{-# LANGUAGE BangPatterns       #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveDataTypeable #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveFunctor      #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveGeneric      #-}

-- | This module provides a Braun tree which keeps track of its size,
-- and associated functions.
module Data.Tree.Braun.Sized
  (-- * Braun type
  -- * Construction
  -- ** Building
  -- * Modification
  -- ** At ends
  -- ** As set
  -- * Querying

import           Data.Tree.Binary         (Tree (..))
import           Data.Tree.Braun          (UpperBound (..))
import qualified Data.Tree.Braun          as Unsized
import           Data.Tree.Braun.Internal (zipLevels)

import           Control.DeepSeq          (NFData (rnf))
import           Data.Data                (Data)
import           Data.Typeable            (Typeable)
import           GHC.Generics             (Generic, Generic1)

import           Control.Applicative      hiding (empty)

import           GHC.Stack
import           Data.Foldable

-- | A Braun tree which keeps track of its size.
data Braun a = Braun
    { size :: {-# UNPACK #-} !Int
    , tree :: Tree a
    } deriving (Show,Read,Eq,Ord,Functor,Typeable,Generic,Generic1

instance NFData a => NFData (Braun a) where
    rnf (Braun _ tr) = rnf tr

-- | 'toList' is /O(n)/.
-- prop> fromList (toList xs) === xs
instance Foldable Braun where
    foldr f b (Braun _ xs) = Unsized.foldrBraun xs f b
    length = size
    toList (Braun _ xs) = Unsized.toList xs
    {-# INLINABLE toList #-}

instance Traversable Braun where
    traverse f (Braun n tr) = fmap k (Unsized.foldrBraun tr c b)
        c = liftA2 Unsized.consB . f
        b = pure Unsized.nilB
        k = Braun n . Unsized.runB

-- | /O(log n)/. Append an item to the end of a Braun tree.
-- prop> x `snoc` fromList xs === fromList (xs ++ [x])
snoc :: a -> Braun a -> Braun a
snoc x (Braun 0 Leaf) = Braun 1 (Node x Leaf Leaf)
snoc x (Braun n (Node y z w))
  | even n = Braun (n + 1) (Node y z (tree (snoc x (Braun (m - 1) w))))
  | otherwise = Braun (n + 1) (Node y (tree (snoc x (Braun m z))) w)
    m = n `div` 2
snoc _ (Braun _ Leaf) = errorWithoutStackTrace "Data.Tree.Braun.Sized.snoc: bug!"

-- | A type suitable for building a Braun tree by repeated applications
-- of 'consB'.
type Builder a b = (Int -> Int -> Int -> (([Tree a] -> [Tree a] -> [Tree a]) -> [Tree a] -> Int -> b) -> b)

-- | /O(1)/. Push an element to the front of a 'Builder'.
consB :: a -> Builder a b -> Builder a b
consB e a !k 1  !s p = a (k*2) k (s+1) (\ys zs -> p (\_ _ -> []) (zipLevels e ys zs (drop k zs)))
consB e a !k !m !s p = a k (m-1) (s+1) (p . zipLevels e)
{-# INLINE consB #-}

-- | An empty 'Builder'.
nilB :: Builder a b
nilB _ _ s p = p (\_ _ -> []) [Leaf] s
{-# INLINE nilB #-}

-- | Convert a 'Builder' to a Braun tree.
runB :: Builder a (Braun a) -> Braun a
runB xs = xs 1 1 0 (const (flip Braun . head))
{-# INLINE runB #-}

-- | /O(n)/. Create a Braun tree (in order) from a list. The algorithm
-- is similar to that in:
-- Okasaki, Chris. ‘Three Algorithms on Braun Trees’. Journal of
-- Functional Programming 7, no. 6 (November 1997): 661–666.
-- https://doi.org/10.1017/S0956796897002876.
-- However, it uses a fold rather than explicit recursion, allowing
-- fusion.
-- prop> toList (fromList xs) === xs
fromList :: [a] -> Braun a
fromList xs = runB (foldr consB nilB xs)
{-# INLINABLE fromList #-}

-- | A Braun tree with no elements.
empty :: Braun a
empty = Braun 0 Leaf
{-# INLINE empty #-}

-- | A Braun tree with one element.
singleton :: a -> Braun a
singleton x = Braun 1 (Node x Leaf Leaf)
{-# INLINE singleton #-}

-- | /O(n)/. Insert an element into the Braun tree, using the
-- comparison function provided.
insertBy :: (a -> a -> Ordering) -> a -> Braun a -> Braun a
insertBy cmp x b@(Braun s xs) =
    case break
             (\y ->
                   cmp x y /= GT)
             (Unsized.toList xs) of
        (_,[]) -> snoc x b
        (lt,gte@(y:_)) ->
            if cmp x y == EQ
                then b
                else Braun
                         (s + 1)
                                        (foldr Unsized.consB Unsized.nilB gte))

-- | /O(n)/. Delete an element from the Braun tree, using the
-- comparison function provided.
deleteBy :: (a -> a -> Ordering) -> a -> Braun a -> Braun a
deleteBy cmp x b@(Braun s xs) =
    case break
             (\y -> cmp x y /= GT)
             (Unsized.toList xs) of
        (_,[]) -> b
        (lt,y:gt) ->
            if cmp x y /= EQ
                then b
                else Braun
                         (s - 1)
                              (Unsized.runB (foldr Unsized.consB (foldr Unsized.consB Unsized.nilB gt) lt))

