{-# LANGUAGE CPP #-} {-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-} {-# LANGUAGE GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving #-} {-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes #-} -- | This module provides a large suite of utilities that resemble Unix -- utilities. -- -- Many of these commands are just existing Haskell commands renamed to match -- their Unix counterparts: -- -- >>> :set -XOverloadedStrings -- >>> cd "/tmp" -- >>> pwd -- FilePath "/tmp" -- -- Some commands are `Shell`s that emit streams of values. `view` prints all -- values in a `Shell` stream: -- -- >>> view (ls "/usr") -- FilePath "/usr/lib" -- FilePath "/usr/src" -- FilePath "/usr/sbin" -- FilePath "/usr/include" -- FilePath "/usr/share" -- FilePath "/usr/games" -- FilePath "/usr/local" -- FilePath "/usr/bin" -- >>> view (find (suffix "Browser.py") "/usr/lib") -- FilePath "/usr/lib/python3.4/idlelib/ClassBrowser.py" -- FilePath "/usr/lib/python3.4/idlelib/RemoteObjectBrowser.py" -- FilePath "/usr/lib/python3.4/idlelib/PathBrowser.py" -- FilePath "/usr/lib/python3.4/idlelib/ObjectBrowser.py" -- -- Use `fold` to reduce the output of a `Shell` stream: -- -- >>> import qualified Control.Foldl as Fold -- >>> fold (ls "/usr") Fold.length -- 8 -- >>> fold (find (suffix "Browser.py") "/usr/lib") Fold.head -- Just (FilePath "/usr/lib/python3.4/idlelib/ClassBrowser.py") -- -- Create files using `output`: -- -- >>> output "foo.txt" ("123" <|> "456" <|> "ABC") -- >>> realpath "foo.txt" -- FilePath "/tmp/foo.txt" -- -- Read in files using `input`: -- -- >>> stdout (input "foo.txt") -- 123 -- 456 -- ABC -- -- Format strings in a type safe way using `format`: -- -- >>> dir <- pwd -- >>> format ("I am in the "%fp%" directory") dir -- "I am in the /tmp directory" -- -- Commands like `grep`, `sed` and `find` accept arbitrary `Pattern`s -- -- >>> stdout (grep ("123" <|> "ABC") (input "foo.txt")) -- 123 -- ABC -- >>> let exclaim = fmap (<> "!") (plus digit) -- >>> stdout (sed exclaim (input "foo.txt")) -- 123! -- 456! -- ABC -- -- Note that `grep` and `find` differ from their Unix counterparts by requiring -- that the `Pattern` matches the entire line or file name by default. However, -- you can optionally match the prefix, suffix, or interior of a line: -- -- >>> stdout (grep (has "2") (input "foo.txt")) -- 123 -- >>> stdout (grep (prefix "1") (input "foo.txt")) -- 123 -- >>> stdout (grep (suffix "3") (input "foo.txt")) -- 123 -- -- You can also build up more sophisticated `Shell` programs using `sh` in -- conjunction with @do@ notation: -- -- >{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-} -- > -- >import Turtle -- > -- >main = sh example -- > -- >example = do -- > -- Read in file names from "files1.txt" and "files2.txt" -- > file <- fmap fromText (input "files1.txt" <|> input "files2.txt") -- > -- > -- Stream each file to standard output only if the file exists -- > True <- liftIO (testfile file) -- > line <- input file -- > liftIO (echo line) -- -- See "Turtle.Tutorial" for an extended tutorial explaining how to use this -- library in greater detail. module Turtle.Prelude ( -- * IO proc , shell , procStrict , shellStrict , echo , err , readline , arguments #if MIN_VERSION_base(4,7,0) , export , unset #endif #if MIN_VERSION_base(4,6,0) , need #endif , env , cd , pwd , home , realpath , mv , mkdir , mktree , cp , rm , rmdir , rmtree , testfile , testdir , testpath , date , datefile , touch , time , hostname , sleep , exit , die , (.&&.) , (.||.) -- * Managed , readonly , writeonly , appendonly , mktemp , mktempfile , mktempdir , fork , wait -- * Shell , inproc , inshell , inprocWithErr , inshellWithErr , stdin , input , inhandle , stdout , output , outhandle , append , stderr , strict , ls , lsif , lstree , cat , grep , sed , inplace , find , yes , nl , paste , endless , limit , limitWhile , cache -- * Folds , countChars , countWords , countLines -- * Text , cut -- * Permissions , Permissions , chmod , getmod , setmod , readable, nonreadable , writable, nonwritable , executable, nonexecutable , searchable, nonsearchable , ooo,roo,owo,oox,oos,rwo,rox,ros,owx,rwx,rws -- * File size , du , Size , sz , bytes , kilobytes , megabytes , gigabytes , terabytes , kibibytes , mebibytes , gibibytes , tebibytes ) where import Control.Applicative import Control.Concurrent (threadDelay) import Control.Concurrent.Async (Async, withAsync, withAsyncWithUnmask, wait, waitSTM, concurrently) import Control.Concurrent.MVar (newMVar, modifyMVar_) import qualified Control.Concurrent.STM as STM import qualified Control.Concurrent.STM.TQueue as TQueue import Control.Exception (bracket, finally, mask_, throwIO) import Control.Foldl (Fold, FoldM(..), genericLength, handles, list, premap) import qualified Control.Foldl.Text import Control.Monad (liftM, msum, when, unless) import Control.Monad.IO.Class (MonadIO(..)) import Control.Monad.Managed (Managed, managed, runManaged) #ifdef mingw32_HOST_OS import Data.Bits ((.