{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-} import Prelude hiding (lex) import Control.Monad import Data.List import Data.Ratio import qualified Data.Set as Set import qualified Data.Map as Map import Test.HUnit hiding (Test) import Test.QuickCheck import Test.Framework (Test, defaultMain, testGroup) import Test.Framework.TH import Test.Framework.Providers.HUnit import Test.Framework.Providers.QuickCheck2 import Data.Polynomial import Data.Polynomial.GBase import Data.Polynomial.Sturm import qualified Data.Polynomial.Lagrange as Lagrange import qualified Data.Interval as Interval {-------------------------------------------------------------------- Polynomial type --------------------------------------------------------------------} prop_plus_comm = forAll polynomials $ \a -> forAll polynomials $ \b -> a + b == b + a prop_plus_assoc = forAll polynomials $ \a -> forAll polynomials $ \b -> forAll polynomials $ \c -> a + (b + c) == (a + b) + c prop_plus_unitL = forAll polynomials $ \a -> constant 0 + a == a prop_plus_unitR = forAll polynomials $ \a -> a + constant 0 == a prop_prod_comm = forAll polynomials $ \a -> forAll polynomials $ \b -> a * b == b * a prop_prod_assoc = forAll polynomials $ \a -> forAll polynomials $ \b -> forAll polynomials $ \c -> a * (b * c) == (a * b) * c prop_prod_unitL = forAll polynomials $ \a -> constant 1 * a == a prop_prod_unitR = forAll polynomials $ \a -> a * constant 1 == a prop_distL = forAll polynomials $ \a -> forAll polynomials $ \b -> forAll polynomials $ \c -> a * (b + c) == a * b + a * c prop_distR = forAll polynomials $ \a -> forAll polynomials $ \b -> forAll polynomials $ \c -> (b + c) * a == b * a + c * a prop_negate = forAll polynomials $ \a -> a + negate a == 0 prop_negate_involution = forAll polynomials $ \a -> negate (negate a) == a prop_polyMDivMod = forAll polynomials $ \g -> forAll (replicateM 3 polynomials) $ \fs -> all (0/=) fs ==> let (qs, r) = polyMDivMod lex g fs in sum (zipWith (*) fs qs) + r == g {-------------------------------------------------------------------- Univalent polynomials --------------------------------------------------------------------} prop_polyDivMod = forAll upolynomials $ \a -> forAll upolynomials $ \b -> b /= 0 ==> let (q,r) = polyDivMod a b in a == q*b + r && (r==0 || deg b > deg r) case_polyDivMod_1 = g*q + r @?= f where x :: UPolynomial Rational x = var () f = x^3 + x^2 + x g = x^2 + 1 (q,r) = f `polyDivMod` g prop_polyGCD_divisible = forAll upolynomials $ \a -> forAll upolynomials $ \b -> let c = polyGCD a b in a `polyMod` c == 0 && b `polyMod` c == 0 prop_polyGCD_comm = forAll upolynomials $ \a -> forAll upolynomials $ \b -> polyGCD a b == polyGCD b a case_polyGCD_1 = polyGCD f1 f2 @?= 1 where x :: UPolynomial Rational x = var () f1 = x^3 + x^2 + x f2 = x^2 + 1 prop_polyLCM_divisible = forAll upolynomials $ \a -> forAll upolynomials $ \b -> (a /= 0 && b /= 0) ==> let c = polyLCM a b in c `polyMod` a == 0 && c `polyMod` b == 0 prop_polyLCM_comm = forAll upolynomials $ \a -> forAll upolynomials $ \b -> polyLCM a b == polyLCM b a prop_deriv_integral = forAll upolynomials $ \a -> deriv (integral a x) x == a where x = () prop_integral_deriv = forAll upolynomials $ \a -> deg (integral (deriv a x) x - a) == 0 where x = () {-------------------------------------------------------------------- Monomial --------------------------------------------------------------------} {-------------------------------------------------------------------- Monic Monomial --------------------------------------------------------------------} prop_mmDegreeOfProduct = forAll monicMonomials $ \a -> forAll monicMonomials $ \b -> mmDegree (a `mmProd` b) == mmDegree a + mmDegree b prop_mmDegreeOfOne = mmDegree mmOne == 0 prop_mmProd_unitL = forAll monicMonomials $ \a -> mmOne `mmProd` a == a prop_mmProd_unitR = forAll monicMonomials $ \a -> a `mmProd` mmOne == a prop_mmProd_comm = forAll monicMonomials $ \a -> forAll monicMonomials $ \b -> a `mmProd` b == b `mmProd` a prop_mmProd_assoc = forAll monicMonomials $ \a -> forAll monicMonomials $ \b -> forAll monicMonomials $ \c -> a `mmProd` (b `mmProd` c) == (a `mmProd` b) `mmProd` c prop_mmProd_Divisible = forAll monicMonomials $ \a -> forAll monicMonomials $ \b -> let c = a `mmProd` b in mmDivisible c a && mmDivisible c b prop_mmProd_Div = forAll monicMonomials $ \a -> forAll monicMonomials $ \b -> let c = a `mmProd` b in c `mmDiv` a == b && c `mmDiv` b == a case_mmDeriv = mmDeriv p 1 @?= (2, q) where p = mmFromList [(1,2),(2,4)] q = mmFromList [(1,1),(2,4)] -- lcm (x1^2 * x2^4) (x1^3 * x2^1) = x1^3 * x2^4 case_mmLCM = mmLCM p1 p2 @?= mmFromList [(1,3),(2,4)] where p1 = mmFromList [(1,2),(2,4)] p2 = mmFromList [(1,3),(2,1)] -- gcd (x1^2 * x2^4) (x2^1 * x3^2) = x2 case_mmGCD = mmGCD p1 p2 @?= mmFromList [(2,1)] where p1 = mmFromList [(1,2),(2,4)] p2 = mmFromList [(2,1),(3,2)] prop_mmLCM_divisible = forAll monicMonomials $ \a -> forAll monicMonomials $ \b -> let c = mmLCM a b in c `mmDivisible` a && c `mmDivisible` b prop_mmGCD_divisible = forAll monicMonomials $ \a -> forAll monicMonomials $ \b -> let c = mmGCD a b in a `mmDivisible` c && b `mmDivisible` c {-------------------------------------------------------------------- Monomial Order --------------------------------------------------------------------} -- http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Monomial_order case_lex = sortBy lex [a,b,c,d] @?= [b,a,d,c] where x = 1 y = 2 z = 3 a = mmFromList [(x,1),(y,2),(z,1)] b = mmFromList [(z,2)] c = mmFromList [(x,3)] d = mmFromList [(x,2),(z,2)] -- http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Monomial_order case_grlex = sortBy grlex [a,b,c,d] @?= [b,c,a,d] where x = 1 y = 2 z = 3 a = mmFromList [(x,1),(y,2),(z,1)] b = mmFromList [(z,2)] c = mmFromList [(x,3)] d = mmFromList [(x,2),(z,2)] -- http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Monomial_order case_grevlex = sortBy grevlex [a,b,c,d] @?= [b,c,d,a] where x = 1 y = 2 z = 3 a = mmFromList [(x,1),(y,2),(z,1)] b = mmFromList [(z,2)] c = mmFromList [(x,3)] d = mmFromList [(x,2),(z,2)] prop_refl_lex = propRefl lex prop_refl_grlex = propRefl grlex prop_refl_grevlex = propRefl grevlex prop_trans_lex = propTrans lex prop_trans_grlex = propTrans grlex prop_trans_grevlex = propTrans grevlex prop_sym_lex = propSym lex prop_sym_grlex = propSym grlex prop_sym_grevlex = propSym grevlex prop_monomial_order_property1_lex = monomialOrderProp1 lex prop_monomial_order_property1_grlex = monomialOrderProp1 grlex prop_monomial_order_property1_grevlex = monomialOrderProp1 