Module      : EventLoop.Output.SystemMessage
Description : Library of all the possible output 'SystemMessage' events in the example implementation.
Copyright   : (c) Sebastiaan la Fleur, 2014
License     : BSD3
Maintainer  : sebastiaan.la.fleur@gmail.com
Stability   : experimental
Portability : All

This module expresses how the outgoing 'SystemMessage's are modelled in the example implementation. 
module EventLoop.Output.SystemMessage(SystemMessageOut(..)) where

import EventLoop.Json
import EventLoop.Config
import EventLoop.CommonTypes

 The different possible 'SystemMessageOut's.
data SystemMessageOut = CanvasSetup Dimension -- ^ Answer to the 'EventLoop.Input.SystemMessage.Setup' containing the dimensions of the canvas that will be used.
                      | Timer Bool            -- ^ Request to create a timer at the clientside that will generate a 'EventLoop.Input.SystemMessage.Time' message each \'tick\'.
                      | Close                 -- ^ A request for the client to completely close the connection to the server.

 Instance to express how to parse a 'SystemMessageIn' from a JSON formatted 'String'.
instance JSONAble SystemMessageOut where
    toJsonMessage (CanvasSetup dim) = JSONObject [(JSONMember sysmessageanswerS (JSONString canvassetupS)), (JSONMember dimensionS (dimensionToJsonMessage dim))]
    toJsonMessage (Timer bool)      = JSONObject [(JSONMember sysmessageanswerS (JSONString timerS)), (JSONMember useS (JSONBool bool))]
    toJsonMessage (Close)           = JSONObject [(JSONMember sysmessageanswerS (JSONString closeS))]
-- | Private
dimensionToJsonMessage :: Dimension -> JSONMessage
dimensionToJsonMessage (w, h) = JSONObject [(JSONMember hS (JSONFloat h)), (JSONMember wS (JSONFloat w))]