-- UUAGC (build/103/lib-ehc/UHC/Light/Compiler/Core.ag)
module UHC.Light.Compiler.Core(module UHC.Light.Compiler.AbstractCore
, module UHC.Light.Compiler.Base.Target
, CodeAGItf (..), CModule (..), CExpr (..), CBind (..), CBound (..), CMetaVal (..), CMetaBind (..), CMetas, CBindL, CBoundL, CPatRest (..), CAlt (..), CAltL, CPat (..), CPatFld (..), CPatFldL
, CBindAnn (..), CBindAnnL, CExprAnn (..)
, CExport (..), CExportL, CImport (..), CImportL
, CDeclMeta (..), CDeclMetaL, CDataCon (..), CDataConL
, RAlt, RPat, RPatConBind, RPatFld
, cmetasDefault
, cmetasVal
, cmetasMapVal
, CBindCateg (..)
, EvalCtx (..), evalCtxIsStrict
, cexprIsLam
, cbindNm
, mkCMod, emptyCModule
, cexprMbVar, cexprVar
, cexprTupFld
, cexprIsEvaluated
, CVarIntro (..), emptyCVarIntro
, CVarIntroMp, CVarIntroL, cviLookup
, cLevModule, cLevExtern
, CVarRepl (..)
, CVarReplMp
, CVarReplNm, emptyCVarReplNm
, CVarReplNmMp, CVarReplNmL
, cvrFromCvi
, fvLev, fvsLev
, SysfTy, SysfTyBind, SysfTyBound, SysfTySeq, SysfTySeq1
, CTy, mkCTy, mkSTy, cty
, cbindLNub
, cTupLbl
, cTupTag
, cTupOff
, cmodSetImports
, cbindAspectMbExpr, cbindExprs
, cLevIntern
, cModMergeByConcat
, CDbBindLetInfo
, CDbBindRef, CDbModuleBindMp
, CModuleDatabase (..), emptyCModuleDatabase
, cmoddbLookup
, module UHC.Light.Compiler.Foreign) where

import UHC.Light.Compiler.Base.HsName.Builtin
import UHC.Light.Compiler.Base.Common
import UHC.Light.Compiler.Base.TermLike
import UHC.Light.Compiler.Opts.Base
import UHC.Light.Compiler.AbstractCore
import UHC.Light.Compiler.Base.Target (FFIWay (..),TargetFlavor (..))
import Data.Maybe
import Data.Char
import Data.List
import UHC.Util.Utils
import Control.Applicative ((<|>))
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import qualified Data.Set as Set
import UHC.Light.Compiler.Ty
import UHC.Light.Compiler.Module.Merge
import Data.Array
import Control.Monad
import UHC.Util.Binary
import UHC.Util.Serialize
import UHC.Light.Compiler.Foreign

-- | Explicit dummy instances instead of derived ones which not really are used except as context for PP
instance Show CExpr where
  show _ = "CExpr"

instance Show CBound where
  show _ = "CBound"

type RAlt           = RAlt'         CExpr CTy CBind CPatRest
type RPat           = RPat'         CExpr CTy CBind CPatRest
type RPatConBind    = RPatConBind'  CExpr CTy CBind CPatRest
type RPatFld        = RPatFld'      CExpr CTy CBind CPatRest

-- | Set imports
cmodSetImports :: [HsName] -> CModule -> CModule
cmodSetImports imp m = m {imports_CModule_Mod = map CImport_Import imp}

cTupLbl :: CExpr -> HsName
cTupLbl e
  =  case e of
         CExpr_TupIns _ _ l _ _ -> l
         CExpr_TupUpd _ _ l _ _ -> l
         CExpr_TupDel _ _ l _   -> l

cTupTag :: CExpr -> CTag
cTupTag e
  =  case e of
         CExpr_TupIns _ t _ _ _ -> t
         CExpr_TupUpd _ t _ _ _ -> t
         CExpr_TupDel _ t _ _   -> t

cTupOff :: CExpr -> CExpr
cTupOff e
  =  case e of
         CExpr_TupIns _ _ _ o _ -> o
         CExpr_TupUpd _ _ _ o _ -> o
         CExpr_TupDel _ _ _ o   -> o

cmetasDefault :: CMetas
cmetasDefault = (CMetaBind_Plain,CMetaVal_Val)

cmetasVal :: CMetas -> CMetaVal
cmetasVal (_,v) = v

cmetasMapVal :: (CMetaVal -> CMetaVal) -> CMetas -> CMetas
cmetasMapVal f (b,v) = (b,f v)

