{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables, TemplateHaskell, StandaloneDeriving, TypeFamilies, GADTs, PatternSynonyms , ViewPatterns, TypeOperators, TypeApplications, TypeInType, PatternSynonyms , TupleSections, Trustworthy #-} -- * Type family to proofs -- * TODO -- - dissolve BIG DOUBT -- - allow for unlifted arrow arguments? -- - remove the `Lift Exp` hack (or revert to what I had before), -- see https://ghc.haskell.org/t/14296 -- - clients need to activate ScopedTypeVariables -- - stuffhave3 in Main.hs won't create reify_ToPeano -- - stuffhave3 in Main.hs errors in TyFamWitnesses.hs:(120,9)-(128,43): Non-exhaustive module TyFamWitnesses (witnesses, stuffhave, stuffhave1, stuffhave2, pattern Lifted, pattern Fun') where import GHC.Exts import Data.Kind import Language.Haskell.TH hiding (Type) import Language.Haskell.TH.Syntax hiding (Type) import qualified Language.Haskell.TH.Syntax as HS(Type) import Data.Maybe import Type.Reflection import Data.Type.Equality hiding (apply) import Data.Char (toLower) import Unsafe.Coerce (unsafeCoerce) import Debug.Trace import Data.Map.Strict hiding (mapMaybe, take, foldr, foldl', filter) import Data.List (foldl', nub) import Data.Function -- reflectFoo :: forall a b. TypeRep a -> TypeRep b -> Maybe (FooRefl a b) -- reflectFoo a b | Just HRefl <- a `eqTypeRep` b = pure FooRefl0 -- | Refl :: Foo a b :~: Char <- unsafeCoerce Refl = pure FooRefl1 -- testFoo :: (Typeable a, Typeable b) => a -> b -> Foo a b -- testFoo a b = case reflectFoo (typeOf a) (typeOf b) of -- Just FooRefl0 -> 6 -- Just FooRefl1 -> 'h' stuffhave = [d| type family Foo a b where Foo a a = Int Foo (IO a) a = Float Foo (IO a) b = Bool Foo a Char = String Foo a b = Char |] stuffhave1 = [d| type family Bar a where Bar Bool = Bool; Bar a = IO a |] stuffhave2 = [d| type family Elim a b where Elim a (a -> b) = b; Elim a (c -> b) = c -> Elim a b |] {- > runQ stuffhave [ClosedTypeFamilyD (TypeFamilyHead Foo_15 [PlainTV a_16,PlainTV b_17] NoSig Nothing) [TySynEqn [VarT a_18,VarT a_18] (ConT GHC.Types.Int),TySynEqn [VarT a_19,VarT b_20] (ConT GHC.Types.Char)]] > runQ stuffwant [DataD [] FooRefl_21 [PlainTV a_24,PlainTV b_25,PlainTV res_26] Nothing [GadtC [FooRefl0_22] [] (AppT (AppT (AppT (ConT FooRefl_21) (VarT a_27)) (VarT a_27)) (ConT GHC.Types.Int)),GadtC [FooRefl1_23] [] (AppT (AppT (AppT (ConT FooRefl_21) (VarT a_28)) (VarT b_29)) (ConT GHC.Types.Char))] []] stuffwant = [d| data FooRefl a b where FooRefl0 :: (Foo a a ~ Int) => FooRefl a a; FooRefl1 :: (Foo a b ~ Char) => FooRefl a b |] > runQ stuffwant [DataD [] FooRefl_30 [PlainTV a_33,PlainTV b_34] Nothing [ForallC [] [AppT (AppT EqualityT (AppT (AppT (ConT Main.Foo) (VarT a_35)) (VarT a_35))) (ConT GHC.Types.Int)] (GadtC [FooRefl0_31] [] (AppT (AppT (ConT FooRefl_30) (VarT a_35)) (VarT a_35))),ForallC [] [AppT (AppT EqualityT (AppT (AppT (ConT Main.Foo) (VarT a_36)) (VarT b_37))) (ConT GHC.Types.Char)] (GadtC [FooRefl1_32] [] (AppT (AppT (ConT FooRefl_30) (VarT a_36)) (VarT b_37)))] []] [ClosedTypeFamilyD (TypeFamilyHead Foo_46 [PlainTV a_47,PlainTV b_48] NoSig Nothing) [TySynEqn [VarT a_49,VarT a_49] (ConT GHC.Types.Int),TySynEqn [VarT a_50,VarT b_51] (ConT GHC.Types.Char)],DataD [] FooRefl_46 [PlainTV a_47,PlainTV b_48] Nothing [GadtC [Foo0_46] [] (AppT (AppT (ConT FooRefl_46) (VarT a_49)) (VarT a_49)),GadtC [Foo1_46] [] (AppT (AppT (ConT FooRefl_46) (VarT a_50)) (VarT b_51))] []] -} witnesses :: DecsQ -> DecsQ witnesses decsQ = do decs <- decsQ datasNames <- sequence (wantHave <$> decs) let (datas, names) = let dns = mapMaybe id datasNames in (fst <$> dns, snd <$> dns) funcs <- sequence (zipWith wantHave2 names decs) pure $ decs ++ datas ++ concat funcs wantHave :: Dec -> Q (Maybe (Dec, (Name, [Exp]))) wantHave (ClosedTypeFamilyD (TypeFamilyHead name tyvars _ Nothing) clauses) = do ns <- sequence constrNames n <- newName (occ ++ "Refl") pure (pure (DataD [] n tyvars Nothing (constrs ns n) [], (n, ConE <$> ns))) where Name (OccName occ) _ = name constrs ns n = zipWith (clauseToCtor name n) ns clauses constrNames = take (length