#include #include #include #include #include #include #include "./alloc.h" #include "./atomic.h" #include "./subtree.h" #include "./length.h" #include "./language.h" #include "./error_costs.h" #include typedef struct { Length start; Length old_end; Length new_end; } Edit; #ifdef TREE_SITTER_TEST #define TS_MAX_INLINE_TREE_LENGTH 2 #define TS_MAX_TREE_POOL_SIZE 0 #else #define TS_MAX_INLINE_TREE_LENGTH UINT8_MAX #define TS_MAX_TREE_POOL_SIZE 32 #endif static const ExternalScannerState empty_state = {.length = 0, .short_data = {0}}; // ExternalScannerState void ts_external_scanner_state_init(ExternalScannerState *self, const char *data, unsigned length) { self->length = length; if (length > sizeof(self->short_data)) { self->long_data = ts_malloc(length); memcpy(self->long_data, data, length); } else { memcpy(self->short_data, data, length); } } ExternalScannerState ts_external_scanner_state_copy(const ExternalScannerState *self) { ExternalScannerState result = *self; if (self->length > sizeof(self->short_data)) { result.long_data = ts_malloc(self->length); memcpy(result.long_data, self->long_data, self->length); } return result; } void ts_external_scanner_state_delete(ExternalScannerState *self) { if (self->length > sizeof(self->short_data)) { ts_free(self->long_data); } } const char *ts_external_scanner_state_data(const ExternalScannerState *self) { if (self->length > sizeof(self->short_data)) { return self->long_data; } else { return self->short_data; } } bool ts_external_scanner_state_eq(const ExternalScannerState *a, const ExternalScannerState *b) { return a == b || ( a->length == b->length && !memcmp(ts_external_scanner_state_data(a), ts_external_scanner_state_data(b), a->length) ); } // SubtreeArray void ts_subtree_array_copy(SubtreeArray self, SubtreeArray *dest) { dest->size = self.size; dest->capacity = self.capacity; dest->contents = self.contents; if (self.capacity > 0) { dest->contents = ts_calloc(self.capacity, sizeof(Subtree)); memcpy(dest->contents, self.contents, self.size * sizeof(Subtree)); for (uint32_t i = 0; i < self.size; i++) { ts_subtree_retain(dest->contents[i]); } } } void ts_subtree_array_delete(SubtreePool *pool, SubtreeArray *self) { for (uint32_t i = 0; i < self->size; i++) { ts_subtree_release(pool, self->contents[i]); } array_delete(self); } SubtreeArray ts_subtree_array_remove_trailing_extras(SubtreeArray *self) { SubtreeArray result = array_new(); uint32_t i = self->size - 1; for (; i + 1 > 0; i--) { Subtree child = self->contents[i]; if (!ts_subtree_extra(child)) break; array_push(&result, child); } self->size = i + 1; ts_subtree_array_reverse(&result); return result; } void ts_subtree_array_reverse(SubtreeArray *self) { for (uint32_t i = 0, limit = self->size / 2; i < limit; i++) { size_t reverse_index = self->size - 1 - i; Subtree swap = self->contents[i]; self->contents[i] = self->contents[reverse_index]; self->contents[reverse_index] = swap; } } // SubtreePool SubtreePool ts_subtree_pool_new(uint32_t capacity) { SubtreePool self = {array_new(), array_new()}; array_reserve(&self.free_trees, capacity); return self; } void ts_subtree_pool_delete(SubtreePool *self) { if (self->free_trees.contents) { for (unsigned i = 0; i < self->free_trees.size; i++) { ts_free(self->free_trees.contents[i].ptr); } array_delete(&self->free_trees); } if (self->tree_stack.contents) array_delete(&self->tree_stack); } static SubtreeHeapData *ts_subtree_pool_allocate(SubtreePool *self) { if (self->free_trees.size > 0) { return array_pop(&self->free_trees).ptr; } else { return ts_malloc(sizeof(SubtreeHeapData)); } } static void ts_subtree_pool_free(SubtreePool *self, SubtreeHeapData *tree) { if (self->free_trees.capacity > 0 && self->free_trees.size + 1 <= TS_MAX_TREE_POOL_SIZE) { array_push(&self->free_trees, (MutableSubtree) {.ptr = tree}); } else { ts_free(tree); } } // Subtree static inline bool ts_subtree_can_inline(Length padding, Length size, uint32_t lookahead_bytes) { return padding.bytes < TS_MAX_INLINE_TREE_LENGTH && padding.extent.row < 16 && padding.extent.column < TS_MAX_INLINE_TREE_LENGTH && size.extent.row == 0 && size.extent.column < TS_MAX_INLINE_TREE_LENGTH && lookahead_bytes < 16; } Subtree ts_subtree_new_leaf( SubtreePool *pool, TSSymbol symbol, Length padding, Length size, uint32_t lookahead_bytes, TSStateId parse_state, bool has_external_tokens, bool is_keyword, const TSLanguage *language ) { TSSymbolMetadata metadata = ts_language_symbol_metadata(language, symbol); bool extra = symbol == ts_builtin_sym_end; bool is_inline = ( symbol <= UINT8_MAX && !has_external_tokens && ts_subtree_can_inline(padding, size, lookahead_bytes) ); if (is_inline) { return (Subtree) {{ .parse_state = parse_state, .symbol = symbol, .padding_bytes = padding.bytes, .padding_rows = padding.extent.row, .padding_columns = padding.extent.column, .size_bytes = size.bytes, .lookahead_bytes = lookahead_bytes, .visible = metadata.visible, .named = metadata.named, .extra = extra, .has_changes = false, .is_missing = false, .is_keyword = is_keyword, .is_inline = true, }}; } else { SubtreeHeapData *data = ts_subtree_pool_allocate(pool); *data = (SubtreeHeapData) { .ref_count = 1, .padding = padding, .size = size, .lookahead_bytes = lookahead_bytes, .error_cost = 0, .child_count = 0, .symbol = symbol, .parse_state = parse_state, .visible = metadata.visible, .named = metadata.named, .extra = extra, .fragile_left = false, .fragile_right = false, .has_changes = false, .has_external_tokens = has_external_tokens, .is_missing = false, .is_keyword = is_keyword, .first_leaf = {.symbol = 0, .parse_state = 0}, }; return (Subtree) {.ptr = data}; } } void ts_subtree_set_symbol( MutableSubtree *self, TSSymbol symbol, const TSLanguage *language ) { TSSymbolMetadata metadata = ts_language_symbol_metadata(language, symbol); if (self->data.is_inline) { assert(symbol < UINT8_MAX); self->data.symbol = symbol; self->data.named = metadata.named; self->data.visible = metadata.visible; } else { self->ptr->symbol = symbol; self->ptr->named = metadata.named; self->ptr->visible = metadata.visible; } } Subtree ts_subtree_new_error( SubtreePool *pool, int32_t lookahead_char, Length padding, Length size, uint32_t bytes_scanned, TSStateId parse_state, const TSLanguage *language ) { Subtree result = ts_subtree_new_leaf( pool, ts_builtin_sym_error, padding, size, bytes_scanned, parse_state, false, false, language ); SubtreeHeapData *data = (SubtreeHeapData *)result.ptr; data->fragile_left = true; data->fragile_right = true; data->lookahead_char = lookahead_char; return result; } MutableSubtree ts_subtree_make_mut(SubtreePool *pool, Subtree self) { if (self.data.is_inline) return (MutableSubtree) {self.data}; if (self.ptr->ref_count == 1) return ts_subtree_to_mut_unsafe(self); SubtreeHeapData *result = ts_subtree_pool_allocate(pool); memcpy(result, self.ptr, sizeof(SubtreeHeapData)); if (result->child_count > 0) { result->children = ts_calloc(self.ptr->child_count, sizeof(Subtree)); memcpy(result->children, self.ptr->children, result->child_count * sizeof(Subtree)); for (uint32_t i = 0; i < result->child_count; i++) { ts_subtree_retain(result->children[i]); } } else if (result->has_external_tokens) { result->external_scanner_state = ts_external_scanner_state_copy(&self.ptr->external_scanner_state); } result->ref_count = 1; ts_subtree_release(pool, self); return (MutableSubtree) {.ptr = result}; } static void ts_subtree__compress(MutableSubtree self, unsigned count, const TSLanguage *language, MutableSubtreeArray *stack) { unsigned initial_stack_size = stack->size; MutableSubtree tree = self; TSSymbol symbol = tree.ptr->symbol; for (unsigned i = 0; i < count; i++) { if (tree.ptr->ref_count > 1 || tree.ptr->child_count < 2) break; MutableSubtree child = ts_subtree_to_mut_unsafe(tree.ptr->children[0]); if ( child.data.is_inline || child.ptr->child_count < 2 || child.ptr->ref_count > 1 || child.ptr->symbol != symbol ) break; MutableSubtree grandchild = ts_subtree_to_mut_unsafe(child.ptr->children[0]); if ( grandchild.data.is_inline || grandchild.ptr->child_count < 2 || grandchild.ptr->ref_count > 1 || grandchild.ptr->symbol != symbol ) break; tree.ptr->children[0] = ts_subtree_from_mut(grandchild); child.ptr->children[0] = grandchild.ptr->children[grandchild.ptr->child_count - 1]; grandchild.ptr->children[grandchild.ptr->child_count - 1] = ts_subtree_from_mut(child); array_push(stack, tree); tree = grandchild; } while (stack->size > initial_stack_size) { tree = array_pop(stack); MutableSubtree child = ts_subtree_to_mut_unsafe(tree.ptr->children[0]); MutableSubtree grandchild = ts_subtree_to_mut_unsafe(child.ptr->children[child.ptr->child_count - 1]); ts_subtree_set_children(grandchild, grandchild.ptr->children, grandchild.ptr->child_count, language); ts_subtree_set_children(child, child.ptr->children, child.ptr->child_count, language); ts_subtree_set_children(tree, tree.ptr->children, tree.ptr->child_count, language); } } void ts_subtree_balance(Subtree self, SubtreePool *pool, const TSLanguage *language) { array_clear(&pool->tree_stack); if (ts_subtree_child_count(self) > 0 && self.ptr->ref_count == 1) { array_push(&pool->tree_stack, ts_subtree_to_mut_unsafe(self)); } while (pool->tree_stack.size > 0) { MutableSubtree tree = array_pop(&pool->tree_stack); if (tree.ptr->repeat_depth > 0) { Subtree child1 = tree.ptr->children[0]; Subtree child2 = tree.ptr->children[tree.ptr->child_count - 1]; if ( ts_subtree_child_count(child1) > 0 && ts_subtree_child_count(child2) > 0 && child1.ptr->repeat_depth > child2.ptr->repeat_depth ) { unsigned n = child1.ptr->repeat_depth - child2.ptr->repeat_depth; for (unsigned i = n / 2; i > 0; i /= 2) { ts_subtree__compress(tree, i, language, &pool->tree_stack); n -= i; } } } for (uint32_t i = 0; i < tree.ptr->child_count; i++) { Subtree child = tree.ptr->children[i]; if (ts_subtree_child_count(child) > 0 && child.ptr->ref_count == 1) { array_push(&pool->tree_stack, ts_subtree_to_mut_unsafe(child)); } } } } static inline uint32_t ts_subtree_repeat_depth(Subtree self) { return ts_subtree_child_count(self) ? self.ptr->repeat_depth : 0; } void ts_subtree_set_children( MutableSubtree self, Subtree *children, uint32_t child_count, const TSLanguage *language ) { assert(!self.data.is_inline); if (self.ptr->child_count > 0 && children != self.ptr->children) { ts_free(self.ptr->children); } self.ptr->child_count = child_count; self.ptr->children = children; self.ptr->named_child_count = 0; self.ptr->visible_child_count = 0; self.ptr->error_cost = 0; self.ptr->repeat_depth = 0; self.ptr->node_count = 1; self.ptr->has_external_tokens = false; self.ptr->dynamic_precedence = 0; uint32_t non_extra_index = 0; const TSSymbol *alias_sequence = ts_language_alias_sequence(language, self.ptr->production_id); uint32_t lookahead_end_byte = 0; for (uint32_t i = 0; i < self.ptr->child_count; i++) { Subtree child = self.ptr->children[i]; if (i == 0) { self.ptr->padding = ts_subtree_padding(child); self.ptr->size = ts_subtree_size(child); } else { self.ptr->size = length_add(self.ptr->size, ts_subtree_total_size(child)); } uint32_t child_lookahead_end_byte = self.ptr->padding.bytes + self.ptr->size.bytes + ts_subtree_lookahead_bytes(child); if (child_lookahead_end_byte > lookahead_end_byte) lookahead_end_byte = child_lookahead_end_byte; if (ts_subtree_symbol(child) != ts_builtin_sym_error_repeat) { self.ptr->error_cost += ts_subtree_error_cost(child); } self.ptr->dynamic_precedence += ts_subtree_dynamic_precedence(child); self.ptr->node_count += ts_subtree_node_count(child); if (alias_sequence && alias_sequence[non_extra_index] != 0 && !ts_subtree_extra(child)) { self.ptr->visible_child_count++; if (ts_language_symbol_metadata(language, alias_sequence[non_extra_index]).named) { self.ptr->named_child_count++; } } else if (ts_subtree_visible(child)) { self.ptr->visible_child_count++; if (ts_subtree_named(child)) self.ptr->named_child_count++; } else if (ts_subtree_child_count(child) > 0) { self.ptr->visible_child_count += child.ptr->visible_child_count; self.ptr->named_child_count += child.ptr->named_child_count; } if (ts_subtree_has_external_tokens(child)) self.ptr->has_external_tokens = true; if (ts_subtree_is_error(child)) { self.ptr->fragile_left = self.ptr->fragile_right = true; self.ptr->parse_state = TS_TREE_STATE_NONE; } if (!ts_subtree_extra(child)) non_extra_index++; } self.ptr->lookahead_bytes = lookahead_end_byte - self.ptr->size.bytes - self.ptr->padding.bytes; if (self.ptr->symbol == ts_builtin_sym_error || self.ptr->symbol == ts_builtin_sym_error_repeat) { self.ptr->error_cost += ERROR_COST_PER_RECOVERY + ERROR_COST_PER_SKIPPED_CHAR * self.ptr->size.bytes + ERROR_COST_PER_SKIPPED_LINE * self.ptr->size.extent.row; for (uint32_t i = 0; i < self.ptr->child_count; i++) { Subtree child = self.ptr->children[i]; uint32_t grandchild_count = ts_subtree_child_count(child); if (ts_subtree_extra(child)) continue; if (ts_subtree_is_error(child) && grandchild_count == 0) continue; if (ts_subtree_visible(child)) { self.ptr->error_cost += ERROR_COST_PER_SKIPPED_TREE; } else if (grandchild_count > 0) { self.ptr->error_cost += ERROR_COST_PER_SKIPPED_TREE * child.ptr->visible_child_count; } } } if (self.ptr->child_count > 0) { Subtree first_child = self.ptr->children[0]; Subtree last_child = self.ptr->children[self.ptr->child_count - 1]; self.ptr->first_leaf.symbol = ts_subtree_leaf_symbol(first_child); self.ptr->first_leaf.parse_state = ts_subtree_leaf_parse_state(first_child); if (ts_subtree_fragile_left(first_child)) self.ptr->fragile_left = true; if (ts_subtree_fragile_right(last_child)) self.ptr->fragile_right = true; if ( self.ptr->child_count >= 2 && !self.ptr->visible && !self.ptr->named && ts_subtree_symbol(first_child) == self.ptr->symbol ) { if (ts_subtree_repeat_depth(first_child) > ts_subtree_repeat_depth(last_child)) { self.ptr->repeat_depth = ts_subtree_repeat_depth(first_child) + 1; } else { self.ptr->repeat_depth = ts_subtree_repeat_depth(last_child) + 1; } } } } MutableSubtree ts_subtree_new_node(SubtreePool *pool, TSSymbol symbol, SubtreeArray *children, unsigned production_id, const TSLanguage *language) { TSSymbolMetadata metadata = ts_language_symbol_metadata(language, symbol); bool fragile = symbol == ts_builtin_sym_error || symbol == ts_builtin_sym_error_repeat; SubtreeHeapData *data = ts_subtree_pool_allocate(pool); *data = (SubtreeHeapData) { .ref_count = 1, .symbol = symbol, .production_id = production_id, .visible = metadata.visible, .named = metadata.named, .has_changes = false, .fragile_left = fragile, .fragile_right = fragile, .is_keyword = false, .node_count = 0, .first_leaf = {.symbol = 0, .parse_state = 0}, }; MutableSubtree result = {.ptr = data}; ts_subtree_set_children(result, children->contents, children->size, language); return result; } Subtree ts_subtree_new_error_node(SubtreePool *pool, SubtreeArray *children, bool extra, const TSLanguage *language) { MutableSubtree result = ts_subtree_new_node( pool, ts_builtin_sym_error, children, 0, language ); result.ptr->extra = extra; return ts_subtree_from_mut(result); } Subtree