{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -Wall #-}
-- |
-- Module      :  ToySolver.LPSolver
-- Copyright   :  (c) Masahiro Sakai 2011
-- License     :  BSD-style
-- Maintainer  :  masahiro.sakai@gmail.com
-- Stability   :  provisional
-- Portability :  non-portable (ScopedTypeVariables)
-- Naïve implementation of Simplex method
-- Reference:
-- * <http://www.math.cuhk.edu.hk/~wei/lpch3.pdf>

module ToySolver.LPSolver
  -- * Solver type
  , emptySolver

  -- * LP monad
  , LP
  , getTableau
  , putTableau

  -- * Problem specification
  , newVar
  , addConstraint
  , addConstraintWithArtificialVariable
  , tableau
  , define

  -- * Solving
  , phaseI
  , simplex
  , dualSimplex
  , OptResult (..)
  , twoPhaseSimplex
  , primalDualSimplex

  -- * Extract results
  , getModel

  -- * Utilities
  , collectNonnegVars
  ) where

import Control.Exception (assert)
import Control.Monad
import Control.Monad.State
import qualified Data.IntMap as IM
import qualified Data.IntSet as IS
import Data.OptDir
import Data.VectorSpace

import qualified Data.Interval as Interval

import ToySolver.Data.ArithRel
import qualified ToySolver.Data.LA as LA
import ToySolver.Data.Var
import qualified ToySolver.Simplex as Simplex
import qualified ToySolver.BoundsInference as BI

-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-- Solver type

type Solver r = (Var, Simplex.Tableau r, VarSet, VarMap (LA.Expr r))

emptySolver :: VarSet -> Solver r
emptySolver vs = (1 + maximum ((-1) : IS.toList vs), Simplex.emptyTableau, IS.empty, IM.empty)

-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-- LP Monad

type LP r = State (Solver r)

-- | Allocate a new /non-negative/ variable.
newVar :: LP r Var
newVar = do
  (x,tbl,avs,defs) <- get
  put (x+1,tbl,avs,defs)
  return x

getTableau :: LP r (Simplex.Tableau r)
getTableau = do
  (_,tbl,_,_) <- get
  return tbl

putTableau :: Simplex.Tableau r -> LP r ()
putTableau tbl = do
  (x,_,avs,defs) <- get
  put (x,tbl,avs,defs)

addArtificialVariable :: Var -> LP r ()
addArtificialVariable v = do
  (x,tbl,avs,defs) <- get
  put (x, tbl, IS.insert v avs, defs)

getArtificialVariables :: LP r VarSet
getArtificialVariables = do
  (_,_,avs,_) <- get
  return avs

clearArtificialVariables :: LP r ()
clearArtificialVariables = do
  (x,tbl,_,defs) <- get
  put (x, tbl, IS.empty, defs)

define :: Var -> LA.Expr r -> LP r ()
define v e = do
  (x,tbl,avs,defs) <- get
  put (x,tbl,avs, IM.insert v e defs)

getDefs :: LP r (VarMap (LA.Expr r))
getDefs = do
  (_,_,_,defs) <- get
  return defs

-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------

-- | Add a contraint and maintain feasibility condition by introducing artificial variable (if necessary).
-- * Disequality is not supported.
-- * Unlike 'addConstraint', an equality contstraint becomes one row with an artificial variable.
addConstraintWithArtificialVariable :: Real r => LA.Atom r -> LP r ()
addConstraintWithArtificialVariable c = do
  c2 <- expandDefs' c
  let (e, rop, b) = normalizeConstraint c2
  assert (b >= 0) $ return ()
  tbl <- getTableau
  case rop of
    -- x≥0 is trivially true, since x is non-negative.
    Ge | b==0 && isSingleVar e -> return ()
    -- -x≤0 is trivially true, since x is non-negative.
    Le | b==0 && isSingleNegatedVar e -> return ()

