{-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-orphans #-} {-# LANGUAGE DeriveGeneric #-} {-# LANGUAGE StandaloneDeriving #-} {-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase #-} {-# LANGUAGE CPP #-} -- | -- Module : Generators -- Description : QuickCheck generators for datatypes in the tptp library. -- Copyright : (c) Evgenii Kotelnikov, 2019 -- License : GPL-3 -- Maintainer : evgeny.kotelnikov@gmail.com -- Stability : experimental -- module Generators () where #if !MIN_VERSION_base(4, 8, 0) import Data.Functor ((<$>)) import Control.Applicative (pure, (<*>)) #endif import GHC.Generics (Generic) import Generic.Random (genericArbitraryU, genericArbitraryRec, (%)) import Data.Bitraversable (bitraverse) import Data.List.NonEmpty (NonEmpty(..)) import Data.Scientific (Scientific, scientific) import Data.Text (Text, pack, cons) import Test.QuickCheck (Arbitrary(..), shrinkList, Gen, oneof, choose, suchThat, listOf, listOf1) import Data.TPTP -- * Helpers instance Arbitrary s => Arbitrary (NonEmpty s) where arbitrary = genericArbitraryRec (1 % ()) deriving instance Generic (Name s) instance (Named s, Enum s, Bounded s, Arbitrary s) => Arbitrary (Name s) where arbitrary = genericArbitraryU shrinkMaybe :: (a -> [a]) -> Maybe a -> [Maybe a] shrinkMaybe s = \case Nothing -> [] Just a -> Nothing : fmap Just (s a) lowerAlpha, upperAlpha, printable, numeric, alphaNumeric :: Gen Char lowerAlpha = choose ('a', 'z') upperAlpha = choose ('A', 'Z') numeric = choose ('0', '9') printable = choose (' ', '~') alphaNumeric = oneof [pure '_', lowerAlpha, upperAlpha, numeric] lowerWord, upperWord, listOfPrintable, listOfPrintable1 :: Gen Text lowerWord = cons <$> lowerAlpha <*> (pack <$> listOf alphaNumeric) upperWord = cons <$> upperAlpha <*> (pack <$> listOf alphaNumeric) listOfPrintable = pack <$> listOf printable listOfPrintable1 = pack <$> listOf1 printable -- * Names instance Arbitrary Atom where arbitrary = Atom <$> oneof [lowerWord, listOfPrintable1] instance Arbitrary Var where arbitrary = Var <$> upperWord instance Arbitrary DistinctObject where arbitrary = DistinctObject <$> listOfPrintable deriving instance Generic (Reserved s) instance (Arbitrary s, Named s, Enum s, Bounded s) => Arbitrary (Reserved s) where arbitrary = oneof [ Standard <$> arbitrary, extended <$> lowerWord ] deriving instance Generic Function instance Arbitrary Function where arbitrary = genericArbitraryU deriving instance Generic Predicate instance Arbitrary Predicate where arbitrary = genericArbitraryU -- * Sorts and types deriving instance Generic Sort instance Arbitrary Sort where arbitrary = genericArbitraryU deriving instance Generic TFF1Sort instance Arbitrary TFF1Sort where arbitrary = genericArbitraryRec (1 % 1 % ()) shrink = \case SortVariable{} -> [] TFF1Sort f ss -> ss ++ (TFF1Sort f <$> shrinkList shrink ss) deriving instance Generic Type instance Arbitrary Type where arbitrary = genericArbitraryU shrink = \case Type as r -> Type <$> shrinkList shrink as <*> shrink r TFF1Type vs as r -> TFF1Type <$> shrink vs <*> shrinkList shrink as <*> shrink r -- * First-order logic instance Arbitrary Scientific where arbitrary = scientific <$> arbitrary <*> arbitrary instance Arbitrary Number where arbitrary = oneof [ IntegerConstant <$> arbitrary, RationalConstant <$> arbitrary <*> arbitrary `suchThat` (> 0), RealConstant <$> arbitrary ] deriving instance Generic Term instance Arbitrary Term where arbitrary = genericArbitraryRec (2 % 3 % 1 % 1 % ()) shrink = \case Function f ts -> ts ++ (Function f <$> shrinkList shrink ts) _ -> [] deriving instance Generic Literal instance Arbitrary Literal where arbitrary = genericArbitraryU shrink = \case Predicate p ts -> Predicate p <$> shrinkList shrink ts Equality a s b -> Equality <$> shrink a <*> pure s <*> shrink b deriving instance Generic Sign instance Arbitrary Sign where arbitrary = genericArbitraryU deriving instance Generic Clause instance Arbitrary Clause where arbitrary = genericArbitraryU shrink (Clause ls) = Clause <$> shrink ls