data CBindCateg
  = CBindCateg_Rec              -- mutually recursive
  | CBindCateg_Strict           -- strictly evaluated
  | CBindCateg_Plain                -- plain
  | CBindCateg_FFI              -- imported function
  | CBindCateg_FFE              -- exported function (not implemented yet)
  deriving (Show,Eq,Enum)

deriving instance Typeable CBindCateg

data EvalCtx
  = EvalCtx_None         -- nothing known, no strictness required, no thunking
  | EvalCtx_Thunk        -- lazy/thunked representation required
  | EvalCtx_PApp0        -- partial app of lam with 0 params
  | EvalCtx_Eval         -- strictness (thus eval) required
  | EvalCtx_EvalUnbox    -- strictness (thus eval) + unboxing required
  deriving Eq

evalCtxIsStrict:: EvalCtx -> Bool
evalCtxIsStrict EvalCtx_Eval        = True
evalCtxIsStrict EvalCtx_EvalUnbox   = True
evalCtxIsStrict _                   = False

cexprIsLam :: CExpr -> Bool
cexprIsLam (CExpr_Lam _ _) = True
cexprIsLam _               = False

cbindNm :: CBind -> HsName
cbindNm (CBind_Bind      n _) = n
-- cbindNm (CBind_FFI _ _ _ n _  ) = n

-- | extract expr for aspect, relevant for later use/analysis/...
cbindAspectMbExpr :: CBound -> Maybe CExpr
cbindAspectMbExpr (CBound_Bind _     e) = Just e
cbindAspectMbExpr (CBound_Val  _ _ _ e) = Just e
cbindAspectMbExpr _                     = Nothing

-- | extract exprs of a binding which are relevant for use/analysis/...
cbindExprs :: CBind -> [CExpr]
cbindExprs (CBind_Bind _ a) = catMaybes $ map cbindAspectMbExpr a

cbindLNub :: CBindL -> CBindL
cbindLNub = nubBy (\b1 b2 -> cbindNm b1 == cbindNm b2)

mkCMod :: CExpr -> CModule
mkCMod e = CModule_Mod (hsnFromString "") [] [] [] e -- []

emptyCModule :: CModule
emptyCModule = mkCMod (CExpr_Int 0)

cexprMbVar :: CExpr -> Maybe HsName
cexprMbVar (CExpr_Var r) = Just (acbrefNm r)
cexprMbVar _             = Nothing

cexprVar :: CExpr -> HsName
cexprVar = maybe hsnUnknown id . cexprMbVar

cexprTupFld :: CExpr -> CExpr
cexprTupFld (CExpr_TupIns _ _ _ _ e) = e
cexprTupFld _                        = panic "Core.cexprTupFld" -- acoreVar hsnUnknown

cexprIsEvaluated :: CExpr -> Bool
cexprIsEvaluated (CExpr_Int  _) = True
cexprIsEvaluated (CExpr_Char _) = True
cexprIsEvaluated _              = False

data CVarIntro
  = CVarIntro
      { cviLev      :: Int      -- lexical level
      , cviMeta     :: CMetaVal -- meta info

emptyCVarIntro :: CVarIntro
  = CVarIntro cLevExtern CMetaVal_Val

type CVarIntroMp = Map.Map HsName CVarIntro
type CVarIntroL  = AssocL  HsName CVarIntro

cviLookup :: HsName -> CVarIntroMp -> CVarIntro
cviLookup n m = Map.findWithDefault emptyCVarIntro n m

cLevModule, cLevExtern :: Int
cLevModule = 0
cLevExtern = 0

cLevIntern :: Int
cLevIntern = 1

data CVarRepl r
  = CVarRepl
      { cvrRepl     :: r        -- replacement
      , cvrMeta     :: CMetaVal -- meta info

type CVarReplMp  r = Map.Map HsName (CVarRepl r)
type CVarReplAsc r = AssocL  HsName (CVarRepl r)

type CVarReplNm = CVarRepl HsName

emptyCVarReplNm :: CVarReplNm
emptyCVarReplNm = CVarRepl hsnUnknown CMetaVal_Val

type CVarReplNmMp = CVarReplMp  HsName
type CVarReplNmL  = CVarReplAsc HsName

cvrFromCvi :: CVarIntro -> CVarReplNm
cvrFromCvi i
  = emptyCVarReplNm
      { cvrMeta     = cviMeta i

fvLev :: HsName -> CVarIntroMp -> Int
fvLev n m = cviLev $ cviLookup n m

fvsLev :: CVarIntroMp -> Int -> FvS -> Int
fvsLev lm lDflt fvs = foldr (\n l -> fvLev n lm `max` l) lDflt $ Set.toList $ fvs

