# Revision history for ukrainian-phonetics-basic-array ## -- 2020-12-14 * First version. Released on an unsuspecting world. A fork of the ukrainian-phonetics-basic package that transformed into an independent one. All the vector-related functionality has been removed. ## -- 2020-12-18 * First version revised A. Changed the dependency boundaries to fix the array usage issue. Please, update to the new version to avoid the misusage. ## -- 2021-01-27 * First version revised B. Added new variants of the sound representation durations to the Languages.Phonetic.Ukrainian.Syllable.Double.Arr and Languages.Phonetic.Ukrainian.Syllable.Arr modules. Some documentation improvements. ## -- 2021-10-30 * Second version. Switched to the Case.Hashable.Cuckoo.getBFstL' function where possible. Updated the dependencies. ## -- 2021-10-31 * Third version. Switched back to the CaseBi.Arr.getBFstLSorted' functionality. ## -- 2021-11-03 * Fourth version. Added Int8-based optimized functionality.The modules that do not use Int8 after ugrading the phonetic-languages-simplified-examples-array to the Int8-based functionality are planned to be moved to a new package. ## -- 2021-11-04 * Fourth version revised A. Some documentation improvements. Moved the new modules with Int8 functionality without ByteString related functionality to the new location path without ByteString folder.