{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-} {-# LANGUAGE StrictData #-} {-# LANGUAGE DeriveGeneric #-} {-# LANGUAGE GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving #-} {-# LANGUAGE InstanceSigs #-} {-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-} {-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-orphans #-} {-| Encoding and decoding UTF-8 JSON content. This module is a thin wrapper around the most excellent __aeson__ library, which has rich and powerful facilities for encoding Haskell types into JSON. Quite often, however, you find yourself having to create a Haskell type /just/ to read some JSON coming from an external web service or API. This can be challenging when the source of the JSON is complex or varying its schema over time. For ease of exploration this module simply defines an easy to use intermediate type representing JSON as a format. To use this module, you may find the following imports helpful: @ \{\-\# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings \#\-\} \{\-\# LANGUAGE OverloadedLists \#\-\} import "Data.HashMap.Strict" ('HashMap') import qualified "Data.HashMap.Strict" as 'HashMap' -- from the __unordered-containers__ package. import "Data.Scientific" ('Scientific') -- from the __scientific__ package import "Core.Encoding.Json" @ Often you'll be working with literals directly in your code. While you can write: @ j = JsonObject (HashMap.fromList [(JsonKey "answer", JsonNumber 42)]) @ and it would be correct, enabling @OverloadedStrings@ and @OverloadedLists@ allows you to write: @ j = JsonObject [("answer", 42)] @ which you is somewhat less cumbersome. You're certainly welcome to use the constructors if you find it makes for more readable code or if you need the type annotations. -} -- -- As currently implemented this module, in conjunction with -- Core.Text, is the opposite of efficient. The idea right now is to -- experiment with the surface API. If it stabilizes, then the fact -- that our string objects are already in UTF-8 will make for a very -- efficient emitter. -- module Core.Encoding.Json ( {-* Encoding and Decoding -} encodeToUTF8 , decodeFromUTF8 , JsonValue(..) , JsonKey(..) {-* Syntax highlighting -} {-| Support for pretty-printing JSON values with syntax highlighting using the __prettyprinter__ library. To output a JSON structure to terminal colourized with ANSI escape codes you can use the 'Render' instance: @ debug "j" (render j) @ will get you: @ 23:46:04Z (00000.007) j = { "answer": 42.0 } @ -} , JsonToken(..) , colourizeJson , prettyKey , prettyValue ) where import qualified Data.Aeson as Aeson import Data.Coerce import Data.HashMap.Strict (HashMap) import qualified Data.HashMap.Strict as HashMap import Data.Hashable (Hashable) import Data.Text.Prettyprint.Doc ( Doc, Pretty(..), viaShow, dquote, comma, punctuate, lbracket , rbracket, vsep, (<+>), indent, lbrace, rbrace , line, sep, hcat, annotate , unAnnotate, line', group, nest ) import Data.Text.Prettyprint.Doc.Render.Terminal ( color, colorDull, Color(..) ) import Data.Text.Prettyprint.Doc.Render.Terminal (AnsiStyle) import Data.Scientific (Scientific) import Data.String (IsString(..)) import qualified Data.Text as T import qualified Data.Vector as V import GHC.Generics import Core.Data.Structures (Map, Key, fromMap, intoMap) import Core.Text.Bytes (Bytes, intoBytes, fromBytes) import Core.Text.Rope (Rope, Textual, intoRope, fromRope) import Core.Text.Utilities (Render(..)) {-| Given a JSON value, encode it to UTF-8 bytes I know we're not /supposed/ to rely on types to document functions, but really, this one does what it says on the tin. -} encodeToUTF8 :: JsonValue -> Bytes encodeToUTF8 = intoBytes . Aeson.encode . intoAeson {-| Given an array of bytes, attempt to decode it as a JSON value. -} decodeFromUTF8 :: Bytes -> Maybe JsonValue decodeFromUTF8 b = let x :: Maybe Aeson.Value x = Aeson.decodeStrict' (fromBytes b) in fmap fromAeson x {-| A JSON value. -} data JsonValue = JsonObject (Map JsonKey JsonValue) | JsonArray [JsonValue] | JsonString Rope | JsonNumber Scientific | JsonBool Bool | JsonNull deriving (Eq, Show, Generic) -- -- Overloads so that Haskell code literals can be interpreted as JSON -- values. Obviously these are a lot on the partial side, but what else are -- you supposed to do? This is all Haskell gives us for getting at -- literals. -- instance IsString JsonValue where fromString :: String -> JsonValue fromString = JsonString . intoRope instance Num JsonValue where fromInteger = JsonNumber . fromInteger (+) = error "Sorry, you can't add JsonValues" (-) = error "Sorry, you can't negate JsonValues" (*) = error "Sorry, you can't multiply JsonValues" abs = error "Sorry, not applicable for JsonValues" signum = error "Sorry, not applicable for JsonValues" instance Fractional JsonValue where fromRational :: Rational -> JsonValue fromRational = JsonNumber . fromRational (/) = error "Sorry, you can't do division on JsonValues" intoAeson :: JsonValue -> Aeson.Value intoAeson value = case value of JsonObject xm -> let kvs = fromMap xm tvs = fmap (\(k, v) -> (fromRope (coerce k), intoAeson v)) kvs tvm :: HashMap T.Text Aeson.Value tvm = HashMap.fromList tvs in Aeson.Object tvm JsonArray xs -> let vs = fmap intoAeson xs in Aeson.Array (V.fromList vs) JsonString x -> Aeson.String (fromRope x) JsonNumber x -> Aeson.Number x JsonBool x -> Aeson.Bool x JsonNull -> Aeson.Null {-| Keys in a JSON object. -} newtype JsonKey = JsonKey Rope deriving (Eq, Show, Generic, IsString, Ord) instance Hashable JsonKey instance Key JsonKey -- FIXME what is this instance? instance Aeson.ToJSON Rope where toJSON text = Aeson.toJSON (fromRope text :: T.Text) -- BAD instance Textual JsonKey where fromRope t = coerce t intoRope x = coerce x fromAeson :: Aeson.Value -> JsonValue fromAeson value = case value of Aeson.Object o -> let tvs = HashMap.toList o kvs = fmap (\(k, v) -> (JsonKey (intoRope k), fromAeson v)) tvs kvm :: Map JsonKey JsonValue kvm = intoMap kvs in JsonObject kvm Aeson.Array v -> JsonArray (fmap fromAeson (V.toList v)) Aeson.String t -> JsonString (intoRope t) Aeson.Number n -> JsonNumber n Aeson.Bool x -> JsonBool x Aeson.Null -> JsonNull -- -- Pretty printing -- data JsonToken = SymbolToken | QuoteToken | KeyToken | StringToken | EscapeToken | NumberToken | BooleanToken | LiteralToken instance Render JsonValue where type Token JsonValue = JsonToken colourize = colourizeJson intoDocA = prettyValue instance Render JsonKey where type Token JsonKey = JsonToken colourize = colourizeJson intoDocA = prettyKey instance Render Aeson.Value where type Token Aeson.Value = JsonToken colourize = colourizeJson intoDocA = prettyValue . fromAeson -- -- Ugh. If you want to experiment with narrower output, then: -- -- . layoutPretty (LayoutOptions {layoutPageWidth = AvailablePerLine 15 1.0}) . prettyValue -- {-| Used by the 'Render' instance to turn symbolic annotations into ANSI colours annotations. If you're curious, the render pipeline looks like: @ render = 'intoText' . 'renderStrict' . 'reAnnotateS' 'colourize' . 'layoutPretty' 'defaultLayoutOptions' . 'prettyValue' @ -} colourizeJson :: JsonToken -> AnsiStyle colourizeJson token = case token of SymbolToken -> color Black QuoteToken -> color Black KeyToken -> color Blue StringToken -> colorDull Cyan EscapeToken -> colorDull Yellow NumberToken -> colorDull Green BooleanToken -> color Magenta LiteralToken -> colorDull Blue instance Pretty JsonKey where pretty = unAnnotate . prettyKey prettyKey :: JsonKey -> Doc JsonToken prettyKey (JsonKey t) = annotate QuoteToken dquote <> annotate KeyToken (pretty (fromRope t :: T.Text)) <> annotate QuoteToken dquote instance Pretty JsonValue where pretty = unAnnotate . prettyValue prettyValue :: JsonValue -> Doc JsonToken prettyValue value = case value of JsonObject xm -> let pairs = fromMap xm entries = fmap (\(k, v) -> (prettyKey k) <> annotate SymbolToken ":" <+> clear v (prettyValue v)) pairs clear v doc = case v of (JsonObject _) -> line <> doc (JsonArray _) -> group doc _ -> doc in if length entries == 0 then annotate SymbolToken (lbrace <> rbrace) else annotate SymbolToken lbrace <> line <> indent 4 (vsep (punctuate (annotate SymbolToken comma) entries)) <> line <> annotate SymbolToken rbrace JsonArray xs -> let entries = fmap prettyValue xs in line' <> nest 4 ( annotate SymbolToken lbracket <> -- first line not indented line' <> sep (punctuate (annotate SymbolToken comma) entries) ) <> line' <> annotate SymbolToken rbracket JsonString x -> annotate QuoteToken dquote <> annotate StringToken (escapeText x) <> annotate QuoteToken dquote JsonNumber x -> annotate NumberToken (viaShow x) JsonBool x -> case x of True -> annotate BooleanToken "true" False -> annotate BooleanToken "false" JsonNull -> annotate LiteralToken "null" {-# INLINEABLE prettyValue #-} escapeText :: Rope -> Doc JsonToken escapeText text = let t = fromRope text :: T.Text ts = T.split (== '"') t ds = fmap pretty ts in hcat (punctuate (annotate EscapeToken "\\\"") ds) {-# INLINEABLE escapeText #-}