ts_subtree_new_missing_leaf(SubtreePool *pool, TSSymbol symbol, Length padding, const TSLanguage *language) { Subtree result = ts_subtree_new_leaf( pool, symbol, padding, length_zero(), 0, 0, false, false, language ); if (result.data.is_inline) { result.data.is_missing = true; } else { ((SubtreeHeapData *)result.ptr)->is_missing = true; } return result; } void ts_subtree_retain(Subtree self) { if (self.data.is_inline) return; assert(self.ptr->ref_count > 0); atomic_inc((volatile uint32_t *)&self.ptr->ref_count); assert(self.ptr->ref_count != 0); } void ts_subtree_release(SubtreePool *pool, Subtree self) { if (self.data.is_inline) return; array_clear(&pool->tree_stack); assert(self.ptr->ref_count > 0); if (atomic_dec((volatile uint32_t *)&self.ptr->ref_count) == 0) { array_push(&pool->tree_stack, ts_subtree_to_mut_unsafe(self)); } while (pool->tree_stack.size > 0) { MutableSubtree tree = array_pop(&pool->tree_stack); if (tree.ptr->child_count > 0) { for (uint32_t i = 0; i < tree.ptr->child_count; i++) { Subtree child = tree.ptr->children[i]; if (child.data.is_inline) continue; assert(child.ptr->ref_count > 0); if (atomic_dec((volatile uint32_t *)&child.ptr->ref_count) == 0) { array_push(&pool->tree_stack, ts_subtree_to_mut_unsafe(child)); } } ts_free(tree.ptr->children); } else if (tree.ptr->has_external_tokens) { ts_external_scanner_state_delete(&tree.ptr->external_scanner_state); } ts_subtree_pool_free(pool, tree.ptr); } } bool ts_subtree_eq(Subtree self, Subtree other) { if (self.data.is_inline || other.data.is_inline) { return memcmp(&self, &other, sizeof(SubtreeInlineData)) == 0; } if (self.ptr) { if (!other.ptr) return false; } else { return !other.ptr; } if (self.ptr->symbol != other.ptr->symbol) return false; if (self.ptr->visible != other.ptr->visible) return false; if (self.ptr->named != other.ptr->named) return false; if (self.ptr->padding.bytes != other.ptr->padding.bytes) return false; if (self.ptr->size.bytes != other.ptr->size.bytes) return false; if (self.ptr->symbol == ts_builtin_sym_error) return self.ptr->lookahead_char == other.ptr->lookahead_char; if (self.ptr->child_count != other.ptr->child_count) return false; if (self.ptr->child_count > 0) { if (self.ptr->visible_child_count != other.ptr->visible_child_count) return false; if (self.ptr->named_child_count != other.ptr->named_child_count) return false; for (uint32_t i = 0; i < self.ptr->child_count; i++) { if (!ts_subtree_eq(self.ptr->children[i], other.ptr->children[i])) { return false; } } } return true; } int ts_subtree_compare(Subtree left, Subtree right) { if (ts_subtree_symbol(left) < ts_subtree_symbol(right)) return -1; if (ts_subtree_symbol(right) < ts_subtree_symbol(left)) return 1; if (ts_subtree_child_count(left) < ts_subtree_child_count(right)) return -1; if (ts_subtree_child_count(right) < ts_subtree_child_count(left)) return 1; for (uint32_t i = 0, n = ts_subtree_child_count(left); i < n; i++) { Subtree left_child = left.ptr->children[i]; Subtree right_child = right.ptr->children[i]; switch (ts_subtree_compare(left_child, right_child)) { case -1: return -1; case 1: return 1; default: break; } } return 0; } static inline void ts_subtree_set_has_changes(MutableSubtree *self) { if (self->data.is_inline) { self->data.has_changes = true; } else { self->ptr->has_changes = true; } } Subtree ts_subtree_edit(Subtree self, const TSInputEdit *edit, SubtreePool *pool) { typedef struct { Subtree *tree; Edit edit; } StackEntry; Array(StackEntry) stack = array_new(); array_push(&stack, ((StackEntry) { .tree = &self, .edit = (Edit) { .start = {edit->start_byte, edit->start_point}, .old_end = {edit->old_end_byte, edit->old_end_point}, .new_end = {edit->new_end_byte, edit->new_end_point}, }, })); while (stack.size) { StackEntry entry = array_pop(&stack); Edit edit = entry.edit; bool is_noop = edit.old_end.bytes == edit.start.bytes && edit.new_end.bytes == edit.start.bytes; bool is_pure_insertion = edit.old_end.bytes == edit.start.bytes; Length size = ts_subtree_size(*entry.tree); Length padding = ts_subtree_padding(*entry.tree); uint32_t lookahead_bytes = ts_subtree_lookahead_bytes(*entry.tree); uint32_t end_byte = padding.bytes + size.bytes + lookahead_bytes; if (edit.start.bytes > end_byte || (is_noop && edit.start.bytes == end_byte)) continue; // If the edit is entirely within the space before this subtree, then shift this // subtree over according to the edit without changing its size. if (edit.old_end.bytes <= padding.bytes) { padding = length_add(edit.new_end, length_sub(padding, edit.old_end)); } // If the edit starts in the space before this subtree and extends into this subtree, // shrink the subtree's content to compensate for the change in the space before it. else if (edit.start.bytes < padding.bytes) { size = length_sub(size, length_sub(edit.old_end, padding)); padding = edit.new_end; } // If the edit is a pure insertion right at the start of the subtree, // shift the subtree over according to the insertion. else if (edit.start.bytes == padding.bytes && is_pure_insertion) { padding = edit.new_end; } // If the edit is within this subtree, resize the subtree to reflect the edit. else { uint32_t total_bytes = padding.bytes + size.bytes; if (edit.start.bytes < total_bytes || (edit.start.bytes == total_bytes && is_pure_insertion)) { size = length_add( length_sub(edit.new_end, padding), length_sub(size, length_sub(edit.old_end, padding)) ); } } MutableSubtree result = ts_subtree_make_mut(pool, *entry.tree); if (result.data.is_inline) { if (ts_subtree_can_inline(padding, size, lookahead_bytes)) { result.data.padding_bytes = padding.bytes; result.data.padding_rows = padding.extent.row; result.data.padding_columns = padding.extent.column; result.data.size_bytes = size.bytes; } else { SubtreeHeapData *data = ts_subtree_pool_allocate(pool); data->ref_count = 1; data->padding = padding; data->size = size; data->lookahead_bytes = lookahead_bytes; data->error_cost = 0; data->child_count = 0; data->symbol = result.data.symbol; data->parse_state = result.data.parse_state; data->visible = result.data.visible; data->named = result.data.named; data->extra = result.data.extra; data->fragile_left = false; data->fragile_right = false; data->has_changes = false; data->has_external_tokens = false; data->is_missing = result.data.is_missing; data->is_keyword = result.data.is_keyword; result.ptr = data; } } else { result.ptr->padding = padding; result.ptr->size = size; } ts_subtree_set_has_changes(&result); *entry.tree = ts_subtree_from_mut(result); Length child_left, child_right = length_zero(); for (uint32_t i = 0, n = ts_subtree_child_count(*entry.tree); i < n; i++) { Subtree *child = &result.ptr->children[i]; Length child_size = ts_subtree_total_size(*child); child_left = child_right; child_right = length_add(child_left, child_size); // If this child ends before the edit, it is not affected. if (child_right.bytes + ts_subtree_lookahead_bytes(*child) < edit.start.bytes) continue; // If this child starts after the edit, then we're done processing children. if (child_left.bytes > edit.old_end.bytes || (child_left.bytes == edit.old_end.bytes && child_size.bytes > 0 && i > 0)) break; // Transform edit into the child's coordinate space. Edit child_edit = { .start = length_sub(edit.start, child_left), .old_end = length_sub(edit.old_end, child_left), .new_end = length_sub(edit.new_end, child_left), }; // Clamp child_edit to the child's bounds. if (edit.start.bytes < child_left.bytes) child_edit.start = length_zero(); if (edit.old_end.bytes < child_left.bytes) child_edit.old_end = length_zero(); if (edit.new_end.bytes < child_left.bytes) child_edit.new_end = length_zero(); if (edit.old_end.bytes > child_right.bytes) child_edit.old_end = child_size; // Interpret all inserted text as applying to the *first* child that touches the edit. // Subsequent children are only never have any text inserted into them; they are only // shrunk to compensate for the edit. if (child_right.bytes > edit.start.bytes || (child_right.bytes == edit.start.bytes && is_pure_insertion)) { edit.new_end = edit.start; } // Children that occur before the edit are not reshaped by the edit. else { child_edit.old_end = child_edit.start; child_edit.new_end = child_edit.start; } // Queue processing of this child's subtree. array_push(&stack, ((StackEntry) { .tree = child, .edit = child_edit, })); } } array_delete(&stack); return self; } Subtree ts_subtree_last_external_token(Subtree tree) { if (!ts_subtree_has_external_tokens(tree)) return NULL_SUBTREE; while (tree.ptr->child_count > 0) { for (uint32_t i = tree.ptr->child_count - 1; i + 1 > 0; i--) { Subtree child = tree.ptr->children[i]; if (ts_subtree_has_external_tokens(child)) { tree = child; break; } } } return tree; } static size_t ts_subtree__write_char_to_string(char *s, size_t n, int32_t c) { if (c == 0) return snprintf(s, n, "EOF"); if (c == -1) return snprintf(s, n, "INVALID"); else if (c == '\n') return snprintf(s, n, "'\\n'"); else if (c == '\t') return snprintf(s, n, "'\\t'"); else if (c == '\r') return snprintf(s, n, "'\\r'"); else if (0 < c && c < 128 && isprint(c)) return snprintf(s, n, "'%c'", c); else return snprintf(s, n, "%d", c); } static void ts_subtree__write_dot_string(FILE *f, const char *string) { for (const char *c = string; *c; c++) { if (*c == '"') { fputs("\\\"", f); } else if (*c == '\n') { fputs("\\n", f); } else { fputc(*c, f); } } } static const char *ROOT_FIELD = "__ROOT__"; static size_t ts_subtree__write_to_string( Subtree self, char *string, size_t limit, const TSLanguage *language, bool include_all, TSSymbol alias_symbol, bool alias_is_named, const char *field_name ) { if (!self.ptr) return snprintf(string, limit, "(NULL)"); char *cursor = string; char **writer = (limit > 0) ? &cursor : &string; bool is_root = field_name == ROOT_FIELD; bool is_visible = include_all || ts_subtree_missing(self) || ( alias_symbol ? alias_is_named : ts_subtree_visible(self) && ts_subtree_named(self) ); if (is_visible) { if (!is_root) { cursor += snprintf(*writer, limit, " "); if (field_name) { cursor += snprintf(*writer, limit, "%s: ", field_name); } } if (ts_subtree_is_error(self) && ts_subtree_child_count(self) == 0 && self.ptr->size.bytes > 0) { cursor += snprintf(*writer, limit, "(UNEXPECTED "); cursor += ts_subtree__write_char_to_string(*writer, limit, self.ptr->lookahead_char); } else { TSSymbol symbol = alias_symbol ? alias_symbol : ts_subtree_symbol(self); const char *symbol_name = ts_language_symbol_name(language, symbol); if (ts_subtree_missing(self)) { cursor += snprintf(*writer, limit, "(MISSING "); if (alias_is_named || ts_subtree_named(self)) { cursor += snprintf(*writer, limit, "%s", symbol_name); } else { cursor += snprintf(*writer, limit, "\"%s\"", symbol_name); } } else { cursor += snprintf(*writer, limit, "(%s", symbol_name); } } } else if (is_root) { TSSymbol symbol = ts_subtree_symbol(self); const char *symbol_name = ts_language_symbol_name(language, symbol); cursor += snprintf(*writer, limit, "(\"%s\")", symbol_name); } if (ts_subtree_child_count(self)) { const TSSymbol *alias_sequence = ts_language_alias_sequence(language, self.ptr->production_id); const TSFieldMapEntry *field_map, *field_map_end; ts_language_field_map( language, self.ptr->production_id, &field_map, &field_map_end ); uint32_t