clauses) $ generateConstrNames name wantHave _ = pure Nothing generateConstrNames :: Name -> [Q Name] generateConstrNames (Name (OccName occ) _) = (\n -> newName (occ ++ show n)) <$> [0..] clauseToCtor :: Name -> Name -> Name -> TySynEqn -> Con clauseToCtor fam n constrName (TySynEqn formals returnt) = ForallC [] [AppT (AppT EqualityT (foldl' AppT (ConT fam) formals)) returnt] $ GadtC [constrName] [] (foldl' AppT (ConT n) formals) instance Lift Exp where lift = pure pattern TRACE <- ((`traceShow` ()) -> ()) wantHave2 :: (Name, [Exp]) -> Dec -> DecsQ wantHave2 (dname, constrs) (ClosedTypeFamilyD (TypeFamilyHead name formals _ Nothing) clauses) = do n <- newName ("reify_" ++ occ) tyr <- [t|TypeRep|] mbe <- [t|Maybe|] hrefl <- [p|HRefl|] prefl <- [p|Refl|] refl <- [e|Refl|] noth <- [e|Nothing|] unsCoe <- [e|unsafeCoerce|] ConP just _ <- [p|Just|] propEq <- [t|(:~:)|] pre <- [e|pure|] eqTypeRep <- [e|eqTypeRep|] ConP fun _ <- [p|Fun'|] ConP app _ <- [p|App|] let el `appEqTypeRep` er = eqTypeRep `AppE` el `AppE` er result = (pre `AppE`) coercedRefl = unsCoe `AppE` refl justHRefl = ConP just [hrefl] joinKeys = unionWith (++) t2p :: HS.Type -> Q (Pat, Name `Map` [Name]) t2p (VarT name@(Name (OccName n) _)) = forVar <$> newName n where forVar newName = (VarP newName, name `singleton` pure newName) t2p ArrowT = pure (ConP fun [], empty) t2p con@ConT{} = (, empty) <$> [p|(eqTypeRep (typeRep @ $(pure con)) -> Just HRefl)|] t2p (fun `AppT` arg) = do (fp, fns) <- t2p fun (ap, ans) <- t2p arg pure (fp `appP` ap, joinKeys fns ans) where ConP c args `appP` p = ConP c $ args ++ [p] a `appP` b = InfixP a app b t2p con@LitT{} = let lit = pure con in (, empty) <$> [p|(eqTypeRep (typeRep @ $lit) -> Just HRefl)|] t2p con@PromotedT{} = let lit = pure con in (, empty) <$> [p|(eqTypeRep (typeRep @ $lit) -> Just HRefl)|] t2p wtf = error $ "what is this? " ++ show wtf total :: TySynEqn -> Bool total (TySynEqn actuals _) = all var actuals && length actuals == length (nub actuals) where var VarT{} = True var _ = False clause :: TySynEqn -> Exp -> Q Clause -- BIG DOUBT: does this only work when this is the first line? Probably not a problem clause (TySynEqn [p0, p1] returnt) constr | p0 == p1 = pure $ Clause formalsPatterns (GuardedB [(PatG [BindS justHRefl formalsEquated], result constr)]) [] where formalsPatterns = tv VarP <$> formals formalsEquated = foldl1 appEqTypeRep $ tv VarE <$> formals clause (TySynEqn actuals returnt) constr = do patsNonlins <- t2p `mapM` actuals let pats = fst <$> patsNonlins nonlins = nub . elems $ foldl' joinKeys empty $ snd <$> patsNonlins shiftZip ns = BindS justHRefl <$> (zipWith (appEqTypeRep `on` VarE) ns $ tail ns) binders = shiftZip `concatMap` nonlins formalEQactual v = (tv VarT v `AppEqT`) constraints = zipWith formalEQactual formals actuals appliedActuals = foldl' AppT (ConT name) actuals postulate = BindS prefl (SigE coercedRefl (ForallT [] constraints $ propEq `AppT` returnt `AppT` appliedActuals)) pure $ Clause pats (GuardedB [(PatG $ binders ++ [postulate], result constr)]) [] cs <- sequence $ zipWith clause clauses constrs let partial = not $ or $ total <$> clauses let cs' = if partial then cs ++ [Clause (zipWith const (repeat WildP) formals) (NormalB noth) []] else cs pure [ SigD n (ForallT formals [] (foldr AppArrowT (mbe `AppT` appliedFormals) $ AppT tyr <$> formalsTypes)) , FunD n cs'] where Name (OccName occ) _ = name formalsTypes = tv VarT <$> formals tv how (PlainTV formal) = how formal tv how (KindedTV formal _) = how formal appliedFormals = foldl' AppT (ConT dname) formalsTypes wantHave2 _ _ = pure [] pattern AppArrowT l r = AppT (AppT ArrowT l) r infixr 1 `AppArrowT` pattern AppEqT l r = AppT (AppT EqualityT l) r infixr 2 `AppEqT` pattern Lifted :: forall k (a :: k). () => forall (t :: Type). t ~~ a => TypeRep t -> TypeRep a pattern Lifted c <- ((\r -> (typeRepKind r `testEquality` typeRep @Type, r)) -> (Just Refl, c)) pattern Fun' :: forall k (f :: k). () => forall c d. (d -> c) ~~ f => TypeRep d -> TypeRep c -> TypeRep f pattern d `Fun'` c <- Lifted d `Fun` Lifted c