--- parse tree --- [ Code "test/typ/text/raw-code-04.typ" ( line 1 , column 2 ) (Let (BasicBind (Just (Identifier "test"))) (FuncExpr [ NormalParam (Identifier "x") , NormalParam (Identifier "y") ] (Block (CodeBlock [ If [ ( Equals (Ident (Identifier "x")) (Ident (Identifier "y")) , Block (Content [ Text "\9989" ]) ) , ( Literal (Boolean True) , Block (Content [ Text "\10060" , Text "(" , Code "test/typ/text/raw-code-04.typ" ( line 1 , column 47 ) (FuncCall (Ident (Identifier "repr")) [ NormalArg (Ident (Identifier "x")) ]) , Space , Text "/" , Text "=" , Space , Code "test/typ/text/raw-code-04.typ" ( line 1 , column 59 ) (FuncCall (Ident (Identifier "repr")) [ NormalArg (Ident (Identifier "y")) ]) , Text ")" ]) ) ] ])))) , SoftBreak , Code "test/typ/text/raw-code-04.typ" ( line 2 , column 2 ) (Set (Ident (Identifier "page")) [ KeyValArg (Identifier "width") (Literal (Numeric 180.0 Pt)) ]) , SoftBreak , Code "test/typ/text/raw-code-04.typ" ( line 3 , column 2 ) (Set (Ident (Identifier "text")) [ NormalArg (Literal (Numeric 6.0 Pt)) ]) , ParBreak , Code "test/typ/text/raw-code-04.typ" ( line 5 , column 2 ) (FuncCall (Ident (Identifier "rect")) [ KeyValArg (Identifier "inset") (Dict [ Reg ( Identifier "x" , Literal (Numeric 4.0 Pt) ) , Reg ( Identifier "y" , Literal (Numeric 5.0 Pt) ) ]) , KeyValArg (Identifier "radius") (Literal (Numeric 4.0 Pt)) , KeyValArg (Identifier "fill") (FuncCall (Ident (Identifier "rgb")) [ NormalArg (Literal (Int 239)) , NormalArg (Literal (Int 241)) , NormalArg (Literal (Int 243)) ]) , BlockArg [ SoftBreak , RawBlock "html" "\n \n \n \n \n \n



The Hypertext Markup Language.

\n \n \n \n " , ParBreak ] ]) , ParBreak ] --- evaluated --- document(body: { text(body: [ ]), text(body: [ ]), parbreak(), rect(body: { text(body: [ ], size: 6.0pt), raw(block: true, lang: "html", text: "\n \n \n \n \n \n



The Hypertext Markup Language.

\n \n \n \n "), parbreak() }, fill: rgb(93%,94%,95%,100%), inset: (x: 4.0pt, y: 5.0pt), radius: 4.0pt), parbreak() })