{-# LANGUAGE Arrows #-} {-# LANGUAGE BangPatterns #-} {-# LANGUAGE DeriveDataTypeable #-} {-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-} {-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-} module Main (main) where import Control.Concurrent import Control.Concurrent.Async import Control.DeepSeq (deepseq) import Control.Monad import Data.ByteString (ByteString) import qualified Data.ByteString as B import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as B8 import Data.Data import Data.IORef import Data.List import Data.Maybe import Data.Monoid as Mon ((<>)) import Data.Ord import Data.Word import GHC.Conc.Sync (getNumProcessors, numCapabilities) import Network.HTTP.MicroClient import Network.Socket (SockAddr) import Options.Applicative import Options.Applicative.Arrows import System.IO import System.Mem (performGC) import Text.Printf -- |Timestamp in seconds since POSIX epoch getTS :: IO TS getTS = getPOSIXTimeSecs type TS = Double timeIO :: IO t -> IO (TS, TS, t) timeIO act = do ts0 <- getTS res <- act tsd <- fmap (subtract ts0) getTS return $! tsd `seq` (ts0,tsd,res) fI :: (Integral a, Num b) => a -> b fI = fromIntegral data Args = Args { argNumReq :: Word , argThrCnt :: Int , argClnCnt :: Word , argKeepAlive :: Bool , argCsv :: FilePath , argUA :: String , argHdrs :: [String] , argVerbose :: Bool , argNoStats :: Bool , argLAddr :: String , argWait :: Double , argUrl :: String , argPostFn :: FilePath , argPostList :: FilePath } deriving (Show,Data,Typeable) argsParser :: Parser Args argsParser = runA $ proc () -> do argNumReq <- asA (option auto $ value 1 <> metavar "NUM" Mon.<> short 'n' <> help "number of requests" <> showDefault) -< () argThrCnt <- asA (option auto $ value numCapabilities <> metavar "NUM" <> short 't' <> help "thread-count" <> showDefault) -< () argClnCnt <- asA (option auto $ value 1 <> metavar "NUM" <> short 'c' <> help "concurrent clients" <> showDefault) -< () argKeepAlive <- asA (switch $ short 'k' <> help "enable keep alive") -< () argHdrs <- asA (many (option str $ metavar "STR" <> short 'H' <> help "add header to request")) -< () argUA <- asA (option str $ value "httpc-bench" <> metavar "UA" <> long "user-agent" <> help "specify User-Agent header" <> showDefault) -< () argCsv <- asA (option str $ value "" <> metavar "FILE" <> long "csv" <> help "dump request timings as CSV (RFC4180) file") -< () argVerbose <- asA (switch $ short 'v' <> long "verbose" <> help "enable more verbose statistics and output") -< () argNoStats <- asA (switch $ long "no-stats" <> help "disable statistics") -< () argPostFn <- asA (option str $ value "" <> metavar "FILE" <> short 'p' <> help "perform POST request with file-content as body") -< () argPostList <- asA (option str $ value "" <> metavar "FILE" <> short 'l' <> help "perform a POST request per line, no quoting, round-robin, each client independently") -< () argLAddr <- asA (option str $ value "" <> metavar "IPADDR" <> long "local-addr" <> help "set specific source address for TCP connections") -< () argWait <- asA (option auto $ value 0.0 <> metavar "SECS" <> long "wait" <> help "wait time between requests (per client) in seconds" <> showDefault) -< () argUrl <- asA (argument str (metavar "<URL>")) -< () returnA -< Args {..} main :: IO () main = runInUnboundThread $ do putStrLn "uhttpc-bench - a Haskell-based ab/weighttp-style webserver benchmarking tool\n" pargs <- execParser (info (helper <*> argsParser) (fullDesc <> header "Simple HTTP benchmarking tool similiar to 'ab' and 'weighttp'") ) let verbose = argVerbose pargs (hostname,portnum,urlpath) <- either fail return $ splitUrl (argUrl pargs) -- sanity-check CLI arguments unless (argNumReq pargs > 0) $ fail "request-count must be > 0" unless (argClnCnt pargs > 0) $ fail "client-count must be > 0" unless (argThrCnt pargs > 0) $ fail "thread-count must be > 0" unless (argNumReq pargs >= argClnCnt pargs) $ fail "request-count must be >= client-count" -- setup socket address sa <- getSockAddr hostname portnum lsa <- if null (argLAddr pargs) then return Nothing else fmap Just $ getSockAddr (argLAddr pargs) 0 when verbose $ printf "connecting to %s (using local address %s)\n" (show sa) (maybe "*:*" show