# LINE 1037 "src-ag/ExecutionPlan2Hs.ag" #-}
genLinePragmas _lhsIoptions && explicit_ && _haspos
{-# LINE 3348 "dist/build/ExecutionPlan2Hs.hs"#-}
{-# INLINE rule420 #-}
{-# LINE 1038 "src-ag/ExecutionPlan2Hs.ag" #-}
rule420 = \ ((_rhsIpos) :: Pos) ->
{-# LINE 1038 "src-ag/ExecutionPlan2Hs.ag" #-}
line _rhsIpos > 0 && column _rhsIpos >= 0 && not (null (file _rhsIpos))
{-# LINE 3354 "dist/build/ExecutionPlan2Hs.hs"#-}
{-# INLINE rule421 #-}
{-# LINE 1047 "src-ag/ExecutionPlan2Hs.ag" #-}
rule421 = \ _argPats ((_lhsIoptions) :: Options) ((_rhsIattrs) :: Map String (Maybe NonLocalAttr)) name_ ->
{-# LINE 1047 "src-ag/ExecutionPlan2Hs.ag" #-}
name_ >#< "=" >#< "\\" >#< _argPats >#< dummyPat _lhsIoptions (Map.null _rhsIattrs) >#< "->"
{-# LINE 3360 "dist/build/ExecutionPlan2Hs.hs"#-}
{-# INLINE rule422 #-}
{-# LINE 1049 "src-ag/ExecutionPlan2Hs.ag" #-}
rule422 = \ _addbang1 ((_lhsIallInhmap) :: Map NontermIdent Attributes) ((_lhsIallSynmap) :: Map NontermIdent Attributes) ((_lhsIchildTypes) :: Map Identifier Type) ((_lhsIlazyIntras) :: Set String) ((_lhsIlocalAttrTypes) :: Map Identifier Type) ((_lhsIoptions) :: Options) ((_rhsIattrs) :: Map String (Maybe NonLocalAttr)) ->
{-# LINE 1049 "src-ag/ExecutionPlan2Hs.ag" #-}
ppSpaced [ let match | str `Set.member` _lhsIlazyIntras = pp str
| otherwise = _addbang1 (pp str)
in case mbAttr of
Just (AttrSyn child nm) | child == _LOC && not (noPerStateTypeSigs _lhsIoptions) ->
case Map.lookup nm _lhsIlocalAttrTypes of
Just tp -> pp_parens (pp_parens match >#< "::" >#< ppTp tp)
Nothing -> match
Just attr | not (noPerRuleTypeSigs _lhsIoptions) ->
case lookupAttrType attr _lhsIallInhmap _lhsIallSynmap _lhsIchildTypes of
Just tpDoc -> pp_parens (pp_parens match >#< "::" >#< tpDoc)
Nothing -> match
_ -> match
| (str,mbAttr) <- Map.assocs _rhsIattrs
{-# LINE 3379 "dist/build/ExecutionPlan2Hs.hs"#-}
{-# INLINE rule423 #-}
{-# LINE 1063 "src-ag/ExecutionPlan2Hs.ag" #-}
rule423 = \ ((_rhsIattrs) :: Map String (Maybe NonLocalAttr)) ->
{-# LINE 1063 "src-ag/ExecutionPlan2Hs.ag" #-}
ppSpaced [ case mbAttr of
Nothing -> "arg_" >|< str
_ -> text str
| (str,mbAttr) <- Map.assocs _rhsIattrs
{-# LINE 3389 "dist/build/ExecutionPlan2Hs.hs"#-}
{-# INLINE rule424 #-}
{-# LINE 1068 "src-ag/ExecutionPlan2Hs.ag" #-}
rule424 = \ _argExprs ((_lhsIoptions) :: Options) ((_patternIattrTypes) :: PP_Doc) ((_patternIsem_lhs) :: PP_Doc ) ((_rhsIattrs) :: Map String (Maybe NonLocalAttr)) name_ pure_ ->
{-# LINE 1068 "src-ag/ExecutionPlan2Hs.ag" #-}
\kind fmtMode -> if kind `compatibleRule` pure_
then Right $ let oper | pure_ = "="
| otherwise = "<-"
decl = _patternIsem_lhs >#< oper >#< name_ >#< _argExprs >#< dummyArg _lhsIoptions (Map.null _rhsIattrs)
tp = if pure_ && not (noPerRuleTypeSigs _lhsIoptions)
then _patternIattrTypes
else empty
in fmtDecl pure_ fmtMode (tp >-< decl)
else Left $ IncompatibleRuleKind name_ kind
{-# LINE 3403 "dist/build/ExecutionPlan2Hs.hs"#-}
{-# INLINE rule425 #-}
{-# LINE 1078 "src-ag/ExecutionPlan2Hs.ag" #-}
rule425 = \ _stepcode name_ ->
{-# LINE 1078 "src-ag/ExecutionPlan2Hs.ag" #-}
Map.singleton name_ _stepcode
{-# LINE 3409 "dist/build/ExecutionPlan2Hs.hs"#-}
{-# INLINE rule426 #-}
{-# LINE 1283 "src-ag/ExecutionPlan2Hs.ag" #-}
rule426 = \ ((_lhsIusageInfo) :: Map Identifier Int) name_ ->
{-# LINE 1283 "src-ag/ExecutionPlan2Hs.ag" #-}
Map.findWithDefault 0 name_ _lhsIusageInfo
{-# LINE 3415 "dist/build/ExecutionPlan2Hs.hs"#-}
{-# INLINE rule427 #-}
{-# LINE 1299 "src-ag/ExecutionPlan2Hs.ag" #-}
rule427 = \ ((_lhsIruleKinds) :: Map Identifier (Set VisitKind)) name_ ->
{-# LINE 1299 "src-ag/ExecutionPlan2Hs.ag" #-}
Map.findWithDefault Set.empty name_ _lhsIruleKinds
{-# LINE 3421 "dist/build/ExecutionPlan2Hs.hs"#-}
{-# INLINE rule428 #-}
{-# LINE 1300 "src-ag/ExecutionPlan2Hs.ag" #-}
rule428 = \ _kinds ->
{-# LINE 1300 "src-ag/ExecutionPlan2Hs.ag" #-}
Set.fold (\k r -> isLazyKind k || r) False _kinds
{-# LINE 3427 "dist/build/ExecutionPlan2Hs.hs"#-}
{-# INLINE rule429 #-}
{-# LINE 1346 "src-ag/ExecutionPlan2Hs.ag" #-}
rule429 = \ ((_patternIattrs) :: Set String) name_ ->
{-# LINE 1346 "src-ag/ExecutionPlan2Hs.ag" #-}
Map.singleton name_ _patternIattrs
{-# LINE 3433 "dist/build/ExecutionPlan2Hs.hs"#-}
{-# INLINE rule430 #-}
{-# LINE 1347 "src-ag/ExecutionPlan2Hs.ag" #-}
rule430 = \ ((_rhsIattrs) :: Map String (Maybe NonLocalAttr)) name_ ->
{-# LINE 1347 "src-ag/ExecutionPlan2Hs.ag" #-}
Map.singleton name_ _rhsIattrs
{-# LINE 3439 "dist/build/ExecutionPlan2Hs.hs"#-}
{-# INLINE rule431 #-}
{-# LINE 1549 "src-ag/ExecutionPlan2Hs.ag" #-}
rule431 = \ ((_lhsIoptions) :: Options) ->
{-# LINE 1549 "src-ag/ExecutionPlan2Hs.ag" #-}
\x -> if bangpats _lhsIoptions then "!" >|< x else x
{-# LINE 3445 "dist/build/ExecutionPlan2Hs.hs"#-}
{-# INLINE rule432 #-}
{-# LINE 1560 "src-ag/ExecutionPlan2Hs.ag" #-}
rule432 = \ _addbang _anyLazyKind ->
{-# LINE 1560 "src-ag/ExecutionPlan2Hs.ag" #-}
if _anyLazyKind then id else _addbang
{-# LINE 3451 "dist/build/ExecutionPlan2Hs.hs"#-}
{-# INLINE rule433 #-}
{-# LINE 1666 "src-ag/ExecutionPlan2Hs.ag" #-}
rule433 = \ _used mbError_ ->
{-# LINE 1666 "src-ag/ExecutionPlan2Hs.ag" #-}
case mbError_ of
Just e | _used > 0 -> Seq.singleton e
_ -> Seq.empty
{-# LINE 3459 "dist/build/ExecutionPlan2Hs.hs"#-}
{-# INLINE rule434 #-}
rule434 = \ (_ :: ()) ->
{-# INLINE rule435 #-}
rule435 = \ ((_lhsIallInhmap) :: Map NontermIdent Attributes) ->
{-# INLINE rule436 #-}
rule436 = \ ((_lhsIallSynmap) :: Map NontermIdent Attributes) ->
{-# INLINE rule437 #-}
rule437 = \ _anyLazyKind ->
{-# INLINE rule438 #-}
rule438 = \ ((_lhsIinhmap) :: Attributes) ->
{-# INLINE rule439 #-}
rule439 = \ ((_lhsIlocalAttrTypes) :: Map Identifier Type) ->
{-# INLINE rule440 #-}
rule440 = \ ((_lhsIoptions) :: Options) ->
{-# INLINE rule441 #-}
rule441 = \ ((_lhsIsynmap) :: Attributes) ->
{-# INLINE rule442 #-}
rule442 = \ ((_lhsIoptions) :: Options) ->
data Inh_ERules = Inh_ERules { allInhmap_Inh_ERules :: (Map NontermIdent Attributes), allSynmap_Inh_ERules :: (Map NontermIdent Attributes), childTypes_Inh_ERules :: (Map Identifier Type), con_Inh_ERules :: (ConstructorIdent), importBlocks_Inh_ERules :: (PP_Doc), inhmap_Inh_ERules :: (Attributes), lazyIntras_Inh_ERules :: (Set String), localAttrTypes_Inh_ERules :: (Map Identifier Type), mainFile_Inh_ERules :: (String), mainName_Inh_ERules :: (String), moduleHeader_Inh_ERules :: (String -> String -> String -> Bool -> String), nt_Inh_ERules :: (NontermIdent), options_Inh_ERules :: (Options), pragmaBlocks_Inh_ERules :: (String), ruleKinds_Inh_ERules :: (Map Identifier (Set VisitKind)), synmap_Inh_ERules :: (Attributes), textBlocks_Inh_ERules :: (PP_Doc), usageInfo_Inh_ERules :: (Map Identifier Int) }
data Syn_ERules = Syn_ERules { errors_Syn_ERules :: (Seq Error), mrules_Syn_ERules :: (Map Identifier (VisitKind -> FormatMode -> Either Error PP_Doc)), ruledefs_Syn_ERules :: (Map Identifier (Set String)), ruleuses_Syn_ERules :: (Map Identifier (Map String (Maybe NonLocalAttr))), sem_rules_Syn_ERules :: (PP_Doc), usedArgs_Syn_ERules :: (Set String) }
{-# INLINABLE wrap_ERules #-}
wrap_ERules :: T_ERules -> Inh_ERules -> (Syn_ERules )
wrap_ERules (T_ERules act) (Inh_ERules _lhsIallInhmap _lhsIallSynmap _lhsIchildTypes _lhsIcon _lhsIimportBlocks _lhsIinhmap _lhsIlazyIntras _lhsIlocalAttrTypes _lhsImainFile _lhsImainName _lhsImoduleHeader _lhsInt _lhsIoptions _lhsIpragmaBlocks _lhsIruleKinds _lhsIsynmap _lhsItextBlocks _lhsIusageInfo) =
Control.Monad.Identity.runIdentity (
do sem <- act
let arg22 = T_ERules_vIn22 _lhsIallInhmap _lhsIallSynmap _lhsIchildTypes _lhsIcon _lhsIimportBlocks _lhsIinhmap _lhsIlazyIntras _lhsIlocalAttrTypes _lhsImainFile _lhsImainName _lhsImoduleHeader _lhsInt _lhsIoptions _lhsIpragmaBlocks _lhsIruleKinds _lhsIsynmap _lhsItextBlocks _lhsIusageInfo
(T_ERules_vOut22 _lhsOerrors _lhsOmrules _lhsOruledefs _lhsOruleuses _lhsOsem_rules _lhsOusedArgs) <- return (inv_ERules_s23 sem arg22)
return (Syn_ERules _lhsOerrors _lhsOmrules _lhsOruledefs _lhsOruleuses _lhsOsem_rules _lhsOusedArgs)
{-# NOINLINE sem_ERules #-}
sem_ERules :: ERules -> T_ERules
sem_ERules list = Prelude.foldr sem_ERules_Cons sem_ERules_Nil (Prelude.map sem_ERule list)
newtype T_ERules = T_ERules {
attach_T_ERules :: Identity (T_ERules_s23 )
newtype T_ERules_s23 = C_ERules_s23 {
inv_ERules_s23 :: (T_ERules_v22 )
data T_ERules_s24 = C_ERules_s24
type T_ERules_v22 = (T_ERules_vIn22 ) -> (T_ERules_vOut22 )
data T_ERules_vIn22 = T_ERules_vIn22 (Map NontermIdent Attributes) (Map NontermIdent Attributes) (Map Identifier Type) (ConstructorIdent) (PP_Doc) (Attributes) (Set String) (Map Identifier Type) (String) (String) (String -> String -> String -> Bool -> String) (NontermIdent) (Options) (String) (Map Identifier (Set VisitKind)) (Attributes) (PP_Doc) (Map Identifier Int)
data T_ERules_vOut22 = T_ERules_vOut22 (Seq Error) (Map Identifier (VisitKind -> FormatMode -> Either Error PP_Doc)) (Map Identifier (Set String)) (Map Identifier (Map String (Maybe NonLocalAttr))) (PP_Doc) (Set String)
{-# NOINLINE sem_ERules_Cons #-}
sem_ERules_Cons :: T_ERule -> T_ERules -> T_ERules
sem_ERules_Cons arg_hd_ arg_tl_ = T_ERules (return st23) where
{-# NOINLINE st23 #-}
st23 = let
v22 :: T_ERules_v22
v22 = \ (T_ERules_vIn22 _lhsIallInhmap _lhsIallSynmap _lhsIchildTypes _lhsIcon _lhsIimportBlocks _lhsIinhmap _lhsIlazyIntras _lhsIlocalAttrTypes _lhsImainFile _lhsImainName _lhsImoduleHeader _lhsInt _lhsIoptions _lhsIpragmaBlocks _lhsIruleKinds _lhsIsynmap _lhsItextBlocks _lhsIusageInfo) -> ( let
_hdX20 = Control.Monad.Identity.runIdentity (attach_T_ERule (arg_hd_))
_tlX23 = Control.Monad.Identity.runIdentity (attach_T_ERules (arg_tl_))
(T_ERule_vOut19 _hdIerrors _hdImrules _hdIruledefs _hdIruleuses _hdIsem_rules _hdIusedArgs) = inv_ERule_s20 _hdX20 (T_ERule_vIn19 _hdOallInhmap _hdOallSynmap _hdOchildTypes _hdOcon _hdOimportBlocks _hdOinhmap _hdOlazyIntras _hdOlocalAttrTypes _hdOmainFile _hdOmainName _hdOmoduleHeader _hdOnt _hdOoptions _hdOpragmaBlocks _hdOruleKinds _hdOsynmap _hdOtextBlocks _hdOusageInfo)
(T_ERules_vOut22 _tlIerrors _tlImrules _tlIruledefs _tlIruleuses _tlIsem_rules _tlIusedArgs) = inv_ERules_s23 _tlX23 (T_ERules_vIn22 _tlOallInhmap _tlOallSynmap _tlOchildTypes _tlOcon _tlOimportBlocks _tlOinhmap _tlOlazyIntras _tlOlocalAttrTypes _tlOmainFile _tlOmainName _tlOmoduleHeader _tlOnt _tlOoptions _tlOpragmaBlocks _tlOruleKinds _tlOsynmap _tlOtextBlocks _tlOusageInfo)
_lhsOerrors :: Seq Error
_lhsOerrors = rule443 _hdIerrors _tlIerrors
_lhsOmrules :: Map Identifier (VisitKind -> FormatMode -> Either Error PP_Doc)
_lhsOmrules = rule444 _hdImrules _tlImrules
_lhsOruledefs :: Map Identifier (Set String)
_lhsOruledefs = rule445 _hdIruledefs _tlIruledefs
_lhsOruleuses :: Map Identifier (Map String (Maybe NonLocalAttr))
_lhsOruleuses = rule446 _hdIruleuses _tlIruleuses
_lhsOsem_rules :: PP_Doc
_lhsOsem_rules = rule447 _hdIsem_rules _tlIsem_rules
_lhsOusedArgs :: Set String
_lhsOusedArgs = rule448 _hdIusedArgs _tlIusedArgs
_hdOallInhmap = rule449 _lhsIallInhmap
_hdOallSynmap = rule450 _lhsIallSynmap
_hdOchildTypes = rule451 _lhsIchildTypes
_hdOcon = rule452 _lhsIcon
_hdOimportBlocks = rule453 _lhsIimportBlocks
_hdOinhmap = rule454 _lhsIinhmap
_hdOlazyIntras = rule455 _lhsIlazyIntras
_hdOlocalAttrTypes = rule456 _lhsIlocalAttrTypes
_hdOmainFile = rule457 _lhsImainFile
_hdOmainName = rule458 _lhsImainName
_hdOmoduleHeader = rule459 _lhsImoduleHeader
_hdOnt = rule460 _lhsInt
_hdOoptions = rule461 _lhsIoptions
_hdOpragmaBlocks = rule462 _lhsIpragmaBlocks
_hdOruleKinds = rule463 _lhsIruleKinds
_hdOsynmap = rule464 _lhsIsynmap
_hdOtextBlocks = rule465 _lhsItextBlocks
_hdOusageInfo = rule466 _lhsIusageInfo
_tlOallInhmap = rule467 _lhsIallInhmap
_tlOallSynmap = rule468 _lhsIallSynmap
_tlOchildTypes = rule469 _lhsIchildTypes
_tlOcon = rule470 _lhsIcon
_tlOimportBlocks = rule471 _lhsIimportBlocks
_tlOinhmap = rule472 _lhsIinhmap
_tlOlazyIntras = rule473 _lhsIlazyIntras
_tlOlocalAttrTypes = rule474 _lhsIlocalAttrTypes
_tlOmainFile = rule475 _lhsImainFile
_tlOmainName = rule476 _lhsImainName
_tlOmoduleHeader = rule477 _lhsImoduleHeader
_tlOnt = rule478 _lhsInt
_tlOoptions = rule479 _lhsIoptions
_tlOpragmaBlocks = rule480 _lhsIpragmaBlocks
_tlOruleKinds = rule481 _lhsIruleKinds
_tlOsynmap = rule482 _lhsIsynmap
_tlOtextBlocks = rule483 _lhsItextBlocks
_tlOusageInfo = rule484 _lhsIusageInfo
__result_ = T_ERules_vOut22 _lhsOerrors _lhsOmrules _lhsOruledefs _lhsOruleuses _lhsOsem_rules _lhsOusedArgs
in __result_ )
in C_ERules_s23 v22
{-# INLINE rule443 #-}
rule443 = \ ((_hdIerrors) :: Seq Error) ((_tlIerrors) :: Seq Error) ->
_hdIerrors Seq.>< _tlIerrors
{-# INLINE rule444 #-}
rule444 = \ ((_hdImrules) :: Map Identifier (VisitKind -> FormatMode -> Either Error PP_Doc)) ((_tlImrules) :: Map Identifier (VisitKind -> FormatMode -> Either Error PP_Doc)) ->
_hdImrules `Map.union` _tlImrules
{-# INLINE rule445 #-}
rule445 = \ ((_hdIruledefs) :: Map Identifier (Set String)) ((_tlIruledefs) :: Map Identifier (Set String)) ->
_hdIruledefs `uwSetUnion` _tlIruledefs
{-# INLINE rule446 #-}
rule446 = \ ((_hdIruleuses) :: Map Identifier (Map String (Maybe NonLocalAttr))) ((_tlIruleuses) :: Map Identifier (Map String (Maybe NonLocalAttr))) ->
_hdIruleuses `uwMapUnion` _tlIruleuses
{-# INLINE rule447 #-}
rule447 = \ ((_hdIsem_rules) :: PP_Doc) ((_tlIsem_rules) :: PP_Doc) ->
_hdIsem_rules >-< _tlIsem_rules
{-# INLINE rule448 #-}
rule448 = \ ((_hdIusedArgs) :: Set String) ((_tlIusedArgs) :: Set String) ->
_hdIusedArgs `Set.union` _tlIusedArgs
{-# INLINE rule449 #-}
rule449 = \ ((_lhsIallInhmap) :: Map NontermIdent Attributes) ->
{-# INLINE rule450 #-}
rule450 = \ ((_lhsIallSynmap) :: Map NontermIdent Attributes) ->
{-# INLINE rule451 #-}
rule451 = \ ((_lhsIchildTypes) :: Map Identifier Type) ->
{-# INLINE rule452 #-}
rule452 = \ ((_lhsIcon) :: ConstructorIdent) ->
{-# INLINE rule453 #-}
rule453 = \ ((_lhsIimportBlocks) :: PP_Doc) ->
{-# INLINE rule454 #-}
rule454 = \ ((_lhsIinhmap) :: Attributes) ->
{-# INLINE rule455 #-}
rule455 = \ ((_lhsIlazyIntras) :: Set String) ->
{-# INLINE rule456 #-}
rule456 = \ ((_lhsIlocalAttrTypes) :: Map Identifier Type) ->
{-# INLINE rule457 #-}
rule457 = \ ((_lhsImainFile) :: String) ->
{-# INLINE rule458 #-}
rule458 = \ ((_lhsImainName) :: String) ->
{-# INLINE rule459 #-}
rule459 = \ ((_lhsImoduleHeader) :: String -> String -> String -> Bool -> String) ->
{-# INLINE rule460 #-}
rule460 = \ ((_lhsInt) :: NontermIdent) ->
{-# INLINE rule461 #-}
rule461 = \ ((_lhsIoptions) :: Options) ->
{-# INLINE rule462 #-}
rule462 = \ ((_lhsIpragmaBlocks) :: String) ->
{-# INLINE rule463 #-}
rule463 = \ ((_lhsIruleKinds) :: Map Identifier (Set VisitKind)) ->
{-# INLINE rule464 #-}
rule464 = \ ((_lhsIsynmap) :: Attributes) ->
{-# INLINE rule465 #-}
rule465 = \ ((_lhsItextBlocks) :: PP_Doc) ->
{-# INLINE rule466 #-}
rule466 = \ ((_lhsIusageInfo) :: Map Identifier Int) ->
{-# INLINE rule467 #-}
rule467 = \ ((_lhsIallInhmap) :: Map NontermIdent Attributes) ->
{-# INLINE rule468 #-}
rule468 = \ ((_lhsIallSynmap) :: Map NontermIdent Attributes) ->
{-# INLINE rule469 #-}
rule469 = \ ((_lhsIchildTypes) :: Map Identifier Type) ->
{-# INLINE rule470 #-}
rule470 = \ ((_lhsIcon) :: ConstructorIdent) ->
{-# INLINE rule471 #-}
rule471 = \ ((_lhsIimportBlocks) :: PP_Doc) ->
{-# INLINE rule472 #-}
rule472 = \ ((_lhsIinhmap) :: Attributes) ->
{-# INLINE rule473 #-}
rule473 = \ ((_lhsIlazyIntras) :: Set String) ->
{-# INLINE rule474 #-}
rule474 = \ ((_lhsIlocalAttrTypes) :: Map Identifier Type) ->
{-# INLINE rule475 #-}
rule475 = \ ((_lhsImainFile) :: String) ->
{-# INLINE rule476 #-}
rule476 = \ ((_lhsImainName) :: String) ->
{-# INLINE rule477 #-}
rule477 = \ ((_lhsImoduleHeader) :: String -> String -> String -> Bool -> String) ->
{-# INLINE rule478 #-}
rule478 = \ ((_lhsInt) :: NontermIdent) ->
{-# INLINE rule479 #-}
rule479 = \ ((_lhsIoptions) :: Options) ->
{-# INLINE rule480 #-}
rule480 = \ ((_lhsIpragmaBlocks) :: String) ->
{-# INLINE rule481 #-}
rule481 = \ ((_lhsIruleKinds) :: Map Identifier (Set VisitKind)) ->
{-# INLINE rule482 #-}
rule482 = \ ((_lhsIsynmap) :: Attributes) ->
{-# INLINE rule483 #-}
rule483 = \ ((_lhsItextBlocks) :: PP_Doc) ->
{-# INLINE rule484 #-}
rule484 = \ ((_lhsIusageInfo) :: Map Identifier Int) ->
{-# NOINLINE sem_ERules_Nil #-}
sem_ERules_Nil :: T_ERules
sem_ERules_Nil = T_ERules (return st23) where
{-# NOINLINE st23 #-}
st23 = let
v22 :: T_ERules_v22
v22 = \ (T_ERules_vIn22 _lhsIallInhmap _lhsIallSynmap _lhsIchildTypes _lhsIcon _lhsIimportBlocks _lhsIinhmap _lhsIlazyIntras _lhsIlocalAttrTypes _lhsImainFile _lhsImainName _lhsImoduleHeader _lhsInt _lhsIoptions _lhsIpragmaBlocks _lhsIruleKinds _lhsIsynmap _lhsItextBlocks _lhsIusageInfo) -> ( let
_lhsOerrors :: Seq Error
_lhsOerrors = rule485 ()
_lhsOmrules :: Map Identifier (VisitKind -> FormatMode -> Either Error PP_Doc)
_lhsOmrules = rule486 ()
_lhsOruledefs :: Map Identifier (Set String)
_lhsOruledefs = rule487 ()
_lhsOruleuses :: Map Identifier (Map String (Maybe NonLocalAttr))
_lhsOruleuses = rule488 ()
_lhsOsem_rules :: PP_Doc
_lhsOsem_rules = rule489 ()
_lhsOusedArgs :: Set String
_lhsOusedArgs = rule490 ()
__result_ = T_ERules_vOut22 _lhsOerrors _lhsOmrules _lhsOruledefs _lhsOruleuses _lhsOsem_rules _lhsOusedArgs
in __result_ )
in C_ERules_s23 v22
{-# INLINE rule485 #-}
rule485 = \ (_ :: ()) ->
{-# INLINE rule486 #-}
rule486 = \ (_ :: ()) ->
{-# INLINE rule487 #-}
rule487 = \ (_ :: ()) ->
{-# INLINE rule488 #-}
rule488 = \ (_ :: ()) ->
{-# INLINE rule489 #-}
rule489 = \ (_ :: ()) ->
{-# INLINE rule490 #-}
rule490 = \ (_ :: ()) ->
data Inh_ExecutionPlan = Inh_ExecutionPlan { importBlocks_Inh_ExecutionPlan :: (PP_Doc), inhmap_Inh_ExecutionPlan :: (Map NontermIdent Attributes), localAttrTypes_Inh_ExecutionPlan :: (Map NontermIdent (Map ConstructorIdent (Map Identifier Type))), mainBlocksDoc_Inh_ExecutionPlan :: (PP_Doc), mainFile_Inh_ExecutionPlan :: (String), mainName_Inh_ExecutionPlan :: (String), moduleHeader_Inh_ExecutionPlan :: (String -> String -> String -> Bool -> String), options_Inh_ExecutionPlan :: (Options), pragmaBlocks_Inh_ExecutionPlan :: (String), synmap_Inh_ExecutionPlan :: (Map NontermIdent Attributes), textBlockMap_Inh_ExecutionPlan :: (Map BlockInfo PP_Doc), textBlocks_Inh_ExecutionPlan :: (PP_Doc) }
data Syn_ExecutionPlan = Syn_ExecutionPlan { errors_Syn_ExecutionPlan :: (Seq Error), genIO_Syn_ExecutionPlan :: (IO ()), output_Syn_ExecutionPlan :: (PP_Doc) }
{-# INLINABLE wrap_ExecutionPlan #-}
wrap_ExecutionPlan :: T_ExecutionPlan -> Inh_ExecutionPlan -> (Syn_ExecutionPlan )
wrap_ExecutionPlan (T_ExecutionPlan act) (Inh_ExecutionPlan _lhsIimportBlocks _lhsIinhmap _lhsIlocalAttrTypes _lhsImainBlocksDoc _lhsImainFile _lhsImainName _lhsImoduleHeader _lhsIoptions _lhsIpragmaBlocks _lhsIsynmap _lhsItextBlockMap _lhsItextBlocks) =
Control.Monad.Identity.runIdentity (
do sem <- act
let arg25 = T_ExecutionPlan_vIn25 _lhsIimportBlocks _lhsIinhmap _lhsIlocalAttrTypes _lhsImainBlocksDoc _lhsImainFile _lhsImainName _lhsImoduleHeader _lhsIoptions _lhsIpragmaBlocks _lhsIsynmap _lhsItextBlockMap _lhsItextBlocks
(T_ExecutionPlan_vOut25 _lhsOerrors _lhsOgenIO _lhsOoutput) <- return (inv_ExecutionPlan_s26 sem arg25)
return (Syn_ExecutionPlan _lhsOerrors _lhsOgenIO _lhsOoutput)
{-# INLINE sem_ExecutionPlan #-}
sem_ExecutionPlan :: ExecutionPlan -> T_ExecutionPlan
sem_ExecutionPlan ( ExecutionPlan nonts_ typeSyns_ wrappers_ derivings_ ) = sem_ExecutionPlan_ExecutionPlan ( sem_ENonterminals nonts_ ) typeSyns_ wrappers_ derivings_
newtype T_ExecutionPlan = T_ExecutionPlan {
attach_T_ExecutionPlan :: Identity (T_ExecutionPlan_s26 )
newtype T_ExecutionPlan_s26 = C_ExecutionPlan_s26 {
inv_ExecutionPlan_s26 :: (T_ExecutionPlan_v25 )
data T_ExecutionPlan_s27 = C_ExecutionPlan_s27
type T_ExecutionPlan_v25 = (T_ExecutionPlan_vIn25 ) -> (T_ExecutionPlan_vOut25 )
data T_ExecutionPlan_vIn25 = T_ExecutionPlan_vIn25 (PP_Doc) (Map NontermIdent Attributes) (Map NontermIdent (Map ConstructorIdent (Map Identifier Type))) (PP_Doc) (String) (String) (String -> String -> String -> Bool -> String) (Options) (String) (Map NontermIdent Attributes) (Map BlockInfo PP_Doc) (PP_Doc)
data T_ExecutionPlan_vOut25 = T_ExecutionPlan_vOut25 (Seq Error) (IO ()) (PP_Doc)
{-# NOINLINE sem_ExecutionPlan_ExecutionPlan #-}
sem_ExecutionPlan_ExecutionPlan :: T_ENonterminals -> (TypeSyns) -> (Set NontermIdent) -> (Derivings) -> T_ExecutionPlan
sem_ExecutionPlan_ExecutionPlan arg_nonts_ arg_typeSyns_ arg_wrappers_ arg_derivings_ = T_ExecutionPlan (return st26) where
{-# NOINLINE st26 #-}
st26 = let
v25 :: T_ExecutionPlan_v25
v25 = \ (T_ExecutionPlan_vIn25 _lhsIimportBlocks _lhsIinhmap _lhsIlocalAttrTypes _lhsImainBlocksDoc _lhsImainFile _lhsImainName _lhsImoduleHeader _lhsIoptions _lhsIpragmaBlocks _lhsIsynmap _lhsItextBlockMap _lhsItextBlocks) -> ( let
_nontsX11 = Control.Monad.Identity.runIdentity (attach_T_ENonterminals (arg_nonts_))
