{-# LANGUAGE ForeignFunctionInterface #-} ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- | -- Module : System.Posix.Process -- Copyright : (c) The University of Glasgow 2002 -- License : BSD-style (see the file libraries/base/LICENSE) -- -- Maintainer : libraries@haskell.org -- Stability : provisional -- Portability : non-portable (requires POSIX) -- -- POSIX process support. See also the System.Cmd and System.Process -- modules in the process package. -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- module System.Posix.Process ( -- * Processes -- ** Forking and executing #ifdef __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ forkProcess, #endif executeFile, -- ** Exiting exitImmediately, -- ** Process environment getProcessID, getParentProcessID, getProcessGroupID, -- ** Process groups createProcessGroup, joinProcessGroup, setProcessGroupID, -- ** Sessions createSession, -- ** Process times ProcessTimes(..), getProcessTimes, -- ** Scheduling priority nice, getProcessPriority, getProcessGroupPriority, getUserPriority, setProcessPriority, setProcessGroupPriority, setUserPriority, -- ** Process status ProcessStatus(..), getProcessStatus, getAnyProcessStatus, getGroupProcessStatus, ) where #include "HsUnix.h" import Foreign.C.Error import Foreign.C.String ( CString, withCString ) import Foreign.C.Types ( CInt, CClock ) import Foreign.Marshal.Alloc ( alloca, allocaBytes ) import Foreign.Marshal.Array ( withArray0 ) import Foreign.Marshal.Utils ( withMany ) import Foreign.Ptr ( Ptr, nullPtr ) import Foreign.StablePtr ( StablePtr, newStablePtr, freeStablePtr ) import Foreign.Storable ( Storable(..) ) import System.IO import System.IO.Error import System.Exit import System.Posix.Error import System.Posix.Process.Internals ( pPrPr_disableITimers, c_execvpe ) import System.Posix.Types import System.Posix.Signals import Control.Monad #ifdef __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ import GHC.TopHandler ( runIO ) #endif #ifdef __HUGS__ {-# CFILES cbits/HsUnix.c #-} #endif -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Process environment -- | 'getProcessID' calls @getpid@ to obtain the 'ProcessID' for -- the current process. getProcessID :: IO ProcessID getProcessID = c_getpid foreign import ccall unsafe "getpid" c_getpid :: IO CPid -- | 'getProcessID' calls @getppid@ to obtain the 'ProcessID' for -- the parent of the current process. getParentProcessID :: IO ProcessID getParentProcessID = c_getppid foreign import ccall unsafe "getppid" c_getppid :: IO CPid -- | 'getProcessGroupID' calls @getpgrp@ to obtain the -- 'ProcessGroupID' for the current process. getProcessGroupID :: IO ProcessGroupID getProcessGroupID = c_getpgrp foreign import ccall unsafe "getpgrp" c_getpgrp :: IO CPid -- | @'createProcessGroup' pid@ calls @setpgid@ to make -- process @pid@ a new process group leader. createProcessGroup :: ProcessID -> IO ProcessGroupID createProcessGroup pid = do throwErrnoIfMinus1_ "createProcessGroup" (c_setpgid pid 0) return pid -- | @'joinProcessGroup' pgid@ calls @setpgid@ to set the -- 'ProcessGroupID' of the current process to @pgid@. joinProcessGroup :: ProcessGroupID -> IO () joinProcessGroup pgid = throwErrnoIfMinus1_ "joinProcessGroup" (c_setpgid 0 pgid) -- | @'setProcessGroupID' pid pgid@ calls @setpgid@ to set the -- 'ProcessGroupID' for process @pid@ to @pgid@. setProcessGroupID :: ProcessID -> ProcessGroupID -> IO () setProcessGroupID pid pgid = throwErrnoIfMinus1_ "setProcessGroupID" (c_setpgid pid pgid) foreign import ccall unsafe "setpgid" c_setpgid :: CPid -> CPid -> IO CInt -- | 'createSession' calls @setsid@ to create a new session -- with the current process as session leader. createSession :: IO ProcessGroupID createSession = throwErrnoIfMinus1 "createSession" c_setsid foreign import ccall unsafe "setsid" c_setsid :: IO CPid -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Process times -- All times in clock ticks (see getClockTick) data ProcessTimes = ProcessTimes { elapsedTime :: ClockTick , userTime :: ClockTick , systemTime :: ClockTick , childUserTime :: ClockTick , childSystemTime :: ClockTick } -- | 'getProcessTimes' calls @times@ to obtain time-accounting -- information for the current process and its children. getProcessTimes :: IO ProcessTimes getProcessTimes = do allocaBytes (#const sizeof(struct tms)) $ \p_tms -> do elapsed <- throwErrnoIfMinus1 "getProcessTimes" (c_times p_tms) ut <- (#peek struct tms, tms_utime) p_tms st <- (#peek struct tms, tms_stime) p_tms