grevlex prop_monomial_order_property2_lex = monomialOrderProp2 lex prop_monomial_order_property2_grlex = monomialOrderProp2 grlex prop_monomial_order_property2_grevlex = monomialOrderProp2 grevlex propRefl cmp = forAll monicMonomials $ \a -> cmp a a == EQ propTrans cmp = forAll monicMonomials $ \a -> forAll monicMonomials $ \b -> cmp a b == LT ==> forAll monicMonomials $ \c -> cmp b c == LT ==> cmp a c == LT propSym cmp = forAll monicMonomials $ \a -> forAll monicMonomials $ \b -> cmp a b == flipOrdering (cmp b a) where flipOrdering EQ = EQ flipOrdering LT = GT flipOrdering GT = LT monomialOrderProp1 cmp = forAll monicMonomials $ \a -> forAll monicMonomials $ \b -> let r = cmp a b in cmp a b /= EQ ==> forAll monicMonomials $ \c -> cmp (a `mmProd` c) (b `mmProd` c) == r monomialOrderProp2 cmp = forAll monicMonomials $ \a -> a /= mmOne ==> cmp mmOne a == LT {-------------------------------------------------------------------- Gröbner basis --------------------------------------------------------------------} -- http://math.rice.edu/~cbruun/vigre/vigreHW6.pdf -- Example 1 case_spolynomial = spolynomial grlex f g @?= - x^3*y^3 - constant (1/3) * y^3 + x^2 where x = var 1 y = var 2 f, g :: Polynomial Rational Int f = x^3*y^2 - x^2*y^3 + x g = 3*x^4*y + y^2 -- http://math.rice.edu/~cbruun/vigre/vigreHW6.pdf -- Exercise 1 case_buchberger1 = Set.fromList gbase @?= Set.fromList expected where gbase = buchberger lex [x^2-y, x^3-z] expected = [y^3 - z^2, x^2 - y, x*z - y^2, x*y - z] x :: Polynomial Rational Int x = var 1 y = var 2 z = var 3 -- http://math.rice.edu/~cbruun/vigre/vigreHW6.pdf -- Exercise 2 case_buchberger2 = Set.fromList gbase @?= Set.fromList expected where gbase = buchberger grlex [x^3-2*x*y, x^2*y-2*y^2+x] expected = [x^2, x*y, y^2 - constant (1/2) * x] x :: Polynomial Rational Int x = var 1 y = var 2 -- http://www.iisdavinci.it/jeometry/buchberger.html case_buchberger3 = Set.fromList gbase @?= Set.fromList expected where gbase = buchberger lex [x^2+2*x*y^2, x*y+2*y^3-1] expected = [x, y^3 - constant (1/2)] x :: Polynomial Rational Int x = var 1 y = var 2 -- http://www.orcca.on.ca/~reid/NewWeb/DetResDes/node4.html -- 時間がかかるので自動実行されるテストケースには含めていない test_buchberger4 = Set.fromList gbase @?= Set.fromList expected where x :: Polynomial Rational Int x = var 1 y = var 2 z = var 3 gbase = buchberger lex [x^2+y*z-2, x*z+y^2-3, x*y+z^2-5] expected = reduceGBase lex $ [ 8*z^8-100*z^6+438*z^4-760*z^2+361 , 361*y+8*z^7+52*z^5-740*z^3+1425*z , 361*x-88*z^7+872*z^5-2690*z^3+2375*z ] {- Risa/Asir での結果 load("gr"); gr([x^2+y*z-2, x*z+y^2-3, x*y+z^2-5],[x,y,z], 2); [8*z^8-100*z^6+438*z^4-760*z^2+361, 361*y+8*z^7+52*z^5-740*z^3+1425*z, 361*x-88*z^7+872*z^5-2690*z^3+2375*z] -} -- Seven Trees in One -- http://arxiv.org/abs/math/9405205 case_Seven_Trees_in_One = reduce lex (x^7 - x) gbase @?= 0 where x :: Polynomial Rational Int x = var 1 gbase = buchberger lex [x-(x^2 + 1)] -- Non-linear loop invariant generation using Gröbner bases -- http://portal.acm.org/citation.cfm?id=964028 -- http://www-step.stanford.edu/papers/popl04.pdf -- Example 3 -- Consider again the ideal from Example 2; I = {f : x^2-y, g : y-z, h -- : x+z}. The Gröbner basis for I is G = {f' : z^2-z, g : y-z, h : -- x+z}. With this basis, every reduction of p : x^2 - y^2 will yield -- a normal form 0. case_sankaranarayanan04nonlinear = do Set.fromList gbase @?