lsa) -- set up worker threads when (fI (argThrCnt pargs) /= numCapabilities) $ setNumCapabilities (fI $ argThrCnt pargs) thrcnt' <- getNumCapabilities when (argThrCnt pargs > 1 && thrcnt' /= argThrCnt pargs) $ fail "failed to set worker tread-count" numCpus <- getNumProcessors when (thrcnt' > numCpus) $ printf "*WARNING* thread-count (%u) > cpu cores (%u)\n" thrcnt' numCpus when (thrcnt' > 1) $ printf "using up to %u Haskell execution threads\n" thrcnt' unless (fI (argClnCnt pargs) >= thrcnt') $ putStrLn "*WARNING* client-count should be >= thread-count" ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- let postOrGet = if null (argPostFn pargs) && null (argPostList pargs) then GET else POST when (verbose && not (null (argPostList pargs))) $ putStrLn "reading the input file and preparing requests...\n" bodyList <- if not (null $ argPostList pargs) -- overrides argPostFn then fmap (take (fI $ argNumReq pargs) -- will at most use this . map Just . B8.lines) $ B.readFile (argPostList pargs) else if not (null $ argPostFn pargs) then fmap (map Just . (: [])) $ B.readFile (argPostFn pargs) else return [Nothing] let hdrs | null (argUA pargs) = map B8.pack (argHdrs pargs) | otherwise = "User-Agent: " <> B8.pack (argUA pargs) : map B8.pack (argHdrs pargs) mkRawreq :: Maybe B8.ByteString -> IO ByteString mkRawreq rawreqb = do let rawreqblen = maybe 0 B.length rawreqb msg = mkHttp11Req postOrGet (B8.pack urlpath) (B8.pack hostname <> ":" <> B8.pack (show portnum)) (argKeepAlive pargs) hdrs rawreqb -- Printed when preparing the requests, not when sending. when verbose $ printf "using %d-byte request message (%d-byte body):\n %s\n\n" (B.length msg) rawreqblen (show msg) return $! msg rawreqList <- mapM mkRawreq bodyList let reqList = cycle rawreqList -- We make sure the list is fully evaluated _before_ we send anything. rawreqList `deepseq` when (verbose && not (null (argPostList pargs))) $ putStrLn $ show (length rawreqList) ++ " request(s) prepared\n" putStrLn "starting benchmark..." reqCounter <- newIORef (fI (argNumReq pargs) :: Int) let clnCnt = fI $ argClnCnt pargs performGC ts0' <- getTS tss <- if clnCnt == 1 then mapM (\() -> timeIO (doReqsAll lsa sa reqCounter reqList (argWait pargs))) [()] else mapConcurrently (\() -> timeIO (doReqs lsa sa reqCounter reqList (argWait pargs))) (replicate clnCnt ()) ts1' <- getTS performGC numReqs' <- readIORef reqCounter unless (numReqs' + fI (argClnCnt pargs) == 0) $ fail $ "virtual clients exited prematurely! " ++ show numReqs' unless (argNoStats pargs) $ do when verbose $ do putStrLn "\nper-client stats:\n" forM_ tss $ \(ts0,tdelta,ents') -> do let n' = length ts' ts' = map (\e -> entRespDone e - entConnect e) ents' conncnt = length [ () | Entry {..} <- ents', entConnect /= entReqStart ] _ <- printf " client spawned +%.6f s, %d reqs (%d conns), %.1f req/s, finished in %.6f s\n" (ts0-ts0') n' conncnt (fI n' / tdelta) tdelta unless (null ts') $ printf " rtt min/avg/med/max = %.3f/%.3f/%.3f/%.3f ms\n" (1000*minimum ts') (1000*avg ts') (1000*med ts') (1000*maximum ts') putStrLn "" let allents = concatMap (\(_,_,ents) -> ents) tss (rlen,clen) = foldl' (\(!r,!c) e -> (r + entRespRLen e,c + entRespCLen e)) (0,0) allents conncnt = length [ () | Entry {..} <- allents, entConnect /= entReqStart ] allts = [ entRespDone - entConnect | Entry {..} <- allents ] statcodes = hist $ map entRespCode allents _ <- printf "finished in %.6f seconds, %d reqs (%d conns), %.1f req/s received\n" (ts1'-ts0') (length allents) conncnt (fI (argNumReq pargs) / (ts1'-ts0')) putStrLn $ "status codes: " ++ intercalate ", " [ show y ++ " HTTP-" ++ show x | (x,y) <- statcodes ] _ <- printf "data received: %.3f KiB/s, %u bytes total (%u bytes http + %u bytes content)\n" (fI rlen / (1024 * (ts1'-ts0'))) rlen (rlen-clen) clen when verbose $ do let [q2,q9,q25,q50,q75,q91,q98] = summary7 (map (*1000) allts) printf "rtt 2/9|25/50/75|91/98-th quantile = %.3f/%.3f | %.3f/%.3f/%.3f | %.3f/%.3f ms\n" q2 q9 q25 q50 q75 q91 q98 printf "rtt min/avg/max = %.3f/%.3f/%.3f ms\n" (1000*minimum allts) (1000*avg allts) (1000*maximum allts) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- CSV dumping unless (null $ argCsv pargs) $ do putStrLn "dumping CSV..." let allents = sortBy (comparing entConnect) $ concatMap (\(_,_,ents) -> ents) tss withFile (argCsv pargs) WriteMode $ \h -> do _ <- hPrintf h "timestamp_s,connect_ms,req_send_ms,resp_wait_ms,resp_recv_ms,resp_status,resp_total_bytes,resp_content_bytes,conn_id\r\n" forM_ allents $ \Entry {..