module ToySolver.Converter.PB2LSP
( convert
, convertWBO
) where
import Data.List
import qualified Data.PseudoBoolean as PBFile
convert :: PBFile.Formula -> ShowS
convert formula =
showString "function model() {\n" .
decls .
constrs .
obj2 .
showString "}\n"
nv = PBFile.pbNumVars formula
decls = showString $
" for [i in 1.." ++ show nv ++ "] x[i] <- bool();\n"
constrs = foldr (.) id
[ showString " constraint " .
showString (showConstr c) .
showString ";\n"
| c <- PBFile.pbConstraints formula
obj2 =
case PBFile.pbObjectiveFunction formula of
Just obj' -> showString " minimize " . showString (showSum obj') . showString ";\n"
Nothing -> id
convertWBO :: PBFile.SoftFormula -> ShowS
convertWBO softFormula =
showString "function model() {\n" .
decls .
constrs .
costDef .
topConstr .
showString " minimize cost;\n" .
showString "}\n"
nv = PBFile.wboNumVars softFormula
decls = showString $
" for [i in 1.." ++ show nv ++ "] x[i] <- bool();\n"
constrs = foldr (.) id
[ showString " constraint " .
showString (showConstr c) .
showString ";\n"
| (Nothing, c) <- PBFile.wboConstraints softFormula
costDef = showString " cost <- sum(\n" . s . showString ");\n"
s = foldr (.) id . intersperse (showString ",\n") . map showString $ xs
xs = [" " ++ show w ++ "*!(" ++ showConstr c ++ ")" | (Just w, c) <- PBFile.wboConstraints softFormula]
topConstr =
case PBFile.wboTopCost softFormula of
Nothing -> id
Just t -> showString $ " constraint cost <= " ++ show t ++ ";\n"
showConstr :: PBFile.Constraint -> String
showConstr (lhs, PBFile.Ge, 1) | and [c==1 | (c,_) <- lhs] =
"or(" ++ intercalate "," (map (f . snd) lhs) ++ ")"
f [l] = showLit l
f ls = "and(" ++ intercalate "," (map showLit ls) ++ ")"
showConstr (lhs, op, rhs) = showSum lhs ++ op2 ++ show rhs
op2 = case op of
PBFile.Ge -> " >= "
PBFile.Eq -> " == "
sum' :: [String] -> String
sum' xs = "sum(" ++ intercalate ", " xs ++ ")"
showSum :: PBFile.Sum -> String
showSum = sum' . map showTerm
showTerm :: PBFile.WeightedTerm -> String
showTerm (n,ls) = intercalate "*" $ [show n | n /= 1] ++ [showLit l | l<-ls]
showLit :: PBFile.Lit -> String
showLit l =
if l < 0
then "!x[" ++ show (abs l) ++ "]"
else "x[" ++ show l ++ "]"