module UHC.Light.Compiler.Opts.Base
( ImmediateQuitOption (..)
, EHCOpts (..)
, emptyEHCOpts
, ehcOptFromJust
, InOrOutputFor (..)
, CoreOpt (..)
, ehcOptTarget, ehcOptTargetFlavor
, ehcOptCoreSysF, ehcOptCoreSysFCheck, ehcOptCoreSysFGen, ehcOptCoreSysFCheckOnlyVal
, ehcOptEmitExecBytecode, ehcOptEmitBytecode
, ehcOptCmmCheck
, ehcOptIsViaGrinCmmJavaScript, ehcOptIsViaCoreJavaScript
, ehcOptIsViaCmm
, ehcOptIsViaGrin
, ehcOptBuiltin, ehcOptBuiltin2
, ehcOptDoExecLinking
, PkgOption (..), emptyPkgOption
, PgmExec (..)
, ExecOpt (..), execOptsPlain )
import UHC.Light.Compiler.Base.Common
import UHC.Util.Utils
import Data.Maybe
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import UHC.Util.Pretty
import qualified Data.Set as Set
import Data.List
import Data.Char
import UHC.Light.Compiler.Base.HsName.Builtin
import UHC.Util.FPath
import UHC.Light.Compiler.EHC.Environment
import UHC.Light.Compiler.Base.Target
import UHC.Light.Compiler.Base.Optimize
import UHC.Light.Compiler.Base.FileSearchLocation
import qualified UHC.Light.Compiler.ConfigInstall as Cfg
import UHC.Light.Compiler.Base.Pragma
import UHC.Light.Compiler.Opts.CommandLine

{-# LINE 55 "src/ehc/Opts/Base.chs" #-}
data ImmediateQuitOption
  = ImmediateQuitOption_Help                                -- print help
  | ImmediateQuitOption_Version                             -- print version info
  | ImmediateQuitOption_Meta_Variant                        -- print variant number
  | ImmediateQuitOption_Meta_Targets                        -- print all codegeneration targets (empty if no codegen)
  | ImmediateQuitOption_Meta_TargetDefault                  -- print the default codegeneration target (dummy if no codegen)
  | ImmediateQuitOption_Meta_Optimizations                  -- print all optimizations
  | ImmediateQuitOption_Meta_Pkgdir_System                  -- print system package dir
  | ImmediateQuitOption_Meta_Pkgdir_User                    -- print user package dir
  | ImmediateQuitOption_VersionDotted                       -- print version in dotted style, for external version comparison
  | ImmediateQuitOption_VersionAsNumber                     -- print version as number, for external version comparison
  -- -| ImmediateQuitOption_Meta_ExportEnv (Maybe String)       -- export (write) environmental info of installation
  -- -| ImmediateQuitOption_Meta_DirEnv                         -- print dir of environmental info of installation

{-# LINE 79 "src/ehc/Opts/Base.chs" #-}
data InOrOutputFor
  = OutputFor_Module
  | OutputFor_Pkg
  | InputFrom_Loc FileLoc

{-# LINE 92 "src/ehc/Opts/Base.chs" #-}
-- | Build pkg options, all (except obligatory name) wrapped in Maybe/[] because of possible absence.
-- 20140829 AD: will be used to construct config file
data PkgOption
  = PkgOption
      { pkgoptName 				:: PkgName					-- ^ build a package with name
      , pkgoptExposedModules	:: [String]					-- ^ 20140829 AD not yet used: exposed modules
      , pkgoptBuildDepends		:: [PkgName]				-- ^ 20140829 AD not yet used: depends on pkgs

emptyPkgOption :: PkgOption
emptyPkgOption = PkgOption emptyPkgName [] []