(T_ENonterminals_vOut10 _nontsIappendCommon _nontsIappendMain _nontsIchildvisit _nontsIerrors _nontsIfromToStates _nontsIgenProdIO _nontsIimports _nontsIinitStates _nontsIoutput _nontsIsemFunBndDefs _nontsIsemFunBndTps _nontsIvisitKinds _nontsIvisitdefs _nontsIvisituses) = inv_ENonterminals_s11 _nontsX11 (T_ENonterminals_vIn10 _nontsOallFromToStates _nontsOallInitStates _nontsOallVisitKinds _nontsOallchildvisit _nontsOavisitdefs _nontsOavisituses _nontsOderivings _nontsOimportBlocks _nontsOinhmap _nontsOlocalAttrTypes _nontsOmainFile _nontsOmainName _nontsOmoduleHeader _nontsOoptions _nontsOpragmaBlocks _nontsOsynmap _nontsOtextBlocks _nontsOtypeSyns _nontsOwrappers)
_lhsOoutput :: PP_Doc
_lhsOoutput = rule491 _commonExtra _nontsIoutput _wrappersExtra
_nontsOwrappers = rule492 arg_wrappers_
_nontsOtypeSyns = rule493 arg_typeSyns_
_nontsOderivings = rule494 arg_derivings_
_wrappersExtra = rule495 _lateSemBndDef _lhsIoptions
_commonExtra = rule496 _lateSemBndTp _lhsIoptions
_lateSemBndTp = rule497 _lhsImainName _nontsIsemFunBndTps
_lateSemBndDef = rule498 _lhsImainName _lhsIoptions _nontsIsemFunBndDefs arg_wrappers_
_nontsOallchildvisit = rule499 _nontsIchildvisit
_nontsOavisitdefs = rule500 _nontsIvisitdefs
_nontsOavisituses = rule501 _nontsIvisituses
_lhsOgenIO :: IO ()
_lhsOgenIO = rule502 _genCommonModule _genMainModule _nontsIgenProdIO
_mainModuleFile = rule503 _lhsImainFile
_ppMonadImports = rule504 _lhsIoptions
_genMainModule = rule505 _lhsImainBlocksDoc _lhsImainName _lhsImoduleHeader _lhsIoptions _lhsIpragmaBlocks _mainModuleFile _nontsIappendMain _nontsIimports _ppMonadImports _wrappersExtra
_commonFile = rule506 _lhsImainFile
_genCommonModule = rule507 _commonExtra _commonFile _lhsIimportBlocks _lhsImainName _lhsImoduleHeader _lhsIpragmaBlocks _lhsItextBlocks _nontsIappendCommon _ppMonadImports
_nontsOallFromToStates = rule508 _nontsIfromToStates
_nontsOallVisitKinds = rule509 _nontsIvisitKinds
_nontsOallInitStates = rule510 _nontsIinitStates
_lhsOerrors :: Seq Error
_lhsOerrors = rule511 _nontsIerrors
_nontsOimportBlocks = rule512 _lhsIimportBlocks
_nontsOinhmap = rule513 _lhsIinhmap
_nontsOlocalAttrTypes = rule514 _lhsIlocalAttrTypes
_nontsOmainFile = rule515 _lhsImainFile
_nontsOmainName = rule516 _lhsImainName
_nontsOmoduleHeader = rule517 _lhsImoduleHeader
_nontsOoptions = rule518 _lhsIoptions
_nontsOpragmaBlocks = rule519 _lhsIpragmaBlocks
_nontsOsynmap = rule520 _lhsIsynmap
_nontsOtextBlocks = rule521 _lhsItextBlocks
__result_ = T_ExecutionPlan_vOut25 _lhsOerrors _lhsOgenIO _lhsOoutput
in __result_ )
in C_ExecutionPlan_s26 v25
{-# INLINE rule491 #-}
{-# LINE 89 "src-ag/ExecutionPlan2Hs.ag" #-}
rule491 = \ _commonExtra ((_nontsIoutput) :: PP_Doc) _wrappersExtra ->
{-# LINE 89 "src-ag/ExecutionPlan2Hs.ag" #-}
_nontsIoutput >-< _commonExtra >-< _wrappersExtra
{-# LINE 3828 "dist/build/ExecutionPlan2Hs.hs"#-}
{-# INLINE rule492 #-}
{-# LINE 95 "src-ag/ExecutionPlan2Hs.ag" #-}
rule492 = \ wrappers_ ->
{-# LINE 95 "src-ag/ExecutionPlan2Hs.ag" #-}
{-# LINE 3834 "dist/build/ExecutionPlan2Hs.hs"#-}
{-# INLINE rule493 #-}
{-# LINE 134 "src-ag/ExecutionPlan2Hs.ag" #-}
rule493 = \ typeSyns_ ->
{-# LINE 134 "src-ag/ExecutionPlan2Hs.ag" #-}
{-# LINE 3840 "dist/build/ExecutionPlan2Hs.hs"#-}
{-# INLINE rule494 #-}
{-# LINE 135 "src-ag/ExecutionPlan2Hs.ag" #-}
rule494 = \ derivings_ ->
{-# LINE 135 "src-ag/ExecutionPlan2Hs.ag" #-}
{-# LINE 3846 "dist/build/ExecutionPlan2Hs.hs"#-}
{-# INLINE rule495 #-}
{-# LINE 542 "src-ag/ExecutionPlan2Hs.ag" #-}
rule495 = \ _lateSemBndDef ((_lhsIoptions) :: Options) ->
{-# LINE 542 "src-ag/ExecutionPlan2Hs.ag" #-}
if lateHigherOrderBinding _lhsIoptions
then _lateSemBndDef
else empty
{-# LINE 3854 "dist/build/ExecutionPlan2Hs.hs"#-}
{-# INLINE rule496 #-}
{-# LINE 545 "src-ag/ExecutionPlan2Hs.ag" #-}
rule496 = \ _lateSemBndTp ((_lhsIoptions) :: Options) ->
{-# LINE 545 "src-ag/ExecutionPlan2Hs.ag" #-}
if lateHigherOrderBinding _lhsIoptions
then _lateSemBndTp
else empty
{-# LINE 3862 "dist/build/ExecutionPlan2Hs.hs"#-}
{-# INLINE rule497 #-}
{-# LINE 548 "src-ag/ExecutionPlan2Hs.ag" #-}
rule497 = \ ((_lhsImainName) :: String) ((_nontsIsemFunBndTps) :: Seq PP_Doc) ->
{-# LINE 548 "src-ag/ExecutionPlan2Hs.ag" #-}
"data" >#< lateBindingTypeNm _lhsImainName >#< "=" >#< lateBindingTypeNm _lhsImainName
>-< (indent 2 $ pp_block "{" "}" "," $ toList _nontsIsemFunBndTps)
{-# LINE 3869 "dist/build/ExecutionPlan2Hs.hs"#-}
{-# INLINE rule498 #-}
{-# LINE 550 "src-ag/ExecutionPlan2Hs.ag" #-}
rule498 = \ ((_lhsImainName) :: String) ((_lhsIoptions) :: Options) ((_nontsIsemFunBndDefs) :: Seq PP_Doc) wrappers_ ->
{-# LINE 550 "src-ag/ExecutionPlan2Hs.ag" #-}
( if noInlinePragmas _lhsIoptions
then empty
else if helpInlining _lhsIoptions && Set.size wrappers_ == 1
then ppInline $ lateBindingFieldNm _lhsImainName
else ppNoInline $ lateBindingFieldNm _lhsImainName
>-< lateBindingFieldNm _lhsImainName >#< "::" >#< lateBindingTypeNm _lhsImainName
>-< lateBindingFieldNm _lhsImainName >#< "=" >#< lateBindingTypeNm _lhsImainName
>-< (indent 2 $ pp_block "{" "}" "," $ toList _nontsIsemFunBndDefs )
{-# LINE 3883 "dist/build/ExecutionPlan2Hs.hs"#-}
{-# INLINE rule499 #-}
{-# LINE 1227 "src-ag/ExecutionPlan2Hs.ag" #-}
rule499 = \ ((_nontsIchildvisit) :: Map VisitIdentifier (Identifier -> VisitKind -> Either Error (PP_Doc, PP_Doc))) ->
{-# LINE 1227 "src-ag/ExecutionPlan2Hs.ag" #-}
{-# LINE 3889 "dist/build/ExecutionPlan2Hs.hs"#-}
{-# INLINE rule500 #-}
{-# LINE 1371 "src-ag/ExecutionPlan2Hs.ag" #-}
rule500 = \ ((_nontsIvisitdefs) :: Map VisitIdentifier (Set Identifier)) ->
{-# LINE 1371 "src-ag/ExecutionPlan2Hs.ag" #-}
{-# LINE 3895 "dist/build/ExecutionPlan2Hs.hs"#-}
{-# INLINE rule501 #-}
{-# LINE 1372 "src-ag/ExecutionPlan2Hs.ag" #-}
rule501 = \ ((_nontsIvisituses) :: Map VisitIdentifier (Set Identifier)) ->
{-# LINE 1372 "src-ag/ExecutionPlan2Hs.ag" #-}
{-# LINE 3901 "dist/build/ExecutionPlan2Hs.hs"#-}
{-# INLINE rule502 #-}
{-# LINE 1443 "src-ag/ExecutionPlan2Hs.ag" #-}
rule502 = \ _genCommonModule _genMainModule ((_nontsIgenProdIO) :: IO ()) ->
{-# LINE 1443 "src-ag/ExecutionPlan2Hs.ag" #-}
do _genMainModule
{-# LINE 3909 "dist/build/ExecutionPlan2Hs.hs"#-}
{-# INLINE rule503 #-}
{-# LINE 1446 "src-ag/ExecutionPlan2Hs.ag" #-}
rule503 = \ ((_lhsImainFile) :: String) ->
{-# LINE 1446 "src-ag/ExecutionPlan2Hs.ag" #-}
{-# LINE 3915 "dist/build/ExecutionPlan2Hs.hs"#-}
{-# INLINE rule504 #-}
{-# LINE 1447 "src-ag/ExecutionPlan2Hs.ag" #-}
rule504 = \ ((_lhsIoptions) :: Options) ->
{-# LINE 1447 "src-ag/ExecutionPlan2Hs.ag" #-}
( if tupleAsDummyToken _lhsIoptions
then empty
else pp "import GHC.Prim"
>-< if parallelInvoke _lhsIoptions
then pp "import qualified System.IO.Unsafe(unsafePerformIO)"
>-< pp "import System.IO(IO)"
>-< pp "import Control.Concurrent(newEmptyMVar,forkIO,putMVar,takeMVar)"
else pp "import Control.Monad.Identity"
{-# LINE 3929 "dist/build/ExecutionPlan2Hs.hs"#-}
{-# INLINE rule505 #-}
{-# LINE 1456 "src-ag/ExecutionPlan2Hs.ag" #-}
rule505 = \ ((_lhsImainBlocksDoc) :: PP_Doc) ((_lhsImainName) :: String) ((_lhsImoduleHeader) :: String -> String -> String -> Bool -> String) ((_lhsIoptions) :: Options) ((_lhsIpragmaBlocks) :: String) _mainModuleFile ((_nontsIappendMain) :: [PP_Doc]) ((_nontsIimports) :: [PP_Doc]) _ppMonadImports _wrappersExtra ->
{-# LINE 1456 "src-ag/ExecutionPlan2Hs.ag" #-}
writeModule _mainModuleFile
( [ warrenFlagsPP _lhsIoptions
, pp $ _lhsIpragmaBlocks
, pp $ _lhsImoduleHeader _lhsImainName "" "" False
, _ppMonadImports
, pp $ "import " ++ _lhsImainName ++ "_common"
++ _nontsIimports
++ [_lhsImainBlocksDoc]
++ [_wrappersExtra ]
++ _nontsIappendMain
{-# LINE 3946 "dist/build/ExecutionPlan2Hs.hs"#-}
{-# INLINE rule506 #-}
{-# LINE 1468 "src-ag/ExecutionPlan2Hs.ag" #-}
rule506 = \ ((_lhsImainFile) :: String) ->
{-# LINE 1468 "src-ag/ExecutionPlan2Hs.ag" #-}
replaceBaseName _lhsImainFile (takeBaseName _lhsImainFile ++ "_common")
{-# LINE 3952 "dist/build/ExecutionPlan2Hs.hs"#-}
{-# INLINE rule507 #-}
{-# LINE 1469 "src-ag/ExecutionPlan2Hs.ag" #-}
rule507 = \ _commonExtra _commonFile ((_lhsIimportBlocks) :: PP_Doc) ((_lhsImainName) :: String) ((_lhsImoduleHeader) :: String -> String -> String -> Bool -> String) ((_lhsIpragmaBlocks) :: String) ((_lhsItextBlocks) :: PP_Doc) ((_nontsIappendCommon) :: [PP_Doc]) _ppMonadImports ->
{-# LINE 1469 "src-ag/ExecutionPlan2Hs.ag" #-}
writeModule _commonFile
( [ pp $ "{-# LANGUAGE Rank2Types, GADTs #-}"
, pp $ _lhsIpragmaBlocks
, pp $ _lhsImoduleHeader _lhsImainName "_common" "" True
, _ppMonadImports
, _lhsIimportBlocks
, _lhsItextBlocks
, _commonExtra
++ _nontsIappendCommon
{-# LINE 3968 "dist/build/ExecutionPlan2Hs.hs"#-}
{-# INLINE rule508 #-}
{-# LINE 1588 "src-ag/ExecutionPlan2Hs.ag" #-}
rule508 = \ ((_nontsIfromToStates) :: Map VisitIdentifier (Int,Int)) ->
{-# LINE 1588 "src-ag/ExecutionPlan2Hs.ag" #-}
{-# LINE 3974 "dist/build/ExecutionPlan2Hs.hs"#-}
{-# INLINE rule509 #-}
{-# LINE 1632 "src-ag/ExecutionPlan2Hs.ag" #-}
rule509 = \ ((_nontsIvisitKinds) :: Map VisitIdentifier VisitKind) ->
{-# LINE 1632 "src-ag/ExecutionPlan2Hs.ag" #-}
{-# LINE 3980 "dist/build/ExecutionPlan2Hs.hs"#-}
{-# INLINE rule510 #-}
{-# LINE 1646 "src-ag/ExecutionPlan2Hs.ag" #-}
rule510 = \ ((_nontsIinitStates) :: Map NontermIdent Int) ->
{-# LINE 1646 "src-ag/ExecutionPlan2Hs.ag" #-}
{-# LINE 3986 "dist/build/ExecutionPlan2Hs.hs"#-}
{-# INLINE rule511 #-}
rule511 = \ ((_nontsIerrors) :: Seq Error) ->
{-# INLINE rule512 #-}
rule512 = \ ((_lhsIimportBlocks) :: PP_Doc) ->
{-# INLINE rule513 #-}
rule513 = \ ((_lhsIinhmap) :: Map NontermIdent Attributes) ->
{-# INLINE rule514 #-}
rule514 = \ ((_lhsIlocalAttrTypes) :: Map NontermIdent (Map ConstructorIdent (Map Identifier Type))) ->
{-# INLINE rule515 #-}
rule515 = \ ((_lhsImainFile) :: String) ->
{-# INLINE rule516 #-}
rule516 = \ ((_lhsImainName) :: String) ->
{-# INLINE rule517 #-}
rule517 = \ ((_lhsImoduleHeader) :: String -> String -> String -> Bool -> String) ->
{-# INLINE rule518 #-}
rule518 = \ ((_lhsIoptions) :: Options) ->
{-# INLINE rule519 #-}
rule519 = \ ((_lhsIpragmaBlocks) :: String) ->
{-# INLINE rule520 #-}
rule520 = \ ((_lhsIsynmap) :: Map NontermIdent Attributes) ->
{-# INLINE rule521 #-}
rule521 = \ ((_lhsItextBlocks) :: PP_Doc) ->
data Inh_Expression = Inh_Expression { options_Inh_Expression :: (Options) }
data Syn_Expression = Syn_Expression { attrs_Syn_Expression :: (Map String (Maybe NonLocalAttr)), pos_Syn_Expression :: (Pos), semfunc_Syn_Expression :: (PP_Doc), tks_Syn_Expression :: ([HsToken]) }
{-# INLINABLE wrap_Expression #-}
wrap_Expression :: T_Expression -> Inh_Expression -> (Syn_Expression )
wrap_Expression (T_Expression act) (Inh_Expression _lhsIoptions) =
Control.Monad.Identity.runIdentity (
do sem <- act
let arg28 = T_Expression_vIn28 _lhsIoptions
(T_Expression_vOut28 _lhsOattrs _lhsOpos _lhsOsemfunc _lhsOtks) <- return (inv_Expression_s29 sem arg28)
return (Syn_Expression _lhsOattrs _lhsOpos _lhsOsemfunc _lhsOtks)
{-# INLINE sem_Expression #-}
sem_Expression :: Expression -> T_Expression
sem_Expression ( Expression pos_ tks_ ) = sem_Expression_Expression pos_ tks_
newtype T_Expression = T_Expression {
attach_T_Expression :: Identity (T_Expression_s29 )
newtype T_Expression_s29 = C_Expression_s29 {
inv_Expression_s29 :: (T_Expression_v28 )
data T_Expression_s30 = C_Expression_s30
type T_Expression_v28 = (T_Expression_vIn28 ) -> (T_Expression_vOut28 )
data T_Expression_vIn28 = T_Expression_vIn28 (Options)
data T_Expression_vOut28 = T_Expression_vOut28 (Map String (Maybe NonLocalAttr)) (Pos) (PP_Doc) ([HsToken])
{-# NOINLINE sem_Expression_Expression #-}
sem_Expression_Expression :: (Pos) -> ([HsToken]) -> T_Expression
sem_Expression_Expression arg_pos_ arg_tks_ = T_Expression (return st29) where
{-# NOINLINE st29 #-}
st29 = let
v28 :: T_Expression_v28
v28 = \ (T_Expression_vIn28 _lhsIoptions) -> ( let
_lhsOtks :: [HsToken]
_lhsOtks = rule522 arg_tks_
_lhsOpos :: Pos
_lhsOpos = rule523 arg_pos_
_lhsOattrs :: Map String (Maybe NonLocalAttr)
_lhsOattrs = rule524 _inhhstoken arg_tks_
_lhsOsemfunc :: PP_Doc
_lhsOsemfunc = rule525 _inhhstoken arg_tks_
_inhhstoken = rule526 _lhsIoptions
__result_ = T_Expression_vOut28 _lhsOattrs _lhsOpos _lhsOsemfunc _lhsOtks
in __result_ )
in C_Expression_s29 v28
{-# INLINE rule522 #-}
{-# LINE 1082 "src-ag/ExecutionPlan2Hs.ag" #-}
rule522 = \ tks_ ->
{-# LINE 1082 "src-ag/ExecutionPlan2Hs.ag" #-}
{-# LINE 4075 "dist/build/ExecutionPlan2Hs.hs"#-}
{-# INLINE rule523 #-}
{-# LINE 1125 "src-ag/ExecutionPlan2Hs.ag" #-}
rule523 = \ pos_ ->
{-# LINE 1125 "src-ag/ExecutionPlan2Hs.ag" #-}
{-# LINE 4081 "dist/build/ExecutionPlan2Hs.hs"#-}
{-# INLINE rule524 #-}
{-# LINE 1211 "src-ag/ExecutionPlan2Hs.ag" #-}
rule524 = \ _inhhstoken tks_ ->
{-# LINE 1211 "src-ag/ExecutionPlan2Hs.ag" #-}
Map.unions $ map (\tok -> attrs_Syn_HsToken (wrap_HsToken (sem_HsToken tok) _inhhstoken )) tks_
{-# LINE 4087 "dist/build/ExecutionPlan2Hs.hs"#-}
{-# INLINE rule525 #-}
{-# LINE 1212 "src-ag/ExecutionPlan2Hs.ag" #-}
rule525 = \ _inhhstoken tks_ ->
{-# LINE 1212 "src-ag/ExecutionPlan2Hs.ag" #-}
vlist $ showTokens $ map (\tok -> tok_Syn_HsToken (wrap_HsToken (sem_HsToken tok) _inhhstoken )) tks_
{-# LINE 4093 "dist/build/ExecutionPlan2Hs.hs"#-}
{-# INLINE rule526 #-}
{-# LINE 1213 "src-ag/ExecutionPlan2Hs.ag" #-}
rule526 = \ ((_lhsIoptions) :: Options) ->
{-# LINE 1213 "src-ag/ExecutionPlan2Hs.ag" #-}
Inh_HsToken _lhsIoptions
{-# LINE 4099 "dist/build/ExecutionPlan2Hs.hs"#-}
data Inh_HsToken = Inh_HsToken { options_Inh_HsToken :: (Options) }
data Syn_HsToken = Syn_HsToken { attrs_Syn_HsToken :: (Map String (Maybe NonLocalAttr)), tok_Syn_HsToken :: ((Pos,String)) }
{-# INLINABLE wrap_HsToken #-}
wrap_HsToken :: T_HsToken -> Inh_HsToken -> (Syn_HsToken )
wrap_HsToken (T_HsToken act) (Inh_HsToken _lhsIoptions) =
Control.Monad.Identity.runIdentity (
do sem <- act
let arg31 = T_HsToken_vIn31 _lhsIoptions
(T_HsToken_vOut31 _lhsOattrs _lhsOtok) <- return (inv_HsToken_s32 sem arg31)
return (Syn_HsToken _lhsOattrs _lhsOtok)
{-# NOINLINE sem_HsToken #-}
sem_HsToken :: HsToken -> T_HsToken
sem_HsToken ( AGLocal var_ pos_ rdesc_ ) = sem_HsToken_AGLocal var_ pos_ rdesc_
sem_HsToken ( AGField field_ attr_ pos_ rdesc_ ) = sem_HsToken_AGField field_ attr_ pos_ rdesc_
sem_HsToken ( HsToken value_ pos_ ) = sem_HsToken_HsToken value_ pos_
sem_HsToken ( CharToken value_ pos_ ) = sem_HsToken_CharToken value_ pos_
sem_HsToken ( StrToken value_ pos_ ) = sem_HsToken_StrToken value_ pos_
sem_HsToken ( Err mesg_ pos_ ) = sem_HsToken_Err mesg_ pos_
newtype T_HsToken = T_HsToken {
attach_T_HsToken :: Identity (T_HsToken_s32 )
newtype T_HsToken_s32 = C_HsToken_s32 {
inv_HsToken_s32 :: (T_HsToken_v31 )
data T_HsToken_s33 = C_HsToken_s33
type T_HsToken_v31 = (T_HsToken_vIn31 ) -> (T_HsToken_vOut31 )
data T_HsToken_vIn31 = T_HsToken_vIn31 (Options)
data T_HsToken_vOut31 = T_HsToken_vOut31 (Map String (Maybe NonLocalAttr)) ((Pos,String))
{-# NOINLINE sem_HsToken_AGLocal #-}
sem_HsToken_AGLocal :: (Identifier) -> (Pos) -> (Maybe String) -> T_HsToken
sem_HsToken_AGLocal arg_var_ arg_pos_ _ = T_HsToken (return st32) where
{-# NOINLINE st32 #-}
st32 = let
v31 :: T_HsToken_v31
v31 = \ (T_HsToken_vIn31 _lhsIoptions) -> ( let
_lhsOattrs :: Map String (Maybe NonLocalAttr)
_lhsOattrs = rule527 arg_var_
_tok = rule528 arg_pos_ arg_var_
_lhsOtok :: (Pos,String)
_lhsOtok = rule529 _tok
__result_ = T_HsToken_vOut31 _lhsOattrs _lhsOtok
in __result_ )
in C_HsToken_s32 v31
{-# INLINE rule527 #-}
{-# LINE 1170 "src-ag/ExecutionPlan2Hs.ag" #-}
rule527 = \ var_ ->
{-# LINE 1170 "src-ag/ExecutionPlan2Hs.ag" #-}
Map.singleton (fieldname var_) Nothing
{-# LINE 4156 "dist/build/ExecutionPlan2Hs.hs"#-}
{-# INLINE rule528 #-}
{-# LINE 1416 "src-ag/ExecutionPlan2Hs.ag" #-}
rule528 = \ pos_ var_ ->
{-# LINE 1416 "src-ag/ExecutionPlan2Hs.ag" #-}
(pos_,fieldname var_)
{-# LINE 4162 "dist/build/ExecutionPlan2Hs.hs"#-}
{-# INLINE rule529 #-}
rule529 = \ _tok ->
{-# NOINLINE sem_HsToken_AGField #-}
sem_HsToken_AGField :: (Identifier) -> (Identifier) -> (Pos) -> (Maybe String) -> T_HsToken
sem_HsToken_AGField arg_field_ arg_attr_ arg_pos_ arg_rdesc_ = T_HsToken (return st32) where
{-# NOINLINE st32 #-}
st32 = let
v31 :: T_HsToken_v31
v31 = \ (T_HsToken_vIn31 _lhsIoptions) -> ( let
_mbAttr = rule530 arg_attr_ arg_field_
_lhsOattrs :: Map String (Maybe NonLocalAttr)
_lhsOattrs = rule531 _lhsIoptions _mbAttr arg_attr_ arg_field_
_addTrace = rule532 arg_attr_ arg_field_ arg_rdesc_
_lhsOtok :: (Pos,String)
_lhsOtok = rule533 _addTrace _lhsIoptions arg_attr_ arg_field_ arg_pos_
__result_ = T_HsToken_vOut31 _lhsOattrs _lhsOtok
in __result_ )
in C_HsToken_s32 v31
{-# INLINE rule530 #-}
{-# LINE 1171 "src-ag/ExecutionPlan2Hs.ag" #-}
rule530 = \ attr_ field_ ->
{-# LINE 1171 "src-ag/ExecutionPlan2Hs.ag" #-}
if field_ == _INST || field_ == _FIELD || field_ == _INST'
then Nothing
else Just $ mkNonLocalAttr (field_ == _LHS) field_ attr_
{-# LINE 4189 "dist/build/ExecutionPlan2Hs.hs"#-}
{-# INLINE rule531 #-}
{-# LINE 1174 "src-ag/ExecutionPlan2Hs.ag" #-}
rule531 = \ ((_lhsIoptions) :: Options) _mbAttr attr_ field_ ->
{-# LINE 1174 "src-ag/ExecutionPlan2Hs.ag" #-}
Map.singleton (attrname _lhsIoptions True field_ attr_) _mbAttr
{-# LINE 4195 "dist/build/ExecutionPlan2Hs.hs"#-}
{-# INLINE rule532 #-}
{-# LINE 1420 "src-ag/ExecutionPlan2Hs.ag" #-}
rule532 = \ attr_ field_ rdesc_ ->
{-# LINE 1420 "src-ag/ExecutionPlan2Hs.ag" #-}
case rdesc_ of
Just d -> \x -> "(trace " ++ show (d ++ " -> " ++ show field_ ++ "." ++ show attr_) ++ " (" ++ x ++ "))"
Nothing -> id
{-# LINE 4203 "dist/build/ExecutionPlan2Hs.hs"#-}
{-# INLINE rule533 #-}
{-# LINE 1423 "src-ag/ExecutionPlan2Hs.ag" #-}
rule533 = \ _addTrace ((_lhsIoptions) :: Options) attr_ field_ pos_ ->
{-# LINE 1423 "src-ag/ExecutionPlan2Hs.ag" #-}
(pos_, _addTrace $ attrname _lhsIoptions True field_ attr_)
{-# LINE 4209 "dist/build/ExecutionPlan2Hs.hs"#-}
{-# NOINLINE sem_HsToken_HsToken #-}
sem_HsToken_HsToken :: (String) -> (Pos) -> T_HsToken
sem_HsToken_HsToken arg_value_ arg_pos_ = T_HsToken (return st32) where
{-# NOINLINE st32 #-}
st32 = let
v31 :: T_HsToken_v31
v31 = \ (T_HsToken_vIn31 _lhsIoptions) -> ( let
_lhsOtok :: (Pos,String)
_lhsOtok = rule534 arg_pos_ arg_value_
_lhsOattrs :: Map String (Maybe NonLocalAttr)
_lhsOattrs = rule535 ()
__result_ = T_HsToken_vOut31 _lhsOattrs _lhsOtok
in __result_ )
in C_HsToken_s32 v31
{-# INLINE rule534 #-}
{-# LINE 1425 "src-ag/ExecutionPlan2Hs.ag" #-}
rule534 = \ pos_ value_ ->
{-# LINE 1425 "src-ag/ExecutionPlan2Hs.ag" #-}
(pos_, value_)
{-# LINE 4229 "dist/build/ExecutionPlan2Hs.hs"#-}
{-# INLINE rule535 #-}
rule535 = \ (_ :: ()) ->
{-# NOINLINE sem_HsToken_CharToken #-}
sem_HsToken_CharToken :: (String) -> (Pos) -> T_HsToken
sem_HsToken_CharToken arg_value_ arg_pos_ = T_HsToken (return st32) where
{-# NOINLINE st32 #-}
st32 = let
v31 :: T_HsToken_v31
v31 = \ (T_HsToken_vIn31 _lhsIoptions) -> ( let
_lhsOtok :: (Pos,String)
_lhsOtok = rule536 arg_pos_ arg_value_
_lhsOattrs :: Map String (Maybe NonLocalAttr)
_lhsOattrs = rule537 ()
__result_ = T_HsToken_vOut31 _lhsOattrs _lhsOtok
in __result_ )
in C_HsToken_s32 v31
{-# INLINE rule536 #-}
{-# LINE 1427 "src-ag/ExecutionPlan2Hs.ag" #-}
rule536 = \ pos_ value_ ->
{-# LINE 1427 "src-ag/ExecutionPlan2Hs.ag" #-}
(pos_, if null value_
then ""
else showCharShort (head value_)
{-# LINE 4255 "dist/build/ExecutionPlan2Hs.hs"#-}
{-# INLINE rule537 #-}
rule537 = \ (_ :: ()) ->
{-# NOINLINE sem_HsToken_StrToken #-}
sem_HsToken_StrToken :: (String) -> (Pos) -> T_HsToken
sem_HsToken_StrToken arg_value_ arg_pos_ = T_HsToken (return st32) where
{-# NOINLINE st32 #-}
st32 = let
v31 :: T_HsToken_v31
v31 = \ (T_HsToken_vIn31 _lhsIoptions) -> ( let
_lhsOtok :: (Pos,String)
_lhsOtok = rule538 arg_pos_ arg_value_
_lhsOattrs :: Map String (Maybe NonLocalAttr)
_lhsOattrs = rule539 ()
__result_ = T_HsToken_vOut31 _lhsOattrs _lhsOtok
in __result_ )
in C_HsToken_s32 v31
{-# INLINE rule538 #-}
{-# LINE 1432 "src-ag/ExecutionPlan2Hs.ag" #-}
rule538 = \ pos_ value_ ->
{-# LINE 1432 "src-ag/ExecutionPlan2Hs.ag" #-}
(pos_, showStrShort value_)
{-# LINE 4278 "dist/build/ExecutionPlan2Hs.hs"#-}
{-# INLINE rule539 #-}
rule539 = \ (_ :: ()) ->
{-# NOINLINE sem_HsToken_Err #-}
sem_HsToken_Err :: (String) -> (Pos) -> T_HsToken
sem_HsToken_Err _ arg_pos_ = T_HsToken (return st32) where
{-# NOINLINE st32 #-}
st32 = let
v31 :: T_HsToken_v31
v31 = \ (T_HsToken_vIn31 _lhsIoptions) -> ( let
_lhsOtok :: (Pos,String)
_lhsOtok = rule540 arg_pos_
_lhsOattrs :: Map String (Maybe NonLocalAttr)
_lhsOattrs = rule541 ()
__result_ = T_HsToken_vOut31 _lhsOattrs _lhsOtok
in __result_ )
in C_HsToken_s32 v31
{-# INLINE rule540 #-}
{-# LINE 1433 "src-ag/ExecutionPlan2Hs.ag" #-}
rule540 = \ pos_ ->
{-# LINE 1433 "src-ag/ExecutionPlan2Hs.ag" #-}
(pos_, "")