-- | merge by concatenation
cModMergeByConcat :: [CModule] -> CModule
cModMergeByConcat mL
  = foldr1 cmb mL
  where get (CExpr_Let c b e) = CExpr_Let c b . get e
        get  _                = id
        cmb (CModule_Mod m1 ex1 im1 mt1 e1) (CModule_Mod m2 ex2 im2 mt2 e2)
          = CModule_Mod m2 (ex1++ex2) (im1++im2) (mt1++mt2) (get e1 e2)

-- | the binding info required for let bind
type CDbBindLetInfo'  f            = ModDbBindLetInfo'' f  CBindCateg CBind
type CDbBindLetInfo                = CDbBindLetInfo'  []

-- | actual bindings stored in separate array to allow for sharing
type CDbBindArray = ModDbBindArray' CBindCateg CBind

-- | reference into database of bindings, agnostic of name given to it
type CDbBindRef = (Int,Int)

-- | binding map of global names to individual bindings
type CDbModuleBindMp = Map.Map HsName CDbBindRef

-- | the full module represented in a map/database like format (20101004 AD: to be made into persistent db soon)
data CModuleDatabase
  = CModuleDatabase
      { cmoddbModNm         :: !HsName              -- module name
      , cmoddbBindArr       :: !CDbBindArray        -- bindings
      , cmoddbBindMp        :: !CDbModuleBindMp     -- map of name to bindings
      , cmoddbMainExpr      :: !CExpr               -- the final expr of the module's let expr
      , cmoddbExports       :: !CExportL            -- exports
      , cmoddbImports       :: !CImportL            -- imports
      , cmoddbMeta          :: !CDeclMetaL          -- meta info/decl

emptyCModuleDatabase :: CModuleDatabase
emptyCModuleDatabase = CModuleDatabase hsnUnknown (array (1,0) []) Map.empty (CExpr_Int 0) [] [] []

cmoddbLookup :: HsName -> CModuleDatabase -> Maybe CDbBindRef
cmoddbLookup n db = Map.lookup n $ cmoddbBindMp db

-- | If there is no SysF used, just the plain type (used during type check/infer)
type SysfTy         = Ty            -- base ty
type SysfTyBind     = Ty            -- binder
type SysfTyBound    = Ty            -- to be bound by binder
type SysfTySeq      = SysfTy            -- sequence
type SysfTySeq1     = SysfTy            -- singleton

-- | In case of SysF isomorphic to Either 'old ty' 'sysf ty', to be chosen at a higher level
type CTy = Ty

-- | Make CTy, ignoring the second Ty arg, which is a dummy anyway
mkCTy :: EHCOpts -> Ty -> SysfTy -> CTy
mkCTy _ t _ = t

-- | Make CTy from sysf ty
mkSTy :: SysfTy -> CTy
mkSTy = id
{-# INLINE mkSTy #-}

-- | CTy fold, using the first 'f'
cty :: (Ty -> x) -> (SysfTy -> x) -> CTy -> x
cty f _ t = f t

instance AbstractCore CExpr CMetaVal CBind CBound ACoreAppLikeMetaBound CBindCateg CMetaBind CTy CPat CPatRest CPatFld CAlt where
  -- expr
  acore1AppBound   f a                  = CExpr_App f a
  -- acoreLam1Ty a _ e                  = CExpr_Lam (acoreBind1 a) e
  acoreLam1Bind b e                     = CExpr_Lam b e
  acoreTagTyTupBound   tg _ es          = acoreAppBound (CExpr_Tup tg) es
  acoreBoundVal1CatLevMetasTy _ _ _ m _ e
                                        = CBound_Bind m e
  acoreBoundmeta a m l                  = (a,m,l)
  acoreBound1MetaVal (a,m,l) e          = CBound_Val a m l e
  acoreBoundValTy1CatLev _ _ _ t
                                        = CBound_Ty acbaspkeyDefaultTy t
  acoreBind1Asp n as                    = CBind_Bind n as
  acoreBind1CatLevMetasTy bcat n mlev mb t e
                                        = acoreBind1Asp n [acoreBoundValTy1CatLev bcat n (mlev+1) t, acoreBoundVal1CatLevMetasTy bcat n mlev mb t e]
  acoreLetBase                          = CExpr_Let
  acoreCaseDflt e as d                  = CExpr_Case e as (maybe (acoreVar hsnUnknown) id d)
  acoreVar n                            = CExpr_Var (acoreMkRef n)
  acoreStringTy _ i                     = CExpr_String i
  acoreCharTy _ i                       = CExpr_Char i
  acoreIntTy _ i                        = CExpr_Int i
  acoreIntTy2 _ i                       = CExpr_Int (fromInteger i)
  acoreUidHole                          = CExpr_Hole
  acoreHoleLet                          = CExpr_HoleLet
  -- acoreDflt                              =
  acoreExprErr                          = CExpr_Dbg

