Name: unix-compat Version: x-revision: 1 Cabal-version: >= 1.2.1 Build-type: Simple License: BSD4 License-file: LICENSE Maintainer: Synopsis: Portable POSIX-compatibility layer. Description: This package provides portable implementations of parts of the unix package. This package re-exports the unix package when available. When it isn't available, portable implementations are used. Flag split-base Library Exposed-modules: System.PosixCompat.Extensions System.PosixCompat.Files System.PosixCompat.User System.PosixCompat.Types Extensions: CPP GHC-Options: -Wall Build-depends: base if os(windows) if flag(split-base) Build-depends: base >= 3 && < 4.7, old-time, directory else Build-depends: base < 3 Extensions: GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving else Build-depends: unix Extensions: ForeignFunctionInterface CPP-options: -DUNIX_IMPL Include-dirs: include Includes: HsUnixCompat.h Install-includes: HsUnixCompat.h C-sources: cbits/HsUnixCompat.c