{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables, TemplateHaskell, StandaloneDeriving, TypeFamilies, GADTs , ViewPatterns, TypeOperators, TypeApplications, StandaloneDeriving , UnicodeSyntax, PatternSynonyms, FlexibleContexts, DataKinds, UndecidableInstances #-} -- invoke as: ghci Main.hs -ddump-parsed -ddump-rn -- or in GHCi: :set -ddump-parsed -ddump-rn import TyFamWitnesses import Language.Haskell.TH hiding (Type) import Data.Type.Equality hiding (apply) import Type.Reflection import Unsafe.Coerce (unsafeCoerce) import Data.Char (ord) import GHC.TypeLits witnesses stuffhave deriving instance Show (FooRefl a b) -- now you can: -- -- >>> :info FooRefl -- type role FooRefl nominal nominal -- data FooRefl a b where -- Foo0 :: (Foo a a ~ Int) => FooRefl a a -- Foo1 :: (Foo (IO b) b ~ Float) => FooRefl (IO b) b -- Foo2 :: (Foo (IO a1) b ~ Bool) => FooRefl (IO a1) b -- Foo3 :: (Foo a Char ~ String) => FooRefl a Char -- Foo4 :: (Foo a b ~ Char) => FooRefl a b -- -- Defined at Main.hs:13:1 -- instance Show (FooRefl a b) -- Defined at Main.hs:14:1 -- -- >>> :info reify_Foo -- reify_Foo :: TypeRep a -> TypeRep b -> Maybe (FooRefl a b) -- -- Defined at Main.hs:13:1 -- -- >>> reify_Foo (typeOf getChar) (typeRep @Char) -- Just Foo1 -- witnesses stuffhave1 deriving instance Show (BarRefl a) witnesses stuffhave2 deriving instance Show (ElimRefl a b) pure [] stuffwant2 = [d| fooRefl :: forall a b . TypeRep a -> TypeRep b -> Maybe (FooRefl a b) fooRefl a b | Just HRefl <- eqTypeRep a b = pure Foo0 fooRefl a b | Refl <- unsafeCoerce Refl :: Foo a b :~: Char = pure Foo1 |] stuffhave3 = [d| data Peano = Z | S Peano type family ToPeano (n :: Nat) :: Peano where ToPeano 0 = Z; ToPeano 1 = S Z type family FromPeano (p :: Peano) :: Nat where FromPeano Z = 0; FromPeano (S n) = 1 + FromPeano n |] witnesses [d| data Peano = Z | S Peano type family ToPeano (n :: Nat) :: Peano where ToPeano 0 = Z; ToPeano 1 = S Z --type family FromPeano (p :: Peano) :: Nat where FromPeano Z = 0; FromPeano (S n) = 1 + FromPeano n |] witnesses [d| type family FromPeano (p :: Peano) :: Nat where FromPeano Z = 0; FromPeano (S n) = 1 + FromPeano n |] deriving instance Show (FromPeanoRefl n) main = runQ (witnesses stuffhave2) >>= print test@Just{} = reify_Elim (typeRep @Integer) (typeOf ((+1)::Integer->Integer)) lemma :: v -> TypeRep f -> TypeRep v -> Maybe (TypeRep (v `Elim` f), f -> v `Elim` f) lemma w f v = do d `Fun'` c <- pure f witness <- v `reify_Elim` f case witness of Elim0 -> pure (c, ($ w)) Elim1 -> do (e, g) <- lemma w c v pure (d `Fun` e, (g.)) data Tag = Source | Destination | CheckSource Bool | CheckDest Bool | Cut Bool newtype TaggedAction (t :: Tag) = Tagged (IO ()) data Action where Action :: Typeable t ⇒ TaggedAction t → Action Catalyst :: Typeable (c → d) ⇒ (c → d) → Action pattern A :: forall k a. () => forall b. (TaggedAction b ~~ a) => TypeRep b → TypeRep a pattern A b ← (eqTypeRep (typeRep @TaggedAction) → Just HRefl) `App` b reaction :: Action → Action → Maybe Action reaction (Catalyst f) (Action v) = do (rep, f') ← lemma v (typeOf f) (typeOf v) pure $ case rep of _ `Fun'` _ → withTypeable rep (Catalyst $ f' f) A indx → withTypeable indx (Action $ f' f) member :: Eq a => a -> [a] -> Bool member = elem y $$ x = ($ y).($ x) --Just (t3r, (($ elem) -> t3)) = lemma 'j' (typeOf $ member @Char) (typeOf 'j') -- https://ghc.haskell.org/trac/ghc/ticket/14293 Just (t3r, (($ "joe").($ elem) -> t3@True)) = lemma 'j' (typeOf $ member @Char) (typeOf 'j') Just (t4r, (($ 'o').($ elem) -> t4@True)) = lemma "joe" (typeOf $ member @Char) (typeOf "joe") -- Just (t4'r, ('x' $$ elem -> t4'@False)) = lemma "joe" (typeOf $ member @Char) (typeOf "joe") -- Same bug Just (t4'r, (($ 'x').($ elem) -> t4'@False)) = lemma "joe" (typeOf $ member @Char) (typeOf "joe") t0@Nothing = lemma "joe" (typeOf ord) (typeOf "joe")