{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies, NoMonomorphismRestriction #-} {-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-missing-signatures #-} module Tests.OffSystemAdd where import Data.Metrology.Poly import Data.Metrology.SI import qualified Data.Metrology.SI.Dims as D import Test.Tasty import Test.Tasty.HUnit import Test.HUnit.Approx data Foot = Foot instance Unit Foot where type BaseUnit Foot = Meter conversionRatio _ = 0.3048 data Year = Year instance Unit Year where type BaseUnit Year = Second conversionRatio _ = 60 * 60 * 24 * 365.242 vel1 :: Velocity vel1 = 1e6 % (Foot :/ Year) vel2 :: Velocity vel2 = 0.01 % (Meter :/ Second) vel1InMS :: Double vel1InMS = vel1 # (Meter :/ Second) vel2InMS :: Double vel2InMS = vel2 # (Meter :/ Second) vel12InMS :: Double vel12InMS = (vel1 |+| vel2) # (Meter :/ Second) len1 :: Length len1 = 3 % Foot len2 :: Length len2 = 1 % Meter len12InM :: Double len12InM = (len1 |+| len2) # Meter type instance DefaultUnitOfDim D.Length = Meter -- The following expression does typecheck, -- because the system is now able to work in defaultLCSU mode -- that only requires relative relation between units. len12InM' :: Double len12InM' = (defaultLCSU $ (1 % Meter) |+| (3 % Foot)) # Meter tests = testGroup "OffSystemAdd" [ testCase "vel1inMS" (vel1InMS @?~ 0.00965873546) , testCase "vel2inMS" (vel2InMS @?~ 0.01) , testCase "vel12inMS" (vel12InMS @?~ 0.01965873) , testCase "len12InM" (len12InM @?~ 1.9144) ]