} -> hPrintf h "%.6f,%.4f,%.4f,%.4f,%.4f,%d,%u,%u,%d\r\n" entConnect (1000 * (entReqStart - entConnect)) (1000 * (entReqDone - entReqStart)) (1000 * (entRespStart - entReqDone)) (1000 * (entRespDone - entRespStart)) entRespCode entRespRLen entRespCLen entConnId ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- return () where avg :: [Double] -> Double avg xs = sn / fI ln where (sn,ln) = foldl' go (0,0::Int) xs go (!s,!l) x = (s+x,l+1) med :: [Double] -> Double med xs = sort xs !! (l `div` 2) where l = length xs summary7 :: [Double] -> [Double] summary7 xs = atIndices (sort xs) is where l = length xs is = [ ((l-1)*q) `div` 100 | q <- [2,9,25,50,75,91,98] ] atIndices :: [a] -> [Int] -> [a] atIndices _ [] = [] atIndices [] _ = error "atIndices" atIndices xs (i:is) = head xs' : atIndices xs' (map (subtract i) is) where xs' | i >= 0 = drop i xs | otherwise = error "atIndices2" hist xs = [ (head g, length g) | g <- group (sort xs) ] -- |repeat executing 'doReq' until req-counter goes below 0 doReqs :: Maybe SockAddr -> SockAddr -> IORef Int -> [ByteString] -> Double -> IO [Entry] doReqs lsa sa cntref reqList wtime = go Nothing [] reqList where go _ _ [] = fail "internal error: request list ran out" go ss a (req : rest) = do notDone <- decReqCounter cntref if notDone then do (ss',r) <- doReq lsa sa ss req when (wtimeUsecs > 0) $ threadDelay wtimeUsecs go ss' (r:a) rest else do maybe (return ()) ssClose ss return a wtimeUsecs = floor $ 1000000 * wtime decReqCounter cnt = atomicModifyIORef' cnt (\n -> (n-1,n>0)) -- | Version of 'doReqs' that does all requests as indicated by req-counter at once -- -- This updates the IORef only once and thus avoids additional overhead doReqsAll :: Maybe SockAddr -> SockAddr -> IORef Int -> [ByteString] -> Double -> IO [Entry] doReqsAll lsa sa cntref reqList wtime = do n <- atomicModifyIORef' cntref (\n -> (n-(max 0 (n+1)),(max 0 n))) go Nothing [] n reqList where go _ _ _ [] = fail "internal error: request list ran out" go ss a cnt (req : rest) | cnt > 0 = do (ss',r) <- doReq lsa sa ss req when (wtimeUsecs > 0) $ threadDelay wtimeUsecs go ss' (r:a) (cnt-1) rest | otherwise = do maybe (return ()) ssClose ss return a wtimeUsecs = floor $ 1000000 * wtime -- |single measurement entry data Entry = Entry { entConnId :: {-# UNPACK #-} !Int -- each connections gets a new id , entRespCode :: {-# UNPACK #-} !HttpCode , entRespRLen :: {-# UNPACK #-} !Word64 -- total amount of data received , entRespCLen :: {-# UNPACK #-} !Word64 -- payload content-length , entConnect :: {-# UNPACK #-} !TS -- ts at connection-startup , entReqStart :: {-# UNPACK #-} !TS -- ts before sending request , entReqDone :: {-# UNPACK #-} !TS -- ts after sending request , entRespStart :: {-# UNPACK #-} !TS -- ts when response starts being received , entRespDone :: {-# UNPACK #-} !TS -- ts when full response has been received } deriving (Show) doReq :: Maybe SockAddr -> SockAddr -> Maybe SockStream -> ByteString -> IO (Maybe SockStream,Entry) doReq lsa sa mss rawreq = do (ss,mt0) <- case mss of Just ss' -> return (ss',Nothing) Nothing -> do t0' <- getTS ss' <- ssConnect lsa sa return (ss',Just t0') t1 <- getTS -- before request is sent (and socket is already connected) ssWrite rawreq ss t1' <- getTS -- after request has been sent _ <- ssPeek ss t2 <- getTS -- after first packet of response has been received rcnt0 <- ssReadCnt ss -- read HTTP response HttpResponse {..} <- recvHttpResponse ss t2' <- getTS -- after full response has been received rcnt1 <- ssReadCnt ss -- sanity check tmp <- ssPeekBuf ss unless (B.null tmp) $ fail "trailing garbage detected in server response -- aborting" -- keep-alive handling ss' <- if respKeepalive then return (Just ss) else do ssClose ss return Nothing let ent = Entry (ssId ss) respCode (rcnt1-rcnt0) respContentLen (fromMaybe t1 mt0) t1 t1' t2 t2' return $! strictPair ss' ent where strictPair !a !b = (a,b)