{-# LINE 110 "src/ehc/Opts/Base.chs" #-}
-- | Core options
data CoreOpt
  = CoreOpt_NONE				-- no-op option
--  | CoreOpt_PPParseable			-- pretty print parseable, negation means just make it readable
  | CoreOpt_Dump 				-- dump textual core output
  | CoreOpt_DumpBinary			-- dump binary core output
  | CoreOpt_DumpAlsoNonParseable-- dump also the parts which are not parseable
  | CoreOpt_Run					-- run after compilation
  | CoreOpt_RunDump				-- dump CoreRun
  | CoreOpt_RunTrace			-- trace during running CoreRun
  | CoreOpt_RunPPNames			-- when dump/run CoreRun print names instead of
  deriving (Eq,Enum,Bounded)

{-# LINE 170 "src/ehc/Opts/Base.chs" #-}
-- | Pgm (internal program used) options, in particular alternate internal shell commands
data PgmExec
  = PgmExec_CPP				-- alternate CPP
  | PgmExec_C				-- alternate C compiler
  | PgmExec_Linker			-- alternate linker
  deriving (Eq,Ord,Enum,Bounded)

{-# LINE 179 "src/ehc/Opts/Base.chs" #-}
-- | Wrapper around options, adding semantics for adapting cmd specific behavior
data ExecOpt
  = ExecOpt_Plain String						-- ^ plain option
  | ExecOpt_Output (String -> String)			-- ^ output file

execOptsPlain :: [ExecOpt] -> [String]
execOptsPlain o = [ s | ExecOpt_Plain s <- o ]

{-# LINE 195 "src/ehc/Opts/Base.chs" #-}
-- | The options to use.
data EHCOpts
  = EHCOpts
      {  ehcOptTrace          ::  forall a . String -> a -> a            -- tracing
      ,  ehcOptAspects        ::  String            -- which aspects are included in this compiler
      ,  ehcOptShowHS         ::  Bool              -- show HS pretty print on stdout
      ,  ehcOptShowEH         ::  Bool              -- show EH pretty print on stdout
      ,  ehcOptPriv           ::  Bool              -- privately used (in general during switch between 2 impls of 1 feature)
      ,  ehcOptHsChecksInEH   ::  Bool              -- do checks in EH which already have been done in HS (usually related to name absence/duplication). This is used for EH compilation only.
      ,  ehcOptShowTopTyPP    ::  Bool              -- show EH type of expression
      ,  ehcOptImmQuit        ::  Maybe ImmediateQuitOption
      ,  ehcOptDebug          ::  Bool              -- debug info
      ,  ehcStopAtPoint       ::  CompilePoint      -- stop at (after) compile phase
      ,  ehcOptPolyKinds	  ::  Bool              -- allow kind polymorphism
      ,  ehcOptExtensibleRecords
      						  ::  Bool
      ,  ehcOptMbTarget       ::  MaybeOk Target            -- code generation target
      ,  ehcOptMbTargetFlavor ::  MaybeOk TargetFlavor      -- code generation target flavor
      ,  ehcOptBangPatterns   ::  Bool              -- allow bang patterns
      ,  ehcOptOptimizationLevel
                              ::  OptimizationLevel          -- optimisation level
      ,  ehcOptOptimizationScope
                              ::  OptimizationScope          -- optimisation scope
      ,  ehcOptOptimizations  ::  OptimizeS         -- individual optimizations to be done, derived from level + scope
      ,  ehcOptOptimizeOptionMp
                              ::  OptimizeOptionMp  -- optimization specific configuration
      ,  ehcOptDumpCoreStages ::  Bool              -- dump intermediate Core transformation stages
      ,  ehcOptCoreOpts       ::  [CoreOpt]  	    -- Core options
      ,  ehcOptGenTrampoline_ ::  Bool              -- gen trampoline with (tail) calls
      ,  ehcOptGenTrace       ::  Bool
      ,  ehcOptEmitHS         ::  Bool
      ,  ehcOptEmitEH         ::  Bool
      ,  ehcOptImportFileLocPath
                              ::  FileLocPath
      ,  ehcOptVerbosity      ::  Verbosity         -- verbosity level

      ,  ehcOptBuiltinNames   ::  EHBuiltinNames
      ,  ehcOptEnvironment    ::  EHCEnvironment    -- runtime environment