    Le -> do
      v <- newVar -- slack variable
      putTableau $ Simplex.addRow tbl v (LA.coeffMap e, b)
    Ge -> do
      v1 <- newVar -- surplus variable
      v2 <- newVar -- artificial variable
      putTableau $ Simplex.addRow tbl v2 (LA.coeffMap (e ^-^ LA.var v1), b)
      addArtificialVariable v2
    Eql -> do
      v <- newVar -- artificial variable
      putTableau $ Simplex.addRow tbl v (LA.coeffMap e, b)
      addArtificialVariable v
    _ -> error $ "ToySolver.LPSolver.addConstraintWithArtificialVariable does not support " ++ show rop

-- | Add a contraint, without maintaining feasibilty condition of tableaus.
-- * Disequality is not supported.
-- * Unlike 'addConstraintWithArtificialVariable', an equality constraint becomes two rows.
addConstraint :: Real r => LA.Atom r -> LP r ()
addConstraint c = do
  Rel lhs rop rhs <- expandDefs' c
    (b', e) = LA.extract LA.unitVar (lhs ^-^ rhs)
    b = - b'
  case rop of
    Le -> f e b
    Ge -> f (negateV e) (negate b)
    Eql -> do
      -- Unlike addConstraintWithArtificialVariable, an equality constraint becomes two rows.
      f e b
      f (negateV e) (negate b)
    _ -> error $ "ToySolver.LPSolver.addConstraint does not support " ++ show rop
    -- -x≤b with b≥0 is trivially true.
    f e b | isSingleNegatedVar e && 0 <= b = return ()
    f e b = do
      tbl <- getTableau
      v <- newVar -- slack variable
      putTableau $ Simplex.addRow tbl v (LA.coeffMap e, b)

isSingleVar :: Real r => LA.Expr r -> Bool
isSingleVar e =
  case LA.terms e of
    [(1,_)] -> True
    _ -> False

isSingleNegatedVar :: Real r => LA.Expr r -> Bool
isSingleNegatedVar e =
  case LA.terms e of
    [(-1,_)] -> True
    _ -> False

expandDefs :: (Num r, Eq r) => LA.Expr r -> LP r (LA.Expr r)
expandDefs e = do
  defs <- getDefs
  return $ LA.applySubst defs e

expandDefs' :: (Num r, Eq r) => LA.Atom r -> LP r (LA.Atom r)
expandDefs' (Rel lhs op rhs) = do
  lhs' <- expandDefs lhs
  rhs' <- expandDefs rhs
  return $ Rel lhs' op rhs'

tableau :: (RealFrac r) => [LA.Atom r] -> LP r ()
tableau cs = do
  let (nonnegVars, cs') = collectNonnegVars cs IS.empty
      fvs = vars cs `IS.difference` nonnegVars
  forM_ (IS.toList fvs) $ \v -> do
    v1 <- newVar
    v2 <- newVar
    define v (LA.var v1 ^-^ LA.var v2)
  mapM_ addConstraint cs'

getModel :: Fractional r => VarSet -> LP r (Model r)
getModel vs = do
  tbl <- getTableau
  defs <- getDefs
  let vs' = (vs `IS.difference` IM.keysSet defs) `IS.union` IS.unions [vars e | e <- IM.elems defs]
      m0 = IM.fromAscList [(v, Simplex.currentValue tbl v) | v <- IS.toAscList vs']
  return $ IM.filterWithKey (\k _ -> k `IS.member` vs) $ IM.map (LA.evalExpr m0) defs `IM.union` m0

phaseI :: (Fractional r, Real r) => LP r Bool
phaseI = do
  tbl <- getTableau
  avs <- getArtificialVariables
  let (ret, tbl') = Simplex.phaseI tbl avs
  putTableau tbl'
  when ret clearArtificialVariables
  return ret

introduceArtificialVariables :: (Real r) => LP r ()
introduceArtificialVariables = do
  tbl <- getTableau
  tbl' <- liftM IM.fromList $ forM (IM.toList tbl) $ \(v,(e,rhs)) -> do
    if rhs >= 0 then do
      return (v,(e,rhs)) -- v + e == rhs
    else do
      a <- newVar
      addArtificialVariable a
      return (a, (IM.insert v (-1) (IM.map negate e), -rhs)) -- a - (v + e) == -rhs
  putTableau tbl'