deriving instance Generic Quantifier instance Arbitrary Quantifier where arbitrary = genericArbitraryU deriving instance Generic Connective instance Arbitrary Connective where arbitrary = genericArbitraryU deriving instance Generic Unsorted instance Arbitrary Unsorted where arbitrary = genericArbitraryU deriving instance Generic (Sorted s) instance Arbitrary s => Arbitrary (Sorted s) where arbitrary = genericArbitraryU shrink (Sorted s) = Sorted <$> shrinkMaybe shrink s deriving instance Generic QuantifiedSort instance Arbitrary QuantifiedSort where arbitrary = genericArbitraryU shrink _ = [] deriving instance Generic (FirstOrder s) instance Arbitrary s => Arbitrary (FirstOrder s) where arbitrary = genericArbitraryRec (3 % 2 % 2 % 1 % ()) shrink = \case Atomic l -> Atomic <$> shrink l Negated f -> f : (Negated <$> shrink f) Quantified q vs f -> f : (Quantified q vs <$> shrink f) Connected f c g -> f : g : (Connected <$> shrink f <*> pure c <*> shrink g) -- * Units deriving instance Generic Formula instance Arbitrary Formula where arbitrary = genericArbitraryU shrink = \case CNF c -> CNF <$> shrink c FOF f -> FOF <$> shrink f TFF0 f -> TFF0 <$> shrink f TFF1 f -> TFF1 <$> shrink f deriving instance Generic Role instance Arbitrary Role where arbitrary = genericArbitraryU deriving instance Generic Declaration instance Arbitrary Declaration where arbitrary = oneof [ Sort <$> arbitrary <*> choose (0, 3), Typing <$> arbitrary <*> arbitrary, Formula <$> arbitrary <*> arbitrary ] shrink = \case Sort a n -> Sort a <$> shrink n Typing n t -> Typing n <$> shrink t Formula r f -> Formula r <$> shrink f deriving instance Generic Unit instance Arbitrary Unit where arbitrary = genericArbitraryU shrink = \case Include f ns -> Include f <$> shrink ns Unit n d a -> Unit n <$> shrink d <*> shrinkAnnotation a where shrinkAnnotation = shrinkMaybe $ bitraverse shrink (shrinkMaybe shrink) deriving instance Generic TPTP instance Arbitrary TPTP where arbitrary = genericArbitraryU shrink (TPTP us) = TPTP <$> shrinkList shrink us deriving instance Generic TSTP instance Arbitrary TSTP where arbitrary = genericArbitraryU shrink (TSTP szs us) = TSTP <$> shrink szs <*> shrinkList shrink us -- * Annotations deriving instance Generic Intro instance Arbitrary Intro where arbitrary = genericArbitraryU deriving instance Generic SZS instance Arbitrary SZS where arbitrary = genericArbitraryU deriving instance Generic Success instance Arbitrary Success where arbitrary = genericArbitraryU deriving instance Generic NoSuccess instance Arbitrary NoSuccess where arbitrary = genericArbitraryU deriving instance Generic Dataform instance Arbitrary Dataform where arbitrary = genericArbitraryU deriving instance Generic Info instance Arbitrary Info where arbitrary = genericArbitraryRec (1 % 1 % 1 % 1 % 1 % 1 % 1 % 1 % 1 % 1 % 1 % ()) shrink = \case Description{} -> [] Iquote{} -> [] Status{} -> [] Refutation{} -> [] InfoNumber{} -> [] Assumptions un -> Assumptions <$> shrink un NewSymbols n ss -> NewSymbols n <$> shrink ss Expression e -> Expression <$> shrink e Bind v e -> Bind v <$> shrink e Application f as -> Application f <$> shrinkList shrink as Infos is -> Infos <$> shrinkList shrink is deriving instance Generic Source instance Arbitrary Source where arbitrary = genericArbitraryRec (1 % 1 % 1 % 1 % 1 % 1 % 1 % ()) shrink = \case UnknownSource -> [] UnitSource{} -> [] File{} -> [] Theory n is -> Theory n <$> shrinkMaybe shrink is Creator n is -> Creator n <$> shrinkMaybe shrink is Introduced i is -> Introduced i <$> shrinkMaybe shrink is Inference n i ps -> Inference n <$> shrink i <*> ps' where ps' = concatMap (shrinkList shrink) (shrink ps) deriving instance Generic Parent instance Arbitrary Parent where arbitrary = genericArbitraryRec (1 % ()) shrink (Parent s i) = Parent <$> shrink s <*> shrinkList shrink i deriving instance Generic Expression instance Arbitrary Expression where arbitrary = genericArbitraryRec (2 % 1 % ()) shrink = \case Logical f -> Logical <$> shrink f Term t -> Term <$> shrink t