&.)) #endif import Data.IORef (newIORef, readIORef, writeIORef) import Data.Text (Text, pack, unpack) import Data.Time (NominalDiffTime, UTCTime, getCurrentTime) import Data.Traversable import qualified Data.Text as Text import qualified Data.Text.IO as Text import qualified Filesystem import Filesystem.Path.CurrentOS (FilePath, ()) import qualified Filesystem.Path.CurrentOS as Filesystem import GHC.IO.Exception (IOErrorType(UnsupportedOperation)) import Network.HostName (getHostName) import System.Clock (Clock(..), TimeSpec(..), getTime) import System.Environment ( getArgs, #if MIN_VERSION_base(4,7,0) setEnv, unsetEnv, #endif #if MIN_VERSION_base(4,6,0) lookupEnv, #endif getEnvironment ) import System.Directory (Permissions) import qualified System.Directory as Directory import System.Exit (ExitCode(..), exitWith) import System.IO (Handle, hClose) import qualified System.IO as IO import System.IO.Temp (withTempDirectory, withTempFile) import System.IO.Error (catchIOError, ioeGetErrorType) import qualified System.Process as Process #ifdef mingw32_HOST_OS import qualified System.Win32 as Win32 #else import System.Posix (openDirStream, readDirStream, closeDirStream, touchFile) #endif import Prelude hiding (FilePath) import Turtle.Pattern (Pattern, anyChar, chars, match, selfless, sepBy) import Turtle.Shell import Turtle.Format (Format, format, makeFormat, d, w, (%)) {-| Run a command using @execvp@, retrieving the exit code The command inherits @stdout@ and @stderr@ for the current process -} proc :: MonadIO io => Text -- ^ Command -> [Text] -- ^ Arguments -> Shell Text -- ^ Lines of standard input -> io ExitCode -- ^ Exit code proc cmd args = system (Process.proc (unpack cmd) (map unpack args)) {-| Run a command line using the shell, retrieving the exit code This command is more powerful than `proc`, but highly vulnerable to code injection if you template the command line with untrusted input The command inherits @stdout@ and @stderr@ for the current process -} shell :: MonadIO io => Text -- ^ Command line -> Shell Text -- ^ Lines of standard input -> io ExitCode -- ^ Exit code shell cmdLine = system (Process.shell (unpack cmdLine)) {-| Run a command using @execvp@, retrieving the exit code and stdout as a non-lazy blob of Text The command inherits @stderr@ for the current process -} procStrict :: MonadIO io => Text -- ^ Command -> [Text] -- ^ Arguments -> Shell Text -- ^ Lines of standard input -> io (ExitCode, Text) -- ^ Exit code and stdout procStrict cmd args = systemStrict (Process.proc (Text.unpack cmd) (map Text.unpack args)) {-| Run a command line using the shell, retrieving the exit code and stdout as a non-lazy blob of Text This command is more powerful than `proc`, but highly vulnerable to code injection if you template the command line with untrusted input The command inherits @stderr@ for the current process -} shellStrict :: MonadIO io => Text -- ^ Command line -> Shell Text -- ^ Lines of standard input -> io (ExitCode, Text) -- ^ Exit code and stdout shellStrict cmdLine = systemStrict (Process.shell (Text.unpack cmdLine)) system :: MonadIO io => Process.CreateProcess -- ^ Command -> Shell Text -- ^ Lines of standard input -> io ExitCode -- ^ Exit code system p s = liftIO (do let p' = p { Process.std_in = Process.CreatePipe , Process.std_out = Process.Inherit , Process.std_err = Process.Inherit } let open = do (Just hIn, Nothing, Nothing, ph) <- Process.createProcess p' IO.hSetBuffering hIn IO.LineBuffering return (hIn, ph) -- Prevent double close mvar <- newMVar False let close handle = do modifyMVar_ mvar (\finalized -> do unless finalized (hClose handle) return True ) bracket open (\(hIn, ph) -> close hIn >> Process.terminateProcess ph) (\(hIn, ph) -> do let feedIn :: (forall a. IO a -> IO a) -> IO () feedIn restore = restore (sh (do txt <- s liftIO (Text.hPutStrLn hIn txt) ) ) `finally` close hIn mask_ (withAsyncWithUnmask feedIn (\a -> liftIO (Process.waitForProcess ph) <* wait a) ) ) ) systemStrict :: MonadIO io => Process.CreateProcess -- ^ Command -> Shell Text -- ^ Lines of standard input -> io (ExitCode, Text) -- ^ Exit code and stdout systemStrict p s = liftIO (do let p' = p { Process.std_in = Process.CreatePipe , Process.std_out = Process.CreatePipe , Process.std_err = Process.Inherit } let open = do (Just hIn, Just hOut, Nothing, ph) <- liftIO (Process.createProcess p') IO.hSetBuffering hIn IO.LineBuffering return (hIn, hOut, ph) -- Prevent double close mvar <- newMVar False let close handle = do modifyMVar_ mvar (\finalized -> do unless finalized (hClose handle) return True ) bracket open (\(hIn, _, ph) -> close hIn >> Process.terminateProcess ph) (\(hIn, hOut, ph) -> do let feedIn :: (forall a. IO a -> IO a) -> IO () feedIn restore = restore (sh (do txt <- s liftIO (Text.hPutStrLn hIn txt) ) ) `finally` close hIn concurrently (mask_ (withAsyncWithUnmask feedIn (\a -> liftIO (Process.waitForProcess ph) <* wait a))) (Text.hGetContents hOut) ) ) {-| Run a command using @execvp@, streaming @stdout@ as lines of `Text` The command inherits @stderr@ for the current process -} inproc :: Text -- ^ Command -> [Text] -- ^ Arguments -> Shell Text -- ^ Lines of standard input -> Shell Text -- ^ Lines of standard output inproc cmd args = stream (Process.proc (unpack cmd) (map unpack args)) {-| Run a command line using the shell, streaming @stdout@ as lines of `Text` This command is more powerful than `inproc`, but highly vulnerable to code injection if you template the command line with untrusted input The command inherits @stderr@ for the current process -} inshell :: Text -- ^ Command line -> Shell Text -- ^ Lines of standard input -> Shell Text -- ^ Lines of standard output inshell cmd = stream (Process.shell (unpack cmd)) stream :: Process.CreateProcess -- ^ Command -> Shell Text -- ^ Lines of standard input -> Shell Text -- ^ Lines of standard output stream p s = do let p' = p { Process.std_in = Process.CreatePipe , Process.std_out = Process.CreatePipe , Process.std_err = Process.Inherit } let open = do (Just hIn, Just hOut, Nothing, ph) <- liftIO (Process.createProcess p') IO.hSetBuffering hIn IO.LineBuffering return (hIn, hOut, ph) -- Prevent double close mvar <- liftIO (newMVar False) let close handle = do modifyMVar_ mvar (\finalized -> do unless finalized (hClose handle) return True ) (hIn, hOut, ph) <- using (managed (bracket open (\(hIn, _, ph) -> close hIn >> Process.terminateProcess ph))) let feedIn :: (forall a. IO a -> IO a) -> IO () feedIn restore = restore (sh (do txt <- s liftIO (Text.hPutStrLn hIn txt) ) ) `finally` close hIn a <- using (managed (mask_ . withAsyncWithUnmask feedIn)) inhandle hOut <|> (liftIO (Process.waitForProcess ph *> wait a) *> empty) streamWithErr :: Process.CreateProcess -- ^ Command -> Shell Text -- ^ Lines of standard input -> Shell (Either Text Text) -- ^ Lines of standard output streamWithErr p s = do let p' = p { Process.std_in = Process.CreatePipe , Process.std_out = Process.CreatePipe , Process.std_err = Process.CreatePipe } let open = do (Just hIn, Just hOut, Just hErr, ph) <- liftIO (Process.createProcess p') IO.hSetBuffering hIn IO.LineBuffering return (hIn, hOut, hErr, ph) -- Prevent double close mvar <- liftIO (newMVar False) let close handle = do modifyMVar_ mvar (\finalized -> do unless finalized (hClose handle) return True ) (hIn, hOut, hErr, ph) <- using (managed (bracket open (\(hIn, _, _, ph) -> close hIn >> Process.terminateProcess ph))) let feedIn :: (forall a. IO a -> IO a) -> IO () feedIn restore = restore (sh (do txt <- s liftIO (Text.hPutStrLn hIn txt) ) ) `finally` close hIn queue <- liftIO TQueue.newTQueueIO let forwardOut :: (forall a. IO a -> IO a) -> IO () forwardOut restore = restore (sh (do txt <- inhandle hOut liftIO (STM.atomically (TQueue.writeTQueue queue (Just (Right txt)))) )) `finally` STM.atomically (TQueue.writeTQueue queue Nothing) let forwardErr :: (forall a. IO a -> IO a) -> IO () forwardErr restore = restore (sh (do txt <- inhandle hErr liftIO (STM.atomically (TQueue.writeTQueue queue (Just (Left txt)))) )) `finally` STM.atomically (TQueue.writeTQueue queue Nothing) let drain = Shell (\(FoldM step begin done) -> do x0 <- begin let loop x numNothing | numNothing < 2 = do m <- STM.atomically (TQueue.readTQueue queue) case m of Nothing -> loop x $! numNothing + 1 Just e -> do x' <- step x e loop x' numNothing | otherwise = return x x1 <- loop x0 (0 :: Int) done x1 ) a <- using (managed (mask_ . withAsyncWithUnmask feedIn )) b <- using (managed (mask_ . withAsyncWithUnmask forwardOut)) c <- using (managed (mask_ . withAsyncWithUnmask forwardErr)) let l `also` r = do _ <- l <|> (r *> STM.retry) _ <- r return () let waitAll = STM.atomically (waitSTM a `also` (waitSTM b `also` waitSTM c)) drain <|> (liftIO (Process.waitForProcess ph *> waitAll) *> empty) {-| Run a command using the shell, streaming @stdout@ and @stderr@ as lines of `Text`. Lines from @stdout@ are wrapped in `Right` and lines from @stderr@ are wrapped in `Left`. -} inprocWithErr :: Text -- ^ Command -> [Text] -- ^ Arguments -> Shell Text -- ^ Lines of standard input -> Shell (Either Text Text) -- ^ Lines of standard output inprocWithErr cmd args = streamWithErr (Process.proc (unpack cmd) (map unpack args)) {-| Run a command line using the shell, streaming @stdout@ and @stderr@ as lines of `Text`. Lines from @stdout@ are wrapped in `Right` and lines from @stderr@ are wrapped in `Left`. This command is more powerful than `inprocWithErr`, but highly vulnerable to code injection if you template the command line with untrusted input -} inshellWithErr :: Text -- ^ Command line -> Shell Text -- ^ Lines of standard input -> Shell (Either Text Text) -- ^ Lines of standard output inshellWithErr cmd = streamWithErr (Process.shell (unpack cmd)) -- | Print to @stdout@ echo :: MonadIO io => Text -> io () echo txt = liftIO (Text.putStrLn txt) -- | Print to @stderr@ err :: MonadIO io => Text -> io () err txt = liftIO (Text.hPutStrLn IO.stderr txt) {-| Read in a line from @stdin@ Returns `Nothing` if at end of input -} readline :: MonadIO io => io (Maybe Text) readline = liftIO (do eof <- IO.isEOF if eof then return Nothing else fmap (Just . pack) getLine ) -- | Get command line arguments in a list arguments :: MonadIO io => io [Text] arguments = liftIO (fmap (map pack) getArgs) #if MIN_VERSION_base(4,7,0) -- | Set or modify an environment variable export :: MonadIO io => Text -> Text -> io () export key val = liftIO (setEnv (unpack key) (unpack val)) -- | Delete an environment variable unset :: MonadIO io => Text -> io () unset key = liftIO (unsetEnv (unpack key)) #endif #if MIN_VERSION_base(4,6,0) -- | Look up an environment variable need :: MonadIO io => Text -> io (Maybe Text) need key = liftIO (fmap (fmap pack) (lookupEnv (unpack key))) #endif -- | Retrieve all environment variables env :: MonadIO io => io [(Text, Text)] env = liftIO (fmap (fmap toTexts) getEnvironment) where toTexts (key, val) = (pack key, pack val) -- | Change the current directory cd :: MonadIO io => FilePath -> io () cd path = liftIO (Filesystem.setWorkingDirectory path) -- | Get the current directory pwd :: MonadIO io => io FilePath pwd = liftIO Filesystem.getWorkingDirectory -- | Get the home directory home :: MonadIO io => io FilePath home = liftIO Filesystem.getHomeDirectory -- | Canonicalize a path realpath :: MonadIO io => FilePath -> io FilePath realpath path = liftIO (Filesystem.canonicalizePath path) #ifdef mingw32_HOST_OS fILE_ATTRIBUTE_REPARSE_POINT :: Win32.FileAttributeOrFlag fILE_ATTRIBUTE_REPARSE_POINT = 1024 reparsePoint :: Win32.FileAttributeOrFlag -> Bool reparsePoint attr = fILE_ATTRIBUTE_REPARSE_POINT .&. attr /= 0 #endif {-| Stream all immediate children of the given directory, excluding @\".\"@ and @\"..\"@ -} ls :: FilePath -> Shell FilePath ls path = Shell (\(FoldM step begin done) -> do x0 <- begin let path' = Filesystem.encodeString path canRead <- fmap Directory.readable (Directory.getPermissions (deslash path')) #ifdef mingw32_HOST_OS reparse <- fmap reparsePoint (Win32.getFileAttributes path') if (canRead && not reparse) then bracket (Win32.findFirstFile (Filesystem.encodeString (path "*"))) (\(h, _) -> Win32.findClose h) (\(h, fdat) -> do let loop x = do file' <- Win32.getFindDataFileName fdat let file = Filesystem.decodeString file' x' <- if (file' /= "." && file' /= "..") then step x (path file) else return x more <- Win32.findNextFile h fdat if more then loop $! x' else done x' loop $! x0 ) else done x0 ) #else if canRead then bracket (openDirStream path') closeDirStream (\dirp -> do let loop x = do file' <- readDirStream dirp case file' of "" -> done x _ -> do let file = Filesystem.decodeString file' x' <- if (file' /= "." && file' /= "..") then step x (path file) else return x loop $! x' loop $! x0 ) else done x0 ) #endif {-| This is used to remove the trailing slash from a path, because `getPermissions` will fail if a path ends with a trailing slash -} deslash :: String -> String deslash [] = [] deslash (c0:cs0) = c0:go cs0 where go [] = [] go ['\\'] = [] go (c:cs) = c:go cs -- | Stream all recursive descendents of the given directory lstree :: FilePath -> Shell FilePath lstree path = do child <- ls path isDir <- liftIO (testdir child) if isDir then return child <|> lstree child else return child {-| Stream all recursive descendents of the given directory This skips any directories that fail the supplied predicate > lstree = lsif (\_ -> return True) -} lsif :: (FilePath -> IO Bool) -> FilePath -> Shell FilePath lsif predicate path = do child <- ls path isDir <- liftIO (testdir child) if isDir then do continue <- liftIO (predicate child) if continue then return child <|> lsif predicate child else return child else return child {-| Move a file or directory Works if the two paths are on the same filesystem. If not, @mv@ will still work when dealing with a regular file, but the operation will not be atomic -} mv :: MonadIO io => FilePath -> FilePath -> io () mv oldPath newPath = liftIO $ catchIOError (Filesystem.rename oldPath newPath) (\ioe -> if ioeGetErrorType ioe == UnsupportedOperation -- certainly EXDEV then do Filesystem.copyFile oldPath newPath Filesystem.removeFile