simplex :: (Fractional r, Real r) => OptDir -> LA.Expr r -> LP r Bool
simplex optdir obj = do
  tbl <- getTableau
  defs <- getDefs
  let (ret, tbl') = Simplex.simplex optdir (Simplex.setObjFun tbl (LA.applySubst defs obj))
  putTableau tbl'
  return ret

dualSimplex :: (Fractional r, Real r) => OptDir -> LA.Expr r -> LP r Bool
dualSimplex optdir obj = do
  tbl <- getTableau
  defs <- getDefs
  let (ret, tbl') = Simplex.dualSimplex optdir (Simplex.setObjFun tbl (LA.applySubst defs obj))
  putTableau tbl'
  return ret

-- | results of optimization
data OptResult = Optimum | Unsat | Unbounded
  deriving (Show, Eq, Ord)

twoPhaseSimplex :: (Fractional r, Real r) => OptDir -> LA.Expr r -> LP r OptResult
twoPhaseSimplex optdir obj = do
  ret <- phaseI
  if not ret then
    return Unsat
  else do
    ret <- simplex optdir obj
    if ret then
      return Optimum
      return Unbounded

primalDualSimplex :: (Fractional r, Real r) => OptDir -> LA.Expr r -> LP r OptResult
primalDualSimplex optdir obj = do
  tbl <- getTableau
  defs <- getDefs
  let (ret, tbl') = Simplex.primalDualSimplex optdir (Simplex.setObjFun tbl (LA.applySubst defs obj))
  putTableau tbl'
  if ret then
    return Optimum
  else if not (Simplex.isFeasible tbl') then
    return Unsat
    return Unbounded

-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------

-- convert right hand side to be non-negative
normalizeConstraint :: forall r. Real r => LA.Atom r -> (LA.Expr r, RelOp, r)
normalizeConstraint (Rel a op b)
  | rhs < 0   = (negateV lhs, flipOp op, negate rhs)
  | otherwise = (lhs, op, rhs)
    (c, lhs) = LA.extract LA.unitVar (a ^-^ b)
    rhs = - c

collectNonnegVars :: forall r. (RealFrac r) => [LA.Atom r] -> VarSet -> (VarSet, [LA.Atom r])
collectNonnegVars cs ivs = (nonnegVars, cs)
    vs = vars cs
    bounds = BI.inferBounds initialBounds cs ivs 1000
        initialBounds = IM.fromList [(v, Interval.whole) | v <- IS.toList vs]
    nonnegVars = IS.filter f vs
        f v = case Interval.lowerBound (bounds IM.! v) of
                Interval.Finite lb | 0 <= lb -> True
                _ -> False

    isTriviallyTrue :: LA.Atom r -> Bool
    isTriviallyTrue (Rel a op b) =
      case op of
        Le ->
          case ub of
            Interval.PosInf -> False
            Interval.Finite val -> val <= 0
            Interval.NegInf -> True -- should not happen
        Ge ->
          case lb of
            Interval.NegInf -> False
            Interval.Finite val -> val >= 0
            Interval.PosInf -> True -- should not happen
        Lt ->
          case ub of
            Interval.PosInf -> False
            Interval.Finite val -> val < 0 || (not inUB && val <= 0)
            Interval.NegInf -> True -- should not happen
        Gt ->
          case lb of
            Interval.NegInf -> False
            Interval.Finite val -> val > 0 || (not inLB && val >= 0)
            Interval.PosInf -> True -- should not happen
        Eql -> isTriviallyTrue (c .<=. zeroV) && isTriviallyTrue (c .>=. zeroV)
        NEq -> isTriviallyTrue (c .<. zeroV) || isTriviallyTrue (c .>. zeroV)
        c = a ^-^ b
        i = LA.computeInterval bounds c
        (lb, inLB) = Interval.lowerBound' i
        (ub, inUB) = Interval.upperBound' i

-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------