module UHC.Light.Compiler.EH.MainAG_AGItf where import Data.Char import Data.List as List import UHC.Util.Pretty import UHC.Light.Compiler.Base.Common import UHC.Light.Compiler.Base.TermLike import UHC.Light.Compiler.Base.HsName.Builtin import UHC.Light.Compiler.Opts import UHC.Light.Compiler.Gam.Full import UHC.Light.Compiler.Error import UHC.Light.Compiler.Error.Pretty import UHC.Light.Compiler.EH import UHC.Light.Compiler.Ty.Pretty import UHC.Light.Compiler.Ty.FitsInCommon import UHC.Light.Compiler.Ty.FitsIn import qualified UHC.Util.FastSeq as Seq import UHC.Util.Utils import UHC.Light.Compiler.VarMp import UHC.Light.Compiler.Substitutable import Data.Maybe import UHC.Light.Compiler.Ty.Utils1 import UHC.Light.Compiler.Ty.Trf.Quantify import UHC.Light.Compiler.Ty.Trf.Instantiate import UHC.Light.Compiler.Ty import UHC.Light.Compiler.Base.Debug as Debug import Debug.Trace import UHC.Light.Compiler.Ty.FitsInCommon2 import UHC.Light.Compiler.Ty.FIEnv2 import qualified Data.Set as Set import qualified Data.Map as Map import Data.Set (Set) import Data.Map (Map) import UHC.Light.Compiler.Ty.Trf.FreshVar import UHC.Light.Compiler.Ty.Ftv import UHC.Util.Utils (groupSortOn) import Control.Applicative ((<|>)) import UHC.Light.Compiler.AbstractCore import UHC.Light.Compiler.AbstractCore.Utils import UHC.Light.Compiler.Core import UHC.Light.Compiler.Core.FFI import UHC.Light.Compiler.Core.Utils import UHC.Light.Compiler.Core.Pretty import UHC.Light.Compiler.Foreign.Extract import UHC.Light.Compiler.LamInfo import UHC.Light.Compiler.CodeGen.RefGenerator import qualified UHC.Light.Compiler.Core.SysF.AsTy as SysF import UHC.Light.Compiler.FinalEnv import UHC.Light.Compiler.Core.Subst import Control.Monad.State import UHC.Light.Compiler.Ty.Utils2 import UHC.Light.Compiler.Base.Target import UHC.Light.Compiler.Core.Coercion import UHC.Light.Compiler.Ty.Trf.MergePreds import UHC.Light.Compiler.Ty.Trf.Canonic import UHC.Light.Compiler.Gam.ClGam import UHC.Light.Compiler.Pred import UHC.Light.Compiler.Pred.RedGraph (redPruneReductionsUntil) import UHC.Light.Compiler.CHR import UHC.Light.Compiler.CHR.Constraint import UHC.Light.Compiler.Pred.CHR import UHC.Light.Compiler.Pred.ToCHR import UHC.Light.Compiler.Pred.Heuristics import UHC.Light.Compiler.CHR.Solve import UHC.Light.Compiler.Pred.EvidenceToCore import UHC.Light.Compiler.Gam.ClassDefaultGam import UHC.Light.Compiler.Ty.Trf.BetaReduce (tyBetaRedFull) import UHC.Light.Compiler.Module.ImportExport import UHC.Light.Compiler.Ty.UsedNames import UHC.Light.Compiler.CodeGen.ImportUsedModules import UHC.Light.Compiler.CodeGen.ModuleImportExportImpl import UHC.Light.Compiler.CodeGen.BuiltinPrims import UHC.Light.Compiler.Foreign import UHC.Light.Compiler.Foreign import UHC.Light.Compiler.Foreign.Pretty import