{-# LINE 4301 "dist/build/ExecutionPlan2Hs.hs"#-}
{-# INLINE rule541 #-}
rule541 = \ (_ :: ()) ->
data Inh_HsTokens = Inh_HsTokens { options_Inh_HsTokens :: (Options) }
data Syn_HsTokens = Syn_HsTokens { tks_Syn_HsTokens :: ([(Pos,String)]) }
{-# INLINABLE wrap_HsTokens #-}
wrap_HsTokens :: T_HsTokens -> Inh_HsTokens -> (Syn_HsTokens )
wrap_HsTokens (T_HsTokens act) (Inh_HsTokens _lhsIoptions) =
Control.Monad.Identity.runIdentity (
do sem <- act
let arg34 = T_HsTokens_vIn34 _lhsIoptions
(T_HsTokens_vOut34 _lhsOtks) <- return (inv_HsTokens_s35 sem arg34)
return (Syn_HsTokens _lhsOtks)
{-# NOINLINE sem_HsTokens #-}
sem_HsTokens :: HsTokens -> T_HsTokens
sem_HsTokens list = Prelude.foldr sem_HsTokens_Cons sem_HsTokens_Nil (Prelude.map sem_HsToken list)
newtype T_HsTokens = T_HsTokens {
attach_T_HsTokens :: Identity (T_HsTokens_s35 )
newtype T_HsTokens_s35 = C_HsTokens_s35 {
inv_HsTokens_s35 :: (T_HsTokens_v34 )
data T_HsTokens_s36 = C_HsTokens_s36
type T_HsTokens_v34 = (T_HsTokens_vIn34 ) -> (T_HsTokens_vOut34 )
data T_HsTokens_vIn34 = T_HsTokens_vIn34 (Options)
data T_HsTokens_vOut34 = T_HsTokens_vOut34 ([(Pos,String)])
{-# NOINLINE sem_HsTokens_Cons #-}
sem_HsTokens_Cons :: T_HsToken -> T_HsTokens -> T_HsTokens
sem_HsTokens_Cons arg_hd_ arg_tl_ = T_HsTokens (return st35) where
{-# NOINLINE st35 #-}
st35 = let
v34 :: T_HsTokens_v34
v34 = \ (T_HsTokens_vIn34 _lhsIoptions) -> ( let
_hdX32 = Control.Monad.Identity.runIdentity (attach_T_HsToken (arg_hd_))
_tlX35 = Control.Monad.Identity.runIdentity (attach_T_HsTokens (arg_tl_))
(T_HsToken_vOut31 _hdIattrs _hdItok) = inv_HsToken_s32 _hdX32 (T_HsToken_vIn31 _hdOoptions)
(T_HsTokens_vOut34 _tlItks) = inv_HsTokens_s35 _tlX35 (T_HsTokens_vIn34 _tlOoptions)
_lhsOtks :: [(Pos,String)]
_lhsOtks = rule542 _hdItok _tlItks
_hdOoptions = rule543 _lhsIoptions
_tlOoptions = rule544 _lhsIoptions
__result_ = T_HsTokens_vOut34 _lhsOtks
in __result_ )
in C_HsTokens_s35 v34
{-# INLINE rule542 #-}
{-# LINE 1412 "src-ag/ExecutionPlan2Hs.ag" #-}
rule542 = \ ((_hdItok) :: (Pos,String)) ((_tlItks) :: [(Pos,String)]) ->
{-# LINE 1412 "src-ag/ExecutionPlan2Hs.ag" #-}
_hdItok : _tlItks
{-# LINE 4359 "dist/build/ExecutionPlan2Hs.hs"#-}
{-# INLINE rule543 #-}
rule543 = \ ((_lhsIoptions) :: Options) ->
{-# INLINE rule544 #-}
rule544 = \ ((_lhsIoptions) :: Options) ->
{-# NOINLINE sem_HsTokens_Nil #-}
sem_HsTokens_Nil :: T_HsTokens
sem_HsTokens_Nil = T_HsTokens (return st35) where
{-# NOINLINE st35 #-}
st35 = let
v34 :: T_HsTokens_v34
v34 = \ (T_HsTokens_vIn34 _lhsIoptions) -> ( let
_lhsOtks :: [(Pos,String)]
_lhsOtks = rule545 ()
__result_ = T_HsTokens_vOut34 _lhsOtks
in __result_ )
in C_HsTokens_s35 v34
{-# INLINE rule545 #-}
{-# LINE 1413 "src-ag/ExecutionPlan2Hs.ag" #-}
rule545 = \ (_ :: ()) ->
{-# LINE 1413 "src-ag/ExecutionPlan2Hs.ag" #-}
{-# LINE 4383 "dist/build/ExecutionPlan2Hs.hs"#-}
data Inh_HsTokensRoot = Inh_HsTokensRoot { options_Inh_HsTokensRoot :: (Options) }
data Syn_HsTokensRoot = Syn_HsTokensRoot { }
{-# INLINABLE wrap_HsTokensRoot #-}
wrap_HsTokensRoot :: T_HsTokensRoot -> Inh_HsTokensRoot -> (Syn_HsTokensRoot )
wrap_HsTokensRoot (T_HsTokensRoot act) (Inh_HsTokensRoot _lhsIoptions) =
Control.Monad.Identity.runIdentity (
do sem <- act
let arg37 = T_HsTokensRoot_vIn37 _lhsIoptions
(T_HsTokensRoot_vOut37 ) <- return (inv_HsTokensRoot_s38 sem arg37)
return (Syn_HsTokensRoot )
{-# INLINE sem_HsTokensRoot #-}
sem_HsTokensRoot :: HsTokensRoot -> T_HsTokensRoot
sem_HsTokensRoot ( HsTokensRoot tokens_ ) = sem_HsTokensRoot_HsTokensRoot ( sem_HsTokens tokens_ )
newtype T_HsTokensRoot = T_HsTokensRoot {
attach_T_HsTokensRoot :: Identity (T_HsTokensRoot_s38 )
newtype T_HsTokensRoot_s38 = C_HsTokensRoot_s38 {
inv_HsTokensRoot_s38 :: (T_HsTokensRoot_v37 )
data T_HsTokensRoot_s39 = C_HsTokensRoot_s39
type T_HsTokensRoot_v37 = (T_HsTokensRoot_vIn37 ) -> (T_HsTokensRoot_vOut37 )
data T_HsTokensRoot_vIn37 = T_HsTokensRoot_vIn37 (Options)
data T_HsTokensRoot_vOut37 = T_HsTokensRoot_vOut37
{-# NOINLINE sem_HsTokensRoot_HsTokensRoot #-}
sem_HsTokensRoot_HsTokensRoot :: T_HsTokens -> T_HsTokensRoot
sem_HsTokensRoot_HsTokensRoot arg_tokens_ = T_HsTokensRoot (return st38) where
{-# NOINLINE st38 #-}
st38 = let
v37 :: T_HsTokensRoot_v37
v37 = \ (T_HsTokensRoot_vIn37 _lhsIoptions) -> ( let
_tokensX35 = Control.Monad.Identity.runIdentity (attach_T_HsTokens (arg_tokens_))
(T_HsTokens_vOut34 _tokensItks) = inv_HsTokens_s35 _tokensX35 (T_HsTokens_vIn34 _tokensOoptions)
_tokensOoptions = rule546 _lhsIoptions
__result_ = T_HsTokensRoot_vOut37
in __result_ )
in C_HsTokensRoot_s38 v37
{-# INLINE rule546 #-}
rule546 = \ ((_lhsIoptions) :: Options) ->
data Inh_Pattern = Inh_Pattern { allInhmap_Inh_Pattern :: (Map NontermIdent Attributes), allSynmap_Inh_Pattern :: (Map NontermIdent Attributes), anyLazyKind_Inh_Pattern :: (Bool), inhmap_Inh_Pattern :: (Attributes), localAttrTypes_Inh_Pattern :: (Map Identifier Type), options_Inh_Pattern :: (Options), synmap_Inh_Pattern :: (Attributes) }
data Syn_Pattern = Syn_Pattern { attrTypes_Syn_Pattern :: (PP_Doc), attrs_Syn_Pattern :: (Set String), copy_Syn_Pattern :: (Pattern), isUnderscore_Syn_Pattern :: (Bool), sem_lhs_Syn_Pattern :: ( PP_Doc ) }
{-# INLINABLE wrap_Pattern #-}
wrap_Pattern :: T_Pattern -> Inh_Pattern -> (Syn_Pattern )
wrap_Pattern (T_Pattern act) (Inh_Pattern _lhsIallInhmap _lhsIallSynmap _lhsIanyLazyKind _lhsIinhmap _lhsIlocalAttrTypes _lhsIoptions _lhsIsynmap) =
Control.Monad.Identity.runIdentity (
do sem <- act
let arg40 = T_Pattern_vIn40 _lhsIallInhmap _lhsIallSynmap _lhsIanyLazyKind _lhsIinhmap _lhsIlocalAttrTypes _lhsIoptions _lhsIsynmap
(T_Pattern_vOut40 _lhsOattrTypes _lhsOattrs _lhsOcopy _lhsOisUnderscore _lhsOsem_lhs) <- return (inv_Pattern_s41 sem arg40)
return (Syn_Pattern _lhsOattrTypes _lhsOattrs _lhsOcopy _lhsOisUnderscore _lhsOsem_lhs)
{-# NOINLINE sem_Pattern #-}
sem_Pattern :: Pattern -> T_Pattern
sem_Pattern ( Constr name_ pats_ ) = sem_Pattern_Constr name_ ( sem_Patterns pats_ )
sem_Pattern ( Product pos_ pats_ ) = sem_Pattern_Product pos_ ( sem_Patterns pats_ )
sem_Pattern ( Alias field_ attr_ pat_ ) = sem_Pattern_Alias field_ attr_ ( sem_Pattern pat_ )
sem_Pattern ( Irrefutable pat_ ) = sem_Pattern_Irrefutable ( sem_Pattern pat_ )
sem_Pattern ( Underscore pos_ ) = sem_Pattern_Underscore pos_
newtype T_Pattern = T_Pattern {
attach_T_Pattern :: Identity (T_Pattern_s41 )
newtype T_Pattern_s41 = C_Pattern_s41 {
inv_Pattern_s41 :: (T_Pattern_v40 )
data T_Pattern_s42 = C_Pattern_s42
type T_Pattern_v40 = (T_Pattern_vIn40 ) -> (T_Pattern_vOut40 )
data T_Pattern_vIn40 = T_Pattern_vIn40 (Map NontermIdent Attributes) (Map NontermIdent Attributes) (Bool) (Attributes) (Map Identifier Type) (Options) (Attributes)
data T_Pattern_vOut40 = T_Pattern_vOut40 (PP_Doc) (Set String) (Pattern) (Bool) ( PP_Doc )
{-# NOINLINE sem_Pattern_Constr #-}
sem_Pattern_Constr :: (ConstructorIdent) -> T_Patterns -> T_Pattern
sem_Pattern_Constr arg_name_ arg_pats_ = T_Pattern (return st41) where
{-# NOINLINE st41 #-}
st41 = let
v40 :: T_Pattern_v40
v40 = \ (T_Pattern_vIn40 _lhsIallInhmap _lhsIallSynmap _lhsIanyLazyKind _lhsIinhmap _lhsIlocalAttrTypes _lhsIoptions _lhsIsynmap) -> ( let
_patsX44 = Control.Monad.Identity.runIdentity (attach_T_Patterns (arg_pats_))
(T_Patterns_vOut43 _patsIattrTypes _patsIattrs _patsIcopy _patsIsem_lhs) = inv_Patterns_s44 _patsX44 (T_Patterns_vIn43 _patsOallInhmap _patsOallSynmap _patsOanyLazyKind _patsOinhmap _patsOlocalAttrTypes _patsOoptions _patsOsynmap)
_lhsOsem_lhs :: PP_Doc
_lhsOsem_lhs = rule547 _addbang1 _patsIsem_lhs arg_name_
_lhsOisUnderscore :: Bool
_lhsOisUnderscore = rule548 ()
_addbang = rule549 _lhsIoptions
_addbang1 = rule550 _addbang _lhsIanyLazyKind
_lhsOattrTypes :: PP_Doc
_lhsOattrTypes = rule551 _patsIattrTypes
_lhsOattrs :: Set String
_lhsOattrs = rule552 _patsIattrs
_copy = rule553 _patsIcopy arg_name_
_lhsOcopy :: Pattern
_lhsOcopy = rule554 _copy
_patsOallInhmap = rule555 _lhsIallInhmap
_patsOallSynmap = rule556 _lhsIallSynmap
_patsOanyLazyKind = rule557 _lhsIanyLazyKind
_patsOinhmap = rule558 _lhsIinhmap
_patsOlocalAttrTypes = rule559 _lhsIlocalAttrTypes
_patsOoptions = rule560 _lhsIoptions
_patsOsynmap = rule561 _lhsIsynmap
__result_ = T_Pattern_vOut40 _lhsOattrTypes _lhsOattrs _lhsOcopy _lhsOisUnderscore _lhsOsem_lhs
in __result_ )
in C_Pattern_s41 v40
{-# INLINE rule547 #-}
{-# LINE 1139 "src-ag/ExecutionPlan2Hs.ag" #-}
rule547 = \ _addbang1 ((_patsIsem_lhs) :: [PP_Doc]) name_ ->
{-# LINE 1139 "src-ag/ExecutionPlan2Hs.ag" #-}
_addbang1 $ pp_parens $ name_ >#< hv_sp _patsIsem_lhs
{-# LINE 4503 "dist/build/ExecutionPlan2Hs.hs"#-}
{-# INLINE rule548 #-}
{-# LINE 1146 "src-ag/ExecutionPlan2Hs.ag" #-}
rule548 = \ (_ :: ()) ->
{-# LINE 1146 "src-ag/ExecutionPlan2Hs.ag" #-}
{-# LINE 4509 "dist/build/ExecutionPlan2Hs.hs"#-}
{-# INLINE rule549 #-}
{-# LINE 1556 "src-ag/ExecutionPlan2Hs.ag" #-}
rule549 = \ ((_lhsIoptions) :: Options) ->
{-# LINE 1556 "src-ag/ExecutionPlan2Hs.ag" #-}
\x -> if bangpats _lhsIoptions then "!" >|< x else x
{-# LINE 4515 "dist/build/ExecutionPlan2Hs.hs"#-}
{-# INLINE rule550 #-}
{-# LINE 1561 "src-ag/ExecutionPlan2Hs.ag" #-}
rule550 = \ _addbang ((_lhsIanyLazyKind) :: Bool) ->
{-# LINE 1561 "src-ag/ExecutionPlan2Hs.ag" #-}
if _lhsIanyLazyKind then id else _addbang
{-# LINE 4521 "dist/build/ExecutionPlan2Hs.hs"#-}
{-# INLINE rule551 #-}
rule551 = \ ((_patsIattrTypes) :: PP_Doc) ->
{-# INLINE rule552 #-}
rule552 = \ ((_patsIattrs) :: Set String) ->
{-# INLINE rule553 #-}
rule553 = \ ((_patsIcopy) :: Patterns) name_ ->
Constr name_ _patsIcopy
{-# INLINE rule554 #-}
rule554 = \ _copy ->
{-# INLINE rule555 #-}
rule555 = \ ((_lhsIallInhmap) :: Map NontermIdent Attributes) ->
{-# INLINE rule556 #-}
rule556 = \ ((_lhsIallSynmap) :: Map NontermIdent Attributes) ->
{-# INLINE rule557 #-}
rule557 = \ ((_lhsIanyLazyKind) :: Bool) ->
{-# INLINE rule558 #-}
rule558 = \ ((_lhsIinhmap) :: Attributes) ->
{-# INLINE rule559 #-}
rule559 = \ ((_lhsIlocalAttrTypes) :: Map Identifier Type) ->
{-# INLINE rule560 #-}
rule560 = \ ((_lhsIoptions) :: Options) ->
{-# INLINE rule561 #-}
rule561 = \ ((_lhsIsynmap) :: Attributes) ->
{-# NOINLINE sem_Pattern_Product #-}
sem_Pattern_Product :: (Pos) -> T_Patterns -> T_Pattern
sem_Pattern_Product arg_pos_ arg_pats_ = T_Pattern (return st41) where
{-# NOINLINE st41 #-}
st41 = let
v40 :: T_Pattern_v40
v40 = \ (T_Pattern_vIn40 _lhsIallInhmap _lhsIallSynmap _lhsIanyLazyKind _lhsIinhmap _lhsIlocalAttrTypes _lhsIoptions _lhsIsynmap) -> ( let
_patsX44 = Control.Monad.Identity.runIdentity (attach_T_Patterns (arg_pats_))
(T_Patterns_vOut43 _patsIattrTypes _patsIattrs _patsIcopy _patsIsem_lhs) = inv_Patterns_s44 _patsX44 (T_Patterns_vIn43 _patsOallInhmap _patsOallSynmap _patsOanyLazyKind _patsOinhmap _patsOlocalAttrTypes _patsOoptions _patsOsynmap)
_lhsOsem_lhs :: PP_Doc
_lhsOsem_lhs = rule562 _addbang1 _patsIsem_lhs
_lhsOisUnderscore :: Bool
_lhsOisUnderscore = rule563 ()
_addbang = rule564 _lhsIoptions
_addbang1 = rule565 _addbang _lhsIanyLazyKind
_lhsOattrTypes :: PP_Doc
_lhsOattrTypes = rule566 _patsIattrTypes
_lhsOattrs :: Set String
_lhsOattrs = rule567 _patsIattrs
_copy = rule568 _patsIcopy arg_pos_
_lhsOcopy :: Pattern
_lhsOcopy = rule569 _copy
_patsOallInhmap = rule570 _lhsIallInhmap
_patsOallSynmap = rule571 _lhsIallSynmap
_patsOanyLazyKind = rule572 _lhsIanyLazyKind
_patsOinhmap = rule573 _lhsIinhmap
_patsOlocalAttrTypes = rule574 _lhsIlocalAttrTypes
_patsOoptions = rule575 _lhsIoptions
_patsOsynmap = rule576 _lhsIsynmap
__result_ = T_Pattern_vOut40 _lhsOattrTypes _lhsOattrs _lhsOcopy _lhsOisUnderscore _lhsOsem_lhs
in __result_ )
in C_Pattern_s41 v40
{-# INLINE rule562 #-}
{-# LINE 1138 "src-ag/ExecutionPlan2Hs.ag" #-}
rule562 = \ _addbang1 ((_patsIsem_lhs) :: [PP_Doc]) ->
{-# LINE 1138 "src-ag/ExecutionPlan2Hs.ag" #-}
_addbang1 $ pp_block "(" ")" "," _patsIsem_lhs
{-# LINE 4592 "dist/build/ExecutionPlan2Hs.hs"#-}
{-# INLINE rule563 #-}
{-# LINE 1147 "src-ag/ExecutionPlan2Hs.ag" #-}
rule563 = \ (_ :: ()) ->
{-# LINE 1147 "src-ag/ExecutionPlan2Hs.ag" #-}
{-# LINE 4598 "dist/build/ExecutionPlan2Hs.hs"#-}
{-# INLINE rule564 #-}
{-# LINE 1556 "src-ag/ExecutionPlan2Hs.ag" #-}
rule564 = \ ((_lhsIoptions) :: Options) ->
{-# LINE 1556 "src-ag/ExecutionPlan2Hs.ag" #-}
\x -> if bangpats _lhsIoptions then "!" >|< x else x
{-# LINE 4604 "dist/build/ExecutionPlan2Hs.hs"#-}
{-# INLINE rule565 #-}
{-# LINE 1561 "src-ag/ExecutionPlan2Hs.ag" #-}
rule565 = \ _addbang ((_lhsIanyLazyKind) :: Bool) ->
{-# LINE 1561 "src-ag/ExecutionPlan2Hs.ag" #-}
if _lhsIanyLazyKind then id else _addbang
{-# LINE 4610 "dist/build/ExecutionPlan2Hs.hs"#-}
{-# INLINE rule566 #-}
rule566 = \ ((_patsIattrTypes) :: PP_Doc) ->
{-# INLINE rule567 #-}
rule567 = \ ((_patsIattrs) :: Set String) ->
{-# INLINE rule568 #-}
rule568 = \ ((_patsIcopy) :: Patterns) pos_ ->
Product pos_ _patsIcopy
{-# INLINE rule569 #-}
rule569 = \ _copy ->
{-# INLINE rule570 #-}
rule570 = \ ((_lhsIallInhmap) :: Map NontermIdent Attributes) ->
{-# INLINE rule571 #-}
rule571 = \ ((_lhsIallSynmap) :: Map NontermIdent Attributes) ->
{-# INLINE rule572 #-}
rule572 = \ ((_lhsIanyLazyKind) :: Bool) ->
{-# INLINE rule573 #-}
rule573 = \ ((_lhsIinhmap) :: Attributes) ->
{-# INLINE rule574 #-}
rule574 = \ ((_lhsIlocalAttrTypes) :: Map Identifier Type) ->
{-# INLINE rule575 #-}
rule575 = \ ((_lhsIoptions) :: Options) ->
{-# INLINE rule576 #-}
rule576 = \ ((_lhsIsynmap) :: Attributes) ->
{-# NOINLINE sem_Pattern_Alias #-}
sem_Pattern_Alias :: (Identifier) -> (Identifier) -> T_Pattern -> T_Pattern
sem_Pattern_Alias arg_field_ arg_attr_ arg_pat_ = T_Pattern (return st41) where
{-# NOINLINE st41 #-}
st41 = let
v40 :: T_Pattern_v40
v40 = \ (T_Pattern_vIn40 _lhsIallInhmap _lhsIallSynmap _lhsIanyLazyKind _lhsIinhmap _lhsIlocalAttrTypes _lhsIoptions _lhsIsynmap) -> ( let
_patX41 = Control.Monad.Identity.runIdentity (attach_T_Pattern (arg_pat_))
(T_Pattern_vOut40 _patIattrTypes _patIattrs _patIcopy _patIisUnderscore _patIsem_lhs) = inv_Pattern_s41 _patX41 (T_Pattern_vIn40 _patOallInhmap _patOallSynmap _patOanyLazyKind _patOinhmap _patOlocalAttrTypes _patOoptions _patOsynmap)
_varPat = rule577 _lhsIoptions arg_attr_ arg_field_
_patExpr = rule578 _patIisUnderscore _patIsem_lhs _varPat
_lhsOsem_lhs :: PP_Doc
_lhsOsem_lhs = rule579 _addbang1 _patExpr
_lhsOisUnderscore :: Bool
_lhsOisUnderscore = rule580 ()
_lhsOattrs :: Set String
_lhsOattrs = rule581 _lhsIoptions _patIattrs arg_attr_ arg_field_
_mbTp = rule582 _lhsIlocalAttrTypes _lhsIsynmap arg_attr_ arg_field_
_lhsOattrTypes :: PP_Doc
_lhsOattrTypes = rule583 _lhsIoptions _mbTp _patIattrTypes arg_attr_ arg_field_
_addbang = rule584 _lhsIoptions
_addbang1 = rule585 _addbang _lhsIanyLazyKind
_copy = rule586 _patIcopy arg_attr_ arg_field_
_lhsOcopy :: Pattern
_lhsOcopy = rule587 _copy
_patOallInhmap = rule588 _lhsIallInhmap
_patOallSynmap = rule589 _lhsIallSynmap
_patOanyLazyKind = rule590 _lhsIanyLazyKind
_patOinhmap = rule591 _lhsIinhmap
_patOlocalAttrTypes = rule592 _lhsIlocalAttrTypes
_patOoptions = rule593 _lhsIoptions
_patOsynmap = rule594 _lhsIsynmap
__result_ = T_Pattern_vOut40 _lhsOattrTypes _lhsOattrs _lhsOcopy _lhsOisUnderscore _lhsOsem_lhs
in __result_ )
in C_Pattern_s41 v40
{-# INLINE rule577 #-}
{-# LINE 1133 "src-ag/ExecutionPlan2Hs.ag" #-}
rule577 = \ ((_lhsIoptions) :: Options) attr_ field_ ->
{-# LINE 1133 "src-ag/ExecutionPlan2Hs.ag" #-}
text $ attrname _lhsIoptions False field_ attr_
{-# LINE 4684 "dist/build/ExecutionPlan2Hs.hs"#-}
{-# INLINE rule578 #-}
{-# LINE 1134 "src-ag/ExecutionPlan2Hs.ag" #-}
rule578 = \ ((_patIisUnderscore) :: Bool) ((_patIsem_lhs) :: PP_Doc ) _varPat ->
{-# LINE 1134 "src-ag/ExecutionPlan2Hs.ag" #-}
if _patIisUnderscore
then _varPat
else _varPat >|< "@" >|< _patIsem_lhs
{-# LINE 4692 "dist/build/ExecutionPlan2Hs.hs"#-}
{-# INLINE rule579 #-}
{-# LINE 1137 "src-ag/ExecutionPlan2Hs.ag" #-}
rule579 = \ _addbang1 _patExpr ->
{-# LINE 1137 "src-ag/ExecutionPlan2Hs.ag" #-}
_addbang1 _patExpr
{-# LINE 4698 "dist/build/ExecutionPlan2Hs.hs"#-}
{-# INLINE rule580 #-}
{-# LINE 1148 "src-ag/ExecutionPlan2Hs.ag" #-}
rule580 = \ (_ :: ()) ->
{-# LINE 1148 "src-ag/ExecutionPlan2Hs.ag" #-}
{-# LINE 4704 "dist/build/ExecutionPlan2Hs.hs"#-}
{-# INLINE rule581 #-}
{-# LINE 1154 "src-ag/ExecutionPlan2Hs.ag" #-}
rule581 = \ ((_lhsIoptions) :: Options) ((_patIattrs) :: Set String) attr_ field_ ->
{-# LINE 1154 "src-ag/ExecutionPlan2Hs.ag" #-}
Set.insert (attrname _lhsIoptions False field_ attr_) _patIattrs
{-# LINE 4710 "dist/build/ExecutionPlan2Hs.hs"#-}
{-# INLINE rule582 #-}
{-# LINE 1159 "src-ag/ExecutionPlan2Hs.ag" #-}
rule582 = \ ((_lhsIlocalAttrTypes) :: Map Identifier Type) ((_lhsIsynmap) :: Attributes) attr_ field_ ->
{-# LINE 1159 "src-ag/ExecutionPlan2Hs.ag" #-}
if field_ == _LHS
then Map.lookup attr_ _lhsIsynmap
else if field_ == _LOC
then Map.lookup attr_ _lhsIlocalAttrTypes
else Nothing
{-# LINE 4720 "dist/build/ExecutionPlan2Hs.hs"#-}
{-# INLINE rule583 #-}
{-# LINE 1164 "src-ag/ExecutionPlan2Hs.ag" #-}
rule583 = \ ((_lhsIoptions) :: Options) _mbTp ((_patIattrTypes) :: PP_Doc) attr_ field_ ->
{-# LINE 1164 "src-ag/ExecutionPlan2Hs.ag" #-}
maybe empty (\tp -> (attrname _lhsIoptions False field_ attr_) >#< "::" >#< ppTp tp) _mbTp
>-< _patIattrTypes
{-# LINE 4727 "dist/build/ExecutionPlan2Hs.hs"#-}
{-# INLINE rule584 #-}
{-# LINE 1556 "src-ag/ExecutionPlan2Hs.ag" #-}
rule584 = \ ((_lhsIoptions) :: Options) ->
{-# LINE 1556 "src-ag/ExecutionPlan2Hs.ag" #-}
\x -> if bangpats _lhsIoptions then "!" >|< x else x
{-# LINE 4733 "dist/build/ExecutionPlan2Hs.hs"#-}
{-# INLINE rule585 #-}
{-# LINE 1561 "src-ag/ExecutionPlan2Hs.ag" #-}
rule585 = \ _addbang ((_lhsIanyLazyKind) :: Bool) ->
{-# LINE 1561 "src-ag/ExecutionPlan2Hs.ag" #-}
if _lhsIanyLazyKind then id else _addbang
{-# LINE 4739 "dist/build/ExecutionPlan2Hs.hs"#-}
{-# INLINE rule586 #-}
rule586 = \ ((_patIcopy) :: Pattern) attr_ field_ ->
Alias field_ attr_ _patIcopy
{-# INLINE rule587 #-}
rule587 = \ _copy ->
{-# INLINE rule588 #-}
rule588 = \ ((_lhsIallInhmap) :: Map NontermIdent Attributes) ->
{-# INLINE rule589 #-}
rule589 = \ ((_lhsIallSynmap) :: Map NontermIdent Attributes) ->
{-# INLINE rule590 #-}
rule590 = \ ((_lhsIanyLazyKind) :: Bool) ->
{-# INLINE rule591 #-}
rule591 = \ ((_lhsIinhmap) :: Attributes) ->
{-# INLINE rule592 #-}
rule592 = \ ((_lhsIlocalAttrTypes) :: Map Identifier Type) ->
{-# INLINE rule593 #-}
rule593 = \ ((_lhsIoptions) :: Options) ->
{-# INLINE rule594 #-}
rule594 = \ ((_lhsIsynmap) :: Attributes) ->
{-# NOINLINE sem_Pattern_Irrefutable #-}
sem_Pattern_Irrefutable :: T_Pattern -> T_Pattern
sem_Pattern_Irrefutable arg_pat_ = T_Pattern (return st41) where
{-# NOINLINE st41 #-}
st41 = let
v40 :: T_Pattern_v40
v40 = \ (T_Pattern_vIn40 _lhsIallInhmap _lhsIallSynmap _lhsIanyLazyKind _lhsIinhmap _lhsIlocalAttrTypes _lhsIoptions _lhsIsynmap) -> ( let
_patX41 = Control.Monad.Identity.runIdentity (attach_T_Pattern (arg_pat_))
(T_Pattern_vOut40 _patIattrTypes _patIattrs _patIcopy _patIisUnderscore _patIsem_lhs) = inv_Pattern_s41 _patX41 (T_Pattern_vIn40 _patOallInhmap _patOallSynmap _patOanyLazyKind _patOinhmap _patOlocalAttrTypes _patOoptions _patOsynmap)
_lhsOsem_lhs :: PP_Doc
_lhsOsem_lhs = rule595 _patIsem_lhs
_lhsOattrTypes :: PP_Doc
_lhsOattrTypes = rule596 _patIattrTypes
_lhsOattrs :: Set String
_lhsOattrs = rule597 _patIattrs
_copy = rule598 _patIcopy
_lhsOcopy :: Pattern
_lhsOcopy = rule599 _copy
_lhsOisUnderscore :: Bool
_lhsOisUnderscore = rule600 _patIisUnderscore
_patOallInhmap = rule601 _lhsIallInhmap
_patOallSynmap = rule602 _lhsIallSynmap
_patOanyLazyKind = rule603 _lhsIanyLazyKind
_patOinhmap = rule604 _lhsIinhmap
_patOlocalAttrTypes = rule605 _lhsIlocalAttrTypes
_patOoptions = rule606 _lhsIoptions
_patOsynmap = rule607 _lhsIsynmap
__result_ = T_Pattern_vOut40 _lhsOattrTypes _lhsOattrs _lhsOcopy _lhsOisUnderscore _lhsOsem_lhs
in __result_ )
in C_Pattern_s41 v40
{-# INLINE rule595 #-}
{-# LINE 1141 "src-ag/ExecutionPlan2Hs.ag" #-}
rule595 = \ ((_patIsem_lhs) :: PP_Doc ) ->
{-# LINE 1141 "src-ag/ExecutionPlan2Hs.ag" #-}
text "~" >|< pp_parens _patIsem_lhs
{-# LINE 4802 "dist/build/ExecutionPlan2Hs.hs"#-}
{-# INLINE rule596 #-}
rule596 = \ ((_patIattrTypes) :: PP_Doc) ->
{-# INLINE rule597 #-}
rule597 = \ ((_patIattrs) :: Set String) ->
{-# INLINE rule598 #-}
rule598 = \ ((_patIcopy) :: Pattern) ->
Irrefutable _patIcopy
{-# INLINE rule599 #-}
rule599 = \ _copy ->
{-# INLINE rule600 #-}
rule600 = \ ((_patIisUnderscore) :: Bool) ->
{-# INLINE rule601 #-}
rule601 = \ ((_lhsIallInhmap) :: Map NontermIdent Attributes) ->
{-# INLINE rule602 #-}
rule602 = \ ((_lhsIallSynmap) :: Map NontermIdent Attributes) ->
{-# INLINE rule603 #-}
rule603 = \ ((_lhsIanyLazyKind) :: Bool) ->
{-# INLINE rule604 #-}
rule604 = \ ((_lhsIinhmap) :: Attributes) ->
{-# INLINE rule605 #-}
rule605 = \ ((_lhsIlocalAttrTypes) :: Map Identifier Type) ->
{-# INLINE rule606 #-}