  -- ty constants
  acoreTyBool o                         = acoreTy2ty o $ appCon (ehcOptBuiltin o ehbnDataBool)

  -- ty
  -- acoreTyInt2                            = tyInt
  acoreTy2ty _                          = id

  -- pat
  acorePatVarTy n _                     = CPat_Var n
  acorePatCon                           = CPat_Con
  acorePatIntTy _ i                     = CPat_Int i
  acorePatIntTy2 _ i                    = CPat_Int (fromInteger i)
  acorePatCharTy _ i                    = CPat_Char i
  acorePatBoolExpr                      = CPat_BoolExpr

  -- patfld
  acorePatFldBind (lbl,off) b           = CPatFld_Fld lbl off b []
  -- acorePatFldTy _ (lbl,off) n            = CPatFld_Fld lbl off n []

  -- patrest
  acorePatRestEmpty                     = CPatRest_Empty
  acorePatRestVar                       = CPatRest_Var

  -- alt
  acoreAlt                              = CAlt_Alt

  -- defaults
  acoreDfltBoundmeta                    = (acbaspkeyDefault,0,CLbl_None)
  acoreMetavalDflt                      = CMetaVal_Val
  acoreMetavalDfltDict                  = CMetaVal_Dict
  acoreMetabindDflt                     = CMetaBind_Plain
  acoreTyErr s                          = acoreTy2ty emptyEHCOpts $ Ty_Dbg s
  acoreTyNone                           = acoreTyErr "Core.acoreTyNone"
  acoreTyChar o                         = acoreTy2ty o $ tyChar
  acoreTyInt o                          = acoreTy2ty o $ tyInt
  acoreTyString o                       = acoreTy2ty o $ tyString o

  -- bindcateg
  acoreBindcategRec                     = CBindCateg_Rec
  acoreBindcategStrict                  = CBindCateg_Strict
  acoreBindcategPlain                   = CBindCateg_Plain

  -- inspecting
  acoreExprMbApp (CExpr_App f b)        = Just (f,b)
  acoreExprMbApp _                      = Nothing

  acoreExprMbLam (CExpr_Lam b e)        = Just (b,e)
  acoreExprMbLam _                      = Nothing

  acoreExprMbLet (CExpr_Let c b e)      = Just (c,b,e)
  acoreExprMbLet _                      = Nothing

  acoreExprMbVar (CExpr_Var r)          = Just (acbrefNm r)
  acoreExprMbVar _                      = Nothing

  acoreExprMbInt (CExpr_Int i)          = Just (acoreTyErr "Core.acoreExprMbInt",toInteger i)
  acoreExprMbInt _                      = Nothing

  acoreBindcategMbRec CBindCateg_Rec    = Just CBindCateg_Rec
  acoreBindcategMbRec _                 = Nothing

  acoreBindcategMbStrict CBindCateg_Strict  = Just CBindCateg_Strict
  acoreBindcategMbStrict _                  = Nothing

  acorePatMbCon (CPat_Con tg r fs)      = Just (tg,r,fs)
  acorePatMbCon _                       = Nothing

  acorePatMbInt (CPat_Int i)            = Just (acoreTyErr "Core.acorePatMbInt",toInteger i)
  acorePatMbInt _                       = Nothing

  acorePatMbChar (CPat_Char i)          = Just (acoreTyErr "Core.acorePatMbChar",i)
  acorePatMbChar _                      = Nothing

  acoreUnAlt (CAlt_Alt p e)             = (p,e)
  acoreUnPatFld (CPatFld_Fld l o b _)   = ((l,o),b)
  acoreUnBind (CBind_Bind n as)         = (n,as)

  acoreBoundMbVal (CBound_Val a m l e)  = Just ((a,m,l),e)
  acoreBoundMbVal _                     = Nothing

