{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-} module Main (main) where import Control.Monad import Data.List import Data.Ratio import Test.HUnit hiding (Test) import Test.Framework (Test, defaultMain, testGroup) import Test.Framework.TH import Test.Framework.Providers.HUnit import Text.Printf import Data.Linear import Simplex2 import qualified Data.LA as LA case_test1 :: IO () case_test1 = do solver <- newSolver x <- newVar solver y <- newVar solver z <- newVar solver assertAtom solver (LA.fromTerms [(7,x), (12,y), (31,z)] .==. LA.constant 17) assertAtom solver (LA.fromTerms [(3,x), (5,y), (14,z)] .==. LA.constant 7) assertAtom solver (LA.var x .>=. LA.constant 1) assertAtom solver (LA.var x .<=. LA.constant 40) assertAtom solver (LA.var y .>=. LA.constant (-50)) assertAtom solver (LA.var y .<=. LA.constant 50) ret <- check solver ret @?= True vx <- getValue solver x vy <- getValue solver y vz <- getValue solver z 7*vx + 12*vy + 31*vz @?= 17 3*vx + 5*vy + 14*vz @?= 7 assertBool (printf "vx should be >=1 but %s" (show vx)) $ vx >= 1 assertBool (printf "vx should be <=40 but %s" (show vx)) $ vx <= 40 assertBool (printf "vx should be >=-50 but %s" (show vy)) $ vy >= -50 assertBool (printf "vx should be <=50 but %s" (show vy)) $ vy <= 50 case_test2 :: IO () case_test2 = do solver <- newSolver x <- newVar solver y <- newVar solver assertAtom solver (LA.fromTerms [(11,x), (13,y)] .>=. LA.constant 27) assertAtom solver (LA.fromTerms [(11,x), (13,y)] .<=. LA.constant 45) assertAtom solver (LA.fromTerms [(7,x), (-9,y)] .>=. LA.constant (-10)) assertAtom solver (LA.fromTerms [(7,x), (-9,y)] .<=. LA.constant 4) ret <- check solver ret @?= True vx <- getValue solver x vy <- getValue solver y let v1 = 11*vx + 13*vy v2 = 7*vx - 9*vy assertBool (printf "11*vx + 13*vy should be >=27 but %s" (show v1)) $ 27 <= v1 assertBool (printf "11*vx + 13*vy should be <=45 but %s" (show v1)) $ v1 <= 45 assertBool (printf "7*vx - 9*vy should be >=-10 but %s" (show v2)) $ -10 <= v2 assertBool (printf "7*vx - 9*vy should be >=-10 but %s" (show v2)) $ v2 <= 4 {- Minimize obj: - x1 - 2 x2 - 3 x3 - x4 Subject To c1: - x1 + x2 + x3 + 10 x4 <= 20 c2: x1 - 3 x2 + x3 <= 30 c3: x2 - 3.5 x4 = 0 Bounds 0 <= x1 <= 40 2 <= x4 <= 3 End -} case_test3 :: IO () case_test3 = do solver <- newSolver _ <- newVar solver x1 <- newVar solver x2 <- newVar solver x3 <- newVar solver x4 <- newVar solver setObj solver (LA.fromTerms [(-1,x1), (-2,x2), (-3,x3), (-1,x4)]) assertAtom solver (LA.fromTerms [(-1,x1), (1,x2), (1,x3), (10,x4)] .<=. LA.constant 20) assertAtom solver (LA.fromTerms [(1,x1), (-3,x2), (1,x3)] .<=. LA.constant 30) assertAtom solver (LA.fromTerms [(1,x2), (-3.5,x4)] .==. LA.constant 0) assertAtom solver (LA.fromTerms [(1,x1)] .>=. LA.constant 0) assertAtom solver (LA.fromTerms [(1,x1)] .