module UHC.Light.Compiler.CoreRun.Parser ( parseModFromString ) where import UHC.Light.Compiler.Base.Common import UHC.Light.Compiler.Base.HsName.Builtin import UHC.Util.ScanUtils import UHC.Light.Compiler.Scanner.Common import UHC.Light.Compiler.Scanner.Scanner import UU.Parsing as P import UHC.Util.ParseUtils import UHC.Light.Compiler.Base.Parser import Data.Maybe import UHC.Light.Compiler.CoreRun {-# LINE 29 "src/ehc/CoreRun/Parser.chs" #-} -- | Parses a module. TBD: integration with other parser utils from EHC driver... parseModFromString :: String -> Either [String] Mod parseModFromString str = case parseToResMsgs pMod $ scan corerunScanOpts (initPos $ take 80 str) str of (res, []) -> Right res (_, errs) -> Left $ map show errs {-# LINE 41 "src/ehc/CoreRun/Parser.chs" #-} type CRParser hp = PlainParser Token hp {-# LINE 45 "src/ehc/CoreRun/Parser.chs" #-} -- | Parse module 'Mod' pMod :: CRParser Mod pMod = (\nm nr sz main bs -> mkMod nm nr sz bs main) <$ pMODULE <*> pMaybe (mkHNm "Main") id pDollNm <*> pInt <* pCOMMA <*> pInt <* pRARROW <*> pExp <* pSEMI <*> pList (pExp <* pSEMI) -- | Parse simple expression 'SExp' pSExp :: CRParser SExp pSExp = mkInt' <$> pInt <|> (mkChar' . head) <$> pChar <|> mkString' <$> pString <|> mkVar' <$> pRRef -- | Parse expression 'Exp' pExp :: CRParser Exp pExp = pE where pB = mkExp <$> pSExp <|> pParens pE <|> mkEval <$ pKeyTk "eval" <*> pB <|> mkTail <$ pKeyTk "tail" <*> pB pE = pB <|> ( mkApp <$ pKeyTk "app" <*> pB <|> mkTup <$ pKeyTk "alloc" <*> pInt <|> mkFFI <$ pKeyTk "ffi" <*> pString ) <*> pParens (pListSep pCOMMA pSExp) <|> dbg <$ pKeyTk "dbg" <*> pString <|> mkCase <$ pCASE <*> pSExp <* pOF <*> pList1 (pRARROW *> pE <* pSEMI) <|> mkLet <$ pLET <*> pInt <* pRARROW <*> pList1 (pE <* pSEMI) <* pIN <*> pE <|> mkLam <$ pLAM <*> pInt <* pCOMMA <*> pInt <* pRARROW <*> pE -- | Parse reference RRef to something pRRef :: CRParser RRef pRRef = (\b sufs -> foldl (flip ($)) b sufs) <$> pB <*> pList_ng pS where pB = ( RRef_LDf <$ pKeyTk "d" <|> RRef_Glb <$ pKeyTk "g" <|> RRef_Loc <$ pKeyTk "l" ) <* pDOT <*> pInt <* pDOT <*> pInt pS = pDOT *> ( RRef_Tag <$ pKeyTk "tag" <|> flip RRef_Fld <$> pInt )