      ,  ehcCfgInstFldHaveSelf::  Bool              -- functions/fields of instance get as arg the dictionary as well
      ,  ehcOptPrfCutOffAt    ::  Int               -- cut off limit for context reduction
      ,  ehcCfgClassViaRec    ::  Bool              -- instance representation via record instead of data
      -- ,  ehcCfgCHRScoped      ::  CHRScoped          -- how to gen scoped CHR's (option is used only for paper writing + experimenting)
      ,  ehcOptTyBetaRedCutOffAt                    -- cut off for type lambda expansion
                              ::  Int
      ,  ehcDebugStopAtCoreError
                              ::  Bool              -- stop when Core parse error occurs (otherwise errors are ignored, repaired .core is used)
      ,  ehcOptCheckRecompile ::  Bool
      ,  ehcDebugStopAtHIError::  Bool              -- stop when HI parse error occurs (otherwise it is ignored, .hi thrown away)
      -- ,  ehcOptDoExecLinking      ::  Bool              -- do link, if False compile only
      ,  ehcOptLinkingStyle   ::  LinkingStyle      -- how to link, possibly no linking (e.g. when compile only)
      ,  ehcOptGenGenerics    ::  Bool              -- generate for use of generics
      ,  ehcOptFusion   	  ::  Bool				-- allow fusion syntax, the optimization itself is triggered by optimize flags
      ,  ehcOptHiValidityCheck::  Bool              -- when .hi and compiler are out of sync w.r.t. timestamp and checksum, recompile
      ,  ehcOptLibFileLocPath ::  FileLocPath
      ,  ehcOptPkgdirLocPath  ::  StringPath
      ,  ehcOptPkgDb          ::  PackageDatabase   -- package database to be used for searching packages
      ,  ehcProgName          ::  FPath             -- name of this program
      ,  ehcCurDir            ::  String            -- current dir (not an option, but set initially)
      ,  ehcOptUserDir        ::  String            -- user dir for storing user specific stuff
      ,  ehcOptMbOutputFile   ::  Maybe FPath       -- in which file to put generated output/executable
      ,  ehcOptCPP            ::  Bool              -- do preprocess with C preprecessor CPP
      ,  ehcOptUseAssumePrelude                     -- use & assume presence of prelude
                              ::  Bool
      ,  ehcOptPackageSearchFilter
      					 	  ::  [PackageSearchFilter]  -- description of what to expose from package database
      ,  ehcOptOutputDir      ::  Maybe String      -- where to put output, instead of same dir as input file
      ,  ehcOptKeepIntermediateFiles
                              ::  Bool              -- keep intermediate files
      ,  ehcOptPkgOpt         ::  Maybe PkgOption   -- package building (etc) option
      ,  ehcOptCfgInstallRoot        ::  Maybe String      -- the directory where the installation resides; overrides ehcenvInstallRoot
      ,  ehcOptCfgInstallVariant     ::  Maybe String      -- the installation variant; overrides ehcenvVariant
      ,  ehcOptCmdLineOpts    ::  CmdLineOpts       -- options from the commandline and pragma for such options
      ,  ehcOptCmdLineOptsDoneViaPragma
      						  ::  Bool       		-- options via OPTIONS_UHC pragma have been set
      ,  ehcOptOverloadedStrings
      						  ::  Bool              -- allow overloaded strings
      ,  ehcOptPgmExecMp	  ::  Map.Map PgmExec FilePath
      												-- alternate executables for program
      ,  ehcOptExecOptsMp	  ::  Map.Map FilePath [ExecOpt]
      												-- default options for commands