structural_child_index = 0; for (uint32_t i = 0; i < self.ptr->child_count; i++) { Subtree child = self.ptr->children[i]; if (ts_subtree_extra(child)) { cursor += ts_subtree__write_to_string( child, *writer, limit, language, include_all, 0, false, NULL ); } else { TSSymbol alias_symbol = alias_sequence ? alias_sequence[structural_child_index] : 0; bool alias_is_named = alias_symbol ? ts_language_symbol_metadata(language, alias_symbol).named : false; const char *child_field_name = is_visible ? NULL : field_name; for (const TSFieldMapEntry *i = field_map; i < field_map_end; i++) { if (!i->inherited && i->child_index == structural_child_index) { child_field_name = language->field_names[i->field_id]; break; } } cursor += ts_subtree__write_to_string( child, *writer, limit, language, include_all, alias_symbol, alias_is_named, child_field_name ); structural_child_index++; } } } if (is_visible) cursor += snprintf(*writer, limit, ")"); return cursor - string; } char *ts_subtree_string( Subtree self, const TSLanguage *language, bool include_all ) { char scratch_string[1]; size_t size = ts_subtree__write_to_string( self, scratch_string, 0, language, include_all, 0, false, ROOT_FIELD ) + 1; char *result = malloc(size * sizeof(char)); ts_subtree__write_to_string( self, result, size, language, include_all, 0, false, ROOT_FIELD ); return result; } void ts_subtree__print_dot_graph(const Subtree *self, uint32_t start_offset, const TSLanguage *language, TSSymbol alias_symbol, FILE *f) { TSSymbol subtree_symbol = ts_subtree_symbol(*self); TSSymbol symbol = alias_symbol ? alias_symbol : subtree_symbol; uint32_t end_offset = start_offset + ts_subtree_total_bytes(*self); fprintf(f, "tree_%p [label=\"", self); ts_subtree__write_dot_string(f, ts_language_symbol_name(language, symbol)); fprintf(f, "\""); if (ts_subtree_child_count(*self) == 0) fprintf(f, ", shape=plaintext"); if (ts_subtree_extra(*self)) fprintf(f, ", fontcolor=gray"); fprintf(f, ", tooltip=\"" "range: %u - %u\n" "state: %d\n" "error-cost: %u\n" "has-changes: %u\n" "repeat-depth: %u\n" "lookahead-bytes: %u", start_offset, end_offset, ts_subtree_parse_state(*self), ts_subtree_error_cost(*self), ts_subtree_has_changes(*self), ts_subtree_repeat_depth(*self), ts_subtree_lookahead_bytes(*self) ); if (ts_subtree_is_error(*self) && ts_subtree_child_count(*self) == 0) { fprintf(f, "\ncharacter: '%c'", self->ptr->lookahead_char); } fprintf(f, "\"]\n"); uint32_t child_start_offset = start_offset; uint32_t child_info_offset = language->max_alias_sequence_length * ts_subtree_production_id(*self); for (uint32_t i = 0, n = ts_subtree_child_count(*self); i < n; i++) { const Subtree *child = &self->ptr->children[i]; TSSymbol alias_symbol = 0; if (!ts_subtree_extra(*child) && child_info_offset) { alias_symbol = language->alias_sequences[child_info_offset]; child_info_offset++; } ts_subtree__print_dot_graph(child, child_start_offset, language, alias_symbol, f); fprintf(f, "tree_%p -> tree_%p [tooltip=%u]\n", self, child, i); child_start_offset += ts_subtree_total_bytes(*child); } } void ts_subtree_print_dot_graph(Subtree self, const TSLanguage *language, FILE *f) { fprintf(f, "digraph tree {\n"); fprintf(f, "edge [arrowhead=none]\n"); ts_subtree__print_dot_graph(&self, 0, language, 0, f); fprintf(f, "}\n"); } bool ts_subtree_external_scanner_state_eq(Subtree self, Subtree other) { const ExternalScannerState *state1 = &empty_state; const ExternalScannerState *state2 = &empty_state; if (self.ptr && ts_subtree_has_external_tokens(self) && !self.ptr->child_count) { state1 = &self.ptr->external_scanner_state; } if (other.ptr && ts_subtree_has_external_tokens(other) && !other.ptr->child_count) { state2 = &other.ptr->external_scanner_state; } return ts_external_scanner_state_eq(state1, state2); }