rule606 = \ ((_lhsIoptions) :: Options) ->
{-# INLINE rule607 #-}
rule607 = \ ((_lhsIsynmap) :: Attributes) ->
{-# NOINLINE sem_Pattern_Underscore #-}
sem_Pattern_Underscore :: (Pos) -> T_Pattern
sem_Pattern_Underscore arg_pos_ = T_Pattern (return st41) where
{-# NOINLINE st41 #-}
st41 = let
v40 :: T_Pattern_v40
v40 = \ (T_Pattern_vIn40 _lhsIallInhmap _lhsIallSynmap _lhsIanyLazyKind _lhsIinhmap _lhsIlocalAttrTypes _lhsIoptions _lhsIsynmap) -> ( let
_lhsOsem_lhs :: PP_Doc
_lhsOsem_lhs = rule608 ()
_lhsOisUnderscore :: Bool
_lhsOisUnderscore = rule609 ()
_lhsOattrTypes :: PP_Doc
_lhsOattrTypes = rule610 ()
_lhsOattrs :: Set String
_lhsOattrs = rule611 ()
_copy = rule612 arg_pos_
_lhsOcopy :: Pattern
_lhsOcopy = rule613 _copy
__result_ = T_Pattern_vOut40 _lhsOattrTypes _lhsOattrs _lhsOcopy _lhsOisUnderscore _lhsOsem_lhs
in __result_ )
in C_Pattern_s41 v40
{-# INLINE rule608 #-}
{-# LINE 1140 "src-ag/ExecutionPlan2Hs.ag" #-}
rule608 = \ (_ :: ()) ->
{-# LINE 1140 "src-ag/ExecutionPlan2Hs.ag" #-}
text "_"
{-# LINE 4865 "dist/build/ExecutionPlan2Hs.hs"#-}
{-# INLINE rule609 #-}
{-# LINE 1149 "src-ag/ExecutionPlan2Hs.ag" #-}
rule609 = \ (_ :: ()) ->
{-# LINE 1149 "src-ag/ExecutionPlan2Hs.ag" #-}
{-# LINE 4871 "dist/build/ExecutionPlan2Hs.hs"#-}
{-# INLINE rule610 #-}
rule610 = \ (_ :: ()) ->
{-# INLINE rule611 #-}
rule611 = \ (_ :: ()) ->
{-# INLINE rule612 #-}
rule612 = \ pos_ ->
Underscore pos_
{-# INLINE rule613 #-}
rule613 = \ _copy ->
data Inh_Patterns = Inh_Patterns { allInhmap_Inh_Patterns :: (Map NontermIdent Attributes), allSynmap_Inh_Patterns :: (Map NontermIdent Attributes), anyLazyKind_Inh_Patterns :: (Bool), inhmap_Inh_Patterns :: (Attributes), localAttrTypes_Inh_Patterns :: (Map Identifier Type), options_Inh_Patterns :: (Options), synmap_Inh_Patterns :: (Attributes) }
data Syn_Patterns = Syn_Patterns { attrTypes_Syn_Patterns :: (PP_Doc), attrs_Syn_Patterns :: (Set String), copy_Syn_Patterns :: (Patterns), sem_lhs_Syn_Patterns :: ([PP_Doc]) }
{-# INLINABLE wrap_Patterns #-}
wrap_Patterns :: T_Patterns -> Inh_Patterns -> (Syn_Patterns )
wrap_Patterns (T_Patterns act) (Inh_Patterns _lhsIallInhmap _lhsIallSynmap _lhsIanyLazyKind _lhsIinhmap _lhsIlocalAttrTypes _lhsIoptions _lhsIsynmap) =
Control.Monad.Identity.runIdentity (
do sem <- act
let arg43 = T_Patterns_vIn43 _lhsIallInhmap _lhsIallSynmap _lhsIanyLazyKind _lhsIinhmap _lhsIlocalAttrTypes _lhsIoptions _lhsIsynmap
(T_Patterns_vOut43 _lhsOattrTypes _lhsOattrs _lhsOcopy _lhsOsem_lhs) <- return (inv_Patterns_s44 sem arg43)
return (Syn_Patterns _lhsOattrTypes _lhsOattrs _lhsOcopy _lhsOsem_lhs)
{-# NOINLINE sem_Patterns #-}
sem_Patterns :: Patterns -> T_Patterns
sem_Patterns list = Prelude.foldr sem_Patterns_Cons sem_Patterns_Nil (Prelude.map sem_Pattern list)
newtype T_Patterns = T_Patterns {
attach_T_Patterns :: Identity (T_Patterns_s44 )
newtype T_Patterns_s44 = C_Patterns_s44 {
inv_Patterns_s44 :: (T_Patterns_v43 )
data T_Patterns_s45 = C_Patterns_s45
type T_Patterns_v43 = (T_Patterns_vIn43 ) -> (T_Patterns_vOut43 )
data T_Patterns_vIn43 = T_Patterns_vIn43 (Map NontermIdent Attributes) (Map NontermIdent Attributes) (Bool) (Attributes) (Map Identifier Type) (Options) (Attributes)
data T_Patterns_vOut43 = T_Patterns_vOut43 (PP_Doc) (Set String) (Patterns) ([PP_Doc])
{-# NOINLINE sem_Patterns_Cons #-}
sem_Patterns_Cons :: T_Pattern -> T_Patterns -> T_Patterns
sem_Patterns_Cons arg_hd_ arg_tl_ = T_Patterns (return st44) where
{-# NOINLINE st44 #-}
st44 = let
v43 :: T_Patterns_v43
v43 = \ (T_Patterns_vIn43 _lhsIallInhmap _lhsIallSynmap _lhsIanyLazyKind _lhsIinhmap _lhsIlocalAttrTypes _lhsIoptions _lhsIsynmap) -> ( let
_hdX41 = Control.Monad.Identity.runIdentity (attach_T_Pattern (arg_hd_))
_tlX44 = Control.Monad.Identity.runIdentity (attach_T_Patterns (arg_tl_))
(T_Pattern_vOut40 _hdIattrTypes _hdIattrs _hdIcopy _hdIisUnderscore _hdIsem_lhs) = inv_Pattern_s41 _hdX41 (T_Pattern_vIn40 _hdOallInhmap _hdOallSynmap _hdOanyLazyKind _hdOinhmap _hdOlocalAttrTypes _hdOoptions _hdOsynmap)
(T_Patterns_vOut43 _tlIattrTypes _tlIattrs _tlIcopy _tlIsem_lhs) = inv_Patterns_s44 _tlX44 (T_Patterns_vIn43 _tlOallInhmap _tlOallSynmap _tlOanyLazyKind _tlOinhmap _tlOlocalAttrTypes _tlOoptions _tlOsynmap)
_lhsOattrTypes :: PP_Doc
_lhsOattrTypes = rule614 _hdIattrTypes _tlIattrTypes
_lhsOattrs :: Set String
_lhsOattrs = rule615 _hdIattrs _tlIattrs
_lhsOsem_lhs :: [PP_Doc]
_lhsOsem_lhs = rule616 _hdIsem_lhs _tlIsem_lhs
_copy = rule617 _hdIcopy _tlIcopy
_lhsOcopy :: Patterns
_lhsOcopy = rule618 _copy
_hdOallInhmap = rule619 _lhsIallInhmap
_hdOallSynmap = rule620 _lhsIallSynmap
_hdOanyLazyKind = rule621 _lhsIanyLazyKind
_hdOinhmap = rule622 _lhsIinhmap
_hdOlocalAttrTypes = rule623 _lhsIlocalAttrTypes
_hdOoptions = rule624 _lhsIoptions
_hdOsynmap = rule625 _lhsIsynmap
_tlOallInhmap = rule626 _lhsIallInhmap
_tlOallSynmap = rule627 _lhsIallSynmap
_tlOanyLazyKind = rule628 _lhsIanyLazyKind
_tlOinhmap = rule629 _lhsIinhmap
_tlOlocalAttrTypes = rule630 _lhsIlocalAttrTypes
_tlOoptions = rule631 _lhsIoptions
_tlOsynmap = rule632 _lhsIsynmap
__result_ = T_Patterns_vOut43 _lhsOattrTypes _lhsOattrs _lhsOcopy _lhsOsem_lhs
in __result_ )
in C_Patterns_s44 v43
{-# INLINE rule614 #-}
rule614 = \ ((_hdIattrTypes) :: PP_Doc) ((_tlIattrTypes) :: PP_Doc) ->
_hdIattrTypes >-< _tlIattrTypes
{-# INLINE rule615 #-}
rule615 = \ ((_hdIattrs) :: Set String) ((_tlIattrs) :: Set String) ->
_hdIattrs `Set.union` _tlIattrs
{-# INLINE rule616 #-}
rule616 = \ ((_hdIsem_lhs) :: PP_Doc ) ((_tlIsem_lhs) :: [PP_Doc]) ->
_hdIsem_lhs : _tlIsem_lhs
{-# INLINE rule617 #-}
rule617 = \ ((_hdIcopy) :: Pattern) ((_tlIcopy) :: Patterns) ->
(:) _hdIcopy _tlIcopy
{-# INLINE rule618 #-}
rule618 = \ _copy ->
{-# INLINE rule619 #-}
rule619 = \ ((_lhsIallInhmap) :: Map NontermIdent Attributes) ->
{-# INLINE rule620 #-}
rule620 = \ ((_lhsIallSynmap) :: Map NontermIdent Attributes) ->
{-# INLINE rule621 #-}
rule621 = \ ((_lhsIanyLazyKind) :: Bool) ->
{-# INLINE rule622 #-}
rule622 = \ ((_lhsIinhmap) :: Attributes) ->
{-# INLINE rule623 #-}
rule623 = \ ((_lhsIlocalAttrTypes) :: Map Identifier Type) ->
{-# INLINE rule624 #-}
rule624 = \ ((_lhsIoptions) :: Options) ->
{-# INLINE rule625 #-}
rule625 = \ ((_lhsIsynmap) :: Attributes) ->
{-# INLINE rule626 #-}
rule626 = \ ((_lhsIallInhmap) :: Map NontermIdent Attributes) ->
{-# INLINE rule627 #-}
rule627 = \ ((_lhsIallSynmap) :: Map NontermIdent Attributes) ->
{-# INLINE rule628 #-}
rule628 = \ ((_lhsIanyLazyKind) :: Bool) ->
{-# INLINE rule629 #-}
rule629 = \ ((_lhsIinhmap) :: Attributes) ->
{-# INLINE rule630 #-}
rule630 = \ ((_lhsIlocalAttrTypes) :: Map Identifier Type) ->
{-# INLINE rule631 #-}
rule631 = \ ((_lhsIoptions) :: Options) ->
{-# INLINE rule632 #-}
rule632 = \ ((_lhsIsynmap) :: Attributes) ->
{-# NOINLINE sem_Patterns_Nil #-}
sem_Patterns_Nil :: T_Patterns
sem_Patterns_Nil = T_Patterns (return st44) where
{-# NOINLINE st44 #-}
st44 = let
v43 :: T_Patterns_v43
v43 = \ (T_Patterns_vIn43 _lhsIallInhmap _lhsIallSynmap _lhsIanyLazyKind _lhsIinhmap _lhsIlocalAttrTypes _lhsIoptions _lhsIsynmap) -> ( let
_lhsOattrTypes :: PP_Doc
_lhsOattrTypes = rule633 ()
_lhsOattrs :: Set String
_lhsOattrs = rule634 ()
_lhsOsem_lhs :: [PP_Doc]
_lhsOsem_lhs = rule635 ()
_copy = rule636 ()
_lhsOcopy :: Patterns
_lhsOcopy = rule637 _copy
__result_ = T_Patterns_vOut43 _lhsOattrTypes _lhsOattrs _lhsOcopy _lhsOsem_lhs
in __result_ )
in C_Patterns_s44 v43
{-# INLINE rule633 #-}
rule633 = \ (_ :: ()) ->
{-# INLINE rule634 #-}
rule634 = \ (_ :: ()) ->
{-# INLINE rule635 #-}
rule635 = \ (_ :: ()) ->
{-# INLINE rule636 #-}
rule636 = \ (_ :: ()) ->
{-# INLINE rule637 #-}
rule637 = \ _copy ->
data Inh_Visit = Inh_Visit { allFromToStates_Inh_Visit :: (Map VisitIdentifier (Int,Int)), allInhmap_Inh_Visit :: (Map NontermIdent Attributes), allInitStates_Inh_Visit :: (Map NontermIdent Int), allSynmap_Inh_Visit :: (Map NontermIdent Attributes), allVisitKinds_Inh_Visit :: (Map VisitIdentifier VisitKind), allchildvisit_Inh_Visit :: (Map VisitIdentifier (Identifier -> VisitKind -> Either Error (PP_Doc, PP_Doc))), allintramap_Inh_Visit :: (Map StateIdentifier (Map String (Maybe NonLocalAttr))), avisitdefs_Inh_Visit :: (Map VisitIdentifier (Set Identifier)), avisituses_Inh_Visit :: (Map VisitIdentifier (Set Identifier)), childTypes_Inh_Visit :: (Map Identifier Type), childintros_Inh_Visit :: (Map Identifier (VisitKind -> FormatMode -> Either Error (PP_Doc, Set String, Map String (Maybe NonLocalAttr)))), con_Inh_Visit :: (ConstructorIdent), inhmap_Inh_Visit :: (Attributes), mrules_Inh_Visit :: (Map Identifier (VisitKind -> FormatMode -> Either Error PP_Doc)), nextVisits_Inh_Visit :: (Map StateIdentifier StateCtx), nt_Inh_Visit :: (NontermIdent), options_Inh_Visit :: (Options), params_Inh_Visit :: ([Identifier]), prevVisits_Inh_Visit :: (Map StateIdentifier StateCtx), ruledefs_Inh_Visit :: (Map Identifier (Set String)), ruleuses_Inh_Visit :: (Map Identifier (Map String (Maybe NonLocalAttr))), synmap_Inh_Visit :: (Attributes), terminaldefs_Inh_Visit :: (Set String) }
data Syn_Visit = Syn_Visit { allvisits_Syn_Visit :: ( VisitStateState ), childvisit_Syn_Visit :: (Map VisitIdentifier (Identifier -> VisitKind -> Either Error (PP_Doc, PP_Doc))), errors_Syn_Visit :: (Seq Error), fromToStates_Syn_Visit :: (Map VisitIdentifier (Int,Int)), intramap_Syn_Visit :: (Map StateIdentifier (Map String (Maybe NonLocalAttr))), lazyIntras_Syn_Visit :: (Set String), ruleKinds_Syn_Visit :: (Map Identifier (Set VisitKind)), ruleUsage_Syn_Visit :: (Map Identifier Int), sem_visit_Syn_Visit :: ( (StateIdentifier,Bool -> PP_Doc) ), t_visits_Syn_Visit :: (PP_Doc), usedArgs_Syn_Visit :: (Set String), visitKinds_Syn_Visit :: (Map VisitIdentifier VisitKind), visitdefs_Syn_Visit :: (Map VisitIdentifier (Set Identifier)), visituses_Syn_Visit :: (Map VisitIdentifier (Set Identifier)) }
{-# INLINABLE wrap_Visit #-}
wrap_Visit :: T_Visit -> Inh_Visit -> (Syn_Visit )
wrap_Visit (T_Visit act) (Inh_Visit _lhsIallFromToStates _lhsIallInhmap _lhsIallInitStates _lhsIallSynmap _lhsIallVisitKinds _lhsIallchildvisit _lhsIallintramap _lhsIavisitdefs _lhsIavisituses _lhsIchildTypes _lhsIchildintros _lhsIcon _lhsIinhmap _lhsImrules _lhsInextVisits _lhsInt _lhsIoptions _lhsIparams _lhsIprevVisits _lhsIruledefs _lhsIruleuses _lhsIsynmap _lhsIterminaldefs) =
Control.Monad.Identity.runIdentity (
do sem <- act
let arg46 = T_Visit_vIn46 _lhsIallFromToStates _lhsIallInhmap _lhsIallInitStates _lhsIallSynmap _lhsIallVisitKinds _lhsIallchildvisit _lhsIallintramap _lhsIavisitdefs _lhsIavisituses _lhsIchildTypes _lhsIchildintros _lhsIcon _lhsIinhmap _lhsImrules _lhsInextVisits _lhsInt _lhsIoptions _lhsIparams _lhsIprevVisits _lhsIruledefs _lhsIruleuses _lhsIsynmap _lhsIterminaldefs
(T_Visit_vOut46 _lhsOallvisits _lhsOchildvisit _lhsOerrors _lhsOfromToStates _lhsOintramap _lhsOlazyIntras _lhsOruleKinds _lhsOruleUsage _lhsOsem_visit _lhsOt_visits _lhsOusedArgs _lhsOvisitKinds _lhsOvisitdefs _lhsOvisituses) <- return (inv_Visit_s47 sem arg46)
return (Syn_Visit _lhsOallvisits _lhsOchildvisit _lhsOerrors _lhsOfromToStates _lhsOintramap _lhsOlazyIntras _lhsOruleKinds _lhsOruleUsage _lhsOsem_visit _lhsOt_visits _lhsOusedArgs _lhsOvisitKinds _lhsOvisitdefs _lhsOvisituses)
{-# INLINE sem_Visit #-}
sem_Visit :: Visit -> T_Visit
sem_Visit ( Visit ident_ from_ to_ inh_ syn_ steps_ kind_ ) = sem_Visit_Visit ident_ from_ to_ inh_ syn_ ( sem_VisitSteps steps_ ) kind_
newtype T_Visit = T_Visit {
attach_T_Visit :: Identity (T_Visit_s47 )
newtype T_Visit_s47 = C_Visit_s47 {
inv_Visit_s47 :: (T_Visit_v46 )
data T_Visit_s48 = C_Visit_s48
type T_Visit_v46 = (T_Visit_vIn46 ) -> (T_Visit_vOut46 )
data T_Visit_vIn46 = T_Visit_vIn46 (Map VisitIdentifier (Int,Int)) (Map NontermIdent Attributes) (Map NontermIdent Int) (Map NontermIdent Attributes) (Map VisitIdentifier VisitKind) (Map VisitIdentifier (Identifier -> VisitKind -> Either Error (PP_Doc, PP_Doc))) (Map StateIdentifier (Map String (Maybe NonLocalAttr))) (Map VisitIdentifier (Set Identifier)) (Map VisitIdentifier (Set Identifier)) (Map Identifier Type) (Map Identifier (VisitKind -> FormatMode -> Either Error (PP_Doc, Set String, Map String (Maybe NonLocalAttr)))) (ConstructorIdent) (Attributes) (Map Identifier (VisitKind -> FormatMode -> Either Error PP_Doc)) (Map StateIdentifier StateCtx) (NontermIdent) (Options) ([Identifier]) (Map StateIdentifier StateCtx) (Map Identifier (Set String)) (Map Identifier (Map String (Maybe NonLocalAttr))) (Attributes) (Set String)
data T_Visit_vOut46 = T_Visit_vOut46 ( VisitStateState ) (Map VisitIdentifier (Identifier -> VisitKind -> Either Error (PP_Doc, PP_Doc))) (Seq Error) (Map VisitIdentifier (Int,Int)) (Map StateIdentifier (Map String (Maybe NonLocalAttr))) (Set String) (Map Identifier (Set VisitKind)) (Map Identifier Int) ( (StateIdentifier,Bool -> PP_Doc) ) (PP_Doc) (Set String) (Map VisitIdentifier VisitKind) (Map VisitIdentifier (Set Identifier)) (Map VisitIdentifier (Set Identifier))
{-# NOINLINE sem_Visit_Visit #-}
sem_Visit_Visit :: (VisitIdentifier) -> (StateIdentifier) -> (StateIdentifier) -> (Set Identifier) -> (Set Identifier) -> T_VisitSteps -> (VisitKind) -> T_Visit
sem_Visit_Visit arg_ident_ arg_from_ arg_to_ arg_inh_ arg_syn_ arg_steps_ arg_kind_ = T_Visit (return st47) where
{-# NOINLINE st47 #-}
st47 = let
v46 :: T_Visit_v46
v46 = \ (T_Visit_vIn46 _lhsIallFromToStates _lhsIallInhmap _lhsIallInitStates _lhsIallSynmap _lhsIallVisitKinds _lhsIallchildvisit _lhsIallintramap _lhsIavisitdefs _lhsIavisituses _lhsIchildTypes _lhsIchildintros _lhsIcon _lhsIinhmap _lhsImrules _lhsInextVisits _lhsInt _lhsIoptions _lhsIparams _lhsIprevVisits _lhsIruledefs _lhsIruleuses _lhsIsynmap _lhsIterminaldefs) -> ( let
_stepsX53 = Control.Monad.Identity.runIdentity (attach_T_VisitSteps (arg_steps_))
(T_VisitSteps_vOut52 _stepsIdefs _stepsIerrors _stepsIindex _stepsIisLast _stepsIlazyIntras _stepsIprevMaxSimRefs _stepsIruleKinds _stepsIruleUsage _stepsIsem_steps _stepsIsize _stepsIsync_steps _stepsIusedArgs _stepsIuses _stepsIvisitKinds) = inv_VisitSteps_s53 _stepsX53 (T_VisitSteps_vIn52 _stepsOallFromToStates _stepsOallInitStates _stepsOallVisitKinds _stepsOallchildvisit _stepsOavisitdefs _stepsOavisituses _stepsOchildTypes _stepsOchildintros _stepsOfmtMode _stepsOindex _stepsOkind _stepsOmrules _stepsOoptions _stepsOprevMaxSimRefs _stepsOruledefs _stepsOruleuses _stepsOuseParallel)
_lhsOallvisits :: VisitStateState
_lhsOallvisits = rule638 arg_from_ arg_ident_ arg_to_
_nameT_visit = rule639 _lhsInt arg_ident_
_nameTIn_visit = rule640 _lhsInt arg_ident_
_nameTOut_visit = rule641 _lhsInt arg_ident_
_nameTNext_visit = rule642 _lhsInt arg_to_
_nextVisitInfo = rule643 _lhsInextVisits arg_to_
_typecon = rule644 _lhsIoptions arg_kind_
_t_params = rule645 _lhsIparams
_lhsOt_visits :: PP_Doc
_lhsOt_visits = rule646 _addbang1 _inhpart _lhsIoptions _nameTIn_visit _nameTNext_visit _nameTOut_visit _nameT_visit _nextVisitInfo _synpart _t_params _typecon
_inhpart = rule647 _lhsIinhmap _ppTypeList arg_inh_
_synpart = rule648 _lhsIsynmap _ppTypeList arg_syn_
_ppTypeList = rule649 _addbang1
_lhsOsem_visit :: (StateIdentifier,Bool -> PP_Doc)
_lhsOsem_visit = rule650 _addbang _inhpats _lhsIcon _lhsInt _lhsIoptions _nameTIn_visit _nameT_visit _stepsClosing _stepsInitial _stepsIsem_steps _t_params _vname arg_from_ arg_ident_
_stepsInitial = rule651 arg_kind_
_stepsClosing = rule652 _addbang _nextStBuild _resultval arg_kind_
_vname = rule653 arg_ident_
_inhpats = rule654 _lhsIoptions arg_inh_
_inhargs = rule655 _lhsIoptions arg_inh_
_synargs = rule656 _lhsIoptions arg_syn_
_nextargsMp = rule657 _lhsIallintramap arg_to_
_nextargs = rule658 _nextargsMp
_nextst = rule659 _lhsIoptions _nextargs _nextargsMp arg_to_
_resultval = rule660 _nameTOut_visit _nextStRef _synargs
(_nextStBuild,_nextStRef) = rule661 _addbang _nextVisitInfo _nextst
_stepsOkind = rule662 arg_kind_
_stepsOfmtMode = rule663 arg_kind_
_stepsOindex = rule664 ()
_stepsOprevMaxSimRefs = rule665 ()
_stepsOuseParallel = rule666 ()
_prevVisitInfo = rule667 _lhsInextVisits arg_from_
_lhsOchildvisit :: Map VisitIdentifier (Identifier -> VisitKind -> Either Error (PP_Doc, PP_Doc))
_lhsOchildvisit = rule668 _invokecode arg_ident_
_invokecode = rule669 _addbang _inhargs _lhsInt _lhsIoptions _nameTIn_visit _nameTOut_visit _nextVisitInfo _prevVisitInfo arg_from_ arg_ident_ arg_kind_ arg_syn_ arg_to_
_thisintra = rule670 _defsAsMap _nextintra _uses
_lhsOintramap :: Map StateIdentifier (Map String (Maybe NonLocalAttr))
_lhsOintramap = rule671 _thisintra arg_from_
_nextintra = rule672 _lhsIallintramap arg_to_
_uses = rule673 _lhsIoptions _stepsIuses arg_syn_
_inhVarNms = rule674 _lhsIoptions arg_inh_
_defs = rule675 _inhVarNms _lhsIterminaldefs _stepsIdefs
_defsAsMap = rule676 _defs
_lhsOvisitdefs :: Map VisitIdentifier (Set Identifier)
_lhsOvisitdefs = rule677 arg_ident_ arg_syn_
_lhsOvisituses :: Map VisitIdentifier (Set Identifier)
_lhsOvisituses = rule678 arg_ident_ arg_inh_
_lazyIntrasInh = rule679 _inhVarNms _stepsIdefs arg_kind_
_lhsOlazyIntras :: Set String
_lhsOlazyIntras = rule680 _lazyIntrasInh _stepsIlazyIntras
_addbang = rule681 _lhsIoptions
_addbang1 = rule682 _addbang arg_kind_
_lhsOfromToStates :: Map VisitIdentifier (Int,Int)
_lhsOfromToStates = rule683 arg_from_ arg_ident_ arg_to_
_lhsOvisitKinds :: Map VisitIdentifier VisitKind
_lhsOvisitKinds = rule684 arg_ident_ arg_kind_
_lhsOerrors :: Seq Error
_lhsOerrors = rule685 _stepsIerrors
_lhsOruleKinds :: Map Identifier (Set VisitKind)
_lhsOruleKinds = rule686 _stepsIruleKinds
_lhsOruleUsage :: Map Identifier Int
_lhsOruleUsage = rule687 _stepsIruleUsage
_lhsOusedArgs :: Set String
_lhsOusedArgs = rule688 _stepsIusedArgs
_stepsOallFromToStates = rule689 _lhsIallFromToStates
_stepsOallInitStates = rule690 _lhsIallInitStates
_stepsOallVisitKinds = rule691 _lhsIallVisitKinds
_stepsOallchildvisit = rule692 _lhsIallchildvisit
_stepsOavisitdefs = rule693 _lhsIavisitdefs
_stepsOavisituses = rule694 _lhsIavisituses
_stepsOchildTypes = rule695 _lhsIchildTypes
_stepsOchildintros = rule696 _lhsIchildintros
_stepsOmrules = rule697 _lhsImrules
_stepsOoptions = rule698 _lhsIoptions
_stepsOruledefs = rule699 _lhsIruledefs
_stepsOruleuses = rule700 _lhsIruleuses
__result_ = T_Visit_vOut46 _lhsOallvisits _lhsOchildvisit _lhsOerrors _lhsOfromToStates _lhsOintramap _lhsOlazyIntras _lhsOruleKinds _lhsOruleUsage _lhsOsem_visit _lhsOt_visits _lhsOusedArgs _lhsOvisitKinds _lhsOvisitdefs _lhsOvisituses
in __result_ )
in C_Visit_s47 v46
{-# INLINE rule638 #-}
{-# LINE 340 "src-ag/ExecutionPlan2Hs.ag" #-}
rule638 = \ from_ ident_ to_ ->
{-# LINE 340 "src-ag/ExecutionPlan2Hs.ag" #-}
(ident_, from_, to_)
{-# LINE 5168 "dist/build/ExecutionPlan2Hs.hs"#-}
{-# INLINE rule639 #-}
{-# LINE 399 "src-ag/ExecutionPlan2Hs.ag" #-}
rule639 = \ ((_lhsInt) :: NontermIdent) ident_ ->
{-# LINE 399 "src-ag/ExecutionPlan2Hs.ag" #-}
conNmTVisit _lhsInt ident_
{-# LINE 5174 "dist/build/ExecutionPlan2Hs.hs"#-}
{-# INLINE rule640 #-}
{-# LINE 400 "src-ag/ExecutionPlan2Hs.ag" #-}
rule640 = \ ((_lhsInt) :: NontermIdent) ident_ ->
{-# LINE 400 "src-ag/ExecutionPlan2Hs.ag" #-}
conNmTVisitIn _lhsInt ident_
{-# LINE 5180 "dist/build/ExecutionPlan2Hs.hs"#-}
{-# INLINE rule641 #-}
{-# LINE 401 "src-ag/ExecutionPlan2Hs.ag" #-}
rule641 = \ ((_lhsInt) :: NontermIdent) ident_ ->
{-# LINE 401 "src-ag/ExecutionPlan2Hs.ag" #-}
conNmTVisitOut _lhsInt ident_
{-# LINE 5186 "dist/build/ExecutionPlan2Hs.hs"#-}
{-# INLINE rule642 #-}
{-# LINE 402 "src-ag/ExecutionPlan2Hs.ag" #-}
rule642 = \ ((_lhsInt) :: NontermIdent) to_ ->
{-# LINE 402 "src-ag/ExecutionPlan2Hs.ag" #-}
conNmTNextVisit _lhsInt to_
{-# LINE 5192 "dist/build/ExecutionPlan2Hs.hs"#-}
{-# INLINE rule643 #-}
{-# LINE 404 "src-ag/ExecutionPlan2Hs.ag" #-}
rule643 = \ ((_lhsInextVisits) :: Map StateIdentifier StateCtx) to_ ->
{-# LINE 404 "src-ag/ExecutionPlan2Hs.ag" #-}
Map.findWithDefault ManyVis to_ _lhsInextVisits
{-# LINE 5198 "dist/build/ExecutionPlan2Hs.hs"#-}
{-# INLINE rule644 #-}
{-# LINE 405 "src-ag/ExecutionPlan2Hs.ag" #-}
rule644 = \ ((_lhsIoptions) :: Options) kind_ ->
{-# LINE 405 "src-ag/ExecutionPlan2Hs.ag" #-}
case kind_ of
VisitPure _ -> empty
VisitMonadic -> ppMonadType _lhsIoptions
{-# LINE 5206 "dist/build/ExecutionPlan2Hs.hs"#-}
{-# INLINE rule645 #-}
{-# LINE 409 "src-ag/ExecutionPlan2Hs.ag" #-}
rule645 = \ ((_lhsIparams) :: [Identifier]) ->
{-# LINE 409 "src-ag/ExecutionPlan2Hs.ag" #-}
ppSpaced _lhsIparams
{-# LINE 5212 "dist/build/ExecutionPlan2Hs.hs"#-}
{-# INLINE rule646 #-}
{-# LINE 410 "src-ag/ExecutionPlan2Hs.ag" #-}
rule646 = \ _addbang1 _inhpart ((_lhsIoptions) :: Options) _nameTIn_visit _nameTNext_visit _nameTOut_visit _nameT_visit _nextVisitInfo _synpart _t_params _typecon ->
{-# LINE 410 "src-ag/ExecutionPlan2Hs.ag" #-}
"type" >#< _nameT_visit >#< _t_params >#< "=" >#<
pp_parens (_nameTIn_visit >#< _t_params )