<=. LA.constant 40) assertAtom solver (LA.fromTerms [(1,x2)] .>=. LA.constant 0) assertAtom solver (LA.fromTerms [(1,x3)] .>=. LA.constant 0) assertAtom solver (LA.fromTerms [(1,x4)] .>=. LA.constant 2) assertAtom solver (LA.fromTerms [(1,x4)] .<=. LA.constant 3) ret1 <- check solver ret1 @?= True ret2 <- optimize solver defaultOptions ret2 @?= Optimum {- http://www.math.cuhk.edu.hk/~wei/lpch5.pdf example 5.7 minimize 3 x1 + 4 x2 + 5 x3 subject to 1 x1 + 2 x2 + 3 x3 >= 5 2 x1 + 2 x2 + 1 x3 >= 6 optimal value is 11 -} case_test6 :: IO () case_test6 = do solver <- newSolver _ <- newVar solver x1 <- newVar solver x2 <- newVar solver x3 <- newVar solver assertLower solver x1 0 assertLower solver x2 0 assertLower solver x3 0 assertAtom solver (LA.fromTerms [(1,x1),(2,x2),(3,x3)] .>=. LA.constant 5) assertAtom solver (LA.fromTerms [(2,x1),(2,x2),(1,x3)] .>=. LA.constant 6) setObj solver (LA.fromTerms [(3,x1),(4,x2),(5,x3)]) setOptDir solver OptMin b <- isOptimal solver assertBool "should be optimal" $ b ret <- dualSimplex solver defaultOptions ret @?= Optimum val <- getObjValue solver val @?= 11 {- http://www.math.cuhk.edu.hk/~wei/lpch5.pdf example 5.7 maximize -3 x1 -4 x2 -5 x3 subject to -1 x1 -2 x2 -3 x3 <= -5 -2 x1 -2 x2 -1 x3 <= -6 optimal value should be -11 -} case_test7 :: IO () case_test7 = do solver <- newSolver _ <- newVar solver x1 <- newVar solver x2 <- newVar solver x3 <- newVar solver assertLower solver x1 0 assertLower solver x2 0 assertLower solver x3 0 assertAtom solver (LA.fromTerms [(-1,x1),(-2,x2),(-3,x3)] .<=. LA.constant (-5)) assertAtom solver (LA.fromTerms [(-2,x1),(-2,x2),(-1,x3)] .<=. LA.constant (-6)) setObj solver (LA.fromTerms [(-3,x1),(-4,x2),(-5,x3)]) setOptDir solver OptMax b <- isOptimal solver assertBool "should be optimal" $ b ret <- dualSimplex solver defaultOptions ret @?= Optimum val <- getObjValue solver val @?= -11 case_AssertAtom :: IO () case_AssertAtom = do solver <- newSolver x0 <- newVar solver assertAtom solver (LA.constant 1 .<=. LA.var x0) ret <- getLB solver x0 ret @?= Just 1 solver <- newSolver x0 <- newVar solver assertAtom solver (LA.var x0 .>=. LA.constant 1) ret <- getLB solver x0 ret @?= Just 1 solver <- newSolver x0 <- newVar solver assertAtom solver (LA.constant 1 .>=. LA.var x0) ret <- getUB solver x0 ret @?= Just 1 solver <- newSolver x0 <- newVar solver assertAtom solver (LA.var x0 .<=. LA.constant 1) ret <- getUB solver x0 ret @?= Just 1 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ case_example_3_2 = do solver <- newSolver [x1,x2,x3] <- replicateM 3 (newVar solver) setOptDir solver OptMax setObj solver $ LA.fromTerms [(3,x1), (2,x2), (3,x3)] mapM_ (assertAtom solver) $ [ LA.fromTerms [(2,x1), (1,x2), (1,x3)] .<=. LA.constant 2 , LA.fromTerms [(1,x1), (2,x2), (3,x3)] .