{-# LANGUAGE PatternSynonyms     #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeApplications    #-}

-- | This module contains all generators for @tomland@ testing.

module Test.Toml.Gen
       ( -- * Property
       , prop

         -- * Generators
       , genVal
       , genKey
       , genPrefixMap
       , genToml
       ) where

import Control.Applicative (liftA2)
import Control.Monad (forM)
import GHC.Stack (HasCallStack)
import Hedgehog (MonadGen, PropertyT, property)
import Test.Tasty (TestName, TestTree)
import Test.Tasty.Hedgehog (testProperty)

import Toml.PrefixTree (pattern (:||), Key (..), Piece (..), PrefixMap, PrefixTree (..), fromList)
import Toml.Type (AnyValue (..), TOML (..), Value (..))

import qualified Data.HashMap.Strict as HashMap
import qualified Hedgehog.Gen as Gen
import qualified Hedgehog.Range as Range

-- Property test creator

type PropertyTest = [TestTree]

prop :: HasCallStack => TestName -> PropertyT IO () -> [TestTree]
prop testName = pure . testProperty testName . property

-- Common generators

type V = Int

genVal :: MonadGen m => m V
genVal = Gen.int (Range.constant 0 256)

-- TODO: Arrays and Date.
-- | Generates random value of 'AnyValue' type.
genAnyValue :: MonadGen m => m AnyValue
genAnyValue = do
  let randB = Gen.bool
  let randI = toInteger <$> Gen.int (Range.constantBounded @Int)
  let randD = Gen.double $ Range.constant @Double (-1000000.0) 1000000.0
  let randT = Gen.text (Range.constant 0 256) Gen.alphaNum
      [ AnyValue . Bool    <$> randB
      , AnyValue . Integer <$> randI
      , AnyValue . Double  <$> randD
      , AnyValue . Text    <$> randT

-- TODO: unicode support
genPiece :: MonadGen m => m Piece
genPiece = Piece <$> Gen.text (Range.constant 1 50) Gen.alphaNum

genKey :: MonadGen m => m Key
genKey = Key <$> Gen.nonEmpty (Range.constant 1 10) genPiece

genKeyAnyValue :: MonadGen m => m (Key, AnyValue)
genKeyAnyValue = liftA2 (,) genKey genAnyValue

genKeyAnyValueList :: MonadGen m => m [(Key, AnyValue)]
genKeyAnyValueList = Gen.list (Range.linear 0 10) genKeyAnyValue

-- Generates key-value pair for PrefixMap
genEntry :: MonadGen m => m (Piece, Key)
genEntry = do
    key@(piece :|| _) <- genKey
    pure (piece, key)

genPrefixMap :: MonadGen m => m (PrefixMap V)
genPrefixMap = do
    entries <- Gen.list (Range.linear 0 10) genEntry
    kvps    <- forM entries $ \(piece, key) -> do
        tree <- genPrefixTree key
        pure (piece, tree)

    pure $ HashMap.fromList kvps

genPrefixTree :: forall m . MonadGen m => Key -> m (PrefixTree V)
genPrefixTree key = Gen.recursive
    -- list picker generator combinator
    -- non-recursive generators
    [ Leaf key <$> genVal ]
    -- recursive generators
    [ genPrefixMap >>= genBranch ]
    genBranch :: PrefixMap V -> m (PrefixTree V)
    genBranch prefMap = do
        prefVal <- Gen.maybe genVal
        pure $ Branch key prefVal prefMap

genTableHeader :: MonadGen m => m (Key, TOML)
genTableHeader = do
    k <- genKey
    toml <- makeToml <$> genKeyAnyValueList
    pure (k, toml)
    makeToml :: [(Key, AnyValue)] -> TOML
    makeToml kv = TOML (HashMap.fromList kv) mempty

genToml :: MonadGen m => m TOML
genToml = do
    kv     <- HashMap.fromList <$> genKeyAnyValueList
    tables <- Gen.list (Range.linear 0 10) genTableHeader
    pure $ TOML kv (fromList tables)