0.3 ===== * [#28](https://github.com/serokell/universum/issues/28): Remove `putByteString` and `putLByteString`. * [#29](https://github.com/serokell/universum/issues/29): Remove `panic`, `FatalError` and `notImplemented`. Rename `NotImplemented` into `Undefined`. * [#32](https://github.com/serokell/universum/issues/32): Remove `orAlt`, `orEmpty`, `liftAA2`, `eitherA`, `purer`, `<<*>>`, `traceIO`, `guardM`, `hush`, `tryIO`, `liftM'`, `liftM2'`, `applyN`, `guardedA`, Bifunctor instances for tuples of length higher than 2. Generalize `concatMapM`, add `concatForM` and operator versions. * [#35](https://github.com/serokell/universum/issues/35): Generalize `andM`, `orM`, `allM`, `anyM` over container type. 0.2.2 ===== * [#33](https://github.com/serokell/universum/issues/33): Add `($)` and `Each` type operators. 0.2.1 ===== * [#24](https://github.com/serokell/universum/issues/26): Add `whenNothing`, `whenNothing_`, `whenNothingM`, `whenNothingM_`, `whenLeft`, `whenLeftM`, `whenRight`, `whenRightM`, `whenNotNull`, `whenNotNullM`. * [#26](https://github.com/serokell/universum/issues/24): Add `usingReader`, `usingReaderT`, `usingState`, `usingStateT`, `executingState`, `executingStateT`, `evaluatingState`, `evaluatingStateT`. * Remove `maybeToEither`. 0.2 === * Add `one` (similar to `singleton`). * Expose `Symbol` and `Nat` types from `GHC.TypeLits` by default. * Export `genericLength` and other generic list return functions. * Rename `msg` to `fatalErrorMessage`. * Export `ExceptT` * Export `ReaderT`, and `StateT` constructors. * Export `NonEmpty` type and constructor for Base 4.9 only. * Export `Data.Semigroup` type and functions for Base 4.9 only. * Export `String`. 0.1.13 ====== * Add lenses from `microlens`. * Add `(<&>)`. * Reexport `(&)` from `Data.Function` if it's present there instead of always defining our own (this is actually done by reexporting it from `Lens.Micro` which does the right thing). * Fix a space leak in `whenJust`. 0.1.12 ====== * Use custom classes instead of `Foldable`. Thanks to this, `length` and similar functions can't anymore be used on tuples or `Maybe`, but can be used on e.g. `Text`, `ByteString` and `IntSet`. * Add `allM`, `anyM,` `andM`, `orM`. * Reexport `fail` and `MonadFail`. 0.1.11 ====== * Expose `putByteString` and `putLByteString` monomorphic versions of `putStrLn` functions * Switch exported `(<>)` to be from `Data.Monoid` instead of Semigroup. * Export `Hashable` 0.1.10 ====== * Generalize most `IO` functions to `MonadIO` * Make `die` available for older versions of base 0.1.9 ===== * Make `sum` and `product` strict 0.1.8 ===== * ``foreach`` for applicative traversals. * ``hush`` function for error handling. * ``tryIO`` function for error handling. * ``pass`` function for noop applicative branches. * Mask ``Handler`` typeclass export. * Mask ``yield`` function export. 0.1.7 ===== * Exports monadic ``(>>)`` operator by default. * Adds ``traceId`` and ``traceShowId`` functions. * Exports``reader`` and ``state`` functions by default. * Export lifted ``throwIO`` and ``throwTo`` functions. 0.1.6 ===== * Adds uncatchable panic exception throwing using Text message. * Removes ``printf`` * Removes ``string-conv`` dependency so Stack build works without ``extra-deps``. * Brings ``Callstack`` machinery in for GHC 8.x. * Removes ``throw`` and ``assert`` from ``Control.Exception`` exports. * Removes ``unsafeShiftL`` and ``unsafeShiftR`` from ``Data.Bits`` exports. * Reexport ``throw`` as ``unsafeThrow`` via Unsafe module. * Hides all Show class functions. Only the Class itself is exported. Forbids custom instances that are not GHC derived. * Export`` encodeUtf8`` and ``decodeUtf8`` functions by default. * Adds ``unsnoc`` function. 0.1.5 ===== * Initial release.