{- Data/Metrology/LCSU.hs The units Package Copyright (c) 2013 Richard Eisenberg eir@cis.upenn.edu Defines a locally coherent system of units (LCSUs), implemented as an association list. An LCSU is a from base dimensions to units, thus defining a uniquely mapping units for any dimensions. -} {-# LANGUAGE DataKinds, PolyKinds, TypeFamilies, TypeOperators, UndecidableInstances #-} module Data.Metrology.LCSU ( LCSU(DefaultLCSU), DefaultUnitOfDim, Lookup, LookupList, MkLCSU ) where import Data.Metrology.Factor data LCSU star = MkLCSU_ [(star, star)] | DefaultLCSU type family Lookup (dim :: *) (lcsu :: LCSU *) :: * where Lookup dim (MkLCSU_ ('(dim, unit) ': rest)) = unit Lookup dim (MkLCSU_ ('(other, u) ': rest)) = Lookup dim (MkLCSU_ rest) Lookup dim DefaultLCSU = DefaultUnitOfDim dim type family LookupList (keys :: [Factor *]) (map :: LCSU *) :: [Factor *] where LookupList '[] lcsu = '[] LookupList (F dim z ': rest) lcsu = F (Lookup dim lcsu) z ': LookupList rest lcsu -- | Assign a default unit for a dimension. Necessary only when using -- default LCSUs. type family DefaultUnitOfDim (dim :: *) :: * -- use type family to prevent pattern-matching -- | Make a local consistent set of units. The argument is a type-level -- list of tuple types, to be interpreted as an association list from -- dimensions to units. For example: -- -- > type MyLCSU = MkLCSU '[(Length, Foot), (Mass, Gram), (Time, Year)] type family MkLCSU pairs where -- uses unpromoted tuples to make it easier for users MkLCSU pairs = MkLCSU_ (UsePromotedTuples pairs) type family UsePromotedTuples pairs where UsePromotedTuples '[] = '[] UsePromotedTuples ((dim, unit) ': rest) = ('(dim, unit) ': UsePromotedTuples rest)