{-# LINE 360 "src/ehc/Opts/Base.chs" #-}
  = EHCOpts
      {  ehcOptTrace            =   \_ x -> x
      ,  ehcOptAspects          =   "base codegen core corebackend corein coreout corerun hmtyinfer noHmTyRuler"
      ,  ehcOptShowHS           =   False
      ,  ehcOptPriv             =   False
      ,  ehcOptHsChecksInEH     =   False
      ,  ehcOptShowEH           =   False
      ,  ehcOptShowTopTyPP      =   False
      ,  ehcOptImmQuit          =   Nothing
      ,  ehcOptDebug            =   False
      ,  ehcStopAtPoint         =   CompilePoint_All
      ,  ehcOptPolyKinds	    =   False
      ,  ehcOptExtensibleRecords=   False
      ,  ehcOptMbTarget         =   JustOk defaultTarget
      ,  ehcOptMbTargetFlavor   =   JustOk defaultTargetFlavor
      ,  ehcOptBangPatterns		= 	True
      ,  ehcOptOptimizationLevel=   OptimizationLevel_Normal
      ,  ehcOptOptimizationScope=   OptimizationScope_PerModule
      ,  ehcOptDumpCoreStages   =   False
      ,  ehcOptOptimizations    =   optimizeRequiresClosure $ Map.findWithDefault Set.empty OptimizationLevel_Normal optimizationLevelMp
      ,  ehcOptOptimizeOptionMp =   Map.empty
      ,  ehcOptCoreOpts         =   []
      ,  ehcOptGenTrampoline_  	=	False
      ,  ehcOptGenTrace         =   False
      ,  ehcOptVerbosity        =   VerboseMinimal
      ,  ehcOptEmitHS           =   False
      ,  ehcOptEmitEH           =   False

      ,  ehcOptImportFileLocPath=   []
      ,  ehcOptBuiltinNames     =   mkEHBuiltinNames (const id)
      ,  ehcOptEnvironment      =   undefined   -- filled in at toplevel

      ,  ehcCfgInstFldHaveSelf  =   False
      ,  ehcOptPrfCutOffAt      =   20
      ,  ehcCfgClassViaRec      =   False -- True
      -- ,  ehcCfgCHRScoped     =   CHRScopedAll
      ,  ehcOptTyBetaRedCutOffAt
                                =   10
      ,  ehcDebugStopAtCoreError=   False
      ,  ehcOptCheckRecompile   =   True
      ,  ehcDebugStopAtHIError  =   False
      -- ,  ehcOptDoExecLinking        =   True
      ,  ehcOptLinkingStyle     =   LinkingStyle_Exec      -- how to link, possibly no linking (e.g. when compile only)
      ,  ehcOptGenGenerics      =   True
      ,  ehcOptFusion			=   False
      ,  ehcOptHiValidityCheck  =   True
      ,  ehcOptLibFileLocPath   =   []
      ,  ehcOptPkgdirLocPath    =   []
      ,  ehcOptPkgDb            =   emptyPackageDatabase
      ,  ehcProgName            =   emptyFPath
      ,  ehcCurDir              =   ""
      ,  ehcOptUserDir          =   ""
      ,  ehcOptMbOutputFile     =   Nothing
      ,  ehcOptCPP              =   False
      ,  ehcOptUseAssumePrelude =   True
      ,  ehcOptPackageSearchFilter
                                =   [] -- pkgSearchFilter parsePkgKey PackageSearchFilter_ExposePkg Cfg.ehcAssumedPackages
      ,  ehcOptOutputDir        =   Nothing
      ,  ehcOptKeepIntermediateFiles
                                =   False
      ,  ehcOptPkgOpt           =   Nothing
      ,  ehcOptCfgInstallRoot   =   Nothing
      ,  ehcOptCfgInstallVariant=   Nothing
      ,  ehcOptCmdLineOpts      =   []
      ,  ehcOptCmdLineOptsDoneViaPragma
                                =   False
      ,  ehcOptOverloadedStrings=   False
      ,  ehcOptPgmExecMp		= 	Map.empty
      ,  ehcOptExecOptsMp		=   Map.empty

