------- * Add this changelog to the `extra-souce-files` in `trifecta.cabal` so that the changelog will appear on Hackage 1.6.2 ----- * Enable support for `blaze-html-0.9` and `blaze-markup-0.8` 1.6.1 ----- * Remove redundant constraints from `DeltaParsing`'s class methods. This is required for `trifecta` to build on GHC 8.0.2. 1.6 ----- * Version bumps to support GHC 8 * Add line/col numbers to parse results by giving a list of all deltas when errors happen. 1.5.2 ----- * `lens` 4.13 support * `It` is a `Profunctor` * Builds clean on GHC 7.10. ------- * Support newer `utf8-string` versions and GHC 7.10 ------- * Work around lack of the old `preEscapedString` export in near-current `blaze-markup`. ------- * Work around new exports in `blaze`. 1.5.1 ----- * Parsers 0.12.1 support. This removes many `Show` constraints introduced after 1.4 1.5 ----- * Properly PVP compliant point release for the `parsers` changes to properly handle `notFollowedBy` 1.4.3 ----- * Accidentally non-PVP compliant point release. 1.4.1 ----- * GHC 7.8.1 compatibility 1.4 --- * Simplified AsResult * `lens` 4.0 compatibility ------- * Updated `array` dependency for compatibility with GHC 7.8 1.2.1 ----- * Bug fix for the `Monoid` instance in response to [issue #15](https://github.com/ekmett/trifecta/issues/14) * Made the `Semigroup` instance match the `Monoid` as well. 1.2 --- * Changed the `Monoid` instance for `Parser` in response to [issue #14](https://github.com/ekmett/trifecta/issues/14) * Exported `MonadErr` class for raising `Err`s