# NEXT # 0.3.3 * Bump `exceptions` upper bound to support `0.10.0` # 0.3.2 * Bump `deepseq >=` remove benchmark dependency on `deepseq-generics` * Tested with GHC 8.4.1 * Tested with GHC 8.2.2 * Compile with `-Wcompat` * Add `Semigroup` instances for all types that were previously `Monoid` instances * Added more examples to the [examples/ directory](https://github.com/lambdageek/unbound-generics/tree/master/examples) * Added "exceptions" dependency and `MonadThrow`, `MonadCatch`, `MonadMask` instances for `FreshMT` and `LFreshMT`. Thanks Alex McKenna. # 0.3.1 * Tested with GHC 8.0.1 * Removed `Generic b` constraint from `Subst b (Name a)` instance. # 0.3 * Change types of `open` and `close` to take `NthPatFind` and `NamePatFind` instead of generic patterns, update call sites. * Add newtype wrappers and Monoid instances for `NthPatFind` and `NamePatFind` * Change `isTerm` to return `All` instead of `Bool` # 0.2 * Incorporating some of the extras/oversights from [clash-lib Unbound.Generics.LocallyNameless.Extra](https://github.com/clash-lang/clash-compiler/blob/master/clash-lib/src/Unbound/Generics/LocallyNameless/Extra.hs) * Make `Embed` an instance of `Ord` * `NFData` instances (see below) * Re-implement `freshen'` and `gfreshen` using a free monad to give GHC a chance to inline it all away. This changes the type of `gfreshen`. Major version bump. * Expose `FFM`, `liftFFM` and `retractFFM` * Provide `NFData` instances for all the combinators. Depend on 'deepseq' * Start benchmarking some of the operations (particularly `unbind`). # * Fix ghc-7.10 build. * Haddock cleanup. # 0.1.2 * Added `IsEmbed` typeclass * Depend on 'profunctors' * Changed `embed` and `unembed` to work over any `IsEmbed` type. * Added `Shift` type for shifting the scope of embedded terms out one level. # 0.1.1 * Added `isNullDisjointSet` function. * Implement a TH `makeClosedAlpha` splice for constructing trivial leaf instances. # 0.1 * Add `acompare` functiona and `acompare'` method to `Alpha` typeclass. (christiaanb) Handwritten `Alpha` instances will need to define this additional method now. Major version bump. # 0.0.3 * Add 'name2Integer' method (christiaanb) * Export internal type-directed `gaeq`, `gopen`, `gclose`, etc functions from `Unbound.Generics.LocallyNameless.Alpha`. Allows definitions like: instance Alpha Term where aeq' _ (Prim t1 _dk1) (Prim t2 _dk2) = t1 == t2 aeq' c t1 t2 = gaeq c (from t1) (from t2) # * Unconditionally add ErrorT and ExceptT instances using transformers-compat (bergmark) # 0.0.2 * Add 'Rec' pattern and 'TRec' term combinators. * Alpha instance for '()' # 0.0.1 * Add 'lunbind2' function. * Doc updates. * Switch from 'HUnit' to 'Tasty' for testing. # * Initial (re-)implementation effort.