module Data.Function.HT.Private where

import Data.List (genericReplicate, )

{- |
Compositional power of a function,
i.e. apply the function @n@ times to a value.
It is rather the same as @iter@
in Simon Thompson: \"The Craft of Functional Programming\", page 172
{-# INLINE nest #-}
nest, nest1, nest2 :: Int -> (a -> a) -> a -> a
nest 0 _ x = x
nest n f x = f (nest (n-1) f x)

nest1 n f = foldr (.) id (replicate n f)
nest2 n f x = iterate f x !! n

propNest :: (Eq a) => Int -> (a -> a) -> a -> Bool
propNest n f x =
   nest n f x == nest1 n f x

{- |
@powerAssociative@ is an auxiliary function that,
for an associative operation @op@,
computes the same value as

  @powerAssociative op a0 a n = foldr op a0 (genericReplicate n a)@

but applies "op" O(log n) times and works for large n.

{-# INLINE powerAssociative #-}
{-# INLINE powerAssociative1 #-}
powerAssociative, powerAssociative1 ::
   (a -> a -> a) -> a -> a -> Integer -> a
powerAssociative _  a0 _ 0 = a0
powerAssociative op a0 a n =
   powerAssociative op
      (if even n then a0 else (op a0 a))
      (op a a) (div n 2)

powerAssociative1 op a0 a n =
   foldr op a0 (genericReplicate n a)

infixl 0 $%

{- |
Flipped version of '($)'.
($%) :: a -> (a -> b) -> b
($%) = flip ($)