UHC.Light.Compiler.Deriving import UHC.Light.Compiler.Generics import UHC.Light.Compiler.VarMp.Utils import UHC.Light.Compiler.EH.MainAG_common -- AGItf ------------------------------------------------------- {- visit 0: inherited attributes: chrStore : ScopedPredStore clDfGam : ClassDefaultGam clGam : ClGam dataGam : DataGam idQualGam : IdQualGam importUsedModules : ImportUsedModules isMainMod : Bool kiGam : KiGam moduleImportExportImpl : ModuleImportExportImpl moduleNm : HsName opts : EHCOpts polGam : PolGam tyGam : TyGam tyKiGam : TyKiGam valGam : ValGam chained attribute: gUniq : UID synthesized attributes: allErrSq : ErrSq cmodule : CModule gathChrStore : ScopedPredStore gathClDfGam : ClassDefaultGam gathClGam : ClGam gathDataGam : DataGam gathHiddenExports : Seq.Seq (HsName,IdOccKind) gathKiGam : KiGam gathLamMp : LamMp gathMentrelFilterMp : ModEntRelFilterMp gathPolGam : PolGam gathTyGam : TyGam gathTyKiGam : TyKiGam gathValGam : ValGam mbOrphan : Maybe (Set.Set HsName) pp : PP_Doc topTyPP : PP_Doc alternatives: alternative AGItf: child expr : Expr visit 0: local valGam : _ local tyKiGam : _ local tyGam : _ local clGam : _ local sysfEnv : _ local predScope : {PredScope} local predSameScopeCounter : {Int} local polGam : _ local lexLev : {Int} local _tup8 : _ local kiGam : _ local kiVarMp : _ local clDfGam : _ local lUniq : {UID} local chrFIIn : {FIIn} local _tup4 : _ local instsOuter : _ local initChrStore : _ local _tup5 : _ local chrStoreOuterScope : _ local instsInner : _ local _tup6 : _ local chrStore : _ local rangeMp : _ local finValGam : {ValGam} local lUniq_9_simplify : {UID} local toProveCnstrMp : _ local toProveHereCnstrMp : _ local chrProveFIIn : {FIIn} local _tup1 : _ local chrSolveSimpTyVarMp : _ local finTyVarMp : _ local lUniq_98_fitsIn_ty : {UID} local lUniq_98_IO_tvar : {UID} local chrSolveMainScopeBindMp : _ local _tup3 : _ local chrScopeBindMp : _ local chrSolveMainEvidBindMp : _ local chrEvidBindMp : _ local cSubst : _ local fe : {FIEnv} local _tup7 : _ local nmErrs : {ErrL} local foMain : _ local chrSolveMainRemCnstrMp : _ local cannotProveCnstrMp : _ local predNotPrfErrs : _ local chrSolveMainErrs : _ local lErrSq : _ local chrScopeMainBindL : _ local extraCBindL : _ local mainDefExists : _ local insertMainDef : _ local mainUseExists : _ local insertMainUse : _ local gathChrStore : _ local chrSimplifyResult : _ local gathMentrelFilterMp : _ local errTopPP : _ local extraPP : _ -} sem_AGItf_AGItf :: T_Expr -> T_AGItf sem_AGItf_AGItf expr_ | expr_ `seq` (True) = (\ _lhsIchrStore _lhsIclDfGam _lhsIclGam _lhsIdataGam _lhsIgUniq _lhsIidQualGam _lhsIimportUsedModules _lhsIisMainMod _lhsIkiGam _lhsImoduleImportExportImpl _lhsImoduleNm _lhsIopts _lhsIpolGam _lhsItyGam _lhsItyKiGam _lhsIvalGam -> _lhsIchrStore `seq` (_lhsIclDfGam `seq` (_lhsIclGam `seq` (_lhsIdataGam `seq` (_lhsIgUniq `seq` (_lhsIidQualGam `seq` (_lhsIimportUsedModules `seq` (_lhsIisMainMod `seq` (_lhsIkiGam `seq` (_lhsImoduleImportExportImpl `seq` (_lhsImoduleNm `seq` (_lhsIopts `seq` (_lhsIpolGam `seq` (_lhsItyGam `seq` (_lhsItyKiGam `seq` (_lhsIvalGam `seq` ((case (_lhsIvalGam) of { _valGam | _valGam `seq` (True) -> (case (_valGam) of { _exprOvalGam | _exprOvalGam `seq` (True) -> (case (_lhsItyKiGam) of { _tyKiGam | _tyKiGam `seq` (True) -> (case (_tyKiGam) of { _exprOtyKiGam | _exprOtyKiGam `seq` (True) -> (case (_lhsItyGam) of { _tyGam | _tyGam `seq` (True) -> (case (_tyGam) of { _exprOtyGam | _exprOtyGam `seq` (True) -> (case (_lhsIclGam) of { _clGam | _clGam `seq` (True) -> (case (emptyToSysfEnv { sysfenvTyKiGam = _tyKiGam , sysfenvClGam = _clGam }) of { _sysfEnv | _sysfEnv `seq` (True) -> (case (_sysfEnv) of { _exprOsysfEnv | _exprOsysfEnv `seq` (True) -> (case (initPredScope) of { _predScope | _predScope `seq` (True) -> (case (_predScope) of { _exprOpredScope | _exprOpredScope `seq` (True) -> (case (0) of { _predSameScopeCounter | _predSameScopeCounter `seq` (True) -> (case (_predSameScopeCounter) of { _exprOpredSameScopeCounter | _exprOpredSameScopeCounter `seq` (True) -> (case (_lhsIpolGam) of { _polGam | _polGam `seq` (True) -> (case (_polGam) of { _exprOpolGam | _exprOpolGam `seq` (True) -> (case (-1) of { _lexLev | _lexLev `seq` (True) -> (case (_lexLev) of { _exprOlexLev | _exprOlexLev `seq` (True) -> (case (let __cont = _lhsIgUniq in seq __cont ( case nextUnique __cont of { (__cont, lUniq) -> case nextUnique __cont of { (__cont, lUniq_98_IO_tvar) -> case nextUnique __cont of { (__cont, lUniq_98_fitsIn_ty) -> case nextUnique __cont of { (__cont, lUniq_9_simplify) -> (__cont,lUniq,lUniq_98_IO_tvar,lUniq_98_fitsIn_ty,lUniq_9_simplify)}}}} )) of { __tup8 | __tup8 `seq` (True) -> (case (expr_) of { ( _exprIrange,expr_1) | True -> (case (__tup8) of { (_exprOgUniq,_,_,_,_) | _exprOgUniq `seq` (True) -> (case (_lhsIkiGam) of { _kiGam | _kiGam `seq` (True) -> (case (expr_1 _exprOgUniq) of { ( _exprIgUniq,_exprIhasInstDecl,expr_2) | True -> (case (_kiGam) of { _exprOkiGam | _exprOkiGam `seq` (True) -> (case (True) of { _exprOisFirstLet | _exprOisFirstLet `seq` (True) -> (case (expr_2 _exprOisFirstLet _exprOkiGam _exprOlexLev _exprOpredSameScopeCounter) of { ( _exprIpredSameScopeCounter,expr_3) | True -> (case (_lhsIopts) of { _exprOopts | _exprOopts `seq` (True) -> (case (emptyVarMp) of { _kiVarMp | _kiVarMp `seq` (True) -> (case (_kiVarMp) of { _exprOkiVarMp | _exprOkiVarMp `seq` (True) -> (case (_clGam) of { _exprOclGam | _exprOclGam `seq` (True) -> (case (Set.empty) of { _exprOtyKiGlobFreeTvarS | _exprOtyKiGlobFreeTvarS `seq` (True) -> (case (emptyVarMp) of { _exprOpolVarMp | _exprOpolVarMp `seq` (True) -> (case (expr_3 _exprOkiVarMp _exprOopts _exprOpolGam _exprOpolVarMp _exprOpredScope _exprOtyGam _exprOtyKiGam _exprOtyKiGlobFreeTvarS) of { ( _exprIkiVarMp,_exprIpolVarMp,expr_4) | True -> (case (emptyGam) of { _exprOfinTyKiGam | _exprOfinTyKiGam `seq` (True) -> (case (_exprIkiVarMp) of { _exprOfinKiVarMp | _exprOfinKiVarMp `seq` (True) -> (case (Set.empty) of { _exprOtyTyTySigFreeTvarS | _exprOtyTyTySigFreeTvarS `seq` (True) -> (case (emptyGam) of { _exprOgathDataGam | _exprOgathDataGam `seq` (True) -> (case (expr_4 _exprOclGam _exprOfinKiVarMp _exprOfinTyKiGam _exprOgathDataGam _exprOtyTyTySigFreeTvarS) of { ( _exprIgathDataGam,expr_5) | True -> (case (_exprIgathDataGam `gamUnion` _lhsIdataGam) of { _exprOdataGam | _exprOdataGam `seq` (True) -> (case (expr_5 _exprOdataGam) of { ( _exprIchrClassDeclSq,_exprIchrFIIn,_exprIchrInstDeclSq,_exprIgathClDfGam,expr_6) | True -> (case (_exprIgathClDfGam `gamUnion` _lhsIclDfGam) of { _clDfGam | _clDfGam `seq` (True) -> (case (_clDfGam) of { _exprOclDfGam | _exprOclDfGam `seq` (True) -> (case (__tup8) of { (_,_lUniq,_,_,_) | _lUniq `seq` (True) -> (case (_exprIchrFIIn {fiUniq = _lUniq}) of { _chrFIIn | _chrFIIn `seq` (True) -> (case (partition (\(_,_,_,sc) -> sc == initPredScope) $ Seq.toList _exprIchrInstDeclSq) of { __tup4 | __tup4 `seq` (True) -> (case (__tup4) of { (_instsOuter,_) | _instsOuter `seq` (True) -> (case (_lhsIchrStore) of { _initChrStore | _initChrStore `seq` (True) -> (case (mkScopedCHR2 _chrFIIn (Seq.toList _exprIchrClassDeclSq) _instsOuter _initChrStore) of { __tup5 | __tup5 `seq` (True) -> (case (__tup5) of { (_chrStoreOuterScope,_) | _chrStoreOuterScope `seq` (True) -> (case (__tup4) of { (_,_instsInner) | _instsInner `seq` (True) -> (case (mkScopedCHR2 _chrFIIn [] _instsInner _chrStoreOuterScope) of { __tup6 | __tup6 `seq` (True) -> (case (__tup6) of { (_chrStore,_) | _chrStore `seq` (True) -> (case (_chrStore) of { _exprOchrStore | _exprOchrStore `seq` (True) -> (case (emptyVarMp) of { _exprOtyVarMp | _exprOtyVarMp `seq` (True) -> (case (Ty_Any) of { _exprOknTy | _exprOknTy `seq` (True) -> (case (strongFIOpts) of { _exprOfiOpts | _exprOfiOpts `seq` (True) -> (case (_exprIkiVarMp) of { _exprOtvKiVarMp | _exprOtvKiVarMp `seq` (True) -> (case (Set.empty) of { _exprOtyTyGlobFreeTvarS | _exprOtyTyGlobFreeTvarS `seq` (True) -> (case (Set.empty) of { _exprOvalTyGlobFreeTvarS | _exprOvalTyGlobFreeTvarS `seq` (True) -> (case (expr_6 _exprOchrStore _exprOclDfGam _exprOfiOpts _exprOknTy _exprOtvKiVarMp _exprOtyTyGlobFreeTvarS _exprOtyVarMp _exprOvalGam _exprOvalTyGlobFreeTvarS) of { ( _exprIgathCnstrMp,_exprIgathRangeMp,_exprIgathValGam,_exprInoLetQuantTyVarIdS,_exprIty,_exprItyVarMp,expr_7) | True -> (case (Map.unionsWith (++) $ map (\(c,r) -> Map.singleton (_exprItyVarMp `varUpd` c) r) $ Map.toList $ _exprIgathRangeMp `Map.union` cnstrMpToRangeMp _exprIgathCnstrMp) of { _rangeMp | _rangeMp `seq` (True) -> (case (_rangeMp) of { _exprOrangeMp | _exprOrangeMp `seq` (True) -> (case (_exprIgathValGam `gamUnion` _lhsIvalGam) of { _finValGam | _finValGam `seq` (True) -> (case (_finValGam) of { _exprOfinValGam | _exprOfinValGam `seq` (True) -> (case (__tup8) of { (_,_,_,_,_lUniq_9_simplify) | _lUniq_9_simplify `seq` (True) -> (case (_exprItyVarMp `varUpd` _exprIgathCnstrMp) of { _toProveCnstrMp | _toProveCnstrMp `seq` (True) -> (case (_toProveCnstrMp) of { _toProveHereCnstrMp | _toProveHereCnstrMp `seq` (True) -> (case (_chrFIIn {fiVarMp = _exprItyVarMp}) of { _chrProveFIIn | _chrProveFIIn `seq` (True) -> (case (ehcOptTrace _lhsIopts "AGItf.simplify" $ simplify [SimplifyHow_Canonicalize] (_chrProveFIIn {fiUniq = _lUniq_9_simplify}) _chrStore _clDfGam (heurScopedEHC _chrProveFIIn) (\x -> (x,[])) Map.empty _toProveHereCnstrMp emptySimplifyResult) of { __tup1 | __tup1 `seq` (True) -> (case (__tup1) of { (_,_,_,_chrSolveSimpTyVarMp,_,_,_,_,_,_) | _chrSolveSimpTyVarMp `seq` (True) -> (case (_chrSolveSimpTyVarMp `varUpd` _exprItyVarMp) of { _finTyVarMp | _finTyVarMp `seq` (True) -> (case (_finTyVarMp) of { _exprOfinTyVarMp | _exprOfinTyVarMp `seq` (True) -> (case (__tup8) of { (_,_,_,_lUniq_98_fitsIn_ty,_) | _lUniq_98_fitsIn_ty `seq` (True) -> (case (__tup8) of { (_,_,_lUniq_98_IO_tvar,_,_) | _lUniq_98_IO_tvar `seq` (True) -> (case (_lhsImoduleNm) of { _exprOmoduleNm | _exprOmoduleNm `seq` (True) -> (case (__tup1) of { (_,_,_,_,_,_,_,_,_chrSolveMainScopeBindMp,_) | _chrSolveMainScopeBindMp `seq` (True) -> (case (mkScopeBindings True _predScope _chrSolveMainScopeBindMp) of { __tup3 | __tup3 `seq` (True) -> (case (__tup3) of { (_,_chrScopeBindMp) | _chrScopeBindMp `seq` (True) -> (case (_chrScopeBindMp) of { _exprOchrScopeBindMp | _exprOchrScopeBindMp `seq` (True) -> (case (__tup1) of { (_,_,_,_,_,_,_,_chrSolveMainEvidBindMp,_,_) | _chrSolveMainEvidBindMp `seq` (True) -> (case (_chrSolveMainEvidBindMp) of { _chrEvidBindMp | _chrEvidBindMp `seq` (True) -> (case (_chrEvidBindMp) of { _exprOchrEvidBindMp | _exprOchrEvidBindMp `seq` (True) -> (case (emptyCSubst) of { _cSubst | _cSubst `seq` (True) -> (case (_cSubst) of { _exprOcSubst | _exprOcSubst `seq` (True) -> (case (ExprCtxt_Top) of { _exprOexprCtxt | _exprOexprCtxt `seq` (True) -> (case (expr_7 _exprOcSubst _exprOchrEvidBindMp _exprOchrScopeBindMp _exprOexprCtxt _exprOfinTyVarMp _exprOfinValGam _exprOmoduleNm _exprOrangeMp _exprOsysfEnv) of { ( _exprIallErrSq,_exprIappArgCoeL,_exprIappArgPPL,_exprIappFunCExpr,_exprIappFunNm,_exprIappFunPP,_exprIbackCBindL,_exprIcSubst,_exprIcaseFailS,_exprIcexpr,_exprIerrSq,_exprIfrontCBindL,_exprIfuCExprL,_exprIgathClGam,_exprIgathHiddenExports,_exprIgathKiGam,_exprIgathLamMp,_exprIgathMentrelFilterMp,_exprIgathPolGam,_exprIgathTvKiVarMp,_exprIgathTyGam,_exprIgathTyKiGam,_exprIisNewtype,_exprIlamArgPPL,_exprIlamBodyPP,_exprIletCBody,_exprIletTyCBindL,_exprIletValCBindL,_exprIorphanS,_exprIpp) | True -> (case (defaultFIEnv { feEHCOpts = _lhsIopts , fePredScope = _predScope , feTyGam = _exprIgathTyGam , fePolGam = _exprIgathPolGam , feRange = emptyRange }) of { _fe | _fe `seq` (True) -> (case (if _lhsIisMainMod then let (t,e) = valGamLookupTy hsnMain _exprIgathValGam in (fitsIn strongFIOpts _fe _lUniq_98_fitsIn_ty _exprItyVarMp t (tyTopLevelMain _lhsIopts _lUniq_98_IO_tvar), e) else (emptyFO,[])) of { __tup7 | __tup7 `seq` (True) -> (case (__tup7) of { (_,_nmErrs) | _nmErrs `seq` (True) -> (case (__tup7) of { (_foMain,_) | _foMain `seq` (True) -> (case (__tup1) of { (_,_chrSolveMainRemCnstrMp,_,_,_,_,_,_,_,_) | _chrSolveMainRemCnstrMp `seq` (True) -> (case (_chrSolveMainRemCnstrMp) of { _cannotProveCnstrMp | _cannotProveCnstrMp `seq` (True) -> (case (mkPrvErr _rangeMp emptyRange _cannotProveCnstrMp) of { _predNotPrfErrs | _predNotPrfErrs `seq` (True) -> (case (__tup1) of { (_,_,_,_,_chrSolveMainErrs,_,_,_,_,_) | _chrSolveMainErrs `seq` (True) -> (case (Seq.unions [ Seq.fromList _predNotPrfErrs , Seq.fromList _chrSolveMainErrs , Seq.fromList _nmErrs , foErrSq _foMain ]) of { _lErrSq | _lErrSq `seq` (True) -> (case (Seq.unions [_lErrSq, _exprIallErrSq]) of { _lhsOallErrSq | _lhsOallErrSq `seq` (True) -> (case (__tup3) of { (_chrScopeMainBindL,_) | _chrScopeMainBindL `seq` (True) -> (case ([(CBindCateg_Rec,_chrScopeMainBindL)]) of { _extraCBindL | _extraCBindL `seq` (True) -> (case (let ds = [ b | (_,g) <- _exprIletValCBindL, b <- g, cbindNm b == hsnMain ] in not (null ds)) of { _mainDefExists | _mainDefExists `seq` (True) -> (case (not _mainDefExists && _lhsIisMainMod) of { _insertMainDef | _insertMainDef `seq` (True) -> (case (case acoreExprMbVar _exprIletCBody of Just n | n == hsnMain -> True _ -> False) of { _mainUseExists | _mainUseExists `seq` (True) -> (case (not _mainUseExists && _lhsIisMainMod) of { _insertMainUse | _insertMainUse `seq` (True) -> (case (let b = if _insertMainUse then acoreVar hsnMain else _exprIletCBody d = if _insertMainDef then acoreLet CBindCateg_Plain [acoreBind1Ty hsnMain (acoreTyErr $ "EH.ToCore.AGItf.main") _exprIletCBody] else id in CModule_Mod _lhsImoduleNm (map CExport_Export $ Map.keys $ mieimplHsName2FldMp _lhsImoduleImportExportImpl) (map CImport_Import $ Set.toList $ iumHSDeclModules _lhsIimportUsedModules) [ CDeclMeta_Data tn [ CDataCon_Con cn (ctagTag ctag) (ctagArity ctag) | (cn,dti) <- Map.toList $ dgiConstrTagMp dgi , let ctag = dtiCTag dti ] | (tn,dgi) <- gamToAssocL _exprIgathDataGam , not (dgiIsNewtype