{-# LANGUAGE CPP #-} module UHC.Util.Utils ( -- * Set unionMapSet -- * Map , inverseMap , showStringMapKeys , mapLookup2', mapLookup2 -- * List , hdAndTl', hdAndTl , maybeNull, maybeHd , wordsBy , initlast, initlast2 , last' , firstNotEmpty , listSaturate, listSaturateWith , spanOnRest -- * Tuple , tup123to1, tup123to2 , tup123to12, tup123to23 , tup12to123 -- * String , strWhite , strPad , strCapitalize , strToLower , strToInt , splitForQualified -- * Show , showUnprefixedWithTypeable -- * Misc , panic , isSortedByOn , sortOnLazy , sortOn , sortByOn , groupOn , groupByOn , groupSortOn , groupSortByOn , nubOn , consecutiveBy , partitionAndRebuild , orderingLexic -- * Maybe , panicJust , ($?) , orMb , maybeAnd , maybeOr -- * Graph , scc -- * Monad , firstMaybeM ) where -- import UHC.Util.Pretty import Data.Char import Data.List import Data.Typeable import qualified Data.Set as Set import qualified Data.Map as Map import qualified Data.Graph as Graph ------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Set ------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- | Union a set where each element itself is mapped to a set unionMapSet :: Ord b => (a -> Set.Set b) -> (Set.Set a -> Set.Set b) unionMapSet f = Set.unions . map f . Set.toList ------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Map ------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- | Inverse of a map inverseMap :: (Ord k, Ord v') => (k -> v -> (v',k')) -> Map.Map k v -> Map.Map v' k' inverseMap mk = Map.fromList . map (uncurry mk) . Map.toList -- | Show keys of map using a separator showStringMapKeys :: Map.Map String x -> String -> String showStringMapKeys m sep = concat $ intersperse sep $ Map.keys m ------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- List ------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- | Get head and tail, with default if empty list hdAndTl' :: a -> [a] -> (a,[a]) hdAndTl' _ (a:as) = (a,as) hdAndTl' n [] = (n,[]) -- | Get head and tail, with panic/error if empty list hdAndTl :: [a] -> (a,[a]) hdAndTl = hdAndTl' (panic "hdAndTl") {-# INLINE hdAndTl #-} maybeNull :: r -> ([a] -> r) -> [a] -> r maybeNull n f l = if null l then n else f l {-# INLINE maybeNull #-} maybeHd :: r -> (a -> r) -> [a] -> r maybeHd n f = maybeNull n (f . head) {-# INLINE maybeHd #-} -- | Split up in words by predicate wordsBy :: (a -> Bool) -> [a] -> [[a]] wordsBy p l = w l where w [] = [] w l = let (l',ls') = break p l in l' : case ls' of [] -> [] (_:[]) -> [[]] (_:ls'') -> w ls'' -- | Possibly last element and init initlast :: [a] -> Maybe ([a],a) initlast as = il [] as where il acc [a] = Just (reverse acc,a) il acc (a:as) = il (a:acc) as il _ _ = Nothing -- | variation on last which returns empty value instead of last' :: a -> [a] -> a last' e = maybe e snd . initlast -- | Possibly last and preceding element and init initlast2 :: [a] -> Maybe ([a],a,a) initlast2 as = il [] as where il acc [a,b] = Just (reverse acc,a,b) il acc (a:as) = il (a:acc) as il _ _ = Nothing -- | First non empty list of list of lists firstNotEmpty :: [[x]] -> [x] firstNotEmpty = maybeHd [] id . filter (not . null) -- | Saturate a list, that is: -- for all indices i between min and max, -- if there is no listelement x for which get x returns i, -- add an element mk i to the list listSaturate :: (Enum a,Ord a) => a -> a -> (x -> a) -> (a -> x) -> [x] -> [x] listSaturate min max get mk xs = [ Map.findWithDefault (mk i) i mp | i <- [min..max] ] where mp = Map.fromList [ (get x,x) | x <- xs ] -- | Saturate a list with values from assoc list, that is: -- for all indices i between min and max, -- if there is no listelement x for which get x returns i, -- add a candidate from the associationlist (which