  -- coercion
  acoreCoeArg                           = CExpr_CoeArg
  acoreExprIsCoeArg                     = (== CExpr_CoeArg)

instance Serialize CModule where
  sput (CModule_Mod   a b c d e) = {- sputWord8 0 >> -} sput a >> sput b >> sput c >> sput d >> sput e
    = do {- t <- sgetWord8
         case t of
            0 -> -} liftM5 CModule_Mod         sget sget sget sget sget

instance Serialize CExport where
  sput (CExport_Export     a  ) = sputWord8 0 >> sput a
  sput (CExport_ExportData a b) = sputWord8 1 >> sput a >> sput b
    = do t <- sgetWord8
         case t of
            0 -> liftM   CExport_Export       sget
            1 -> liftM2  CExport_ExportData	  sget sget

instance Serialize CImport where
  sput (CImport_Import a  ) = {- sputWord8 0 >> -} sput a
    = do {- t <- sgetWord8
         case t of
            0 -> -} liftM   CImport_Import       sget

instance Serialize CDeclMeta where
  sput (CDeclMeta_Data   a b) = {- sputWord8 0 >> -} sput a >> sput b
    = do {- t <- sgetWord8
         case t of
            0 -> -} liftM2  CDeclMeta_Data         sget sget

instance Serialize CDataCon where
  sput (CDataCon_Con   a b c) = {- sputWord8 0 >> -} sput a >> sput b >> sput c
    = do {- t <- sgetWord8
         case t of
            0 -> -} liftM3  CDataCon_Con         sget sget sget

instance Serialize CExpr where
  sput (CExpr_Let       a b c       ) = sputWord8  0 >> sput a >> sput b >> sput c
  sput (CExpr_App       a b         ) = sputWord8  1 >> sput a >> sput b
  sput (CExpr_Lam       a b         ) = sputWord8  2 >> sput a >> sput b
  sput (CExpr_Case      a b c       ) = sputWord8  3 >> sput a >> sput b >> sput c
  sput (CExpr_Var       a           ) = sputWord8  4 >> sput a
  sput (CExpr_Int       a           ) = sputWord8  5 >> sput a
  sput (CExpr_Char      a           ) = sputWord8  6 >> sput a
  sput (CExpr_String    a           ) = sputWord8  7 >> sput a
  sput (CExpr_Tup       a           ) = sputWord8  8 >> sput a
  sput (CExpr_TupDel    a b c d     ) = sputWord8  9 >> sput a >> sput b >> sput c >> sput d
  sput (CExpr_TupIns    a b c d e   ) = sputWord8 10 >> sput a >> sput b >> sput c >> sput d >> sput e
  sput (CExpr_TupUpd    a b c d e   ) = sputWord8 11 >> sput a >> sput b >> sput c >> sput d >> sput e
  sput (CExpr_CaseAltFail
                        a b         ) = sputWord8 12 >> sput a >> sput b
  sput (CExpr_Hole      a           ) = sputWord8 13 >> sput a
  sput (CExpr_HoleLet   a b         ) = sputWord8 14 >> sput a >> sput b
  sput (CExpr_ImplsApp  a b         ) = sputWord8 15 >> sput a >> sput b
  sput (CExpr_ImplsLam  a b         ) = sputWord8 16 >> sput a >> sput b
  sput (CExpr_CoeArg                ) = sputWord8 17
  sput (CExpr_Integer   a           ) = sputWord8 18 >> sput a
  sput (CExpr_Ann       a b         ) = sputWord8 19 >> sput a >> sput b
  sput (CExpr_FFI       a b c d     ) = sputWord8 20 >> sput a >> sput b >> sput c >> sput d
  sput (CExpr_Dbg       a           ) = sputWord8 21 >> sput a
    = do t <- sgetWord8
         case t of
           0  -> liftM3 CExpr_Let           sget sget sget
           1  -> liftM2 CExpr_App           sget sget
           2  -> liftM2 CExpr_Lam           sget sget
           3  -> liftM3 CExpr_Case          sget sget sget
           4  -> liftM  CExpr_Var           sget
           5  -> liftM  CExpr_Int           sget
           6  -> liftM  CExpr_Char          sget
           7  -> liftM  CExpr_String        sget
           8  -> liftM  CExpr_Tup           sget
           9  -> liftM4 CExpr_TupDel        sget sget sget sget
           10 -> liftM5 CExpr_TupIns        sget sget sget sget sget
           11 -> liftM5 CExpr_TupUpd        sget sget sget sget sget
           12 -> liftM2 CExpr_CaseAltFail   sget sget
           13 -> liftM  CExpr_Hole          sget
           14 -> liftM2 CExpr_HoleLet       sget sget
           15 -> liftM2 CExpr_ImplsApp      sget sget
           16 -> liftM2 CExpr_ImplsLam      sget sget
           17 -> return CExpr_CoeArg
           18 -> liftM  CExpr_Integer       sget
           19 -> liftM2 CExpr_Ann           sget sget
           20 -> liftM4 CExpr_FFI           sget sget sget sget
           21 -> liftM  CExpr_Dbg           sget