-- | /O(log^2 n)/. Find the greatest lower bound for an element.
glb :: (a -> b -> Ordering) -> a -> Braun b -> Maybe b
glb _ _ (Braun _ Leaf) = Nothing
glb cmp x (Braun n ys@(Node h _ _)) =
    case cmp x h of
        LT -> Nothing
        EQ -> Just h
        GT ->
            case Unsized.ub cmp x ys of
                Exact ans -> Just ans
                  | cmp x final == LT -> go 0 (n - 1)
                  | otherwise -> Just final
                    where final = ys Unsized.! (n - 1)
                TooHigh m -> go 0 m
    go _ 0 = Nothing
    go i j
      | j <= i = Just $ ys Unsized.! (j - 1)
      | i + 1 == j = Just $ ys Unsized.! i
      | otherwise =
          case cmp x middle of
              LT -> go i k
              EQ -> Just middle
              GT -> go k j
        k = (i + j) `div` 2
        middle = ys Unsized.! k

-- | /O(log n)/. Append an element to the beginning of the Braun tree.
-- prop> uncons' (cons x xs) === (x,xs)
cons :: a -> Braun a -> Braun a
cons x (Braun n xs) = Braun (n+1) (Unsized.cons x xs)

-- | /O(log n)/. Returns the first element in the array and the rest
-- the elements, if it is nonempty, or 'Nothing' if it is empty.
-- >>> uncons empty
-- Nothing
-- prop> uncons (cons x xs) === Just (x,xs)
-- prop> unfoldr uncons (fromList xs) === xs
uncons :: Braun a -> Maybe (a, Braun a)
uncons (Braun n tr) = (fmap.fmap) (Braun (n-1)) (Unsized.uncons tr)

-- | /O(log n)/. Returns the first element in the array and the rest
-- the elements, if it is nonempty, failing with an error if it is
-- empty.
-- prop> uncons' (cons x xs) === (x,xs)
uncons' :: HasCallStack => Braun a -> (a, Braun a)
uncons' (Braun n tr) = fmap (Braun (n-1)) (Unsized.uncons' tr)

-- | Use a comparison function to compare an element to the root
-- element in a Braun tree, failing if the tree is empty.
cmpRoot :: (a -> b -> Ordering) -> a -> Braun b -> Ordering
cmpRoot cmp x (Braun _ (Node y _ _)) = cmp x y
cmpRoot _ _ _ = error "Data.Tree.Braun.Sized.compRoot: empty tree"
{-# INLINE cmpRoot #-}

-- | Use a comparison function to see if an element is less than
-- the root element in a Braun tree, failing if the tree is empty.
ltRoot :: (a -> b -> Ordering) -> a -> Braun b -> Bool
ltRoot cmp x (Braun _ (Node y _ _)) = cmp x y == LT
ltRoot _ _ _                        = error "Data.Tree.Braun.Sized.ltRoot: empty tree"
{-# INLINE ltRoot #-}

-- | /O(log n)/. Returns the last element in the list and the other
-- elements, if present, or 'Nothing' if the tree is empty.
-- >>> unsnoc empty
-- Nothing
-- prop> unsnoc (snoc x xs) === Just (x, xs)
-- prop> unfoldr unsnoc (fromList xs) === reverse xs
unsnoc :: Braun a -> Maybe (a, Braun a)
unsnoc (Braun _ (Node x Leaf Leaf)) = Just (x, Braun 0 Leaf)
unsnoc (Braun n (Node x y z))
  | odd n =
      let Just (p,Braun _ q) = unsnoc (Braun m z)
      in Just (p, Braun (n - 1) (Node x y q))
  | otherwise =
      let Just (p,Braun _ q) = unsnoc (Braun m y)
      in Just (p, Braun (n - 1) (Node x q z))
    m = n `div` 2
unsnoc (Braun _ Leaf) = Nothing

-- | /O(log n)/. Returns the last element in the list and the other
-- elements, if present, or raises an error if the tree is empty.
-- prop> isBraun (snd (unsnoc' (fromList (1:xs))))
-- prop> fst (unsnoc' (fromList (1:xs))) == last (1:xs)
unsnoc' :: HasCallStack => Braun a -> (a, Braun a)
unsnoc' (Braun _ (Node x Leaf Leaf)) = (x, Braun 0 Leaf)
unsnoc' (Braun n (Node x y z))
  | odd n =
      let (p,Braun _ q) = unsnoc' (Braun m z)
      in (p, Braun (n - 1) (Node x y q))
  | otherwise =
      let (p,Braun _ q) = unsnoc' (Braun m y)
      in (p, Braun (n - 1) (Node x q z))
    m = n `div` 2
unsnoc' (Braun _ Leaf) = error "Data.Tree.Braun.Sized.unsnoc': empty tree"

-- $setup
-- >>> import Data.List (sort, nub, unfoldr)
-- >>> import Test.QuickCheck
-- >>> import Data.Tree.Braun.Sized.Properties
-- >>> :{
-- instance Arbitrary a => Arbitrary (Braun a) where
--   arbitrary = fmap fromList arbitrary
--   shrink = fmap fromList . shrink . toList
-- :}