{-# LANGUAGE DeriveGeneric #-} module Main (main) where import Data.Array.Byte (ByteArray (..)) import Data.Proxy (Proxy (..)) import Data.Word (Word8) import GHC.Generics (Generic) import Test.QuickCheck (Property, counterexample, (===)) import Test.Tasty (TestTree, defaultMain, testGroup) import Test.Tasty.Golden.Advanced (goldenTest) import Test.Tasty.QuickCheck (testProperty) import qualified Data.HashSet as HS import qualified Data.Primitive as Prim import qualified Text.Parsec as P import qualified Text.PrettyPrint.ANSI.Leijen as WL import qualified Text.Trifecta as T (eof, parseString) import qualified Text.Trifecta.Result as T (ErrInfo (..), Result (..)) import Data.TreeDiff import Data.TreeDiff.Golden import Data.TreeDiff.List import Data.TreeDiff.QuickCheck import qualified RefDiffBy main :: IO () main = defaultMain $ testGroup "tests" [ testProperty "trifecta-pretty roundtrip" roundtripTrifectaPretty , testProperty "parsec-ansi-wl-pprint roundtrip" roundtripParsecAnsiWl , testProperty "diffBy example1" $ diffByModel [7,1,6,0,0] [0,0,6,7,1,0,0] , testProperty "diffBy model" diffByModel , goldenTests ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- diffBy ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- diffByModel :: [Word8] -> [Word8] -> Property diffByModel xs ys = diffBy (==) xs ys === RefDiffBy.diffBy (==) xs ys ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Roundtrip ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- | This property tests that we can parse pretty printed 'Expr'. -- -- We demonstrate the use of 'ediffEq'. We could used '===' there, -- but now the nice diff will be printed as well -- (as there is 'ToExpr Expr' instance). roundtripTrifectaPretty :: Expr -> Property roundtripTrifectaPretty e = counterexample info $ ediffEq (Just e) res' where doc = show (prettyExpr e) res = T.parseString (exprParser <* T.eof) mempty doc info = case res of T.Success e' -> doc ++ "\n" ++ show e' T.Failure err -> doc ++ "\n" ++ show (T._errDoc err) res' = case res of T.Success e' -> Just e' T.Failure _ -> Nothing roundtripParsecAnsiWl :: Expr -> Property roundtripParsecAnsiWl e = counterexample info $ ediffEq (Just e) res' where doc = show (WL.plain (ansiWlExpr e)) res = P.parse (exprParser <* P.eof) "" doc info = case res of Right e' -> doc ++ "\n" ++ show e' Left err -> doc ++ "\n" ++ show err res' = either (const Nothing) Just res ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Golden ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- | This test case verifies that we don't change 'Foo' or 'exFoo'. -- -- We demonstrate the use of 'ediffGolden'. -- -- First we declare a type, make it instance of 'ToExpr' and define -- an example value 'exFoo'. In real-world you might e.g. read the source -- file and parse it into the AST type. -- -- Then we create a golden test that verifies that version we got now, -- is the same we had previously. @tree-diff@ seralises the 'Expr', -- not the original value. This is a design trade-off: -- as we can always deserialise we can better diff the values even the -- type is changed, e.g. the fields is added. data Foo = Foo { fooInt :: Int , fooBar :: [Maybe String] , fooQuu :: (Double, Proxy ()) , fooNew :: Bool , fooStr :: String } deriving (Eq, Show, Generic) instance ToExpr Foo exFoo :: Foo exFoo = Foo { fooInt = 42 , fooBar = [Just "pub", Just "night\nclub"] , fooQuu = (125.375, Proxy) , fooNew = True , fooStr = "Some Name" } newtype MyInt1 = MyInt1 Int deriving (Eq, Show, Generic) newtype MyInt2 = MyInt2 { getMyInt2 :: Int } deriving (Eq, Show, Generic) data MyInt3 = MyInt3 { getMyInt3 :: Int} deriving (Eq, Show, Generic) data Positional = Positional Int Bool Char deriving (Eq, Show, Generic) data Empty deriving (Generic) instance Eq Empty where _ == _ = True instance Show Empty where showsPrec _ _ = error "Empty?" instance ToExpr MyInt1 instance ToExpr MyInt2 instance ToExpr MyInt3 instance ToExpr Positional instance ToExpr Empty -- test that we have both instances. data ByteArrays = ByteArrays Prim.ByteArray ByteArray deriving Generic instance ToExpr ByteArrays goldenTests :: TestTree goldenTests = testGroup "Golden" [ ediffGolden goldenTest "exFoo" "fixtures/exfoo.expr" $ return exFoo , ediffGolden goldenTest "MyInt1" "fixtures/MyInt1.expr" $ return $ MyInt1 42 , ediffGolden goldenTest "MyInt2" "fixtures/MyInt2.expr" $ return $ MyInt2 42 , ediffGolden goldenTest "MyInt3" "fixtures/MyInt3.expr" $ return $ MyInt3 42 , ediffGolden goldenTest "Positional" "fixtures/Positional.expr" $ return $ Positional 12 True 'z' -- issue #67 , ediffGolden goldenTest "HashSet" "fixtures/HashSet.expr" $ return $ HS.fromList [ [x,y] | x <- "abcd", y <- "xyz" ] ]