oldPath else ioError ioe) {-| Create a directory Fails if the directory is present -} mkdir :: MonadIO io => FilePath -> io () mkdir path = liftIO (Filesystem.createDirectory False path) {-| Create a directory tree (equivalent to @mkdir -p@) Does not fail if the directory is present -} mktree :: MonadIO io => FilePath -> io () mktree path = liftIO (Filesystem.createTree path) -- | Copy a file cp :: MonadIO io => FilePath -> FilePath -> io () cp oldPath newPath = liftIO (Filesystem.copyFile oldPath newPath) -- | Remove a file rm :: MonadIO io => FilePath -> io () rm path = liftIO (Filesystem.removeFile path) -- | Remove a directory rmdir :: MonadIO io => FilePath -> io () rmdir path = liftIO (Filesystem.removeDirectory path) {-| Remove a directory tree (equivalent to @rm -r@) Use at your own risk -} rmtree :: MonadIO io => FilePath -> io () rmtree path = liftIO (Filesystem.removeTree path) -- | Check if a file exists testfile :: MonadIO io => FilePath -> io Bool testfile path = liftIO (Filesystem.isFile path) -- | Check if a directory exists testdir :: MonadIO io => FilePath -> io Bool testdir path = liftIO (Filesystem.isDirectory path) -- | Check if a path exists testpath :: MonadIO io => FilePath -> io Bool testpath path = do exists <- testfile path if exists then return exists else testdir path {-| Touch a file, updating the access and modification times to the current time Creates an empty file if it does not exist -} touch :: MonadIO io => FilePath -> io () touch file = do exists <- testfile file liftIO (if exists #ifdef mingw32_HOST_OS then do handle <- Win32.createFile (Filesystem.encodeString file) Win32.gENERIC_WRITE Win32.fILE_SHARE_NONE Nothing Win32.oPEN_EXISTING Win32.fILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL Nothing (creationTime, _, _) <- Win32.getFileTime handle systemTime <- Win32.getSystemTimeAsFileTime Win32.setFileTime handle creationTime systemTime systemTime #else then touchFile (Filesystem.encodeString file) #endif else output file empty ) {-| Update a file or directory's user permissions > chmod rwo "foo.txt" -- chmod u=rw foo.txt > chmod executable "foo.txt" -- chmod u+x foo.txt > chmod nonwritable "foo.txt" -- chmod u-x foo.txt -} chmod :: MonadIO io => (Permissions -> Permissions) -- ^ Permissions update function -> FilePath -- ^ Path -> io Permissions -- ^ Updated permissions chmod modifyPermissions path = liftIO (do let path' = deslash (Filesystem.encodeString path) permissions <- Directory.getPermissions path' let permissions' = modifyPermissions permissions changed = permissions /= permissions' when changed (Directory.setPermissions path' permissions') return permissions' ) -- | Get a file or directory's user permissions getmod :: MonadIO io => FilePath -> io Permissions getmod path = liftIO (do let path' = deslash (Filesystem.encodeString path) Directory.getPermissions path' ) -- | Set a file or directory's user permissions setmod :: MonadIO io => Permissions -> FilePath -> io () setmod permissions path = liftIO (do let path' = deslash (Filesystem.encodeString path) Directory.setPermissions path' permissions ) -- | @+r@ readable :: Permissions -> Permissions readable = Directory.setOwnerReadable True -- | @-r@ nonreadable :: Permissions -> Permissions nonreadable = Directory.setOwnerReadable False -- | @+w@ writable :: Permissions -> Permissions writable = Directory.setOwnerWritable True -- | @-w@ nonwritable :: Permissions -> Permissions nonwritable = Directory.setOwnerWritable False -- | @+x@ executable :: Permissions -> Permissions executable = Directory.setOwnerExecutable True -- | @-x@ nonexecutable :: Permissions -> Permissions nonexecutable = Directory.setOwnerExecutable False -- | @+s@ searchable :: Permissions -> Permissions searchable = Directory.setOwnerSearchable True -- | @-s@ nonsearchable :: Permissions -> Permissions nonsearchable = Directory.setOwnerSearchable False -- | @-r -w -x@ ooo :: Permissions -> Permissions ooo = const Directory.emptyPermissions -- | @+r -w -x@ roo :: Permissions -> Permissions roo = readable . ooo -- | @-r +w -x@ owo :: Permissions -> Permissions owo = writable . ooo -- | @-r -w +x@ oox :: Permissions -> Permissions oox = executable . ooo -- | @-r -w +s@ oos :: Permissions -> Permissions oos = searchable . ooo -- | @+r +w -x@ rwo :: Permissions -> Permissions rwo = readable . writable . ooo -- | @+r -w +x@ rox :: Permissions -> Permissions rox = readable . executable . ooo -- | @+r -w +s@ ros :: Permissions -> Permissions ros = readable . searchable . ooo -- | @-r +w +x@ owx :: Permissions -> Permissions owx = writable . executable . ooo -- | @+r +w +x@ rwx :: Permissions -> Permissions rwx = readable . writable . executable . ooo -- | @+r +w +s@ rws :: Permissions -> Permissions rws = readable . writable . searchable . ooo {-| Time how long a command takes in monotonic wall clock time Returns the duration alongside the return value -} time :: MonadIO io => io a -> io (a, NominalDiffTime) time io = do TimeSpec seconds1 nanoseconds1 <- liftIO (getTime Monotonic) a <- io TimeSpec seconds2 nanoseconds2 <- liftIO (getTime Monotonic) let t = fromIntegral ( seconds2 - seconds1) + fromIntegral (nanoseconds2 - nanoseconds1) / 10^(9::Int) return (a, fromRational t) -- | Get the system's host name hostname :: MonadIO io => io Text hostname = liftIO (fmap Text.pack getHostName) {-| Sleep for the given duration A numeric literal argument is interpreted as seconds. In other words, @(sleep 2.0)@ will sleep for two seconds. -} sleep :: MonadIO io => NominalDiffTime -> io () sleep n = liftIO (threadDelay (truncate (n * 10^(6::Int)))) {-| Exit with the given exit code An exit code of @0@ indicates success -} exit :: MonadIO io => ExitCode -> io a exit code = liftIO (exitWith code) -- | Throw an exception using the provided `Text` message die :: MonadIO io => Text -> io a die txt = liftIO (throwIO (userError (unpack txt))) infixr 2 .||. infixr 3 .&&. {-| Analogous to `&&` in Bash Runs the second command only if the first one returns `ExitSuccess` -} (.&&.) :: Monad m => m ExitCode -> m ExitCode -> m ExitCode cmd1 .&&. cmd2 = do r <- cmd1 case r of ExitSuccess -> cmd2 _ -> return r {-| Analogous to `||` in Bash Run the second command only if the first one returns `ExitFailure` -} (.||.) :: Monad m => m ExitCode -> m ExitCode -> m ExitCode cmd1 .||. cmd2 = do r <- cmd1 case r of ExitFailure _ -> cmd2 _ -> return r {-| Create a temporary directory underneath the given directory Deletes the temporary directory when done -} mktempdir :: FilePath -- ^ Parent directory -> Text -- ^ Directory name template -> Managed FilePath mktempdir parent prefix = do let parent' = Filesystem.encodeString parent let prefix' = unpack prefix dir' <- managed (withTempDirectory parent' prefix') return (Filesystem.decodeString dir') {-| Create a temporary file underneath the given directory Deletes the temporary file when done Note that this provides the `Handle` of the file in order to avoid a potential race condition from the file being moved or deleted before you have a chance to open the file. The `mktempfile` function provides a simpler API if you don't need to worry about that possibility. -} mktemp :: FilePath -- ^ Parent directory -> Text -- ^ File name template -> Managed (FilePath, Handle) mktemp parent prefix = do let parent' = Filesystem.encodeString parent let prefix' = unpack prefix (file', handle) <- managed (\k -> withTempFile parent' prefix' (\file' handle -> k (file', handle)) ) return (Filesystem.decodeString file', handle) {-| Create a temporary file underneath the given directory Deletes the temporary file when done -} mktempfile :: FilePath -- ^ Parent directory -> Text -- ^ File name template -> Managed FilePath mktempfile parent prefix = do let parent' = Filesystem.encodeString parent let prefix' = unpack prefix (file', handle) <- managed (\k -> withTempFile parent' prefix' (\file' handle -> k (file', handle)) ) liftIO (hClose handle) return (Filesystem.decodeString file') -- | Fork a thread, acquiring an `Async` value fork :: IO a -> Managed (Async a) fork io = managed (withAsync io) -- | Read lines of `Text` from standard input stdin :: Shell Text stdin = inhandle IO.stdin -- | Read lines of `Text` from a file input :: FilePath -> Shell Text input file = do handle <- using (readonly file) inhandle handle -- | Read lines of `Text` from a `Handle` inhandle :: Handle -> Shell Text inhandle handle = Shell (\(FoldM step begin done) -> do x0 <- begin let loop x = do eof <- IO.hIsEOF handle if eof then done x else do txt <- Text.hGetLine handle x' <- step x txt loop $! x' loop $! x0 ) -- | Stream lines of `Text` to standard output stdout :: MonadIO io => Shell Text -> io () stdout s = sh (do txt <- s liftIO (echo txt) ) -- | Stream lines of `Text` to a file output :: MonadIO io => FilePath -> Shell Text -> io () output file s = sh (do handle <- using (writeonly file) txt <- s liftIO (Text.hPutStrLn handle txt) ) -- | Stream lines of `Text` to a `Handle` outhandle :: MonadIO io => Handle -> Shell Text -> io () outhandle handle s = sh (do txt <- s liftIO (Text.hPutStrLn handle txt) ) -- | Stream lines of `Text` to append to a file append :: MonadIO io => FilePath -> Shell Text -> io () append file s = sh (do handle <- using (appendonly file) txt <- s liftIO (Text.hPutStrLn handle txt) ) -- | Stream lines of `Text` to standard error stderr :: MonadIO io => Shell Text -> io () stderr s = sh (do txt <- s liftIO (err txt) ) -- | Read in a stream's contents strictly strict :: MonadIO io => Shell Text -> io Text strict s = liftM Text.unlines (fold s list) -- | Acquire a `Managed` read-only `Handle` from a `FilePath` readonly :: FilePath -> Managed Handle readonly file = managed (Filesystem.withTextFile file IO.ReadMode) -- | Acquire a `Managed` write-only `Handle` from a `FilePath` writeonly :: FilePath -> Managed Handle writeonly file = managed (Filesystem.withTextFile file IO.WriteMode) -- | Acquire a `Managed` append-only `Handle` from a `FilePath` appendonly :: FilePath -> Managed Handle appendonly file = managed (Filesystem.withTextFile file IO.AppendMode) -- | Combine the output of multiple `Shell`s, in order cat :: [Shell a] -> Shell a cat = msum -- | Keep all lines that match the given `Pattern` grep :: Pattern a -> Shell Text -> Shell Text grep pattern s = do txt <- s _:_ <- return (match pattern txt) return txt {-| Replace all occurrences of a `Pattern` with its `Text` result `sed` performs substitution on a line-by-line basis, meaning that substitutions may not span multiple lines. Additionally, substitutions may occur multiple times within the same line, like the behavior of @s/.../.../g@. Warning: Do not use a `Pattern` that matches the empty string, since it will match an infinite number of times. `sed` tries to detect such `Pattern`s and `die` with an error message if they occur, but this detection is necessarily incomplete. -} sed :: Pattern Text -> Shell Text -> Shell Text sed pattern s = do when (matchesEmpty pattern) (die message) let pattern' = fmap Text.concat (many (pattern <|> fmap Text.singleton anyChar)) txt <- s txt':_ <- return (match pattern' txt) return txt' where message = "sed: the given pattern matches the empty string" matchesEmpty = not . null . flip match "" -- | Like `sed`, but operates in place on a `FilePath` (analogous to @sed -i@) inplace :: MonadIO io => Pattern Text -> FilePath -> io () inplace pattern file = liftIO (runManaged (do here <- pwd (tmpfile, handle) <- mktemp here "turtle" outhandle handle (sed pattern (input file)) liftIO (hClose handle) mv tmpfile file )) -- | Search a directory recursively for all files matching the given `Pattern` find :: Pattern a -> FilePath -> Shell FilePath find pattern dir = do path <- lstree dir Right txt <- return (Filesystem.toText path) _:_ <- return (match pattern txt) return path -- | A Stream of @\"y\"@s yes :: Shell Text yes = fmap (\_ -> "y") endless -- | Number each element of a `Shell` (starting at 0) nl :: Num n => Shell a -> Shell (n, a) nl s = Shell _foldIO' where _foldIO' (FoldM step begin done) = _foldIO s (FoldM step' begin' done') where step' (x, n) a = do x' <- step x (n, a) let n' = n + 1 n' `seq` return (x', n') begin' = do x0 <- begin return (x0, 0) done' (x, _) = done x data ZipState a b = Empty | HasA a | HasAB a b | Done {-| Merge two `Shell`s together, element-wise If one `Shell` is longer than the other, the excess elements are truncated -} paste :: Shell a -> Shell b -> Shell (a, b) paste sA sB = Shell _foldIOAB where _foldIOAB (FoldM stepAB beginAB doneAB) = do x0 <- beginAB tvar <- STM.atomically (STM.newTVar Empty) let begin = return () let stepA () a = STM.atomically (do x <- STM.readTVar tvar case x of Empty -> STM.writeTVar tvar (HasA a) Done -> return () _ -> STM.retry ) let doneA () = STM.atomically (do x <- STM.readTVar tvar case x of Empty -> STM.writeTVar tvar Done Done -> return () _ -> STM.retry ) let foldA = FoldM stepA begin doneA let stepB () b = STM.atomically (do x <- STM.readTVar tvar case x of HasA a -> STM.writeTVar tvar (HasAB a b) Done -> return () _ -> STM.retry ) let doneB () = STM.atomically (do x <- STM.readTVar tvar case x of HasA _ -> STM.writeTVar tvar Done Done -> return () _ -> STM.retry ) let foldB = FoldM stepB begin doneB withAsync (foldIO sA foldA) (\asyncA -> do withAsync (foldIO sB foldB) (\asyncB -> do let loop x = do y <- STM.atomically (do z <- STM.readTVar tvar case z of HasAB a b -> do STM.writeTVar tvar Empty return (Just (a, b)) Done -> return Nothing _ -> STM.retry ) case y of Nothing -> return x Just ab -> do x' <- stepAB x ab loop $! x' x' <- loop $! x0 wait asyncA wait asyncB doneAB x' ) ) -- | A `Shell` that endlessly emits @()@ endless :: Shell () endless = Shell (\(FoldM step begin _) -> do x0 <- begin let loop x = do x' <- step x () loop $! x' loop $! x0 ) -- | Limit a `Shell` to a fixed number of values limit :: Int -> Shell a -> Shell a limit n s = Shell (\(FoldM step begin done) -> do ref <- newIORef 0 -- I feel so dirty let step' x a = do n' <- readIORef ref writeIORef ref (n' + 1) if n' < n then step x a else return x foldIO s (FoldM step' begin done) ) {-| Limit a `Shell` to values that satisfy the predicate This terminates the stream on the first value that does not satisfy the predicate -} limitWhile :: (a -> Bool) -> Shell a -> Shell a limitWhile predicate s = Shell (\(FoldM step begin done) -> do ref <- newIORef True let step' x a = do b <- readIORef ref let b' = b && predicate a writeIORef ref b' if b' then step x a else return x foldIO s (FoldM step' begin done) ) {-| Cache a `Shell`'s output so that repeated runs of the script will reuse the result of previous runs. You must supply a `FilePath` where the cached result will be stored. The stored result is only reused if the `Shell` successfully ran to completion without any exceptions. Note: on some platforms Ctrl-C will flush standard input and signal end of file before killing the program, which may trick the program into \"successfully\" completing. -} cache :: (Read a, Show a) => FilePath -> Shell a -> Shell a cache file s = do let cached = do txt <- input file case reads (Text.unpack txt) of [(ma, "")] -> return ma _ -> die (format ("cache: Invalid data stored in "%w) file) exists <- testfile file mas <- fold (if exists then cached else empty) list case [ () | Nothing <- mas ] of _:_ -> select [ a | Just a <- mas ] _ -> do handle <- using (writeonly file) let justs = do a <- s liftIO (Text.hPutStrLn handle (Text.pack (show (Just a)))) return a let nothing = do let n = Nothing :: Maybe () liftIO (Text.hPutStrLn handle (Text.pack (show n))) empty justs <|> nothing -- | Split a line into chunks delimited by the given `Pattern` cut :: Pattern a -> Text -> [Text] cut pattern txt = head (match (selfless chars `sepBy` pattern) txt) -- This `head` should be safe ... in theory -- | Get the current time date :: MonadIO io => io UTCTime date = liftIO getCurrentTime -- | Get the time a file was last modified datefile :: MonadIO io => FilePath -> io UTCTime datefile path = liftIO (Filesystem.getModified path) -- | Get the size of a file or a directory du :: MonadIO io => FilePath -> io Size du path = liftIO (fmap Size (Filesystem.getSize path)) {-| An abstract file size Specify the units you want by using an accessor like `kilobytes` The `Num` instance for `Size` interprets numeric literals as bytes -} newtype Size = Size { _bytes :: Integer } deriving (Num) instance Show Size where show = show . _bytes {-| `Format` a `Size` using a human readable representation >>> format sz 42 "42 B" >>> format sz 2309 "2.309 KB" >>> format sz 949203 "949.203 MB" >>> format sz 1600000000 "1.600 GB" >>> format sz 999999999999999999 "999999.999 TB" -} sz :: Format r (Size -> r) sz = makeFormat (\(Size numBytes) -> let (numKilobytes, remainingBytes ) = numBytes `quotRem` 1000 (numMegabytes, remainingKilobytes) = numKilobytes `quotRem` 1000 (numGigabytes, remainingMegabytes) = numMegabytes `quotRem` 1000 (numTerabytes, remainingGigabytes) = numGigabytes `quotRem` 1000 in if numKilobytes <= 0 then format (d%" B" ) remainingBytes else if numMegabytes == 0 then format (d%"."%d%" KB") remainingKilobytes remainingBytes else if numGigabytes == 0 then format (d%"."%d%" MB") remainingMegabytes remainingKilobytes else if numTerabytes == 0 then format (d%"."%d%" GB") remainingGigabytes remainingMegabytes else format (d%"."%d%" TB") numTerabytes remainingGigabytes ) -- | Extract a size in bytes bytes :: Integral n => Size -> n bytes = fromInteger . _bytes -- | @1 kilobyte = 1000 bytes@ kilobytes :: Integral n => Size -> n kilobytes = (`div` 1000) . bytes -- | @1 megabyte = 1000 kilobytes@ megabytes :: Integral n => Size -> n megabytes = (`div` 1000) . kilobytes -- | @1 gigabyte = 1000 megabytes@ gigabytes :: Integral n => Size -> n gigabytes = (`div` 1000) . megabytes -- | @1 terabyte = 1000 gigabytes@ terabytes :: Integral n => Size -> n terabytes = (`div` 1000) . gigabytes -- | @1 kibibyte = 1024 bytes@ kibibytes :: Integral n => Size -> n kibibytes = (`div` 1024) . bytes -- | @1 mebibyte = 1024 kibibytes@ mebibytes :: Integral n => Size -> n mebibytes = (`div` 1024) . kibibytes -- | @1 gibibyte = 1024 mebibytes@ gibibytes :: Integral n => Size -> n gibibytes = (`div` 1024) . mebibytes -- | @1 tebibyte = 1024 gibibytes@ tebibytes :: Integral n => Size -> n tebibytes = (`div` 1024) . gibibytes {-| Count the number of characters in the stream (like @wc -c@) This uses the convention that the elements of the stream are implicitly ended by newlines that are one character wide -} countChars :: Integral n => Fold Text n countChars = Control.Foldl.Text.length + charsPerNewline * countLines charsPerNewline :: Num a => a #ifdef mingw32_HOST_OS charsPerNewline = 2 #else charsPerNewline = 1 #endif -- | Count the number of words in the stream (like @wc -w@) countWords :: Integral n => Fold Text n countWords = premap Text.words (handles traverse genericLength) {-| Count the number of lines in the stream (like @wc -l@) This uses the convention that each element of the stream represents one line -} countLines :: Integral n => Fold Text n countLines = genericLength