instance Serialize CMetaVal where
  sput (CMetaVal_Val                ) = sputWord8 0
  sput (CMetaVal_Dict               ) = sputWord8 1
  sput (CMetaVal_DictClass      a   ) = sputWord8 2 >> sput a
  sput (CMetaVal_DictInstance   a   ) = sputWord8 3 >> sput a
  sput (CMetaVal_Track          a   ) = sputWord8 4 >> sput a
    = do t <- sgetWord8
         case t of
            0 -> return CMetaVal_Val
            1 -> return CMetaVal_Dict
            2 -> liftM  CMetaVal_DictClass          sget
            3 -> liftM  CMetaVal_DictInstance       sget
            4 -> liftM  CMetaVal_Track              sget

instance Serialize CExprAnn where
  sput (CExprAnn_Ty    a) = sputWord8 0 >> sput a
  sput (CExprAnn_Debug _) = sputWord8 2
    = do t <- sgetWord8
         case t of
            0 -> liftM  CExprAnn_Ty         sget
            2 -> return (CExprAnn_Debug     "")

instance Serialize CBindAnn where
  sput (CBindAnn_Coe   a) = sputWord8 0 >> sput a
    = do t <- sgetWord8
         case t of
            0 -> liftM  CBindAnn_Coe         sget

instance Serialize CBound where
  sput (CBound_Bind     a b      ) = sputWord8 0 >> sput a >> sput b
  -- sput (CBound_FFI   a b c d  ) = sputWord8 1 >> sput a >> sput b >> sput c >> sput d
  sput (CBound_FFE      a b c d  ) = sputWord8 2 >> sput a >> sput b >> sput c >> sput d
  sput (CBound_Meta    a b      ) = sputWord8 4 >> sput a >> sput b
  sput (CBound_Val     a b c d  ) = sputWord8 5 >> sput a >> sput b >> sput c >> sput d
  sput (CBound_Ty      a b      ) = sputWord8 6 >> sput a >> sput b
    = do t <- sgetWord8
         case t of
            0 -> liftM2 CBound_Bind          sget sget
            -- 1 -> liftM4 CBound_FFI           sget sget sget sget
            2 -> liftM4 CBound_FFE           sget sget sget sget
            4 -> liftM2 CBound_Meta          sget sget
            5 -> liftM4 CBound_Val           sget sget sget sget
            6 -> liftM2 CBound_Ty            sget sget

instance Serialize CBind where
  sput (CBind_Bind a b      ) = {- sputWord8 0 >> -} sput a >> sput b
    = do {- t <- sgetWord8
         case t of
            0 -> -} liftM2 CBind_Bind          sget sget

instance Serialize CAlt where
  sput (CAlt_Alt   a b      ) = {- sputWord8 0 >> -} sput a >> sput b
    = do {- t <- sgetWord8
         case t of
            0 -> -} liftM2 CAlt_Alt         sget sget

instance Serialize CPat where
  sput (CPat_Var       a        ) = sputWord8 0 >> sput a
  sput (CPat_Con       a b c    ) = sputWord8 1 >> sput a >> sput b >> sput c
  sput (CPat_Int       a        ) = sputWord8 2 >> sput a
  sput (CPat_Char      a        ) = sputWord8 3 >> sput a
  sput (CPat_BoolExpr  a        ) = sputWord8 4 >> sput a
    = do t <- sgetWord8
         case t of
            0 -> liftM  CPat_Var         sget
            1 -> liftM3 CPat_Con         sget sget sget
            2 -> liftM  CPat_Int         sget
            3 -> liftM  CPat_Char        sget
            4 -> liftM  CPat_BoolExpr    sget

instance Serialize CPatRest where
  sput (CPatRest_Var   a        ) = sputWord8 0 >> sput a
  sput (CPatRest_Empty          ) = sputWord8 1
    = do t <- sgetWord8
         case t of
            0 -> liftM  CPatRest_Var           sget
            1 -> return CPatRest_Empty

instance Serialize CPatFld where
  sput (CPatFld_Fld   a b c d ) = {- sputWord8 0 >> -} sput a >> sput b >> sput c >> sput d
    = do {- t <- sgetWord8
         case t of
            0 -> -} liftM4 CPatFld_Fld         sget sget sget sget

