--- parse tree --- [ Code "test/typ/compiler/array-14.typ" ( line 1 , column 2 ) (Let (BasicBind (Just (Identifier "test"))) (FuncExpr [ NormalParam (Identifier "x") , NormalParam (Identifier "y") ] (Block (CodeBlock [ If [ ( Equals (Ident (Identifier "x")) (Ident (Identifier "y")) , Block (Content [ Text "\9989" ]) ) , ( Literal (Boolean True) , Block (Content [ Text "\10060" , Text "(" , Code "test/typ/compiler/array-14.typ" ( line 1 , column 47 ) (FuncCall (Ident (Identifier "repr")) [ NormalArg (Ident (Identifier "x")) ]) , Space , Text "/" , Text "=" , Space , Code "test/typ/compiler/array-14.typ" ( line 1 , column 59 ) (FuncCall (Ident (Identifier "repr")) [ NormalArg (Ident (Identifier "y")) ]) , Text ")" ]) ) ] ])))) , SoftBreak , Comment , Code "test/typ/compiler/array-14.typ" ( line 3 , column 2 ) (Block (CodeBlock [ Let (BasicBind (Just (Identifier "array"))) (Array [ Literal (Int 0) , Literal (Int 1) , Literal (Int 2) , Literal (Int 4) , Literal (Int 5) ]) , FuncCall (FieldAccess (Ident (Identifier "insert")) (Ident (Identifier "array"))) [ NormalArg (Literal (Int 3)) , NormalArg (Literal (Int 3)) ] , FuncCall (Ident (Identifier "test")) [ NormalArg (Ident (Identifier "array")) , NormalArg (FuncCall (Ident (Identifier "range")) [ NormalArg (Literal (Int 6)) ]) ] , FuncCall (FieldAccess (Ident (Identifier "remove")) (Ident (Identifier "array"))) [ NormalArg (Literal (Int 1)) ] , FuncCall (Ident (Identifier "test")) [ NormalArg (Ident (Identifier "array")) , NormalArg (Array [ Literal (Int 0) , Literal (Int 2) , Literal (Int 3) , Literal (Int 4) , Literal (Int 5) ]) ] ])) , ParBreak ] "test/typ/compiler/array-14.typ" (line 3, column 2): unexpected end of input expecting end of input Can't combine VContent (fromList [Elt {eltName = Identifier "text", eltPos = Just "test/typ/compiler/array-14.typ" (line 3, column 2), eltFields = fromList [(Identifier "body",VContent (fromList [Txt "\9989"]))]}]) and VInteger 1