= Set.fromList [f', g, h] reduce lex (x^2 - y^2) gbase @?= 0 where x :: Polynomial Rational Int x = var 1 y = var 2 z = var 3 f = x^2 - y g = y - z h = x + z f' = z^2 - z gbase = buchberger lex [f, g, h] {-------------------------------------------------------------------- Generators --------------------------------------------------------------------} monicMonomials :: Gen (MonicMonomial Int) monicMonomials = do size <- choose (0, 3) xs <- replicateM size $ do v <- choose (-5, 5) e <- liftM ((+1) . abs) arbitrary return $ mmFromList [(v,e)] return $ foldl mmProd mmOne xs monomials :: Gen (Monomial Rational Int) monomials = do m <- monicMonomials c <- arbitrary return (c,m) polynomials :: Gen (Polynomial Rational Int) polynomials = do size <- choose (0, 5) xs <- replicateM size monomials return $ sum $ map fromMonomial xs umonicMonomials :: Gen (MonicMonomial ()) umonicMonomials = do size <- choose (0, 3) xs <- replicateM size $ do e <- choose (1, 4) return $ mmFromList [((),e)] return $ foldl mmProd mmOne xs umonomials :: Gen (Monomial Rational ()) umonomials = do m <- umonicMonomials c <- arbitrary return (c,m) upolynomials :: Gen (UPolynomial Rational) upolynomials = do size <- choose (0, 5) xs <- replicateM size umonomials return $ sum $ map fromMonomial xs ------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- http://mathworld.wolfram.com/SturmFunction.html case_sturmChain = sturmChain p0 @?= chain where x = var () p0 = x^5 - 3*x - 1 p1 = 5*x^4 - 3 p2 = constant (1/5) * (12*x + 5) p3 = constant (59083 / 20736) chain = [p0, p1, p2, p3] -- http://mathworld.wolfram.com/SturmFunction.html case_numRoots_1 = sequence_ [ numRoots p (Interval.closedInterval (-2) 0) @?= 2 , numRoots p (Interval.closedInterval 0 2) @?= 1 , numRoots p (Interval.closedInterval (-1.5) (-1.0)) @?= 1 , numRoots p (Interval.closedInterval (-0.5) 0) @?= 1 , numRoots p (Interval.closedInterval 1 (1.5)) @?= 1 ] where x = var () p = x^5 - 3*x - 1 -- check interpretation of intervals case_numRoots_2 = sequence_ [ numRoots p (Interval.interval (Just (False,2)) (Just (True,3))) @?= 0 , numRoots p (Interval.interval (Just (True,2)) (Just (True,3))) @?= 1 , numRoots p (Interval.interval (Just (False,1)) (Just (False,2))) @?= 0 , numRoots p (Interval.interval (Just (False,1)) (Just (True,2))) @?= 1 ] where x = var () p = x^2 - 4 case_separate = do forM_ (zip vals intervals) $ \(v,ival) -> do Interval.member v ival @?= True forM_ (filter (v/=) vals) $ \v2 -> do Interval.member v2 ival @?= False where x = var () p = x^5 - 3*x - 1 intervals = separate p vals = [-1.21465, -0.334734, 1.38879] ------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lagrange_polynomial case_Lagrange_interpolation_1 = p @?= q where x :: UPolynomial Rational x = var () p = Lagrange.interpolation [ (1, 1) , (2, 4) , (3, 9) ] q = x^2 -- http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lagrange_polynomial case_Lagrange_interpolation_2 = p @?= q where x :: UPolynomial Rational x = var () p = Lagrange.interpolation [ (1, 1) , (2, 8) , (3, 27) ] q = 6*x^2 - 11*x + 6 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- Test harness main :: IO () main = $(defaultMainGenerator)