module Main(main) where import Criterion.Main import qualified Data.Trie.Set as TSet import Data.Trie.Map (TMap) import qualified Data.Trie.Map as TMap import Data.Monoid import Data.List (sort, inits, tails, foldl') import Data.Set (Set) import qualified Data.Set as Set import Data.Map.Lazy (Map) import qualified Data.Map.Lazy as Map import Common main :: IO () main = defaultMain [ benchTSet , benchTSet_URI , benchSet , benchSet_URI , benchTMap , benchMap ] benchTSet :: Benchmark benchTSet = bgroup "TSet" [ bgroup "construction" [ env dictAmEnShuffled $ \dict -> bench "fromList" $ whnf TSet.fromList dict , env dictAmEn $ \sortedDict -> bench "fromAscList" $ whnf TSet.fromAscList sortedDict ] , env (TSet.fromList <$> dictAmEn) $ \dict -> bgroup "query" [ bench "isEmpty" (nf TSet.null dict) , bench "stringCount" (nf TSet.count dict) , bench "enumerate10" (nf (take 10 . TSet.enumerate) dict) , bench "enumerateAll" (nf TSet.enumerate dict) , env randomStrs $ \qs -> bench "match" (nf (\dict' -> map (`TSet.member` dict') qs) dict) ] , env (TSet.fromList <$> dictAmEn) $ \dict -> bgroup "single-item" [ bench "insert1" (whnf (TSet.insert "wwwwwwwwwwwwwwww") dict) , bench "insert2" (whnf (TSet.insert "cheese") dict) , bench "delete1" (whnf (TSet.delete "wwwwwwwwwwwwwwww") dict) , bench "delete2" (whnf (TSet.delete "cheese") dict) ] , env (TSet.fromList <$> dictAmEn) $ \dictA -> env (TSet.fromList <$> dictBrEn) $ \dictB -> env (TSet.fromList <$> randomStrs) $ \dictSmall -> bgroup "combine" [ bench "union" (whnf (uncurry TSet.union) (dictA, dictB)) , bench "intersection" (whnf (uncurry TSet.intersection) (dictA, dictB)) , bench "difference" (whnf (uncurry TSet.difference) (dictA, dictB)) , bench "append" (whnf (uncurry TSet.append) (dictSmall, dictSmall)) , bench "prefixes" (whnf TSet.prefixes dictA) , bench "suffixes" (whnf TSet.suffixes dictB) ] ] benchTSet_URI :: Benchmark benchTSet_URI = bgroup "TSet_URI" [ bgroup "construction" [ env dictURI1 $ \dict -> bench "fromList" $ whnf TSet.fromList dict , env (sort <$> dictURI1) $ \sortedDict -> bench "fromAscList" $ whnf TSet.fromAscList sortedDict ] , env (TSet.fromList <$> dictURI1) $ \dict -> bgroup "query" [ bench "isEmpty" (nf TSet.null dict) , bench "stringCount" (nf TSet.count dict) , bench "enumerate10" (nf (take 10 . TSet.enumerate) dict) , bench "enumerateAll" (nf TSet.enumerate dict) , env randomStrs $ \qs -> bench "match" (nf (\dict' -> map (`TSet.member` dict') qs) dict) ] , env (TSet.fromList <$> dictURI1) $ \dict -> bgroup "single-item" [ bench "insert1" (whnf (TSet.insert "wwwwwwwwwwwwwwww") dict) , bench "insert2" (whnf (TSet.insert "cheese") dict) , bench "delete1" (whnf (TSet.delete "wwwwwwwwwwwwwwww") dict) , bench "delete2" (whnf (TSet.delete "cheese") dict) ] , env (TSet.fromList <$> dictURI1) $ \dictA -> env (TSet.fromList <$> dictURI2) $ \dictB -> env (TSet.fromList <$> randomStrs) $ \dictSmall -> bgroup "combine" [ bench "union" (whnf (uncurry TSet.union) (dictA, dictB)) , bench "intersection" (whnf (uncurry TSet.intersection) (dictA, dictB)) , bench "difference" (whnf (uncurry TSet.difference) (dictA, dictB)) , bench "append" (whnf (uncurry TSet.append) (dictSmall, dictSmall)) , bench "prefixes" (whnf TSet.prefixes dictA) , bench "suffixes" (whnf TSet.suffixes dictB) ] ] benchSet :: Benchmark benchSet = bgroup "Set" [ bgroup "construction" -- Set.fromList detects whether the input list is sorted -- and switch the algorithm based on it. -- Using shuffled dictionary avoids this optimization fires -- in this benchmark. [ env dictAmEnShuffled $ \dict -> bench "fromList" $ whnf Set.fromList dict , env dictAmEn $ \sortedDict -> bench "fromAscList" $ whnf Set.fromAscList sortedDict ] , env (Set.fromList <$> dictAmEn) $ \dictSet -> bgroup "query" [ bench "isEmpty" (nf Set.null dictSet) , bench "stringCount" (nf Set.size dictSet) , bench "enumerate10" (nf (take 10 . Set.toList) dictSet) , bench "enumerateAll" (nf Set.toList dictSet) , env randomStrs $ \qs -> bench "match" (nf (\dictSet' -> map (`Set.member` dictSet') qs) dictSet) ] , env (Set.fromList <$> dictAmEn) $ \dict -> bgroup "single-item" [ bench "insert1" (whnf (Set.insert "wwwwwwwwwwwwwwww") dict) , bench "insert2" (whnf (Set.insert "cheese") dict) , bench "delete1" (whnf (Set.delete "wwwwwwwwwwwwwwww") dict) , bench "delete2" (whnf (Set.delete "cheese") dict) ] , env (Set.fromList <$> dictAmEn) $ \dictA -> env (Set.fromList <$> dictBrEn) $ \dictB -> env (Set.fromList <$> randomStrs) $ \dictSmall -> bgroup "combine" [ bench "union" (whnf (uncurry Set.union) (dictA, dictB)) , bench "intersection" (whnf (uncurry Set.intersection) (dictA, dictB)) , bench "difference" (whnf (uncurry Set.difference) (dictA, dictB)) , bench "append" (whnf (uncurry setAppend) (dictSmall, dictSmall)) , bench "prefixes" (whnf setPrefixes dictA) , bench "suffixes" (whnf setSuffixes dictB) ] ] benchSet_URI :: Benchmark benchSet_URI = bgroup "Set_URI" [ bgroup "construction" -- Set.fromList detects whether the input list is sorted -- and switch the algorithm based on it. -- Using shuffled dictionary avoids this optimization fires -- in this benchmark. [ env dictURI1 $ \dict -> bench "fromList" $ whnf Set.fromList dict , env (sort <$> dictURI1) $ \sortedDict -> bench "fromAscList" $ whnf Set.fromAscList sortedDict ] , env (Set.fromList <$> dictURI1) $ \dictSet -> bgroup "query" [ bench "isEmpty" (nf Set.null dictSet) , bench "stringCount" (nf Set.size dictSet) , bench "enumerate10" (nf (take 10 . Set.toList) dictSet) , bench "enumerateAll" (nf Set.toList dictSet) , env randomStrs $ \qs -> bench "match" (nf (\dictSet' -> map (`Set.member` dictSet') qs) dictSet) ] , env (Set.fromList <$> dictURI1) $ \dict -> bgroup "single-item" [ bench "insert1" (whnf (Set.insert "wwwwwwwwwwwwwwww") dict) , bench "insert2" (whnf (Set.insert "cheese") dict) , bench "delete1" (whnf (Set.delete "wwwwwwwwwwwwwwww") dict) , bench "delete2" (whnf (Set.delete "cheese") dict) ] , env (Set.fromList <$> dictURI1) $ \dictA -> env (Set.fromList <$> dictURI2) $ \dictB -> env (Set.fromList <$> randomStrs) $ \dictSmall -> bgroup "combine" [ bench "union" (whnf (uncurry Set.union) (dictA, dictB)) , bench "intersection" (whnf (uncurry Set.intersection) (dictA, dictB)) , bench "difference" (whnf (uncurry Set.difference) (dictA, dictB)) , bench "append" (whnf (uncurry setAppend) (dictSmall, dictSmall)) , bench "prefixes" (whnf setPrefixes dictA) , bench "suffixes" (whnf setSuffixes dictB) ] ] setAppend :: (Ord c) => Set [c] -> Set [c] -> Set [c] setAppend ass bss = Set.unions [ Set.mapMonotonic (as ++) bss | as <- Set.toAscList ass ] setPrefixes :: (Ord c) => Set [c] -> Set [c] setPrefixes ass = Set.unions [ Set.fromDistinctAscList (inits as) | as <- Set.toAscList ass ] setSuffixes :: (Ord c) => Set [c] -> Set [c] setSuffixes ass = Set.fromList [ bs | as <- Set.toAscList ass, bs <- tails as ] benchTMap :: Benchmark benchTMap = bgroup "TMap" [ bgroup "construction" [ env dictAmEnShuffled $ \dict -> bench "fromList" $ whnf TMap.fromList [(w, length w) | w <- dict] , env (sort <$> dictAmEn) $ \sortedDict -> bench "fromAscList" $ whnf TMap.fromAscList [(w, length w) | w <- sortedDict] ] , env (lenTMap <$> dictAmEn) $ \dict -> bgroup "query" [ bench "isEmpty" (nf TMap.null dict) , bench "stringCount" (nf TMap.count dict) , bench "enumerate10" (nf (take 10 . TMap.toList) dict) , env randomStrs $ \qs -> bench "match" (nf (\dict' -> map (`TMap.member` dict') qs) dict) ] , env (lenTMap <$> dictAmEn) $ \dict -> bgroup "single-item" [ bench "insert1" (whnf (TMap.insert "wwwwwwwwwwwwwwww" 1) dict) , bench "insert2" (whnf (TMap.insert "cheese" 1) dict) , bench "delete1" (whnf (TMap.delete "wwwwwwwwwwwwwwww") dict) , bench "delete2" (whnf (TMap.delete "cheese") dict) , bench "alter1" (whnf (TMap.alter alterFn "wwwwwwwwwwwwwwww") dict) , bench "alter2" (whnf (TMap.alter alterFn "cheese") dict) ] , env (lenTMap <$> dictAmEn) $ \dict -> bgroup "traversal" [ bench "fmap" (nf (fmap (+3)) dict) , bench "foldMap" (nf (foldMap Sum) dict) ] , env (lenTMap <$> dictAmEn) $ \dictA -> env (lenTMap <$> dictBrEn) $ \dictB -> env (lenTMap <$> randomStrs) $ \dictSmall -> bgroup "combine" [ bench "union" (whnf (uncurry TMap.union) (dictA, dictB)) , bench "intersection" (whnf (uncurry TMap.intersection) (dictA, dictB)) , bench "difference" (whnf (uncurry TMap.difference) (dictA, dictB)) , bench "append" (whnf (uncurry tmapProd) (dictSmall, dictSmall)) ] ] alterFn :: Maybe Int -> Maybe Int alterFn Nothing = Just 1000 alterFn (Just a) = if even a then Just a else Nothing lenTMap :: (Ord c) => [[c]] -> TMap c Int lenTMap dict = TMap.fromList [(w, length w) | w <- dict] tmapProd :: (Ord c) => TMap c Int -> TMap c Int -> TMap c (Sum Int) tmapProd t1 t2 = TMap.appendWith (*) (Sum <$> t1) (Sum <$> t2) benchMap :: Benchmark benchMap = bgroup "Map" [ bgroup "construction" [ env dictAmEnShuffled $ \dict -> bench "fromList" $ whnf Map.fromList [(w, length w) | w <- dict] , env (sort <$> dictAmEn) $ \sortedDict -> bench "fromAscList" $ whnf Map.fromAscList [(w, length w) | w <- sortedDict] ] , env (lenMap <$> dictAmEn) $ \dict -> bgroup "query" [ bench "isEmpty" (nf Map.null dict) , bench "stringCount" (nf Map.size dict) , bench "enumerate10" (nf (take 10 . Map.toList) dict) , env randomStrs $ \qs -> bench "match" (nf (\dict' -> map (`Map.member` dict') qs) dict) ] , env (lenMap <$> dictAmEn) $ \dict -> bgroup "single-item" [ bench "insert1" (whnf (Map.insert "wwwwwwwwwwwwwwww" 1) dict) , bench "insert2" (whnf (Map.insert "cheese" 1) dict) , bench "delete1" (whnf (Map.delete "wwwwwwwwwwwwwwww") dict) , bench "delete2" (whnf (Map.delete "cheese") dict) , bench "alter1" (whnf (Map.alter alterFn "wwwwwwwwwwwwwwww") dict) , bench "alter2" (whnf (Map.alter alterFn "cheese") dict) ] , env (lenMap <$> dictAmEn) $ \dict -> bgroup "traversal" [ bench "fmap" (nf (fmap (+3)) dict) , bench "foldMap" (nf (foldMap Sum) dict) ] , env (lenMap <$> dictAmEn) $ \dictA -> env (lenMap <$> dictBrEn) $ \dictB -> env (lenMap <$> randomStrs) $ \dictSmall -> bgroup "combine" [ bench "union" (whnf (uncurry Map.union) (dictA, dictB)) , bench "intersection" (whnf (uncurry Map.intersection) (dictA, dictB)) , bench "difference" (whnf (uncurry Map.difference) (dictA, dictB)) , bench "append" (whnf (uncurry mapProd) (dictSmall, dictSmall)) ] ] lenMap :: (Ord c) => [[c]] -> Map [c] Int lenMap dict = Map.fromList [(w, length w) | w <- dict] mapProd :: (Ord c) => Map [c] Int -> Map [c] Int -> Map [c] Int mapProd m1 m2 = foldl' (Map.unionWith (+)) Map.empty [ prod1 s x m2 | (s,x) <- Map.toList m1 ] where prod1 s x m = Map.mapKeysMonotonic (s++) $ (x*) m