-*-change-log-*- Adam Gundry <adam@well-typed.com> June 2018 * Support building on GHC 8.2 (but not yet 8.4) * Fix unit safety bug in GHC 8.0 and later (see #22) * Expose toRational' in Data.UnitsOfMeasure * Add hlint test suite (thanks to Phil de Joux) * Packaging improvements Adam Gundry <adam@well-typed.com> May 2016 * Support building on GHC 8.0 Adam Gundry <adam@well-typed.com> December 2015 * Add Data.UnitsOfMeasure.Read module and a Read instance for Quantity * Make it possible to declare derived compound units * Define litres, hectares, radians and steradians * Prevent cyclic definitions of convertible units Adam Gundry <adam@well-typed.com> November 2015 * Add more conversion ratios (thanks to Joe Hermaszewski) * Add Storable and NFData instances for Quantity (thanks to Marcin Mrotek) Adam Gundry <adam@well-typed.com> August 2015 * First public release