cut <- (#peek struct tms, tms_cutime) p_tms cst <- (#peek struct tms, tms_cstime) p_tms return (ProcessTimes{ elapsedTime = elapsed, userTime = ut, systemTime = st, childUserTime = cut, childSystemTime = cst }) type CTms = () foreign import ccall unsafe "times" c_times :: Ptr CTms -> IO CClock -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Process scheduling priority nice :: Int -> IO () nice prio = do resetErrno res <- c_nice (fromIntegral prio) when (res == -1) $ do err <- getErrno when (err /= eOK) (throwErrno "nice") foreign import ccall unsafe "nice" c_nice :: CInt -> IO CInt getProcessPriority :: ProcessID -> IO Int getProcessGroupPriority :: ProcessGroupID -> IO Int getUserPriority :: UserID -> IO Int getProcessPriority pid = do r <- throwErrnoIfMinus1 "getProcessPriority" $ c_getpriority (#const PRIO_PROCESS) (fromIntegral pid) return (fromIntegral r) getProcessGroupPriority pid = do r <- throwErrnoIfMinus1 "getProcessPriority" $ c_getpriority (#const PRIO_PGRP) (fromIntegral pid) return (fromIntegral r) getUserPriority uid = do r <- throwErrnoIfMinus1 "getUserPriority" $ c_getpriority (#const PRIO_USER) (fromIntegral uid) return (fromIntegral r) foreign import ccall unsafe "getpriority" c_getpriority :: CInt -> CInt -> IO CInt setProcessPriority :: ProcessID -> Int -> IO () setProcessGroupPriority :: ProcessGroupID -> Int -> IO () setUserPriority :: UserID -> Int -> IO () setProcessPriority pid val = throwErrnoIfMinus1_ "setProcessPriority" $ c_setpriority (#const PRIO_PROCESS) (fromIntegral pid) (fromIntegral val) setProcessGroupPriority pid val = throwErrnoIfMinus1_ "setProcessPriority" $ c_setpriority (#const PRIO_PGRP) (fromIntegral pid) (fromIntegral val) setUserPriority uid val = throwErrnoIfMinus1_ "setUserPriority" $ c_setpriority (#const PRIO_USER) (fromIntegral uid) (fromIntegral val) foreign import ccall unsafe "setpriority" c_setpriority :: CInt -> CInt -> CInt -> IO CInt -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Forking, execution #ifdef __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ {- | 'forkProcess' corresponds to the POSIX @fork@ system call. The 'IO' action passed as an argument is executed in the child process; no other threads will be copied to the child process. On success, 'forkProcess' returns the child's 'ProcessID' to the parent process; in case of an error, an exception is thrown. 'forkProcess' comes with a giant warning: since any other running threads are not copied into the child process, it's easy to go wrong: e.g. by accessing some shared resource that was held by another thread in the parent. Another example is the I\/O manager thread: since the I\/O manager isn't running in the child, attempting to do any Handle-based I\/O will deadlock. Using 'forkProcess' in order to do 'executeFile' is likely to work. Anything else: you're on your own. -} forkProcess :: IO () -> IO ProcessID forkProcess action = do stable <- newStablePtr (runIO action) pid <- throwErrnoIfMinus1 "forkProcess" (forkProcessPrim stable) freeStablePtr stable return $ fromIntegral pid foreign import ccall "forkProcess" forkProcessPrim :: StablePtr (IO ()) -> IO CPid #endif /* __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ */ -- | @'executeFile' cmd args env@ calls one of the -- @execv*@ family, depending on whether or not the current -- PATH is to be searched for the command, and whether or not an -- environment is provided to supersede the process's current -- environment. The basename (leading directory names suppressed) of -- the command is passed to @execv*@ as @arg[0]@; -- the argument list passed to 'executeFile' therefore -- begins with @arg[1]@. executeFile :: FilePath -- ^ Command -> Bool -- ^ Search PATH? -> [String] -- ^ Arguments -> Maybe [(String, String)] -- ^ Environment -> IO () executeFile path search args Nothing = do withCString path $ \s -> withMany withCString (path:args) $ \cstrs -> withArray0 nullPtr cstrs $ \arr -> do pPrPr_disableITimers if search then throwErrnoPathIfMinus1_ "executeFile" path (c_execvp s arr) else throwErrnoPathIfMinus1_ "executeFile" path (c_execv s arr) executeFile path search args (Just env) = do withCString path $ \s -> withMany withCString (path:args) $ \cstrs -> withArray0 nullPtr cstrs $ \arg_arr -> let env' = map (\ (name, val) -> name ++ ('=' : val)) env in withMany withCString env' $ \cenv -> withArray0 nullPtr cenv $ \env_arr -> do pPrPr_disableITimers if search then throwErrnoPathIfMinus1_ "executeFile" path (c_execvpe