instance Serialize CBindCateg where
  sput = sputEnum8
  sget = sgetEnum8

instance Serialize CMetaBind where
  sput = sputEnum8
  sget = sgetEnum8

-- CAlt --------------------------------------------------------
data CAlt = CAlt_Alt {pat_CAlt_Alt :: !(CPat),expr_CAlt_Alt :: !(CExpr)}
          deriving ( Eq,Typeable)
-- CAltL -------------------------------------------------------
type CAltL = [CAlt]
-- CBind -------------------------------------------------------
data CBind = CBind_Bind {nm_CBind_Bind :: !(HsName),bindAspects_CBind_Bind :: !(CBoundL)}
           deriving ( Eq,Typeable)
-- CBindAnn ----------------------------------------------------
data CBindAnn = CBindAnn_Coe {coe_CBindAnn_Coe :: !((()))}
              deriving ( Eq,Typeable)
-- CBindAnnL ---------------------------------------------------
type CBindAnnL = [CBindAnn]
-- CBindL ------------------------------------------------------
type CBindL = [CBind]
-- CBound ------------------------------------------------------
data CBound = CBound_Bind {bindMeta_CBound_Bind :: !(CMetas),expr_CBound_Bind :: !(CExpr)}
            | CBound_Meta {aspectKeyS_CBound_Meta :: !(ACoreBindAspectKeyS),cmetas_CBound_Meta :: !(CMetas)}
            | CBound_Val {aspectKeyS_CBound_Val :: !(ACoreBindAspectKeyS),mlev_CBound_Val :: !(MetaLev),lbl_CBound_Val :: !(CLbl),expr_CBound_Val :: !(CExpr)}
            | CBound_Ty {aspectKeyS_CBound_Ty :: !(ACoreBindAspectKeyS),ty_CBound_Ty :: !(Ty)}
            | CBound_FFE {callconv_CBound_FFE :: !(FFIWay),expEnt_CBound_FFE :: !(ForeignEnt),expr_CBound_FFE :: !(CExpr),ty_CBound_FFE :: !(Ty)}
            deriving ( Eq,Typeable)
-- CBoundL -----------------------------------------------------
type CBoundL = [CBound]
-- CDataCon ----------------------------------------------------
data CDataCon = CDataCon_Con {conNm_CDataCon_Con :: !(HsName),tagNr_CDataCon_Con :: !(Int),arity_CDataCon_Con :: !(Int)}
              deriving ( Typeable)
-- CDataConL ---------------------------------------------------
type CDataConL = [CDataCon]
-- CDeclMeta ---------------------------------------------------
data CDeclMeta = CDeclMeta_Data {tyNm_CDeclMeta_Data :: !(HsName),dataCons_CDeclMeta_Data :: !(CDataConL)}
               deriving ( Typeable)
-- CDeclMetaL --------------------------------------------------
type CDeclMetaL = [CDeclMeta]
-- CExport -----------------------------------------------------
data CExport = CExport_Export {nm_CExport_Export :: !(HsName)}
             | CExport_ExportData {nm_CExport_ExportData :: !(HsName),mbConNmL_CExport_ExportData :: !((Maybe [HsName]))}
             deriving ( Eq,Ord,Typeable)
-- CExportL ----------------------------------------------------
type CExportL = [CExport]
-- CExpr -------------------------------------------------------
data CExpr = CExpr_Var {ref_CExpr_Var :: !(ACoreBindRef)}
           | CExpr_Int {int_CExpr_Int :: !(Int)}
           | CExpr_Char {char_CExpr_Char :: !(Char)}
           | CExpr_String {str_CExpr_String :: !(String)}
           | CExpr_Integer {integer_CExpr_Integer :: !(Integer)}
           | CExpr_Tup {tag_CExpr_Tup :: !(CTag)}
           | CExpr_Let {categ_CExpr_Let :: !(CBindCateg),binds_CExpr_Let :: !(CBindL),body_CExpr_Let :: !(CExpr)}
           | CExpr_App {func_CExpr_App :: !(CExpr),arg_CExpr_App :: !(CBound)}
           | CExpr_Lam {bind_CExpr_Lam :: !(CBind),body_CExpr_Lam :: !(CExpr)}
           | CExpr_Case {expr_CExpr_Case :: !(CExpr),alts_CExpr_Case :: !(CAltL),dflt_CExpr_Case :: !(CExpr)}
           | CExpr_CaseAltFail {failReason_CExpr_CaseAltFail :: !(CaseAltFailReason),errorExpr_CExpr_CaseAltFail :: !(CExpr)}
           | CExpr_TupDel {expr_CExpr_TupDel :: !(CExpr),tag_CExpr_TupDel :: !(CTag),nm_CExpr_TupDel :: !(HsName),offset_CExpr_TupDel :: !(CExpr)}