>#< ( if dummyTokenVisit _lhsIoptions
then "->" >#< dummyType _lhsIoptions True
else empty
>#< "->" >#< _typecon >#< pp_parens (_nameTOut_visit >#< _t_params )
>-< "data" >#< _nameTIn_visit >#< _t_params >#< "=" >#< _nameTIn_visit >#<
>-< "data" >#< _nameTOut_visit >#< _t_params >#< "=" >#< _nameTOut_visit >#<
_synpart >#< case _nextVisitInfo of
NoneVis -> empty
_ -> _addbang1 $ pp_parens (_nameTNext_visit >#< _t_params )
{-# LINE 5230 "dist/build/ExecutionPlan2Hs.hs"#-}
{-# INLINE rule647 #-}
{-# LINE 423 "src-ag/ExecutionPlan2Hs.ag" #-}
rule647 = \ ((_lhsIinhmap) :: Attributes) _ppTypeList inh_ ->
{-# LINE 423 "src-ag/ExecutionPlan2Hs.ag" #-}
_ppTypeList inh_ _lhsIinhmap
{-# LINE 5236 "dist/build/ExecutionPlan2Hs.hs"#-}
{-# INLINE rule648 #-}
{-# LINE 424 "src-ag/ExecutionPlan2Hs.ag" #-}
rule648 = \ ((_lhsIsynmap) :: Attributes) _ppTypeList syn_ ->
{-# LINE 424 "src-ag/ExecutionPlan2Hs.ag" #-}
_ppTypeList syn_ _lhsIsynmap
{-# LINE 5242 "dist/build/ExecutionPlan2Hs.hs"#-}
{-# INLINE rule649 #-}
{-# LINE 425 "src-ag/ExecutionPlan2Hs.ag" #-}
rule649 = \ _addbang1 ->
{-# LINE 425 "src-ag/ExecutionPlan2Hs.ag" #-}
\s m -> ppSpaced $ map (\i -> _addbang1 $ pp_parens $ case Map.lookup i m of
Just tp -> ppTp tp ) $ Set.toList s
{-# LINE 5249 "dist/build/ExecutionPlan2Hs.hs"#-}
{-# INLINE rule650 #-}
{-# LINE 728 "src-ag/ExecutionPlan2Hs.ag" #-}
rule650 = \ _addbang _inhpats ((_lhsIcon) :: ConstructorIdent) ((_lhsInt) :: NontermIdent) ((_lhsIoptions) :: Options) _nameTIn_visit _nameT_visit _stepsClosing _stepsInitial ((_stepsIsem_steps) :: PP_Doc) _t_params _vname from_ ident_ ->
{-# LINE 728 "src-ag/ExecutionPlan2Hs.ag" #-}
( from_
, \addInlinePragma ->
( if noInlinePragmas _lhsIoptions
then empty
else if addInlinePragma && aggressiveInlinePragmas _lhsIoptions
then ppInline _vname
else if helpInlining _lhsIoptions
then ppNoInline _vname
else empty
>-< "v" >|< ident_ >#< "::" >#< _nameT_visit >#< _t_params
>-< "v" >|< ident_ >#< "=" >#< "\\" >#< (_addbang $ pp_parens (_nameTIn_visit >#< _inhpats ))
>#< ( if dummyTokenVisit _lhsIoptions
then pp $ dummyPat _lhsIoptions True
else empty
>#< "->"
>#< ( if genCostCentres _lhsIoptions
then ppCostCentre (_vname >|< "_" >|< _lhsInt >|< "_" >|< _lhsIcon)
else empty
) >#< "(" >#< _stepsInitial
>-< indent 3 (_stepsIsem_steps >-< _stepsClosing >#< ")")
{-# LINE 5277 "dist/build/ExecutionPlan2Hs.hs"#-}
{-# INLINE rule651 #-}
{-# LINE 753 "src-ag/ExecutionPlan2Hs.ag" #-}
rule651 = \ kind_ ->
{-# LINE 753 "src-ag/ExecutionPlan2Hs.ag" #-}
case kind_ of
VisitPure False -> text "let"
VisitPure True -> empty
VisitMonadic -> text "do"
{-# LINE 5286 "dist/build/ExecutionPlan2Hs.hs"#-}
{-# INLINE rule652 #-}
{-# LINE 757 "src-ag/ExecutionPlan2Hs.ag" #-}
rule652 = \ _addbang _nextStBuild _resultval kind_ ->
{-# LINE 757 "src-ag/ExecutionPlan2Hs.ag" #-}
let decls = _nextStBuild
>-< _addbang (pp resultValName) >#< "=" >#< _resultval
in case kind_ of
VisitPure False -> decls
>-< "in" >#< resultValName
VisitPure True -> "let" >#< decls
>-< indent 1 ("in" >#< resultValName)
VisitMonadic -> "let" >#< decls
>-< "return" >#< resultValName
{-# LINE 5300 "dist/build/ExecutionPlan2Hs.hs"#-}
{-# INLINE rule653 #-}
{-# LINE 766 "src-ag/ExecutionPlan2Hs.ag" #-}
rule653 = \ ident_ ->
{-# LINE 766 "src-ag/ExecutionPlan2Hs.ag" #-}
"v" >|< ident_
{-# LINE 5306 "dist/build/ExecutionPlan2Hs.hs"#-}
{-# INLINE rule654 #-}
{-# LINE 767 "src-ag/ExecutionPlan2Hs.ag" #-}
rule654 = \ ((_lhsIoptions) :: Options) inh_ ->
{-# LINE 767 "src-ag/ExecutionPlan2Hs.ag" #-}
ppSpaced $ map (\arg -> pp $ attrname _lhsIoptions True _LHS arg) $ Set.toList inh_
{-# LINE 5312 "dist/build/ExecutionPlan2Hs.hs"#-}
{-# INLINE rule655 #-}
{-# LINE 768 "src-ag/ExecutionPlan2Hs.ag" #-}
rule655 = \ ((_lhsIoptions) :: Options) inh_ ->
{-# LINE 768 "src-ag/ExecutionPlan2Hs.ag" #-}
\chn -> ppSpaced $ map (attrname _lhsIoptions False chn) $ Set.toList inh_
{-# LINE 5318 "dist/build/ExecutionPlan2Hs.hs"#-}
{-# INLINE rule656 #-}
{-# LINE 769 "src-ag/ExecutionPlan2Hs.ag" #-}
rule656 = \ ((_lhsIoptions) :: Options) syn_ ->
{-# LINE 769 "src-ag/ExecutionPlan2Hs.ag" #-}
ppSpaced $ map (\arg -> attrname _lhsIoptions False _LHS arg) $ Set.toList syn_
{-# LINE 5324 "dist/build/ExecutionPlan2Hs.hs"#-}
{-# INLINE rule657 #-}
{-# LINE 770 "src-ag/ExecutionPlan2Hs.ag" #-}
rule657 = \ ((_lhsIallintramap) :: Map StateIdentifier (Map String (Maybe NonLocalAttr))) to_ ->
{-# LINE 770 "src-ag/ExecutionPlan2Hs.ag" #-}
maybe Map.empty id $ Map.lookup to_ _lhsIallintramap
{-# LINE 5330 "dist/build/ExecutionPlan2Hs.hs"#-}
{-# INLINE rule658 #-}
{-# LINE 771 "src-ag/ExecutionPlan2Hs.ag" #-}
rule658 = \ _nextargsMp ->
{-# LINE 771 "src-ag/ExecutionPlan2Hs.ag" #-}
ppSpaced $ Map.keys $ _nextargsMp
{-# LINE 5336 "dist/build/ExecutionPlan2Hs.hs"#-}
{-# INLINE rule659 #-}
{-# LINE 772 "src-ag/ExecutionPlan2Hs.ag" #-}
rule659 = \ ((_lhsIoptions) :: Options) _nextargs _nextargsMp to_ ->
{-# LINE 772 "src-ag/ExecutionPlan2Hs.ag" #-}
"st" >|< to_ >#< _nextargs >#< dummyArg _lhsIoptions (Map.null _nextargsMp )
{-# LINE 5342 "dist/build/ExecutionPlan2Hs.hs"#-}
{-# INLINE rule660 #-}
{-# LINE 773 "src-ag/ExecutionPlan2Hs.ag" #-}
rule660 = \ _nameTOut_visit _nextStRef _synargs ->
{-# LINE 773 "src-ag/ExecutionPlan2Hs.ag" #-}
_nameTOut_visit >#< _synargs >#< _nextStRef
{-# LINE 5348 "dist/build/ExecutionPlan2Hs.hs"#-}
{-# INLINE rule661 #-}
{-# LINE 775 "src-ag/ExecutionPlan2Hs.ag" #-}
rule661 = \ _addbang _nextVisitInfo _nextst ->
{-# LINE 775 "src-ag/ExecutionPlan2Hs.ag" #-}
case _nextVisitInfo of
NoneVis -> (empty, empty)
_ -> (_addbang (pp nextStName) >#< "=" >#< _nextst , pp nextStName)
{-# LINE 5356 "dist/build/ExecutionPlan2Hs.hs"#-}
{-# INLINE rule662 #-}
{-# LINE 789 "src-ag/ExecutionPlan2Hs.ag" #-}
rule662 = \ kind_ ->
{-# LINE 789 "src-ag/ExecutionPlan2Hs.ag" #-}
{-# LINE 5362 "dist/build/ExecutionPlan2Hs.hs"#-}
{-# INLINE rule663 #-}
{-# LINE 840 "src-ag/ExecutionPlan2Hs.ag" #-}
rule663 = \ kind_ ->
{-# LINE 840 "src-ag/ExecutionPlan2Hs.ag" #-}
case kind_ of
VisitPure False -> FormatLetDecl
VisitPure True -> FormatLetLine
VisitMonadic -> FormatDo
{-# LINE 5371 "dist/build/ExecutionPlan2Hs.hs"#-}
{-# INLINE rule664 #-}
{-# LINE 889 "src-ag/ExecutionPlan2Hs.ag" #-}
rule664 = \ (_ :: ()) ->
{-# LINE 889 "src-ag/ExecutionPlan2Hs.ag" #-}
{-# LINE 5377 "dist/build/ExecutionPlan2Hs.hs"#-}
{-# INLINE rule665 #-}
{-# LINE 896 "src-ag/ExecutionPlan2Hs.ag" #-}
rule665 = \ (_ :: ()) ->
{-# LINE 896 "src-ag/ExecutionPlan2Hs.ag" #-}
{-# LINE 5383 "dist/build/ExecutionPlan2Hs.hs"#-}
{-# INLINE rule666 #-}
{-# LINE 912 "src-ag/ExecutionPlan2Hs.ag" #-}
rule666 = \ (_ :: ()) ->
{-# LINE 912 "src-ag/ExecutionPlan2Hs.ag" #-}
{-# LINE 5389 "dist/build/ExecutionPlan2Hs.hs"#-}
{-# INLINE rule667 #-}
{-# LINE 1231 "src-ag/ExecutionPlan2Hs.ag" #-}
rule667 = \ ((_lhsInextVisits) :: Map StateIdentifier StateCtx) from_ ->
{-# LINE 1231 "src-ag/ExecutionPlan2Hs.ag" #-}
Map.findWithDefault ManyVis from_ _lhsInextVisits
{-# LINE 5395 "dist/build/ExecutionPlan2Hs.hs"#-}
{-# INLINE rule668 #-}
{-# LINE 1232 "src-ag/ExecutionPlan2Hs.ag" #-}
rule668 = \ _invokecode ident_ ->
{-# LINE 1232 "src-ag/ExecutionPlan2Hs.ag" #-}
Map.singleton ident_ _invokecode
{-# LINE 5401 "dist/build/ExecutionPlan2Hs.hs"#-}
{-# INLINE rule669 #-}
{-# LINE 1233 "src-ag/ExecutionPlan2Hs.ag" #-}
rule669 = \ _addbang _inhargs ((_lhsInt) :: NontermIdent) ((_lhsIoptions) :: Options) _nameTIn_visit _nameTOut_visit _nextVisitInfo _prevVisitInfo from_ ident_ kind_ syn_ to_ ->
{-# LINE 1233 "src-ag/ExecutionPlan2Hs.ag" #-}
\chn kind ->
if kind `compatibleKind` kind_
then Right $
let pat | isLazyKind kind_ = pat0
| otherwise = _addbang pat0
pat0 = pp_parens pat1
pat1 = _nameTOut_visit >#< (ppSpaced $ map (attrname _lhsIoptions True chn) $ Set.toList syn_)
>#< cont
cont = case _nextVisitInfo of
NoneVis -> empty
_ -> ch1
ch0 = text $ stname chn from_
ch1 = text $ stname chn to_
expr = case (kind, kind_) of
(VisitPure _, VisitPure _) -> expr0
(VisitPure _, VisitMonadic) -> unMon _lhsIoptions >#< expr0
(VisitMonadic, VisitPure _) -> "return" >#< expr0
(VisitMonadic, VisitMonadic) -> expr0
expr0 = case _prevVisitInfo of
NoneVis -> error "error: invocation of a visit from a state that has no next visits"
OneVis _ -> "inv_" >|< _lhsInt >|< "_s" >|< from_ >#< ch0 >#< args
ManyVis -> "inv_" >|< _lhsInt >|< "_s" >|< from_ >#< ch0
>#< "K_" >|< _lhsInt >|< "_v" >|< ident_ >#< args
args = pp_parens args0 >#< args1
args0 = _nameTIn_visit >#< _inhargs chn
args1 | dummyTokenVisit _lhsIoptions = pp $ dummyArg _lhsIoptions True
| otherwise = empty
in (pat, expr)
else Left $ IncompatibleVisitKind chn ident_ kind kind_
{-# LINE 5435 "dist/build/ExecutionPlan2Hs.hs"#-}
{-# INLINE rule670 #-}
{-# LINE 1329 "src-ag/ExecutionPlan2Hs.ag" #-}
rule670 = \ _defsAsMap _nextintra _uses ->
{-# LINE 1329 "src-ag/ExecutionPlan2Hs.ag" #-}
(_uses `Map.union` _nextintra ) `Map.difference` _defsAsMap
{-# LINE 5441 "dist/build/ExecutionPlan2Hs.hs"#-}
{-# INLINE rule671 #-}
{-# LINE 1330 "src-ag/ExecutionPlan2Hs.ag" #-}
rule671 = \ _thisintra from_ ->
{-# LINE 1330 "src-ag/ExecutionPlan2Hs.ag" #-}
Map.singleton from_ _thisintra
{-# LINE 5447 "dist/build/ExecutionPlan2Hs.hs"#-}
{-# INLINE rule672 #-}
{-# LINE 1331 "src-ag/ExecutionPlan2Hs.ag" #-}
rule672 = \ ((_lhsIallintramap) :: Map StateIdentifier (Map String (Maybe NonLocalAttr))) to_ ->
{-# LINE 1331 "src-ag/ExecutionPlan2Hs.ag" #-}
maybe Map.empty id $ Map.lookup to_ _lhsIallintramap
{-# LINE 5453 "dist/build/ExecutionPlan2Hs.hs"#-}
{-# INLINE rule673 #-}
{-# LINE 1332 "src-ag/ExecutionPlan2Hs.ag" #-}
rule673 = \ ((_lhsIoptions) :: Options) ((_stepsIuses) :: Map String (Maybe NonLocalAttr)) syn_ ->
{-# LINE 1332 "src-ag/ExecutionPlan2Hs.ag" #-}
let mp1 = _stepsIuses
mp2 = Map.fromList [ (lhsname _lhsIoptions False i, Just (AttrSyn _LHS i)) | i <- Set.elems syn_ ]
in mp1 `Map.union` mp2
{-# LINE 5461 "dist/build/ExecutionPlan2Hs.hs"#-}
{-# INLINE rule674 #-}
{-# LINE 1335 "src-ag/ExecutionPlan2Hs.ag" #-}
rule674 = \ ((_lhsIoptions) :: Options) inh_ ->
{-# LINE 1335 "src-ag/ExecutionPlan2Hs.ag" #-}
Set.map (lhsname _lhsIoptions True) inh_
{-# LINE 5467 "dist/build/ExecutionPlan2Hs.hs"#-}
{-# INLINE rule675 #-}
{-# LINE 1336 "src-ag/ExecutionPlan2Hs.ag" #-}
rule675 = \ _inhVarNms ((_lhsIterminaldefs) :: Set String) ((_stepsIdefs) :: Set String) ->
{-# LINE 1336 "src-ag/ExecutionPlan2Hs.ag" #-}
_stepsIdefs `Set.union` _inhVarNms `Set.union` _lhsIterminaldefs
{-# LINE 5473 "dist/build/ExecutionPlan2Hs.hs"#-}
{-# INLINE rule676 #-}
{-# LINE 1337 "src-ag/ExecutionPlan2Hs.ag" #-}
rule676 = \ _defs ->
{-# LINE 1337 "src-ag/ExecutionPlan2Hs.ag" #-}
Map.fromList [ (a, Nothing) | a <- Set.elems _defs ]
{-# LINE 5479 "dist/build/ExecutionPlan2Hs.hs"#-}
{-# INLINE rule677 #-}
{-# LINE 1361 "src-ag/ExecutionPlan2Hs.ag" #-}
rule677 = \ ident_ syn_ ->
{-# LINE 1361 "src-ag/ExecutionPlan2Hs.ag" #-}
Map.singleton ident_ syn_
{-# LINE 5485 "dist/build/ExecutionPlan2Hs.hs"#-}
{-# INLINE rule678 #-}
{-# LINE 1362 "src-ag/ExecutionPlan2Hs.ag" #-}
rule678 = \ ident_ inh_ ->
{-# LINE 1362 "src-ag/ExecutionPlan2Hs.ag" #-}
Map.singleton ident_ inh_
{-# LINE 5491 "dist/build/ExecutionPlan2Hs.hs"#-}
{-# INLINE rule679 #-}
{-# LINE 1394 "src-ag/ExecutionPlan2Hs.ag" #-}
rule679 = \ _inhVarNms ((_stepsIdefs) :: Set String) kind_ ->
{-# LINE 1394 "src-ag/ExecutionPlan2Hs.ag" #-}
case kind_ of
VisitPure False -> _inhVarNms `Set.union` _stepsIdefs
_ -> Set.empty
{-# LINE 5499 "dist/build/ExecutionPlan2Hs.hs"#-}
{-# INLINE rule680 #-}
{-# LINE 1397 "src-ag/ExecutionPlan2Hs.ag" #-}
rule680 = \ _lazyIntrasInh ((_stepsIlazyIntras) :: Set String) ->
{-# LINE 1397 "src-ag/ExecutionPlan2Hs.ag" #-}
_lazyIntrasInh `Set.union` _stepsIlazyIntras
{-# LINE 5505 "dist/build/ExecutionPlan2Hs.hs"#-}
{-# INLINE rule681 #-}
{-# LINE 1550 "src-ag/ExecutionPlan2Hs.ag" #-}
rule681 = \ ((_lhsIoptions) :: Options) ->
{-# LINE 1550 "src-ag/ExecutionPlan2Hs.ag" #-}
\x -> if bangpats _lhsIoptions then "!" >|< x else x
{-# LINE 5511 "dist/build/ExecutionPlan2Hs.hs"#-}
{-# INLINE rule682 #-}
{-# LINE 1558 "src-ag/ExecutionPlan2Hs.ag" #-}
rule682 = \ _addbang kind_ ->
{-# LINE 1558 "src-ag/ExecutionPlan2Hs.ag" #-}
if isLazyKind kind_ then id else _addbang
{-# LINE 5517 "dist/build/ExecutionPlan2Hs.hs"#-}
{-# INLINE rule683 #-}
{-# LINE 1585 "src-ag/ExecutionPlan2Hs.ag" #-}
rule683 = \ from_ ident_ to_ ->
{-# LINE 1585 "src-ag/ExecutionPlan2Hs.ag" #-}
Map.singleton ident_ (from_, to_)
{-# LINE 5523 "dist/build/ExecutionPlan2Hs.hs"#-}
{-# INLINE rule684 #-}
{-# LINE 1629 "src-ag/ExecutionPlan2Hs.ag" #-}
rule684 = \ ident_ kind_ ->
{-# LINE 1629 "src-ag/ExecutionPlan2Hs.ag" #-}
Map.singleton ident_ kind_
{-# LINE 5529 "dist/build/ExecutionPlan2Hs.hs"#-}
{-# INLINE rule685 #-}
rule685 = \ ((_stepsIerrors) :: Seq Error) ->
{-# INLINE rule686 #-}
rule686 = \ ((_stepsIruleKinds) :: Map Identifier (Set VisitKind)) ->
{-# INLINE rule687 #-}
rule687 = \ ((_stepsIruleUsage) :: Map Identifier Int) ->
{-# INLINE rule688 #-}
rule688 = \ ((_stepsIusedArgs) :: Set String) ->
{-# INLINE rule689 #-}
rule689 = \ ((_lhsIallFromToStates) :: Map VisitIdentifier (Int,Int)) ->
{-# INLINE rule690 #-}
rule690 = \ ((_lhsIallInitStates) :: Map NontermIdent Int) ->
{-# INLINE rule691 #-}
rule691 = \ ((_lhsIallVisitKinds) :: Map VisitIdentifier VisitKind) ->
{-# INLINE rule692 #-}
rule692 = \ ((_lhsIallchildvisit) :: Map VisitIdentifier (Identifier -> VisitKind -> Either Error (PP_Doc, PP_Doc))) ->
{-# INLINE rule693 #-}
rule693 = \ ((_lhsIavisitdefs) :: Map VisitIdentifier (Set Identifier)) ->
{-# INLINE rule694 #-}
rule694 = \ ((_lhsIavisituses) :: Map VisitIdentifier (Set Identifier)) ->
{-# INLINE rule695 #-}
rule695 = \ ((_lhsIchildTypes) :: Map Identifier Type) ->
{-# INLINE rule696 #-}
rule696 = \ ((_lhsIchildintros) :: Map Identifier (VisitKind -> FormatMode -> Either Error (PP_Doc, Set String, Map String (Maybe NonLocalAttr)))) ->
{-# INLINE rule697 #-}
rule697 = \ ((_lhsImrules) :: Map Identifier (VisitKind -> FormatMode -> Either Error PP_Doc)) ->
{-# INLINE rule698 #-}
rule698 = \ ((_lhsIoptions) :: Options) ->
{-# INLINE rule699 #-}
rule699 = \ ((_lhsIruledefs) :: Map Identifier (Set String)) ->
{-# INLINE rule700 #-}
rule700 = \ ((_lhsIruleuses) :: Map Identifier (Map String (Maybe NonLocalAttr))) ->
data Inh_VisitStep = Inh_VisitStep { allFromToStates_Inh_VisitStep :: (Map VisitIdentifier (Int,Int)), allInitStates_Inh_VisitStep :: (Map NontermIdent Int), allVisitKinds_Inh_VisitStep :: (Map VisitIdentifier VisitKind), allchildvisit_Inh_VisitStep :: (Map VisitIdentifier (Identifier -> VisitKind -> Either Error (PP_Doc, PP_Doc))), avisitdefs_Inh_VisitStep :: (Map VisitIdentifier (Set Identifier)), avisituses_Inh_VisitStep :: (Map VisitIdentifier (Set Identifier)), childTypes_Inh_VisitStep :: (Map Identifier Type), childintros_Inh_VisitStep :: (Map Identifier (VisitKind -> FormatMode -> Either Error (PP_Doc, Set String, Map String (Maybe NonLocalAttr)))), fmtMode_Inh_VisitStep :: (FormatMode), index_Inh_VisitStep :: (Int), isLast_Inh_VisitStep :: (Bool), kind_Inh_VisitStep :: (VisitKind), mrules_Inh_VisitStep :: (Map Identifier (VisitKind -> FormatMode -> Either Error PP_Doc)), options_Inh_VisitStep :: (Options), prevMaxSimRefs_Inh_VisitStep :: (Int), ruledefs_Inh_VisitStep :: (Map Identifier (Set String)), ruleuses_Inh_VisitStep :: (Map Identifier (Map String (Maybe NonLocalAttr))), useParallel_Inh_VisitStep :: (Bool) }
data Syn_VisitStep = Syn_VisitStep { defs_Syn_VisitStep :: (Set String), errors_Syn_VisitStep :: (Seq Error), index_Syn_VisitStep :: (Int), isLast_Syn_VisitStep :: (Bool), lazyIntras_Syn_VisitStep :: (Set String), prevMaxSimRefs_Syn_VisitStep :: (Int), ruleKinds_Syn_VisitStep :: (Map Identifier (Set VisitKind)), ruleUsage_Syn_VisitStep :: (Map Identifier Int), sem_steps_Syn_VisitStep :: (PP_Doc), sync_steps_Syn_VisitStep :: (PP_Doc), usedArgs_Syn_VisitStep :: (Set String), uses_Syn_VisitStep :: (Map String (Maybe NonLocalAttr)), visitKinds_Syn_VisitStep :: (Map VisitIdentifier VisitKind) }
{-# INLINABLE wrap_VisitStep #-}
wrap_VisitStep :: T_VisitStep -> Inh_VisitStep -> (Syn_VisitStep )
wrap_VisitStep (T_VisitStep act) (Inh_VisitStep _lhsIallFromToStates _lhsIallInitStates _lhsIallVisitKinds _lhsIallchildvisit _lhsIavisitdefs _lhsIavisituses _lhsIchildTypes _lhsIchildintros _lhsIfmtMode _lhsIindex _lhsIisLast _lhsIkind _lhsImrules _lhsIoptions _lhsIprevMaxSimRefs _lhsIruledefs _lhsIruleuses _lhsIuseParallel) =
Control.Monad.Identity.runIdentity (
do sem <- act
let arg49 = T_VisitStep_vIn49 _lhsIallFromToStates _lhsIallInitStates _lhsIallVisitKinds _lhsIallchildvisit _lhsIavisitdefs _lhsIavisituses _lhsIchildTypes _lhsIchildintros _lhsIfmtMode _lhsIindex _lhsIisLast _lhsIkind _lhsImrules _lhsIoptions _lhsIprevMaxSimRefs _lhsIruledefs _lhsIruleuses _lhsIuseParallel
(T_VisitStep_vOut49 _lhsOdefs _lhsOerrors _lhsOindex _lhsOisLast _lhsOlazyIntras _lhsOprevMaxSimRefs _lhsOruleKinds _lhsOruleUsage _lhsOsem_steps _lhsOsync_steps _lhsOusedArgs _lhsOuses _lhsOvisitKinds) <- return (inv_VisitStep_s50 sem arg49)
return (Syn_VisitStep _lhsOdefs _lhsOerrors _lhsOindex _lhsOisLast _lhsOlazyIntras _lhsOprevMaxSimRefs _lhsOruleKinds _lhsOruleUsage _lhsOsem_steps _lhsOsync_steps _lhsOusedArgs _lhsOuses _lhsOvisitKinds)
{-# NOINLINE sem_VisitStep #-}
sem_VisitStep :: VisitStep -> T_VisitStep
sem_VisitStep ( Sem name_ ) = sem_VisitStep_Sem name_
sem_VisitStep ( ChildVisit child_ nonterm_ visit_ ) = sem_VisitStep_ChildVisit child_ nonterm_ visit_
sem_VisitStep ( PureGroup steps_ ordered_ ) = sem_VisitStep_PureGroup ( sem_VisitSteps steps_ ) ordered_
sem_VisitStep ( Sim steps_ ) = sem_VisitStep_Sim ( sem_VisitSteps steps_ )
sem_VisitStep ( ChildIntro child_ ) = sem_VisitStep_ChildIntro child_
newtype T_VisitStep = T_VisitStep {
attach_T_VisitStep :: Identity (T_VisitStep_s50 )
newtype T_VisitStep_s50 = C_VisitStep_s50 {
inv_VisitStep_s50 :: (T_VisitStep_v49 )
data T_VisitStep_s51 = C_VisitStep_s51
type T_VisitStep_v49 = (T_VisitStep_vIn49 ) -> (T_VisitStep_vOut49 )
data T_VisitStep_vIn49 = T_VisitStep_vIn49 (Map VisitIdentifier (Int,Int)) (Map NontermIdent Int) (Map VisitIdentifier VisitKind) (Map VisitIdentifier (Identifier -> VisitKind -> Either Error (PP_Doc, PP_Doc))) (Map VisitIdentifier (Set Identifier)) (Map VisitIdentifier (Set Identifier)) (Map Identifier Type) (Map Identifier (VisitKind -> FormatMode -> Either Error (PP_Doc, Set String, Map String (Maybe NonLocalAttr)))) (FormatMode) (Int) (Bool) (VisitKind) (Map Identifier (VisitKind -> FormatMode -> Either Error PP_Doc)) (Options) (Int) (Map Identifier (Set String)) (Map Identifier (Map String (Maybe NonLocalAttr))) (Bool)
data T_VisitStep_vOut49 = T_VisitStep_vOut49 (Set String) (Seq Error) (Int) (Bool) (Set String) (Int) (Map Identifier (Set VisitKind)) (Map Identifier Int) (PP_Doc) (PP_Doc) (Set String) (Map String (Maybe NonLocalAttr)) (Map VisitIdentifier VisitKind)
{-# NOINLINE sem_VisitStep_Sem #-}
sem_VisitStep_Sem :: (Identifier) -> T_VisitStep
sem_VisitStep_Sem arg_name_ = T_VisitStep (return st50) where
{-# NOINLINE st50 #-}
st50 = let
v49 :: T_VisitStep_v49
v49 = \ (T_VisitStep_vIn49 _lhsIallFromToStates _lhsIallInitStates _lhsIallVisitKinds _lhsIallchildvisit _lhsIavisitdefs _lhsIavisituses _lhsIchildTypes _lhsIchildintros _lhsIfmtMode _lhsIindex _lhsIisLast _lhsIkind _lhsImrules _lhsIoptions _lhsIprevMaxSimRefs _lhsIruledefs _lhsIruleuses _lhsIuseParallel) -> ( let
_ruleItf = rule701 _lhsImrules arg_name_
_lhsOerrors :: Seq Error
(_lhsOerrors,_sem_steps) = rule702 _lhsIfmtMode _lhsIkind _ruleItf
_lhsOruleUsage :: Map Identifier Int
_lhsOruleUsage = rule703 arg_name_
_lhsOruleKinds :: Map Identifier (Set VisitKind)
_lhsOruleKinds = rule704 _lhsIkind arg_name_
_lhsOdefs :: Set String
_lhsOdefs = rule705 _lhsIruledefs arg_name_
_lhsOuses :: Map String (Maybe NonLocalAttr)
_lhsOuses = rule706 _lhsIruleuses arg_name_
_lhsOlazyIntras :: Set String
_lhsOlazyIntras = rule707 ()
_lhsOsem_steps :: PP_Doc
_lhsOsem_steps = rule708 _sem_steps
_lhsOsync_steps :: PP_Doc
_lhsOsync_steps = rule709 ()
_lhsOusedArgs :: Set String
_lhsOusedArgs = rule710 ()
_lhsOvisitKinds :: Map VisitIdentifier VisitKind
_lhsOvisitKinds = rule711 ()
_lhsOindex :: Int
_lhsOindex = rule712 _lhsIindex
_lhsOisLast :: Bool
_lhsOisLast = rule713 _lhsIisLast
_lhsOprevMaxSimRefs :: Int
_lhsOprevMaxSimRefs = rule714 _lhsIprevMaxSimRefs
__result_ = T_VisitStep_vOut49 _lhsOdefs _lhsOerrors _lhsOindex _lhsOisLast _lhsOlazyIntras _lhsOprevMaxSimRefs _lhsOruleKinds _lhsOruleUsage _lhsOsem_steps _lhsOsync_steps _lhsOusedArgs _lhsOuses _lhsOvisitKinds
in __result_ )
in C_VisitStep_s50 v49
{-# INLINE rule701 #-}
{-# LINE 798 "src-ag/ExecutionPlan2Hs.ag" #-}
rule701 = \ ((_lhsImrules) :: Map Identifier (VisitKind -> FormatMode -> Either Error PP_Doc)) name_ ->
{-# LINE 798 "src-ag/ExecutionPlan2Hs.ag" #-}
