module Main where import Data.Text (Text) import Data.Time (fromGregorian) import Toml.Bi (BiToml, (.=)) import Toml.Parser (ParseException (..), parse) import Toml.PrefixTree (PrefixMap, fromList) import Toml.Printer (prettyToml) import Toml.Type (AnyValue (..), DateTime (..), TOML (..), Value (..)) import qualified Data.HashMap.Strict as HashMap import qualified Data.Text.IO as TIO import qualified Toml data Test = Test { testB :: Bool , testI :: Int , testF :: Double , testS :: Text , testA :: [Text] , testM :: Maybe Bool , testX :: TestInside , testY :: Maybe TestInside } newtype TestInside = TestInside { unInside :: Text } insideT :: BiToml TestInside insideT = Toml.dimap unInside TestInside $ Toml.str "inside" testT :: BiToml Test testT = Test <$> Toml.bool "testB" .= testB <*> "testI" .= testI <*> Toml.double "testF" .= testF <*> Toml.str "testS" .= testS <*> Toml.arrayOf Toml.strV "testA" .= testA <*> Toml.maybeP Toml.bool "testM" .= testM <*> Toml.table insideT "testX" .= testX <*> Toml.maybeP (Toml.table insideT) "testY" .= testY main :: IO () main = do TIO.putStrLn "=== Printing manually specified TOML ===" TIO.putStrLn $ prettyToml myToml TIO.putStrLn "=== Printing parsed TOML ===" content <- TIO.readFile "test.toml" case parse content of Left (ParseException e) -> TIO.putStrLn e Right toml -> TIO.putStrLn $ prettyToml toml TIO.putStrLn "=== Testing bidirectional conversion ===" biFile <- TIO.readFile "examples/biTest.toml" TIO.putStrLn $ case Toml.decode testT biFile of Left msg -> Toml.prettyException msg Right test -> Toml.encode testT test myToml :: TOML myToml = TOML (HashMap.fromList [ ("a" , AnyValue $ Bool True) , ("list", AnyValue $ Array [String "one", String "two"]) , ("time", AnyValue $ Array [Date $ Day (fromGregorian 2018 3 29)]) ] ) myInnerToml myInnerToml :: PrefixMap TOML myInnerToml = fromList [ ( "" , TOML (HashMap.fromList [ ("aInner" , AnyValue $ Int 1) , ("listInner", AnyValue $ Array [Bool True, Bool False]) ]) myInnerInnerToml ) , ( "" , TOML (HashMap.fromList [("2Inner", AnyValue $ Int 42)]) mempty ) ] myInnerInnerToml :: PrefixMap TOML myInnerInnerToml = fromList [ ( "" , TOML (HashMap.fromList [ ("aInner" , AnyValue $ Int 1) , ("listInner", AnyValue $ Array [Bool True, Bool False]) ]) mempty ) , ( "" , TOML (HashMap.fromList [("Inner1.2", AnyValue $ Int 42)]) mempty ) ]