# TOML Parser This package implements a validating parser for [TOML 1.0.0](https://toml.io/en/v1.0.0). This package uses an [alex](https://haskell-alex.readthedocs.io/en/latest/)-generated lexer and [happy](https://haskell-happy.readthedocs.io/en/latest/)-generated parser. It also provides a pair of classes for serializing into and out of TOML. ## Package Structure ```mermaid --- title: Package Structure --- stateDiagram-v2 classDef important font-weight:bold; TOML:::important --> ApplicationTypes:::important : decode ApplicationTypes --> TOML : encode TOML --> [Token]: Toml.Lexer [Token] --> [Expr]: Toml.Parser [Expr] --> Table : Toml.Semantics Table --> ApplicationTypes : Toml.FromValue ApplicationTypes --> Table : Toml.ToValue Table --> TOML : Toml.Pretty ``` The highest-level interface to this package is to define `FromValue` and `ToTable` instances for your application-specific datatypes. These can be used with `encode` and `decode` to convert to and from TOML. For low-level access to the TOML format, the lexer, parser, and validator are available for direct use. The diagram above shows how the different modules enable you to advance through the increasingly high-level TOML representations. ## Examples This file uses [markdown-unlit](https://hackage.haskell.org/package/markdown-unlit) to ensure that its code typechecks and stays in sync with the rest of the package. ```haskell import Toml (parse, decode, Value(..)) import Toml.FromValue (FromValue(fromValue), parseTableFromValue, reqKey, optKey) import Toml.FromValue.Generic (genericParseTable) import Toml.ToValue (ToValue(toValue), ToTable(toTable), defaultTableToValue) import Toml.ToValue.Generic (genericToTable) import GHC.Generics (Generic) main = pure () ``` ### Using the raw parser Consider this sample TOML text from the specification. ```toml [[fruits]] name = "apple" [fruits.physical] # subtable color = "red" shape = "round" [[fruits.varieties]] # nested array of tables name = "red delicious" [[fruits.varieties]] name = "granny smith" [[fruits]] name = "banana" [[fruits.varieties]] name = "plantain" ``` Parsing using this package generates the following value ```haskell ignore >>> parse fruitStr Right (fromList [ ("fruits",Array [ Table (fromList [ ("name",String "apple"), ("physical",Table (fromList [ ("color",String "red"), ("shape",String "round")])), ("varieties",Array [ Table (fromList [("name",String "red delicious")]), Table (fromList [("name",String "granny smith")])])]), Table (fromList [ ("name",String "banana"), ("varieties",Array [ Table (fromList [("name",String "plantain")])])])])]) ``` We can render this parsed value back to TOML text using `prettyToml fruitToml`. In this case the input was already sorted, so the generated text will happen to match almost exactly. ### Using decoding classes Here's an example of defining datatypes and deserializers for the TOML above. ```haskell newtype Fruits = Fruits [Fruit] deriving (Eq, Show) data Fruit = Fruit String (Maybe Physical) [Variety] deriving (Eq, Show) data Physical = Physical String String deriving (Eq, Show) newtype Variety = Variety String deriving (Eq, Show) instance FromValue Fruits where fromValue = parseTableFromValue (Fruits <$> reqKey "fruits") instance FromValue Fruit where fromValue = parseTableFromValue (Fruit <$> reqKey "name" <*> optKey "physical" <*> reqKey "varieties") instance FromValue Physical where fromValue = parseTableFromValue (Physical <$> reqKey "color" <*> reqKey "shape") instance FromValue Variety where fromValue = parseTableFromValue (Variety <$> reqKey "name") ``` We can run this example on the original value to deserialize it into domain-specific datatypes. ```haskell ignore >>> decode fruitStr :: Result Fruits Success [] (Fruits [ Fruit "apple" (Just (Physical "red" "round")) [Variety "red delicious", Variety "granny smith"], Fruit "banana" Nothing [Variety "plantain"]]) ``` ### Generics Code for generating and matching tables to records can be derived using GHC.Generics. This will generate tables using the field names as table keys. ```haskell data ExampleRecord = ExampleRecord { exString :: String, exList :: [Int], exOpt :: Maybe Bool} deriving (Show, Generic, Eq) instance FromValue ExampleRecord where fromValue = parseTableFromValue genericParseTable instance ToTable ExampleRecord where toTable = genericToTable instance ToValue ExampleRecord where toValue = defaultTableToValue ``` ### Larger Example A demonstration of using this package at a more realistic scale can be found in [HieDemoSpec](test/HieDemoSpec.hs).