Map.findWithDefault (error $ "Rule " ++ show name_ ++ " not found") name_ _lhsImrules
{-# LINE 5655 "dist/build/ExecutionPlan2Hs.hs"#-}
{-# INLINE rule702 #-}
{-# LINE 799 "src-ag/ExecutionPlan2Hs.ag" #-}
rule702 = \ ((_lhsIfmtMode) :: FormatMode) ((_lhsIkind) :: VisitKind) _ruleItf ->
{-# LINE 799 "src-ag/ExecutionPlan2Hs.ag" #-}
case _ruleItf _lhsIkind _lhsIfmtMode of
Left e -> (Seq.singleton e, empty)
Right stmt -> (Seq.empty, stmt)
{-# LINE 5663 "dist/build/ExecutionPlan2Hs.hs"#-}
{-# INLINE rule703 #-}
{-# LINE 1282 "src-ag/ExecutionPlan2Hs.ag" #-}
rule703 = \ name_ ->
{-# LINE 1282 "src-ag/ExecutionPlan2Hs.ag" #-}
Map.singleton name_ 1
{-# LINE 5669 "dist/build/ExecutionPlan2Hs.hs"#-}
{-# INLINE rule704 #-}
{-# LINE 1292 "src-ag/ExecutionPlan2Hs.ag" #-}
rule704 = \ ((_lhsIkind) :: VisitKind) name_ ->
{-# LINE 1292 "src-ag/ExecutionPlan2Hs.ag" #-}
Map.singleton name_ (Set.singleton _lhsIkind)
{-# LINE 5675 "dist/build/ExecutionPlan2Hs.hs"#-}
{-# INLINE rule705 #-}
{-# LINE 1377 "src-ag/ExecutionPlan2Hs.ag" #-}
rule705 = \ ((_lhsIruledefs) :: Map Identifier (Set String)) name_ ->
{-# LINE 1377 "src-ag/ExecutionPlan2Hs.ag" #-}
maybe (error "Rule not found") id $ Map.lookup name_ _lhsIruledefs
{-# LINE 5681 "dist/build/ExecutionPlan2Hs.hs"#-}
{-# INLINE rule706 #-}
{-# LINE 1378 "src-ag/ExecutionPlan2Hs.ag" #-}
rule706 = \ ((_lhsIruleuses) :: Map Identifier (Map String (Maybe NonLocalAttr))) name_ ->
{-# LINE 1378 "src-ag/ExecutionPlan2Hs.ag" #-}
maybe (error "Rule not found") id $ Map.lookup name_ _lhsIruleuses
{-# LINE 5687 "dist/build/ExecutionPlan2Hs.hs"#-}
{-# INLINE rule707 #-}
rule707 = \ (_ :: ()) ->
{-# INLINE rule708 #-}
rule708 = \ _sem_steps ->
{-# INLINE rule709 #-}
rule709 = \ (_ :: ()) ->
{-# INLINE rule710 #-}
rule710 = \ (_ :: ()) ->
{-# INLINE rule711 #-}
rule711 = \ (_ :: ()) ->
{-# INLINE rule712 #-}
rule712 = \ ((_lhsIindex) :: Int) ->
{-# INLINE rule713 #-}
rule713 = \ ((_lhsIisLast) :: Bool) ->
{-# INLINE rule714 #-}
rule714 = \ ((_lhsIprevMaxSimRefs) :: Int) ->
{-# NOINLINE sem_VisitStep_ChildVisit #-}
sem_VisitStep_ChildVisit :: (Identifier) -> (NontermIdent) -> (VisitIdentifier) -> T_VisitStep
sem_VisitStep_ChildVisit arg_child_ _ arg_visit_ = T_VisitStep (return st50) where
{-# NOINLINE st50 #-}
st50 = let
v49 :: T_VisitStep_v49
v49 = \ (T_VisitStep_vIn49 _lhsIallFromToStates _lhsIallInitStates _lhsIallVisitKinds _lhsIallchildvisit _lhsIavisitdefs _lhsIavisituses _lhsIchildTypes _lhsIchildintros _lhsIfmtMode _lhsIindex _lhsIisLast _lhsIkind _lhsImrules _lhsIoptions _lhsIprevMaxSimRefs _lhsIruledefs _lhsIruleuses _lhsIuseParallel) -> ( let
_visitItf = rule715 _lhsIallchildvisit arg_visit_
_lhsOerrors :: Seq Error
(_lhsOerrors,_patPP,_exprPP) = rule716 _lhsIkind _visitItf arg_child_
_useParallel = rule717 _lhsIisLast _lhsIuseParallel
_lhsOsem_steps :: PP_Doc
_lhsOsem_steps = rule718 _addbang _convToMonad _exprPP _lhsIfmtMode _lhsIindex _lhsIkind _patPP _useParallel
_convToMonad = rule719 _callKind
_callKind = rule720 _lhsIallVisitKinds arg_visit_
_lhsOsync_steps :: PP_Doc
_lhsOsync_steps = rule721 _lhsIindex _patPP _useParallel
_lhsOdefs :: Set String
_lhsOdefs = rule722 _lhsIavisitdefs _lhsIoptions _to arg_child_ arg_visit_
_lhsOuses :: Map String (Maybe NonLocalAttr)
_lhsOuses = rule723 _from _lhsIavisituses _lhsIoptions arg_child_ arg_visit_
_addbang = rule724 _lhsIoptions
(_from,_to) = rule725 _lhsIallFromToStates arg_visit_
_lhsOlazyIntras :: Set String
_lhsOlazyIntras = rule726 ()
_lhsOruleKinds :: Map Identifier (Set VisitKind)
_lhsOruleKinds = rule727 ()
_lhsOruleUsage :: Map Identifier Int
_lhsOruleUsage = rule728 ()
_lhsOusedArgs :: Set String
_lhsOusedArgs = rule729 ()
_lhsOvisitKinds :: Map VisitIdentifier VisitKind
_lhsOvisitKinds = rule730 ()
_lhsOindex :: Int
_lhsOindex = rule731 _lhsIindex
_lhsOisLast :: Bool
_lhsOisLast = rule732 _lhsIisLast
_lhsOprevMaxSimRefs :: Int
_lhsOprevMaxSimRefs = rule733 _lhsIprevMaxSimRefs
__result_ = T_VisitStep_vOut49 _lhsOdefs _lhsOerrors _lhsOindex _lhsOisLast _lhsOlazyIntras _lhsOprevMaxSimRefs _lhsOruleKinds _lhsOruleUsage _lhsOsem_steps _lhsOsync_steps _lhsOusedArgs _lhsOuses _lhsOvisitKinds
in __result_ )
in C_VisitStep_s50 v49
{-# INLINE rule715 #-}
{-# LINE 807 "src-ag/ExecutionPlan2Hs.ag" #-}
rule715 = \ ((_lhsIallchildvisit) :: Map VisitIdentifier (Identifier -> VisitKind -> Either Error (PP_Doc, PP_Doc))) visit_ ->
{-# LINE 807 "src-ag/ExecutionPlan2Hs.ag" #-}
Map.findWithDefault (error $ "Visit " ++ show visit_ ++ " not found") visit_ _lhsIallchildvisit
{-# LINE 5759 "dist/build/ExecutionPlan2Hs.hs"#-}
{-# INLINE rule716 #-}
{-# LINE 808 "src-ag/ExecutionPlan2Hs.ag" #-}
rule716 = \ ((_lhsIkind) :: VisitKind) _visitItf child_ ->
{-# LINE 808 "src-ag/ExecutionPlan2Hs.ag" #-}
case _visitItf child_ _lhsIkind of
Left e -> (Seq.singleton e, empty, empty)
Right (pat,expr) -> (Seq.empty, pat, expr)
{-# LINE 5767 "dist/build/ExecutionPlan2Hs.hs"#-}
{-# INLINE rule717 #-}
{-# LINE 812 "src-ag/ExecutionPlan2Hs.ag" #-}
rule717 = \ ((_lhsIisLast) :: Bool) ((_lhsIuseParallel) :: Bool) ->
{-# LINE 812 "src-ag/ExecutionPlan2Hs.ag" #-}
_lhsIuseParallel && not _lhsIisLast
{-# LINE 5773 "dist/build/ExecutionPlan2Hs.hs"#-}
{-# INLINE rule718 #-}
{-# LINE 813 "src-ag/ExecutionPlan2Hs.ag" #-}
rule718 = \ _addbang _convToMonad _exprPP ((_lhsIfmtMode) :: FormatMode) ((_lhsIindex) :: Int) ((_lhsIkind) :: VisitKind) _patPP _useParallel ->
{-# LINE 813 "src-ag/ExecutionPlan2Hs.ag" #-}
if _useParallel
then _addbang ("sync_" >|< _lhsIindex) >#< "<- newEmptyMVar"
>-< "forkIO" >#< pp_parens (_convToMonad >#< pp_parens _exprPP >#< ">>= \\" >#< _addbang (pp parResultName) >#< " -> putMVar sync_" >|< _lhsIindex >#< parResultName)
else let decl = case _lhsIkind of
VisitPure _ -> _patPP >#< "=" >#< _exprPP
VisitMonadic -> _patPP >#< "<-" >#< _exprPP
in fmtDecl False _lhsIfmtMode decl
{-# LINE 5785 "dist/build/ExecutionPlan2Hs.hs"#-}
{-# INLINE rule719 #-}
{-# LINE 820 "src-ag/ExecutionPlan2Hs.ag" #-}
rule719 = \ _callKind ->
{-# LINE 820 "src-ag/ExecutionPlan2Hs.ag" #-}
case _callKind of
VisitPure _ -> text "return"
VisitMonadic -> empty
{-# LINE 5793 "dist/build/ExecutionPlan2Hs.hs"#-}
{-# INLINE rule720 #-}
{-# LINE 823 "src-ag/ExecutionPlan2Hs.ag" #-}
rule720 = \ ((_lhsIallVisitKinds) :: Map VisitIdentifier VisitKind) visit_ ->
{-# LINE 823 "src-ag/ExecutionPlan2Hs.ag" #-}
Map.findWithDefault (error "visit kind should be in the map") visit_ _lhsIallVisitKinds
{-# LINE 5799 "dist/build/ExecutionPlan2Hs.hs"#-}
{-# INLINE rule721 #-}
{-# LINE 831 "src-ag/ExecutionPlan2Hs.ag" #-}
rule721 = \ ((_lhsIindex) :: Int) _patPP _useParallel ->
{-# LINE 831 "src-ag/ExecutionPlan2Hs.ag" #-}
if _useParallel
then _patPP >#< "<-" >#< "takeMVar sync_" >|< _lhsIindex
else empty
{-# LINE 5807 "dist/build/ExecutionPlan2Hs.hs"#-}
{-# INLINE rule722 #-}
{-# LINE 1379 "src-ag/ExecutionPlan2Hs.ag" #-}
rule722 = \ ((_lhsIavisitdefs) :: Map VisitIdentifier (Set Identifier)) ((_lhsIoptions) :: Options) _to child_ visit_ ->
{-# LINE 1379 "src-ag/ExecutionPlan2Hs.ag" #-}
Set.insert (stname child_ _to) $ maybe (error "Visit not found") (Set.map $ attrname _lhsIoptions True child_) $ Map.lookup visit_ _lhsIavisitdefs
{-# LINE 5813 "dist/build/ExecutionPlan2Hs.hs"#-}
{-# INLINE rule723 #-}
{-# LINE 1380 "src-ag/ExecutionPlan2Hs.ag" #-}
rule723 = \ _from ((_lhsIavisituses) :: Map VisitIdentifier (Set Identifier)) ((_lhsIoptions) :: Options) child_ visit_ ->
{-# LINE 1380 "src-ag/ExecutionPlan2Hs.ag" #-}
let convert attrs = Map.fromList [ (attrname _lhsIoptions False child_ attr, Just $ mkNonLocalAttr True child_ attr) | attr <- Set.elems attrs ]
in Map.insert (stname child_ _from) Nothing $ convert $
maybe (error "Visit not found") id $ Map.lookup visit_ _lhsIavisituses
{-# LINE 5821 "dist/build/ExecutionPlan2Hs.hs"#-}
{-# INLINE rule724 #-}
{-# LINE 1555 "src-ag/ExecutionPlan2Hs.ag" #-}
rule724 = \ ((_lhsIoptions) :: Options) ->
{-# LINE 1555 "src-ag/ExecutionPlan2Hs.ag" #-}
\x -> if bangpats _lhsIoptions then "!" >|< x else x
{-# LINE 5827 "dist/build/ExecutionPlan2Hs.hs"#-}
{-# INLINE rule725 #-}
{-# LINE 1591 "src-ag/ExecutionPlan2Hs.ag" #-}
rule725 = \ ((_lhsIallFromToStates) :: Map VisitIdentifier (Int,Int)) visit_ ->
{-# LINE 1591 "src-ag/ExecutionPlan2Hs.ag" #-}
Map.findWithDefault (error "visit not in allFromToStates") visit_ _lhsIallFromToStates
{-# LINE 5833 "dist/build/ExecutionPlan2Hs.hs"#-}
{-# INLINE rule726 #-}
rule726 = \ (_ :: ()) ->
{-# INLINE rule727 #-}
rule727 = \ (_ :: ()) ->
{-# INLINE rule728 #-}
rule728 = \ (_ :: ()) ->
{-# INLINE rule729 #-}
rule729 = \ (_ :: ()) ->
{-# INLINE rule730 #-}
rule730 = \ (_ :: ()) ->
{-# INLINE rule731 #-}
rule731 = \ ((_lhsIindex) :: Int) ->
{-# INLINE rule732 #-}
rule732 = \ ((_lhsIisLast) :: Bool) ->
{-# INLINE rule733 #-}
rule733 = \ ((_lhsIprevMaxSimRefs) :: Int) ->
{-# NOINLINE sem_VisitStep_PureGroup #-}
sem_VisitStep_PureGroup :: T_VisitSteps -> (Bool) -> T_VisitStep
sem_VisitStep_PureGroup arg_steps_ arg_ordered_ = T_VisitStep (return st50) where
{-# NOINLINE st50 #-}
st50 = let
v49 :: T_VisitStep_v49
v49 = \ (T_VisitStep_vIn49 _lhsIallFromToStates _lhsIallInitStates _lhsIallVisitKinds _lhsIallchildvisit _lhsIavisitdefs _lhsIavisituses _lhsIchildTypes _lhsIchildintros _lhsIfmtMode _lhsIindex _lhsIisLast _lhsIkind _lhsImrules _lhsIoptions _lhsIprevMaxSimRefs _lhsIruledefs _lhsIruleuses _lhsIuseParallel) -> ( let
_stepsX53 = Control.Monad.Identity.runIdentity (attach_T_VisitSteps (arg_steps_))
(T_VisitSteps_vOut52 _stepsIdefs _stepsIerrors _stepsIindex _stepsIisLast _stepsIlazyIntras _stepsIprevMaxSimRefs _stepsIruleKinds _stepsIruleUsage _stepsIsem_steps _stepsIsize _stepsIsync_steps _stepsIusedArgs _stepsIuses _stepsIvisitKinds) = inv_VisitSteps_s53 _stepsX53 (T_VisitSteps_vIn52 _stepsOallFromToStates _stepsOallInitStates _stepsOallVisitKinds _stepsOallchildvisit _stepsOavisitdefs _stepsOavisituses _stepsOchildTypes _stepsOchildintros _stepsOfmtMode _stepsOindex _stepsOkind _stepsOmrules _stepsOoptions _stepsOprevMaxSimRefs _stepsOruledefs _stepsOruleuses _stepsOuseParallel)
_stepsOkind = rule734 arg_ordered_
_lhsOsem_steps :: PP_Doc
_lhsOsem_steps = rule735 _lhsIfmtMode _stepsIsem_steps
_stepsOfmtMode = rule736 _lhsIfmtMode
_lhsOlazyIntras :: Set String
_lhsOlazyIntras = rule737 _stepsIdefs _stepsIlazyIntras arg_ordered_
_lhsOdefs :: Set String
_lhsOdefs = rule738 _stepsIdefs
_lhsOerrors :: Seq Error
_lhsOerrors = rule739 _stepsIerrors
_lhsOruleKinds :: Map Identifier (Set VisitKind)
_lhsOruleKinds = rule740 _stepsIruleKinds
_lhsOruleUsage :: Map Identifier Int
_lhsOruleUsage = rule741 _stepsIruleUsage
_lhsOsync_steps :: PP_Doc
_lhsOsync_steps = rule742 _stepsIsync_steps
_lhsOusedArgs :: Set String
_lhsOusedArgs = rule743 _stepsIusedArgs
_lhsOuses :: Map String (Maybe NonLocalAttr)
_lhsOuses = rule744 _stepsIuses
_lhsOvisitKinds :: Map VisitIdentifier VisitKind
_lhsOvisitKinds = rule745 _stepsIvisitKinds
_lhsOindex :: Int
_lhsOindex = rule746 _stepsIindex
_lhsOisLast :: Bool
_lhsOisLast = rule747 _stepsIisLast
_lhsOprevMaxSimRefs :: Int
_lhsOprevMaxSimRefs = rule748 _stepsIprevMaxSimRefs
_stepsOallFromToStates = rule749 _lhsIallFromToStates
_stepsOallInitStates = rule750 _lhsIallInitStates
_stepsOallVisitKinds = rule751 _lhsIallVisitKinds
_stepsOallchildvisit = rule752 _lhsIallchildvisit
_stepsOavisitdefs = rule753 _lhsIavisitdefs
_stepsOavisituses = rule754 _lhsIavisituses
_stepsOchildTypes = rule755 _lhsIchildTypes
_stepsOchildintros = rule756 _lhsIchildintros
_stepsOindex = rule757 _lhsIindex
_stepsOmrules = rule758 _lhsImrules
_stepsOoptions = rule759 _lhsIoptions
_stepsOprevMaxSimRefs = rule760 _lhsIprevMaxSimRefs
_stepsOruledefs = rule761 _lhsIruledefs
_stepsOruleuses = rule762 _lhsIruleuses
_stepsOuseParallel = rule763 _lhsIuseParallel
__result_ = T_VisitStep_vOut49 _lhsOdefs _lhsOerrors _lhsOindex _lhsOisLast _lhsOlazyIntras _lhsOprevMaxSimRefs _lhsOruleKinds _lhsOruleUsage _lhsOsem_steps _lhsOsync_steps _lhsOusedArgs _lhsOuses _lhsOvisitKinds
in __result_ )
in C_VisitStep_s50 v49
{-# INLINE rule734 #-}
{-# LINE 793 "src-ag/ExecutionPlan2Hs.ag" #-}
rule734 = \ ordered_ ->
{-# LINE 793 "src-ag/ExecutionPlan2Hs.ag" #-}
VisitPure ordered_
{-# LINE 5918 "dist/build/ExecutionPlan2Hs.hs"#-}
{-# INLINE rule735 #-}
{-# LINE 825 "src-ag/ExecutionPlan2Hs.ag" #-}
rule735 = \ ((_lhsIfmtMode) :: FormatMode) ((_stepsIsem_steps) :: PP_Doc) ->
{-# LINE 825 "src-ag/ExecutionPlan2Hs.ag" #-}
case _lhsIfmtMode of
FormatDo -> "let" >#< _stepsIsem_steps
_ -> _stepsIsem_steps
{-# LINE 5926 "dist/build/ExecutionPlan2Hs.hs"#-}
{-# INLINE rule736 #-}
{-# LINE 846 "src-ag/ExecutionPlan2Hs.ag" #-}
rule736 = \ ((_lhsIfmtMode) :: FormatMode) ->
{-# LINE 846 "src-ag/ExecutionPlan2Hs.ag" #-}
case _lhsIfmtMode of
FormatDo -> FormatLetDecl
mode -> mode
{-# LINE 5934 "dist/build/ExecutionPlan2Hs.hs"#-}
{-# INLINE rule737 #-}
{-# LINE 1400 "src-ag/ExecutionPlan2Hs.ag" #-}
rule737 = \ ((_stepsIdefs) :: Set String) ((_stepsIlazyIntras) :: Set String) ordered_ ->
{-# LINE 1400 "src-ag/ExecutionPlan2Hs.ag" #-}
if ordered_
then _stepsIlazyIntras
else _stepsIdefs
{-# LINE 5942 "dist/build/ExecutionPlan2Hs.hs"#-}
{-# INLINE rule738 #-}
rule738 = \ ((_stepsIdefs) :: Set String) ->
{-# INLINE rule739 #-}
rule739 = \ ((_stepsIerrors) :: Seq Error) ->
{-# INLINE rule740 #-}
rule740 = \ ((_stepsIruleKinds) :: Map Identifier (Set VisitKind)) ->
{-# INLINE rule741 #-}
rule741 = \ ((_stepsIruleUsage) :: Map Identifier Int) ->
{-# INLINE rule742 #-}
rule742 = \ ((_stepsIsync_steps) :: PP_Doc) ->
{-# INLINE rule743 #-}
rule743 = \ ((_stepsIusedArgs) :: Set String) ->
{-# INLINE rule744 #-}
rule744 = \ ((_stepsIuses) :: Map String (Maybe NonLocalAttr)) ->
{-# INLINE rule745 #-}
rule745 = \ ((_stepsIvisitKinds) :: Map VisitIdentifier VisitKind) ->
{-# INLINE rule746 #-}
rule746 = \ ((_stepsIindex) :: Int) ->
{-# INLINE rule747 #-}
rule747 = \ ((_stepsIisLast) :: Bool) ->
{-# INLINE rule748 #-}
rule748 = \ ((_stepsIprevMaxSimRefs) :: Int) ->
{-# INLINE rule749 #-}
rule749 = \ ((_lhsIallFromToStates) :: Map VisitIdentifier (Int,Int)) ->
{-# INLINE rule750 #-}
rule750 = \ ((_lhsIallInitStates) :: Map NontermIdent Int) ->
{-# INLINE rule751 #-}
rule751 = \ ((_lhsIallVisitKinds) :: Map VisitIdentifier VisitKind) ->
{-# INLINE rule752 #-}
rule752 = \ ((_lhsIallchildvisit) :: Map VisitIdentifier (Identifier -> VisitKind -> Either Error (PP_Doc, PP_Doc))) ->
{-# INLINE rule753 #-}
rule753 = \ ((_lhsIavisitdefs) :: Map VisitIdentifier (Set Identifier)) ->
{-# INLINE rule754 #-}
rule754 = \ ((_lhsIavisituses) :: Map VisitIdentifier (Set Identifier)) ->
{-# INLINE rule755 #-}
rule755 = \ ((_lhsIchildTypes) :: Map Identifier Type) ->
{-# INLINE rule756 #-}
rule756 = \ ((_lhsIchildintros) :: Map Identifier (VisitKind -> FormatMode -> Either Error (PP_Doc, Set String, Map String (Maybe NonLocalAttr)))) ->
{-# INLINE rule757 #-}
rule757 = \ ((_lhsIindex) :: Int) ->
{-# INLINE rule758 #-}
rule758 = \ ((_lhsImrules) :: Map Identifier (VisitKind -> FormatMode -> Either Error PP_Doc)) ->
{-# INLINE rule759 #-}
rule759 = \ ((_lhsIoptions) :: Options) ->
{-# INLINE rule760 #-}
rule760 = \ ((_lhsIprevMaxSimRefs) :: Int) ->
{-# INLINE rule761 #-}
rule761 = \ ((_lhsIruledefs) :: Map Identifier (Set String)) ->
{-# INLINE rule762 #-}
rule762 = \ ((_lhsIruleuses) :: Map Identifier (Map String (Maybe NonLocalAttr))) ->
{-# INLINE rule763 #-}
rule763 = \ ((_lhsIuseParallel) :: Bool) ->
{-# NOINLINE sem_VisitStep_Sim #-}
sem_VisitStep_Sim :: T_VisitSteps -> T_VisitStep
sem_VisitStep_Sim arg_steps_ = T_VisitStep (return st50) where
{-# NOINLINE st50 #-}
st50 = let
v49 :: T_VisitStep_v49
v49 = \ (T_VisitStep_vIn49 _lhsIallFromToStates _lhsIallInitStates _lhsIallVisitKinds _lhsIallchildvisit _lhsIavisitdefs _lhsIavisituses _lhsIchildTypes _lhsIchildintros _lhsIfmtMode _lhsIindex _lhsIisLast _lhsIkind _lhsImrules _lhsIoptions _lhsIprevMaxSimRefs _lhsIruledefs _lhsIruleuses _lhsIuseParallel) -> ( let
_stepsX53 = Control.Monad.Identity.runIdentity (attach_T_VisitSteps (arg_steps_))
(T_VisitSteps_vOut52 _stepsIdefs _stepsIerrors _stepsIindex _stepsIisLast _stepsIlazyIntras _stepsIprevMaxSimRefs _stepsIruleKinds _stepsIruleUsage _stepsIsem_steps _stepsIsize _stepsIsync_steps _stepsIusedArgs _stepsIuses _stepsIvisitKinds) = inv_VisitSteps_s53 _stepsX53 (T_VisitSteps_vIn52 _stepsOallFromToStates _stepsOallInitStates _stepsOallVisitKinds _stepsOallchildvisit _stepsOavisitdefs _stepsOavisituses _stepsOchildTypes _stepsOchildintros _stepsOfmtMode _stepsOindex _stepsOkind _stepsOmrules _stepsOoptions _stepsOprevMaxSimRefs _stepsOruledefs _stepsOruleuses _stepsOuseParallel)
_lhsOsem_steps :: PP_Doc
_lhsOsem_steps = rule764 _stepsIsem_steps _stepsIsync_steps
_stepsOindex = rule765 ()
_lhsOindex :: Int
_lhsOindex = rule766 _lhsIindex
_lhsOprevMaxSimRefs :: Int
_lhsOprevMaxSimRefs = rule767 _lhsIprevMaxSimRefs _stepsIindex _useParallel
_useParallel = rule768 _isMonadic _lhsIoptions _stepsIsize
_isMonadic = rule769 _lhsIkind
_lhsOdefs :: Set String
_lhsOdefs = rule770 _stepsIdefs
_lhsOerrors :: Seq Error
_lhsOerrors = rule771 _stepsIerrors
_lhsOlazyIntras :: Set String
_lhsOlazyIntras = rule772 _stepsIlazyIntras
_lhsOruleKinds :: Map Identifier (Set VisitKind)
_lhsOruleKinds = rule773 _stepsIruleKinds
_lhsOruleUsage :: Map Identifier Int
_lhsOruleUsage = rule774 _stepsIruleUsage
_lhsOsync_steps :: PP_Doc
_lhsOsync_steps = rule775 _stepsIsync_steps
_lhsOusedArgs :: Set String
_lhsOusedArgs = rule776 _stepsIusedArgs
_lhsOuses :: Map String (Maybe NonLocalAttr)
_lhsOuses = rule777 _stepsIuses
_lhsOvisitKinds :: Map VisitIdentifier VisitKind
_lhsOvisitKinds = rule778 _stepsIvisitKinds
_lhsOisLast :: Bool
_lhsOisLast = rule779 _stepsIisLast
_stepsOallFromToStates = rule780 _lhsIallFromToStates
_stepsOallInitStates = rule781 _lhsIallInitStates
_stepsOallVisitKinds = rule782 _lhsIallVisitKinds
_stepsOallchildvisit = rule783 _lhsIallchildvisit
_stepsOavisitdefs = rule784 _lhsIavisitdefs
_stepsOavisituses = rule785 _lhsIavisituses
_stepsOchildTypes = rule786 _lhsIchildTypes
_stepsOchildintros = rule787 _lhsIchildintros
_stepsOfmtMode = rule788 _lhsIfmtMode
_stepsOkind = rule789 _lhsIkind
_stepsOmrules = rule790 _lhsImrules
_stepsOoptions = rule791 _lhsIoptions
_stepsOprevMaxSimRefs = rule792 _lhsIprevMaxSimRefs
_stepsOruledefs = rule793 _lhsIruledefs
_stepsOruleuses = rule794 _lhsIruleuses
_stepsOuseParallel = rule795 _useParallel
__result_ = T_VisitStep_vOut49 _lhsOdefs _lhsOerrors _lhsOindex _lhsOisLast _lhsOlazyIntras _lhsOprevMaxSimRefs _lhsOruleKinds _lhsOruleUsage _lhsOsem_steps _lhsOsync_steps _lhsOusedArgs _lhsOuses _lhsOvisitKinds
in __result_ )
in C_VisitStep_s50 v49
{-# INLINE rule764 #-}
{-# LINE 824 "src-ag/ExecutionPlan2Hs.ag" #-}
rule764 = \ ((_stepsIsem_steps) :: PP_Doc) ((_stepsIsync_steps) :: PP_Doc) ->
{-# LINE 824 "src-ag/ExecutionPlan2Hs.ag" #-}
_stepsIsem_steps >-< _stepsIsync_steps
{-# LINE 6083 "dist/build/ExecutionPlan2Hs.hs"#-}
{-# INLINE rule765 #-}
{-# LINE 890 "src-ag/ExecutionPlan2Hs.ag" #-}
rule765 = \ (_ :: ()) ->
{-# LINE 890 "src-ag/ExecutionPlan2Hs.ag" #-}
{-# LINE 6089 "dist/build/ExecutionPlan2Hs.hs"#-}
{-# INLINE rule766 #-}
{-# LINE 891 "src-ag/ExecutionPlan2Hs.ag" #-}
rule766 = \ ((_lhsIindex) :: Int) ->
{-# LINE 891 "src-ag/ExecutionPlan2Hs.ag" #-}
{-# LINE 6095 "dist/build/ExecutionPlan2Hs.hs"#-}
{-# INLINE rule767 #-}
{-# LINE 898 "src-ag/ExecutionPlan2Hs.ag" #-}
rule767 = \ ((_lhsIprevMaxSimRefs) :: Int) ((_stepsIindex) :: Int) _useParallel ->
{-# LINE 898 "src-ag/ExecutionPlan2Hs.ag" #-}
if _useParallel
then _lhsIprevMaxSimRefs `max` (_stepsIindex - 1)
else _lhsIprevMaxSimRefs
{-# LINE 6103 "dist/build/ExecutionPlan2Hs.hs"#-}
{-# INLINE rule768 #-}
{-# LINE 913 "src-ag/ExecutionPlan2Hs.ag" #-}
rule768 = \ _isMonadic ((_lhsIoptions) :: Options) ((_stepsIsize) :: Int) ->
{-# LINE 913 "src-ag/ExecutionPlan2Hs.ag" #-}
parallelInvoke _lhsIoptions && _stepsIsize > 1 && _isMonadic
{-# LINE 6109 "dist/build/ExecutionPlan2Hs.hs"#-}
{-# INLINE rule769 #-}
{-# LINE 914 "src-ag/ExecutionPlan2Hs.ag" #-}
rule769 = \ ((_lhsIkind) :: VisitKind) ->
{-# LINE 914 "src-ag/ExecutionPlan2Hs.ag" #-}
case _lhsIkind of
VisitMonadic -> True
_ -> False
{-# LINE 6117 "dist/build/ExecutionPlan2Hs.hs"#-}
{-# INLINE rule770 #-}
rule770 = \ ((_stepsIdefs) :: Set String) ->
{-# INLINE rule771 #-}
rule771 = \ ((_stepsIerrors) :: Seq Error) ->
{-# INLINE rule772 #-}
rule772 = \ ((_stepsIlazyIntras) :: Set String) ->
{-# INLINE rule773 #-}
rule773 = \ ((_stepsIruleKinds) :: Map Identifier (Set VisitKind)) ->
{-# INLINE rule774 #-}
rule774 = \ ((_stepsIruleUsage) :: Map Identifier Int) ->
{-# INLINE rule775 #-}
rule775 = \ ((_stepsIsync_steps) :: PP_Doc) ->
{-# INLINE rule776 #-}
rule776 = \ ((_stepsIusedArgs) :: Set String) ->
{-# INLINE rule777 #-}
rule777 = \ ((_stepsIuses) :: Map String (Maybe NonLocalAttr)) ->
{-# INLINE rule778 #-}
