{-#LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses #-} {-#LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-} {-#LANGUAGE ViewPatterns #-} module Twilio.Message ( -- * Resource Message(..) , Twilio.Message.get -- * Types , MessageDirection(..) , MessageStatus(..) ) where import Control.Applicative import Control.Monad import Control.Monad.Catch import Data.Aeson import Data.Monoid import Data.Text (Text) import Data.Time.Clock import Network.URI import Control.Monad.Twilio import Twilio.Internal.Parser import Twilio.Internal.Request import Twilio.Internal.Resource as Resource import Twilio.Types {- Resource -} data Message = Message { sid :: !MessageSID , dateCreated :: !UTCTime , dateUpdated :: !UTCTime , dateSent :: !(Maybe UTCTime) -- ^ This will be Nothing if Twilio hasn't sent the message yet. , accountSID :: !AccountSID , to :: !Text , from :: !Text , body :: !Text , status :: !MessageStatus -- , numSegments :: !Integer , direction :: !MessageDirection -- , price :: !Double , priceUnit :: !PriceUnit , apiVersion :: !APIVersion , uri :: !URI } deriving (Show, Eq) instance FromJSON Message where parseJSON (Object v) = Message <$> v .: "sid" <*> (v .: "date_created" >>= parseDateTime) <*> (v .: "date_updated" >>= parseDateTime) <*> (v .:? "date_sent" >>= parseMaybeDateTime) <*> v .: "account_sid" <*> v .: "to" <*> v .: "from" <*> v .: "body" <*> v .: "status" -- <*> (v .: "num_segments" <&> fmap safeRead -- >>= maybeReturn) <*> v .: "direction" -- <*> (v .: "price" <&> fmap safeRead -- >>= maybeReturn') <*> v .: "price_unit" <*> v .: "api_version" <*> (v .: "uri" <&> parseRelativeReference >>= maybeReturn) parseJSON _ = mzero instance Get1 MessageSID Message where get1 (getSID -> sid) = request parseJSONFromResponse =<< makeTwilioRequest ("/Messages/" <> sid <> ".json") -- | Get a 'Message' by 'MessageSID'. get :: MonadThrow m => MessageSID -> TwilioT m Message get = Resource.get {- Types -} data MessageDirection = Inbound | OutboundAPI | OutboundCall | OutboundReply deriving Eq instance Show MessageDirection where show Inbound = "inbound" show OutboundAPI = "outbound-api" show OutboundCall = "outbound-call" show OutboundReply = "outbound-reply" instance FromJSON MessageDirection where parseJSON (String "inbound") = return Inbound parseJSON (String "outbound-api") = return OutboundAPI parseJSON (String "outbound-call") = return OutboundCall parseJSON (String "outbound-reply") = return OutboundReply parseJSON _ = mzero data MessageStatus = Queued | Sending | Sent | Failed | Received | Delivered | Undelivered deriving Eq instance Show MessageStatus where show Queued = "queued" show Sending = "sending" show Sent = "sent" show Failed = "failed" show Received = "received" show Delivered = "delivered" show Undelivered = "undelivered" instance FromJSON MessageStatus where parseJSON (String "queued") = return Queued parseJSON (String "sending") = return Sending parseJSON (String "sent") = return Sent parseJSON (String "failed") = return Failed parseJSON (String "received") = return Received parseJSON (String "delivered") = return Delivered parseJSON (String "undelivered") = return Undelivered parseJSON _ = mzero