<=. LA.constant 5 , LA.fromTerms [(2,x1), (2,x2), (1,x3)] .<=. LA.constant 6 , LA.var x1 .>=. LA.constant 0 , LA.var x2 .>=. LA.constant 0 , LA.var x3 .>=. LA.constant 0 ] ret <- optimize solver defaultOptions ret @?= Optimum val <- getObjValue solver val @?= 27/5 forM_ [(x1,1/5),(x2,0),(x3,8/5)] $ \(var,expected) -> do val <- getValue solver var val @?= expected case_example_3_5 = do solver <- newSolver [x1,x2,x3,x4,x5] <- replicateM 5 (newVar solver) setOptDir solver OptMin setObj solver $ LA.fromTerms [(-2,x1), (4,x2), (7,x3), (1,x4), (5,x5)] mapM_ (assertAtom solver) $ [ LA.fromTerms [(-1,x1), (1,x2), (2,x3), (1,x4), (2,x5)] .==. LA.constant 7 , LA.fromTerms [(-1,x1), (2,x2), (3,x3), (1,x4), (1,x5)] .==. LA.constant 6 , LA.fromTerms [(-1,x1), (1,x2), (1,x3), (2,x4), (1,x5)] .==. LA.constant 4 , LA.var x2 .>=. LA.constant 0 , LA.var x3 .>=. LA.constant 0 , LA.var x4 .>=. LA.constant 0 , LA.var x5 .>=. LA.constant 0 ] ret <- optimize solver defaultOptions ret @?= Optimum val <- getObjValue solver val @?= 19 forM_ [(x1,-1),(x2,0),(x3,1),(x4,0),(x5,2)] $ \(var,expected) -> do val <- getValue solver var val @?= expected case_example_4_1 = do solver <- newSolver [x1,x2] <- replicateM 2 (newVar solver) setOptDir solver OptMin setObj solver $ LA.fromTerms [(2,x1), (1,x2)] mapM_ (assertAtom solver) $ [ LA.fromTerms [(-1,x1), (1,x2)] .>=. LA.constant 2 , LA.fromTerms [( 1,x1), (1,x2)] .<=. LA.constant 1 , LA.var x1 .>=. LA.constant 0 , LA.var x2 .>=. LA.constant 0 ] ret <- optimize solver defaultOptions ret @?= Unsat case_example_4_2 = do solver <- newSolver [x1,x2] <- replicateM 2 (newVar solver) setOptDir solver OptMax setObj solver $ LA.fromTerms [(2,x1), (1,x2)] mapM_ (assertAtom solver) $ [ LA.fromTerms [(-1,x1), (-1,x2)] .<=. LA.constant 10 , LA.fromTerms [( 2,x1), (-1,x2)] .<=. LA.constant 40 , LA.var x1 .>=. LA.constant 0 , LA.var x2 .>=. LA.constant 0 ] ret <- optimize solver defaultOptions ret @?= Unbounded case_example_4_3 = do solver <- newSolver [x1,x2] <- replicateM 2 (newVar solver) setOptDir solver OptMax setObj solver $ LA.fromTerms [(6,x1), (-2,x2)] mapM_ (assertAtom solver) $ [ LA.fromTerms [(2,x1), (-1,x2)] .<=. LA.constant 2 , LA.var x1 .<=. LA.constant 4 , LA.var x1 .>=. LA.constant 0 , LA.var x2 .>=. LA.constant 0 ] ret <- optimize solver defaultOptions ret @?= Optimum val <- getObjValue solver val @?= 12 forM_ [(x1,4),(x2,6)] $ \(var,expected) -> do val <- getValue solver var val @?= expected case_example_4_5 = do solver <- newSolver [x1,x2] <- replicateM 2 (newVar solver) setOptDir solver OptMax setObj solver $ LA.fromTerms [(2,x1), (1,x2)] mapM_ (assertAtom solver) $ [ LA.fromTerms [(4,x1), ( 3,x2)] .<=. LA.constant 12 , LA.fromTerms [(4,x1), ( 1,x2)] .<=. LA.constant 8 , LA.fromTerms [(4,x1), (-1,x2)] .<=. LA.constant 8 , LA.var x1 .