PRAGMA strictdata PRAGMA optimize PRAGMA bangpats PRAGMA strictwrap INCLUDE "" INCLUDE "" imports { import Pretty import Code import Patterns import Options import CommonTypes hiding (List,Type,Map,Maybe,IntMap,Either) import Data.List(intersperse,intercalate) import Data.Char(toLower) } { type PP_Docs = [PP_Doc] ppMultiSeqH :: [PP_Doc] -> PP_Doc -> PP_Doc ppMultiSeqH = ppMultiSeq' (>#<) ppMultiSeqV :: [PP_Doc] -> PP_Doc -> PP_Doc ppMultiSeqV = ppMultiSeq' (>-<) ppMultiSeq' :: (PP_Doc -> PP_Doc -> PP_Doc) -> [PP_Doc] -> PP_Doc -> PP_Doc ppMultiSeq' next strictArgs expr = foldr (\v r -> (v >#< "`seq`") `next` pp_parens r) expr strictArgs ppTuple :: Bool -> [PP_Doc] -> PP_Doc ppTuple True pps = "(" >|< pp_block " " (replicate (length pps `max` 1) ')') ",(" pps ppTuple False pps = "(" >|< pp_block " " ")" "," pps } -- -- Pass options down -- ATTR Program Expr Exprs Decl Decls Chunk Chunks CaseAlts CaseAlt Lhs Pattern Patterns [ options:{Options} | | ] ATTR Program Chunks Chunk [ textBlockMap : {Map BlockInfo PP_Doc} | | ] -- -- Collect outputs -- ATTR Program [ | | output:{PP_Docs} ] ATTR Expr Decl DataAlt CaseAlt Type NamedType Lhs Pattern [ | | pp:{PP_Doc} ] ATTR Exprs DataAlts CaseAlts Types NamedTypes Decls Chunk Chunks Patterns [ | | pps : {PP_Docs} ] SEM Program | Program lhs.output = @chunks.pps SEM Exprs | Cons lhs.pps = @hd.pp : @tl.pps | Nil lhs.pps = [] SEM CaseAlts | Cons lhs.pps = @hd.pp : @tl.pps | Nil lhs.pps = [] SEM DataAlts | Cons lhs.pps = @hd.pp : @tl.pps | Nil lhs.pps = [] SEM Types | Cons lhs.pps = @hd.pp : @tl.pps | Nil lhs.pps = [] SEM NamedTypes | Cons lhs.pps = @hd.pp : @tl.pps | Nil lhs.pps = [] SEM Decls | Cons lhs.pps = @hd.pp : @tl.pps | Nil lhs.pps = [] SEM Chunks | Cons lhs.pps = @hd.pps ++ @tl.pps | Nil lhs.pps = [] SEM Patterns | Cons lhs.pps = @hd.pp : @tl.pps | Nil lhs.pps = [] -- -- Individual cases -- SEM Chunk | Chunk lhs.pps = @comment.pp : @info.pps ++ @dataDef.pps ++ @semDom.pps ++ @semFunctions.pps ++ @semWrapper.pps ++ @cataFun.pps ++ [Map.findWithDefault empty (BlockOther, Just $ identifier @name) @lhs.textBlockMap] SEM Decl | Decl lhs.pp = if @lhs.isToplevel then "let" >#< @left.pp >#< "=" >-< indent 4 @rhs.pp >#< ";;" else "let" >#< @left.pp >#< "=" >-< indent 4 @rhs.pp >#< "in" | Bind lhs.pp = error "pp of Decl.Bind not supported" | BindLet lhs.pp = error "pp of Decl.BindLet not supported" | Data lhs.pp = "type" >#< hv_sp (map (\p -> "'" >|< p) @params ++ [text $ toOcamlTC @name]) >#< ( case @alts.pps of [] -> empty (x:xs) -> "=" >#< x >-< vlist (map ("|" >#<) xs) ) >#< ";;" | NewType lhs.pp = error "pp of Decl.NewType not supported" | Type lhs.pp = "type" >#< hv_sp (map (\p -> "'" >|< p) @params ++ [text $ toOcamlTC @name]) >#< "=" >#< @tp.pp >#< ";;" | TSig lhs.pp = "(*" >#< @name >#< ":" >#< @tp.pp >#< "*)" | Comment lhs.pp = if '\n' `elem` @txt then "(* " >-< vlist (lines @txt) >-< "*)" else "(*" >#< @txt >#< "*)" | PragmaDecl lhs.pp = error "pp of Decl.PragmaDecl not supported" SEM Expr | Let lhs.pp = pp_parens $ vlist (@decls.pps ++ [@body.pp]) | Case lhs.pp = pp_parens ( "match" >#< @expr.pp >#< "with" >-< indent 2 ( case @alts.pps of [] -> empty (x:xs) -> " " >#< x >-< vlist (map ("|" >#<) xs) ) ) | Do lhs.pp = error "pp of Expr.Do not supported" | Lambda lhs.pp = pp_parens ( pp "fun" >#< hv_sp @args.pps >#< "->" >-< indent 2 @body.pp ) | TupleExpr lhs.pp = ppTuple False @exprs.pps | UnboxedTupleExpr lhs.pp = error "pp of Expr.UnboxedTupleExpr not supported" | App lhs.pp = pp_parens $ @name >#< hv_sp @args.pps | SimpleExpr lhs.pp = text @txt | TextExpr lhs.pp = vlist (map text @lns) | Trace lhs.pp = @expr.pp | PragmaExpr lhs.pp = @expr.pp | LineExpr lhs.pp = @expr.pp | TypedExpr lhs.pp = @expr.pp SEM Lhs | Pattern3 lhs.pp = @pat3.pp | Pattern3SM lhs.pp = error "pp of Lhs.Pattern3SM not supported" | TupleLhs lhs.pp = ppTuple False (map text @comps) | UnboxedTupleLhs lhs.pp = error "pp of Lhs.UnboxedTupleLhs not supported" | Fun lhs.pp = @name >#< hv_sp @args.pps | Unwrap lhs.pp = pp_parens (@name >#< @sub.pp) SEM Type | Arr lhs.pp = pp_parens (@left.pp >#< "->" >#< @right.pp) | CtxApp lhs.pp = error "pp of Type.CtxApp not supported" | TypeApp lhs.pp = pp_parens (hv_sp (@args.pps ++ [@func.pp])) | TupleType lhs.pp = pp_block "(" ")" "," @tps.pps | UnboxedTupleType lhs.pp = error "pp of Type.UnboxedTupleType is not supported" | List lhs.pp = @tp.pp >#< "list" | SimpleType lhs.pp = text @txt | NontermType lhs.pp = pp_block "(" ")" " " (map text @params ++ [text $ toOcamlTC @name]) | TMaybe lhs.pp = @tp.pp >#< "opt" | TEither lhs.pp = error "pp of Type.TEither is not supported" | TMap lhs.pp = error "pp of Type.TMap is not supported" | TIntMap lhs.pp = error "pp of Type.TIntMap is not supported" | TSet lhs.pp = error "pp of Type.TSet is not supported" | TIntSet lhs.pp = error "pp of Type.TIntSet is not supported" { toOcamlTC :: String -> String toOcamlTC (c:cs) = toLower c : cs toOcamlTC xs = xs } SEM CaseAlt | CaseAlt lhs.pp = @left.pp >#< "->" >#< @expr.pp SEM DataAlt | DataAlt lhs.pp = @name >#< "of" >#< pp_block "" "" " * " (map pp_parens @args.pps) | Record lhs.pp = pp_block "{" "}" ";" @args.pps SEM NamedType | Named lhs.pp = @name >#< ":" >#< @tp.pp SEM Pattern | Constr lhs.pp = pp_parens $ @name >#< hv_sp @pats.pps | Product lhs.pp = pp_block "(" ")" "," @pats.pps | Alias -- assuming here that there is only an underscore under an alias lhs.pp = if @pat.isUnderscore then pp (attrname @lhs.options False @field @attr) else error "pp of Pattern.Alias is only supported in the form (x@_)" | Irrefutable lhs.pp = error "pp of Pattern.Irrefutable not supported" | Underscore lhs.pp = text "_" SEM Pattern [ | | isUnderscore:{Bool}] | Constr lhs.isUnderscore = False | Product lhs.isUnderscore = False | Alias lhs.isUnderscore = False | Underscore lhs.isUnderscore = True -- -- Determine if a declaration is toplevel -- ATTR Chunks Chunk Decls Decl [ isToplevel : Bool | | ] SEM Program | Program chunks.isToplevel = True SEM Expr | Let decls.isToplevel = False | Do stmts.isToplevel = False