s arg_arr env_arr) else throwErrnoPathIfMinus1_ "executeFile" path (c_execve s arg_arr env_arr) foreign import ccall unsafe "execvp" c_execvp :: CString -> Ptr CString -> IO CInt foreign import ccall unsafe "execv" c_execv :: CString -> Ptr CString -> IO CInt foreign import ccall unsafe "execve" c_execve :: CString -> Ptr CString -> Ptr CString -> IO CInt -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Waiting for process termination data ProcessStatus = Exited ExitCode | Terminated Signal | Stopped Signal deriving (Eq, Ord, Show) -- | @'getProcessStatus' blk stopped pid@ calls @waitpid@, returning -- @'Just' tc@, the 'ProcessStatus' for process @pid@ if it is -- available, 'Nothing' otherwise. If @blk@ is 'False', then -- @WNOHANG@ is set in the options for @waitpid@, otherwise not. -- If @stopped@ is 'True', then @WUNTRACED@ is set in the -- options for @waitpid@, otherwise not. getProcessStatus :: Bool -> Bool -> ProcessID -> IO (Maybe ProcessStatus) getProcessStatus block stopped pid = alloca $ \wstatp -> do pid' <- throwErrnoIfMinus1Retry "getProcessStatus" (c_waitpid pid wstatp (waitOptions block stopped)) case pid' of 0 -> return Nothing _ -> do ps <- decipherWaitStatus wstatp return (Just ps) -- safe, because this call might block foreign import ccall safe "waitpid" c_waitpid :: CPid -> Ptr CInt -> CInt -> IO CPid -- | @'getGroupProcessStatus' blk stopped pgid@ calls @waitpid@, -- returning @'Just' (pid, tc)@, the 'ProcessID' and -- 'ProcessStatus' for any process in group @pgid@ if one is -- available, 'Nothing' otherwise. If @blk@ is 'False', then -- @WNOHANG@ is set in the options for @waitpid@, otherwise not. -- If @stopped@ is 'True', then @WUNTRACED@ is set in the -- options for @waitpid@, otherwise not. getGroupProcessStatus :: Bool -> Bool -> ProcessGroupID -> IO (Maybe (ProcessID, ProcessStatus)) getGroupProcessStatus block stopped pgid = alloca $ \wstatp -> do pid <- throwErrnoIfMinus1Retry "getGroupProcessStatus" (c_waitpid (-pgid) wstatp (waitOptions block stopped)) case pid of 0 -> return Nothing _ -> do ps <- decipherWaitStatus wstatp return (Just (pid, ps)) -- | @'getAnyProcessStatus' blk stopped@ calls @waitpid@, returning -- @'Just' (pid, tc)@, the 'ProcessID' and 'ProcessStatus' for any -- child process if one is available, 'Nothing' otherwise. If -- @blk@ is 'False', then @WNOHANG@ is set in the options for -- @waitpid@, otherwise not. If @stopped@ is 'True', then -- @WUNTRACED@ is set in the options for @waitpid@, otherwise not. getAnyProcessStatus :: Bool -> Bool -> IO (Maybe (ProcessID, ProcessStatus)) getAnyProcessStatus block stopped = getGroupProcessStatus block stopped 1 waitOptions :: Bool -> Bool -> CInt -- block stopped waitOptions False False = (#const WNOHANG) waitOptions False True = (#const (WNOHANG|WUNTRACED)) waitOptions True False = 0 waitOptions True True = (#const WUNTRACED) -- Turn a (ptr to a) wait status into a ProcessStatus decipherWaitStatus :: Ptr CInt -> IO ProcessStatus decipherWaitStatus wstatp = do wstat <- peek wstatp if c_WIFEXITED wstat /= 0 then do let exitstatus = c_WEXITSTATUS wstat if exitstatus == 0 then return (Exited ExitSuccess) else return (Exited (ExitFailure (fromIntegral exitstatus))) else do if c_WIFSIGNALED wstat /= 0 then do let termsig = c_WTERMSIG wstat return (Terminated (fromIntegral termsig)) else do if c_WIFSTOPPED wstat /= 0 then do let stopsig = c_WSTOPSIG wstat return (Stopped (fromIntegral stopsig)) else do ioError (mkIOError illegalOperationErrorType "waitStatus" Nothing Nothing) foreign import ccall unsafe "__hsunix_wifexited" c_WIFEXITED :: CInt -> CInt foreign import ccall unsafe "__hsunix_wexitstatus" c_WEXITSTATUS :: CInt -> CInt foreign import ccall unsafe "__hsunix_wifsignaled" c_WIFSIGNALED :: CInt -> CInt foreign import ccall unsafe "__hsunix_wtermsig" c_WTERMSIG :: CInt -> CInt foreign import ccall unsafe "__hsunix_wifstopped" c_WIFSTOPPED :: CInt -> CInt foreign import ccall unsafe "__hsunix_wstopsig" c_WSTOPSIG :: CInt -> CInt -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Exiting -- | @'exitImmediately' status@ calls @_exit@ to terminate the process -- with the indicated exit @status@. -- The operation never returns. exitImmediately :: ExitCode -> IO () exitImmediately exitcode = c_exit (exitcode2Int exitcode) where exitcode2Int ExitSuccess = 0 exitcode2Int (ExitFailure n) = fromIntegral n foreign import ccall unsafe "exit" c_exit :: CInt -> IO () -- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------