dgi) ] ( cSubstAppExpr True _exprIcSubst (foldr (\(c,b) e -> acoreLet c b e) (d b) (_exprIletTyCBindL ++ _extraCBindL ++ _exprIfrontCBindL ++ _exprIletValCBindL ++ _exprIbackCBindL ) ) Nothing )) of { _lhsOcmodule | _lhsOcmodule `seq` (True) -> (case (_exprIgUniq) of { _lhsOgUniq | _lhsOgUniq `seq` (True) -> (case (__tup5) of { (_,_gathChrStore) | _gathChrStore `seq` (True) -> (case (_gathChrStore) of { _lhsOgathChrStore | _lhsOgathChrStore `seq` (True) -> (case (ehcOptTrace _lhsIopts "AGItf.lhs.gathClDfGam" _exprIgathClDfGam) of { _lhsOgathClDfGam | _lhsOgathClDfGam `seq` (True) -> (case (ehcOptTrace _lhsIopts "AGItf.lhs.gathClGam" _exprIgathClGam) of { _lhsOgathClGam | _lhsOgathClGam `seq` (True) -> (case (_exprIgathDataGam) of { _lhsOgathDataGam | _lhsOgathDataGam `seq` (True) -> (case (_exprIgathHiddenExports) of { _lhsOgathHiddenExports | _lhsOgathHiddenExports `seq` (True) -> (case (ehcOptTrace _lhsIopts "AGItf.lhs.gathKiGam" _exprIgathKiGam) of { _lhsOgathKiGam | _lhsOgathKiGam `seq` (True) -> (case (_exprIgathLamMp) of { _lhsOgathLamMp | _lhsOgathLamMp `seq` (True) -> (case (__tup1) of { (_,_,_,_,_,_chrSimplifyResult,_,_,_,_) | _chrSimplifyResult `seq` (True) -> (case (mentrelFilterMpUnions [ _exprIgathMentrelFilterMp , gathMentrelFilterMpFromSimplifyResult _lhsImoduleNm _chrSimplifyResult ]) of { _gathMentrelFilterMp | _gathMentrelFilterMp `seq` (True) -> (case (_gathMentrelFilterMp) of { _lhsOgathMentrelFilterMp | _lhsOgathMentrelFilterMp `seq` (True) -> (case (ehcOptTrace _lhsIopts "AGItf.lhs.gathPolGam" _exprIgathPolGam) of { _lhsOgathPolGam | _lhsOgathPolGam `seq` (True) -> (case (ehcOptTrace _lhsIopts "AGItf.lhs.gathTyGam" _exprIgathTyGam) of { _lhsOgathTyGam | _lhsOgathTyGam `seq` (True) -> (case (ehcOptTrace _lhsIopts "AGItf.lhs.gathTyKiGam" _exprIgathTyKiGam) of { _lhsOgathTyKiGam | _lhsOgathTyKiGam `seq` (True) -> (case (ehcOptTrace _lhsIopts "AGItf.lhs.gathValGam" $ _finTyVarMp `varUpd` _exprIgathValGam) of { _lhsOgathValGam | _lhsOgathValGam `seq` (True) -> (case (if Set.null _exprIorphanS then Nothing else Just _exprIorphanS) of { _lhsOmbOrphan | _lhsOmbOrphan `seq` (True) -> (case (ppErrsSq _lErrSq) of { _errTopPP | _errTopPP `seq` (True) -> (case (empty) of { _extraPP | _extraPP `seq` (True) -> (case (_extraPP >-< _exprIpp >-< _errTopPP) of { _lhsOpp | _lhsOpp `seq` (True) -> (case (ppTy (tyQuantifyClosed _exprIty)) of { _lhsOtopTyPP | _lhsOtopTyPP `seq` (True) -> ( _lhsOallErrSq,_lhsOcmodule,_lhsOgUniq,_lhsOgathChrStore,_lhsOgathClDfGam,_lhsOgathClGam,_lhsOgathDataGam,_lhsOgathHiddenExports,_lhsOgathKiGam,_lhsOgathLamMp,_lhsOgathMentrelFilterMp,_lhsOgathPolGam,_lhsOgathTyGam,_lhsOgathTyKiGam,_lhsOgathValGam,_lhsOmbOrphan,_lhsOpp,_lhsOtopTyPP) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }))))))))))))))))))