{-# LINE 531 "src/ehc/Opts/Base.chs" #-}
ehcOptTarget :: EHCOpts -> Target
ehcOptTarget = maybeOk (\s -> panic ("ehcOptTarget: " ++ s)) id  . ehcOptMbTarget

ehcOptTargetFlavor :: EHCOpts -> TargetFlavor
ehcOptTargetFlavor = maybeOk (\s -> panic ("ehcOptTargetFlavor: " ++ s)) id . ehcOptMbTargetFlavor

{-# LINE 539 "src/ehc/Opts/Base.chs" #-}
-- | Generate system F (20120421 AD: very much under construction)
ehcOptCoreSysF :: EHCOpts -> Bool
ehcOptCoreSysF _    = False

-- | Typecheck system F (20120421 AD: very much under construction)
ehcOptCoreSysFCheck :: EHCOpts -> Bool
ehcOptCoreSysFCheck _    = False

-- | Typecheck system F (20120421 AD: very much under construction)
ehcOptCoreSysFGen :: EHCOpts -> Bool
ehcOptCoreSysFGen opts = ehcOptCoreSysF opts

-- | Typecheck system F (20120421 AD: very much under construction)
ehcOptCoreSysFCheckOnlyVal :: EHCOpts -> Bool
ehcOptCoreSysFCheckOnlyVal opts = ehcOptCoreSysFCheck opts

{-# LINE 573 "src/ehc/Opts/Base.chs" #-}
-- generate bytecode
ehcOptEmitExecBytecode :: EHCOpts -> Bool
ehcOptEmitExecBytecode _ = False

ehcOptEmitBytecode :: EHCOpts -> Bool
ehcOptEmitBytecode _ = False

{-# LINE 630 "src/ehc/Opts/Base.chs" #-}
-- | Check Cmm
ehcOptCmmCheck :: EHCOpts -> Bool
ehcOptCmmCheck _    = False

{-# LINE 640 "src/ehc/Opts/Base.chs" #-}
-- | Via Core -> Grin -> CMM -> JS ?
ehcOptIsViaGrinCmmJavaScript :: EHCOpts -> Bool
ehcOptIsViaGrinCmmJavaScript opts
  = False

-- | Via Core -> JS ?
ehcOptIsViaCoreJavaScript :: EHCOpts -> Bool
ehcOptIsViaCoreJavaScript opts
  = targetIsViaCoreJavaScript t
  where t = ehcOptTarget opts

{-# LINE 661 "src/ehc/Opts/Base.chs" #-}
ehcOptIsViaCmm :: EHCOpts -> Bool
ehcOptIsViaCmm opts = ehcOptIsViaGrinCmmJavaScript opts
{-# INLINE ehcOptIsViaCmm #-}

{-# LINE 667 "src/ehc/Opts/Base.chs" #-}
ehcOptIsViaGrin :: EHCOpts -> Bool
ehcOptIsViaGrin opts = ehcOptIsViaGrinCmmJavaScript opts || targetIsGrinBytecode t || targetDoesHPTAnalysis t
  where t = ehcOptTarget opts

{-# LINE 677 "src/ehc/Opts/Base.chs" #-}
ehcOptBuiltin :: EHCOpts -> (EHBuiltinNames -> x) -> x
ehcOptBuiltin o f = f $ ehcOptBuiltinNames o

ehcOptBuiltin2 :: EHCOpts -> (EHBuiltinNames -> Int -> HsName) -> Int -> HsName
ehcOptBuiltin2 o f i = f (ehcOptBuiltinNames o) i

{-# LINE 689 "src/ehc/Opts/Base.chs" #-}
-- | Either fromJust with a possible panic, or with a default value (when debugging)
ehcOptFromJust :: EHCOpts -> String -> a -> Maybe a -> a
ehcOptFromJust opts panicMsg n m
  | ehcOptDebug opts = maybe n id m
  | otherwise        = panicJust panicMsg m

{-# LINE 701 "src/ehc/Opts/Base.chs" #-}
-- | Do linking into executable?
ehcOptDoExecLinking :: EHCOpts -> Bool
ehcOptDoExecLinking opts = ehcOptLinkingStyle opts == LinkingStyle_Exec