# v0.7.0.0 * remove CodeGen and Template Haskell splice * move contents of internal library into library and remove internal library * add `getNodeTypesPath` to provide easier access to `node-types.json` file # v0.4.0.0 * AST datatypes use a shared `Token` datatype for all anonymous leaves. * Bumps the lower bound on `tree-sitter` to 0.5. * AST named sum datatypes are represented as `newtype` wrappers around sums constructed with `:+:`. * AST named & anonymous sum types are represented as balanced binary trees of `:+:`s instead of right-chained lists. * Rename the `bytes` field of leaves to `text`. # v0.3.0.0 * Adds AST datatypes in `TreeSitter.Java.AST` which you can use with `TreeSitter.Unmarshal`.