# Changelog `unicode-collation` uses [PVP Versioning](https://pvp.haskell.org). ## + Allow base 4.17. Closes #12. ## * Allow text 2.0. ## * Allow base 4.16 (so the library can compile with ghc 9.2). * Micro-optimization in normalize; update benchmarks. ## 0.1.3 * Add `collateWithUnpacker` (#4). This allows the library to be used with types other than Text. Alternatively we could use a typeclass such as mono-traversable, but this seems a lighter-weight solution and keeps dependencies down. * Add Text.Collate.Normalize, exporting `toNFD`. By doing our own normalization, we avoid a dependency on unicode-transforms, and we gain the ability to do normalization incrementally (lazily). This is useful because in practice, the ordering of two strings is very often decided on the basis of one or two initial characters; normalizing the whole string is thus a waste of time. * Improve benchmark suite, with more varied samples. * Remove dependency on bytestring-lexing; use Data.Text.Read instead. * Add internal module Text.Collate.UnicodeData. This generates unicode data from `data/UnicodeData.txt`. Remove `data/DerivedCombiningClass.txt`, which is no longer needed. to get canonical combining class data. * Remove dependency on filepath. * Fix getCollationElements behaviour with discontiguous matches (Christian Despres, #5). The getCollationElements function now implements a more or less exact translation of section S2.1 of the main UCA algorithm. Since DUCET does not satisfy well-formedness condition 5, that function cannot rearrange the unblocked non-starters as it was doing previously. We now pass all conformance tests. * Unit test: skip conformance tests that yield invalid code points, as allowed by the spec (#6). "Implementations that do not weight surrogate code points the same way as reserved code points may filter out such lines lines in the test cases, before testing for conformance." Uncomment the commented-out lines in the collation tests. * Rename internal CombiningClass module -> CanonicalCombiningClass. * Generalize `matchLongestPrefix` to `Foldable`. Rewrite using `foldM` for clarity. * Rewrite `recursivelyDecompose` using a fold. ## 0.1.2 * API change: Expose `collatorOptions` and `CollatorOptions`. Deprecate `collatorLang` which is now redundant. * API change: Export `renderSortKey`. This renders the sort key in a compact form, used by the CLDR collation tests. A vertical bar is used in place of 0000. * Remove `optCollation` from `CollatorOptions`. Make the `Collation` a separate parameter of `Collator` instead. This doesn't affect the public API but it makes more sense conceptually. * Avoid spurious FFFFs in sort keys. We were including FFFFs at L4 of sort keys even with NonIgnorable, which is not right, though it should not affect the sort. * Move `VariableWeighting` from `Collation` to `Collator` module. * Add a benchmark for texts of length 1. * Small optimization: don't generate sort key when strings are equal. * Executable: add `--hex` and `--verbose` options. For testing purposes it is convenient to enter code points manually as hex numbers. `--verbose` causes diagnostic output to be printed to stderr, including the tailoring used, options, and normalized code points and sort keys. ## 0.1.1 * API change: Add `collatorLang`, which reports the `Lang` used for tailoring (which may be different from the `Lang` passed to `collatorFor`, because of fallbacks). * Fix fallback behavior with `lookupLang` (#3). Previously `lookupLang` would let `de` fall back to `de-u-co-phonebk`. * Add `--verbose` option to executable. This prints the fallback Lang used for tailoring to stderr to help diagnose issues. ## 0.1 * Initial release.