rule778 = \ ((_stepsIvisitKinds) :: Map VisitIdentifier VisitKind) ->
{-# INLINE rule779 #-}
rule779 = \ ((_stepsIisLast) :: Bool) ->
{-# INLINE rule780 #-}
rule780 = \ ((_lhsIallFromToStates) :: Map VisitIdentifier (Int,Int)) ->
{-# INLINE rule781 #-}
rule781 = \ ((_lhsIallInitStates) :: Map NontermIdent Int) ->
{-# INLINE rule782 #-}
rule782 = \ ((_lhsIallVisitKinds) :: Map VisitIdentifier VisitKind) ->
{-# INLINE rule783 #-}
rule783 = \ ((_lhsIallchildvisit) :: Map VisitIdentifier (Identifier -> VisitKind -> Either Error (PP_Doc, PP_Doc))) ->
{-# INLINE rule784 #-}
rule784 = \ ((_lhsIavisitdefs) :: Map VisitIdentifier (Set Identifier)) ->
{-# INLINE rule785 #-}
rule785 = \ ((_lhsIavisituses) :: Map VisitIdentifier (Set Identifier)) ->
{-# INLINE rule786 #-}
rule786 = \ ((_lhsIchildTypes) :: Map Identifier Type) ->
{-# INLINE rule787 #-}
rule787 = \ ((_lhsIchildintros) :: Map Identifier (VisitKind -> FormatMode -> Either Error (PP_Doc, Set String, Map String (Maybe NonLocalAttr)))) ->
{-# INLINE rule788 #-}
rule788 = \ ((_lhsIfmtMode) :: FormatMode) ->
{-# INLINE rule789 #-}
rule789 = \ ((_lhsIkind) :: VisitKind) ->
{-# INLINE rule790 #-}
rule790 = \ ((_lhsImrules) :: Map Identifier (VisitKind -> FormatMode -> Either Error PP_Doc)) ->
{-# INLINE rule791 #-}
rule791 = \ ((_lhsIoptions) :: Options) ->
{-# INLINE rule792 #-}
rule792 = \ ((_lhsIprevMaxSimRefs) :: Int) ->
{-# INLINE rule793 #-}
rule793 = \ ((_lhsIruledefs) :: Map Identifier (Set String)) ->
{-# INLINE rule794 #-}
rule794 = \ ((_lhsIruleuses) :: Map Identifier (Map String (Maybe NonLocalAttr))) ->
{-# INLINE rule795 #-}
rule795 = \ _useParallel ->
{-# NOINLINE sem_VisitStep_ChildIntro #-}
sem_VisitStep_ChildIntro :: (Identifier) -> T_VisitStep
sem_VisitStep_ChildIntro arg_child_ = T_VisitStep (return st50) where
{-# NOINLINE st50 #-}
st50 = let
v49 :: T_VisitStep_v49
v49 = \ (T_VisitStep_vIn49 _lhsIallFromToStates _lhsIallInitStates _lhsIallVisitKinds _lhsIallchildvisit _lhsIavisitdefs _lhsIavisituses _lhsIchildTypes _lhsIchildintros _lhsIfmtMode _lhsIindex _lhsIisLast _lhsIkind _lhsImrules _lhsIoptions _lhsIprevMaxSimRefs _lhsIruledefs _lhsIruleuses _lhsIuseParallel) -> ( let
_attachItf = rule796 _lhsIchildintros arg_child_
_lhsOerrors :: Seq Error
_lhsOsem_steps :: PP_Doc
_lhsOdefs :: Set String
_lhsOuses :: Map String (Maybe NonLocalAttr)
(_lhsOerrors,_lhsOsem_steps,_lhsOdefs,_lhsOuses) = rule797 _attachItf _lhsIfmtMode _lhsIkind
_lhsOlazyIntras :: Set String
_lhsOlazyIntras = rule798 ()
_lhsOruleKinds :: Map Identifier (Set VisitKind)
_lhsOruleKinds = rule799 ()
_lhsOruleUsage :: Map Identifier Int
_lhsOruleUsage = rule800 ()
_lhsOsync_steps :: PP_Doc
_lhsOsync_steps = rule801 ()
_lhsOusedArgs :: Set String
_lhsOusedArgs = rule802 ()
_lhsOvisitKinds :: Map VisitIdentifier VisitKind
_lhsOvisitKinds = rule803 ()
_lhsOindex :: Int
_lhsOindex = rule804 _lhsIindex
_lhsOisLast :: Bool
_lhsOisLast = rule805 _lhsIisLast
_lhsOprevMaxSimRefs :: Int
_lhsOprevMaxSimRefs = rule806 _lhsIprevMaxSimRefs
__result_ = T_VisitStep_vOut49 _lhsOdefs _lhsOerrors _lhsOindex _lhsOisLast _lhsOlazyIntras _lhsOprevMaxSimRefs _lhsOruleKinds _lhsOruleUsage _lhsOsem_steps _lhsOsync_steps _lhsOusedArgs _lhsOuses _lhsOvisitKinds
in __result_ )
in C_VisitStep_s50 v49
{-# INLINE rule796 #-}
{-# LINE 802 "src-ag/ExecutionPlan2Hs.ag" #-}
rule796 = \ ((_lhsIchildintros) :: Map Identifier (VisitKind -> FormatMode -> Either Error (PP_Doc, Set String, Map String (Maybe NonLocalAttr)))) child_ ->
{-# LINE 802 "src-ag/ExecutionPlan2Hs.ag" #-}
Map.findWithDefault (error $ "Child " ++ show child_ ++ " not found") child_ _lhsIchildintros
{-# LINE 6235 "dist/build/ExecutionPlan2Hs.hs"#-}
{-# INLINE rule797 #-}
{-# LINE 804 "src-ag/ExecutionPlan2Hs.ag" #-}
rule797 = \ _attachItf ((_lhsIfmtMode) :: FormatMode) ((_lhsIkind) :: VisitKind) ->
{-# LINE 804 "src-ag/ExecutionPlan2Hs.ag" #-}
case _attachItf _lhsIkind _lhsIfmtMode of
Left e -> (Seq.singleton e, empty, Set.empty, Map.empty)
Right (code, defs, uses) -> (Seq.empty, code, defs, uses)
{-# LINE 6243 "dist/build/ExecutionPlan2Hs.hs"#-}
{-# INLINE rule798 #-}
rule798 = \ (_ :: ()) ->
{-# INLINE rule799 #-}
rule799 = \ (_ :: ()) ->
{-# INLINE rule800 #-}
rule800 = \ (_ :: ()) ->
{-# INLINE rule801 #-}
rule801 = \ (_ :: ()) ->
{-# INLINE rule802 #-}
rule802 = \ (_ :: ()) ->
{-# INLINE rule803 #-}
rule803 = \ (_ :: ()) ->
{-# INLINE rule804 #-}
rule804 = \ ((_lhsIindex) :: Int) ->
{-# INLINE rule805 #-}
rule805 = \ ((_lhsIisLast) :: Bool) ->
{-# INLINE rule806 #-}
rule806 = \ ((_lhsIprevMaxSimRefs) :: Int) ->
data Inh_VisitSteps = Inh_VisitSteps { allFromToStates_Inh_VisitSteps :: (Map VisitIdentifier (Int,Int)), allInitStates_Inh_VisitSteps :: (Map NontermIdent Int), allVisitKinds_Inh_VisitSteps :: (Map VisitIdentifier VisitKind), allchildvisit_Inh_VisitSteps :: (Map VisitIdentifier (Identifier -> VisitKind -> Either Error (PP_Doc, PP_Doc))), avisitdefs_Inh_VisitSteps :: (Map VisitIdentifier (Set Identifier)), avisituses_Inh_VisitSteps :: (Map VisitIdentifier (Set Identifier)), childTypes_Inh_VisitSteps :: (Map Identifier Type), childintros_Inh_VisitSteps :: (Map Identifier (VisitKind -> FormatMode -> Either Error (PP_Doc, Set String, Map String (Maybe NonLocalAttr)))), fmtMode_Inh_VisitSteps :: (FormatMode), index_Inh_VisitSteps :: (Int), kind_Inh_VisitSteps :: (VisitKind), mrules_Inh_VisitSteps :: (Map Identifier (VisitKind -> FormatMode -> Either Error PP_Doc)), options_Inh_VisitSteps :: (Options), prevMaxSimRefs_Inh_VisitSteps :: (Int), ruledefs_Inh_VisitSteps :: (Map Identifier (Set String)), ruleuses_Inh_VisitSteps :: (Map Identifier (Map String (Maybe NonLocalAttr))), useParallel_Inh_VisitSteps :: (Bool) }
data Syn_VisitSteps = Syn_VisitSteps { defs_Syn_VisitSteps :: (Set String), errors_Syn_VisitSteps :: (Seq Error), index_Syn_VisitSteps :: (Int), isLast_Syn_VisitSteps :: (Bool), lazyIntras_Syn_VisitSteps :: (Set String), prevMaxSimRefs_Syn_VisitSteps :: (Int), ruleKinds_Syn_VisitSteps :: (Map Identifier (Set VisitKind)), ruleUsage_Syn_VisitSteps :: (Map Identifier Int), sem_steps_Syn_VisitSteps :: (PP_Doc), size_Syn_VisitSteps :: (Int), sync_steps_Syn_VisitSteps :: (PP_Doc), usedArgs_Syn_VisitSteps :: (Set String), uses_Syn_VisitSteps :: (Map String (Maybe NonLocalAttr)), visitKinds_Syn_VisitSteps :: (Map VisitIdentifier VisitKind) }
{-# INLINABLE wrap_VisitSteps #-}
wrap_VisitSteps :: T_VisitSteps -> Inh_VisitSteps -> (Syn_VisitSteps )
wrap_VisitSteps (T_VisitSteps act) (Inh_VisitSteps _lhsIallFromToStates _lhsIallInitStates _lhsIallVisitKinds _lhsIallchildvisit _lhsIavisitdefs _lhsIavisituses _lhsIchildTypes _lhsIchildintros _lhsIfmtMode _lhsIindex _lhsIkind _lhsImrules _lhsIoptions _lhsIprevMaxSimRefs _lhsIruledefs _lhsIruleuses _lhsIuseParallel) =
Control.Monad.Identity.runIdentity (
do sem <- act
let arg52 = T_VisitSteps_vIn52 _lhsIallFromToStates _lhsIallInitStates _lhsIallVisitKinds _lhsIallchildvisit _lhsIavisitdefs _lhsIavisituses _lhsIchildTypes _lhsIchildintros _lhsIfmtMode _lhsIindex _lhsIkind _lhsImrules _lhsIoptions _lhsIprevMaxSimRefs _lhsIruledefs _lhsIruleuses _lhsIuseParallel
(T_VisitSteps_vOut52 _lhsOdefs _lhsOerrors _lhsOindex _lhsOisLast _lhsOlazyIntras _lhsOprevMaxSimRefs _lhsOruleKinds _lhsOruleUsage _lhsOsem_steps _lhsOsize _lhsOsync_steps _lhsOusedArgs _lhsOuses _lhsOvisitKinds) <- return (inv_VisitSteps_s53 sem arg52)
return (Syn_VisitSteps _lhsOdefs _lhsOerrors _lhsOindex _lhsOisLast _lhsOlazyIntras _lhsOprevMaxSimRefs _lhsOruleKinds _lhsOruleUsage _lhsOsem_steps _lhsOsize _lhsOsync_steps _lhsOusedArgs _lhsOuses _lhsOvisitKinds)
{-# NOINLINE sem_VisitSteps #-}
sem_VisitSteps :: VisitSteps -> T_VisitSteps
sem_VisitSteps list = Prelude.foldr sem_VisitSteps_Cons sem_VisitSteps_Nil (Prelude.map sem_VisitStep list)
newtype T_VisitSteps = T_VisitSteps {
attach_T_VisitSteps :: Identity (T_VisitSteps_s53 )
newtype T_VisitSteps_s53 = C_VisitSteps_s53 {
inv_VisitSteps_s53 :: (T_VisitSteps_v52 )
data T_VisitSteps_s54 = C_VisitSteps_s54
type T_VisitSteps_v52 = (T_VisitSteps_vIn52 ) -> (T_VisitSteps_vOut52 )
data T_VisitSteps_vIn52 = T_VisitSteps_vIn52 (Map VisitIdentifier (Int,Int)) (Map NontermIdent Int) (Map VisitIdentifier VisitKind) (Map VisitIdentifier (Identifier -> VisitKind -> Either Error (PP_Doc, PP_Doc))) (Map VisitIdentifier (Set Identifier)) (Map VisitIdentifier (Set Identifier)) (Map Identifier Type) (Map Identifier (VisitKind -> FormatMode -> Either Error (PP_Doc, Set String, Map String (Maybe NonLocalAttr)))) (FormatMode) (Int) (VisitKind) (Map Identifier (VisitKind -> FormatMode -> Either Error PP_Doc)) (Options) (Int) (Map Identifier (Set String)) (Map Identifier (Map String (Maybe NonLocalAttr))) (Bool)
data T_VisitSteps_vOut52 = T_VisitSteps_vOut52 (Set String) (Seq Error) (Int) (Bool) (Set String) (Int) (Map Identifier (Set VisitKind)) (Map Identifier Int) (PP_Doc) (Int) (PP_Doc) (Set String) (Map String (Maybe NonLocalAttr)) (Map VisitIdentifier VisitKind)
{-# NOINLINE sem_VisitSteps_Cons #-}
sem_VisitSteps_Cons :: T_VisitStep -> T_VisitSteps -> T_VisitSteps
sem_VisitSteps_Cons arg_hd_ arg_tl_ = T_VisitSteps (return st53) where
{-# NOINLINE st53 #-}
st53 = let
v52 :: T_VisitSteps_v52
v52 = \ (T_VisitSteps_vIn52 _lhsIallFromToStates _lhsIallInitStates _lhsIallVisitKinds _lhsIallchildvisit _lhsIavisitdefs _lhsIavisituses _lhsIchildTypes _lhsIchildintros _lhsIfmtMode _lhsIindex _lhsIkind _lhsImrules _lhsIoptions _lhsIprevMaxSimRefs _lhsIruledefs _lhsIruleuses _lhsIuseParallel) -> ( let
_hdX50 = Control.Monad.Identity.runIdentity (attach_T_VisitStep (arg_hd_))
_tlX53 = Control.Monad.Identity.runIdentity (attach_T_VisitSteps (arg_tl_))
(T_VisitStep_vOut49 _hdIdefs _hdIerrors _hdIindex _hdIisLast _hdIlazyIntras _hdIprevMaxSimRefs _hdIruleKinds _hdIruleUsage _hdIsem_steps _hdIsync_steps _hdIusedArgs _hdIuses _hdIvisitKinds) = inv_VisitStep_s50 _hdX50 (T_VisitStep_vIn49 _hdOallFromToStates _hdOallInitStates _hdOallVisitKinds _hdOallchildvisit _hdOavisitdefs _hdOavisituses _hdOchildTypes _hdOchildintros _hdOfmtMode _hdOindex _hdOisLast _hdOkind _hdOmrules _hdOoptions _hdOprevMaxSimRefs _hdOruledefs _hdOruleuses _hdOuseParallel)
(T_VisitSteps_vOut52 _tlIdefs _tlIerrors _tlIindex _tlIisLast _tlIlazyIntras _tlIprevMaxSimRefs _tlIruleKinds _tlIruleUsage _tlIsem_steps _tlIsize _tlIsync_steps _tlIusedArgs _tlIuses _tlIvisitKinds) = inv_VisitSteps_s53 _tlX53 (T_VisitSteps_vIn52 _tlOallFromToStates _tlOallInitStates _tlOallVisitKinds _tlOallchildvisit _tlOavisitdefs _tlOavisituses _tlOchildTypes _tlOchildintros _tlOfmtMode _tlOindex _tlOkind _tlOmrules _tlOoptions _tlOprevMaxSimRefs _tlOruledefs _tlOruleuses _tlOuseParallel)
_lhsOsize :: Int
_lhsOsize = rule807 _tlIsize
_hdOindex = rule808 _lhsIindex
_tlOindex = rule809 _lhsIindex
_lhsOindex :: Int
_lhsOindex = rule810 _tlIindex
_lhsOisLast :: Bool
_lhsOisLast = rule811 ()
_hdOisLast = rule812 _tlIisLast
_lhsOdefs :: Set String
_lhsOdefs = rule813 _hdIdefs _tlIdefs
_lhsOerrors :: Seq Error
_lhsOerrors = rule814 _hdIerrors _tlIerrors
_lhsOlazyIntras :: Set String
_lhsOlazyIntras = rule815 _hdIlazyIntras _tlIlazyIntras
_lhsOruleKinds :: Map Identifier (Set VisitKind)
_lhsOruleKinds = rule816 _hdIruleKinds _tlIruleKinds
_lhsOruleUsage :: Map Identifier Int
_lhsOruleUsage = rule817 _hdIruleUsage _tlIruleUsage
_lhsOsem_steps :: PP_Doc
_lhsOsem_steps = rule818 _hdIsem_steps _tlIsem_steps
_lhsOsync_steps :: PP_Doc
_lhsOsync_steps = rule819 _hdIsync_steps _tlIsync_steps
_lhsOusedArgs :: Set String
_lhsOusedArgs = rule820 _hdIusedArgs _tlIusedArgs
_lhsOuses :: Map String (Maybe NonLocalAttr)
_lhsOuses = rule821 _hdIuses _tlIuses
_lhsOvisitKinds :: Map VisitIdentifier VisitKind
_lhsOvisitKinds = rule822 _hdIvisitKinds _tlIvisitKinds
_lhsOprevMaxSimRefs :: Int
_lhsOprevMaxSimRefs = rule823 _tlIprevMaxSimRefs
_hdOallFromToStates = rule824 _lhsIallFromToStates
_hdOallInitStates = rule825 _lhsIallInitStates
_hdOallVisitKinds = rule826 _lhsIallVisitKinds
_hdOallchildvisit = rule827 _lhsIallchildvisit
_hdOavisitdefs = rule828 _lhsIavisitdefs
_hdOavisituses = rule829 _lhsIavisituses
_hdOchildTypes = rule830 _lhsIchildTypes
_hdOchildintros = rule831 _lhsIchildintros
_hdOfmtMode = rule832 _lhsIfmtMode
_hdOkind = rule833 _lhsIkind
_hdOmrules = rule834 _lhsImrules
_hdOoptions = rule835 _lhsIoptions
_hdOprevMaxSimRefs = rule836 _lhsIprevMaxSimRefs
_hdOruledefs = rule837 _lhsIruledefs
_hdOruleuses = rule838 _lhsIruleuses
_hdOuseParallel = rule839 _lhsIuseParallel
_tlOallFromToStates = rule840 _lhsIallFromToStates
_tlOallInitStates = rule841 _lhsIallInitStates
_tlOallVisitKinds = rule842 _lhsIallVisitKinds
_tlOallchildvisit = rule843 _lhsIallchildvisit
_tlOavisitdefs = rule844 _lhsIavisitdefs
_tlOavisituses = rule845 _lhsIavisituses
_tlOchildTypes = rule846 _lhsIchildTypes
_tlOchildintros = rule847 _lhsIchildintros
_tlOfmtMode = rule848 _lhsIfmtMode
_tlOkind = rule849 _lhsIkind
_tlOmrules = rule850 _lhsImrules
_tlOoptions = rule851 _lhsIoptions
_tlOprevMaxSimRefs = rule852 _hdIprevMaxSimRefs
_tlOruledefs = rule853 _lhsIruledefs
_tlOruleuses = rule854 _lhsIruleuses
_tlOuseParallel = rule855 _lhsIuseParallel
__result_ = T_VisitSteps_vOut52 _lhsOdefs _lhsOerrors _lhsOindex _lhsOisLast _lhsOlazyIntras _lhsOprevMaxSimRefs _lhsOruleKinds _lhsOruleUsage _lhsOsem_steps _lhsOsize _lhsOsync_steps _lhsOusedArgs _lhsOuses _lhsOvisitKinds
in __result_ )
in C_VisitSteps_s53 v52
{-# INLINE rule807 #-}
{-# LINE 881 "src-ag/ExecutionPlan2Hs.ag" #-}
rule807 = \ ((_tlIsize) :: Int) ->
{-# LINE 881 "src-ag/ExecutionPlan2Hs.ag" #-}
1 + _tlIsize
{-# LINE 6384 "dist/build/ExecutionPlan2Hs.hs"#-}
{-# INLINE rule808 #-}
{-# LINE 886 "src-ag/ExecutionPlan2Hs.ag" #-}
rule808 = \ ((_lhsIindex) :: Int) ->
{-# LINE 886 "src-ag/ExecutionPlan2Hs.ag" #-}
{-# LINE 6390 "dist/build/ExecutionPlan2Hs.hs"#-}
{-# INLINE rule809 #-}
{-# LINE 887 "src-ag/ExecutionPlan2Hs.ag" #-}
rule809 = \ ((_lhsIindex) :: Int) ->
{-# LINE 887 "src-ag/ExecutionPlan2Hs.ag" #-}
1 + _lhsIindex
{-# LINE 6396 "dist/build/ExecutionPlan2Hs.hs"#-}
{-# INLINE rule810 #-}
{-# LINE 888 "src-ag/ExecutionPlan2Hs.ag" #-}
rule810 = \ ((_tlIindex) :: Int) ->
{-# LINE 888 "src-ag/ExecutionPlan2Hs.ag" #-}
{-# LINE 6402 "dist/build/ExecutionPlan2Hs.hs"#-}
{-# INLINE rule811 #-}
{-# LINE 907 "src-ag/ExecutionPlan2Hs.ag" #-}
rule811 = \ (_ :: ()) ->
{-# LINE 907 "src-ag/ExecutionPlan2Hs.ag" #-}
{-# LINE 6408 "dist/build/ExecutionPlan2Hs.hs"#-}
{-# INLINE rule812 #-}
{-# LINE 908 "src-ag/ExecutionPlan2Hs.ag" #-}
rule812 = \ ((_tlIisLast) :: Bool) ->
{-# LINE 908 "src-ag/ExecutionPlan2Hs.ag" #-}
{-# LINE 6414 "dist/build/ExecutionPlan2Hs.hs"#-}
{-# INLINE rule813 #-}
rule813 = \ ((_hdIdefs) :: Set String) ((_tlIdefs) :: Set String) ->
_hdIdefs `Set.union` _tlIdefs
{-# INLINE rule814 #-}
rule814 = \ ((_hdIerrors) :: Seq Error) ((_tlIerrors) :: Seq Error) ->
_hdIerrors Seq.>< _tlIerrors
{-# INLINE rule815 #-}
rule815 = \ ((_hdIlazyIntras) :: Set String) ((_tlIlazyIntras) :: Set String) ->
_hdIlazyIntras `Set.union` _tlIlazyIntras
{-# INLINE rule816 #-}
rule816 = \ ((_hdIruleKinds) :: Map Identifier (Set VisitKind)) ((_tlIruleKinds) :: Map Identifier (Set VisitKind)) ->
_hdIruleKinds `unionWithMappend` _tlIruleKinds
{-# INLINE rule817 #-}
rule817 = \ ((_hdIruleUsage) :: Map Identifier Int) ((_tlIruleUsage) :: Map Identifier Int) ->
_hdIruleUsage `unionWithSum` _tlIruleUsage
{-# INLINE rule818 #-}
rule818 = \ ((_hdIsem_steps) :: PP_Doc) ((_tlIsem_steps) :: PP_Doc) ->
_hdIsem_steps >-< _tlIsem_steps
{-# INLINE rule819 #-}
rule819 = \ ((_hdIsync_steps) :: PP_Doc) ((_tlIsync_steps) :: PP_Doc) ->
_hdIsync_steps >-< _tlIsync_steps
{-# INLINE rule820 #-}
rule820 = \ ((_hdIusedArgs) :: Set String) ((_tlIusedArgs) :: Set String) ->
_hdIusedArgs `Set.union` _tlIusedArgs
{-# INLINE rule821 #-}
rule821 = \ ((_hdIuses) :: Map String (Maybe NonLocalAttr)) ((_tlIuses) :: Map String (Maybe NonLocalAttr)) ->
_hdIuses `Map.union` _tlIuses
{-# INLINE rule822 #-}
rule822 = \ ((_hdIvisitKinds) :: Map VisitIdentifier VisitKind) ((_tlIvisitKinds) :: Map VisitIdentifier VisitKind) ->
_hdIvisitKinds `mappend` _tlIvisitKinds
{-# INLINE rule823 #-}
rule823 = \ ((_tlIprevMaxSimRefs) :: Int) ->
{-# INLINE rule824 #-}
rule824 = \ ((_lhsIallFromToStates) :: Map VisitIdentifier (Int,Int)) ->
{-# INLINE rule825 #-}
rule825 = \ ((_lhsIallInitStates) :: Map NontermIdent Int) ->
{-# INLINE rule826 #-}
rule826 = \ ((_lhsIallVisitKinds) :: Map VisitIdentifier VisitKind) ->
{-# INLINE rule827 #-}
rule827 = \ ((_lhsIallchildvisit) :: Map VisitIdentifier (Identifier -> VisitKind -> Either Error (PP_Doc, PP_Doc))) ->
{-# INLINE rule828 #-}
rule828 = \ ((_lhsIavisitdefs) :: Map VisitIdentifier (Set Identifier)) ->
{-# INLINE rule829 #-}
rule829 = \ ((_lhsIavisituses) :: Map VisitIdentifier (Set Identifier)) ->
{-# INLINE rule830 #-}
rule830 = \ ((_lhsIchildTypes) :: Map Identifier Type) ->
{-# INLINE rule831 #-}
rule831 = \ ((_lhsIchildintros) :: Map Identifier (VisitKind -> FormatMode -> Either Error (PP_Doc, Set String, Map String (Maybe NonLocalAttr)))) ->
{-# INLINE rule832 #-}
rule832 = \ ((_lhsIfmtMode) :: FormatMode) ->
{-# INLINE rule833 #-}
rule833 = \ ((_lhsIkind) :: VisitKind) ->
{-# INLINE rule834 #-}
rule834 = \ ((_lhsImrules) :: Map Identifier (VisitKind -> FormatMode -> Either Error PP_Doc)) ->
{-# INLINE rule835 #-}
rule835 = \ ((_lhsIoptions) :: Options) ->
{-# INLINE rule836 #-}
rule836 = \ ((_lhsIprevMaxSimRefs) :: Int) ->
{-# INLINE rule837 #-}
rule837 = \ ((_lhsIruledefs) :: Map Identifier (Set String)) ->
{-# INLINE rule838 #-}
rule838 = \ ((_lhsIruleuses) :: Map Identifier (Map String (Maybe NonLocalAttr))) ->
{-# INLINE rule839 #-}
rule839 = \ ((_lhsIuseParallel) :: Bool) ->
{-# INLINE rule840 #-}
rule840 = \ ((_lhsIallFromToStates) :: Map VisitIdentifier (Int,Int)) ->
{-# INLINE rule841 #-}
rule841 = \ ((_lhsIallInitStates) :: Map NontermIdent Int) ->
{-# INLINE rule842 #-}
rule842 = \ ((_lhsIallVisitKinds) :: Map VisitIdentifier VisitKind) ->
{-# INLINE rule843 #-}
rule843 = \ ((_lhsIallchildvisit) :: Map VisitIdentifier (Identifier -> VisitKind -> Either Error (PP_Doc, PP_Doc))) ->
{-# INLINE rule844 #-}
rule844 = \ ((_lhsIavisitdefs) :: Map VisitIdentifier (Set Identifier)) ->
{-# INLINE rule845 #-}
rule845 = \ ((_lhsIavisituses) :: Map VisitIdentifier (Set Identifier)) ->
{-# INLINE rule846 #-}
rule846 = \ ((_lhsIchildTypes) :: Map Identifier Type) ->
{-# INLINE rule847 #-}
rule847 = \ ((_lhsIchildintros) :: Map Identifier (VisitKind -> FormatMode -> Either Error (PP_Doc, Set String, Map String (Maybe NonLocalAttr)))) ->
{-# INLINE rule848 #-}
rule848 = \ ((_lhsIfmtMode) :: FormatMode) ->
{-# INLINE rule849 #-}
rule849 = \ ((_lhsIkind) :: VisitKind) ->
{-# INLINE rule850 #-}
rule850 = \ ((_lhsImrules) :: Map Identifier (VisitKind -> FormatMode -> Either Error PP_Doc)) ->
{-# INLINE rule851 #-}
rule851 = \ ((_lhsIoptions) :: Options) ->
{-# INLINE rule852 #-}
rule852 = \ ((_hdIprevMaxSimRefs) :: Int) ->
{-# INLINE rule853 #-}
rule853 = \ ((_lhsIruledefs) :: Map Identifier (Set String)) ->
{-# INLINE rule854 #-}
rule854 = \ ((_lhsIruleuses) :: Map Identifier (Map String (Maybe NonLocalAttr))) ->
{-# INLINE rule855 #-}
rule855 = \ ((_lhsIuseParallel) :: Bool) ->
{-# NOINLINE sem_VisitSteps_Nil #-}
sem_VisitSteps_Nil :: T_VisitSteps
sem_VisitSteps_Nil = T_VisitSteps (return st53) where
{-# NOINLINE st53 #-}
st53 = let
v52 :: T_VisitSteps_v52
v52 = \ (T_VisitSteps_vIn52 _lhsIallFromToStates _lhsIallInitStates _lhsIallVisitKinds _lhsIallchildvisit _lhsIavisitdefs _lhsIavisituses _lhsIchildTypes _lhsIchildintros _lhsIfmtMode _lhsIindex _lhsIkind _lhsImrules _lhsIoptions _lhsIprevMaxSimRefs _lhsIruledefs _lhsIruleuses _lhsIuseParallel) -> ( let
_lhsOsize :: Int
_lhsOsize = rule856 ()
_lhsOisLast :: Bool
_lhsOisLast = rule857 ()
_lhsOdefs :: Set String
_lhsOdefs = rule858 ()
_lhsOerrors :: Seq Error
_lhsOerrors = rule859 ()
_lhsOlazyIntras :: Set String
_lhsOlazyIntras = rule860 ()
_lhsOruleKinds :: Map Identifier (Set VisitKind)
_lhsOruleKinds = rule861 ()
_lhsOruleUsage :: Map Identifier Int
_lhsOruleUsage = rule862 ()
_lhsOsem_steps :: PP_Doc
_lhsOsem_steps = rule863 ()
_lhsOsync_steps :: PP_Doc
_lhsOsync_steps = rule864 ()
_lhsOusedArgs :: Set String
_lhsOusedArgs = rule865 ()
_lhsOuses :: Map String (Maybe NonLocalAttr)
_lhsOuses = rule866 ()
_lhsOvisitKinds :: Map VisitIdentifier VisitKind
_lhsOvisitKinds = rule867 ()
_lhsOindex :: Int
_lhsOindex = rule868 _lhsIindex
_lhsOprevMaxSimRefs :: Int
_lhsOprevMaxSimRefs = rule869 _lhsIprevMaxSimRefs
__result_ = T_VisitSteps_vOut52 _lhsOdefs _lhsOerrors _lhsOindex _lhsOisLast _lhsOlazyIntras _lhsOprevMaxSimRefs _lhsOruleKinds _lhsOruleUsage _lhsOsem_steps _lhsOsize _lhsOsync_steps _lhsOusedArgs _lhsOuses _lhsOvisitKinds
in __result_ )
in C_VisitSteps_s53 v52
{-# INLINE rule856 #-}
{-# LINE 880 "src-ag/ExecutionPlan2Hs.ag" #-}
rule856 = \ (_ :: ()) ->
{-# LINE 880 "src-ag/ExecutionPlan2Hs.ag" #-}