           | CExpr_TupIns {expr_CExpr_TupIns :: !(CExpr),tag_CExpr_TupIns :: !(CTag),nm_CExpr_TupIns :: !(HsName),offset_CExpr_TupIns :: !(CExpr),fldExpr_CExpr_TupIns :: !(CExpr)}
           | CExpr_TupUpd {expr_CExpr_TupUpd :: !(CExpr),tag_CExpr_TupUpd :: !(CTag),nm_CExpr_TupUpd :: !(HsName),offset_CExpr_TupUpd :: !(CExpr),fldExpr_CExpr_TupUpd :: !(CExpr)}
           | CExpr_FFI {callconv_CExpr_FFI :: !(FFIWay),safety_CExpr_FFI :: !(String),impEnt_CExpr_FFI :: !(ForeignEnt),ty_CExpr_FFI :: !(Ty)}
           | CExpr_Dbg {info_CExpr_Dbg :: !(String)}
           | CExpr_Hole {uid_CExpr_Hole :: !(UID)}
           | CExpr_HoleLet {bindsUid_CExpr_HoleLet :: !(UID),body_CExpr_HoleLet :: !(CExpr)}
           | CExpr_CoeArg {}
           | CExpr_ImplsApp {func_CExpr_ImplsApp :: !(CExpr),uid_CExpr_ImplsApp :: !(ImplsVarId)}
           | CExpr_ImplsLam {uid_CExpr_ImplsLam :: !(ImplsVarId),body_CExpr_ImplsLam :: !(CExpr)}
           | CExpr_Ann {ann_CExpr_Ann :: !(CExprAnn),expr_CExpr_Ann :: !(CExpr)}
           deriving ( Eq,Typeable)
-- CExprAnn ----------------------------------------------------
data CExprAnn = CExprAnn_Ty {ty_CExprAnn_Ty :: !(Ty)}
              | CExprAnn_Debug {info_CExprAnn_Debug :: !(String)}
              deriving ( Eq,Typeable)
-- CImport -----------------------------------------------------
data CImport = CImport_Import {nm_CImport_Import :: !(HsName)}
             deriving ( Eq,Ord,Typeable)
-- CImportL ----------------------------------------------------
type CImportL = [CImport]
-- CMetaBind ---------------------------------------------------
data CMetaBind = CMetaBind_Plain {}
               | CMetaBind_Function0 {}
               | CMetaBind_Function1 {}
               | CMetaBind_Apply0 {}
               deriving ( Enum,Eq,Typeable)
-- CMetaVal ----------------------------------------------------
data CMetaVal = CMetaVal_Val {}
              | CMetaVal_Dict {}
              | CMetaVal_DictClass {tracks_CMetaVal_DictClass :: !(([Track]))}
              | CMetaVal_DictInstance {tracks_CMetaVal_DictInstance :: !(([Track]))}
              | CMetaVal_Track {track_CMetaVal_Track :: !(Track)}
              deriving ( Eq,Typeable)
-- CMetas ------------------------------------------------------
type CMetas = ( CMetaBind,CMetaVal)
-- CModule -----------------------------------------------------
data CModule = CModule_Mod {moduleNm_CModule_Mod :: !(HsName),exports_CModule_Mod :: !(CExportL),imports_CModule_Mod :: !(CImportL),declMetas_CModule_Mod :: !(CDeclMetaL),expr_CModule_Mod :: !(CExpr)}
             deriving ( Typeable)
-- CPat --------------------------------------------------------
data CPat = CPat_Var {pnm_CPat_Var :: !(HsName)}
          | CPat_Con {tag_CPat_Con :: !(CTag),rest_CPat_Con :: !(CPatRest),binds_CPat_Con :: !(CPatFldL)}
          | CPat_Int {int_CPat_Int :: !(Int)}
          | CPat_Char {char_CPat_Char :: !(Char)}
          | CPat_BoolExpr {cexpr_CPat_BoolExpr :: !(CExpr)}
          deriving ( Eq,Typeable)
-- CPatFld -----------------------------------------------------
data CPatFld = CPatFld_Fld {lbl_CPatFld_Fld :: !(HsName),offset_CPatFld_Fld :: !(CExpr),bind_CPatFld_Fld :: !(CBind),fldAnns_CPatFld_Fld :: !(CBindAnnL)}
             deriving ( Eq,Typeable)
-- CPatFldL ----------------------------------------------------
type CPatFldL = [CPatFld]
-- CPatRest ----------------------------------------------------
data CPatRest = CPatRest_Var {nm_CPatRest_Var :: !(HsName)}
              | CPatRest_Empty {}
              deriving ( Eq,Typeable)
-- CodeAGItf ---------------------------------------------------
data CodeAGItf = CodeAGItf_AGItf {module_CodeAGItf_AGItf :: !(CModule)}
               deriving ( Typeable)