{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts , FlexibleInstances , FunctionalDependencies , TypeFamilies , Rank2Types #-} {-| Module : Data.Tree.LogTrees.FFTTree Description : An instance of typeclass 'LogTree', which represents a Fast Fourier Transform (FFT) of arbitrary radices and decimation styles. Copyright : Copyright (c) 2014 David Banas; all rights reserved World wide. License : BSD3 Maintainer : capn.freako@gmail.com Stability : Experimental Portability : -} module Data.Tree.LogTrees.FFTTree ( FFTTree (..), newFFTTree ) where import Data.Complex import Data.Tree import Data.List import Data.Newtypes.PrettyDouble (PrettyDouble(..)) import Data.Tree.LogTree -- | An instance of LogTree, this type represents the Fast Fourier -- Transform (FFT) of arbitrary radix and decimation scheme. type FFTTree = GenericLogTree (Complex PrettyDouble) instance LogTree FFTTree (Complex PrettyDouble) where -- The evaluation of a leaf is its value, multiplied by the correct series of accumulated twiddles. evalNode (Node (Just (x, wss), _, _, _) _, ms) = [foldl (*) x (zipWith getItem ms wss)] where getItem m ws = ws !! m -- Sub-trees are evaluated recursively, but require inclusion of `phasors'. evalNode (Node ( _, _, _, dif) children, ms) = foldl (zipWith (+)) [0.0 | n <- [1..nodeLen]] $ zipWith (zipWith (*)) subTransforms phasors where subTransforms = [ subCombFunc $ map evalNode [(child, ms ++ [m]) | m <- [0..(radix - 1)]] | child <- children ] subCombFunc = if dif then concat . transpose -- i.e. - interleave else concat childLen = length $ last(levels $ head children) radix = length children nodeLen = childLen * radix phasors = [ [ cis((-2.0) * pi / degree * fromIntegral r * fromIntegral k) | k <- [0..(nodeLen - 1)]] | r <- [0..(radix - 1)]] degree | dif = fromIntegral radix | otherwise = fromIntegral nodeLen getTwiddles (Node ( _, _, _, dif) children) = calcTwiddles dif childLen radix where childLen = length $ last(levels $ head children) radix = length children calcTwiddles dif childLen radix = if dif then [ [ cis((-2.0) * pi / fromIntegral nodeLen * fromIntegral m * fromIntegral n) | n <- [0..(childLen - 1)]] | m <- [0..(radix - 1)]] else [ [ 1.0 :+ 0.0 | n <- [0..(childLen - 1)]] | m <- [0..(radix - 1)]] where nodeLen = childLen * radix getTwiddleStrs (Node ( _, _, _, dif) children) = if dif then map (map ((\str -> " [" ++ str ++ "]") . show)) $ getTwiddles (Node (Nothing, [], 0, dif) children) else [["" | i <- [1..(length (last (levels child)))]] | child <- children] getCompNodes (Node ( Just x, _, _, _) _) = [] -- A leaf requires no computational nodes. getCompNodes (Node (Nothing, _, _, dif) children) = [ [ (Sum, [ cis (-2.0 * pi * k * r / degree) | r <- map fromIntegral [0..(radix - 1)] ] ) | k <- map fromIntegral [childLen * r + m | r <- [0..(radix - 1)]] ] | m <- map fromIntegral [0..(childLen - 1)] ] where childLen = fromIntegral $ length $ last(levels $ head children) radix = length children nodeLen = childLen * radix degree | dif = fromIntegral radix | otherwise = fromIntegral nodeLen -- | Returns a tree builder suitable for constructing Fast Fourier Transform -- (FFT) decomposition trees of arbitrary radices and either decimation -- style (i.e. - DIT or DIF). newFFTTree :: TreeBuilder FFTTree newFFTTree = TreeBuilder buildMixedRadixTree