{-# LANGUAGE CPP          #-}
{-# LANGUAGE Trustworthy  #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}

-- | Reexporting useful monadic stuff.

module Monad
       ( module Monad.Maybe
       , module Monad.Either
       , module Monad.Trans

       , Monad ((>>=), (>>), return)
       , MonadFail (fail)
       , MonadPlus (..)

       , (=<<)
       , (>=>)
       , (<=<)
       , forever

       , join
       , mfilter
       , filterM
       , mapAndUnzipM
       , zipWithM
       , zipWithM_
       , foldM
       , foldM_
       , replicateM
       , replicateM_

       , concatMapM
       , concatForM

       , guard
       , when
       , unless

       , allM
       , anyM
       , andM
       , orM

       , liftM
       , liftM2
       , liftM3
       , liftM4
       , liftM5
       , ap

       , (<$!>)
       ) where

import           Monad.Either
import           Monad.Maybe
import           Monad.Trans

import           Base                            (IO, seq)
import           Control.Applicative             (Applicative (pure))
import           Data.Function                   ((.))
import           Data.Functor                    (fmap)
import           Data.Traversable                (Traversable (traverse))
import           Prelude                         (Bool (..), flip)

#if __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ >= 710
import           Control.Monad                   hiding (fail, (<$!>))
import           Control.Monad                   hiding (fail)

#if __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ >= 800
import           Control.Monad.Fail              (MonadFail (..))
import           Prelude                         (Maybe (Nothing), String)
import qualified Prelude                         as P (fail)
import           Text.ParserCombinators.ReadP    (ReadP)
import           Text.ParserCombinators.ReadPrec (ReadPrec)

import           Containers                      (Element, NontrivialContainer, toList)

-- | Lifting bind into a monad. Generalized version of @concatMap@
-- that works with a monadic predicate. Old and simpler specialized to list
-- version had next type:
-- @
--     concatMapM :: Monad m => (a -> m [b]) -> [a] -> m [b]
-- @
concatMapM :: (Applicative q, Monad m, Traversable m)
           => (a -> q (m b))
           -> m a
           -> q (m b)
concatMapM f = fmap join . traverse f
{-# INLINE concatMapM #-}

-- | Like 'concatMapM', but has its arguments flipped, so can be used
-- instead of the common @fmap concat $ forM@ pattern.
concatForM :: (Applicative q, Monad m, Traversable m)
           => m a
           -> (a -> q (m b))
           -> q (m b)
concatForM = flip concatMapM
{-# INLINE concatForM #-}

-- | Stricter version of 'Data.Functor.<$>'.
(<$!>) :: Monad m => (a -> b) -> m a -> m b
f <$!> m = do
  x <- m
  let z = f x
  z `seq` return z
{-# INLINE (<$!>) #-}

-- | Monadic and constrained to 'NonTrivialContainer' version of 'Prelude.and'.
-- >>> andM [Just True, Just False]
-- Just False
-- >>> andM [Just True]
-- Just True
-- >>> andM [Just True, Just False, Nothing]
-- Just False
-- >>> andM [Just True, Nothing]
-- Nothing
-- >>> andM [putStrLn "1" >> pure True, putStrLn "2" >> pure False, putStrLn "3" >> undefined]
-- 1
-- 2
-- False
andM :: (NontrivialContainer f, Element f ~ m Bool, Monad m) => f -> m Bool
andM = go . toList
    go []     = pure True
    go (p:ps) = do
        q <- p
        if q then go ps else pure False

-- | Monadic and constrained to 'NonTrivialContainer' version of 'Prelude.or'.
-- >>> orM [Just True, Just False]
-- Just True
-- >>> orM [Just True, Nothing]
-- Just True
-- >>> orM [Nothing, Just True]
-- Nothing
orM :: (NontrivialContainer f, Element f ~ m Bool, Monad m) => f -> m Bool
orM = go . toList
    go []     = pure False
    go (p:ps) = do
        q <- p
        if q then pure True else go ps

-- | Monadic and constrained to 'NonTrivialContainer' version of 'Prelude.all'.
-- >>> allM (readMaybe >=> pure . even) ["6", "10"]
-- Just True
-- >>> allM (readMaybe >=> pure . even) ["5", "aba"]
-- Just False
-- >>> allM (readMaybe >=> pure . even) ["aba", "10"]
-- Nothing
allM :: (NontrivialContainer f, Monad m) => (Element f -> m Bool) -> f -> m Bool
allM p = go . toList
    go []     = pure True
    go (x:xs) = do
        q <- p x
        if q then go xs else pure False

-- | Monadic and constrained to 'NonTrivialContainer' version of 'Prelude.any'.
-- >>> anyM (readMaybe >=> pure . even) ["5", "10"]
-- Just True
-- >>> anyM (readMaybe >=> pure . even) ["10", "aba"]
-- Just True
-- >>> anyM (readMaybe >=> pure . even) ["aba", "10"]
-- Nothing
anyM :: (NontrivialContainer f, Monad m) => (Element f -> m Bool) -> f -> m Bool
anyM p = go . toList
    go []     = pure False
    go (x:xs) = do
        q <- p x
        if q then pure True else go xs

{-# SPECIALIZE andM :: [IO Bool] -> IO Bool #-}
{-# SPECIALIZE orM  :: [IO Bool] -> IO Bool #-}
{-# SPECIALIZE anyM :: (a -> IO Bool) -> [a] -> IO Bool #-}
{-# SPECIALIZE allM :: (a -> IO Bool) -> [a] -> IO Bool #-}

#if __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ < 800
-- | Class for 'Monad's that can 'fail'.
-- Copied from 'fail' by Herbert Valerio Riedel (the library is under BSD3).
class Monad m => MonadFail m where
    fail :: String -> m a

instance MonadFail Maybe where
    fail _ = Nothing

instance MonadFail [] where
    fail _ = []

instance MonadFail IO where
    fail = P.fail

instance MonadFail ReadPrec where
    fail = P.fail -- = P (\_ -> fail s)

instance MonadFail ReadP where
    fail = P.fail