module Test.Toml.PrefixTree.Property where

import Hedgehog (forAll, (===))

import Test.Toml.Gen (PropertyTest, genKey, genPrefixMap, genVal, prop)
import Test.Toml.Property (assocLaw, identityLaw)

import qualified Toml.PrefixTree as Prefix

-- InsertLookup

test_PrefixTreeInsertLookup :: PropertyTest
test_PrefixTreeInsertLookup =  prop "lookup k (insert k v m) == Just v" $ do
    t   <- forAll genPrefixMap
    key <- forAll genKey
    val <- forAll genVal

    Prefix.lookup key (Prefix.insert key val t) === Just val

    -- DEBUG: ensures that trees of depth at least 5 are generated
    -- assert $ depth prefMap < 5

-- InsertInsert

test_PrefixTreeInsertInsert :: PropertyTest
test_PrefixTreeInsertInsert =  prop "insert x a . insert x b == insert x a" $ do
    t <- forAll genPrefixMap
    x <- forAll genKey
    a <- forAll genVal
    b <- forAll genVal

    Prefix.lookup x (Prefix.insert x a $ Prefix.insert x b t) === Just a


-- useful functions to test generators
-- TODO: commented to avoid warnings

-- depth :: PrefixMap a -> Int
-- depth = HashMap.foldl' (\acc t -> max acc (depthT t)) 0
-- depthT :: PrefixTree a -> Int
-- depthT (Leaf _ _)           = 1
-- depthT (Branch _ _ prefMap) = 1 + depth prefMap

-- Laws

test_PrefixTreeAssocLaw :: PropertyTest
test_PrefixTreeAssocLaw = assocLaw genPrefixMap

test_PrefixTreeIdentityLaw :: PropertyTest
test_PrefixTreeIdentityLaw = identityLaw genPrefixMap