must be present) to the list listSaturateWith :: (Enum a,Ord a) => a -> a -> (x -> a) -> [(a,x)] -> [x] -> [x] listSaturateWith min max get missing l = listSaturate min max get mk l where mp = Map.fromList missing mk a = panicJust "listSaturateWith" $ Map.lookup a mp -- variant on span, predicate on full list spanOnRest :: ([a] -> Bool) -> [a] -> ([a],[a]) spanOnRest p [] = ([],[]) spanOnRest p xs@(x:xs') | p xs = (x:ys, zs) | otherwise = ([],xs) where (ys,zs) = spanOnRest p xs' ------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Tupling, untupling ------------------------------------------------------------------------- tup123to1 (a,_,_) = a -- aka fst3 tup123to2 (_,a,_) = a -- aka snd3 tup123to12 (a,b,_) = (a,b) tup123to23 (_,a,b) = (a,b) tup12to123 c (a,b) = (a,b,c) {-# INLINE tup123to1 #-} {-# INLINE tup123to2 #-} {-# INLINE tup123to12 #-} {-# INLINE tup123to23 #-} {-# INLINE tup12to123 #-} ------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- String ------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- | Blanks strWhite :: Int -> String strWhite sz = replicate sz ' ' {-# INLINE strWhite #-} -- | Pad upto size with blanks strPad :: String -> Int -> String strPad s sz = s ++ strWhite (sz - length s) -- | Capitalize first letter strCapitalize :: String -> String strCapitalize s = case s of (c:cs) -> toUpper c : cs _ -> s -- | Lower case strToLower :: String -> String strToLower = map toLower {-# INLINE strToLower #-} -- | Convert string to Int strToInt :: String -> Int strToInt = foldl (\i c -> i * 10 + ord c - ord '0') 0 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Split for qualified name ------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- | Show, additionally removing type name prefix, assuming constructor names are prefixed with type name, possibly with additional underscore (or something like that) showUnprefixedWithTypeable :: (Show x, Typeable x) => Int -> x -> String showUnprefixedWithTypeable extralen x = drop prelen $ show x where prelen = (length $ show $ typeOf x) + extralen ------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Split for qualified name ------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- | Split into fragments based on '.' convention for qualified Haskell names splitForQualified :: String -> [String] splitForQualified s = ws'' where ws = wordsBy (=='.') s ws' = case initlast2 ws of Just (ns,n,"") -> ns ++ [n ++ "."] _ -> ws ws''= case break (=="") ws' of (nq,(_:ns)) -> nq ++ [concatMap ("."++) ns] _ -> ws' ------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Misc ------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- | Error, with message panic m = error ("panic: " ++ m) ------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- group/sort/nub combi's ------------------------------------------------------------------------- isSortedByOn :: (b -> b -> Ordering) -> (a -> b) -> [a] -> Bool isSortedByOn cmp sel l = isSrt l where isSrt (x1:tl@(x2:_)) = cmp (sel x1) (sel x2) /= GT && isSrt tl isSrt _ = True -- | A slightly more lazy version of Data.List.sortOn. -- See also https://github.com/UU-ComputerScience/uhc-util/issues/5 . sortOnLazy :: Ord b => (a -> b) -> [a] -> [a] sortOnLazy = sortByOn compare {-# INLINE sortOnLazy #-} #if __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ >= 710 #else -- | The original Data.List.sortOn. -- See also https://github.com/UU-ComputerScience/uhc-util/issues/5 . sortOn :: Ord b => (a -> b) -> [a] -> [a] sortOn = sortOnLazy {-# INLINE sortOn #-} #endif sortByOn :: (b -> b -> Ordering) -> (a -> b) -> [a] -> [a] sortByOn cmp sel = sortBy (\e1 e2 -> sel e1 `cmp` sel e2) groupOn :: Eq b => (a -> b) -> [a] -> [[a]] groupOn sel = groupBy (\e1 e2 -> sel e1 == sel e2) groupSortOn :: Ord b => (a -> b) -> [a] -> [[a]] groupSortOn sel = groupOn sel . sortOn sel groupByOn :: (b -> b -> Bool) -> (a -> b) -> [a] -> [[a]] groupByOn eq sel = groupBy (\e1 e2 -> sel e1 `eq` sel e2) groupSortByOn :: (b -> b -> Ordering) -> (a -> b) -> [a] -> [[a]] groupSortByOn cmp sel = groupByOn (\e1 e2 -> cmp e1 e2 == EQ) sel . sortByOn cmp sel nubOn :: Eq b => (a->b) -> [a] -> [a] nubOn sel = nubBy (\a1 a2 -> sel a1 == sel a2) -- | The 'consecutiveBy' function groups like groupBy, but based on a function which says whether 2 elements are consecutive consecutiveBy :: (a -> a -> Bool) -> [a] -> [[a]] consecutiveBy _ [] = [] consecutiveBy isConsec (x:xs) = ys : consecutiveBy isConsec zs where (ys,zs) = consec x xs consec x [] = ([x],[]) consec x yys@(y:ys) | isConsec x y = let (yys',zs) = consec y ys in (x:yys',zs) | otherwise = ([x],yys) ------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Partitioning with rebuild ------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- | Partition, but also return a function which will rebuild according to the original ordering of list elements partitionAndRebuild :: (v -> Bool) -> [v] -> ([v], [v], [v'] -> [v'] -> [v']) partitionAndRebuild f (v:vs) | f v = (v : vs1, vs2, \(r:r1) r2 -> r : mk r1 r2) | otherwise = ( vs1, v : vs2, \ r1 (r:r2) -> r : mk r1 r2) where (vs1,vs2,mk) = partitionAndRebuild f vs partitionAndRebuild _ [] = ([], [], \_ _ -> []) ------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Ordering ------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- | Reduce compare results lexicographically to one compare result orderingLexic :: [Ordering] -> Ordering orderingLexic = foldr1 (\o1 o2 -> if o1 == EQ then o2 else o1) ------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Maybe ------------------------------------------------------------------------- panicJust :: String -> Maybe a -> a panicJust m = maybe (panic m) id {-# INLINE panicJust #-} infixr 0 $? ($?) :: (a -> Maybe b) -> Maybe a -> Maybe b f $? mx = do x <- mx f x orMb :: Maybe a -> Maybe a -> Maybe a orMb m1 m2 = maybe m2 (const m1) m1 -- orMb = maybeOr Nothing Just Just maybeAnd :: x -> (a -> b -> x) -> Maybe a -> Maybe b -> x maybeAnd n jj ma mb = case ma of Just a -> case mb of {Just b -> jj a b ; _ -> n} _ -> n maybeOr :: x -> (a -> x) -> (b -> x) -> Maybe a -> Maybe b -> x maybeOr n fa fb ma mb = case ma of Just a -> fa a _ -> case mb of Just b -> fb b _ -> n ------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Strongly Connected Components ------------------------------------------------------------------------- scc :: Ord n => [(n,[n])] -> [[n]] scc = map Graph.flattenSCC . Graph.stronglyConnComp . map (\(n,ns) -> (n, n, ns)) ------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Map ------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- | double lookup, with transformer for 2nd map mapLookup2' :: (Ord k1, Ord k2) => (v1 -> Map.Map k2 v2) -> k1 -> k2 -> Map.Map k1 v1 -> Maybe (Map.Map k2 v2, v2) mapLookup2' f k1 k2 m1 = do m2 <- Map.lookup k1 m1 let m2' = f m2 fmap ((,) m2') $ Map.lookup k2 m2' -- | double lookup mapLookup2 :: (Ord k1, Ord k2) => k1 -> k2 -> Map.Map k1 (Map.Map k2 v2) -> Maybe v2 mapLookup2 k1 k2 m1 = fmap snd $ mapLookup2' id k1 k2 m1 {-# INLINE mapLookup2 #-} ------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Monad ------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- | loop over monads yielding a Maybe from a start value, yielding the first Just or the start (when no Just is returned) firstMaybeM :: Monad m => a -> [a -> m (Maybe a)] -> m a firstMaybeM x [] = return x firstMaybeM x (s:ss) = do mx <- s x maybe (firstMaybeM x ss) return mx