module ToySolver.Converter.PB2IP
( convert
, convertWBO
) where
import Data.Array.IArray
import Data.List
import Data.Maybe
import Data.Map (Map)
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import qualified ToySolver.Data.MIP as MIP
import qualified ToySolver.Text.PBFile as PBFile
import qualified ToySolver.SAT.Types as SAT
convert :: PBFile.Formula -> (MIP.Problem, Map MIP.Var Rational -> SAT.Model)
convert formula = (mip, mtrans (PBFile.pbNumVars formula))
mip = MIP.Problem
{ MIP.dir = dir
, MIP.objectiveFunction = (Nothing, obj2)
, MIP.constraints = cs2
, MIP.sosConstraints = []
, MIP.userCuts = []
, MIP.varInfo = Map.fromList
[ ( v
, MIP.VarInfo
{ MIP.varType = MIP.IntegerVariable
, MIP.varBounds = (MIP.Finite 0, MIP.Finite 1)
| v <- vs
vs = [convVar v | v <- [1..PBFile.pbNumVars formula]]
(dir,obj2) =
case PBFile.pbObjectiveFunction formula of
Just obj' -> (MIP.OptMin, convExpr obj')
Nothing -> (MIP.OptMin, convExpr [])
cs2 = do
(lhs,op,rhs) <- PBFile.pbConstraints formula
let op2 = case op of
PBFile.Ge -> MIP.Ge
PBFile.Eq -> MIP.Eql
lhs2 = convExpr lhs
lhs3a = [t | t@(MIP.Term _ (_:_)) <- lhs2]
lhs3b = sum [c | MIP.Term c [] <- lhs2]
return $ MIP.Constraint
{ MIP.constrLabel = Nothing
, MIP.constrIndicator = Nothing
, MIP.constrIsLazy = False
, MIP.constrBody = (lhs3a, op2, fromIntegral rhs lhs3b)
convExpr :: PBFile.Sum -> MIP.Expr
convExpr s = concatMap g2 s
g2 :: PBFile.WeightedTerm -> MIP.Expr
g2 (w, tm) = foldl' prodE [MIP.Term (fromIntegral w) []] (map g3 tm)
g3 :: PBFile.Lit -> MIP.Expr
g3 x
| x > 0 = [MIP.Term 1 [convVar x]]
| otherwise = [MIP.Term 1 [], MIP.Term (1) [convVar (abs x)]]
prodE :: MIP.Expr -> MIP.Expr -> MIP.Expr
prodE e1 e2 = [prodT t1 t2 | t1 <- e1, t2 <- e2]
prodT :: MIP.Term -> MIP.Term -> MIP.Term
prodT (MIP.Term c1 vs1) (MIP.Term c2 vs2) = MIP.Term (c1*c2) (vs1++vs2)
convVar :: PBFile.Var -> MIP.Var
convVar x = MIP.toVar ("x" ++ show x)
convertWBO :: Bool -> PBFile.SoftFormula -> (MIP.Problem, Map MIP.Var Rational -> SAT.Model)
convertWBO useIndicator formula = (mip, mtrans (PBFile.wboNumVars formula))
mip = MIP.Problem
{ MIP.dir = MIP.OptMin
, MIP.objectiveFunction = (Nothing, obj2)
, MIP.constraints = topConstr ++ map snd cs2
, MIP.sosConstraints = []
, MIP.userCuts = []
, MIP.varInfo = Map.fromList
[ ( v
, MIP.VarInfo
{ MIP.varType = MIP.IntegerVariable
, MIP.varBounds = (MIP.Finite 0, MIP.Finite 1)
| v <- vs
vs = [convVar v | v <- [1..PBFile.wboNumVars formula]] ++ [v | (ts, _) <- cs2, (_, v) <- ts]
obj2 = [MIP.Term (fromIntegral w) [v] | (ts, _) <- cs2, (w, v) <- ts]
topConstr :: [MIP.Constraint]
topConstr =
case PBFile.wboTopCost formula of
Nothing -> []
Just t ->
[ MIP.Constraint
{ MIP.constrLabel = Nothing
, MIP.constrIndicator = Nothing
, MIP.constrIsLazy = False
, MIP.constrBody = (obj2, MIP.Le, fromInteger t 1)
cs2 :: [([(Integer, MIP.Var)], MIP.Constraint)]
cs2 = do
(n, (w, (lhs,op,rhs))) <- zip [(0::Int)..] (PBFile.wboConstraints formula)
lhs2 = convExpr lhs
lhs3 = [t | t@(MIP.Term _ (_:_)) <- lhs2]
rhs3 = fromIntegral rhs sum [c | MIP.Term c [] <- lhs2]
v = MIP.toVar ("r" ++ show n)
(ts,ind) =
case w of
Nothing -> ([], Nothing)
Just w2 -> ([(w2,v)], Just (v,0))
if isNothing w || useIndicator then do
let op2 =
case op of
PBFile.Ge -> MIP.Ge
PBFile.Eq -> MIP.Eql
c = MIP.Constraint
{ MIP.constrLabel = Nothing
, MIP.constrIndicator = ind
, MIP.constrIsLazy = False
, MIP.constrBody = (lhs3, op2, rhs3)
return (ts, c)
else do
let (lhsGE,rhsGE) = relaxGE v (lhs3,rhs3)
c1 = MIP.Constraint
{ MIP.constrLabel = Nothing
, MIP.constrIndicator = Nothing
, MIP.constrIsLazy = False
, MIP.constrBody = (lhsGE, MIP.Ge, rhsGE)
case op of
PBFile.Ge -> do
return (ts, c1)
PBFile.Eq -> do
let (lhsLE,rhsLE) = relaxLE v (lhs3,rhs3)
c2 = MIP.Constraint
{ MIP.constrLabel = Nothing
, MIP.constrIndicator = Nothing
, MIP.constrIsLazy = False
, MIP.constrBody = (lhsLE, MIP.Le, rhsLE)
[ (ts, c1), ([], c2) ]
relaxGE :: MIP.Var -> (MIP.Expr, Rational) -> (MIP.Expr, Rational)
relaxGE v (lhs, rhs) = (MIP.Term (rhs lhs_lb) [v] : lhs, rhs)
lhs_lb = sum [min c 0 | MIP.Term c _ <- lhs]
relaxLE :: MIP.Var -> (MIP.Expr, Rational) -> (MIP.Expr, Rational)
relaxLE v (lhs, rhs) = (MIP.Term (rhs lhs_ub) [v] : lhs, rhs)
lhs_ub = sum [max c 0 | MIP.Term c _ <- lhs]
mtrans :: Int -> Map MIP.Var Rational -> SAT.Model
mtrans nvar m =
array (1, nvar)
[(i, val)
| i <- [1 .. nvar]
, let val =
case Map.findWithDefault 0 (convVar i) m of
0 -> False
1 -> True
v0 -> error (show v0 ++ " is neither 0 nor 1")