>=. LA.constant 0 , LA.var x2 .>=. LA.constant 0 ] ret <- optimize solver defaultOptions ret @?= Optimum val <- getObjValue solver val @?= 5 forM_ [(x1,3/2),(x2,2)] $ \(var,expected) -> do val <- getValue solver var val @?= expected case_example_4_6 = do solver <- newSolver [x1,x2,x3,x4] <- replicateM 4 (newVar solver) setOptDir solver OptMax setObj solver $ LA.fromTerms [(20,x1), (1/2,x2), (-6,x3), (3/4,x4)] mapM_ (assertAtom solver) $ [ LA.var x1 .<=. LA.constant 2 , LA.fromTerms [( 8,x1), ( -1,x2), (9,x3), (1/4, x4)] .<=. LA.constant 16 , LA.fromTerms [(12,x1), (-1/2,x2), (3,x3), (1/2, x4)] .<=. LA.constant 24 , LA.var x2 .<=. LA.constant 1 , LA.var x1 .>=. LA.constant 0 , LA.var x2 .>=. LA.constant 0 , LA.var x3 .>=. LA.constant 0 , LA.var x4 .>=. LA.constant 0 ] ret <- optimize solver defaultOptions ret @?= Optimum val <- getObjValue solver val @?= 165/4 forM_ [(x1,2),(x2,1),(x3,0),(x4,1)] $ \(var,expected) -> do val <- getValue solver var val @?= expected case_example_4_7 = do solver <- newSolver [x1,x2,x3,x4] <- replicateM 4 (newVar solver) setOptDir solver OptMax setObj solver $ LA.fromTerms [(1,x1), (1.5,x2), (5,x3), (2,x4)] mapM_ (assertAtom solver) $ [ LA.fromTerms [(3,x1), (2,x2), ( 1,x3), (4,x4)] .<=. LA.constant 6 , LA.fromTerms [(2,x1), (1,x2), ( 5,x3), (1,x4)] .<=. LA.constant 4 , LA.fromTerms [(2,x1), (6,x2), (-4,x3), (8,x4)] .==. LA.constant 0 , LA.fromTerms [(1,x1), (3,x2), (-2,x3), (4,x4)] .==. LA.constant 0 , LA.var x1 .>=. LA.constant 0 , LA.var x2 .>=. LA.constant 0 , LA.var x3 .>=. LA.constant 0 , LA.var x4 .>=. LA.constant 0 ] ret <- optimize solver defaultOptions ret @?= Optimum val <- getObjValue solver val @?= 48/11 forM_ [(x1,0),(x2,0),(x3,8/11),(x4,4/11)] $ \(var,expected) -> do val <- getValue solver var val @?= expected -- 退化して巡回の起こるKuhnの7変数3制約の例 case_kuhn_7_3 = do solver <- newSolver [x1,x2,x3,x4,x5,x6,x7] <- replicateM 7 (newVar solver) setOptDir solver OptMin setObj solver $ LA.fromTerms [(-2,x4),(-3,x5),(1,x6),(12,x7)] mapM_ (assertAtom solver) $ [ LA.fromTerms [(1,x1), ( -2,x4), (-9,x5), ( 1,x6), ( 9,x7)] .==. LA.constant 0 , LA.fromTerms [(1,x2), (1/3,x4), ( 1,x5), (-1/3,x6), ( -2,x7)] .==. LA.constant 0 , LA.fromTerms [(1,x3), ( 2,x4), ( 3,x5), ( -1,x6), (-12,x7)] .==. LA.constant 2 , LA.var x1 .>=. LA.constant 0 , LA.var x2 .>=. LA.constant 0 , LA.var x3 .>=. LA.constant 0 , LA.var x4 .>=. LA.constant 0 , LA.var x5 .>=. LA.constant 0 , LA.var x6 .>=. LA.constant 0 , LA.var x7 .>=. LA.constant 0 ] ret <- optimize solver defaultOptions ret @?= Optimum val <- getObjValue solver val @?= -2 forM_ [(x1,2),(x2,0),(x3,0),(x4,2),(x5,0),(x6,2),(x7,0)] $ \(var,expected) -> do val <- getValue solver var val @?= expected ------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- Test harness main :: IO () main = $(defaultMainGenerator)