{-# LINE 6587 "dist/build/ExecutionPlan2Hs.hs"#-}
{-# INLINE rule857 #-}
{-# LINE 906 "src-ag/ExecutionPlan2Hs.ag" #-}
rule857 = \ (_ :: ()) ->
{-# LINE 906 "src-ag/ExecutionPlan2Hs.ag" #-}
{-# LINE 6593 "dist/build/ExecutionPlan2Hs.hs"#-}
{-# INLINE rule858 #-}
rule858 = \ (_ :: ()) ->
{-# INLINE rule859 #-}
rule859 = \ (_ :: ()) ->
{-# INLINE rule860 #-}
rule860 = \ (_ :: ()) ->
{-# INLINE rule861 #-}
rule861 = \ (_ :: ()) ->
{-# INLINE rule862 #-}
rule862 = \ (_ :: ()) ->
{-# INLINE rule863 #-}
rule863 = \ (_ :: ()) ->
{-# INLINE rule864 #-}
rule864 = \ (_ :: ()) ->
{-# INLINE rule865 #-}
rule865 = \ (_ :: ()) ->
{-# INLINE rule866 #-}
rule866 = \ (_ :: ()) ->
{-# INLINE rule867 #-}
rule867 = \ (_ :: ()) ->
{-# INLINE rule868 #-}
rule868 = \ ((_lhsIindex) :: Int) ->
{-# INLINE rule869 #-}
rule869 = \ ((_lhsIprevMaxSimRefs) :: Int) ->
data Inh_Visits = Inh_Visits { allFromToStates_Inh_Visits :: (Map VisitIdentifier (Int,Int)), allInhmap_Inh_Visits :: (Map NontermIdent Attributes), allInitStates_Inh_Visits :: (Map NontermIdent Int), allSynmap_Inh_Visits :: (Map NontermIdent Attributes), allVisitKinds_Inh_Visits :: (Map VisitIdentifier VisitKind), allchildvisit_Inh_Visits :: (Map VisitIdentifier (Identifier -> VisitKind -> Either Error (PP_Doc, PP_Doc))), allintramap_Inh_Visits :: (Map StateIdentifier (Map String (Maybe NonLocalAttr))), avisitdefs_Inh_Visits :: (Map VisitIdentifier (Set Identifier)), avisituses_Inh_Visits :: (Map VisitIdentifier (Set Identifier)), childTypes_Inh_Visits :: (Map Identifier Type), childintros_Inh_Visits :: (Map Identifier (VisitKind -> FormatMode -> Either Error (PP_Doc, Set String, Map String (Maybe NonLocalAttr)))), con_Inh_Visits :: (ConstructorIdent), inhmap_Inh_Visits :: (Attributes), mrules_Inh_Visits :: (Map Identifier (VisitKind -> FormatMode -> Either Error PP_Doc)), nextVisits_Inh_Visits :: (Map StateIdentifier StateCtx), nt_Inh_Visits :: (NontermIdent), options_Inh_Visits :: (Options), params_Inh_Visits :: ([Identifier]), prevVisits_Inh_Visits :: (Map StateIdentifier StateCtx), ruledefs_Inh_Visits :: (Map Identifier (Set String)), ruleuses_Inh_Visits :: (Map Identifier (Map String (Maybe NonLocalAttr))), synmap_Inh_Visits :: (Attributes), terminaldefs_Inh_Visits :: (Set String) }
data Syn_Visits = Syn_Visits { allvisits_Syn_Visits :: ([VisitStateState]), childvisit_Syn_Visits :: (Map VisitIdentifier (Identifier -> VisitKind -> Either Error (PP_Doc, PP_Doc))), errors_Syn_Visits :: (Seq Error), fromToStates_Syn_Visits :: (Map VisitIdentifier (Int,Int)), intramap_Syn_Visits :: (Map StateIdentifier (Map String (Maybe NonLocalAttr))), lazyIntras_Syn_Visits :: (Set String), ruleKinds_Syn_Visits :: (Map Identifier (Set VisitKind)), ruleUsage_Syn_Visits :: (Map Identifier Int), sem_visit_Syn_Visits :: ( [(StateIdentifier,Bool -> PP_Doc)] ), t_visits_Syn_Visits :: (PP_Doc), usedArgs_Syn_Visits :: (Set String), visitKinds_Syn_Visits :: (Map VisitIdentifier VisitKind), visitdefs_Syn_Visits :: (Map VisitIdentifier (Set Identifier)), visituses_Syn_Visits :: (Map VisitIdentifier (Set Identifier)) }
{-# INLINABLE wrap_Visits #-}
wrap_Visits :: T_Visits -> Inh_Visits -> (Syn_Visits )
wrap_Visits (T_Visits act) (Inh_Visits _lhsIallFromToStates _lhsIallInhmap _lhsIallInitStates _lhsIallSynmap _lhsIallVisitKinds _lhsIallchildvisit _lhsIallintramap _lhsIavisitdefs _lhsIavisituses _lhsIchildTypes _lhsIchildintros _lhsIcon _lhsIinhmap _lhsImrules _lhsInextVisits _lhsInt _lhsIoptions _lhsIparams _lhsIprevVisits _lhsIruledefs _lhsIruleuses _lhsIsynmap _lhsIterminaldefs) =
Control.Monad.Identity.runIdentity (
do sem <- act
let arg55 = T_Visits_vIn55 _lhsIallFromToStates _lhsIallInhmap _lhsIallInitStates _lhsIallSynmap _lhsIallVisitKinds _lhsIallchildvisit _lhsIallintramap _lhsIavisitdefs _lhsIavisituses _lhsIchildTypes _lhsIchildintros _lhsIcon _lhsIinhmap _lhsImrules _lhsInextVisits _lhsInt _lhsIoptions _lhsIparams _lhsIprevVisits _lhsIruledefs _lhsIruleuses _lhsIsynmap _lhsIterminaldefs
(T_Visits_vOut55 _lhsOallvisits _lhsOchildvisit _lhsOerrors _lhsOfromToStates _lhsOintramap _lhsOlazyIntras _lhsOruleKinds _lhsOruleUsage _lhsOsem_visit _lhsOt_visits _lhsOusedArgs _lhsOvisitKinds _lhsOvisitdefs _lhsOvisituses) <- return (inv_Visits_s56 sem arg55)
return (Syn_Visits _lhsOallvisits _lhsOchildvisit _lhsOerrors _lhsOfromToStates _lhsOintramap _lhsOlazyIntras _lhsOruleKinds _lhsOruleUsage _lhsOsem_visit _lhsOt_visits _lhsOusedArgs _lhsOvisitKinds _lhsOvisitdefs _lhsOvisituses)
{-# NOINLINE sem_Visits #-}
sem_Visits :: Visits -> T_Visits
sem_Visits list = Prelude.foldr sem_Visits_Cons sem_Visits_Nil (Prelude.map sem_Visit list)
newtype T_Visits = T_Visits {
attach_T_Visits :: Identity (T_Visits_s56 )
newtype T_Visits_s56 = C_Visits_s56 {
inv_Visits_s56 :: (T_Visits_v55 )
data T_Visits_s57 = C_Visits_s57
type T_Visits_v55 = (T_Visits_vIn55 ) -> (T_Visits_vOut55 )
data T_Visits_vIn55 = T_Visits_vIn55 (Map VisitIdentifier (Int,Int)) (Map NontermIdent Attributes) (Map NontermIdent Int) (Map NontermIdent Attributes) (Map VisitIdentifier VisitKind) (Map VisitIdentifier (Identifier -> VisitKind -> Either Error (PP_Doc, PP_Doc))) (Map StateIdentifier (Map String (Maybe NonLocalAttr))) (Map VisitIdentifier (Set Identifier)) (Map VisitIdentifier (Set Identifier)) (Map Identifier Type) (Map Identifier (VisitKind -> FormatMode -> Either Error (PP_Doc, Set String, Map String (Maybe NonLocalAttr)))) (ConstructorIdent) (Attributes) (Map Identifier (VisitKind -> FormatMode -> Either Error PP_Doc)) (Map StateIdentifier StateCtx) (NontermIdent) (Options) ([Identifier]) (Map StateIdentifier StateCtx) (Map Identifier (Set String)) (Map Identifier (Map String (Maybe NonLocalAttr))) (Attributes) (Set String)
data T_Visits_vOut55 = T_Visits_vOut55 ([VisitStateState]) (Map VisitIdentifier (Identifier -> VisitKind -> Either Error (PP_Doc, PP_Doc))) (Seq Error) (Map VisitIdentifier (Int,Int)) (Map StateIdentifier (Map String (Maybe NonLocalAttr))) (Set String) (Map Identifier (Set VisitKind)) (Map Identifier Int) ( [(StateIdentifier,Bool -> PP_Doc)] ) (PP_Doc) (Set String) (Map VisitIdentifier VisitKind) (Map VisitIdentifier (Set Identifier)) (Map VisitIdentifier (Set Identifier))
{-# NOINLINE sem_Visits_Cons #-}
sem_Visits_Cons :: T_Visit -> T_Visits -> T_Visits
sem_Visits_Cons arg_hd_ arg_tl_ = T_Visits (return st56) where
{-# NOINLINE st56 #-}
st56 = let
v55 :: T_Visits_v55
v55 = \ (T_Visits_vIn55 _lhsIallFromToStates _lhsIallInhmap _lhsIallInitStates _lhsIallSynmap _lhsIallVisitKinds _lhsIallchildvisit _lhsIallintramap _lhsIavisitdefs _lhsIavisituses _lhsIchildTypes _lhsIchildintros _lhsIcon _lhsIinhmap _lhsImrules _lhsInextVisits _lhsInt _lhsIoptions _lhsIparams _lhsIprevVisits _lhsIruledefs _lhsIruleuses _lhsIsynmap _lhsIterminaldefs) -> ( let
_hdX47 = Control.Monad.Identity.runIdentity (attach_T_Visit (arg_hd_))
_tlX56 = Control.Monad.Identity.runIdentity (attach_T_Visits (arg_tl_))
(T_Visit_vOut46 _hdIallvisits _hdIchildvisit _hdIerrors _hdIfromToStates _hdIintramap _hdIlazyIntras _hdIruleKinds _hdIruleUsage _hdIsem_visit _hdIt_visits _hdIusedArgs _hdIvisitKinds _hdIvisitdefs _hdIvisituses) = inv_Visit_s47 _hdX47 (T_Visit_vIn46 _hdOallFromToStates _hdOallInhmap _hdOallInitStates _hdOallSynmap _hdOallVisitKinds _hdOallchildvisit _hdOallintramap _hdOavisitdefs _hdOavisituses _hdOchildTypes _hdOchildintros _hdOcon _hdOinhmap _hdOmrules _hdOnextVisits _hdOnt _hdOoptions _hdOparams _hdOprevVisits _hdOruledefs _hdOruleuses _hdOsynmap _hdOterminaldefs)
(T_Visits_vOut55 _tlIallvisits _tlIchildvisit _tlIerrors _tlIfromToStates _tlIintramap _tlIlazyIntras _tlIruleKinds _tlIruleUsage _tlIsem_visit _tlIt_visits _tlIusedArgs _tlIvisitKinds _tlIvisitdefs _tlIvisituses) = inv_Visits_s56 _tlX56 (T_Visits_vIn55 _tlOallFromToStates _tlOallInhmap _tlOallInitStates _tlOallSynmap _tlOallVisitKinds _tlOallchildvisit _tlOallintramap _tlOavisitdefs _tlOavisituses _tlOchildTypes _tlOchildintros _tlOcon _tlOinhmap _tlOmrules _tlOnextVisits _tlOnt _tlOoptions _tlOparams _tlOprevVisits _tlOruledefs _tlOruleuses _tlOsynmap _tlOterminaldefs)
_lhsOallvisits :: [VisitStateState]
_lhsOallvisits = rule870 _hdIallvisits _tlIallvisits
_lhsOchildvisit :: Map VisitIdentifier (Identifier -> VisitKind -> Either Error (PP_Doc, PP_Doc))
_lhsOchildvisit = rule871 _hdIchildvisit _tlIchildvisit
_lhsOerrors :: Seq Error
_lhsOerrors = rule872 _hdIerrors _tlIerrors
_lhsOfromToStates :: Map VisitIdentifier (Int,Int)
_lhsOfromToStates = rule873 _hdIfromToStates _tlIfromToStates
_lhsOintramap :: Map StateIdentifier (Map String (Maybe NonLocalAttr))
_lhsOintramap = rule874 _hdIintramap _tlIintramap
_lhsOlazyIntras :: Set String
_lhsOlazyIntras = rule875 _hdIlazyIntras _tlIlazyIntras
_lhsOruleKinds :: Map Identifier (Set VisitKind)
_lhsOruleKinds = rule876 _hdIruleKinds _tlIruleKinds
_lhsOruleUsage :: Map Identifier Int
_lhsOruleUsage = rule877 _hdIruleUsage _tlIruleUsage
_lhsOsem_visit :: [(StateIdentifier,Bool -> PP_Doc)]
_lhsOsem_visit = rule878 _hdIsem_visit _tlIsem_visit
_lhsOt_visits :: PP_Doc
_lhsOt_visits = rule879 _hdIt_visits _tlIt_visits
_lhsOusedArgs :: Set String
_lhsOusedArgs = rule880 _hdIusedArgs _tlIusedArgs
_lhsOvisitKinds :: Map VisitIdentifier VisitKind
_lhsOvisitKinds = rule881 _hdIvisitKinds _tlIvisitKinds
_lhsOvisitdefs :: Map VisitIdentifier (Set Identifier)
_lhsOvisitdefs = rule882 _hdIvisitdefs _tlIvisitdefs
_lhsOvisituses :: Map VisitIdentifier (Set Identifier)
_lhsOvisituses = rule883 _hdIvisituses _tlIvisituses
_hdOallFromToStates = rule884 _lhsIallFromToStates
_hdOallInhmap = rule885 _lhsIallInhmap
_hdOallInitStates = rule886 _lhsIallInitStates
_hdOallSynmap = rule887 _lhsIallSynmap
_hdOallVisitKinds = rule888 _lhsIallVisitKinds
_hdOallchildvisit = rule889 _lhsIallchildvisit
_hdOallintramap = rule890 _lhsIallintramap
_hdOavisitdefs = rule891 _lhsIavisitdefs
_hdOavisituses = rule892 _lhsIavisituses
_hdOchildTypes = rule893 _lhsIchildTypes
_hdOchildintros = rule894 _lhsIchildintros
_hdOcon = rule895 _lhsIcon
_hdOinhmap = rule896 _lhsIinhmap
_hdOmrules = rule897 _lhsImrules
_hdOnextVisits = rule898 _lhsInextVisits
_hdOnt = rule899 _lhsInt
_hdOoptions = rule900 _lhsIoptions
_hdOparams = rule901 _lhsIparams
_hdOprevVisits = rule902 _lhsIprevVisits
_hdOruledefs = rule903 _lhsIruledefs
_hdOruleuses = rule904 _lhsIruleuses
_hdOsynmap = rule905 _lhsIsynmap
_hdOterminaldefs = rule906 _lhsIterminaldefs
_tlOallFromToStates = rule907 _lhsIallFromToStates
_tlOallInhmap = rule908 _lhsIallInhmap
_tlOallInitStates = rule909 _lhsIallInitStates
_tlOallSynmap = rule910 _lhsIallSynmap
_tlOallVisitKinds = rule911 _lhsIallVisitKinds
_tlOallchildvisit = rule912 _lhsIallchildvisit
_tlOallintramap = rule913 _lhsIallintramap
_tlOavisitdefs = rule914 _lhsIavisitdefs
_tlOavisituses = rule915 _lhsIavisituses
_tlOchildTypes = rule916 _lhsIchildTypes
_tlOchildintros = rule917 _lhsIchildintros
_tlOcon = rule918 _lhsIcon
_tlOinhmap = rule919 _lhsIinhmap
_tlOmrules = rule920 _lhsImrules
_tlOnextVisits = rule921 _lhsInextVisits
_tlOnt = rule922 _lhsInt
_tlOoptions = rule923 _lhsIoptions
_tlOparams = rule924 _lhsIparams
_tlOprevVisits = rule925 _lhsIprevVisits
_tlOruledefs = rule926 _lhsIruledefs
_tlOruleuses = rule927 _lhsIruleuses
_tlOsynmap = rule928 _lhsIsynmap
_tlOterminaldefs = rule929 _lhsIterminaldefs
__result_ = T_Visits_vOut55 _lhsOallvisits _lhsOchildvisit _lhsOerrors _lhsOfromToStates _lhsOintramap _lhsOlazyIntras _lhsOruleKinds _lhsOruleUsage _lhsOsem_visit _lhsOt_visits _lhsOusedArgs _lhsOvisitKinds _lhsOvisitdefs _lhsOvisituses
in __result_ )
in C_Visits_s56 v55
{-# INLINE rule870 #-}
rule870 = \ ((_hdIallvisits) :: VisitStateState ) ((_tlIallvisits) :: [VisitStateState]) ->
_hdIallvisits : _tlIallvisits
{-# INLINE rule871 #-}
rule871 = \ ((_hdIchildvisit) :: Map VisitIdentifier (Identifier -> VisitKind -> Either Error (PP_Doc, PP_Doc))) ((_tlIchildvisit) :: Map VisitIdentifier (Identifier -> VisitKind -> Either Error (PP_Doc, PP_Doc))) ->
_hdIchildvisit `Map.union` _tlIchildvisit
{-# INLINE rule872 #-}
rule872 = \ ((_hdIerrors) :: Seq Error) ((_tlIerrors) :: Seq Error) ->
_hdIerrors Seq.>< _tlIerrors
{-# INLINE rule873 #-}
rule873 = \ ((_hdIfromToStates) :: Map VisitIdentifier (Int,Int)) ((_tlIfromToStates) :: Map VisitIdentifier (Int,Int)) ->
_hdIfromToStates `mappend` _tlIfromToStates
{-# INLINE rule874 #-}
rule874 = \ ((_hdIintramap) :: Map StateIdentifier (Map String (Maybe NonLocalAttr))) ((_tlIintramap) :: Map StateIdentifier (Map String (Maybe NonLocalAttr))) ->
_hdIintramap `uwMapUnion` _tlIintramap
{-# INLINE rule875 #-}
rule875 = \ ((_hdIlazyIntras) :: Set String) ((_tlIlazyIntras) :: Set String) ->
_hdIlazyIntras `Set.union` _tlIlazyIntras
{-# INLINE rule876 #-}
rule876 = \ ((_hdIruleKinds) :: Map Identifier (Set VisitKind)) ((_tlIruleKinds) :: Map Identifier (Set VisitKind)) ->
_hdIruleKinds `unionWithMappend` _tlIruleKinds
{-# INLINE rule877 #-}
rule877 = \ ((_hdIruleUsage) :: Map Identifier Int) ((_tlIruleUsage) :: Map Identifier Int) ->
_hdIruleUsage `unionWithSum` _tlIruleUsage
{-# INLINE rule878 #-}
rule878 = \ ((_hdIsem_visit) :: (StateIdentifier,Bool -> PP_Doc) ) ((_tlIsem_visit) :: [(StateIdentifier,Bool -> PP_Doc)] ) ->
_hdIsem_visit : _tlIsem_visit
{-# INLINE rule879 #-}
rule879 = \ ((_hdIt_visits) :: PP_Doc) ((_tlIt_visits) :: PP_Doc) ->
_hdIt_visits >-< _tlIt_visits
{-# INLINE rule880 #-}
rule880 = \ ((_hdIusedArgs) :: Set String) ((_tlIusedArgs) :: Set String) ->
_hdIusedArgs `Set.union` _tlIusedArgs
{-# INLINE rule881 #-}
rule881 = \ ((_hdIvisitKinds) :: Map VisitIdentifier VisitKind) ((_tlIvisitKinds) :: Map VisitIdentifier VisitKind) ->
_hdIvisitKinds `mappend` _tlIvisitKinds
{-# INLINE rule882 #-}
rule882 = \ ((_hdIvisitdefs) :: Map VisitIdentifier (Set Identifier)) ((_tlIvisitdefs) :: Map VisitIdentifier (Set Identifier)) ->
_hdIvisitdefs `uwSetUnion` _tlIvisitdefs
{-# INLINE rule883 #-}
rule883 = \ ((_hdIvisituses) :: Map VisitIdentifier (Set Identifier)) ((_tlIvisituses) :: Map VisitIdentifier (Set Identifier)) ->
_hdIvisituses `uwSetUnion` _tlIvisituses
{-# INLINE rule884 #-}
rule884 = \ ((_lhsIallFromToStates) :: Map VisitIdentifier (Int,Int)) ->
{-# INLINE rule885 #-}
rule885 = \ ((_lhsIallInhmap) :: Map NontermIdent Attributes) ->
{-# INLINE rule886 #-}
rule886 = \ ((_lhsIallInitStates) :: Map NontermIdent Int) ->
{-# INLINE rule887 #-}
rule887 = \ ((_lhsIallSynmap) :: Map NontermIdent Attributes) ->
{-# INLINE rule888 #-}
rule888 = \ ((_lhsIallVisitKinds) :: Map VisitIdentifier VisitKind) ->
{-# INLINE rule889 #-}
rule889 = \ ((_lhsIallchildvisit) :: Map VisitIdentifier (Identifier -> VisitKind -> Either Error (PP_Doc, PP_Doc))) ->
{-# INLINE rule890 #-}
rule890 = \ ((_lhsIallintramap) :: Map StateIdentifier (Map String (Maybe NonLocalAttr))) ->
{-# INLINE rule891 #-}
rule891 = \ ((_lhsIavisitdefs) :: Map VisitIdentifier (Set Identifier)) ->
{-# INLINE rule892 #-}
rule892 = \ ((_lhsIavisituses) :: Map VisitIdentifier (Set Identifier)) ->
{-# INLINE rule893 #-}
rule893 = \ ((_lhsIchildTypes) :: Map Identifier Type) ->
{-# INLINE rule894 #-}
rule894 = \ ((_lhsIchildintros) :: Map Identifier (VisitKind -> FormatMode -> Either Error (PP_Doc, Set String, Map String (Maybe NonLocalAttr)))) ->
{-# INLINE rule895 #-}
rule895 = \ ((_lhsIcon) :: ConstructorIdent) ->
{-# INLINE rule896 #-}
rule896 = \ ((_lhsIinhmap) :: Attributes) ->
{-# INLINE rule897 #-}
rule897 = \ ((_lhsImrules) :: Map Identifier (VisitKind -> FormatMode -> Either Error PP_Doc)) ->
{-# INLINE rule898 #-}
rule898 = \ ((_lhsInextVisits) :: Map StateIdentifier StateCtx) ->
{-# INLINE rule899 #-}
rule899 = \ ((_lhsInt) :: NontermIdent) ->
{-# INLINE rule900 #-}
rule900 = \ ((_lhsIoptions) :: Options) ->
{-# INLINE rule901 #-}
rule901 = \ ((_lhsIparams) :: [Identifier]) ->
{-# INLINE rule902 #-}
rule902 = \ ((_lhsIprevVisits) :: Map StateIdentifier StateCtx) ->
{-# INLINE rule903 #-}
rule903 = \ ((_lhsIruledefs) :: Map Identifier (Set String)) ->
{-# INLINE rule904 #-}
rule904 = \ ((_lhsIruleuses) :: Map Identifier (Map String (Maybe NonLocalAttr))) ->
{-# INLINE rule905 #-}
rule905 = \ ((_lhsIsynmap) :: Attributes) ->
{-# INLINE rule906 #-}
rule906 = \ ((_lhsIterminaldefs) :: Set String) ->
{-# INLINE rule907 #-}
rule907 = \ ((_lhsIallFromToStates) :: Map VisitIdentifier (Int,Int)) ->
{-# INLINE rule908 #-}
rule908 = \ ((_lhsIallInhmap) :: Map NontermIdent Attributes) ->
{-# INLINE rule909 #-}
rule909 = \ ((_lhsIallInitStates) :: Map NontermIdent Int) ->
{-# INLINE rule910 #-}
rule910 = \ ((_lhsIallSynmap) :: Map NontermIdent Attributes) ->
{-# INLINE rule911 #-}
rule911 = \ ((_lhsIallVisitKinds) :: Map VisitIdentifier VisitKind) ->
{-# INLINE rule912 #-}
rule912 = \ ((_lhsIallchildvisit) :: Map VisitIdentifier (Identifier -> VisitKind -> Either Error (PP_Doc, PP_Doc))) ->
{-# INLINE rule913 #-}
rule913 = \ ((_lhsIallintramap) :: Map StateIdentifier (Map String (Maybe NonLocalAttr))) ->
{-# INLINE rule914 #-}
rule914 = \ ((_lhsIavisitdefs) :: Map VisitIdentifier (Set Identifier)) ->
{-# INLINE rule915 #-}
rule915 = \ ((_lhsIavisituses) :: Map VisitIdentifier (Set Identifier)) ->
{-# INLINE rule916 #-}
rule916 = \ ((_lhsIchildTypes) :: Map Identifier Type) ->
{-# INLINE rule917 #-}
rule917 = \ ((_lhsIchildintros) :: Map Identifier (VisitKind -> FormatMode -> Either Error (PP_Doc, Set String, Map String (Maybe NonLocalAttr)))) ->
{-# INLINE rule918 #-}
rule918 = \ ((_lhsIcon) :: ConstructorIdent) ->
{-# INLINE rule919 #-}
rule919 = \ ((_lhsIinhmap) :: Attributes) ->
{-# INLINE rule920 #-}
rule920 = \ ((_lhsImrules) :: Map Identifier (VisitKind -> FormatMode -> Either Error PP_Doc)) ->
{-# INLINE rule921 #-}
rule921 = \ ((_lhsInextVisits) :: Map StateIdentifier StateCtx) ->
{-# INLINE rule922 #-}
rule922 = \ ((_lhsInt) :: NontermIdent) ->
{-# INLINE rule923 #-}
rule923 = \ ((_lhsIoptions) :: Options) ->
{-# INLINE rule924 #-}
rule924 = \ ((_lhsIparams) :: [Identifier]) ->
{-# INLINE rule925 #-}
rule925 = \ ((_lhsIprevVisits) :: Map StateIdentifier StateCtx) ->
{-# INLINE rule926 #-}
rule926 = \ ((_lhsIruledefs) :: Map Identifier (Set String)) ->
{-# INLINE rule927 #-}
rule927 = \ ((_lhsIruleuses) :: Map Identifier (Map String (Maybe NonLocalAttr))) ->
{-# INLINE rule928 #-}
rule928 = \ ((_lhsIsynmap) :: Attributes) ->
{-# INLINE rule929 #-}
rule929 = \ ((_lhsIterminaldefs) :: Set String) ->
{-# NOINLINE sem_Visits_Nil #-}
sem_Visits_Nil :: T_Visits
sem_Visits_Nil = T_Visits (return st56) where
{-# NOINLINE st56 #-}
st56 = let
v55 :: T_Visits_v55
v55 = \ (T_Visits_vIn55 _lhsIallFromToStates _lhsIallInhmap _lhsIallInitStates _lhsIallSynmap _lhsIallVisitKinds _lhsIallchildvisit _lhsIallintramap _lhsIavisitdefs _lhsIavisituses _lhsIchildTypes _lhsIchildintros _lhsIcon _lhsIinhmap _lhsImrules _lhsInextVisits _lhsInt _lhsIoptions _lhsIparams _lhsIprevVisits _lhsIruledefs _lhsIruleuses _lhsIsynmap _lhsIterminaldefs) -> ( let
_lhsOallvisits :: [VisitStateState]
_lhsOallvisits = rule930 ()
_lhsOchildvisit :: Map VisitIdentifier (Identifier -> VisitKind -> Either Error (PP_Doc, PP_Doc))
_lhsOchildvisit = rule931 ()
_lhsOerrors :: Seq Error
_lhsOerrors = rule932 ()
_lhsOfromToStates :: Map VisitIdentifier (Int,Int)
_lhsOfromToStates = rule933 ()
_lhsOintramap :: Map StateIdentifier (Map String (Maybe NonLocalAttr))
_lhsOintramap = rule934 ()
_lhsOlazyIntras :: Set String
_lhsOlazyIntras = rule935 ()
_lhsOruleKinds :: Map Identifier (Set VisitKind)
_lhsOruleKinds = rule936 ()
_lhsOruleUsage :: Map Identifier Int
_lhsOruleUsage = rule937 ()
_lhsOsem_visit :: [(StateIdentifier,Bool -> PP_Doc)]
_lhsOsem_visit = rule938 ()
_lhsOt_visits :: PP_Doc
_lhsOt_visits = rule939 ()
_lhsOusedArgs :: Set String
_lhsOusedArgs = rule940 ()
_lhsOvisitKinds :: Map VisitIdentifier VisitKind
_lhsOvisitKinds = rule941 ()
_lhsOvisitdefs :: Map VisitIdentifier (Set Identifier)
_lhsOvisitdefs = rule942 ()
_lhsOvisituses :: Map VisitIdentifier (Set Identifier)
_lhsOvisituses = rule943 ()
__result_ = T_Visits_vOut55 _lhsOallvisits _lhsOchildvisit _lhsOerrors _lhsOfromToStates _lhsOintramap _lhsOlazyIntras _lhsOruleKinds _lhsOruleUsage _lhsOsem_visit _lhsOt_visits _lhsOusedArgs _lhsOvisitKinds _lhsOvisitdefs _lhsOvisituses
in __result_ )
in C_Visits_s56 v55
{-# INLINE rule930 #-}
rule930 = \ (_ :: ()) ->
{-# INLINE rule931 #-}
rule931 = \ (_ :: ()) ->
{-# INLINE rule932 #-}
rule932 = \ (_ :: ()) ->
{-# INLINE rule933 #-}
rule933 = \ (_ :: ()) ->
{-# INLINE rule934 #-}
rule934 = \ (_ :: ()) ->
{-# INLINE rule935 #-}
rule935 = \ (_ :: ()) ->
{-# INLINE rule936 #-}
rule936 = \ (_ :: ()) ->
{-# INLINE rule937 #-}
rule937 = \ (_ :: ()) ->
{-# INLINE rule938 #-}
rule938 = \ (_ :: ()) ->
{-# INLINE rule939 #-}
rule939 = \ (_ :: ()) ->
{-# INLINE rule940 #-}
rule940 = \ (_ :: ()) ->
{-# INLINE rule941 #-}
rule941 = \ (_ :: ()) ->
{-# INLINE rule942 #-}
rule942 = \ (_ :: ()) ->
{-# INLINE rule943 #-}
rule943 = \ (_ :: ()) ->